Screen of death error code and its fixes. Blue Screen of Death: Common Error Codes

In this article we will talk about such a phenomenon in the Windows operating system as - Blue Screen of Death or in our opinion blue screen of death", also called STOP error. Let's look at the main causes and decipher these error codes.

First, let's define what " Blue Screen of Death"is a way to generate a fatal error message in the operating systems Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 caused by malfunctions of some programs or drivers, but still more often due to hardware failures of the computer.

A blue screen causes all processes in the operating system to stop and the computer to freeze after the blue screen is displayed. In general, the blue screen helps us, you may ask, in what way, but in that it prevents the destruction of the operating system and the failure of equipment. When " blue screen of death» the error code and how to solve it are displayed. But it may be that the STOP error was caused, for example, by corruption of data packets transmitted over the local network; in this case, a simple reboot helps. If the error appears every time you start the operating system, then this may already be a problem related to the computer’s hardware, for example, damage to the drivers, file system, hard drive, or RAM memory blocks. But to find out the reasons for the error that occurred, it is necessary to rewrite the first two output lines of the STOP error. For example, as shown just below:

STOP 0x0000006B (0xC0000022, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000) PROCESS1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

Where 0xC0000022, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000— parameters that reveal the meaning of this BSoD.

By the way, there is a small feature, it lies in the fact that in the operating system, in order to see the blue screen, you must first enable this Windows feature, or you simply will not see this screen; if an error occurs, the computer will simply reboot quickly (and so on every time).

To enable this option, go to the properties of “My Computer”, select the “Advanced” tab. In the "Boot and Recovery" field, click the "Options" button. In the window that appears, uncheck the box next to “Perform automatic reboot.”

When a STOP error appears, the text of the message briefly describes the method for solving it, albeit in English. But I can say for sure that currently the common cause of STOP errors is hardware problems with the computer hardware or its software parts, and sometimes due to inconsistencies between one and the other.

Now let's move on directly to the errors themselves and look at the reasons for their occurrence and short solutions.


Internal kernel error. The problem is most often associated with a driver problem, lack of RAM or hard drive space.


There was virtual memory interference on a high-level internal IRQ process. The most common cause is that the device driver is using the wrong address. The error occurs due to bad drivers. Rarely occurs due to a malfunction of one of the devices in the system.

  1. Address where the erroneous request was made
  2. IRQL that was used to access memory
  3. Memory access type: 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
  4. Address of the instruction that requested memory access at address


This is a very common mistake. Typically the excluded address points to the driver or function that caused the freeze screen. Always pay attention not only to the specified driver, but also to the address or image itself that contains this error. This is usually the exception code 0x80000003. This error means that a breakpoint or handler was initialized during a memory access, but the system booted with the /NODEBUG switch. This error may not appear too often. If the error appears constantly, make sure that the debugger is connected and the system boots with the /DEBUG switch.
On non-Intel systems, if the exception address is 0XBFC0304, the error occurs due to processor caching. If the error persists, contact your processor manufacturer.
Typically, you need to look at the second parameter of this message, which indicates the address of the driver/function that was causing the problem.

  1. Exception code
  2. Address that failed to process
  3. Parameter 0 - exception
  4. Parameter 1 - exception


The error name indicates a damaged/disabled APC counter. If you have this situation, check all file systems installed on the machine, for example using the EMRD rescue kit.
The current IRQL must be zero. If the IRQ is not zero, then the specific order in which drivers are unloaded when returning to a higher IRQ level may cause an error. Try to remember what you were doing or what applications you closed, what drivers were installed at the time the blue screen occurred. This symptom indicates a serious problem with third-party drivers.

  1. APC address at the time of failure.
  2. Failed APC thread
  3. Current IRQ level

0x00000023: FAT_FILE_SYSTEM


0x00000024: NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM

There was a failure to read or write to a hard disk partition with the format NTFS. The failure may be due to damage to the file system, or to the appearance of bad sectors on the disk. The failure may also be due to software that changes the disk structure ( encryption programs, etc.).


I/O Request Packet (IRP) is not functioning; Occurs when a field or multiple fields are incorrect compared to the preserved state of the IRP. For example, the IRP was already disabled when a device driver was waiting for a command.
1 - the address at which the IRP was found in idle mode


This error occurs when the kernel stack area is full. The error occurs when the kernel driver uses too much stack space. A possible cause of the error could also be damage to the kernel itself.

0x0000002E: DATA_BUS_ERROR

This STOP error most often occurs due to a failure in the RAM area. This can happen when the driver tries to access a memory address that does not exist.

  1. Virtual memory address that caused the error
  2. Physical address of the error cause
  3. Processor Status Record (PSR)
  4. Error Instruction Logging (FIR)


System initialization could not be completed at an early stage (phase 0). It is necessary to study the error in more detail, since this error code says practically nothing.
System initialization could not be completed at a late stage (phase 1). It is necessary to study the error in more detail, since this error code says practically nothing.

  1. System level code that describes why the system believes that initialization has not completed
  2. Indicates the location within INIT.C where phase 1 initialization failed


The high level driver tried to call the low level driver through the IoCallDriver() interface, but the system did not have free space in the stack area, for this reason the low level driver will not reach the required parameters, since there are no parameters for it at all. This is a fatal situation because the high-level driver thinks it has filled in the parameters for the low-level driver (something it had to do to call the low-level driver). However, since there is no free space in the stack area, the end of the packet was overwritten. This often occurs due to corruption of stack memory blocks. It is necessary to check the memory and drivers for errors.
1 - IRP address


The device driver tried to remove one of the components of its device from the system, but the hit counter of this component was not equal to zero - this means that there are some outstanding tasks behind this component (the counter indicates an error code, which is why this component cannot be unloaded). This is a driver call error.
1 — object address


A multiprocessor system is not symmetrical with respect to each other. For proper symmetry, processors must be of the same type and level. For example, trying to use a Pentium-level processor and an 80486 at the same time will generate an error. In addition, on x86 systems, floating point capabilities must be available on all processors or on none.


There are not enough PTE (page file entries - access points to the paging file). Usually the cause is a driver that does not clean out the swap file well and it becomes full. The cause may also be excessive fragmentation of the paging file.


The driver called IoBuildPartialMdl() and passed the MDL to it to reveal the source portion of the MDL, but the destination MDL area is not large enough to show the limits of the required addresses. This is a driver error.


The system driver has requested space in the Must Suceed Pool. This function cannot be performed because the system does not allocate space in the Must Suceed Pool. Replace or update the faulty system driver.

  1. Amount of request required
  2. Page number used
  3. Number of pages requested
  4. Number of available pages


The driver requested completion of the IRP, but the packet was already completed. This error is difficult to detect. A possible cause is that the driver is trying to complete the same operation multiple times. A rare cause is 2 different drivers trying to acquire the package and terminate it. The first one usually works, but the second one doesn’t. It is difficult to track which driver did this, since traces of the first driver were overwritten by the second.
1 - IRP address


This error indicates that the I/O Request Packet (IRP) that must be terminated has a cancellation order defined within it, i.e. this means that a package in this mode can be canceled. However, the package no longer belongs to the driver, since it has already entered the final stage.
1 - IRP address


Page fault when accessing memory with IRQ interrupts disabled. The error description is the same as 0x0000000A.


Critical unrecognized error. The most likely causes are described in 0xC0000218, 0xC000022A or


There is no more free page memory to complete the operation. Check the available disk space. Replace the driver. Options:

  1. Number of pages used
  2. Number of physical pages on the machine
  3. Extended page size
  4. Overall page size


The reason is a damaged/faulty driver I/O structure. Options:

  1. Value 1
  2. ListHead value that is corrupted
  3. Number of available pages
  1. Value 2
  2. Data that is deleted
  3. Maximum number of physical pages
  4. Summary of deleted data


Occurs when the requested information was not found in memory. The system checks the page file, but the missing information was indicated as not being able to be written to the page file.
1. indicates the address in memory that made an error

0x00000051: REGISTRY_ERROR

An I/O error occurred with the registry when the system tried to read one of its files, which suggests that the error could be caused by a hardware problem or damage to the system itself. This could also mean that the error is caused by an update operation that is only used by the security system and this error occurs when resources are running low. If such an error occurs, check whether the machine is PDC or BDC and how many accounts are in the SAM (Security Account Manager) database, and whether the corresponding libraries are almost full.
1. value 1 (indicates where the error occurred)
2. value 2 (indicates where the error occurred)
3. may point to a library
4. may be HvCheckHive's return code, if any
library is damaged


The system booted from the restored primary partition of the array, as a result of which the libraries report that the mirror is ok, but in fact it is not. The real library images are in the shadow copy. You need to boot from them.


The error means that the registry cannot allocate the space required for the registry files to function. This error can never appear because the process of reserving such space occurs early in the system boot and sufficient space is allocated for the registry.
1. five
2. Points to NTOS\CONFIG\CMSYSINI, which failed.


The I/O device failed to initialize for an unknown reason. This happens if the system installer incorrectly identified the equipment during the system installation process, or the user incorrectly reconfigured the system.


1. reports to the process code that decided that system initialization was not successful.
2. reports to the location in NTOS\PS\PSINIT.C where the error was detected.
These codes (SESSION1 - SESSION5) indicate the location in NTOS\INIT\INIT.C where the error was made.
1. reports the session code that decided that system initialization was not successful.


Indicates that one of the registry files is corrupted or unreadable. One of the following registry files is damaged: SOFTWARE, SECURITY, SAM (Account Security Manager). A possible reason is lack of disk space or lack of RAM.


This error may occur because the SYSTEM registry file loaded through the NTLDR component is corrupted.
This error may also mean that some required parameters and their parameters are missing. Loading into LastKnownGood may solve this problem. But it is possible that you will have to reinstall the system, or use a rescue disk.


This error can occur when additional data cannot be written to the system registry files (SYSTEM and SYSTEM.ALT) during the first phase of registry initialization (when file systems are accessed). This error means that there is no free space on the disk, and an attempt was made to save the registry to a read-only device.


This error may occur due to a driver that is not completely unloaded after an I/O operation. Options:
1. process address
2. number of closed pages
3. number of reserved pages
4. zero


Error reading one of the system kernel pages. The problem is a bad block of the virtual memory file or a disk controller error (very rarely, the cause may be a lack of system resources, or more precisely, the non-virtual memory reserve may run out with status c0000009a).
If the first and second parameters of the error code are 0, then this means that the error location in the kernel was not found. This means that the error is caused by bad hardware.
I/O status c000009c (STATUS_DEVICE_DATA_ERROR) or C000016AL (STATUS_DISK_OPERATION_FAILED) usually means that the information cannot be read due to a bad block in memory. After reboot, automatic disk check will try to determine the address of the bad block in memory. If the status is C0000185 (STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR) and the virtual memory is on a SCSI disk, then check the connection and operation of the SCSI device.
1. zero
2. zero
3. PTE value at the time of the error
4. kernel error address or

1. status code
2. I/O status code
3. virtual memory page number
4. Offset in the paging file

0x00000079: MISMATCHED_HAL

The HAL check level and HAL configuration type are not appropriate for the system kernel or machine type. This error is most likely caused by the user manually updating either NTOSKRNL.EXE or HAL.DLL. Either the machine has a multiprocessor HAL (MP) and a uniprocessor kernel (UP), or vice versa.


The page requested by the kernel is not read. The error is caused by a bad block in memory or a disk controller error. See also 0x00000077. Options:
1. stuck lock type
2. error status (usually I/O code)
3. current process (virtual address for blocking type 3 or PTE)
4. virtual memory address that cannot be moved to the page file


During the installation of an I/O system, the boot device driver may have failed to initialize the device from which the system was attempting to boot, or the file system that was supposed to read the device either failed to initialize or simply did not recognize information on the device, such as file system structure. In the above case, the first argument is the address of a unicode information structure, which is the ARC name of the device from which the attempt was made to boot. In the second case, the first argument is the address of the device object that cannot be mounted.
If this error occurred during the initial installation of the system, the system may have been installed on a disk or SCSI controller that is not supported by it. Please note that some controllers are only supported by Windows Driver Driver Libraries (WDL), which must be installed in Custom Install mode.
This error can also occur after installing a new SCSI adapter or controller or after changing system partitions. In this case, on x86 systems, you need to edit BOOT.INI.
1. pointer to a device object or Unicode string, or ARC name.


There is not enough RAM to run the Windows kernel (5 MB required)
1. number of found physical pages
2. bottom physical page
3. top physical page
4. zero


There is a hardware problem, driver problem, or low disk space detected. The error may also appear when trying to update Windows XP to Service Pack 2 or Service Pack 3, or Windows Vista when trying to update to Service Pack 1. The cause of the error may be related to hardware drivers. It is necessary to roll back the changes to the state at the time of installing the Service Pack, or remove the installed update. To solve this problem, you need to update the hardware drivers from the manufacturer's website.


An unexpected kernel-mode exception, or interrupt, occurred in which the kernel does not fire. Also, the cause of the error can be an interruption, which entails immediate death in the form of a double fault. The first number in the error code is the interrupt number (8 = double fault). To find out more about what this interrupt is, refer to the Intel x86 family manual.
In other words, the error appears when the processor makes an error that the kernel cannot handle. Most often the error occurs due to bad RAM blocks and sometimes due to overclocking the processor.
Try disabling the synchronous data transfer function in the BIOS.


Error initializing the kernel on this hardware. HAL should provide any specific information it has and encourage the user to contact the hardware vendor for technical support.

0x00000085: SETUP_FAILURE

An error occurs when loading the system installer in earlier versions of Windows NT. The setup text form no longer uses a bugcheck procedure to avoid causing serious interference during installation. Therefore, you will never encounter this error. All error checking has been replaced with friendlier and (where possible) more informative error messages.


The error occurs during the boot process when the MBR checksum calculated by the system does not match the boot loader checksum. This usually means a virus. Scan the boot sector with an antivirus program after booting from the CD.
KerBugCheckEx parameters:
1 — Disk signature in MBR
2 - MBR checksum written to osloader
3 - MBR checksum recorded in the system


Incompatible or faulty RAM memory blocks. Diagnose the memory and replace faulty RAM modules.


The error occurs during phase 0 initialization of the Plug and Play manager in kernel mode. Check your hardware and system disk.


The error occurs during initialization of the primary phase of the Plug and Play manager in kernel mode. At this point, system files, drivers and the registry have been initialized. Check your hardware and system disk.


The error occurs when a single-processor driver is loaded on a system where there is more than one active processor. KeBugCheckEx parameters: 1 — Base address of the uniprocessor driver


The error occurs when kernel code or other critical OS components attempt to close a handle that is not valid.
1 - NtClose handle called
2 - 0 means the protected handle was closed
1 means the wrong handle was closed
This message appears when a thread exists while its stack is marked as blocked. The problem is caused by a hardware driver.



The problem is caused by an incorrect hardware driver.


The Windows demo has expired. Options:
1 — Installation date (lower 32-bits)
2 - Installation date (upper 32-bits)
3 — Trial period in minutes.


ExInitializeRegion or ExInterlockedExtendRegion was called with the wrong set of parameters.


A violation of the software license agreement has occurred. This could be either due to an attempt to change the system product type, or an attempt to change the OS trial period.


There was a failure to read or write to UDFS-formatted media. The failure may be due to damage to the file system, or to the appearance of bad sectors on the disk. The failure may also be associated with software that changes the disk structure (encryption programs, etc.).


Fatal error Machine Check Exception. The error is associated with incorrect hardware configuration, processor overclocking, unstable operation of RAM units, overheating of system components, and unstable operation of the power supply.


The driver is in an inconsistent or unacceptable power consumption state. This usually happens due to power failures, rebooting, resuming from sleep mode, etc. It is necessary to replace the faulty driver, or remove software that controls the file system (antiviruses, encryption programs


The reason for this message is constant failures in the ACPI BIOS. This problem cannot be solved at the operating system level. A detailed analysis is required.


Windows was unable to load the video card driver. The problem is mainly related to the video drivers, or there is a hardware conflict with the video card. Reboot into safe mode and change the video driver to the standard one.


The driver attempted to write data to a read-only memory (ROM) device that cannot be written to. The problem is mainly due to the installation of a bad device driver, service or firmware. Change the driver.
The driver wrote data to an invalid memory section. Change the driver.


The system kernel or driver issued an incorrect memory access command. Typically, a bad driver or software caused this error. Change the driver.


The driver checker detected a fatal error in the STOP error generation module. Accompanying parameters are parameters that are passed to KeBugCheckEx and displayed on the blue screen. Change the driver.


An attempt was made to access a high-level IRQL process from an invalid memory location. This error almost always occurs due to drivers that have corrupted the system pool. Change the driver.


The driver attempted to access a freed memory pool. Change the driver.


A kernel timer or Delayed Procedure Call (DPC) is present in a prohibited memory location. This error occurs when the driver was unable to complete a kernel timer or Delayed Procedure Call (DPC) before discharging it from memory. Change the driver.


This is a message from one of the driver verification managers. Change the driver.


An error similar to STOP error 0x00000076. It differs from the latter only in that in this case the error was detected during kernel tracing. The error indicates that the driver or I/O manager is unable to open locked pages after an I/O operation. Pay attention to the name of the application driver in the STOP error window. Change the driver.


The driver cannot cancel the frozen state of system components. The error usually occurs after installing bad drivers or service components. Change the driver.


The system attempted to access paged memory using a kernel process via a high-level IRQL. The most common reason is a bad device driver. This could also be caused by damaged RAM, or a damaged page file.


The error occurs when the driver requests a large amount of kernel memory.


Various file system related failures result in this STOP error. The problem may be related to the NTFS.SYS driver.


A problematic device driver has caused the system to freeze. Typically, this is caused by the display driver when the computer tries to enter standby mode. This problem is related to the video adapter, or a bad video driver.
An error occurred while connecting the boot drive. The error can occur on computers with high-performance disk controllers that were not configured and installed correctly, or were connected with a poor-quality cable. After a normal reboot, the system can resume normal operation as if nothing had happened. This error also appears after Windows shuts down incorrectly and the failure may be due to file system corruption.


This message appears if the kernel detects an interrupt storm, that is, when the device caused by the interrupt level is unable to issue an interrupt request. Usually, this is caused by a bad device driver.


Windows shutdown crashed due to insufficient memory. Determine which program is running out of memory, try to discover why virtual memory is not providing the system resources it needs, and investigate whether the program (or sometimes a driver) refuses to exit without freeing open pages in memory.


The Http.sys system driver is corrupted. This component must be restored from the original disk.


An attempt was made to execute a function in non-executable memory. Options:
1 — Address from which the attempt was made to execute the function
2 - Contents of page table entry (PTE)
There is no free page memory to continue basic system operations.
1 - Total amount of paged memory requested
2 - The amount of paged memory requested that cannot be written to.
3 —
4 — Status code at the time of the last write to page memory


A critical error has occurred in the operation of the USB controller and related devices. The problem is usually caused by incorrect operation of the USB controller, or a malfunction of the connected USB devices. Disconnect all USB devices from the computer, also try disabling the USB controller in the BIOS. Update USB drivers.


Indicates that an expected clock interrupt on a secondary processor in a multiprocessor system was not received within a specified interval. This processor does not handle interrupts. Typically, this happens when the processor is not responding or has entered an infinite loop.
1 — Interval for blocking the clock interrupt time, in
nominal system clock cycles
2 - zero
3 - Address of the processor control block (PRCB) for non-responsive
4 - zero


The GPU attempted to write to memory that was not reserved for it. The error is related to the video driver or an old BIOS version.
1 — Offset (in ULONG) within AGP pages to the first data
ULONG whose data is destroyed
2 - zero
3 - zero
4 - zero


The error appears when the Graphics Aperture Remapping Table (GART) is damaged. The error is caused by the DMA (Direct Memory Access) driver not working properly.
1 - Base address (virtual) in GART
2 - Offset in GART where distortion is detected
3 - Base address (virtual) from GART cache (GART copy)
4 - zero


The error is caused by an unsigned or damaged video driver. Replace the video driver. Options:
1 - Original team
2 - Current team
3 - zero
4 - zero


A critical error occurred in a third-party file system filter. The error may be caused by antivirus software, defragmentation programs, data backup programs, and other third-party utilities. Try also increasing the size of the page file and RAM.


The system kernel has detected incorrect code or data integrity violation. 64-code based systems are protected from this bug. The problem could be caused by a RAM failure or third party drivers.


An internal video driver error has been detected. Video driver problem.


An exception occurred in the kernel-mode resource manager.


The msrpc.sys system component returned an error code during execution. The error code is specified in the first parameter.


The DirectX Graphics kernel has encountered a critical error.


The shadow video driver has encountered a critical error.

0x00000115: AGP_INTERNAL

A critical error was detected in the AGP video interface by the video port driver.

0x00000116: VIDEO_TDR_ERROR

The video driver timeout reset was not successful.


An attempt was made to write to the write-protected area of ​​the configuration manager: Parameters:
1 — Virtual address of the attempted write command
2 - Contents of PTE
3 - reserved
4 - reserved The name of the driver attempting the write operation is printed as
Unicode string on error screen.


The driver has violated access to one of the memory areas. Options:
1 - describes the type of violation
2 - reserved
3 - reserved Use a kernel debugger and look at the call stack to determine
the name of the driver that caused the access violation.


An internal error occurred in the Windows Hardware Error Architecture (WHEA)


An error has occurred in the computer hardware. This error is detected by the Windows Hardware Error Architecture (WHEA)

0x00000127: PAGE_NOT_ZERO

The memory page was not completely filled with zeros. This error occurs due to a hardware failure, or due to the triggering of a privileged component of the operating system that made a premature page change in memory.


3 - zero
4 - zero


A single bit error was detected on the memory page. This error is related to hardware RAM. Options:
1 - Virtual address in memory, which indicates an incorrect
2 - Physical page number
3 - zero
4 - zero


There was a failure to read or write to a media partition in exFat format. The failure may be due to damage to the file system, or to the appearance of bad sectors on the disk. The failure may also be associated with software that changes the disk structure (encryption programs, etc.). This failure applies to media formatted for Windows Vista Service Pack 1.


The system kernel of the operating system has exhausted all system resources for its work, including the paging file. Check the disk for errors. Increase the size of your hard drive and the amount of RAM.


Windows tried to load a DLL and received an error code. Possible cause: the file is missing or damaged. The system registry may also be damaged.

0xC0000142: DLL Initialization Failure

This error was caused by corruption of the system DLL library.


A required registry file cannot be loaded. The file may be damaged or missing (a rescue disc or reinstallation of Windows is required). The system registry files may have been destroyed due to hard drive corruption. The driver may have corrupted registry data when loading into memory, or the memory where the registry was loaded has a parity error (turn off external cache and check RAM).


This occurs when Windows has switched to privileged mode and non-privileged mode subsystems, such as Winlogon or the Client Server Runtime Subsystem (CSRSS), have caused some kind of failure and protection cannot be guaranteed. Because Windows XP cannot run without Winlogon or CSRSS, this is one of the few situations where a non-privileged mode service failure can cause the system to stop responding. This can also occur when the computer is restarted after the system administrator has changed permissions so that the SYSTEM account no longer has adequate permissions to access system files and folders. The error can also be caused by corruption of the user32.dll file or incorrect system drivers (.sys)


the driver is damaged or the system library was recognized as damaged. The system does everything to check the integrity of important system files. The blue screen shows the name of the damaged file. If this happens, boot into any other system or, if there are none, reinstall the system. Make sure that the version of the file that was detected as damaged matches the version of the file in the system distribution and if so, replace it from the disk. Constant errors with different file names indicate that there are problems with the storage media or with the disk controller where these files are located.


A STOP error occurs when the audit policy enables the CrashOnAuditFail setting


Typically indicates device driver problems. More information about this error


"It's dead, Jim!" (It's dead, Jim!) This STOP error indicates that the user intentionally triggered a crash, either from the kernel debugger or the keyboard.

Here is a small list of errors that can appear in the operating systems Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. Everyone is afraid of the blue screen of death, but in fact, if it didn’t exist, the computer would simply break down , and you would have to have your equipment repaired, or buy a new one, or maybe even the entire computer. Therefore, let's pay tribute to the developers of this operating system, who take care of our wallets. This is where we end our conversation about the famous “ Blue screen of death».

Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) is one of the most annoying problems that a Windows user can encounter. Knowing how to determine the cause of the crash is one of the most important forms of diagnosing BSOD. An error with a blue screen code can occur for various reasons, and without analyzing what is causing the error, it is difficult to eliminate it. These are the main reasons for Blue Screen of Death BSOD:

  • Driver conflicts- Driver conflicts occur when two or more drivers cannot work with each other properly. This can also happen if multiple drivers are installed for the same device without uninstalling the previous version.
  • Hardware conflicts- Incorrect overclocking of a PC can immediately create a BSOD. Blue Screen of Death can also occur if your RAM sticks are not installed correctly or if a piece of hardware is starting to wear out.
  • Operating system (OS) errors- User error or malware can delete vital files of your OS. Significant missing files can result in a crippling error causing your PC to enter a BSOD cycle in which you get a blue screen every time your PC turns on.

Preparing to analyze a BSOD file dump

Whenever a BSOD error occurs, Windows dumps some information about it into a file on your PC, but trying to understand this dump file very complex. One of the easier ways to understand is to use the utility BlueScreenView by NirSoft, a free tool that finds these dump files and displays them in a more user-friendly form. First of all, you should check the settings for the memory dump report in the Windows system itself:

  • Click Win+R and enter sysdm.cpl
  • Go to the tab Additionally and select from below

  • Make sure you have the error logging settings enabled.

Now download the program BlueScreenView scroll to the center of the site to download the file. You will see three links as in the picture below, select the installer that is most convenient for you. If you want to Russify the program, then find Russian in the table below and download the file. The downloaded file will contain a "BlueScreenView_lng" file, just place it in the installation program at the root.

Find out Blue Screen of Death error codes

When you run the program, it will show you errors in files and memory dumps. As you can see in the figure below, I get a blue screen with an ndis.sys error and there seems to be a problem in the ntoskrni.exe file. In the top column, I can see the full file dump report, and by right-clicking on it, I can search Google for information on the fix. The error is most likely related to the installed virtual machine, or more precisely to the virtual network adapter and antivirus, which creates a blue screen error after sleep mode and the initial boot of the system.

How to Fix Blue Screen of Death Error Codes

I will give a couple of ways of what to do and how to eliminate errors using popular methods:

  • When, for example, a blue screen of death occurs in Windows 10, there will be QR code which will redirect you to the site.
  • On the site Microsoft There is already a database with BSOD errors and prompting tools.
  • Use the Microsoft Virtual Agent, enter BSOD in the first line and follow the instructions.
  • Microsoft also suggests running

Almost every user has, if not encountered, then certainly heard about such a thing as the “Windows blue screen of death.” This topic is extensive, so read carefully! In the article we will discuss what a blue screen of death is, what to do in this situation, and of course, I will try to show everything clearly. The name for this phenomenon was invented just right - frightening and memorable. In today's article I will take a detailed look at the causes of the blue screen of death, as well as possible solutions to this problem.

Blue Screen of Death is a serious problem that baffles PC users. Before you start reading the article, I recommend that you put all your affairs aside and so that no one distracts you. If you understand the essence of the occurrence and solution to this problem, then in practice it will be much easier. I have been approached with this problem more than once, and there have even been situations when in their practice administrators did not know what to do when a blue screen occurred. In return, they told users that they needed to replace the system unit completely. WHAT? If you were told so, then take the noodles off your ears and read the article to the end.

What is this error

As a result of a problem, the operating system (OS), being unable to correct the error on its own, urgently shuts down. Naturally, no user data is saved (open documents, etc.). The only thing Windows manages to do is write information in the log and create a dump file, if the settings indicate the creation of this file when such errors occur.

To avoid unfair accusations against Windows, I’ll immediately make a disclaimer: the blue screen of death does not appear without serious reasons, and shutting down in such a situation is the only way out.

The blue screen of death looks like this:

From the screenshot, I think it’s clear where the word “blue” came from in the title. As for “death,” this means the death of the operating system, that is, its inevitable reboot, and in some cases, reinstallation. In practice, most causes of blue screens of death can be successfully eliminated without reinstalling the OS, provided, of course, that the response is timely and correct. The most important thing is to understand where the legs come from. I mean that if you don’t know why the blue screen of death appears, then it’s difficult to solve the problem.

What does Windows tell us on the terrible blue screen of death?

To make it easier to understand, I will conditionally divide it into several blocks and describe each one separately (for those who know English, independent understanding of most of it will not be difficult).

1. Here Windows reports that a problem has been found, and to prevent damage to the computer, it was necessary to urgently shut down the system.

2. The type of error is indicated here. There are a limited number of them, and for each such error, information can be easily found on the Internet.

3. In this part, the OS reports possible causes of the problem, and also gives some recommendations for troubleshooting.

4. In the section called “Technical information” the error code is indicated, and it is also possible to indicate the name of the problematic driver (more details below).

After viewing the blue screen, you should understand what the error is or find out about the file that may be indicated on the screen.

Causes of Blue Screen of Death

The Blue Screen of Death can appear for various reasons.

The most common reason is drivers. This includes drivers that are incompatible with each other or with the operating system, and other failures associated with them.

In this case, I have a short story, this information is not only for you to read and forget!!! With this story, you will learn how to solve the Blue Screen of Death problem.

I once worked as an administrative assistant and maintained a fleet of 80 computers. Almost 20 computers experienced a blue screen of death from time to time. When I asked the administrator about the reasons for this misfortune, he just shrugged his shoulders and said that he didn’t understand what was going on at all (I think he just didn’t want to figure it out). After his answer, I became interested in finding the essence of the problem myself.

First of all, I looked at what error appeared on the screen, then wrote down on a piece of paper the error code and the name of the file that the blue screen of death pointed to. After wandering around the Internet a little, I found out that this file is used for Wi-Fi adapters. After that, I did a short walk around the problem computers and made sure that they were all really working on the network via Wi-Fi adapters.

Next, I decided to find out what drivers the administrator installs when connecting these devices. His answer left me stumped. It turned out that he installed the drivers that came with the equipment. After that, I spent 2 hours, but still found a topic that interested me on the Internet. It turned out that these particular devices are buggy with standard drivers.

It’s strange, because D-link is considered one of the best, but in reality it turns out that it supplies drivers for adapters that do not work with them. At that time, a topic with a similar problem had already been created on the d-link manufacturer’s forum. And for about 2 years now, many users of these adapters have had this problem.

To get out of our situation, it was decided to use other drivers (from other developers). We installed them on the problem computer and asked the user to be sure to notify us if a blue screen of death appears. Of course, I didn’t know which drivers to install instead of the official ones. After reading completely all the topics on the forum, I found a dozen reviews that tried a different driver (I don’t remember which one now) and this problem was solved for them.

A few days later he still didn’t call or visit us, which means that no more problems arose! After making sure that everything was fine with his computer, we installed this driver on all computers and users breathed a sigh of relief.

Problems with computer hardware.

Often problems with hardware are more of a consequence, but the cause may be overheating of components. This also includes self-inflicted problems with hardware, RAM or hard drive.

Problems with programs.

The screen of death can be caused by antivirus applications and various emulators. Also, sometimes the blue screen of death is caused by viruses; this doesn’t happen often, but it also happens.

What do we have to do

First, you need to prepare in advance for potential problems. Windows is configured by default so that the screen of death appears for just a couple of seconds, after which the computer automatically restarts.

However, this does not give us the opportunity to have time to record error data, which does not suit us at all.

Note: If it does not reboot automatically, then use the “Power” button.

It will be enough for us to configure Windows so that it does not automatically reboot. Thus, we can understand why the blue screen of death appears. Since in this error you can read the error code or file that is to blame for the blue screen of death. After this, the Internet will help us. To set this up you need to do the following:

On Windows XP: “Start” - “Settings” - “Control Panel” - “System” - “Advanced” - “Boot and Recovery” - “Settings” - “System Failure”. In the window that appears, you need to uncheck the “Perform automatic reboot” checkbox, and in the “Record debugging information” block, select “Small memory dump”, and click the “OK” button.

In Windows Vista/7: “Start” – “Control Panel” – “System and Security” – “System” – “Advanced system settings”. In the window that appears, select the “Advanced” tab, the “Boot and Recovery” subsection, and click the “Options” button. All that remains is to uncheck “Perform automatic reboot”, enable a small memory dump and click “OK”.

You can also get to this window by right-clicking on “Computer” - select “Properties” - on the left click “Advanced system settings” - go to the “Advanced” tab - for me this method seems easier.

Secondly, when the blue “enemy” first appears, you need to write down the data from the blue screen on paper. This data can help in finding the cause of the problem.

Well, thirdly, let’s show you how to remove the blue screen of death.

You need to understand that the death screen appears much more often after some user action than on its own. Therefore, the first thing to do is to try to return the computer to the state in which it worked stably.

If no special manipulations were carried out with the computer, that is, you were just working, and suddenly “He” appeared, you will have to look for answers on the Internet. Since the most common cause of BSOD is drivers, the first priority is to find the name of the faulty driver.

If the information was indicated on the death screen itself, then in this case we only need to find a description of the error or problem that the driver caused. To do this, simply enter the name of the known faulty file in any search engine. This way we will find out what kind of file it is. For example, if this file is needed for the video card to work, then you need to remove the video card drivers and download a new one from the office. manufacturer's website.

Otherwise, the search must begin with the data that you have transcribed manually. Using this information, you can roughly navigate the possible causes. If we couldn’t find out anything useful, we move on to analyzing the memory dump.

Do not install various assemblies that were made by unknown authors. If your neighbor Uncle Vasya even advised you to install his assembly, then my advice to you is - DO NOT DO THAT! It is better to install a full-fledged original Windows distribution and you will be happy.

If problems with drivers have not been identified, you need to check the hardware components of the computer, which may be the cause of the blue screen of death. First of all, this is RAM, hard drive or overheating of any system components (video card or processor). You can use the AIDA program to check the temperature.

If you think that the problem is with the hardware, then borrow this part from your friend from his computer and install it on yours. Once you are sure that this particular part is working unstable on your computer, you can then buy it in the store.

To test RAM, I recommend the MemTest86 program, and to test the hard drive, the Victoria program (I will describe a detailed discussion of the operation of these programs in separate articles). In addition, it would not hurt to conduct a full virus scan by first updating the virus signature database.

Let me remind you that a dump is a file that is created at the moment a problem occurs and contains a detailed description of the state of the system at the time the error occurred, and, therefore, can tell about the reason for the failure.

Let's imagine a situation where your friend has a blue screen of death. He does not understand what it is and why the blue screen of death appeared. Naturally, he turns off the computer and tries to find out from his friends what it was. Of course, he didn’t write anything down on the piece of paper, that is, he doesn’t know what was written, but as you already know, in order to solve this problem you need to know why the error appeared.

There are special programs just for this, with which you can find out what the reason was. Now, even if you are in another city, you know how you can help your friend. You can use Debugging Tools for Windows or BlueScreenView to view the contents of the dump.

Let's use the BlueScreenView program as an example to figure out how to view dumps. You can download the utility from the link. If you need information from the official website, here is the link

Now run the file “BlueScreenView.exe”.

If there are no lines at the top, then there were no failures on your computer.

I didn't have the blue screen of death and so I had to borrow it ;). So now we have a dump that will help us understand how this program works.

To indicate the dump that I have, I need to make changes to the program. To do this, click “Settings” - “Advanced options” or “CRTL” + “O”.

Click “Browse” and indicate where our dump is located.

Note: If the program is on the problem computer, then nothing needs to be changed.

Now we see which files caused the error. Right-click on the line and select “Properties”.

How to install a driver and what is a driver."

I hope that now you will not have any difficulties in solving the blue screen of death problem.

See you soon!

A must-watch video, because there is something here that cannot be described in words:

Decoding blue screens of death (BSoD) Windows

Probably every Windows OS user has more than once encountered the system crashing into a blue screen with mysterious symbols, the purpose of which is impossible to understand. In fact, these very mysterious inscriptions contain detailed information about the processes that caused the system failure. Below is a table of error codes, by understanding which you can troubleshoot the system.

When Windows XP encounters a serious problem that calls into question the continued proper functioning of the operating system (OS), it immediately shuts down and reboots spontaneously. What's going on in the depths of Windows and what caused the OS to crash?

Our first step is to disable automatic reboot when the system fails so that you can see a more or less clear error message on the screen.

To do this, in the system properties (START> CONTROL PANEL> SYSTEM> ADDITIONAL> BOOT AND RESTORE> SETTINGS) uncheck the System failure -> PERFORM AUTOMATIC REBOOT box.

Now, in case of similar failures, the OS will not automatically reboot and a threatening error message with technical details will be displayed.

One problem is that Microsoft, having released the Russian version of Windows XP (most XP users have it), forgot to leave the English text of error messages.

As a result, we have a message printed in unreadable white characters (in which it is difficult to make out only the word STOP) on a blue background. This picture is called the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD).

These errors can be caused by drivers, services, hardware, or software. They are the most difficult to diagnose.

The message text contains very useful information, but is unreadable. The full text of the notice depends on the reason, but its format remains constant. First comes the name of the error, then recommendations for fixing (the most general ones - they are of no use) and, finally, the number and parameters of the error.

For example,

*** STOP: 0x000000D1 (0x00000000, 0x000000000, 0x00000000, 0xF8BCC2A4)

The text behind the word STOP contains the error number (hexadecimal) and up to four parameters depending on the error. In our example, error code 0x000000D1 (or simply D1) is the most common error. It occurs when accessing a protected memory address that is inaccessible. The parameters, in turn, indicate the address of the memory cell that was accessed, the interrupt number, the type of operation (0 means reading from memory) and the call address.

At the very end of the screen *** Nwiz.sys - Addres F8BCCA44 base at F8BCC000, DateStamp 33bb8f1d - in some cases the name of the driver that caused the error. Do not assume that this driver necessarily contains an error and needs to be replaced. Sometimes the reason is another program that causes instability and system failure. At the same time, the Nvidia Nwiz.sys driver performed a completely correct operation, it was just that the system was no longer able to interpret it correctly. Start Windows in protected mode and try disabling the program that caused the crash or removing the service using the Recovery Console.

If the system reboots immediately after the error message is displayed, you will not be able to record the error code. However, in most cases, the same information is recorded in the system log, which can be viewed using the Event Viewer console (START > CONTROL PANEL > ADMINISTRATION > EVENT VIEWER > SYSTEM). Only the error number and its parameters are indicated here.

STOP: Options Description
0x0000000A 1 - address at which an erroneous access was made 2 - IRQL that was used to access memory 3 - type of memory access: 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation 4 - address of the instruction that requested memory access at this address A kernel-mode process or driver attempted to access a memory location that did not have access to it. This error occurs when there is faulty (incompatible) hardware or software. Pay attention to the driver name at the bottom of the screen - this gives you a chance to fix the problem. If such an error appears during the installation process, the issue may be due to incompatibility of the software or antivirus program. The most common cause is that the device driver is accessing a protected memory area.
0x0000000D 1 - interaction layer communication 2 - interaction layer trying to gain access Find touchpoints and determine which ones are trying to access this layer in the wrong order.
0x0000001E 1 - exception code 2 - address whose processing failed 3 - Parameter 0 for exception 4 - Parameter 1 for exception The Windows XP kernel detected an invalid or unknown processor command. This is usually a consequence of RAM errors or memory access violations. Pay attention not only to the specified driver, but also to the address itself containing this error. The exception code 0x80000003 means that a breakpoint or judgment was reached while accessing memory, but the system booted with the /NODEBUG switch. If the error appears again, make sure that the debugger is not stopped and the system boots with the /DEBUG switch. On non-Intel systems, if the exception address is 0XBFC0304, the error appears due to processor caching. If the error appears again, contact the manufacturers. Typically, analysis of the second parameter of this message is required, which indicates the address of the driver (function) that was causing the problem.
0x00000020 1 - APC address at which it was waiting at the time of exit 2 - APC communication of the meter is impossible 3 - current IRQ level The error name indicates a damaged (disabled) APC counter. If the counter shows a value other than zero, then it is the source of the problem. A negative value indicates that the file system called FsRtlEnterFileSystem more times than FsRtlExitFileSystem. A positive value indicates the opposite: FsRtlExitFileSystem was called more times than FsRtlEnterFileSystem. If you have this situation, check all the file systems on the machine, especially if you do not have NTFS, FAT, HPFS and RDR. The current IRQL should be 0. If not, then a certain driver invalidation order may be causing the error by returning at a high IRQ level. Remember what you were doing or what applications you closed, what drivers were installed at the time the blue screen occurred. This symptom indicates a serious problem with the third party drivers.
0x00000023 . The problem is in the FAT file system driver (most often a disk failure).
0x00000024 . The problem is with the NTFS file system driver (disk failure).
0x0000002A 1 - address at which IRP ( I/O Request Packet ) was found in an inappropriate condition The IRP was unexpectedly found to be in an inconsistent state; this is when a field or multiple fields were inconsistent with the preserved state of the IRP. For example, an IRP that was completed was indicated as still waiting for some device driver commands to be executed.
0x0000002B . The stack is full. This can occur when the kernel driver uses too many stack calls. This can happen if there is a serious bug in the kernel.
0x0000002E 1 - virtual memory address that caused the error 2 - physical address of the error cause 3 - processor status registration (PSR) 4 - error instruction registration (FIR) RAM failure or defect ( RAM ), including video adapter memory. This can also happen when the driver accesses memory address 0x8XXXXXXX, which does not exist.
0x00000031 1 - status code that describes why the system decided that initialization did not occur 2 - indicates the location of the phase 0 initialization error. System initialization failed during boot stage.
0x00000032 1 - status code that describes why the system decided that initialization did not occur 2 - indicates the location of the phase 1 initialization error. The system initialization failed at the next stage.
0x00000035 1 - IRP address The higher-level driver tried to call the lower-level driver through the IoCallDriver() interface, but there was no free stack space left, so the lower-level driver would not be able to reach the required parameters, since there are no parameters for it at all. This is a disastrous situation, since the higher-level driver believes that it has filled in the parameters for the lower-level driver. However, since there is no stack space for the last driver, the originator invalidated the end of the packet. This means that most likely some other memory has been corrupted.
0x00000036 1 - object address The device driver tried to remove one of its device objects from the system, but the hit count of this object was not equal to 0, meaning that there were still outstanding tasks for this object (the counter indicates the number of reasons why this object cannot be deleted). This is a driver call error.
0x00000037 . Floppy Drive Error
0x0000003E . The multiprocessor system is not supported or is not symmetrical with respect to each other. To be symmetrical, processors must be of the same type and level. For example, trying to use a Pentium and 80486 level processor will cause an error. Additionally, on x86 systems, floating point capability must be present on both processors or on neither.
0x0000003F . Page File Entries ). Usually the cause is a driver that doesn't clear out the page file properly or there is no disk space.
0x00000040 . The driver called the IoBuildPartialMdl() function and sent it an MDL to reveal a portion of the source MDL, but the MDL is less than the required address limits. This is a driver error.
0x00000044 1 - IRP address The driver requested completion of the IRP, but the package was already completed. This error is difficult to detect because the simplest case - a driver trying to complete the same operation twice - is usually not what actually happens. Less often, 2 different drivers try to take possession of the package and complete it. The first one usually works, but the second one doesn’t. It is difficult to trace which driver did this, since traces of the first driver were overwritten by the second. However, the conflict can be detected by looking at the DeviceObject fields at each stack location.
0x00000048 . This error indicates that the I/O Request Packet (IRP) that is about to be completed is in cancellation order, meaning that the packet is in a position that can be canceled. However, the package is no longer related to the driver, since it has already entered the completion stage.
0x00000049 . Page fault with interrupt disabled. Treat this error the same as 0x0A.
0x0000004C . Winlogon or CSRSS (Windows) died suddenly. The output code may tell you more. Typically this is c0000005, which indicates that an unsupported exception was thrown in one process or another. It also occurs if a driver or system library was recognized as damaged.
0x0000004D 1 - number of pages used 2 - number of physical pages There is no more free space to complete the operation.
0x0000004E 1. value 1 2. value of page headers that are corrupted 3. number of available pages 4. 0 1. value 2 2. data to be deleted 3. highest number of physical pages 4. total of data to be deleted The reason is a damaged (faulty) driver input-output structure.
0x00000050 1. indicates an incorrect memory address A device driver or system service requested data that was not in memory. This is a RAM defect or incompatible software.
0x00000051 1. value 1 (indicates where the error occurred) 2. value 2 (indicates where the error occurred) 3. may indicate a library 4. may be HvCheckHive's return code if any library is damaged Registry error. This error could also mean that the registry received an I/O error while trying to read one of its files. The error could be caused by a hardware problem or the system may be damaged. This could also mean that the error is caused by an update operation that is only used by the security system and only when resources are low. If such an error appears, check whether the machine is PDC or BDC and how many accounts are in the SAM (Account Security Manager) database, and whether the corresponding libraries are almost completely filled.
0x00000058 . The system booted from the restored primary partition, so the libraries say that the mirror is fine, but in fact it is not. The actual images have been altered.
0x00000069 . System initialization failed. For example, the installation made the wrong decision about installing the system, or the user reconfigured the system.
0x00000073 1. 5 2. 2 3. list of libraries 4. specifies a UNICODE_STRING containing the library name Indicates that one of the system libraries is corrupted or unreadable. This library can be either SOFTWARE, or SECURITY, or SAM (Security Account Manager).
0x00000074 . This error may indicate that the SYSTEM library loaded by NTLDR is corrupt. However, this is almost impossible since OSLOADER always checks the libraries after loading and makes sure they are intact. This error may also mean that some required registry keys and their settings are missing. Uploading to LastKnownGood may resolve the issue.
0x00000075 . There is no free space on the disk, this can also happen when you try to save the registry on a read-only device.
0x00000077 1. 0 2. 0 3. PTE value at the time of the error 4. kernel error address 1. status code 2. I/O status code 3. virtual memory page number 4. Compensation to page file The system tried to read kernel data from virtual memory (page file) and could not find data at the specified address. Reasons: RAM defects, hard drive failures, data corruption or virus infection, etc.
0x00000079 1. mismatch type (1, 2 or 3): 1. PRCB release levels mismatch (date mismatch). If this is the case, then parameters 2 and 3: 2 - higher level NTOSKRNL.EXE 3 - higher level HAL.DLL 2. mismatch of build types, in this case parameters 2 and 3: 2 - build type NTOSKRNL.EXE 3 - build type HAL.DLL 3. Micro Channel Architecture (MCA) computers require a specific MCA HAL, in this case parameters 2 and 3: 2 - the machine type defined by NTDETECT.COM value 2 means that the computer is an MCA 3 - the type of machines that this HAL supports value 2 means this HAL is made for MCA This message indicates a mismatch between the Windows XP Hardware Abstraction Layer. HAL ) and Windows XP system files. The reason is a sudden change in BIOS parameters on computers with ACPI, for example, installing a hard drive with the system in another computer. The user may have manually updated either NTOSKRNL.EXE or HAL.DLL to incompatible versions.
0x0000007A . The error has the same reason as error 0x77: the kernel data page was not found in virtual memory (swap file). The error is caused by a bad block in memory or a disk controller error.
0x0000007B 1. pointer to device object The system partition or boot volume was not found during startup. The problem is usually in re-partitioning disks, adding new disks before the boot one. As a result, entries in Boot.ini no longer correspond to the correct partitions.
0x0000007D 1. number of found physical pages 2. lowest physical page 3. highest physical page 4. 0 There is not enough memory to boot Windows. The reason is a defect or too small amount of RAM.
0x0000007F 1. specific reason Appears when the processor makes an error that the kernel cannot handle. Most often it occurs due to defects in RAM, stopping of the processor fan, as well as due to overclocking of the processor and its overheating.
0x0000008B 1 - MBR disk signature. 2 - MBR checksum calculated by the system bootloader 3 - MBR checksum saved in the system. This error occurs during the boot process when the MBR checksum that the system calculates does not match the bootloader checksum. This usually means a virus, because... some viruses may not be detected. Boot from the disk and check for viruses.
0x00000092 . Appears only when a single-processor driver is loaded on a system that has more than one active processor.
0x00000098 . End of the OC demo period (for Trial versions).
0x0000009C . Fatal error while checking hardware.
0x0000009F . The driver is in an incorrect or incorrect state after shutting down, entering standby (hibernation) mode, or recovering from these modes.
0x000000B4 . Video driver initialization failed. Reboot into protected mode and resolve the hardware conflict or roll back the new driver.
0x000000B9 . Chipset errors detected. The reason is a faulty motherboard.
0x000000BE . The driver is attempting to write to read-only memory (ROM).
0x000000C2 . Incorrect memory allocation operation. The reason is a faulty driver or software.
0x000000C4 . Checking driver versions reveals a fatal error in the driver...
0x000000C5 . An attempt was made to access an invalid area of ​​process memory with an IRQL that was too high. This is almost always caused by drivers that have corrupted the system pool.
0x000000C6 . The driver accessed the free memory pool. Replace the driver.
0x000000C7 . Kernel Timer or Delayed Procedure Call ( DPC ) were found in an invalid memory area. This is usually caused by a driver defect.
0x000000C9 . A signal was received from the driver to warn against I/O checking.
0x000000CB . Similar to error 0x76. Indicates that the I/O driver or routine failed to page out the remaining pages after the operation completed.
0x000000CE . The driver was unable to cancel expected actions before the transition. Usually occurs after installing a defective driver or service.
0x000000D1 . The driver is accessing an inaccessible memory address.
0x000000D8 . The system has run out of page table entries. There is not enough RTE ( Page File Entries ). Usually the cause is a driver that requests too large areas of memory from the kernel or there is no disk space (the page file is small).
0x000000E3 . This error occurs when the NTFS file system fails.
0x000000EA . It may appear after installing a new video adapter or an updated video adapter driver, causing the system to wait indefinitely when accessing the hardware. replace the video adapter or install another driver.
0x000000ED . Windows XP was unable to access the volume containing the boot files. See 0x7B.
0x000000F2 . The kernel has detected an "interrupt storm" when a device does not release an interrupt. As a rule, this is due to an incorrect device driver or an error in the firmware.
0x000000F3 . Windows shutdown failed due to lack of memory.
0x1000007E . Same as 0x7E.
0x1000008E . Same as 0x8E.
0xC000009A . The Windows kernel allocated all available memory to pool pages.
0xC0000135 . An error was encountered while loading the library. The file is missing or damaged. The registry may be damaged.
0xC0000142 . Library initialization failed
0xC0000218 . A required registry hive file was not loaded. The file may be damaged or deleted. The registry file is corrupted due to errors in the hard drive or RAM.
0xC000021A . There is a serious security problem in Windows XP - Winlogon.exe or Csrss.exe is blamed for the violation. This error occurs when the archive is incompletely restored, the versions of system files do not match, as well as when the permissions of system files are incorrectly changed, when the System account loses access to system files and folders.
0xC0000221 . There is a problem with the specified file. Recover the file.
0xC0000244 . Occurs when auditing a security policy if CrashOnAuditFail is enabled.
0xC000026C . The device driver cannot be loaded. The problem is in the driver.
0xDEADDEAD "It's dead, Jim!" Almost literal translation of the message: “This is death, Jim!” This is a message about intentional destruction of the system by the user from a debugger or from the keyboard. Of course, you will only see this message if you did it on purpose!

Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) is one of the most annoying problems that a Windows user can encounter. Knowing how to determine the cause of the crash is one of the most important forms of diagnosing BSOD. An error with a blue screen code can occur for various reasons, and without analyzing what is causing the error, it is difficult to eliminate it. These are the main reasons for Blue Screen of Death BSOD:

  • Driver conflicts- Driver conflicts occur when two or more drivers cannot work with each other properly. This can also happen if multiple drivers are installed for the same device without uninstalling the previous version.
  • Hardware conflicts- Incorrect overclocking of a PC can immediately create a BSOD. Blue Screen of Death can also occur if your RAM sticks are not installed correctly or if a piece of hardware is starting to wear out.
  • Operating system (OS) errors- User error or malware can delete vital files of your OS. Significant missing files can result in a crippling error causing your PC to enter a BSOD cycle in which you get a blue screen every time your PC turns on.

Preparing to analyze a BSOD file dump

Whenever a BSOD error occurs, Windows dumps some information about it into a file on your PC, but trying to understand this dump file very complex. One of the easier ways to understand is to use the utility BlueScreenView by NirSoft, a free tool that finds these dump files and displays them in a more user-friendly form. First of all, you should check the settings for the memory dump report in the Windows system itself:

  • Click Win+R and enter sysdm.cpl
  • Go to the tab Additionally and select from below

  • Make sure you have the error logging settings enabled.

Now download the program BlueScreenView scroll to the center of the site to download the file. You will see three links as in the picture below, select the installer that is most convenient for you. If you want to Russify the program, then find Russian in the table below and download the file. The downloaded file will contain a "BlueScreenView_lng" file, just place it in the installation program at the root.

Find out Blue Screen of Death error codes

When you run the program, it will show you errors in files and memory dumps. As you can see in the figure below, I get a blue screen with an ndis.sys error and there seems to be a problem in the ntoskrni.exe file. In the top column, I can see the full file dump report, and by right-clicking on it, I can search Google for information on the fix. The error is most likely related to the installed virtual machine, or more precisely to the virtual network adapter and antivirus, which creates a blue screen error after sleep mode and the initial boot of the system.

How to Fix Blue Screen of Death Error Codes

I will give a couple of ways of what to do and how to eliminate errors using popular methods:

  • When, for example, a blue screen of death occurs in Windows 10, there will be QR code which will redirect you to the site.
  • On the site Microsoft There is already a database with BSOD errors and prompting tools.
  • Use the Microsoft Virtual Agent, enter BSOD in the first line and follow the instructions.
  • Microsoft also suggests running