Double image on Samsung le 40 TV. Double image on TV

When faced with a breakdown of equipment one-on-one, you often feel the desire to fix the problem yourself. We just take it and hit the TV in the hope of “eliminating” the problems. As a result, only the damaged body comes out, broken screen, or cracks along the impact site. Why test the strength of your expensive mechanism like this? It is clearly not designed for such physical exertion. The design does not provide for intervention from inquisitive beginners. In 90% of cases, they interfere with the structure of diagrams and matrices to no avail, after which they come to the conclusion that such manipulations should be carried out by knowledgeable specialists. In other cases, the owners worsen the condition of the equipment, challenging the technicians to eliminate manually caused breakdowns. Do no harm self-repair, it is better to contact a qualified workshop for help.

When does the TV image double?

Though similar phenomenon Rarely encountered in practice, it unfortunately does occur. Most likely the problem is bad reception signals. The first thing you should do is pay attention to the receiving equipment, because when antennas are installed, they often get knocked down due to gusts of wind, fail due to lightning strikes, and so on. If the model is old - CRT TV, the signal processing board may malfunction. Find a working analogue and replace it. In more modern LCD models, there is a similar plasma TVs The problem is when the problem area is the matrix controller. It is this detail that is responsible for split image effect. In most cases, such breakdowns are serious and imply irreversible failure of the entire TV. When problems relate to 3D video playback, and the TV image doubles during any viewing, it is impossible to localize the problem to a specific area. We recommend calling a technician to your home to quickly diagnose the problem.

Remember this not a standard situation. A thorough examination of the insides of the TV is required to determine the cause of the split picture. Even at small scales, the eyes quickly get tired, unable to focus on the film, which can ruin the entire movie experience.

You shouldn’t tolerate shortcomings, you need to get rid of them forever!

Any double image on the TV indicates the need for diagnostics. This technique will provide an opportunity to identify the exact cause of the failure. The user, in turn, can check the signal level of the TV receiver and the status of the settings. There are problems typical for equipment based on a certain technology. Thanks to these parameters, it is easy to find out the type of malfunction.

  • LCD LED- often this problem lies in failure of the controller or matrix cable. In more rare cases, memory failure may occur, failure motherboard or processor.
  • Projection- has its own characteristics, in this technique they are responsible for the correct output of the image chip information. Failure of such parts will require their replacement.
  • Plasma- the occurrence of such breakdowns is extremely rare, but their occurrence will lead to the need to repair the image output unit.
  • CRT- in this type of equipment such breakdowns can occur due to failure of the power supply or vertical and horizontal scanning systems.

In addition to doubling, the TV screen can be shifted horizontally and vertically. The cause of such problems does not depend on the settings and only calling a wizard will help solve this problem. When connecting some LCD models as a computer monitor, you should pay attention to the screen refresh rate. An indicator of 75 Hz or more will be more comfortable for the eyes and will eliminate image shift.

Troubleshooting and self-repair

A common failure for all systems may be the signal processing board., malfunctions in which lead to an abundance of interference and the appearance noise when watching channels. If there is any doubt, it would be useful to carry out self-diagnosis. This will make sure that a hardware failure has occurred and that the call to the repairman is justified. Usually the image appears double due to poor signal quality and you should definitely check the reception stability to eliminate this oversight.

It may be necessary to change the direction of the antenna to normalize reception. Such failures can occur satellite receiver and should be enabled broadcast channels. Majority LCD TVs have a built-in player, and launch a media file from external storage will help determine the severity of the breakdown. If you see double only on some channels, then the problem is using the reflected signal., you will need to adjust the antenna or buy a more suitable model.

Contacting the workshop and carrying out repairs

TV is the most popular household appliance, which everyone probably has at home. These devices have already appeared even in the most remote places. But users often have to deal with various problems that interfere with viewing. In order not to pay a lot of money for the services of professional craftsmen, you can deal with some of the interference yourself.

Most common problem is that the image doubles. There are several reasons why such a defect may occur. In order to fix the problem, you need to carefully study each possible reason and check your TV for one of them.

Don't panic - on almost every model, split images sometimes appear. So why is this happening?

Why does double image occur?

The first thing you need to do is check signal level, supplied to the television receiver and its settings. If you have an antenna, check its position.

There are also some problems that are specific to screens with certain technologies, from the oldest models to the newest. To understand the reason for the splitting, inspect the TV in detail. And if you don’t know what kind of screen you have, find the information on the box or on the Internet.

One of the new screens that allows you to view files in highest quality, called LCD LED. Such a device may show a double picture due to a breakdown of the controller or matrix cable.

REFERENCE. Sometimes there are memory problems or motherboard, as well as problems with the processor.

  • Projection screen differs in that here the quality and realism of the picture is achieved using mixing chips. If any errors occur in their work, the image is transmitted with defects.
  • Plasma screen usually provides consistently high quality work. Problems rarely arise with such TVs. But if this happens, the error most often lies in the operation of the image output unit.
  • CRT The device may cause some inconvenience. The television receiver may have interruptions in the functioning of the unit or vertical and horizontal scanning systems.

When the cause is found, you need to either begin possible repairs or call the experts. What can you do yourself?

Ways to solve the problem

  • First you need try to change the antenna position. Perhaps the problem will go away immediately, since the reason was bad signal, coming to the TV.
  • Then carefully inspect the signal processing board. In 90% of cases the problem is related to its functioning. Repairing this part requires some experience and knowledge in handling equipment.

IMPORTANT! If you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to contact a specialist who will cope with the task in a few minutes.

  • There is also one method that any user can do, even a beginner. To do this, you will have to disassemble the TV; on the back panel you will see two boards. Determine which one is causing the problem. After this, you will need to stick a piece of electrical tape under the cable and move the part until the image becomes acceptable.

Thus, you can try to fix the split yourself, or you can call a specialist if you are afraid of messing up or breaking something. Once the problem is resolved, you can once again enjoy watching your favorite shows on your TV.