For everyone and about everything. If the sensor on your phone does not work for no obvious reason

Today, gadgets have become an integral part of the life of any person. Any purchase of a new smartphone makes us feel joy and happiness, and when the smartphone accidentally falls into water, beer or other liquid, we begin to panic and worry.

In today's article we will tell you what to do if your phone falls into water and what steps to take.

As you know, in most cases the phone can be saved, and the liquid environment has a significant influence on this. For example, if a phone is dropped into water with high alkalinity, the chances of success are minimal.

The best chance of successfully resuscitating a phone is when it falls into running water.

What to do if your phone falls into water Samsung, LG, Lenovo, Xiaomi, Meizu, iPhone, Sony, ZTE, Asus, Android?

So, let's look at how to save a phone that has fallen into water. First, if your touch phone falls into water, turn it off immediately. After turning off the phone, remove the battery, memory card and SIM card. This step will also prevent short circuit phone. If your phone comes with non-removable battery, then turn it off using the on/off button.

Figure 1. If your touch phone falls into water, remove the battery as quickly as possible.

These were the first steps to take if your touchscreen phone fell into water. Now you need to dry all the accessories and the smartphone; we will talk about ways to dry a smartphone below.

How to dry a touchscreen phone that has fallen into water?

It's worth noting that you should not use your phone, headphones, or your phone's USB port until all components are completely dry.

Below we will give ways to dry a phone that has fallen into water, beer or other liquid.

Method 1. How to dry a touch phone in rice if it fell into water or got water in it?

To dry the outside of your phone, you can use a paper towel or soft cotton cloth.

Figure 1: A paper or alcohol wipe works great for absorbing water in tight areas of the phone.

You can use dry rice to dry the inside of your phone. Take a medium sized bag, fill it with rice and put your phone in it. It is very important that the rice completely envelops the phone

Figure 2. Dry risk perfectly absorbs moisture, which will allow you to rid your smartphone of water in a matter of days.

Method 2. How to dry a touchscreen phone in silica gel if it fell into water or got water in it?

Besides rice, you can use silica gel to dry your phone. Silica gel bags are used in shoe boxes.

Figure 2. You can find silica gel packets in a shoe box.

Method 3. How to dry a touchscreen phone on a battery if it has fallen into water or water has gotten into it?

Many people will ask, is it possible to dry a phone on a battery? Definitely yes.

This is perhaps the easiest way to dry your phone, but still risky. For example, if you simply put all the phone's components on top of the battery, the battery may swell and need to be replaced. Thus, the telephone and battery It is best to wrap it in a towel or thick cloth.

Method 4. How to dry a touchscreen phone with a hairdryer if it has fallen into water or water has gotten into it?

Never try to dry your phone with a hairdryer. The reason for this is that the hair dryer blows hot air, which causes the circuits in the phone circuit board to melt.

Figure 1. If you do decide to dry your phone with a hair dryer, be very careful and keep the hair dryer at a distance of 30 cm.

How long should you dry your phone after falling into water?

In most cases, owners who drowned their phone note that their device worked properly after 3-7 days. Again, you need to consider how your phone fell into the water and how long it was there.


What should you do if your phone falls into water and no longer charges or the battery does not work?

Surely you have noticed that after the phone fell into the water, it stopped charging or sometimes a notification appears that headphones were connected to the phone. Similar problem Usually disappears after drying the phone for a long time.

Of course, we cannot deny the possibility that the connector for charging the phone has become unusable. But before you contact service center When repairing smartphones, your best bet is to thoroughly dry your smartphone and try to charge it again.

Figure 1. If after a long and thorough drying of the phone it does not charge, then the problem may only be in the USB cable or charging connector.

Why doesn't the screen or sensor of a phone that fell into water turn on?

After dropping your phone into water, the touch screen may not respond to your touch for a long time. The reason is that the sensor has many layers, and liquid got into one of them. In this case, you need to place the smartphone in a glove or wrap it in a scarf, and then place it on the battery. If the problem is not resolved within 2 weeks, then you are left with the only way out– contact the service center.

Is everything so hopeless if your phone dived into the water or what needs to be done to properly resuscitate our drowned man! The topic of today's article is “How to quickly fix cellular telephone exposed to aggressive liquid.”

Let's consider a situation where your phone is completely or most of it in water. What you need to do immediately and what you shouldn’t do at all. The most dangerous liquids are sea water, alcohol, cola and other aggressive substances. phone after their impact is much more difficult. main reason device failure - short circuit, to avoid this, it is very important to follow step one.

1. We act quickly and without unnecessary panic.

The moment your phone turns into a submarine is not the best time to start biting your elbows and shouting “everything is lost.” Remember! The life of your phone patient depends on the speed of decision-making, so you need to act quickly and without the slightest delay.

This needs to be done immediately!

a) Remove all removable elements. Back cover, battery, SIM card, memory card, panel, keyboard.

b) Wipe wet parts thoroughly, preferably with a paper towel (if not, toilet paper). Outside, inside, wherever possible. In more difficult to reach places, you can use cotton swabs.

All this needs to be done fairly quickly. Theoretically, if the phone has not been in the water for long, it can already work. If this is not the case, read on.

2. Drying your phone

If the phone has taken a full bath, you can’t do without drying it. Drying your phone can be either physical or chemical.

A) Blow drying. Here the opinions of experts are divided equally. Some are categorically against it, others absolutely recommend it. As you can see, there are always two truths, and the truth is somewhere in the middle. My opinion: if you do not have a hair dryer and have a cold air mode, then a short drying is unlikely to harm the phone, although it will help about the same.

b) Drying using absorbent . It is best to use ordinary rice as an absorbent. Place the phone in a container of rice until it completely covers the phone. Leave for 5-6 hours.

With) Alcohol. In my opinion, the most correct method. After removing excess moisture from all phone components with paper towels, wipe them with alcohol, it evaporates moisture well. You can wipe with either cotton wool or a paper towel. Don't get carried away! We'll celebrate the phone's second birthday later. We wiped it, dried it for a couple of hours, assembled it, checked it!!

Here's a funny way from Elena Malysheva

As for phones with touch screen, then there is an additional risk in that moisture can damage the screen elements. If the desire to save the phone prevails over the fear of disassembling and not reassembling, then using tiny screws on the back of the phone, you can unfasten the screen from the case and dry it.

What not to do :
1. Dry your phone in the oven or microwave.
2, Dry the phone on or in a room radiator.

Thinking out loud

None of the above and currently existing methods give you full guarantee that the “drowned man” will work as before. Everything you do at home is done at your own peril and risk.

Liquid getting into the phone is not a warranty case; it is almost impossible to prove otherwise! For example, in Nokia phones There is a special sticker that changes color upon contact with liquid, this makes it clear that the phone received for repair has already floated.

It is quite possible that at first it will work normally, but after a week, a month, a year, various “oddities” may begin. The survivability of the phone, as well as the price of repairs, depends on factors such as: the degree of drowning, what kind of liquid got in, how quickly measures were taken, the design of the handset (phone, smartphone, touch).

I hope this article is useful for educational purposes only! All tips from personal experience, which he managed to acquire while working as a sales consultant at a company store.

By the way, in one of the following articles I will share my experience about what you need to know when you come to the store to make a purchase and how to avoid problems when choosing any equipment. Do not miss, subscribe for updates right now.
See you in new articles. Good luck to you and your phone!)

Initially, a mobile phone was a simple device for making calls. Now it is a multifunctional device, without which a person will not be so comfortable. If used carelessly, the power socket sometimes breaks. In this case, you should know how to repair the phone's charging connector or charge it in another way.

How to fix a phone charging socket by changing its position

You must immediately indicate that your device cannot be repaired in this way. A broken power socket will remain so and repair cannot be avoided. This half-measure is necessary in situations where there is no required amount for repairs, but you need to use a mobile phone. Instructions on how to charge your phone if the socket is broken:

  1. Connect the charger to the device, plug it into the network.
  2. Try moving the cord, moving the plug position up and down.
  3. If the battery cannot be charged because the contact has become loose, such actions can short-circuit it.
  4. In case the cell phone detected Charger, try to fix this position. Try placing books or other objects under the wire so that the mobile phone can lie there overnight and the battery can be charged.

Before carrying out such a manipulation, make sure that the problem is really in the connector and not the battery. When used for a long time, they tend to stop holding a charge. In this case you should buy new battery, and not fight with the supposedly damaged nest. . If the problem really is with the connector, then it is unlikely to be able to avoid repairs. Keep in mind that such manipulations with the wire can further loosen the connection point or break it completely.

Replacing the charging connector with a universal “frog”

In a critical situation, when you don’t know how to charge your phone if the socket is broken, you can use a universal charger. Sometimes the device is called a “frog”, it is relatively expensive, so it is not a fact that it is better than sending the device for repair. This device has a special groove into which you need to insert the extracted mobile battery. However, this method has several obvious disadvantages:

  • During charging, the smartphone is turned off and cannot be used until the battery is charged;
  • the cost of the “frog” is high and sometimes does not justify the costs;
  • Among user reviews there are situations where the charger broke the battery.

The charging connector on the phone is broken - charge directly

If you don't know how to change the charging socket on your phone, you can try to recharge the battery without having to use the power socket. The method is relatively complex and requires some skills in working with electricity. The point is this:

  1. You need to remove the battery from your phone.
  2. Cut off the insulation from the charger wire, expose the wires (unplug from the outlet).
  3. Strip the veins, determine where the plus and minus are.
  4. Find the corresponding terminals on the cell phone battery. It is important to observe the polarity of the wires and the device.
  5. Secure the wires and plug the plug into the socket.

It is strongly not recommended to use this method, if you are not 100% confident in your skills. You should not carry out manipulations when you are alone at home; there must be a person nearby who could help you in case of a possible electric shock. Please note that this connection option is not normal for the battery and can lead to breakdown or premature depletion.

How to replace the charging socket on your phone

The only proven way to get rid of the problem is to leave the matter in the hands of professional workers. You may not want to try any “workarounds” after they tell you how much it costs to fix your phone charging socket. In modern devices, this connector also performs the function of connecting to a computer and transferring data, so its failure greatly reduces the functionality of the device. This is a microcircuit that cannot be repaired at home on your own. Phone repairs often cost a lot of money and you should be prepared for this.

In this case, it is best to contact a certified center. The ideal option would be a branded service point from the same manufacturer as your mobile phone. They know all the intricacies of their products and will be able to provide qualified assistance to fix the breakdown. Inexperienced or careless workers can aggravate the situation and lead to even greater damage to the device.

Video: how to replace the power connector on your phone

I think every brainiac must know the sequence of actions BEFORE this can happen. I will share my experience on how to save your phone if you dropped it into water or it got wet in any other way.

There are a lot of crazy tips, like putting the phone in a bag of rice and it will absorb moisture, or pouring alcohol all over it. This will not help your phone much, I wrote why in the article.

The most dangerous for phones are sea water, washing powder and jam :) The most common liquids with impurities of salts, alkalis, etc.

Even if distilled water gets in, which does not allow current to pass through, then due to the garbage that is necessarily present in any phone a number of immediate actions must be taken.

For some time I worked with a phone repair shop and saw the sad fate of such phones. Even if you dry it indiscriminately, gradually the traces on the board will still oxidize and deteriorate. Most likely, glitches may begin in 2-4 weeks. The drowned man's telephone may work, but rest assured, he won't be able to live long.

If your phone gets drowned or wet:

1. Remove the cover and remove the battery

2. Shake off the drops, find a dry towel

3. Remove the liquid from inside with your mouth by removing the housing

4. Wash the board and all metal parts with alcohol using a brush or in an ultrasonic bath.

5. Let dry for at least 12 hours

Let's look at all the points in more detail based on my recent experience of resuscitating a phone after washing.

Remove the battery

Under no circumstances should you hesitate! We remove it from the water. Even though I took my mobile phone out of the water in a second and a half, a lot of water still got inside through the holes for the headset and SD card. And water with washing powder!

Remove the battery immediately to avoid short circuit!

As we disassemble, we take out the memory card and SIM card. Place on a dry, clean towel.

How to disassemble a phone

Of course, most people in general will take it to a service station, but believe me, all the service stations for repairing mobile phones (and equipment in general) that I have come across, to put it mildly, do NOT perform repairs very willingly and efficiently. I have seen cases where VERY often they do the job “to hell with”. So I'm a big proponent of doing everything with your own hands, if time, knowledge and directness of hands allow. Technicians are often not interested in the longevity of your device and careful disassembly and assembly, as well as the safety of your data.

First of all, we look for youtube how exactly your phone model is disassembled, what latches are there and where exactly.

According to my model, there were as many as 197 video results. IN touch phones in theory there are fewer parts, and in my case the screen and front panel turned out to be non-separable.

Tools you will need:

— a set of small screwdrivers, hexagons, asterisks (depending on the phone)

— a scalpel, a pick or a construction knife (any thin and durable object to pry off the case cover).

A set of screwdrivers (bought a long time ago for $3) helped me out this time too. Photo of a similar one from Tyrnet:

We do everything very carefully and slowly.

We disconnect everything we can: speaker cables, etc.

Cleaning the phone from the inside

Perhaps the most painstaking process. I don’t recommend using cotton wool—it leaves a lot of lint. Better take napkins or cotton cloth.

Do not use solvents!!! Like white spirit, acetone and other things. To clean the phone board, I used pharmaceutical ethyl alcohol. It is accessible in every sense.

Let's put the screen, microphone, and speakers aside. We can only wipe the contacts with them. The body is the same NOT It is worth wiping the outside with alcohol— unsightly stains and stains may remain! We take the payment and literally bathe it in alcohol. We clean off all the dirt and oxides. If you don’t do everything well now, after a while it will be too late and you won’t be able to do it without soldering.

For experiments, I had an ultrasonic bath; after cleaning with a brush, the phone was bathed in it. These are used in repair shops.

I don’t know the proportions of the solution - I poured out everything that was :) Repairers add ammonia or use a special liquid. I think if you have such a device, you know how to use it.

The funniest thing happened here - I wanted to call a friend for advice, so I started looking for my dialer. Have not found! 🙂 Strange, I thought when my gaze fell on the broken body of the phone. 😀

Drying your phone from alcohol

Carefully wipe dry. We wipe it so that dissolved substances do not settle on the phone after the liquid evaporates. The alcohol dries quickly, but water can remain under the chips, so I didn't take any risks.

It was getting close to night. In the morning I put my phone back together and what a joy it was - it worked!

Several weeks have passed and there have been no complaints. If you succeeded, I’m glad that I helped and you were able to save a lot. Now you can restore any other phone for yourself or your friends. Life is unpredictable! If not, you need to take it to the service station.

UPD 04/02/2014

Attention to everyone who has problems with the sensor! On special forums they write that if water gets into a wheelbarrow, it almost always needs to be replaced. He is afraid of even wet fingers and the slightest droplets, let alone bathing!

The touch itself is inexpensive and it's possible find and buy in many stores, where they sell spare parts (usually there is some kind of service station adjacent to them).
You need need:

1. Disassemble your phone
2. Separate the sensor from the screen (wipe if necessary sticky layer cotton wool and nail polish remover)
3. Install new sensor, before purchasing, make sure that the problem is not with the cable or connector. (sometimes contacts simply deteriorate due to corrosion)

And let me remind you - the longer you delay, the more corrosion there will be inside, so wash your phone At once!

It's better to google:
phone model sensor not working solution

Good luck with your phone!
- a community of enthusiasts, homemade and kulibin. We develop non-consumer thinking!

Your question:

How to fix a phone that has fallen?

Master's answer:

Mobile phones, which until recently were completely absent from the vast majority of the population, have quickly established themselves as essential items. When we are in a hurry, on the go, taking them out of our pocket or bag, we often drop them. What to do if your phone falls?

Naturally, every fall is different. If we dropped the phone on the rug at home, then most likely nothing bad will happen to the device.

If it falls on the sidewalk, from a height or on the pavement, then the damage can be quite serious. As a rule, more often in such cases the display gets damaged - cracks may appear on the screen, or it may even break. In addition, the case may crack.

Depending on what damage happened to the phone, some parts can be replaced with your own hands by purchasing them at mobile phone stores.

But if these are deep internal deformations, then it would be better to contact a repair shop, because Cell phones are complex electronic devices.

Phones often fall into water or other liquid. Sometimes this liquid becomes toilet water or, even worse, public toilet water. In this case, you need to remove the phone as quickly as possible. After this, you should wipe the case, open the phone and remove the battery. Water affects the elements of the phone.

Next, you need to slowly disassemble the phone as much as possible. If there are impurities in the liquid, you need to rinse each part under running water. Then gently wipe them with a napkin, and prepare the phone for drying.

Don't dry your phone in the usual ways- on the stove or radiator. This type of drying evaporates moisture from the surface, leaving it in narrow, hard-to-reach places. Under no circumstances should a hair dryer be used. It is more likely to drive moisture inside, and this will inevitably lead to metal parts oxidizing.

Drying your phone is best done by drawing moisture out of the parts. For this purpose, ordinary rice is most suitable as an absorbent substance.

We pour it into a hermetically sealed container that is the size of the phone. We place the body and all unscrewed elements of the phone into it. Close the lid tightly and shake. We leave the container with the phone for a couple of days so that the liquid is completely absorbed from the surface of the elements. At the right time, we remove and blow off the parts. Reassemble the phone in reverse order. Insert the battery and turn it on, the phone should work.