Why do you need to create a semantic core? Plan for creating a semantic core

The semantic core of a site is a list of queries for which you plan to promote the site in search engines. Requests from the semantic core are grouped by site pages. Ready-made semantics for the site includes queries for each page of the site that will be promoted.

Basic rules for compiling a semantic core

  1. Only one page is promoted per request. It is not allowed for one request to correspond to two or more pages on the site - otherwise, search engines may choose to display the wrong page for the request.
  2. The page must respond to the user's query. For example, if the request includes the word “prices”, the prices for the product should be indicated on the promoted page. If you are promoting a page for the request “CASCO calculator”, the page should have a form for calculating the cost of CASCO.
  3. The semantic core should include high, medium and low frequency queries. It is necessary to find the maximum number of suitable queries, otherwise you will not get the full benefit from the promotion.
  4. When grouping requests In one group you need to include queries for which you can realistically promote one page. To do this, see if there are pages in the search results that are in the TOP 10 for the queries you selected. If there are no such pages, requests need to be separated into different groups.
  5. Check the influence of "Spectrum" in Yandex. It may turn out that for your topic “Spectrum” left not 10 places in the TOP, but only 1 or 2 - competition for them is intensifying. There are also queries for which it is necessary to display in the TOP informational articles, but a page with commercial information will not work.
  6. Attention, advertising and sorcerers! In competitive topics, the search results may contain a lot of Direct advertising and sorcerers, which shift the search results much lower and reduce the return on being in the TOP. An example of such a request: “buy air tickets” (see the screenshot below and try to find organic results on the screen).

How many queries should the semantic core include?

The maximum possible number - ideally, all queries that are in your topic and suitable for you (that is, your site can actually answer these queries).

As a rule, small and medium-sized sites have semantic core from several hundred to thousands of requests. Large projects can be promoted through tens and hundreds of thousands of requests.

For example, our blog about website promotion, the site receives hits from search engines for more than 2,000 different queries per month.

An example of a simple semantic core for an SEO blog

This example is educational and reflects the essence of the group, but is not the real core of any project.

How can you collect a semantic core?

  1. Copy from competitors. IN in this case 2-3 competitor sites are selected and through special programs information is pumped out regarding what queries their sites are in the TOP 10. For example, you can get such information for free through the Seopult.ru service. As competitor sites, you can choose the most popular sites in the topic or the sites of companies whose product range is as close as possible to your project.
    Advantages of the method: saving time on creating a semantic core, relative simplicity and free of charge.
    Disadvantages of this method: a large number of“garbage” requests, the received data will need to be filtered and further processed, there is a risk of copying the mistakes of competitors. Queries that for some reason were not selected or found by competitors will not be lost in the semantics.
  2. Promote queries close to the TOP. Website promotion for queries whose positions are close to the TOP. This method Suitable only for old sites that were previously promoted. Through the systems from point 1, information is collected on which queries the project is in the TOP-30 and these queries are included in the semantic core.
    Advantages of the method: saving the customer’s time and budget. Faster return on promotion.
    Disadvantages of the method: this approach allows you to collect minimal amount requests. In the future, the semantic core needs to be expanded. There is no guarantee that all requests received will be effective for the client’s business.
  3. Create a semantic core from scratch. Semantics is formed based on a deep analysis of queries that can be used to search for promoted goods, services or information.
    Advantages of the method: collecting the maximum number of requests for the most effective promotion.
    Disadvantages of the method: long and expensive.

Stages of compiling a semantic core for a website from scratch

  1. Project Analysis. As part of the analysis, it is necessary to compile a complete list of services, product categories or types of information presented on the client’s website. At this stage, the company's potential client is also analyzed. For example, if a company wants to sell products in the premium segment, there is no point in offering queries with the word “cheap” for promotion. It’s best to write everything down on a piece of paper; even better, create tables in Excel.
  2. Brainstorm. At this stage, the project team compiles a list of queries that, in the opinion of team members, can be used to search for each product, service or type of information on the client’s website. You can involve the client and third-party people not related to SEO in brainstorming and ask them questions about how they will search for this or that information on the Internet - what queries to ask, etc. People are very different and sometimes they look for information based on queries that no specialist can guess! It is useful to study the texts on the client’s and competitors’ websites - as a rule, they contain parts search queries, different names of the same products - that is, essentially all combinations of words and phrases by which they can be searched through search engines.
  3. Pumping search queries from other sources At the end of the article there will be links to the most useful programs to solve this problem):
    • Statistics of requests in Yandex and Google;
    • Search tips in search engines;
    • Statistics of transitions to the site from search engines (if the site has traffic);
    • Key queries from competitors;
    • Pastukhov's database contains about 800 million queries asked by search engine users. The database is constantly updated and supplemented. Paid.
  4. Filtering requests, removing duplicates and “empty” phrases. At this stage, lists of requests received from different sources are combined. Duplicates and “empty” requests are removed from this list. Phrases are considered such if when entering them in quotation marks in search engine statistics systems, a zero frequency is given. Learn more about determining request frequency.
  5. Grouping requests. At this stage, from all requests, groups are selected for promotion separate sections and website pages. If your site does not have suitable pages for promotion for certain groups of queries, such pages need to be created.
  6. Think again. Sometimes it is useful to rest for 1-2 days after creating a semantic core and return to this issue again - take a look at the whole collected information with a fresh look. Sometimes new ideas appear on how else people search for information through search engines - and it turns out to expand the semantic core.

Semantic core testing

When you have selected the semantic core for the site, it is advisable to test it. This can be done by running a test advertising campaign in system contextual advertising. This is expensive, but it will allow you to identify the most effective queries and possibly weed out queries that do not bring in big sales.

You can read more about semantic core testing in the article Five reasons to buy contextual advertising.

Development of site semantics

Having collected the semantic core once, you cannot leave it unchanged. New products appear, new requests appear, and old ones lose relevance. Therefore, at least once every six months to a year, it is necessary to update the semantic core and connect new queries to promotion, and exclude old ones that have lost their relevance from promotion.

In the comments, you can ask questions about how to create a semantic core - we will help and answer if possible.

Useful sites and services for selecting a semantic core:

  • Wordstat.yandex.ru – a tool for viewing query statistics in Yandex;
  • Rush-analytics.ru - the service allows you to collect large kernels based on Yandex.Wordstat data and collection of search tips in Yandex and Google. They give nice bonus when registering in the system.
  • Topvisor.ru - a service that allows you to automatically group queries from the semantic core. You can set the grouping precision, which affects the number of requests in one group.
  • Advse.ru is a tool that allows you to see what queries competitors are displaying contextual advertising for (you can promote for the same queries)
  • Pastukhov bases – huge base requests to the Yandex search engine, at the time of writing, consisted of 800 million requests.
  • Seopult.ru is a tool that allows you to see the positions of your website or competitors in search results for free. To view positions, you need to register in the system, create a project and reach the selection stage keywords.

Selecting a semantic core is important stage in promoting each portal on the Internet. Perhaps few people know that correctly selected keywords increase the effectiveness of an advertising campaign and increase the number of targeted transitions. However, this is far from the most important thing: high-quality optimization only has a positive effect on the ranking of a resource, and this is the main task of every SEO optimizer.

What do you need to know at the very beginning?

Have you decided to promote your portal to the top 10 or have you decided to make drastic changes in the site’s categories? Then you should start taking action by collecting keys that will give you hints for further actions. What is the semantic core? How do you need to collect keys for a website and what should they be for high-quality promotion? You will need to understand these concepts in detail in order to be able to create a good SEO-optimized website.

What is the semantic core?

This is a certain series of words, morphological forms and phrases that reflect the meaning of the entire portal, and its sections in particular. To put it simply, the semantic core is a semantic text extract, its quintessence. Keywords perfectly characterize the type of activity of the company, present its products or services, and are also bait for search engines. What does this mean? If your site uses phrases that users often type in a search engine, then the robot will be more likely to show your site on the first pages, which means the chance to increase target audience is only increasing.

Where does it all begin?

Each page of the portal has its own keywords, which are directly involved in compiling the semantic core. Typically, the NA of a page has its own main keyword, and most often it is high-frequency, and all other keywords only complement it, while improving the relevance of the text. This central key query has highest frequency occurrences in the text, and additional keys are only ranked in descending order.

How is the SY going to happen?

Have you decided to find out how to create a semantic core? Then you should immediately know that the correct formation of the strategic language will directly determine the further result of promoting the resource, its ranking for search queries and further traffic growth. Compiling a semantic core directly affects the effectiveness of the strategy selected by the SEO optimizer. Keys are the foundation on which the subsequent promotion of the resource is built.

Large portals may have a couple of hundred keywords at their disposal, and small Internet sites (for example, business cards) may have a couple of keys.

All key queries are divided into three types:

  • high frequency;
  • mid-frequency;
  • low frequency.

Frequency tells us how often certain words are used by users when searching for certain information.

More details about the keys

It’s worth mentioning right away that low-frequency keywords can significantly increase conversion, while bringing in a 100% suitable target audience. Yes, a novice SEO optimizer is unlikely to be able to achieve this, but for a professional this is a mere trifle.

High-frequency keywords enrich the meaning of the text (for example, the phrase “order SEO”), and mid-frequency keywords only serve as clarification (for example, the phrase “order SEO in Kiev”), but low-frequency keywords clarify your request as much as possible (for example, the phrase “order SEO in Kyiv is inexpensive"). Low-frequency keywords are used in practice less often than high-frequency or mid-frequency keywords, because queries from the list low frequency words appear in the system quite rarely, happens up to 10 times a month. However, it is LF that brings 100% of the target audience to your portal. The correct semantic core should take into account all the keywords when collecting in order to create a competitive page. If you look at the number of keys on a particular portal, then sites can be conditionally divided into highly competitive, moderately competitive, and low competitive.

Some nuances worth knowing about

The most important thing to know before creating a semantic core is that the SL should include queries with different frequencies. You won’t be able to create a popular portal with high-frequency engines alone, as you simply won’t receive enough traffic.

Before creating a semantic core, try to put into practice associative keys, various synonyms and euphemisms. This is necessary to create relevant, interesting and attention-grabbing text, because only good content will bring views.

Before assembling the semantic core, you should not forget that the keys must correspond to the size of the text, without exceeding acceptable standards. Readability of the text - required condition to promote the portal! Long gone are the days when everything was decided only by keywords and their number; now search engines value more informative, relevant descriptions aimed at a person. If we talk about any numbers, then in the total amount in the text there should be no more than 7% of keywords for the entire volume.

What approaches should be used to create a strategic language?

At first glance, the work of an SEO optimizer may seem simple: it takes a list of the most popular queries and writes texts for the site based on them. Or you can take less popular search phrases, but add the word “buy”. This approach is no longer relevant, and here's why.

The main disadvantage is that you need to spend a lot of effort on promotion in the area of ​​the highest competition, because other companies thought of this earlier and have already brought the idea to life, and competitors are still trying to do the same thing.

Therefore, we can conclude that lists with the words “air conditioners” and “buy air conditioners” will simply go nowhere and will not pay off in any way. Yes. In contextual advertising, transitions will cost a lot of money, but in search engine optimization Getting a site into the top 10 can take many months, if not years. Then what to do in the end? How not to go broke on promotion?

Kernels should be implemented using a smart approach. The gist of it is that you distribute Various types requests in different proportions. This is the only way to get more customers and visitors at a low cost.

What collection tools are there?

You have already learned how to create a correct semantic core. Now it’s worth talking about information collection tools. They are divided into free and paid, PC programs and online services.


  1. "Yandex Wordstat". It allows you to set the number of requests per last month according to the entered keyword.
  2. "Google Trends". The most popular trends from a month ago are demonstrated.
  3. "Wordstat Rambler". It operates on the same principle as Yandex Wordstat.
  4. Google Keyword Planner. The product differs from domestic tools in that it can not only determine the ranking of a keyword, but also obtain estimates of their effectiveness based on given bid and budget values, and forecasts. It is worth remembering that the program is aimed only at Google users, and therefore should only be used when optimizing for Google.

Programs for collecting and analyzing information regarding FL:

  1. Google Analytics. The utility allows you to obtain information about queries based on keywords. The efficiency of work is guaranteed by the connection of Google Analytics with the webmaster panel.
  2. "Yandex.Metrica". This application provides a list of keywords that bring clients to the portal (or brought them).
  3. LiveInternet. The resource collects most of the information based on keywords. For better efficiency, the program is often combined with analytical and Google.

Paid programs for the semantic core with ready-made key databases:

  1. "Topvisor". This is an online service that allows you to collect FL, but it is not the best on the market. Pros: you can configure it in such a way that information will be collected from Yandex.Metrica, and in automatic mode everything will be grouped under existing pages, thereby increasing the efficiency of the portal. The program also displays statistics on five competitors for queries, and for a fee - on ten competitors.
  2. Key Collector. The semantic core will be created to be functional and as efficient as possible.
  3. UP Base. This is a good program that includes parsing for four topics. The main advantage: there is both a Russian and an English database of keywords.
  4. "Mutagen". This is an online keyword database. The service is easy to use and will help you create a high-quality semantic core.
  5. Base of Max Pastukhov. This is a wide database of keywords, which can make the creation of a semantic core super efficient, without the need for analysis.
  6. Prodvigator.ru. This is an online service designed for analytics and collecting information on competitors. Unfortunately, clustering the semantic core is extremely inconvenient for them.
  7. Wordtracker. This tool is designed to work with English versions of portals. It is paid, but there is also a free trial version. You can create an example of a semantic core to see whether the tool suits you or not.
  8. CS Yazzle. This multifunctional program with twenty-seven tools that allow you to create an excellent SYNOPSIS, promote and promote the portal. Create an example of a semantic core with this utility and see its usefulness.
  9. Keyword Tool. This free service, presented as an alternative Google AdWords. You do not need an account to use the service.

Creating a good semantic core of a text is a complex process that requires effort and labor. Free databases allow you to effectively form FL without difficulty, the main thing is to understand how to use them correctly. If you try, you can create a semantic core for free, however paid versions have a few more features, so it’s better to use them first in order to be guaranteed to get the target audience you need. It is difficult to select the best one among the programs; this is already chosen on an individual basis. There are free trial periods in each utility, therefore it is recommended to try each one, familiarize yourself with the capabilities of all applications, and then choose the one you like.

What types of search queries are there?

It is impossible to correctly compose the semantic core of a store if you do not understand the following. They are:

  • Are common.
  • Informational.
  • "Hot."
  • "Searching for competitors."
  • Specific.
  • Typos.

Now it’s worth looking at each type of request separately.

Are common

This is a generic name for something. For example, “doors”, “cars”. It is not at all necessary to take into account that a person wants to purchase something; perhaps he just needs reference Information regarding a particular product.

Yes, some users entering such queries still want to make a purchase, but clients, seeing a lot of off-topic articles, try to immediately narrow down their search. The second time they enter queries more accurately and specifically.

If we talk about numbers, the percentage of buyers in relation to those interested and “passers-by” is different. In rare cases, it is more than half, but in reality it is only a third of the total number of users, or even less. Therefore, there is a huge dropout. If you have a small company, then the dropout rate can be 70-90% of the users who enter such a request.

Don't forget: the competition is simply enormous for such requests. It will be extremely difficult to get to the top, although nothing is impossible.


These are queries in a search engine that provide background information on a particular product, event, service, and maybe even an industry. Requests are not directly selling, they only give necessary information for thought and show search engines that the portal is relevant to the “topic” of the product, service or event. In other words, the system “sees” that there is a necessary information, which answers user questions. For example, “price for servicing car X”, “design of industrial machine Y” and so on.

Yes, among such users there will be simply interested people and “passers-by”, but their percentage of potential buyers will not be so large if we remember the general requests.

In the case of information requests, it is important to select the appropriate phrases that the potential buyer needs to make a decision about what the future is modeling. A person must imagine how he will use the purchase, how his life will change. If the user is not able to imagine such moments, then he may well refuse to purchase. Therefore, information requests are an excellent basis for future sales; the main thing is to separate the correct information requests from requests like “how to make N yourself.”


These are low-frequency or mid-frequency queries. They always have clarification: location, characteristics, sales parameters, and so on. As soon as the user enters a specific request, he is thinking about purchasing, and most importantly, he consciously narrows the search to the model or offer he requires.


These requests state that the person wants to make a purchase. The buyer enters “buy”, “price” and other qualifying words. In this case, the user does not think about whether he needs the product, he already knows what he wants to buy, all that remains is to find a place where he can buy what he needs.

Hot requests are very expensive, sometimes even costing more than general requests. However, the influx of customers will be maximum, and it will all pay off, the main thing is to compare costs and profits. If future income covers expenses, then you should think about hot requests; if attraction is expensive, then you should look for a different type of promotion.

"Search for competitors"

If a person enters the name of a competitive company, then most likely the user is interested in your competitor’s product/service. If you compete, it means that you operate in the same market and offer comparable services/products. So why not invite the user to find out what you have? Loyal customers will not leave the company, so you don’t have to worry about “taking away customers.” If a person is dissatisfied with a deal with a competitor or is still choosing, then why not offer him an alternative? The most important thing is to remain respectful of competing companies and not promise what the client will never receive.


It happens that people, due to inattention or hastily introduce search bar queries with errors, but at the same time they want to get a relevant result. Search engines usually correct errors, but if the typo is rare, search engines may not find results and report this to the user. Then the person will try again, but correct the errors and get to the search results page for the desired request. So, if at the time of a typo your website appears, can you imagine how you can increase your chances of getting a client? Actually 100%. Yes, the traffic is small in volume and laborious, but it is actually free and effective.

We exclude non-targeted requests

In linguistics, along with thematic targeted queries, there are also a lot of related ones. This is especially noticeable when there is high competition in the market. Yes, related queries will bring in less traffic, but they still have a positive impact on sales. Now everything is changing, and it’s worth focusing on targeted queries. Most users, going to the portal for an untargeted request, actually leave it immediately. It's not good, but it's not bad either. However, now the irrelevance of a page can harm the portal’s positions, because search engines analyze user behavior, and if he did not find what he was looking for, then the resource for the search query will most likely be lowered. Such results can harm behavioral metrics, so it is better to stop using them now. related queries at all.

Expanding SY

Expanding your network is an excellent opportunity to increase traffic, however, this should be done not through high-frequency requests, but through low-frequency ones. A large SA can bring significant traffic from the target audience to the portal, but the number of requests should not in any way interfere with the quality. Don't be afraid of long queries, as they provide the most information about users.

Let's give an example. It is difficult to imagine what exactly can be offered to a person who types the word “banks” into a search engine. Perhaps he is looking for a bank for a loan, or he needs glass containers. It is much easier to understand what the user is interested in if he enters “the best banks in Moscow for 20-year mortgages” into the search engine. In addition, promotion using low-frequency words will cost much less. Some sites don’t even make sense to include HF requests, because their activities are narrowly focused.

What's happening with Every year their number is steadily falling. This is all due to the fact that it is not easy to promote portals for HF requests, because the competition is enormous. HF queries also contain one or two words, and the average length of user queries is approximately five words. The difficulty is that the SA needs to be increased monthly, and it is better to do this more often. Where can you get so many low frequency queries? It is necessary to conduct market analysis and competitor statistics.

What should not be forgotten when compiling the SYNOPSIS?

  • ABOUT mobile traffic. The share of sales via mobile phone is constantly growing, and there are no prerequisites that the situation will change. Simple programs will help you understand what queries bring tablet and smartphone owners to the portal. The thing is that customers who prefer to use the Internet through mobile devices construct their offers somewhat differently. Their behavior on the site is different, so this market also needs to be studied and corrected.
  • About social networks. Promotion through social networks is a trend that will not disappear in the near future. Social networks are a convenient platform for monitoring brands, problems, and topics that concern customers. There are even special services, which allows you to identify popular queries on social networks.
  • About competitors. Analysis of key queries from competitors’ portals is useful information, which will allow you to create a useful and unique SYNOPSIS for promoting your website.

How to correctly compose the SA?

The process of developing a strategic language is not easy, but you can apply some universal stages in your work:

  • Studying the specifics of the niche. You will need to set aside time to study the business or topic of the project. Create a table of queries that relate to business.
  • Initial development of the portal structure. A primary site frame is created, where all the key pages are indicated.
  • Primary collection of keywords. We get an array of keys with which we will need to carry out further work.
  • Analysis of key queries from competitors. Analyze the structure of your competitors' websites.
  • Keyword analysis. Analyze all collected keywords, remove unnecessary ones or expand the list.
  • Finalizing the site structure. Work on the formation of the site structure is being completed, and the portal’s SYNOPSIS can be developed.
  • Clustering of the semantic core. Keywords are grouped into clusters.

Any final words?

Composing an effective and efficient SL is not an easy task. Everything directly depends on the theme of the site, the uniqueness of the products offered, and the quality of services. You will always need to take into account the competitive environment, cost of conversion, CTR parameters, and so on. That is why portal promotion should be entrusted to professional SEO specialists who already know how to assemble a semantic core, and will first conduct an in-depth analysis of the market, and the site in particular, and then select the necessary tools for promotion.

Before the beginning SEO promotion you need to create a semantic core of the site - a list of search queries that are used when searching for the goods or services we offer potential clients. All further work is internal optimization and work with external factors(purchase of links) are carried out in accordance with the list of requests determined at this stage.

The final cost of promotion and even the expected level of conversion (number of calls to the company) also depend on the correct collection of the core.

The more companies promote using the chosen word, the higher the competition and, accordingly, the cost of promotion.

Also, when choosing a list of queries, you should not only rely on your ideas about what words your potential clients use, but also trust the opinion of professionals, because not all expensive and popular queries have high conversion and promoting some of the words directly related to your business may simply be unprofitable, even if it is possible to achieve the ideal result in the form of TOP-1.

A correctly formed semantic core, all other things being equal, ensures that the site is confidently in the top positions search results for a wide range of requests.

Principles for compiling semantics

Search queries are formed by people - potential site visitors, based on their goals. Keep up with mathematical methods statistical analysis, embedded in the algorithm of work of robots - search engines, it is difficult, especially since they are continuously refined, improved, and therefore change.

Most effective way cover the maximum number of people when forming the semantic core of the site possible requests- this is to look at it as if from the position of a person making a search request.

The search engine was created to help a person quickly find the most suitable source of information for a search query. The search engine is focused primarily on quick way narrow down to several dozen most suitable answer options for the key phrase (word) of the request.

When forming a list of these keywords, which will be the basis of the site’s semantics, the circle of its potential visitors is actually determined.

Stages of collecting the semantic core:

  • First, a list of the main key phrases and words found in the information field of the site and characterizing its target orientation. In this case, you can use the latest statistical information about the frequency of requests in the direction in question from the search engine. In addition to the main variants of words and phrases, it is also necessary to write down their synonyms and variants of other names: washing powder - detergent. The Yandex Wordstat service is perfect for this work.

  • You can also write down the components of the name of any product or subject of the request. Very often, queries include words with typos, misspellings, or simply spelled incorrectly due to the lack of literacy of a large part of Internet users. Taking this feature into account can also attract additional resources from site visitors, especially if any new names appear.
  • The most common queries, also called high-frequency queries, rarely lead a person to the site they are looking for. Low-frequency queries, that is, queries with clarification, work better. For example, the request Ring will return one top, and piston ring will provide more specific information. When collecting, it is better to focus on such requests. This will attract target visitors, that is, for example, potential buyers, if this is a commercial site.
  • When compiling a list of keywords, it is also advisable to take into account widespread slang, the so-called folk, which have become generally accepted and stable names for some objects, concepts, services, etc., for example, cell phone - mobile phone - mobile phone - mobile phone. Taking into account such neologisms in some cases can provide a significant increase in the target audience.
  • In general, when compiling a list of keys, it is better to initially focus specifically on the target audience, that is, those website visitors for whom the product or service is intended. The core should not contain a little-known name of an item (product, service) as the main option, even if it needs to be promoted. Such words will be found extremely rarely in queries. It is better to use them with clarifications or use more popular similar names or analogues.
  • When the semantics are ready, it should be passed through a series of filters to remove clogging keywords, which means that they bring the wrong target audience to the site.

Taking into account the semantics of associated queries

  • To the initial list of the semantic core, compiled from the main keys, a number of auxiliary low-frequency keys should be added, which may include important but not taken into account words that did not come to mind when compiling it. The search engine itself will help you with this. When you repeatedly type key phrases from the list on a topic, the search engine itself offers for consideration options for frequently occurring phrases in this area.
  • For example, if the phrase “computer repair” is entered, and then the second query is a matrix, then the search engine will perceive them as associated, that is, interconnected in meaning, and will provide various frequently occurring queries in this area to help. With such key phrases you can expand the original semantics.
  • Knowing a few main words from the core, with the help of a search engine it can be significantly expanded with associated phrases. In the event that a search engine does not produce an insufficient number of such additional keys, you can obtain them using the methods of a thesaurus - a set of concepts (terms) for a specific subject from the same conceptual area. Dictionaries and reference books can help here.

Logic circuit selection of semantics for the site

Formation of a list of requests and their final editing

  • The key phrases that make up the semantics generated in the first two steps require filtering. Among such phrases there may be useless ones, which will only make the core heavier, without bringing any tangible benefit in attracting the target audience of site visitors. Phrases obtained by analyzing the target orientation of the site and expanded using associated keys are called masks. This is an important list that allows you to make the site visible, that is, when a search engine operates, in response to a request, this site will also be displayed in the list of suggested ones.
  • Now you need to create lists of search queries for each mask. To do this, you will need to use the search engine that this site is oriented to, for example, Yandex, Rambler, Google, or others. The created list for each mask is subject to further editing and cleaning. This work is carried out based on clarification of the information posted on the site, as well as the actual search engine ratings.
  • Cleaning consists of removing unnecessary, uninformative and harmful requests. For example, if the list of a building materials website includes phrases with the words “course work,” then it should be removed, since it is unlikely to expand the target audience. After cleaning and final editing, you will get a version of actually working key queries, the content for which will promote the site into the zone of so-called visibility for search engines. In this case, the search engine will be able to show the internal links of the site desired page from the semantic core.

Summarizing all of the above, we can briefly say that the semantics of a site is determined by the total number of search engine query formulations used and their total frequency in the statistics of hits for a specific query.

All work on the formation and editing of semantics can be reduced to the following:

  1. analysis of the information posted on the site, the goals pursued by the creation of this site;
  2. compiling a general list of possible phrases based on site analysis;
  3. generating an extended version of keywords using associated queries (masks);
  4. generating a list of query options for each mask;
  5. editing (cleaning) the list to exclude unimportant phrases.

From this article you learned what the semantic core of a website is and how it should be compiled.

In addition to the site, it is important to know how to use it correctly with maximum benefit for internal and external website optimization.

A lot of articles have already been written on the topic of how to create a semantic core, therefore, within the framework of this article, I want to draw your attention to some features and details that will help you use the semantic core correctly, and thereby help promote an online store or website . But first, I’ll briefly give my definition of the semantic core of the site.

What is the semantic core of a site?

The semantic core of a site is a list, set, array, or collection of keywords and phrases that are requested by users (your potential visitors) in search engine browsers to find information of interest.

Why does a webmaster need to create a semantic core?

Based on the definition of the semantic core, there are a lot of obvious answers to this question.

It is important for online store owners to know how potential buyers are trying to find the product or service that the online store owner wants to sell or provide. The position of the online store in search results directly depends on this understanding. The more consistent the content of an online store is with consumer search queries, the closer the online store is to the TOP of search results. This means that the conversion of visitors into buyers will be higher and of better quality.

For bloggers who are actively involved in monetizing their blogs (moneymaking), it is also important to be in the TOP of search results on topics relevant to the content of the blog. Increase search traffic brings more profit from impressions and clicks from contextual advertising on the site, impressions and clicks on advertising units of affiliate programs and increased profit from other types of earnings.

The more original and useful content a site has, the closer the site is to the TOP. Life exists primarily on the first page of search engine results. Therefore, knowing how to create a semantic core is necessary for SEO of any website or online store.

Sometimes webmasters and online store owners wonder where to get high-quality and relevant content? The answer comes from the question - you need to create content in accordance with key user requests. The more search engines consider your site's content to be relevant to users' keywords, the better for you. By the way, this is where the answer to the question arises - where to get a variety of content topics? It's simple - by analyzing user search queries, you can find out what they are interested in and in what form. Thus, having created the semantic core of the site, you can write a series of articles and/or descriptions for the products of the online store, optimizing each page for a specific keyword (search query).

For example, I decided to optimize this article for the key query “how to make a semantic core”, because competition in this request lower than for the query “how to create a semantic core” or “how to create a semantic core”. Thus, it is much easier for me to get to the TOP of search engine results for this query absolutely free methods promotion.

How to create a semantic core, where to start?

There are a number of popular online services for compiling a semantic core.

The most popular service, in my opinion, is the statistics of Yandex keywords - http://wordstat.yandex.ru/

With help of this service you can collect the vast majority of search queries in various word forms and combinations for any topic. For example, in the left column we see statistics on the number of requests not only for the key phrase “semantic core”, but also statistics on various combinations of this key phrase in different conjugations and with dilution and additional words. In the left column we see statistics search phrases, which were searched along with the key phrase “semantic core”. This information can be valuable, at least as a source of topics for creating new content relevant to your site. I also want to mention one feature of this service - you can specify the region. Thanks to this option, you can more accurately find out the number and nature of the search queries you need for the desired region.

Another service for compiling a semantic core is statistics of Rambler search queries - http://adstat.rambler.ru/

On my subjective view, this service can be used when there is a battle to attract every single user to your site. Here you can clarify some low-frequency and long tail queries; user requests for them range from approximately 1 to 5-10 per month, i.e. very little. I’ll immediately make a reservation that in the future we will consider the topic of classification of keywords and the features of each group from the point of view of their application. Therefore, I personally rarely use these statistics, usually in cases where I am working on a highly specialized site.

To form the semantic core of the site, you can also use the hints that appear when entering a search query in the search engine’s browser.

And another option for residents of Ukraine to add to the list of keywords for the semantic core of the site is to view site statistics on - http://top.bigmir.net/

Having selected the desired section topic, we look for open statistics of the most visited and relevant site

As you can see, the statistics of interest may not always be open; as a rule, webmasters hide them. However, as additional source keywords may also work.

By the way, a wonderful article by Globator (Mikhail Shakin) will teach you how to beautifully arrange the entire list of keywords in tabular form in Excel - http://shakin.ru/seo/keyword-suggestion.html There you can also read about how to make semantic core for English-language projects.

What to do next with the list of keywords?

First of all, to create a semantic core, I recommend structuring the list of keywords - dividing it into conditional groups: high-frequency (HF), mid-frequency (MF) and low-frequency (LF) keywords. It is important that these groups include keywords that are very similar in morphology and topic. The most convenient way to do this is in the form of a table. I do it something like this:

The top row of the table is high frequency (HF) search queries (written in red). I put them at the head of thematic columns, in each cell of which I sorted mid-frequency (MF) and low-frequency (LF) search queries as homogeneously as possible by topic. Those. I linked the most suitable groups of midrange and low frequency queries to each HF request. Each cell of mid and low frequency queries is a future article, which I write and optimize strictly for the set of keywords in the cell. Ideally, one article should correspond to one keyword (search query), but this is a very routine and time-consuming job, because there can be thousands of such keywords! Therefore, if there are a lot of them, you need to highlight the most significant ones for yourself, and weed out the rest. Also, you can optimize your future article for 2 - 4 mid and low frequency keywords.

For online stores, mid and low frequency search queries are usually product names. Therefore, there are no particular difficulties in internal optimization of each page of an online store, it’s just a long process. The longer it is, the more products there are in the online store.

I have highlighted in green those cells for which I already have articles ready, i.e. I won’t get confused with the list of finished articles in the future.

I will tell you how to optimize and write articles for a website in one of the future articles.

So, having made such a table, you can have a very clear idea of ​​how you can create the semantic core of a site.

As a result of this article, I want to say that here we have to some extent touched on the details of the issue of promoting an online store. Surely, after reading some of my articles about promoting an online store, you came up with the idea that compiling the semantic core of a site and internal optimization are interrelated and interdependent activities. I hope that I was able to argue the importance and priority of the issue - how to make a semantic core site.

Good afternoon , dear readers of my SEO blog and its search engine visitors who are looking for a detailed manual on selecting keywords for their web resource.- this is the basis of the work of every SEO specialist and blogger in internal optimization, the foundation for successful search engine promotion of a website or blog. Without selecting keywords, goals will not be achieved, be it selling goods or services, offering and selling information products, or simply monetizing to make a profit through advertising. And if your semantic core is not composed correctly, although you invest large resources in search engine promotion landing pages to get traffic, visitors from search engines should not be expected. They simply won’t find your blog because it won’t be on the first two pages in the search results area (top 20) - you are creating posts and site pages for the wrong key queries. Therefore, I made this manual for you, where the principles of search, as well as the rules for estimating the cost of promotion, are explained in detail and clearly with an example. All materials have been personally tested based on my own experience, everything works great - my technique is suitable for both beginner SEOs and bloggers. I am sure that after studying this manual you will no longer have the question of how to create a semantic core for your blog.

To see all the routine work in compiling the semantic core of the site, we will select the right keywords for computer online store. Of course for large store the core can consist of a thousand keywords or more. Therefore, in this example, we will consider a small range of keywords. The main thing is to understand the very principle of selecting website keywords.

1. Analysis of the site's subject matter

The purpose of the first stage of compiling a semantic core is search for initial list of queries . Here we analyze the scope of application of this site - we find a set of phrases that allow us to describe the activities of this web resource, its tasks and options for their implementation. We must predict and collect into one whole those words and phrases by which potential visitors will search for your site.

1.1 Initial list of phrases on the subject of the site.

If the site has not yet been created or is in the process of being written, then we compile an initial list of words and phrases that describe this area. These phrases can be taken from the customer, for whom we are creating a semantic core. If the customer does not know them or is simply not so interested or important to him (this also happens), then we will have to look at thematic sites in the same area and select those words and terms that are typical for each site we have considered. Trying to consider which ones will be useful for work and which ones will not is not necessary at this stage. Our task is to collect all thematic phrases from these web resources. Typically, such phrases tend to appear 3-10 times in the text, unlike common words.
If the customer’s website is already on the Internet, then you need to go through its sections and pages, reading various descriptions all kinds of goods or services. The principle of selecting phrases for the initial list is the same - we select everything that can describe the subject of a given web resource. After this, you should also go through competitive sites in this area and select additional phrases. Figure 1 shows the general scheme for searching key queries for the future semantic core.

Picture 1. Searching for Kernel Keywords

Now let’s create an initial list using an online store as an example. Let's assume that we don't have a customer website. Therefore immediately Let's turn to search engines to analyze our topics. Take, for example, the phrase “buy a computer.” We look at the top 10 in the Yandex system (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Providing first places for the keyword “buy a computer”

We select a site in the top ten best results area after the Yandex contextual advertising block. Direct. We look at its pages, headings, main page and write down thematic phrases (Figure 3).

Figure 3. We are looking for keywords for our core

Don't forget about keywords that can be registered in meta description tags and keywords and in title tag (Figure 4).

Figure 4.

1.2. Extended list of phrases

In addition to phrases that are suitable for the topic we need, we should add phrases that can expand the range of our initial list. We list the main sources of such phrases:

  • synonyms , which can expand both the list of keywords and supplement and diversify the text for better readability by visitors (for example, in our case, “computer” and “hardware”, “PC” are synonyms. Personally, I use the site service synonymizer.ru to search for synonyms - Figure 5);

Figure 5. On this site I am looking for synonyms

  • verbs, nouns and adjectives with a common root (for example, for our website, the words “computer” and “computer” have the same root);
  • terms , which describe not the topic itself, but the name of the site or its purpose (for example, in our case these are the words “store” or “online store”);
  • additional words , with the help of which we can generate various requests (for example, in our computer online store, the word “computer” may include additional words: “sale”, “buy”, “sale”, “buy”, etc.);
  • related terms , which can complement our thematic area of ​​the site for which the semantic core is being compiled (for example, for our computer store, the following phrases may be associated with the word “computers”: “components”, “laptop bag”, etc.);
  • clue words , or associative queries in search engines (such queries can be seen when you type a query in the search bar - Figure 6);

Figure 6. Hint words in the search query

  • slang, abbreviated, professional and erroneous names goods or services, terms from the topic for which a list of words for the semantic core is compiled (for example, in our case, the word “laptop” in search queries can be written as “notebook”, and “ motherboard” – as “motherboard”);

As you understand, compiling an extended list, like the initial one, is almost completely handmade. You have to consider different options and little things when choosing words for these lists. But it is precisely at this stage that you need to give your best, driving away all unnecessary thoughts and ordinary human laziness.

1.3. Formation of a list of requests.

After selecting additional words, need to make a list of requests (list of masks) for the semantic core of the site. Each term from the initial list can be combined with words from the extended list. Everything should be written down possible combinations into a separate table. If we see that some phrases are obviously unlikely for possible search queries, there is no need to enter them into this table. In Figure 7 you can see part of such a table for our example.

Figure 7. List of masks

2. Clearing the list

Now we need to clean up the keywords in the list of masks. For this it is necessary sort our list in descending order of the “frequency” parameter (the number of hits to the search engine of Internet users for a key query, i.e. this is a measure of its popularity).

2.1 Sorting requests by frequency.

What is it for? Each key request of the future semantic core of the site is potential traffic from the Internet. And the more visits there are to the landing page with this word, the more impressions and, accordingly, the greater the likelihood of completing a transaction (performing any action on the site page - for example, in our case, “buying a computer”). Therefore, knowing the expected number of visits, you can plan the number of potential visitors (in our case for a computer store, potential buyers).
To sort by frequency, you can use various resources, ranging from specialized programs(For example, paid programKeyCollector"or free" Sloboob”) and ending with various system services automatic promotion (SeoPult, WebEffector, Rookee ) and search engine services ( Wordstat Yandex and Google AdWords – Keyword Tool ). To sort keywords, the last two services are often used as the primary source of visit statistics. For our example, we will use the Yandex service. An excellent service for creating a semantic core.

2.2. Service Wordstat.yandex.ru

If you don’t yet know how to use Wordstat in your work, I suggest the following material:

To obtain the keyword frequencies of the mask list, you must perform the following steps:

a) go to keyword statistics and write the first phrase from the list of masks. If the website promotion will take place in a certain region, it is necessary to “specify the region”. After entering the key query, two columns with queries will appear. The left column shows a list of phrases, including our phrase and the number of impressions per month. IN right column you can see similar associative queries with their own frequencies, which can be used to add to the list of masks of the future kernel (Figure 8). We write down each keyword or phrase;

Figure 8. Checking the frequency of core keywords

b) after viewing all the phrases, you need to sort out those key queries whose frequency is greater than the frequency you defined (for example, for our online store we leave all queries whose frequency is greater than 40 - Figure 9);

Figure 9. Adjusting the list taking into account the specified frequency

c) now let’s look at the frequency of the exact occurrence of the key phrase. This is done as follows: we enclose the key query for which we want to know the number of impressions in quotation marks and put it in front of them Exclamation point(Figure 10);

Figure 10 . Checking the frequency of exact occurrences of keys phrases

d) after viewing all the key phrases from our modified table, we exclude words whose exact frequency is less than 10 (Figure 11). Such phrases are called dummy words. Due to the meager number of impressions, they will not bring traffic to landing pages. The result is a table forecasting website traffic for a month.

Figure 11 . Final adjustment of the list of key queries

3. Estimating the cost of request promotion

After you have adjusted the list by removing words with low frequency, you need to check what resources (mostly monetary) you need to spend to promote your landing pages in search engines. Estimate the cost of promotion can be based on the link value of each keyword on SEO aggregators (for example, Rookee, SeoPult). Let’s use the tools of the SeoPult service and see which keywords should be excluded due to high promotion costs.
Only registered users can work in this SEO aggregator. Therefore, we register and add new project(Figure 12).

Figure 12 .

If you are working on creating the semantic core of a web resource that is not yet in the search engine index, enter the address of any indexed site in the site url field. The main thing in this case is that the site you choose belongs to the same region for which we checked the frequency of keywords.
On the next page of our project, you need to correctly add the keys, select the number of positions in the top and click the button to calculate the projected cost of one transition from search engines (Figure 13).

Figure 13 . Steps to calculate budget by kernel keywords

The figure shows that a number of key queries have a higher conversion cost compared to other words. This suggests that these requests are highly competitive in its subject. That’s why they require such investments for successful promotion with external links. For landing pages with low-frequency keywords, words with a cost of no more than 5-10 rubles per click are suitable. Usually a competent person is enough internal linking and a couple external links to get these pages into the top 10.
Having looked through all the keywords from the list of masks in this way, high-, medium-, and low-competition requests should be grouped based on the numbers of the reference value of the phrase. Now you have a ready-made semantic core of the site. All that remains is to select landing pages for promotion, fill the pages unique content, optimize them and index them in search engines.


Let's summarize the above - we will have a short manual on how to compile a semantic core:

  1. We analyze the theme of the site. This analysis allows you to create an initial list of words that describe the theme and direction of your site.
  2. We supplement the initial list with various additional words (synonyms, terms, morphological changes in words, etc.)
  3. Compiling correct list requests.
  4. We clean up the semantic core, excluding dummy words and keywords whose number of impressions per month is less than a given value.
  5. We estimate the cost of promoting each keyword, creating lists of keywords with different competition levels.

This completes our little practice in selecting keywords for the kernel. As you can see, compiling a semantic core is, although labor-intensive, but not difficult. The main thing is to develop your own clear plan, make your own manual and stick to it.

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