What is the start button used for? Start button - Windows main menu

Computer is complicated electronic device. Until recently, we could not even imagine that this device would be in every home. At first, many users only played on it, but now there is a computer in every office and large enterprises. And it is not used there for games, but for serious work, which is simply impossible to do without it.

In factories, complex drawings of parts are made on a computer, with all the cuts and connections. In specialized printing houses, sketches of future books, newspapers and magazines are prepared on computers. In accounting departments, with the help of programs, they keep records of all Money. In general, the computer is used wherever possible, and the number of special programs for any field of activity is becoming more and more every year.

Even on your computer there are probably at least a dozen installed. If you display the shortcuts of all these programs on , then very soon it will be littered with these shortcuts, not to mention the folders and files that you yourself. Where else to take them, you ask? You can display only the most necessary programs on the desktop, and all other shortcuts to programs, documents and your settings are in the menu Start.

Any Windows operating system has a special menu called Start (Start), which is located at the bottom left of the desktop. This is the most important operating room menu Windows systems. It displays all the programs installed on your computer. From here you can go to special programs to configure the system, such as Control Panel, Service, Standard And Options.

Start menu items

This menu looks different on each operating system, but the functions are the same for all. In order to enter the Start menu, you need to left-click on the rectangular icon with a white window (in Windows 10, or round with a colored flag in Windows 7).

Default menu Start in Windows 10 it consists of two sections. On the left, a section with frequently used applications and a list installed programs V alphabetical order, and on the right are tiles.

I have a lot of these programs, so for viewing or searching the desired program I use the screen scroll, which is located on the right side of the window.

If you click on the user name, a window will pop up in which you can change the parameters account, block it, or exit it.

For now, I do not advise you to experiment with these settings. We'll talk about them later.

Icon Options serves to enter parameter settings. You can open them and see what they are. The third icon is used to turn off the computer, restart it, and go into sleep mode.

The tiles, which are on the right side of the Start menu, are applications and shortcuts for launching programs, organized into groups. If you click right click mouse over one of the tiles, a drop-down menu will open in which you can unpin this tile, change its size, pin it to the taskbar, run as administrator, go to the file location, or remove it from the menu. Tiles can be dragged from place to place with the mouse.

Group name tiles can be changed by left-clicking on the two stripes to the right of it.

In order to add a program to the tile panel, you need to click on the icon of the desired program in the right window of the Start menu and select the entry Pin to Start Screen.

Likewise, any tile can be unpinned.

Quick access to system settings via the Start button

If you right-click on the " Start", a menu will open with quick access to functions such as:

  • Programs and components
  • Power management
  • Event Viewer
  • System
  • device Manager
  • Network connections
  • Disk management
  • Computer management
  • Command line
  • Command Line (Administrator)
  • Task Manager
  • Control Panel
  • Conductor
  • Find
  • Execute
  • Shutting down or logging out
  • Desktop

We will consider all these functions separately, because... in one lesson this is simply not realistic and incomprehensible without special training.

Customizing the Start MenuWindows 10

In order to quickly go to the Start menu settings, you need to right-click on empty space desktop and select " Personalization».


Operating system - totality software, providing control of computer hardware and application programs, as well as their interaction with each other and the user.

Windows XP is an operating system with a graphical interface. A common feature of all Windows systems is the so-called window technology: for everyone application program a rectangular sector is allocated on the screen - window and all operations with this program are performed in this window. You can open multiple windows at the same time and switch between them with a simple mouse click. Windows may overlap each other. Programs developed for operating systems Windows type, are called Windows applications. Windows OS is an object-oriented environment (each application contains a collection of objects: files, folders, windows, command buttons, lists, checkboxes, etc.).

Peculiarities Windows environment

v standardization of the user interface;

v optimal memory management of tens of megabytes;

v connecting new external devices;

v function integration various applications;

v multitasking;

v use of multimedia (sound, video, animation, etc.);

v support for work in local networks and Internet networks.

The emergence of Windows gave rise to new concepts, sometimes replacing already known ones. The concept of a directory is being replaced folder , programs - application, file - document.

Folder – used to store files. A file is a named part of a disk intended for storing information.

The file format is usually associated with an extension in the name:

v pictures - .BMP, .PCX, .TIF;

v texts - .DOC;

v spreadsheets- .XLS;

v database - .MDB.

Document- any file processed using applications (programs). In OS Windows document may contain text, graphic, sound and video information.

Application– a set of programs or a program launched using files with the extension .exe and .com.

Interface– a set of tools and rules that ensure the interaction of devices, programs and people.

Graphic user interface – an interface where graphical means are used for interaction between a person and a computer.

GUI Windows is designed based on the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) principle.

The graphical interface implies the following:

v On the screen in graphical form controls for the OS and its applications are presented.

v The user has a device that allows him to select an item and change its state. (The mouse is used as such a device)

Windows Management

In Windows, most commands can be performed using the mouse. The active control element associated with the mouse is the mouse pointer. As you move the mouse, the pointer moves across the desktop and can be positioned on icons or program controls.

The main control techniques using the mouse are:

  • Click (click) – quickly pressing and releasing the left mouse button;
  • Double click– two clicks performed with a short time interval;
  • Right click – the same as click, but with the right button;
  • Drag and drop – performed by moving the mouse while holding down the left button (usually accompanied by moving display object, on which the pointer is installed), and the DRAG AND DROP principle is followed;
  • Mouse dragging - performed like dragging, but this does not move the screen object, but changes its shape;
  • Special drag and drop – performed like drag and drop, but with the right mouse button pressed;
  • Hovering - hovering the mouse pointer over an object icon or control and holding it for a while (usually a tooltip appears on the screen briefly characterizing the properties of the object).

Ending a session

Before finishing your work, close all windows and save any open documents. Shutdown operating system carried out using the command Start → Shut down computer or using the ALT+F4 key combination on the Desktop when no window is active. The Turn off computer dialog box will appear on the screen, containing a set of buttons. Click the button Shutdown .

You rarely need to manually restart your computer. A reboot may be required after installing some drivers to activate them. If your operating system has become unstable, causing applications to not work properly or causing frequent crashes, rebooting may solve the problem.

To reboot, open the dialog box Turn off computer(Start → Turn off computer) and click the button. If at this moment you hold down SHIFT key, then it won't happen full reboot computer, but only restart the graphical part of the operating system.

To forcefully quit the application, use the key combination CTRL+SHIFT+ESC (or CTRL+ALT+DELETE). The Manager window will open. Windows tasks. On the tab Applications contained full list performed tasks. If the operating system has detected that the application is not working, the column State will indicate: Not responding. This inscription is usually, although not always, true. To force quit an application, select it in the list and click on the button Cancel task. If the application is truly frozen, the operating system may issue dialog boxes With additional requests. If you insist on stopping the program, it will eventually be done. After this, you can continue working with other applications.

1. Purpose of the desktop

After the computer boots, the “Desktop” and “Taskbar” appear on the monitor. "Desktop" - starting Windows screen, which represents a system object. "Desktop" is a graphical environment on which objects and elements are displayed Windows management. In the initial state, you can see several screen icons and the Taskbar on the Desktop.

On the Taskbar, the user can place or create a shortcut for quick launch programs. In Fig. 1 shown standard Desktop.

IN Taskbars:

· in the central part there are task buttons, i.e. applications or documents that the user is working with in the current session;

· there is a button on the left side<Пуск>, clicking which will take you to the Main page Windows menu. From the Main Menu you can launch the applications listed there. Each menu item has its own icon and name. Some menu items are accompanied by an arrow indicating the presence of a submenu;

· on the right side of the Taskbar there is always a Display Panel, where the clock, calendar and keyboard indicator are displayed, showing or setting the keyboard to the English or Russian alphabet. User-created icons for various programs can also be located here.

Start button - Windows main menu

The main menu is a desktop control designed to quick access to programs, documents, settings and search tools, favorite folders and objects. For example, shutting down Windows is usually done using the Main Menu. The Windows XP operating system offers two options for presenting the Main Menu: a Windows XP-specific view or a “classic” view specific to previous versions Windows. Main

The menu opens by clicking on the Start button located on the left edge of the Taskbar.

The basic composition of the Main Menu is the same on all computers, although the names of some items change depending on the menu presentation:

1. All programs (Programs) - an item that allows access to all programs installed on the computer (provided that this installation was carried out with the knowledge and control of the Windows XP operating system).

2. Favorites - an item for quick access to the user’s individual folders, in which he can store favorite documents and objects, primarily addresses of Internet Web pages (designed for ease of use).

3. Recent documents (Documents) - an item that opens a list of the last 15 documents that were worked with on the computer. (designed for ease of use).

4. Setting - when classical performance The main menu is the main means of accessing the main operating system settings, hardware and basic Windows objects. When introducing Windows XP, the Control Panel and Network Connections commands are placed directly in the Main Menu.

5. Search (Find) - an item that provides access to automated data search tools.

6. Help and support - login help system Windows XP.

7. Execute - additional remedy launching programs using the interface command line(allows you to launch programs by specifying launch parameters).

8. Logout (End session) - this item allows you to terminate or suspend the work of one user and transfer the computer to another.

9. Shutdown (Turn off computer) - this item is designed to control shutdown or reboot of the computer.

The main menu is a customizable control. The user can enter new items into the Main Menu, delete and move some items and sub-items.

The special significance of the Main Menu is that it is available at almost any time, regardless of what programs are running and what documents are open. Numerous windows can obscure desktop objects and make it difficult to use folders, open documents, or launch programs. But the Start button and, accordingly, the Main menu are always at hand.

Context menu

When you press the right mouse button (RMB) and hover the pointer over any object (desktop, file, folder...) in Windows OS, as a rule, the context menu. For each group of objects of the same type it is the same. For example, the desktop context menu (Fig. 2) and “Trash” (Fig. 3). Using the context menu, you can quickly perform this or that action with the selected object, which is very convenient. All symbols accompanying the menu command name are standard.

· If there is an ellipsis next to a line in the menu, a dialog box will appear after selecting a command.

· The underlined letter is the “hot” key for this command.

· Grey colour name means that this command is in this moment not available.

· If there is a check mark in front of the name, then this command is a switch.

Rice. 2. Context menu Fig. 3. Contextual

Desktop menu Trash

Basic Windows principles

Modern technology development software products, including the Windows operating system, is based on the concept of object-oriented programming, which maintains a unified approach to data and programs.

The main concepts of the Windows environment are an object, its properties and the actions that the object can perform depending on the request. In an object-oriented environment, any object has a specific set of actions associated with it. The choice from this set of actions is determined by the goal.

When you intend to do something system environment Windows, you must follow the following sequence of actions:

Select (highlight) an object, i.e. left-click on the image of this object on the screen;

Then, from the set of actions that an object can perform, select the necessary one, for example, using a menu.

Object orientation Windows environment appears to the user immediately upon becoming familiar with the technology of working in it. By clicking on any RMB object, you get access to commands context menu ( Rice. 2, Fig. 3). The object's context menu provides the user with the ability to:

Get acquainted with the properties of this object. For example, if the object is a document, then you get information about what environment it was created in, how much disk space it takes up, where it is stored, who created it and when, etc.

Perform actions possible for this object by selecting the appropriate commands from this menu

Windows desktop – an area of ​​the screen on which windows can be displayed, icons for folders and main computer programs, and shortcuts to the most frequently used programs, documents, and printers can be placed.

Background - a pattern or image used in a graphical user interface can be saved in a bitmap file (.bmp, .jpg) designated to be displayed in the background of the screen

Screensaver – a moving graphic that hides the image on the screen and appears when the user does not use the mouse or keyboard for a specified period of time

Window - limited screen area

Pictogram – graphic designation of elements, actions

Shortcut – a reference to any element accessible on a computer or network, indicating the path to programs, files, folders, disks, WEB pages, printers or other computers. Indicated by a graphic icon with an arrow in the lower right corner.

Task bar - a shaded stripe at the bottom of the desktop. Contains the Start button, toolbars, tabs corresponding to open, minimized windows of documents, programs or folders.

Start button – designed to call the “Main Menu”, which displays a list of commands and shortcuts (links to files) for launching programs, calling help, opening previously downloaded documents, searching, system settings

Control Panel - is intended for setting up a computer. Allows you to add and remove programs, fonts, and hardware, configure settings for devices such as the mouse and modem, and select folder, display, and sound options

Quick Launch Toolbar – used to quickly launch programs and open files. This toolbar contains shortcuts to frequently used programs.

Icon “My Documents” – a folder in which documents, pictures and other files are saved for each user, including saved WEB pages that are not by default accessible to another user of this computer.

“My Computer” icon – the folder in which the contents of the floppy disk are displayed, hard drive, CD, as well as mapped network drives.

“Cart” icon – a folder for storing files, folders, WEB pages marked for deletion, which take up space on the disk before the cleanup command is executed, and which can be restored to their original location by the restore command.

Context menu - menu called up by clicking the alternative (right) mouse button. The composition of the commands depends on where you click on the object

System menu – a menu containing buttons for window control and program termination. The window menu icon is located on the left side of the window title bar

Window control buttons – located in the right top corner on the line with the window name and are intended for:

– minimizing the window

– enable/disable full screen mode

– closing the window

Menu Bar – contains standard items, the selection of which allows you to execute the corresponding program commands.

Toolbar Row – contains buttons (icons) intended for executing corresponding commands in the window.

Status line – displays the current state of objects in the program window.

Scroll bar - shaded stripes along the right and bottom borders of the window, intended for viewing the part of the window that is not included in the screen using the slider or scroll buttons

Main menu Start is the main link with programs, folders and computer settings. It starts with the press of a button Start on the taskbar or by pressing the logo key Windows on keyboard.

Using the menu Start You get the opportunity to perform the following tasks:

  • launching programs;
  • opening the most frequently used folders;
  • search for files, folders and programs;
  • setting up computer settings;
  • obtaining help on working with the Windows operating system;
  • turning off the computer;
  • Logging off a user's Windows session or switching to another user's account.

Windows 7 has many more program and file management options included in the menu Start. You can organize and customize it according to your needs.

Let's take a closer look at this component of the operating system.

Menu Start divided into three main sections.

1. On large panel A short list of frequently used computer programs is displayed on the left.

Clicking a menu item All programs You can display a complete list of installed programs

2. In the lower left corner there is a search field that allows you to search for programs and files on your computer using keywords.

3. The right pane provides access to the most frequently used folders, files, settings and key system properties.

Here you can end the user's session in Windows or turn off the computer.

Left panel frequently used programs on your computer will look completely different than what is shown in the screenshot. The fact is that while the user is working, the system counts the frequency of launching various applications and places them in left column menu Start programs with the highest "rating" of use. Try running it several times in a row specific application from the menu All programs– and its icon will appear in the menu Start instead of one of the previously available ones. Programs with more high frequency uses will gradually move to top part list.

But this does not mean that this menu area Start You cannot add program shortcuts permanently.
Top left menu column Start called fixed . The icons placed in it will always be there, regardless of the frequency of their use. By default, there are no items in the pinned area (unless the computer manufacturer has placed its programs there). You can add your own icons there and remove existing ones.

To place a program in the pinned area of ​​frequently used programs, right-click on its icon and select the command from the context menu Pin to Start Menu.

This trick will not work with folders and files; there is simply no such command in the context menu of these objects. To place them in this area, simply drag them onto the icon Start left mouse button and release the button.

If there is an arrow next to the program name on the left side of the Start menu, the app will display a Jump List, which you can use to open recently used documents and perform other actions.

The Start Menu Jump List differs from the Taskbar Jump List in that it lacks application control commands.

Below the frequently used programs panel there is a link to open the menu All programs.Now all navigation will be performed within the left column of the menu and you can use the scroll wheel or slider to select the desired program.

If you click one of the icons, the corresponding program and menu will launch Start will close. Inside the folders there are also programs, for example, if you click on the folder Standard, the panel will display a list of programs located in this folder. Click any program to launch it.

To return to the list of programs displayed when you first opened the menu Start, press the button Back at the bottom of the screen.

Search field, which appears in the lower left corner of the menu Start, allows you to search for installed programs and files located on your computer. According to the developers, it should become the main tool for launching programs, opening documents and for other purposes. In addition to programs and files, and control panel items, the search even extends email, contacts, meetings, etc.

And it should be noted that this function allows you to perform everyday operations much faster and more conveniently. Standard settings searches are quite successful, and most users do not need to change anything in them, especially if documents and files are stored in standard folders. The system will divide the search results into categories in the following order:

  • Programs
  • Control Panel
  • Documentation
  • Video
  • Images
  • Music
  • Files.

You can find results not only by name, but even by file extension. If you are in the menu search field Start enter the file extension, for example mp3 , then in the results of the left panel you can see all the files found with the extension you need.

If not all the results found are displayed, you can follow the link View more results. After clicking on this link it will open Windows Explorer with search results.

To delete search results and return to the main list of programs, click the button X, located on the right in the search field.

Searching in Windows 7 is really simple, but for clear and fast work search still requires some settings. This will help you set up your search: Windows tool 7 like Indexing Options.

Open menu Start and in the search field start typing indexing options .

As you can see, just starting to enter necessary word, Windows search 7 already done necessary work and all you have to do is click ENTER or left click on Indexing Options.

The system window will open Windows programs, in which you will be asked to make settings for indexing objects located in your system. Let's look in detail.

Right panel provides access to the most frequently used folders, files, settings and key system properties. The elements here are presented in the form of links, when you move your mouse pointer to the link at the top of the menu, an icon will appear in place of the user's picture of this object. By default, this panel only displays 10 links.

At the top of the panel there is a picture of the Logged-in User Account, clicking on which will open the Control Panel window user accounts.

Below is:

Username. Clicking this link will open the user profile folder, which contains all files and directories related to the user who is logged in. This folder contains personal files user, including the folders “My Documents”, “My Music”, “My Pictures” and “My Videos”, etc.

Documentation. In Windows 7, this command opens the Documents library. A library is a collection of folders with similar content that is displayed as a single unit.
By default, the Documents library includes two folders: the Documents folder from the profile current user and a folder with documents common to all users..

Images. Library storage graphic files. Like the Documents library, it consists of two folders: User Pictures and Shared Pictures.

Music. Library for storing music files. By default, it consists of two folders similar to the Documents and Images libraries.

Games. Opens the folder with games installed on the system.

Computer. The Computer window contains icons for disks and other devices in the system. It is an important system object; many actions to configure and use the computer will begin with it.

Control Panel. Contains links and icons to complete various actions on setting up your computer. Allows customization appearance and computer functions, add and remove programs, install network connections and manage user accounts.

Devices and printers. System folder, which displays those connected to the computer external devices: printers, scanners, cameras, players, etc.

Default programs. Selecting this item will open a window for selecting default applications for processing different types of files.

Help and support. Launches the Help and Support window, allowing you to find a variety of help information.

In addition to these 10 links available by default, you can add 10 more links to the panel:

Administration. A folder containing links to various administrative utilities, primarily useful for system administrators and experienced users.

Video. Library for storing video recordings. Opens the library Video, where you can save and play video files.

Home group. Command to open shared resources homegroup, if one has been created. Here you can view the files of other users who are part of the homegroup.

"Run" command. Opens the Run window, which in previous versions of Windows was used to launch various system utilities. In Windows 7, it is more convenient to use the search bar in the Start menu for these purposes.

Favorites menu. This menu displays the same items as Favorites Internet Explorer, but in fact these elements are located in the folder Favorites user profile.

Recent documents. When you select this item, a menu opens with shortcuts to the last 15 open documents. In Windows 7, it is more convenient to use Jump Lists to open recent documents.

Connection to. Opens a window that allows you to manage remote connections. In Windows 7, you can simply click on the network icon in the notification area to open this window.

Net. Folder through which you can access resources local network. Opens Windows Explorer with page Net, which provides easy access to computers and network devices. You can see the contents there network computers and look for open ones public access files and folders

TV recordings. A library for storing television recordings common to all computer users. Opens the library TV recordings, which is essentially a fork of the library Video. This library displays all TV recordings that have been opened on your computer.

Files for download. Opens a folder Downloads user profile. Here you will find all the files that have been downloaded from the Internet into this folder.

On the menu Start is very important button, namely the computer shutdown button.

I am sure you know that the computer should not be turned off haphazardly, but only as it should be.

In Windows 7, there is only one button to shut down your computer. To turn off the computer, just press this button. If you want to select another action related to user switching, user logout, system lock, reboot, sleep or hibernation, then click on the arrow next to this button and select the desired action.

But since Windows 7 has many customizable parameters, this button also has its own settings.

To get to these settings, right-click on the icon Start and in the context menu select the command Properties.

A dialog box will open.

The settings dialog has three tabs and will open in the settings tab by default Start Menu.

Button Tune is designed to customize the menu and allows you to enable or disable the display of individual elements.

The list contains a number of radio buttons and check boxes. By checking or unchecking the boxes, you can edit the Windows main menu. It is in this dialog box that you can enable or disable the links displayed in the right menu panel. For example, by checking the checkbox Home group You will add a link to this component in the right menu bar.

Please note that for most folders there are two display options: Display as menu And Display as link.

For example, set the switch to position Display as menu. Now your link will take on a slightly different appearance - an arrow will appear on the right and when you hover your mouse over the link, a multi-level menu will open.

Isn't it very convenient?

By scrolling down the list you will see other settings options. Some of them are enabled by default, some you can enable if necessary.

Below is a list of these parameters and their purpose:

Highlight recently installed programs. When checked in the menu All programs Shortcuts to recently installed programs will be highlighted to make them easier to find.

Search other files and libraries. This parameter allows you to configure search options in libraries from the search menu bar Start. The following options are possible:

  • Search in shared folders– public folders and personal folders of the user will be used for search;
  • Do not search in public folders - only the user’s personal folders will be used for searching;
  • Do not search—When this option is selected, libraries and other folders will not be searched.

Search Control Panel programs and features. When checked, the system will search for programs and Control Panel items after you enter text in the search bar. If you clear this checkbox, you will not be able to find shortcuts installed applications and Control Panel components using the search bar.

Large icons. If you clear this checkbox, small icons will be used to display frequently used programs.

Allow context menus and dragging of objects. This flag is checked by default, which allows you to call context menus and change menu contents All programs by dragging existing shortcuts with the mouse.

Expand menu when hovering and holding the mouse pointer. If you clear this checkbox, then to expand the All Programs menu

you will need to click the mouse button. When checked, the menu will open automatically when you hover and hold the pointer.

Sort the All Programs menu by name. By default, this checkbox is selected and the menu icons All programs automatically sorted alphabetically.

In the same window you can customize the view Start Menu.

By clicking the up or down arrows in the display, you can set the number of items displayed in the frequently used programs bar and the jump list of recently used items. After making the necessary changes, click the button OK.

Button Default Settings will help you return the original appearance of the Start Menu.

Windows 7 introduced a feature to customize the power button. In the dropdown list Power button action You can choose what action to take when you click the Shutdown button on the Start menu.

In the main settings window of the Start Menu, there are two more options that affect the confidentiality of your data.

For privacy purposes, you can opt out of these features by unchecking the boxes in the Privacy area:

  • Store and display a list of recently opened programs in the Start menu - if you uncheck this box, frequently used programs will not be displayed in the left column of the Start menu;
  • Store and display a list of recently opened items in the Start menu and taskbar—unchecking this option will disable the display of recent and frequently used documents in Jump Lists.
By pressing the button Apply You will save the settings you made, but the window in which you made them will remain open, allowing you to make further settings that are in this dialog box. If you press the button OK, the window will close with all changes applied, but if you are not finished working in this window, you will have to open it again. Customizing the Taskbar

Tab Task bar opens access to the Taskbar settings. (There is another way to launch this properties window. Right-click on free space Taskbar and from the context menu select Properties. A window will open Taskbar and Start menu properties", but the tab will be activated Task bar.).

In the Taskbar properties dialog box, the following settings will be available to you:

Taskbar Design group

Pin the taskbar. By unchecking this checkbox, you can increase the size of the Taskbar or move it to the other edge of the screen.

If you clear this checkbox, when you move your mouse pointer to the top edge of the taskbar, it will change to a double-headed arrow. Clamping left button mouse and dragging it up you can increase the size of the taskbar. By placing the mouse pointer on busy place taskbar and holding down the left mouse button, drag it to the right, left or up. Thus, you can position the taskbar either at the right or left or at the top borders of the screen.

You can also manage taskbar pinning using the context menu. Right-click on an empty area of ​​the taskbar and in the context menu, uncheck or check the command Pin the taskbar.

Automatically hide the taskbar. Check this box if you need to use the entire screen area to run applications. In this case, the Taskbar will be hidden, but will immediately appear if you move your mouse pointer to the bottom edge of the screen.

Use small icons. When you check this box, the size of the buttons on the Taskbar will be reduced.

If you also disable button grouping, the taskbar will look like previous versions of Windows.

The position of the taskbar on the screen. From the drop-down list you can select the option of placing the taskbar on the left, right or top. Perhaps the owners widescreen screens will love this feature.

(When unchecked Pin the taskbar You can also move the taskbar to any corner of the screen using the mouse).

Taskbar buttons. From the drop-down list you can select how buttons are displayed on the Taskbar:

Always group, hide labels The buttons only display application icons and text signatures are missing. When you open several windows of the same application, they will be automatically grouped into one button. This is the default method

Group when taskbar is full. When you select this option, the icon and title of the window will be displayed on the buttons, and window grouping will only be enabled when there is not enough space on the Taskbar

Do not group In this case, the icon and name of the window are displayed on the buttons, and the grouping of similar windows is not applied. This option can be recommended for users who do not open more than 3-5 windows at the same time.

Button Tune.Clicking this button will open the notification area icon settings window.

Parameter Preview your desktop using Aero Peek.

Use Aero Peek for preview desktop. If this checkbox is checked, then when you hover your mouse over the Minimize all windows button in the right corner of the Taskbar, all open windows will temporarily become transparent.

You can add several toolbars to the taskbar, adding some convenience when working on your computer.

To enable or disable the display of any additional panel, open the tab Toolbars in the window Taskbar and Start menu properties.

Address. Added to the taskbar address bar, in which you can enter a link to a web resource or a folder path. A browser window will automatically open in which the corresponding site will be loaded, or an Explorer window will open in which the specified folder will be opened.

Links.A panel of the same name will appear on the taskbar, onto which you can drag icons various programs and documents. After at least one element has been added to the Links panel, a button in the form will appear on the panel double arrows, clicking on which will open a list of all elements added to the panel.
Left-clicking on a link opens the corresponding program or document.

Tablet PC input panel– A button appears to the left of the keyboard layout indicator to launch the handwriting input panel. When you close the handwriting panel, the latter moves to the left, almost completely moving off the screen. To display the Input Panel again, you need to click the corresponding button in the notification area or click on the edge of the panel protruding on the left side of the desktop.

Tablet PC input panel. Represents quite powerful tool for handwriting text input and is intended for use on tablet computers. If not tablet computer you can practice handwriting using the mouse and make sure high quality text recognition.
The panel allows you to enter text using the pen or touch keyboard, has advanced editing capabilities and support for the Russian language.

Additionally, you can switch to on-screen keyboard, for example, to enter any confidential data without using an external computer keyboard.

Desktop. This panel is similar to the Links panel, but contains links to desktop items. This way, you can quickly access a desktop item without closing or minimizing open windows.

There is almost always a language bar on the taskbar.

You can also access control panel elements through the context menu. To do this, right-click on an empty space on the taskbar and select the link Panels, a drop-down menu will open giving access to taskbar items. Simply select the desired item and left-click on it. The selected item will appear on the taskbar.

Literature used:

Yu. Zozulya Windows 7 100%

V. Ptashinsky Meet Windows 7

S. Vavilov Modern tutorial for working on a computer in Windows 7.

Familiar to many Windows users The Start button launches the main menu of the operating system. Activate this function You can by clicking on its name in the taskbar with the left mouse button. In addition, pressing a key on the keyboard with the Windows OS logo will have a similar effect. This menu is the main starting point that allows you to run programs as well as open recent documents and go to the operating system properties. This opportunity appeared for the first time in Windows 95. Already starting from the XP platform version, two menu options have been implemented. "Classic" is similar to the one used in Windows 95/ME. "Standard" is installed by default in XP. It can run the programs that are used most often. A similar selection of options is present in Vista. Windows 7 only provides standard version design of the “Main Menu” function. Next we will discuss the development of this instrument V different versions platforms.

Implementations on systems that are no longer supported

In Windows 9x/2000, the Start button opens a menu with standard list components. The tool includes the following items: “Settings”, “Search”, “Programs” and “Documents”, which are located separately from one another. Windows version shown on the left side of the menu that opens. IN in this case The username is not displayed. You can log out and turn off your computer using a single menu item of the same name. In the case of Windows XP, the Start button launches the tool with an updated interface. The menu displays the user's avatar and name. There is access to Email to the client and browser. There is a list of frequently used programs. Opening function included special folders. Available separate buttons to turn off the computer. As for the Start function in Vista, it has been modified. The All Programs list is located on the left side of the menu. At the bottom left of the tool there is a field for quick search programs and documents. If you hover over the “Pictures”, “Documents” and other folders, their icons appear enlarged.

Windows 7

In this operating system, the Start button brings up a menu with new features. There is a function to quickly return to frequently viewed places. For example, if you move the cursor to the item Microsoft Word, a list of previously opened documents will appear next to it. Most important points can be secured using a push pin. Some additional menu items have appeared, among which “Recorded TV” should be noted. Switching off is carried out in the usual way.

Windows 8

This system has received an updated interface. On Window 8, the Start button does not bring up a menu, but separate screen. This feature is part of the system's Metro interface. However, when moving to Windows 8.1, some of the tool's previous functions were returned. It was planned that the full Start menu would return to Update 1, however the solution was implemented only in next version operating system. By the way, regarding the Metro interface: the developer had to abandon of this name due to a dispute with third party company, which claimed rights to this name. This language developers now call it Modern UI.

Windows 10

In this operating system special screen has been cancelled, and the Start button brings up a more familiar but redesigned menu. The tool includes a redesigned Metro-style interface. The menu is divided into parts: classic left and right, which includes live tiles. They can be turned off, resized, moved. At the top left is the name of the active account; by clicking on it, you can lock the computer, change the user and exit the operating system. The user's avatar is also visible. To the right there is the usual power button, which includes three options - reboot, shutdown, sleep.

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