Remote banking services. Installation instructions (for clients installing the Bank-Client system independently) Additional security mechanisms for corporate clients

What is Internet Banking for corporate clients?

Internet Banking is designed to provide electronic banking services (remote banking services) to organizations and individual entrepreneurs.

Internet Banking allows you to:

    create, sign and send financial documents to the bank;

    receive reports from the bank (statements, etc.);

    track the status of previously sent documents.

You can work in Internet Banking under any operating system: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux. Any modern web browser is sufficient to work: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome.

Internet Banking provides a guaranteed level of security, contains mechanisms for encrypting information and electronic signatures, and supports work with USB tokens “iBank 2 Key”, “Rutoken EDS”.

Internet Banking interacts with accounting programs (1C, etc.), supports the simultaneous work of employees from different offices.

Cause: It is possible that your browser and/or proxy server settings have enabled blocking of active Java scripts.

Solution: Check your browser/proxy server settings.

Internet Explorer 7.0: Tools->Internet Options , go to the tab Safety Another. On the list Options go to section Scripts->Active scripts and set the flag

Cause: It is possible that your browser settings prohibit the execution of Java scripts.

Solution: Check your browser settings.

Internet Explorer 7.0: Launch the browser, select the item in the main menu Tools->Internet Options , go to the tab Safety . Select the required Internet zone and click the button Another. On the list Options go to section Scripts->Run Java Application Scripts and set the flag Allow .

The Java applet does not start.

Cause: Using an outdated version of java.

Solution: Internet Banking works successfully with the following versions: Java 2 Standard Edition Runtime Environment Version 1.4.2 or higher. When using iBank 2 Key USB tokens, Java SE 6 is required. It is recommended to enable automatic updates and use the latest version of Java. The current version can always be downloaded from the developer's website.

The Java applet does not connect to the banking server.

Cause: Connection problems can be caused by several reasons, ranging from the presence of local firewalls (Firewalls) to port blocking by your Internet provider.

Solution: You need to contact the bank administrator to clarify the TCP port numbers that need to be opened in the IP filter on the Firewall.

The driver distribution for working with Rutoken EDS can be obtained from the website

Detailed instructions for installing the driver and using USB tokens can be found in the corresponding user manuals, which can be obtained by contacting the bank.

Where on the computer can you see the USB token when you connect it?

A USB token is not a “flash drive”, so it cannot be seen by clicking on the “My Computer” shortcut. It can only be seen in the “Device Manager” as “Smart card reader” - “USB Token Device”.

When logging into Internet Banking, it is impossible to select the storage type “USB token or smart card”

IMPORTANT! First, the driver is installed, and only then the USB token “iBank 2 Key”, “EDS Rutoken” is inserted into the computer port! If you did the opposite, then remove the USB token from the port. In your computer's device manager, find "Smart Card Reader" and remove all its components. Install the driver again. Restart your computer. Only after this you can connect “iBank 2 Key”, “Rutoken EDS”.

It is impossible to create a new digital key when using the “iBank 2 Key” smart card.

Install Sun Java Plugin 1.6. Other versions of Java do not support smart card technology. Repeat the registration process.

Why can't I select a USB token in the key selection field?

If you receive this error, try installing the latest version of your Java machine.

I have Windows Vista. The “iBank 2 Key” USB token driver is not installed.

When installing the “iBank 2 Key” USB token driver for Windows Vista, ADMINISTRATOR rights are required, i.e. you must run executable files as an administrator.

Security questions

Information protection mechanisms in the iBank 2 system.

"iBank 2" belongs to the class of secure electronic document management systems.

To ensure authenticity (proof of authorship) and integrity of the document, the electronic signature mechanism under electronic documents is used.

To ensure confidentiality, a data encryption mechanism is used. When interacting via the Internet, encryption and integrity control of transmitted information is carried out, and cryptographic authentication of the parties is carried out.

The system implements Russian cryptographic algorithms in accordance with GOST 28147-89 (encryption, imitative insertion), GOST R34.11-94 (hash function) and GOST R34.10-2001 (electronics on elliptic curves).

To use cryptographic protection functions, the iBank 2 system has built-in support for the following multi-platform crypto libraries certified by the FSB:

    PBZI "Crypto-S Version 2.0" of the company "CryptoEx" (certificate of conformity of the FSB of the Russian Federation reg. No. SF/114-1614 dated February 28, 2011);

    CIPF "Crypto-COM 3.3" of the Signal-COM company (certificates of conformity of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation No. SF/124-2061 dated February 1, 2013, No. SF/124-2062 dated February 1, 2013).

The iBank 2 system maintains control archives in which all electronic documents with electronic signatures are stored to resolve conflict situations. The system maintains the history of documents - by whom and when the document was created, edited, signed, executed or rejected.

Additional security mechanisms for corporate clients.

    SMS-informing clients about logging into the system, about receipt of payment documents at the bank, about the movement of funds through client accounts.

    Enhanced multi-factor authentication for login using one-time passwords.

    A mechanism for additional confirmation of payment orders with one-time passwords (in addition to the electronic signature).

SMS messages and OTP tokens are used as sources of one-time passwords in the iBank 2 system.

What security measures must be observed when working in Internet Banking?

Safety measures when working with electronic devices:

    To protect digital signature keys from theft by malware, it is recommended to use USB tokens “iBank 2 Key”, “EDS Rutoken”;

    If there is no “iBank 2 Key”, “Rutoken EDS”, save the key storage file on a transferable medium (USB drive). It is not allowed to save it in places where it can be accessed by anyone other than you. The alienated media containing the key storage must be carefully protected from unauthorized access;

    The password to access the digital signature key should be known only to you as the owner;

    Do not allow USB tokens “iBank 2 Key”, “Rutoken EDS” to be constantly and uncontrolledly connected to the computer;

    Do not transfer “iBank 2 Key”, “Rutoken EDS” with EDS keys to anyone;

    Do not use Internet Banking in an Internet cafe, or where you are not sure of the security of computers;

    If you dismiss a responsible employee who had access to the electronic signature key, be sure to notify the Bank and block the key;

    If there are any suspicions of compromise of electronic signature keys or compromise of the execution environment (presence of malware on the computer), be sure to inform the Bank and block the digital signature keys.

Measures to protect the computer from which you work in Internet Banking:

    Follow the rules for limited physical access to this computer. The list of employees of the organization must be approved, including responsible employees and technical personnel who are allowed access to computers from which work in Internet Banking is carried out.

    It is recommended to use a separate computer exclusively for working in Internet Banking. Other actions (working with other programs, working with e-mail, visiting sites on the Internet) should not be carried out from this computer.

    Use only licensed software. Do not download or install software obtained from unverified sources.

    Try to use modern operating systems (OS). These systems are more secure, unlike previous, often outdated versions. Install OS patches and updates in a timely manner. Enable automatic OS updates, which will install the latest patches, thereby eliminating OS vulnerabilities.

    Use system and application software only from trusted sources that guarantee the absence of malware. In this case, it is necessary to ensure the integrity of updates received on media or downloaded from the Internet.

    Use and quickly update specialized software to protect information - anti-virus software, personal firewalls, protection against unauthorized access, etc.

    User guide. TsFK-Online

    User guide. TsFK-Offline

    Data exchange between the systems “iBank 2” and “1C:Enterprise 7.7”, “1C:Enterprise 8.1”

    Module “Corporate auto client” of the “iBank 2” system

    Format for importing and exporting documents in the “iBank 2” system

    Module “iBank 2 for 1C: Accounting” version 2.0, Module “iBank 2 for 1C: Accounting” version 3.0

    Electronic signature verification utility

What is Internet Banking for corporate clients?

Internet Banking for Corporate Clients" of the "iBank2" system is intended to provide electronic banking services to corporate clients (legal entities) online on the basis of a concluded agreement for the provision of banking services.

Internet Banking allows you to:

  • create, sign and send financial documents to the bank;
  • receive reports from the bank (statements, etc.);
  • track the status of previously sent documents.

You can work in Internet Banking under any operating system: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux. Any modern web browser is sufficient to work: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari (provided that the browser is used in conjunction with Mac OS X).

Internet banking provides a guaranteed level of security, contains mechanisms for encrypting information and electronic signatures, and supports working with USB tokens. Internet banking interacts with accounting programs (1C, etc.) and supports the simultaneous work of employees from different offices.

What are the requirements for a computer to work in Internet Banking?

  • Any modern computer with at least 4GB of free RAM.
  • Any modern operating system - Microsoft Windows: 7 (x86/x64), 8 (x86/x64), 8.1 (x86/x64), 10 (x86/x64) and higher, Apple Mac OS X: 10.7 and higher, Linux, etc. .
  • Monitor with a resolution of at least 1280x1024.
  • Access to the Internet. Recommended connection speed - 200 Kbps

To operate Offline Bank, you need to install a 32-bit version of Java, which can be downloaded from the developer’s website using the IE browser.

Is it possible to work in Internet banking from different computers?

Yes, you can. To log into Internet Banking you need a computer with the BIFIT Signer software installed, the Internet, a key with an electronic signature password.

All information (documents, statements, settings) is centrally stored on the bank server and becomes available after logging into Internet Banking.

BIFIT Signer plugin

Why is it necessary to install the BIFIT Signer plugin?

  • Installation of the BIFIT Signer plugin is intended for the client’s electronic signature.
  • The BIFIT Signer plugin must be the latest version installed.

How to install the BIFIT Signer plugin?

If the plugin is installed out of date, the program will display the corresponding message “Your plugin is out of date, to install the updated plugin, follow the link. You must select a link depending on the installed operating system." Download and install the plugin following the prompts.

Registration in Internet Banking

How to start using Internet Banking?

You need to do the following:

  • Contact the Primorye Bank office, enter into an agreement for the provision of services using the iBank 2 system, and receive a USB token (a device for storing digital keys). When visiting the Bank, you must present an identification document.
  • register on the website yourself. Upon completion of registration, an electronic signature key will be generated on the USB token. . It is necessary to print out two copies of the electronic signature verification key certificate, sign it, certify it with the seal of your organization, and submit it to the Bank’s office to the economist. Instructions for registering an organization and generating a key.

What does the message mean: “You do not have rights to work with electronic signature. Please contact the Bank Administrator?

To protect information, the iBank 2 system has built-in CIPF crypto libraries that implement cryptographic algorithms in accordance with GOST. The Crypto-COM software CIPF is posted on the website in the “Distributions” section, which must be downloaded and installed on your computer, following the instructions.

ES keys and ES verification key certificates

Where to save the ES key when generating?

To store digital keys, you must use USB tokens - a device with non-removable digital keys.

What rules should be followed when choosing a password for an electronic signature key?

  • The password must contain at least 6 different characters;
  • It is advisable that the password consist of Latin letters in different cases, numbers and special characters;
  • Your password should not consist of only numbers (this makes it easier to spy “from behind”), should not be too short and should not consist of characters located on the same line on the keyboard;
  • The password should not be a significant word (your name, date of birth, maiden name, etc.) that can be easily guessed or guessed.

How to print an electronic signature verification key certificate if it was not possible to do this the first time, or if you need a duplicate certificate?

How to log into the iBank2 system after generating a new ES key?

  • Install a USB token (devices for storing digital keys)
  • Go to the login page
  • At the top left, click the “Select electronic signature” button
  • In the dialog box that opens at the top, click “Find EP” or click on the “magnifying glass” icon
  • In the list under the name and number of your device, select the name of the electronic signature key under which you need to log into the iBank2 system
  • Click on the message “Data will be updated after logging in.” A password entry window will open.
  • Enter the password to access the electronic signature


  • The login page displays the electronic key that was used to last login from this computer.
  • When you click the “Select electronic signature” button, a list of electronic signature keys previously used to log into the system from this computer will be displayed
  • If the required key is not in the list, click “Find ES” or click on the “magnifying glass” icon, you will go to the list of keys that have not previously been used to log into the system

How to log in to the iBank2 system using login and password?

Logging into the system using your login (e-mail) and password is carried out with the obligatory receipt of an SMS code to your phone number (without generating a key and providing certificates to the Bank).

To log in to the system using your login and password, on the login page, go to the “by login” tab.

  • Please enter your email address. To avoid entering your email address each time you log into Internet Banking, select the “Remember email” flag.
  • Specify a long-term password.
  • Enter the code from the image.
  • Click the "Login" button. If the email address or password is incorrect, then after clicking the “Login” button, the corresponding field will be highlighted in red, and the reason for the error will be indicated below.

This login method can be used by:

  • Employees who do not have the right to sign
  • Employees with signature rights can use login and password:
    • when working from untrusted devices;
    • to enhance security;
    • for comfort.

When you log in using your login and password, all operations are available, except:

  • Signing documents;
  • Performing actions that require a request signature - monitoring settings (SMS alerts).

If the user is allowed to log in using a login and password in several organizations, then upon entering he will be asked to select an organization for further work.


  1. Creating accounts is only possible for the Head of the organization and an employee with the “Administrator” role. Login to the iBank2 system must be carried out using an Electronic signature (ES key).
  2. Creating an account for the Head of the organization is possible only by him. (“Settings”, “Login” tab, or select “Employees”, “Accounts” in the menu list)
  3. The “Administrator” role is established by the head of the organization at the time of creating an account for the user (menu bar “Employees”, “Personal data”)
  4. A manager or an employee with the Administrator role can change an employee’s login. Login to the iBank2 system must be carried out using an Electronic Signature. (menu bar “Employees”, “Accounts”)
  5. Only the account user can change the phone number. (“Settings”, “Login” tab)
  6. The password is set for the login (e-mail). That is, if several organizations are assigned to one login, then login to all organizations is carried out under one password.
  7. The email confirmation link is valid for 24 hours. After the specified time, a new e-mail registration in the iBank2 system is required.

Error logging in

The "Login error" message appears after entering your password and only in the Explorer browser.

To solve this, you need to add the site address to “Trusted Sites”:

  • copy the website address in the browser address bar
  • open the “Security” tab
  • place the cursor on “Trusted Sites” and click on the “Sites” button
  • In the “Add the following node to the zone” field, paste the copied site address and click the “Add” button. The address will move to the “Websites” field, and the “Add the following node to the zone” field will be cleared
  • set “V” in the field “All sites in this zone require server verification (https:)”
  • Click the “Close” and “OK” button
  • Reload browser
  • Log in to the iBank2 system

Fixing the error “You cannot log in if localStorage is disabled”

The error occurs when storage is disabled.

You can enable it in the browser properties. Further, using Internet Explorer 11 as an example:

  • you need to open the Tools menu and go to “Internet Options”
  • open the "Advanced" tab
  • find the option “Enable DOM storage” and check the box
  • save settings and reload page

How to select a default account in the system?

For each document, you can select an account whose data will be indicated by default. To do this, click the corresponding link “Account.N” (all fields highlighted in blue are links that can be expanded) and in the “Account Selection” dialog that opens, in the line of the desired account, in the “” checkbox, put “V”.

USB tokens

What is a USB token?

A USB token is a device for storing digital keys. The ES key is generated inside the device and can never be copied by anyone, which ensures its secure, non-removable storage. The ES key can only be deleted if the password is known. The formation of an electronic document takes place directly inside the device: it receives an electronic document at the input of the device, and issues an electronic document under the document at the output.

One USB token can store up to 75 digital keys, depending on the manufacturer. One USB token can store digital signature keys of employees of different organizations. Where on the computer can you see the USB token when you connect it?

Where on the computer can you see the USB token when you connect it?

A USB token is not a “flash drive”, so it cannot be seen by clicking on the “My Computer” shortcut. It can only be seen in "Device Manager", "Smart Card Readers", as "Microsoft Usbccid Smart Card Reader (WUDF)".

Administration of USB tokens

The following actions are possible with USB tokens and electronic keys:

  • Setting a USB token access PIN
  • Printing the ES verification key certificate
  • Changing the password to access the electronic key
  • Changing the name of the electronic signature key
  • Removing the ES key

In Internet Banking, the “Key Administration” section is located at.

In Offline Bank, “Administration of ES keys” is located in the ES Keys section.

Security questions

Information protection mechanisms in the iBank 2 system.

"iBank 2" belongs to the class of secure electronic document management systems.

To ensure authenticity (proof of authorship) and integrity of the document, the electronic signature mechanism under electronic documents is used.

To ensure confidentiality, a data encryption mechanism is used. When interacting via the Internet, encryption and integrity control of transmitted information is carried out, and cryptographic authentication of the parties is carried out.

To protect information, the iBank 2 system has built-in support for the multi-platform crypto library of CIPF “Crypto-COM 3.4”. Certificates of conformity of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation No. SF/114-3268 dated January 11, 2018 (version 40), No. SF/124-3269 dated January 11, 2018 (version 41). It implements Russian cryptographic algorithms in accordance with GOST R 34.11-94 and GOST R 34.11-2012 (hash function), GOST R 34.10-2012 (Elliptic Curve Electronics), GOST 28147-89 (encryption, imitative insertion).

To use cryptographic protection functions, the iBank 2 system has built-in support for the following multi-platform crypto libraries certified by the FSB.

The iBank 2 system maintains control archives in which all electronic documents with electronic signatures are stored to resolve conflict situations. The system maintains the history of documents - by whom and when the document was created, edited, signed, executed or rejected.

Additional security mechanisms for corporate clients.

  • SMS alerts: “About logging into the system”, “About document rejection”, “About receipt of a document in the bank”, “About incoming documents”, “About the movement of funds in the account”, “About current balances”, “Account statement” . One-time SMS password for logging into “iBank2”.
  • SMS notification: “One-time SMS password to log into “iBank2”.
  • SMS confirmation: “To send payments to “iBank2”. SMS messages and OTP tokens are used as sources for obtaining one-time passwords in the iBank2 system.

What security measures must be observed when working in Internet Banking?

Additionally, you need to familiarize yourself with

PJSC CB "SUMMIT BANK" uses the remote banking service system "iBank 2" developed by the company "BIFIT" to manage clients' funds. "iBank 2" belongs to the class of secure electronic document management systems.

To ensure privacy a data encryption mechanism is used. When interacting via the Internet, encryption and integrity control of transmitted information is carried out, and cryptographic authentication of the parties is carried out.

The system implements Russian cryptographic algorithms in accordance with GOST 28147-89 (encryption, imitative insertion), GOST R34.11-94 (hash function) and GOST R34.10-2001 (electronics on elliptic curves).

To use cryptographic protection functions, the iBank 2 system has built-in support for the following multi-platform crypto libraries certified by the FSB:

  • PBZI "Crypto-S Version 2.0" of the company "CryptoEx" (certificate of conformity of the FSB of the Russian Federation reg. No. SF/114-1614 dated February 28, 2011);
  • CIPF "Crypto-COM 3.3" of the Signal-COM company (certificates of conformity of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation No. SF/124-2815 dated February 1, 2016, No. SF/124-2816 dated February 1, 2016).

The “iBank2” system has built-in support for the personal hardware crypto provider “iBank2Key” in the form of a USB token and smart card. The personal hardware crypto-provider contains the Cryptomodule-S CIPF, certified by the FSB of the Russian Federation under class KS2, provides secure storage of secret keys of the electronic signature (non-retrievable keys) and internally generates the client’s electronic signature under the document using the Russian crypto-algorithm in accordance with GOST R34.10-2001 . The system also includes built-in support for the personal hardware crypto provider “MS_KEY K” in the form of a USB token certified by the FSB of the Russian Federation under class KS2 (certificate of conformity of the FSB of the Russian Federation No. SF/124-2673 dated July 30, 2015).

The iBank 2 system maintains control archives in which all electronic documents with electronic signatures are stored to resolve conflict situations. The system maintains the history of documents - by whom and when the document was created, edited, signed, executed or rejected.

PC-Banking is a solution for operating the client part of the iBank2 system offline. Working with documents, reference books, importing documents from accounting programs, signing documents, viewing statements do not require a constant Internet connection.

To operate PC Banking, the client needs any modern computer with any operating system and any Java virtual machine - Microsoft JVM built into Internet Explorer, Sun Java Plugin or any other, not lower than JRE 1.7.

Synchronization with the bank - transferring financial documents to the bank, downloading statements, synchronizing directories, downloading updates to the PC-Banking client component - occurs through a secure connection via TCP/IP.

The client component of PC Banking is implemented as a Java application installed on the user's computer. The PC Banking client distribution is about 6 MB in size and is the same for all clients.

The primary repository of all information for PC-Banking is the bank server. In the event of a computer failure, when reinstalling the OS or when working on a new computer, the user only needs to re-install the PC-Banking client distribution and synchronize with the bank.

As a result, all current client settings, all documents with current statuses previously sent to the bank, the history of status changes, all statements, directories of recipients and beneficiaries, and all system updates will be downloaded from the bank server. The period for synchronizing documents and statements is set by the client himself.

The client component of PC-Banking is multi-client - within one program the work of several organizations with their details, documents, statements and directories is supported. Each organization operates in its own “plane” of the program and does not overlap with others.

PC-Banking has built-in functions for pre-registration of clients, generation of electronic signature (electronic signature) keys, key management and printing of certificates, a generator of one-time passwords and confirmation codes in the form of OTP tokens is used.

PC-Banking provides a guaranteed level of security and contains an electronic signature mechanism for clients’ financial documents. All data is encrypted using Russian cryptographic algorithms, and the integrity of the transmitted data is monitored. The system ensures the legal significance of electronic document management. An arbitrary number of employees and electronic signature keys are supported.

Additional security mechanisms for corporate clients:.

  • SMS-informing clients about logging into the system, about receipt of payment documents at the bank, about the movement of funds through client accounts.
  • Enhanced multi-factor authentication for login using one-time passwords.
  • A mechanism for additional confirmation of payment orders with one-time passwords (in addition to the electronic signature).

SMS messages and OTP tokens are used as sources of one-time passwords in the iBank 2 system.

In order to increase security when working on the Internet, we recommend that you read the following documents:

Documents for starting work in the iBank2 system:

PC-Banking User Manual (short 1.8 MB - 52 pages, full 5.5 MB - 205 pages)

Download and install:

PC banking client distribution

Windows 32 bit PC-Banking.exe (5.7 Mb) MD5 2CFD24D4318502AC7F513ED41B78836D
Windows 64 bit PC-Banking_x64.exe (5.8 Mb) MD5 F41EAFAC8CA90686EB8FFCF772186D55
Linux/MacOS 32-bit PC-Banking-linux-i586.tar.bz2 (6.31Mb) MD5 3F9D308E37AD6C662F9FC49002A73B2A
Linux/MacOS 64-bit PC-Banking-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2 (6.43 Mb) MD5 5A28B161A9D66AFDF45BD2D9D932D781

The 3rd column shows the hash amounts of PC-Banking distributions. To check the accuracy of the installation files,

Installation instructions (for clients installing the Bank-Client system independently)

1. Copy the distribution package received from the Bank to your hard drive (if the distribution package was downloaded from the website as a *.zip archive, unpack it).

2. Run the Setup.exe file from the distribution package

3. If you plan to store private keys on floppy disks, perform the entire installation with the default settings (prepare blank floppy disks in advance according to the number of signatures).
Otherwise: (it is assumed to store the keys on flash memory or on a hard drive), during the installation process you should uncheck the “Install with default parameters” checkbox

4. If you chose to install with the default options, follow the installation prompts. If you did not select the default options, you will see the following window during the installation process:

Click the... edit private key directory button. Replace drive letter A: with the drive letter of the device where the private keys will be stored.

5. Next, during the installation process you will be asked for your system username.
Select DBA. Using the >> button, move the list of available keys to the right window

6. Further installation does not require any settings, just click the “Next” button until you see

Click OK.

7. Launch the Bank-Client program
(Start - All Programs - BSSystems - Client BS-Client v.3)

8. Enter the Settings – Transport menu. In the top list, mark the subscriber of NKB Slavyanbank CJSC. In the lower list: double click on the entry for the automated workplace of NKB Slavyanbank CJSC. In the window that appears

edit the Maximum number of connections parameter. It must be ten. Click OK.

9. Repeat step 8 for your own transport subsystem. (In your own record, the IP and Host fields are empty).

10. In the "Transport subsystem settings" window, select the "gateways" tab. Double click on gate "2 TCPGATE". Click the "Parameters" button in the "Gateway Description" window. Check the "Display data transfer indicator" checkbox

Attention! If the client's workstation is located on a local network and the connection to the Internet is through a proxy or gateway, the following settings may be required: In the transport subsystemZAO NKB Slavyanbank, in the IP field, enter the IP address of your gateway, clear the Host field. Configure your gateway so that traffic going to gateway port 1024 is forwarded to IP address The firewall, accordingly, must allow this traffic. The connection to the banking server uses the TCP protocol and is initiated by the Client.

11. Close Bank-Client program and replace the files CertProp.rtf and keyexch.rtf in the folder C:\BSClnt_3\SUBSYS\PRINT\RTF with the files of the same name sent to you with the distribution. Launch the Bank-Client program.

12. Attention! The keys installed from the distribution are technological and are not suitable for signing payment documents. You must register a new certificate immediately after installation.

To do this, in the Bank-Client system:

The menu item Settings – CryptoProtection – Requests for certificate registration is executed.

In the window that appears, click the "New" button

IN select key that needs to be updated, the request is signed with the Client’s old key and sent to the Bank. At the same time, the following document is generated:

Registration card No.____

Public signing key (certificate)

Cryptographic protection system: “CRYPTO-SI” (version 1.0) 340-00-371

Client name: Fill in the client name

Key owner:(Vasily Ivanovich Pupkin)

Key parameters:

Algorithm: GOST R34.10-2001

UID: nes-1 (17-04-2009 14-32-37)

Public key text :

Public signing key:fill in: position, full name key owner

(position, full name of key owner)

Key registration date:Set current date

Signature of the key owner: ___________________________ M.P.


_____________________ Full name of the manager (you can delete these 2 lines if the owner of the key is the Manager)

(signature of the manager*) (full name of the manager*)

Chairman of the Board __________________ Titov V.I.


Head of the RVC department __________________ Popov S. G.



In this document, you must fill in the fields marked in red, print it in 2 copies, verify it with the signature of the key owner and manager and seal and send it to the Bank. Notify the Bank by phone 66-51-95 about the key change. Immediately after receipt of this document by the Bank, the new client certificate will be registered and confirmation of registration will be sent to the Client via the Bank-Client system. The system will warn you that you have received a certificate from the bank and offer to register it. After successful registration, a new The secret key will exist in a single copy on the removable media of the key owner. The old key is no longer valid.

Attention!Due to the importance of this procedure, the Manager, Chief Accountant and key owner are strongly recommended to be personally present when sending the registration request and printing the Recognition Certificate.

“User Manual Version 2.0.23 Contents Preface.................................................. 2..."

System "iBank 2"

Guide to working with USB tokens

and smart cards “iBank 2 Key”

User guide

Version 2.0.


General information about personal hardware crypto providers.......... 3

General information about “iBank 2 Key” USB tokens.................................... 4

General information about “iBank 2 Key” smart cards.................................. 5 Preparing “iBank 2 Key” for operation............... ............... 5 Installing the driver for “iBank 2 Key” for Windows............. 5 Setting up software for USB tokens and card readers for Linux .......... 9 Installing the driver for “iBank 2 Key” for MacOS.............. 9 Working with USB tokens and smart cards “iBank 2 Key” ............... 13 Operation and storage of USB tokens, smart cards and card readers..... 13 Use of USB tokens and “iBank 2 Key” smart cards during registration in the “iBank 2” system.................................................. 14 Administration of USB tokens and smart cards “ iBank 2 Key......................... 16 Login to the “iBank 2” system.................................. 20 Confirmation of documents in Internet Banking for private clients... 21 Using crypto libraries PBZI "Crypto-Si" Version 2.0 and CIPF "CryptoCOM 3.2"................... ....................... 22 Installing client-side crypto libraries for Windows........ 23 Installing client-side crypto libraries for Linux.... ...... 23 “iBank 2” system Version 2.0.

23 Preface This document is a guide to the use of personal hardware crypto providers “iBank 2 Key” in the electronic banking system “iBank 2”. “iBank 2 Key” devices have two versions – USB token and smart card.

The section General information about personal hardware crypto providers discusses in detail the purpose of USB tokens and “iBank 2 Key” smart cards and provides information on their compatibility with various operating systems.

Information on the use of USB tokens and smart cards “iBank 2 Key” and the necessary actions to ensure their correct operation is presented in the sections:

Installing the driver for “iBank 2 Key” for Windows;

Setting up software for USB tokens and card readers for Linux;

Installing the driver for “iBank 2 Key” for MacOS;

The section Operation and storage of USB tokens, smart cards and card readers describes measures to ensure the safety and reliability of these electronic devices.

Use of USB tokens and “iBank 2 Key” smart cards when working with the “iBank 2” system

discussed in detail in the sections:

Use of USB tokens and “iBank 2 Key” smart cards when registering in the “iBank 2” system;

Administration of USB tokens and smart cards “iBank 2 Key”;

Confirmation of documents in Internet Banking for private clients.

Also in the manual in the section Using cryptolibraries PBZ "CryptoSi" Version 2.0 and CIPF "Crypto-COM 3.2" the configuration of cryptography on the client side is discussed.

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General information about personal hardware crypto providers “iBank 2 Key” personal hardware crypto providers generate an electronic signature key internally, ensure their secure, non-retrievable storage and form digital signatures under electronic documents inside the device.

The main advantage of “iBank 2 Key” is the secure storage and non-removability (impossibility of reading) of the electronic signature key. Neither the developer, nor the owner, nor the attacker can read the electronic key from the device by any means.

“iBank 2 Key” implements the following cryptographic functions:

Hardware cryptographically secure random number generator;

Generating an ES key and an ES verification key;

Formation and verification of electronic signatures in accordance with GOST R34.10-2001 (elliptic curves);

Generation of encryption keys;

Encryption and decryption in accordance with GOST 28147-89;

Formation and verification of an imitative insert (a data sequence of a fixed length, obtained according to a certain rule from open data and a secret key and added to the data to ensure imitative protection) in accordance with GOST 28147-89;

Hash function calculation in accordance with GOST R34.11-94.

The formation of an electronic document in accordance with GOST R34.10-2001 occurs directly inside the token: “iBank 2 Key” accepts an electronic document as input, and issues an electronic document under this document as an output. In this case, the formation time of the EP is less than 0.5 seconds.

The ES key is generated by “iBank 2 Key” itself and stored in the protected memory of “iBank 2 Key”

and can never be read from “iBank 2 Key” by anyone and under any circumstances.

“iBank 2 Key” has a protected memory area that allows you to store up to 63 electronic keys of responsible employees of one client or several clients.

“iBank 2 Key” support is built into the client modules of Internet Banking, PC Banking, Financial Control Center, and Corporate Auto Client. It is possible to work simultaneously with several “iBank 2 Keys” connected to the computer (relevant when working with digital financial systems).

The BIFIT company offers two types of personal hardware crypto providers:

USB token “iBank 2 Key” (see subsection General information about USB tokens “iBank 2 Key”) and smart card “iBank 2 Key” (see subsection General information about smart cards “iBank 2 Key”).

The use of a USB token or smart card “iBank 2 Key” makes it fundamentally impossible to steal digital keys used when working in the “iBank 2” electronic banking system.

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General information about “iBank 2 Key” USB tokens

The iBank 2 system has built-in support for the following USB token models:

Housing version “A” (see Fig. 1);

Housing version “M2” (see Fig. 2);

Housing version “B” (see Fig. 3).

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Currently, the BIFIT company offers banks to use “iBank 2 Key” in the “M2” and “B” versions.

The “iBank 2 Key” USB token (version “M2”, version “B”) is a USB hardware device in a compact plastic case, consisting of a USB card reader and a secure ST23YL18 card microcontroller manufactured by STMicroelectronics.

The microcontroller is certified to ISO/IEC 15408 (common criteria) with a confidence level of EAL5+. During production, the card operating system of the Russian developer ProgramPark LLC was “stitched” into the microcontroller using the mask method.

The card operating system contains a CIPF “Cryptomodule S23” (developed by ProgramPark LLC), certified by the FSB of the Russian Federation under class KS2. Certificate of the FSB of the Russian Federation reg. No. SF/114-1511 dated 07/08/2010

To use the functions of the “iBank 2 Key” token, support for the above crypto library is built into the “iBank 2” electronic banking system.

USB tokens “iBank 2 Key” version “M2”, version “B” are designed to work on the following platforms: Windows XP/2000/2003/Vista/7, Mac OS X 10.4.8 or older, Linux 2.6.x using Java 6.

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General information about “iBank 2 Key” smart cards

The “iBank 2 Key” smart card is functionally completely similar to a USB token. The only two differences between a smart card and a USB token are different interfaces (ISO 7816 and USB) and different device sizes.

The “iBank 2 Key” smart card is connected to the computer via a CCID-compatible card reader - an external USB device for reading operations from a smart card (see Fig. 4).

In Windows Vista/7 and Mac OS X operating systems, the card reader does not require installation of additional software and is automatically recognized in the OS.

In other operating systems of the Windows family, you need to install a driver (see.

Installing the driver for “iBank 2 Key” for Windows).

Some laptop models (Dell, HP, Lenovo) are equipped with built-in card readers that can be used to work with the “iBank 2 Key” smart card.

“iBank 2 Key” smart cards are designed to work on the following platforms:

Windows XP/Server 2003 SP2/Vista/7, Linux 2.6.x, Mac OS X 10.6.x using Java 6, Mac OS X 10.5.x using Java 5.

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Preparing “iBank 2 Key” for operation Installing the driver for “iBank 2 Key” for Windows The driver for “iBank 2 Key” is required to work with “iBank 2 Key” USB tokens and smart cards in the “iBank 2” electronic banking system.


The driver for “iBank 2 Key” is installed before connecting the device. All applications must be closed during driver installation to avoid file splitting errors. To install the driver, the user must have system administrator rights.

To avoid errors when installing the driver, do not install via Remote Desktop Protocol.

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To install the driver, download the installation file from the bank’s website or from the portal

For 64-bit systems (2.8 MB)

For 32-bit systems (2.7 MB) Run the downloaded file. A window for selecting the installation language will appear on the screen (see Fig. 5).

–  –  –

By default, the driver installation directory is C:\Program Files\BIFIT\iBank 2 Key Driver 1.11\. To change the installation directory, click the Change button and specify the desired location.

To continue and go to the installation type selection window (see Fig. 8), click Next.

–  –  –

In the Installation type window, check the box next to the required value and click Next to go to the next installation program window (see Figure 9).

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When choosing the Full installation type, the necessary components will be installed on the user’s computer to ensure the operation of all types of “iBank 2 Key” (smart card, USB token, housing version “M2”, “A”, “B”).

When you select the Custom installation type, you can determine for which type of “iBank 2 Key” the required components should be installed.

To continue installing the driver, click the Install button.

Rice. 10. Installing the necessary driver components

In the final window of the driver installation program (see Fig. 11), check the Show readme file field if you want to see brief information about “iBank 2 Key”

and click Finish.

System "iBank 2" Version 2.0.

–  –  –

Setting up software for USB tokens and card readers for Linux To operate “iBank 2 Key” USB tokens and a card reader in a Linux environment, follow these steps:

1. Depending on the architecture of your OS, download from the bank’s website or from the portal “iBank2.RU”

For 64-bit systems (152 Kb)

For 32-bit systems (137 Kb)

2. On your OS, check that the pcscd (PC/SC Smart Card Daemon) for pcsc-lite (software for accessing smart cards) and the libccid library are running.

3. Unzip the archive and run the iBank2Key-Driver-Linux-***.sh script, where *** is the designation of the bit depth of the OS architecture.

As a result of executing the script, the libraries and configuration files necessary for the operation of “iBank 2 Key” will be copied from the archive to the required OS directories.

Installing the driver for “iBank 2 Key” for MacOS To use “iBank 2 Key” USB tokens in the MacOS environment, you need to install the “iBank 2 Key” driver.


“iBank 2 Key” USB token drivers are installed before connecting the device.

To install the driver, download and unpack the ZIP archive from the “iBank2.RU” portal:, 269 KB.

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To continue and go to the step of selecting the type of driver installation (see Figure 13), click the Continue button.

Rice. 13. Window Installation: iBank 2 Key Driver 2.13. Accommodation

–  –  –

Rice. 14. Window Installation: iBank 2 Key Driver 2.13. Installation type To change the installation directory, click the Change installation location... button and specify the required location.

Click the Install button to perform a standard driver installation. The screen will display information about the progress of the installation process (see Figure 15), after completion of which you must restart the computer to update the system files. To do this, click the Reboot button (see Fig. 16).

–  –  –

For the correct operation of Java applets of the iBank 2 system in the MacOS environment, you must use Java 1.6.

Selecting the version of Java applets for MacOS is done in Finder/Programs/Utilities/Java/Java Settings (see Figure 17).

–  –  –

Working with USB tokens and smart cards “iBank 2 Key”

Operation and storage of USB tokens, smart cards and card readers USB tokens, smart cards and card readers are sensitive electronic devices. When storing and operating them, the user must comply with a number of rules and requirements, if violated, these devices may fail.

The following operating and storage rules will ensure long service life of USB tokens, smart cards and card readers, as well as the safety of confidential user information.

It is necessary to protect USB tokens, smart cards and card readers from strong mechanical influences (falls from a height, shock, vibration, shock, etc.).

USB tokens, smart cards and card readers must be protected from exposure to high and low temperatures. If there is a sudden change in temperature (bringing a cooled device from a frost into a warm room), it is not recommended to use a USB token, smart card or card reader for 3 hours to avoid damage due to moisture condensed on the electronic circuit. It is necessary to protect USB tokens, smart cards and card readers from direct sunlight.

It is necessary to protect USB tokens, smart cards and card readers from exposure to moisture and aggressive environments.

USB tokens, smart cards and card readers should not be exposed to strong magnetic, electric or radiation fields, high voltage and static electricity.

When connecting a USB token or card reader to your computer, do not use excessive force.

The USB token must always be kept closed during non-working hours to prevent dust, dirt, moisture, etc. from entering the USB token connector. If the token connector is clogged, you need to take measures to clean it. Use a dry cloth to clean the housing and connector.

The use of water, solvents and other liquids is prohibited.

Do not disassemble USB tokens, smart cards and card readers - this will void the warranty!

It is necessary to avoid surges in the power supply of the computer and the USB bus when the USB port is connected, and also not to remove the token or card reader from the USB port during writing and reading. It is prohibited to remove the smart card from the card reader during the writing and reading procedure.

In case of malfunction or malfunction of USB tokens, smart cards or card reader, please contact the Bank.

1. Do not transfer USB tokens and smart cards to third parties! Do not disclose passwords to electronic keys to third parties!

2. Connect the USB token or smart card to the computer only while working with the “iBank 2” system.

3. In case of loss (theft) or damage of a USB token or smart card, contact the bank immediately.

System "iBank 2" Version 2.0.

23 Use of USB tokens and “iBank 2 Key” smart cards when registering in the “iBank 2” system

The process of preliminary registration of corporate clients is carried out in the appropriate automated workplaces (Internet Banking, PC-Banking, CFC-Online), bank employees - in the automated workplace “Registrar for Bank Employees”. To register, connect to the Internet, launch a Web browser and go to the page for clients or bank employees of the “iBank 2” system of your bank.

On the login page for clients and bank employees of the “iBank 2” system, select the appropriate item: Service for corporate clients, Online Financial Control Center or Pre-registration of bank employees, as a result of which an html page will first load containing a brief description of the registration procedure for a new client or employee, and in 15 - 30 seconds (depending on the speed of Internet access) the corresponding workstation will load.

Connect the USB token or card reader with the inserted “iBank 2 Key” smart card to the USB port of the computer.

Go through all registration steps. At the eighth step (corporate client) or at the fourth step (bank employee), select USB token or smart card from the list as the Key Storage (see Fig. 18, Fig. 19).

Rice. 18. AWP “Internet Banking for Corporate Clients”. Pre-registration. Step 8 of 11

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Rice. 19. AWS “Registrar for bank employees.” Pre-registration. Step 4 of 7 In the next registration steps, you need to enter the name and password for the digital signature key being created.

If, when entering a key name in the Key Storage, a key with the same name already exists, then the key will not be rewritten, and you will be given a corresponding warning (see Fig. 20). In this case, you must either assign a different name to the key, or first remove the unnecessary key from the Storage (see Administration of USB tokens and “iBank 2 Key” smart cards).

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One USB token or smart card “iBank 2 Key” can contain up to 63 digital signature keys of responsible employees of different corporate clients served in different banks with different instances of the “iBank 2” system.

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To keep your password secure:

The password should not consist of only numbers (this makes it easier to spy from behind your back);

The password should not be too short and consist of characters that are on the same line on the keyboard;

The password must contain both upper and lowercase letters, numbers and punctuation marks;

The password should not be a significant word (your name, date of birth, wife's maiden name, etc.) that can be easily guessed or guessed.

You can enter the password to the digital signature key, which is located on the USB token or the “iBank 2 Key” smart card, incorrectly no more than 15 times in a row. After this, the ES key is blocked forever.

Administration of USB tokens and smart cards “iBank 2 Key”

The following actions are possible with “iBank 2 Key” and ES keys:

1. Setting a PIN code for access to USB tokens and smart cards “iBank 2 Key”;

2. Printing the ES verification key certificate;

3. Changing the password to access the electronic key;

4. Changing the name of the electronic signature key;

5. Removing the ES key.

Administration of USB tokens and smart cards “iBank 2 Key” is carried out:

Corporate clients in Internet-Banking, PC-Banking, CFC-Online;

Private clients in Internet Banking for private clients;

Bank employees in the automated workplace “Registrar for bank employees.”

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3. The serial number of the device connected to the computer will be displayed in the USB tokens and smart cards selection field. If necessary, you can select another connected device by clicking the Select button. A list of ES keys will be displayed under the serial number (see Fig. 21);

–  –  –

Rice. 21. AWP “Internet Banking for Corporate Clients”. Electronic key administration Private clients

1. Go to the Electronic Key Management section.

2. Connect the “iBank 2 Key” USB token to the computer’s USB port or insert the smart card into the card reader connected to the computer.

3. Select the required action by clicking the appropriate link (see Figure 22).

4. You will be taken to the page with the selected action. The serial number of the device connected to the computer will be displayed in the USB tokens and smart cards selection field. If necessary, you can select another connected device. Under the serial number, a drop-down list of ES keys in the selected Storage will become available, where you need to select the required ES key and perform the appropriate action (on page 19, see

possible actions with ES keys).

–  –  –

Rice. 22. AWP “Internet Banking for private clients”. Electronic key management Bank employees

1. Launch the automated workplace “Registrar for bank employees” and select the ES key administration item (see Fig. 23).

2. Specify the type of digital key storage - USB token or smart card.

3. The serial number of the device connected to the computer will be displayed in the USB tokens and smart cards selection field. If necessary, you can select another connected device by clicking the Select button. A list of digital signature keys in the selected Storage will be displayed under the serial number;

4. Select the ES key and click the corresponding button to perform the required action (on page 19 see possible actions with ES keys).

–  –  –

Setting a PIN code for access to USB tokens and “iBank 2 Key” smart cards

To provide additional protection against unauthorized access to digital keys stored on a USB token or smart card “iBank 2 Key”, it is possible to set a PIN code for access to “iBank 2 Key”.

When accessing “iBank 2 Key” with a given PIN code, it is not possible to obtain a list of “iBank 2 Key” keys and perform any actions with them until the correct PIN code is entered.

The PIN code for “iBank 2 Key”, if installed, is requested from the user when performing the following actions:

Authentication in Internet Banking;

Contacting “iBank 2 Key” in case of its disconnection and subsequent connection;

Contacting “iBank 2 Key” during the administration of digital signature keys;

Signing documents and synchronizing data with the bank while working in PC-Banking.

To assign a PIN code, select the required electronic signature key in the list and click the Change PIN button (Internet Banking, PC Banking, CFC-Online, bank employee registrar) or the Change PIN link (web-interface for private clients), enter the new PIN value twice code and click Accept or Change PIN.

The PIN code must consist of at least 6 characters and can contain any combination of letters, numbers and punctuation marks (for password protection recommendations, see page 16).

The assigned PIN code for “iBank 2 Key” cannot be deleted, it can only be changed.

You can enter the “iBank 2 Key” access PIN incorrectly no more than 15 times in a row.

After this, “iBank 2 Key” is blocked for use.

Printing a digital signature verification key certificate Select the required digital signature key from the list and click the Print button or the Export certificate to RTF link. Specify the password to access the electronic signature key. Click Accept or Export certificate to RTF.

Changing the password to access the digital key Select the required digital key from the list and click the Change password button or the Change password link. Enter the current ES key password and the new password twice. Click Accept or Change Password.

Changing the name of an ES key Select the required ES key from the list and click the Rename button or the Rename key link. Specify the password to access the ES key and the new name of the ES key in the Key Storage. Click Accept or Rename Key.

–  –  –

Removing an ES key Attention!

If the ES key is deleted from the Key Storage, it will be impossible to restore it. Therefore, you can delete keys that will not be used in the future when working with the system (expired keys, compromised keys, etc.).

Select the required ES key from the list and click the Delete button or the Delete key link. Specify the password to access the electronic signature key. After clicking the Accept or Delete key button, the key will be permanently deleted from the Key Vault.

Login to the iBank 2 system

To download the workstation of corporate clients (Internet Banking, PC Banking, TFKOnline), “Operator” or “Bank/Branch Administrator”, connect to the Internet, launch a Web browser and go to the page for clients or for bank employees of the “iBank 2” system Your bank.

Connect the “iBank 2 Key” USB token to the computer’s USB port or insert the smart card into the card reader connected to the computer.

On the main page of “iBank 2”, select the item you need: Corporate Client Service, Online Financial Control Center, Bank Operator or Bank Administrator, as a result of which the start HTML page will first load, and after 15 - 30 seconds (depending on the access speed Internet) the requested workstation will be loaded.

The first window of the workstation, Login, intended for user authentication is shown in Fig. 24.

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In this window you need to do the following:

In the Storage type field, select USB token or smart card. The Identifier field will display the serial number of the selected USB token or smart card.

When using a USB token or smart card that has a PIN code assigned, after selecting it in the previous step, a window for entering the PIN code appears (see Fig. 25).

–  –  –

From the list of the Key field, select the name of the electronic signature key. Specify the Password to access the selected key. When entering a password, the language (Russian/English) and case (capital/lowercase letters) are taken into account.

If you need to use a Proxy server to connect to the Internet, click on the Connection settings link and in the window that opens, specify the address and port of the Proxy server in the appropriate fields.

To log in, click the Login button.

Confirmation of documents in Internet Banking for private clients Private clients can use USB tokens and “iBank 2 Key” smart cards to sign electronic documents with their electronic signature to send the document to the bank. The functionality is available with appropriate Internet Banking settings.

Signing a document in Internet Banking for private clients is carried out at the second step of creating the document. When you click the Send to Bank button, the Signature Plugin window opens (see Figure 26). To sign and send a document, connect the “iBank 2 Key” token to the USB port of your computer or insert a smart card into a card reader connected to the computer - into

–  –  –

In the plugin window, in the field for selecting USB tokens and smart cards, the serial number of the connected device will be displayed. Select the electronic signature key with which you want to sign the document, specify the password for it and click the Sign button.

Rice. 26. Internet-Banking for private clients. Signing the client's electronic signature document Using the cryptolibraries PBZI "Crypto-S" Version 2.0 and CIPF "Crypto-COM 3.2"

The iBank 2 system has built-in CIPF that implements cryptographic algorithms in accordance with GOST 28147-89 (encryption, imitative insertion), GOST R34.10-2001 (electronic signature on elliptic curves) and GOST R34.11-94 (hash function) .

When using the CIPF software built into the iBank 2 system, clients’ ES keys are stored in file storages.

For cryptographic protection of information, two mutually compatible multi-platform crypto libraries certified by the FSB of the Russian Federation are built into the “iBank 2” system:

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"Crypto-COM 3.2" from the Signal-COM company. Certificates of conformity FSB RF reg.

No. SF/124-1337 dated 06/05/2009, No. SF/114-1170 dated 07/15/2008, No. SF/114-1551, No. SF/114SF/124-1553 and No. SF/124-1554 dated 07.11 .2010

Crypto libraries are built in and distributed as part of the “iBank 2” system on the basis of licensing agreements between the BIFIT company and the developers of CIPF.

For the client to use software CIPF, it is necessary to have crypto libraries on the client side.

Installing client-side crypto libraries for Windows Crypto libraries PBZ "Crypto-S" Version 2.0 and CIPF "Crypto-COM 3.2" are installed by copying the library files to a directory accessible through the PATH environment variable, for example, C:\Windows or C:\Windows\ System32.

To install PBZ "Crypto-C" Version 2.0, copy the files ibank2cryptoc2.dll, CrC_InitBioRnd32.dll

To install CIPF “Crypto-COM 3.2”, copy the file ibank2ccom.dll.

To obtain crypto library files, contact your bank.

Installing client-side crypto libraries for Linux

Crypto libraries PBZI "Crypto-S" Version 2.0 and CIPF "Crypto-COM 3.2" are installed by copying library files to a directory defined as follows:

1. Log in to the start page of the “iBank 2” system and launch any of the java applets (for example, “Internet Banking for Corporate Clients”).

2. Open a Java console window in your browser and, while in it, press S.

3. A list of variables will appear in the console. The path to the required directory is any value of the java.library.path variable.

Library files that need to be copied:

To install PBZ "Crypto-S" Version 2.0, copy the file

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