Dynamically adding scripts to a web page. How to Add JavaScript and CSS to Your WordPress Themes and Plugins

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    . . .

    . . .

    < / head >

    < body >

    . . .

    < / body >

    Setting priorities

    Some people will choose not to use such methods because they feel they have much less control over the order in which their scripts are loaded. For example, in a theme that modernizr uses, the author needed to make sure that modernizr is loaded first.

    Previously, we didn't mention many details about how the function works, but with its help we can influence the order of execution. Here is the usage of this function according to the Code WordPress:

    add_action($tag, $function_to_add, $priority, $accepted_args);

    Note that very often only the $tag and $function_to_add parameters are used. The default $priority parameter is set to 10 and the $accepted_args parameter is set to 1 . If we want our scripts to be queued earlier, we simply lower the $priority value. For example:

    function wptuts_scripts_important()

    // Register the script for the plugin:

    wp_register_script ("custom-script" , plugins_url ( "/js/custom-script.js" , __FILE_ _ ) ) ;

    // or

    // Register the script for the theme:

    wp_register_script ("custom-script" , get_template_directory_uri () . "/js/custom-script.js" ) ;


    add_action ("wp_enqueue_scripts" , "wptuts_scripts_important" , 5 ) ;

    The output of the script will be the same as before, but in HTML code it will happen earlier.

    Abolishing standard libraries and using CDNs (content delivery networks)

    You may someday want to use a different version of the library than the one included in WordPress. You may want to use the most modern version or don't want to wait for the next release WordPress before using latest version jQuery. Or would you like to use Google CDN version of the library.

    It is important that this is only used in plugins or themes for sites that you will personally maintain. Plugins or themes that you release for public use must use the libraries included in WordPress.

    Why? For the simple reason that you do not control these sites. You don't know what other plugins or themes your customers might be using, and you don't know how often they'll update your product. Using the included libraries WordPress- the safest option.

    But if you want to do this on your site, here's how it's possible:

    function wptuts_scripts_load_cdn()

    // Remove the included library from the list


    // Register the library again with Google CDN

    wp_register_script ("jquery" , , array () , null , false ) ;

    // Register the script for the plugin:

    wp_register_script ("custom-script" , plugins_url ( "/js/custom-script.js" , __FILE_ _ ) , array ( "jquery" ) ) ;

    // or

    // Register the script for the theme:

    wp_register_script ("custom-script" , get_template_directory_uri () . "/js/custom-script.js" , array ( "jquery" ) ) ;

    // You can queue the script for both the plugin and the theme:


    add_action ("wp_enqueue_scripts" , "wptuts_scripts_load_cdn" ) ;

    First of all, we remove the included version of the library from the library list, otherwise we would have conflicts between different versions libraries. Then we register our version using the same handle, define the empty value as the version (it's already in the URL), and determine that it's not in the footer. The rest of the code remains unchanged because we have a dependency on any script that uses the 'jquery' descriptor. This is what we should get:

    Note: One reason it's best not to use this in a plugin or theme for public use is that all plugins and themes used on this site will now have to use the version listed here jQuery. Also, the newly registered version of jQuery does not have noConflict, so if other themes or plugins use e.g. Prototype, this will ruin everything.

    Don't be greedy

    So far we have not mentioned anything about how to do all this in the administration panel, only on the front-end pages of the site. The main difference here is which action to use. Instead of add_action("wp_enqueue_scripts", "wptuts_scripts_basic"); , which we used for the external part of the site, for the administration panel we use the action add_action("admin_enqueue_scripts", "wptuts_scripts_basic");

    What is important to do for both the front end and the admin section is to determine which pages you are using your scripts on. If your plugin or theme has a script that does something... external page or on an admin page, such as a theme options page, or a page with a specific widget, you only need to load the script on that page. There is no point in loading a script where it is not used!

    In the Code WordPress there is a great example of how. Because plugins and themes can be very different in how they are built, we won't go into detail on how to properly load plugins for just one page, but it needed to be mentioned so you take it into account during development.

    WordPress. This ensures that any combination of plugins and themes should function correctly without conflicts.

    Some themes use tags in both header.php and even footer.php files to load scripts. There is no point in doing this. We have already demonstrated above that it is quite possible to prioritize scripts and styles and determine where they are loaded in functions.php. This way your theme/framework will work with a lot more plugins/themes.

    Eg, jQuery can be loaded using . At first glance everything works great, but... jQuery can actually be loaded twice! After all, such a download will not hurt WordPress download your version jQuery for other plugins, since the version from WordPress by default is in mode noConflict, and the plugin can identify this as a dependency. So you will have jQuery, as working in mode noConflict, and $ , in addition you will probably break the work of plugins that use the library Prototype.


    WordPress- a fantastic, very well thought out system. If there is a mechanism that allows you to do something, it is always worth using it. When developing plugins or themes, try to think through your code so that others will not have problems with it in the future.

    What do you think about using wp_enqueue_script and the associated functions and actions? Do you know of examples where this is implemented incorrectly? Do you know of any reasons not to follow our advice? Share your thoughts in the comments.

    JavaScript is a programming language used in web development. It is used to create interactive web pages and web applications. Modern browsers support JavaScript using HTML tag script and do not require installation of additional plugins.

    JavaScript must be loaded and run at the same time as the markup. This can be done both inside an HTML document and in separate file, which the browser will load at the same time as the HTML.

    In this article we will talk about how to enable JavaScript in created web pages in the form of a script in an HTML document and a separate file.

    Adding JavaScript to an HTML Document

    You can add JavaScript code to an HTML document using a special tag. It can be placed in a section of an HTML document, or after it. Depending on when JavaScript needs to be loaded.

    Typically, the JavaScript code is placed inside a section, keeping it outside the main content of the HTML document.

    But if your script needs to run at a specific location on the page layout, then it's placed in .

    Consider the following HTML document with the header Today's Date:


    Today's Date

    On this moment the file contains markup without a script tag in HTML. Let's say we want to add the following JavaScript code to it:

    let d = new Date(); alert("Today"s date is " + d);

    This code will allow the web page to display a message with current date no matter when the user loads the site.

    Let's start by adding the script between the tags. This will signal the browser to run the script before the rest of the page content loads:


    Today"s Date let d = new Date(); alert("Today"s date is " + d);

    Now when you load a page with an HTML script, you will see a message that looks like this:

    You can experiment: insert this code inside or, on the contrary, move it outside the tag and reload the page. Since the HTML document is quite simple, you won't notice any difference.

    To make changes to the structure of an HTML document, you need to place the code after the section. Now the date will be displayed on the page:


    Today's Date let d = new Date(); document.body.innerHTML = "Today's date is " + d + ""

    When loading the above HTML document in a browser, the web page with script body HTML will look like this:

    Small scripts can work fine inside an HTML file. But for large scripts this approach is ineffective. Their implementation makes the markup unwieldy and difficult to understand. Next we will look at how to connect separate JavaScript file in the HTML document.

    Working with a separate JavaScript file

    To accommodate large scripts that will be used across multiple web pages, the JavaScript code is placed in one or more js files. They are connected to an HTML document just like CSS.

    Benefits of using a separate JavaScript file:

    • Separating HTML markup and JavaScript code makes them easier to understand;
    • Individual files are easier to maintain;
    • When JavaScript files are cached, pages load faster.

    To demonstrate connecting a JavaScript file to a document without a script tag in HTML, let's create a small web project. It will consist of a script.js file located in the js/ directory, a style.css file located in the css/ directory, and home page index.html located at the project root:

    You can start with the HTML template from the section above:


    Today's Date

    Now let's move the JavaScript code that will show the date as a header into the script.js file:


    let d = new Date(); document.body.innerHTML = "Today’s date is " + d + ""

    The tag points to a script.js file located in the js/ directory of the web project. Let's look at this line in the context of our HTML file, located under the section:


    Today's Date

    Let's edit the style.css file, adding a background color and header style:


    body ( background-color: #0080ff; ) h1 ( color: #fff; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; )


    Today's Date

    JavaScript code placed in a separate file rather than in the HTML script src can be called from other pages in the same way described above.

    The translation of the article “HOW TO ADD JAVASCRIPT TO HTML” was prepared by the friendly project team.


    JavaScript scripts- these are scripts that are executed not on the server, but directly in the browser, which is why they are called “client-side”. If the script came to you as a separate file with the “js” extension, then you need to connect it to the page by adding a corresponding tag with a link to this file to the header part of its HTML code. The header is the part that starts with the tag and ends with the tag. Therefore, you can’t go wrong if you find a closing tag in the page code and place the following link to a JavaScript file in front of it: Here in src attribute the file name is "script.js" - you need to replace it with the name of your js file. In order for the browser to find and read this file, it must be placed in the same server folder where the page itself is located. If you upload it to another location, indicate the appropriate address along with the file name in the src attribute. If you have JavaScript not in a separate file, but simply as text starting with the tag

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