Desktop: what is it? Basic interpretations of the term. What is Desktop and how to work with it - in simple words for beginners Desktop ini files have appeared on the desktop

Desktop (from English “desktop”) is the main working environment that allows us to use the computer comfortably.

Judge for yourself, without a desktop it would be much more difficult. Desktops are different.

It looks something like this:

Something like this:

In general, as you already understand, they are different, beautiful and not so beautiful.

We will look at the desktop area using Windows 10 as an example.

Conventionally, the desktop can be divided into two areas: the shortcut area (red line) or the main area and the taskbar (yellow line).

Let's look at everything in order. Let's start with the taskbar.

Task bar.

What exactly is the taskbar?

Task bar is a part of the interface that is displayed on the edge of the screen and is used to monitor already running programs or to monitor changes in the operation of our operating system. That is, it contains all the most important things: the Start panel, the Quick Launch bar, running applications, important Windows icons (sound, Internet connection, etc.), language switch, clock and notification area. Let's start sorting everything out in order.

Start panel - what is it?

This is the main menu of our entire computer. It can be opened by clicking the “Start” button on the screen or the “Win” button on our keyboard.

What can we do using the Start menu?

Yes, anything: we can create shortcuts, open settings, open recently installed or frequently launched applications. The Start menu is the heart of our operating system.

Quick Launch Toolbar is an area in the taskbar that helps us get quick access to the most frequently used applications. We can both add and remove applications from there. How to do this? To add an app there, we just need to drag a shortcut from the Shortcuts area to our panel, after which it will be pinned.

Running applications– this section in the taskbar helps us see all our open applications, switch between them, notice changes in them, etc. In my opinion, this is one of the most important areas in the taskbar. Without this area it would simply be impossible to comfortably use a computer.

Important icons of the Windows operating system - what can we include there?

This includes the volume of the operating system, the Internet connection, where all important applications are also hidden.

This menu is very convenient due to its compactness and usefulness.

Occupying an extremely small area, this area contains all the important elements of the operating system.

Language bar– this panel helps us understand what language our operating system uses to write text.

We can change the text using the key combinations “Ctrl” + “Shift”, “Shift” + “Alt” or by clicking on this panel with the LMB (left mouse button) and selecting the language that we need.

All these changes will be shown by our language panel.

I think there’s no point in talking about the clock, so let’s move straight to the notification area.

This area displays absolutely all notifications that relate to the operation of applications, the operation of our operating system, the operation of our services, etc.

It plays a huge role for the user.

Thanks to this area, the user always knows what changes have occurred on his computer. This panel also has several icons for quickly setting up the computer, which also allows us to use our device more comfortably.

Shortcuts area.

Now that we're done with the taskbar, we can move on to the shortcuts area. Why does it even exist?

In this area we can place shortcuts, files and documents that are important to us so that we don’t have to search for them for a long time.

I don't think everyone knows what labels are, so I'll explain. Shortcuts are icons that contain the addresses of your main programs. Let's say your program is installed somewhere deep in your computer and constantly searching through dozens of folders is simply terrible. Therefore, you simply create a shortcut to the launch file of your program and place it on your desktop. When you double-click on your shortcut, it launches your program. It's fast and convenient.

Shortcuts can be created not only for programs. You can use them for various folders, files, documents, etc.

You can create our shortcut from any file.

How to create a shortcut?

In fact, everything is very simple. You right-click on the desired file (right-click) and select “Create shortcut” there.

Next to your file, exactly the same icon of your file with the same name appears, but “Shortcut” is also added there. Then you simply take this shortcut and move it to where it is most convenient for you.

What labels must be on the labels area?

First of all, there should be a “My Computer” icon to access any file on your computer, a “Trash” icon where all deleted files are located, and a browser icon. This is the main thing that should be there.

Tip one:Never store large, bulky files on your desktop.

Firstly– when you reinstall your operating system, all these files will simply disappear.

Secondly– the presence of such files on the desktop greatly slows down our computer.

Tip two. Try to keep shortcuts on your desktop to a minimum.

First of all, the huge number of shortcuts makes it difficult to quickly and comfortably use our computer.

But if you still need to place a lot of shortcuts, then try to group them into folders.

Users often see a file called Desktop.ini on their Windows screen. Since most users do not know what kind of file it is and where it came from, it is considered a virus. In fact, more often than not, it does not bring any danger.

What is the desktop.ini icon?

Desktop.ini is a file containing information about a directory, used in all versions of Windows, including 7 and 10. In this element all the information is there about the appearance of the Windows directory - background image, color and much more. Typically, the “desktop” is used by various programs. From it you can learn about the location of system files that are necessary to run some utilities.

Many utilities that the user uses on his desktop access this small file. In general, this config is part of the system. Therefore, when uninstalling, and then when opening any program, this element being recreated again.

Desktop or desktop, translated from English means desktop, but despite this, it is located in every folder of the Windows system. Since the desktop is not a program, but also a folder created for each user of the system, desktop.ini is also located in it. It is in this directory that it is most noticeable, and that is why many seek to remove it.

Contents of desktop.ini

What does this icon contain inside:

  • Nosharing– this parameter opens or closes access to this directory for everyone. You can set the value to “0” for opening, and “1” for closing. It has an analogue " Sharing" Performs the same actions.
  • IconFile– this option allows you to change the icon and folders. Analogue IconResource for later versions of Windows.
  • HTMLInfoTipFile– denotes a link to a global network resource.
  • Owner– indicates the owner of the folder. In order to open a directory, you must enter the username and password of its owner.
  • PersonalizedName– gives personal names. For example, without this option, “My Documents” will simply be called “Documents.”
  • IconAreaImage– route to the background pattern.
  • IconArea_ TextBackground– creates color in 16th format for icons and folders.

In the screenshot you can see what this file looks like:

How to open it

You can open this icon using any text editor. Even in a regular notepad. However, the only thing you need to remember when opening is to edit the configuration under no circumstances Not recommended. Since any change can lead to uncertain consequences and unpredictable operation of utilities.

How to remove and is it worth it?

There is one caveat. All configurations after deletion and restoration will be reset to default values. That is, every time you change something on the desktop, it is committed to this element, so all user settings will be lost after deletion.

It is deleted in the standard way - either through the trash can, or through the shift and delete buttons. You can delete it through the trash can by right-clicking on it and finding the item “ remove to cart» and click on it with LMB, thereby deleting it to the trash. You can empty the Trash by right-clicking on it and selecting “Empty Trash”. You can also do this by clicking the Delete button.

Deleting via Shift+Delete deletes it permanently, bypassing the trash. Click on it with LMB, thereby selecting it and hold down the “Shift” + “Delete” buttons together.

Hide an icon

Usually, if the Desktop.ini file is displayed on your desktop, this means that you have unchecked the “ Hide protected system files" Therefore, go to “Explorer”, click on the “View” tab. You will then need to select Options. And go to the “View” tab again. Scroll through the menu to the “Hide protected files” item and mark it with a checkmark.

Probability of viral infection

Desktop.ini is not a virus. This is a system config that is located in the Windows folders. However, there have been cases when Trojan and other viruses were disguised as such an element.

Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to the presence of this icon on the Windows desktop when you have checked all system files and hidden protected ones. If, after the above steps, it is still on the table, then most likely it is a virus. Typically, many users, upon seeing this element, take it for a systemic and thus miss the opportunity to respond in time to a viral infection.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the name and behavior of the system. There cannot be two identical items in one directory. And if the user sees something similar to desktop1.ini or desktop_ini.ini, then this is a virus. Also, a sign of a virus infection can be the constant resetting of desktop settings and other directories after a reboot.

Read what it is desktop.ini file, what happens if you delete it and how to do it. The development of computer technology does not stand still and moves forward at a gigantic pace every day. New types of materials are being created, advanced nanotechnologies are being used, which in turn makes it possible to develop new types of components for computer devices.

The use of modern materials and technologies significantly reduces the size of new devices and significantly increases their speed and productivity. The creation of new types of computer devices requires the development of advanced tools for managing and monitoring them. The main element of such tools is modern versions of software. Corporation "Microsoft", which is the largest developer of computer programs and created the operating system "Windows", tries to respond as quickly as possible to the ever-increasing demands on computer controls. Modern high-speed processors, powerful high-performance video cards, high-capacity disk drives, "Ultra HD 4K" high definition monitors, etc. provide extensive usability and require advanced software to be fully usable.

operating system "Windows" meets all the requirements and provides the computer user with ample opportunities to personalize their own computer to suit their personal preferences. Using different types of desktop themes and high-definition images, changing the GUI style, sounds, folders, using special features, etc. allows you to get a personal computer that fully satisfies the needs of the user at any given moment. However, the use of high-performance computers forces the operating system to create certain files that are reserved by the system itself "Windows" for your own needs. There are many types of such files and they perform various operations: from the simplest (for example, a time counter) to the most complex (for example, saving the configuration of RAM data). Basically, these system files are hidden and are not reflected in the system folders in the standard system settings.

Each user, depending on his taste and mood, customizes the operating system interface "Windows" for yourself. And if you have ever configured folder settings on your personal computer in the system "Windows" and turned on the visibility of hidden files, then you might notice that the file "desktop.ini" located on the desktop and also in every folder. Naturally, a number of questions immediately arise:

In this article we will try to answer all the basic questions regarding the file "desktop.ini". We will also consider the option of how to configure a folder using a file "desktop.ini".

What is a file "desktop.ini" and why is it needed?

File "desktop.ini" is a hidden configuration settings file in the operating system "Windows", located in each folder. It directly determines how the folder will be displayed, as well as its other properties - for example, the type of icon used for the folder, its localized name, priority sharing properties, text color, presence of a wallpaper, etc.

IN "Windows" you can easily set up the sharing option for certain files/folders, grant access to them to regular users, configure how they are shared, and other settings that determine how permissions are applied to the file/folder. All this information about the settings applied to the folder is saved in a system file "desktop.ini", which is the default initialization file.

Now, if you change the default configuration or any folder layout settings, all changes will be automatically saved in the file "desktop.ini" this specific folder. This system file is hidden by default, so if you want to make it visible, you need to set the permission to show it. This can be done as follows. Double click on the file "This computer" on the desktop and open file explorer (or press the keyboard shortcut together "Windows + E" to bring up File Explorer directly). In the main menu ribbon, select the tab "View" and in the tab navigation area, click the section button "Options". In the submenu that opens, select the item.

In the window that opens "Folders settings" go to the tab "View" Using the scroll bar, move the slider down and in the list of available options, uncheck the cell.

A system warning will appear: “Protected operating system files (marked as system files or hidden) will appear in File Explorer. These files are required for startup and operation "Windows". Removing or changing them may interfere with the normal operation of your computer. Are you sure you want these files to be displayed?". Confirm your decision and click the button "Yes". The checkbox in the cell will be cleared. Then press the buttons "Apply" And "OK" and the changes will take effect. Now all hidden files will be reflected.

Is the file a virus? "desktop.ini"?

Definitely a hidden operating system file "desktop.ini" is not a virus. This is a native system file that is stored at the folder level, created after customizing the background, icon or thumbnail, etc. However, there was a history of a Trojan virus associated with the name of this file. If the file "desktop.ini" appears in the folder even if you have checked your folder settings and hidden protected system files by checking the appropriate box, it may be malware (a virus). There are different types of viruses that masquerade as a hidden file "desktop.ini" to increase your stealth. And a user, seeing such a file in a folder on his computer, may mistake it for a legitimate system file, thereby exposing his operating system to infection. Therefore, to be completely confident in the security of your operating system "Windows", you can scan your computer using any antivirus program you have installed.

Is it possible to delete a file "desktop.ini"?

Of course you can delete the config file "desktop.ini", but then your folder display settings will be restored to the preset system values. It works like this: whenever you change a folder icon or thumbnail, change sharing settings, etc., all that information is automatically saved to the file "desktop.ini". Now, if you delete this file, any configuration changes you have made will be lost and the folder settings will be switched to the system-wide defaults.

Once you delete it, it will be automatically restored the next time you configure your folder settings. Now this automatic file generation process cannot be disabled, since its execution occurs at the operating system level. However, you can hide it in the folder general view settings, as shown earlier, so that it does not bother you with its presence.

How to set up a folder using a file "desktop.ini"?

Setting up a folder using a file "desktop.ini" is not a complicated procedure. You just need to create a new or modify an existing file for this folder "desktop.ini" to update its settings and appearance settings. Below are a few simple tweaks you can try with this file:

  • Assign a custom icon (thumbnail) or thumbnail image to the root folder.
  • Create a text tooltip with information about the folder when you hover over it.
  • Configure how the folder is shared.

Follow these steps to change folder style using file "desktop.ini".

    Select any folder you want to configure using the configuration file "desktop.ini". Be sure, before you begin, to save a backup copy of all the files in the folder in another location so that you can restore them in case something goes wrong.

    In the next step, open a command prompt window with administrator rights. This can be achieved in the following ways:

    Method 1: Open the file explorer using any method described above (for example, press the keyboard shortcut together "Windows + E"), and navigate to the location where the executable file is stored "cmd.exe". It is located on the system disk "WITH" at the following address:


    Find the required file and right-click on it to open a pop-up menu. Select the item from the list of available actions.

    Method 2: Right click on the button "Start" located in the lower left corner of the desktop on "Taskbars", or press the button combination together "Windows + X", and open the pop-up menu. In the list of available applications, select the section (in earlier versions of the operating system "Windows" Choose a section "Command Prompt (Administrator)").

    Method 3: Press "Taskbars" button "Start" and open the main user menu "Windows". Using the scroll bar, in the list of available applications and programs, find the section "Service - Windows". Open the submenu and find the section in the list of utility applications "Command line". Right-click on a section and select Section from the pop-up menu "Additionally". The following submenu will open, in which select section.

    Method 4: Press the button "Search", located on "Taskbars" next to the button "Start", and enter your search query in the text input field "cmd". The application will be found in the best match cell "Command line. Classic app". Right-click on it and bring up the pop-up menu. In the list of available actions, select section.

    Before opening a command prompt, User Account Control "Windows" will issue a system warning: “Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?”. Select a button "Yes" to open a command prompt with administrator rights.

    Type the following command in the command prompt window to make the selected folder "systemic". This will set the attribute "only reading" to the base folder and will enable a special behavior for the file "desktop.ini" to correctly display all settings.

    "Full folder path"

    In our example, the desired folder "456" is on disk "E" in folder "123".

    Create a configuration file "desktop.ini" in the selected folder. To do this, you can use the standard application "Notebook" or any other text editor. Click on the button "Start" in the lower left corner of the screen and open the main user menu "Windows". Select from the list of installed applications and programs, using the scroll bar slider, the section "Standard - Windows". Open the submenu and select the section from the list of standard applications "Notebook".

    Save the file and name it the same name as the system file ( "desktop.ini") so that normal users cannot access it. Then make it hidden by right-clicking on it and selecting the section from the pop-up menu "Properties".

    Check boxes in cells "Only reading" And "Hidden", and then press the buttons "Apply" And "OK" to save the changes made.

    Note: Be sure to remember when saving the configuration file "desktop.ini" select in cell "Encoding" meaning "Unicode" so that localized strings stored as content in it are readable.

    Here is an example of a sample file "desktop.ini", created by us in a standard application "Notebook" for a folder named "456", as it shown on the picture.

    Now let's look at what functions perform string parameter values ​​in the file we created "desktop.ini":

    "[.ShellClassInfo]"– the parameter initializes a system property that allows you to customize the base folder by assigning values ​​to some attributes that can be set in the file "desktop.ini".

    "ConfirmFileOp"– set the value of this parameter to position «0» and you will not receive a warning that you are deleting a system folder when you delete or move a file "desktop.ini".

    "IconFile"– if you want to set a custom icon for your folder, different from the standard icons provided in the operating system "Windows", you can specify the path to the icon file here. Be sure to specify the full path to the location where the icon file is stored. In addition, a file with the extension ".ico" preferable to others for installing custom icons, although you can also specify a file with extensions ".bmp" And ".dll". In our example, the icon is located at the following address: "E:\123\456\foldernew.ico".

    "IconIndex"– serial number of the icon in the file. If you set a custom icon for the main folder (option "IconFile"), then you need to set this entry as they work together. Set this parameter to «0» if in the file specified for the attribute "IconFile", there is only one icon file. In our example, there is only one icon option in the specified folder, so we specified the parameter value equal to «0» .

    "InfoTip"– This particular attribute is used to set a hint text string that can be used as informational advice about the folder. If you choose to apply this setting, then any text you specify in this attribute will be displayed when you hover over the folder icon.

    We have provided a hint "Important Drawings", which pops up when you hover over a folder.

    There are also other additional parameters that can be applied in the configuration file "desktop.ini", performing various functions. Here are just a few of them:

    "NoSharing"– opens (meaning «0» ) or prohibits (value "1") shared access to the selected folder;

    "IconArea_Image"– the parameter specifies the path to the background image;

    "IconArea_Text"– sets the text color of file and folder names;

    "Owner"– parameter indicating the owner of the folder. To open a folder, you will need to specify the login and password set by the owner of the folder.

    As you can see, the hidden file "desktop.ini"- this is not a virus or malware, but a regular configuration file containing various settings for the interface and folder sharing mode. And you can, using standard configuration commands, specify priority parameters for each specific folder according to your desire and preference at any time.