D link setting wifi password. Setting a password on other routers

Each of us probably knows that if there is a Wi-Fi point at home, there must be a password on it in order to protect your network from third-party connections or even hacking. But since most users do not know how to set a password for Wi-Fi, many points remain simply free and publicly accessible, which is a tasty morsel for lovers of free Internet.

Why set a password for Wi-FI and what can be the impact of not having it? First of all, by setting a password for Wi-Fi, you will protect your network from hacking. But, since in most cases users do not store anything important on their computer except photos, it is unlikely that such a local network will have any value for a hacker. True, you still don’t need to leave your network unprotected.

Why? Give at least in order to block access to our Internet to various free WI-FI signal catchers who strive to catch and connect to it. Yes, your Internet traffic may be unlimited, but this does not mean that you have to pay and everyone else can use it.

What will such connections affect? The first thing you will notice when you have a large number of connections to your wireless network is a deterioration in the quality of the Internet. Then, when downloading or watching movies online, the speed may be very low. And finally, the connection is not stable ( Internet keeps disconnecting and connecting).

Therefore, in order to save yourself from unexpected problems, I recommend that you be sure to set the password in . But, if you forgot to do this, or the wizard did not set it for you, then read on and you will learn how to set a password for WI-FI, spending a minimum of time on it and without messing up the rest of the router settings.

Setting a Network Password on D-Link

In order to set a password for Wi-Fi, you need, as always, to log into the router using the standard IP address that is indicated on a piece of paper stuck on the device.

So, by writing in the IP address line ( By default in D-Link it is, and in TP-Link, Zyxel, Asus: .1.1), press “Enter” and try to enter the router settings using the standard user “admin”. Well, the password is either similar to the account, or just an empty string. If you changed your password to your own and forgot it, then this article will help you correct this misunderstanding.

In the left menu click on “ WiFi", since we will set a password specifically for the Wi-Fi network. Then, in the tabs that open, find the third item “” and click on it. After which, we will be taken to the wireless network security settings window.

Now everything is in order. In the security certificate field, select “WPA2-PSK”, since this certificate is the most reliable and more advanced in terms of security. If you don’t have WPA2, then look for “WPA/WPA2 mixed”, this certificate is also considered good. And only if there is no WPA2 certificate at all, I recommend installing “WPA-PSK”.

  • The password must be at least eight characters long;
  • It is recommended to use capital and small letters;
  • Use numbers in your password;
  • Come up with a word that will remember you;

What not to use when changing the password for a Wi-Fi network:

  • Do not under any circumstances use your date of birth, room number, or telephone number in your password;
  • Do not use the most popular and simple passwords ( Qwerty, qwerty123,12345678,1q2w3e4r5t, etc..);
  • Do not create a password with the names of yourself or family members, or with the names of pets;
  • Do not set your Wi-Fi password using the same or repeated characters ( 1111111, 118822773366, aaaaaa, etc..);

In the encryption settings, mark “TKIP” and click the “Change” button.

In order to set a password for Wi-Fi, the last step we have left is to save and restart the router. To do this, look in the upper right corner and point the bear at “System” where a drop-down menu will appear in which we select “Save and reload”.

By clicking “OK” in the notification window that appears, we wait for the device to reboot.

Please note that after you have set a password for Wi-Fi, you will need to reconnect to it with all devices ( phones and laptops) first by entering a new password. I also recommend reading the article “ , if such a problem suddenly appears after you set a new password for Wi-Fi.

It is gaining more and more popularity. And this is not surprising, because this is a very convenient way to connect to the Internet and link various devices, because no need to use wires.

But when using a Wi-Fi network, you should not forget about its security. If you still haven’t set a password for Wi-Fi or it’s too simple, perhaps a neighbor’s child has already hacked into your network and is using the free Internet for his own pleasure.

Of course, maybe you are a very kind person and you don’t feel sorry for anything for your dear neighbors, but then you shouldn’t complain that your favorite sites have started to load poorly.

If you still decide to secure your network, let's figure out how to set a password for Wi-Fi.

Where is the Wi-Fi password set?

A router is the most common device when using Wi-Fi technology, so we will look at how to set a password on this particular device.

Now there are many router manufacturers on the market (D-Link, TP-Link, Zyxel, Asus, etc.) and even more different models of these devices. Therefore, in this article we will not consider setting a password for all these models, but will analyze this procedure using the example of one of the popular D-Link DIR-300 routers.

The settings of most modern wireless routers are opened using an Internet browser. This can be done on a computer, laptop, tablet, or any other device that is connected to the router using wires or wirelessly.

It is advisable to perform this procedure on a device that is connected to the router via cable. The fact is that if you are connected via Wi-Fi, when you change the password, you will be disconnected from the network and you will have to go into the settings again.

In order to open the settings we need, we need to enter the IP address of the device in the address bar of the browser. Most manufacturers use standard IP addresses, but some may have their own specific address.

The most common router IP addresses:


If one of these addresses does not suit you, you can find it in several ways:

  1. Look at the router case. Typically, manufacturers write the IP address of the router interface on a sticker on the bottom of the device.
  2. Study the instructions or CD that were included.
  3. Search the Internet for information on your router model.

It is possible that you have a non-standard IP address. In this case, you need to find out this address from the person who set up the router for you or reset the device to factory settings.

Login to router settings

Once you have determined which IP address is suitable for your device, enter it in the address bar of the browser.

If the connection to the router is successful, a window for entering your username and password should appear.

For most routers, the default username and password is “admin.” The D-Link DIR-300 is no exception. Therefore, you need to enter this word in both fields and click on the “Login” link.

If after these steps you are unable to enter the device settings, then either your router has different login data, or these data have been changed.

If you do not know the name and password to log into the device, then there are 2 options:

  1. As in the case of the IP address, look at the case, read the instructions, search the Internet.
  2. If the first point does not help, then you need to reset the router to standard settings using a special button on the device.

Setting a Wi-Fi password

After you have entered the router interface, find the “Security Settings” item in the “Advanced Settings” section. In the settings of other router models, the menu will look different, but similar items can be easily found using the keywords wi-fi and security.

On the “Security Settings” page you need to set the following items:

  • Network authentication
  • PSK encryption key
  • WPA encryption

In the “Network Authentication” field, you need to select which authentication technology will be used to protect your Wi-Fi network. WPA2 is currently the most secure authentication method for a wireless network. Therefore, it is recommended to choose this item to reliably protect your wifi.

You should not be careless when choosing a password. The password must be quite complex, consisting of letters in different cases and numbers. It is desirable that it be some kind of meaningless set, and not specific words. This combination is harder to crack, and you don't have to remember it. Write it down somewhere and use it when connecting new devices to your wireless network.

The next step is to set up WPA encryption. To do this, you need to select an encryption algorithm in the “WPA encryption” field. It is recommended to choose AES, because it is one of the most reliable.

After entering all the parameters, click the “Change” button to save the settings. After changing the settings, most routers require a reboot. Therefore, you will most likely be disconnected from the network and you will have to enter the password again.

Checking Wi-Fi operation

After rebooting the router, you will need to reconnect to the network on all devices and enter a new password.

If an error occurs when connecting, then most likely your device still has the old settings for connecting to wifi. To fix this problem, you need to remove your network from the list of connections and search for access points again. After your network appears in the list again, connect to it and enter a new password.

We will connect and configure your router to the Internet, as well as your laptop, computer, TV, tablet, phone and other devices. We will create a network for home and office. We work with all providers in Moscow! Call 8-495-410-64-76

The proliferation of laptops, netbooks, smartphones, tablet computers and other devices that have wireless networks in their functionality has led to the fact that every second apartment has its own wireless network. One of the most common devices for organizing a connection to a network and at the same time creating an access point for connecting to a wireless network is the D-Link DIR-320.

Setting a password for WiFi from manufacturers Asus, TP-Link, D-link, Zyxel, Beeline, Neatgear and other companies follows the same principle

This is an inexpensive equipment that has everything you need so that you can fully enjoy the absence of wires with a stable and stable network connection.

In order to set a password for WiFi, you need to first connect the router to your computer and then configure the router and then set a password for WiFi. To do this, you need to read the article on how to, and also in the “Internet Settings” section you will find useful articles about that.

How to set a password for wifi

However, any wireless network needs protection. There are several ways to restrict access to wireless networks; the easiest to use and configure is to organize password access.

To do this, you need to simply configure access to the wireless network on the router and, when you subsequently connect new devices, provide authorized users of your network with an access password. It is recommended to change the password from time to time - who knows, maybe at this moment one of your neighbors is trying to hack into your network.

So, how do you make all the necessary settings? We connect the computer to the router and go to the address assigned when setting up the network. Typically this is

Worth noting

That the IP address of the router may differ from some manufacturers; for many routers, including D-link, the address is; for others, it may be or

If you are unable to access the IP addresses indicated above, then be sure to go here and you will find the address you need.

The router requests login And password:

If you have not changed anything, then the admin-admin pair will do; in some cases, the password may be empty or begin with a capital letter. Additional information may be printed on the back of the device or contained in the documentation. If this is your first time logging in, the system will prompt you to change your password.

This is not a good idea - as a rule, such passwords are forgotten and you have to reset the router to its original settings.

On the left side there will be menu sections that you can navigate through. We are interested in setting up Wi-Fi, so we will perform all further manipulations in this section.

First, let's check that the wireless network is turned on. In chapter " General settings"The wireless network must be enabled, here you can see the parameters of the point, for example, its hardware address.

The initial setup of the access point can be done in the " basic settings". Here you can hide the access point, then only those who know what it is called will be able to connect to it. SSID - point identifier, is indicated by the next paragraph.

The name may consist of Latin letters and numbers. You can also specify the country and select one of the channels, but in automatic mode the point will still work. A maximum number of clients of zero means no limit.

Don't forget to save your changes!

Password protection is set in the section " Security Settings". In the illustration below, the most secure mode recommended by the manufacturer is selected; in addition, the password for access is indicated here, do not forget it!

Other settings concern the key encryption method and the key hash update period. If your device does not work well with the point, periodically reporting a connection break, then you can try setting the period value to zero - perhaps the problem will disappear. However, in this case, periodic password changes become mandatory!

What the manufacturer recommends is certainly good, but it is not suitable for all networks in our country, so you can use encryption

All that remains is to save the changes again, reboot the router and connect using the password. Remember, your safety is in your hands, so keep it a secret!

If you already had a Wi-Fi password and you decided to change it, but having changed it you cannot log in with the new password, do not be alarmed. You will need to delete your old Wi-Fi connection in the Wi-Fi panel and then update the connections, after which you can safely log in with your new password.

If you are setting a password for Wi-Fi for the first time, you do not need to do this. We hope that ours helped you set up WiFi security, we are waiting for you on our website, please contact us and ask questions.

Don't know how to set or change the password for accessing a wireless network on an Asus, D-link or TP-link router?

So, our instructions are for you.

With its help, you can configure almost any SOHO class router (for home and small office) from the above manufacturers for safe use.


Configuring all parameters of wireless networks is done through the web interface or, as they say, the admin panel of the router.

AsusTek equips routers consumer (home) segment with two types of interfaces (pictured above).

At first glance, they are quite different, but in reality there are few differences between them.

Having figured out how to install pass Wi-Fi on one Asus brand router, you can easily do it on another.

The web interface is accessed through a computer or other device (tablet, phone) connected to the router via a wired or wireless connection.

The standard network address for Asus routers is This IP must be entered into the address bar of any browser and press Enter.

After this, you will see the main admin page, similar to one of the pictures above.

To set or change the Wi-Fi password on an Asus router, do the following:

  • Enter your login and password to access the admin panel. On almost all Asus routers, they are the same by default - “admin” and “admin”. If this login/password pair does not suit you, please refer to the router documentation, it may contain other login options.
    In addition, the IP address, login and pass must be written on a sticker attached to the bottom of the device.
  • After logging into the admin panel, click the “Wireless” button in the left panel. The button is located in the “Advanced settings” section.

  • In the wireless network configuration section, select an authentication method from the drop-down list and enter any combination of Latin letters, numbers and special characters in the WPA-PSK key field.
    This will be the password to access your Wi-Fi network. The most secure authentication method today is WPA2-personal. If you choose it, the password must be at least 8 characters.

  • To save the settings, click the “Apply” button. Now your wireless network will not be able to be used by strangers.

If, after setting or changing the password, any devices cannot connect to the Wi-Fi network, displaying messages that the saved settings do not meet the network requirements or simply “could not connect,” you need to go to the device’s network settings and delete this network.

Once this network is detected again, you will be able to connect to it without any problems by entering a new password.


Setting up a wireless network on TP-link routers not much different from how this is done on Asus routers.

The web interface can also be accessed through the browser of any connected device (computer, phone, tablet) at tplinklogin.net or IP

The default login and password for TP-link are the same as for Asus - “admin” and “admin”. And again, all this data is on a sticker that is located on the bottom of the device.

Important! If you open the router's web interface at tplinklogin.net, first disconnect it from the Internet (you can simply temporarily disconnect the provider's cable).

Now let’s figure out how to set a Wi-Fi password on a TP-link router:

  • After logging into the admin panel, click on the “Wireless” button in the “Network” section in the main menu. Next, open “Wireless security”.

  • Check the box next to “WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK (Recommended)”. Select the desired authentication method from the list, preferably WPA2-PSK, as the most reliable. Leave the encryption type unchanged.
  • In the “PSK Password” (PSK key) field, enter 8-63 characters, including Latin letters, numbers and special characters (Cyrillic cannot be used). This will be the password for your Wi-Fi network.
  • Save your settings. Your network is now secure.

To change an existing Wi-Fi password on a TP-link router, follow the same steps.

If the network connection is lost after setting a password, do what we wrote about above: go to the network settings section on the device where the break occurred and delete this network.

Once you see it again in the list of available Wi-Fi, connect by entering the SSID and new password.


Once you understand how to set wireless network passwords on Asus and TP-link routers, you can easily figure out D-link settings, despite a number of differences in the interface of the admin panels.

And in fact, there are very few differences in them: access to the admin panel is opened via IP or (some models can be configured for one IP, others for another), the password and login are again “admin” and “admin” .

The same data, set by default, is printed on a sticker attached to the bottom of the router.

To set or change the Wi-Fi password on a D-link router, connect a computer, tablet or phone to it via a cable or Wi-Fi, open a browser (D-link manufacturers recommend using Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer) and enter one of the following in the address bar the above IP addresses.

  • After logging into the admin panel, open the “Wi-Fi” section through the main menu. Other options for its names are “Wireless” or “Wireless setup” (in different versions of D-link firmware the admin panel looks different).

The article we offer you will discuss a very important component of any computer networks - security. All networks (except for the simplest ones, consisting of two computers) are controlled by routers, which are complex network equipment that can be configured, programmed, and access denied both to certain computers on the local network and to certain sites.

And, of course, although these features were designed for good, an attacker can configure the router for selfish purposes. And to prevent this, we will learn how to set a password on the router, which will simply block access to the settings for uninvited guests.

The second part of the article will talk about other network security, namely setting a password for connecting to a wireless Wi-Fi network. This password will not allow you to connect to our wireless router and use someone else’s Internet for free.

Entering the router settings menu

To set a password to enter the settings menu, you must first log in and change the password in the settings. If the router is new, then all the necessary login information is located either under the bottom of the router or in the quick setup instructions.

Label under the bottom of the router

We need the following data:

  1. Router address. This is a network address, looks like an IP address, or in the form of a domain name. They are absolutely equivalent, you can enter any;
  2. Username (Username, Login);
  3. User password (Password).

The router address is necessary because the configuration is done through the web interface built into the router. That is, the device is connected to a desktop computer via a wired or wireless Wi-Fi connection, any web browser is launched, and the address of the router is written in its address bar. We perform similar actions when going to a website.

Authorization when entering the settings menu

So, we connected to the computer, entered the router address, and pressed the “Enter” key. The router will immediately begin to require authorization.

The manufacturer sets the same username and password for all routers. Traditionally, the name is admin, the password is either admin or 1234. Enter them in the appropriate fields and enter the settings.

If an error is displayed and the login/password is not accepted, then it is likely that they have already been changed earlier. You need to reset your device to factory defaults by pressing and holding the reset button for at least 10 seconds.

Router reset button

Usually the button is called “Reset”.

Attention! When resetting, not only the username/password will be canceled, but all other settings! The router will turn into a new device, fresh off the manufacturer's assembly line.

Go to the settings again, enter the factory name/password again, and find yourself in the router settings.

Router settings menu

Although the menu for each manufacturer is slightly different in appearance, the structure is the same for all - select the settings item, and then configure this section.

We are interested in the password to enter the settings menu; this section is usually located in “Administration”, “System Settings”, etc. Let's look at the example of a TP-Link router.

Setting a new password to enter settings

The first two lines are used to enter the current username/password. Enter “admin” and “admin” there (or what you entered when logging in). Next, in the third line “New User Name” we enter a new user name, in the fourth line “New Password” - a new password, and in the fifth line a new password again, thereby confirming it. Next, click “Save” so that the changes are saved and applied. The router will immediately reboot and prompt you to enter the settings with a new username/password.

That’s it, an attacker will no longer be able to enter the settings using the factory password, which he knows, the router is safe.

Some manufacturers only provide for changing the password, the user name is unchanged, and always “admin”. But you can change your password anytime, anywhere.

Wireless Security

Next, we’ll look at protection from fans of the free Internet. As you know, Wi-Fi is transmitted over the air, and anyone can connect to it, even from the street (if the signal strength is sufficient). We will also set a password for these freeloaders.

Setting up a Wi-Fi password is also done in the settings menu, so the first thing we do is go back to settings.

Let's take the TP-Link router again as an example. Having entered the settings, look for the “Wireless” menu item.

Setting up a Wi-Fi password

In the drop-down list, select the “Wireless Setting” submenu. The first part of the window is for basic Wi-Fi settings - network name, region, channel and mode. But we are interested in security - it is in the lower half of the screen.

So, check the box next to “Enable Wireless Security”. Next, in the “Security Type” list, select the encryption standard. The most difficult to crack is WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK. Select it from the list.

Next, in the “PSK Password” field, we come up with and enter the same password. There are certain requirements for it - it should not be shorter than eight characters, and consist only of letters of the English alphabet and numbers. For greater reliability, it is better to mix everything, taking into account the case of letters (w and W are different).

Click “Save”.

Connect to a wireless network

That's it, now when you try to connect to our network, the computer will require you to enter a password.

Connecting to a Wi-Fi network

If the user does not know the password, access to the Internet is blocked for free.

You can clearly learn how to set a password on a router using the video lesson:

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