Crossover installation. Why are crossovers needed in component speakers? Differences between active and passive crossovers

Hi all:)

Important elements of car amplifiers are crossovers and adjustments. We will look at what they are used for and what they are in this article.

So that all beginners can immediately understand what kind of “cranks” we are talking about, we will talk about a couple of PHOTOS solely for clarity, amplifier models do not matter at all, everything that is written in this article is true for any car amplifier.

1. Side panel of the MacAudio Fearless 1000D all-in-one

2. Side panel of the Chinese 4-channel amplifier PIONEER 78.4

Almost all modern models of car amplifiers are equipped with crossovers. Crossover– a special device represented by an active filter (who doesn’t know what is active because it is implemented in the circuitry on op-amp operational amplifiers, i.e. microcircuits), with the help of which in the outgoing audio signal you can select the required frequency range for subsequent amplification to focus exactly on the main thing, and everything unnecessary to cut off is the main task of the crossover. After such filters, the signal goes to the buttons where the Full / L.P.F / H.P.F operating mode is selected. Immediately after the buttons, the signal goes either additionally to the pre-amplifier or directly to the final power amplifier, there is no single solution because each manufacturer has its own circuit design, after the power amplifier the signal goes directly on acoustics or a subwoofer, depending on what acts as a load.

For a simple audio system, an amplifier with a minimum set of filters that are necessary to separate high and low frequencies is sufficient. We should also not forget about a possible future upgrade of the audio system. Therefore, if such a possibility or possibility in the future is not excluded, then it is better to purchase an amplifier with an additional set of filters.

If you have an expensive luxury car radio, most likely it has a built-in audio processor, the so-called processor head units (radio). They can easily completely replace a crossover, independently performing the functions of filtering audio signals. In this case, an amplifier without a crossover is quite suitable, i.e. with a direct path; by the way, such amplifiers sound very pleasant. Amplifiers of different types with the same set of filters may differ from each other in sound quality due to the use of different quality components, as well as ease of setup. This is explained by the different crossover capabilities in practice.

Most inexpensive amplifiers have crossovers with a built-in factory cutoff frequency value, that is, a fixed frequency is already “set” internally according to the circuit design, usually manufacturers choose it as 80 Hz and nothing)) You won’t do anything with it, that is, you won’t change it. More expensive models allow you to independently adjust this parameter, which in principle is much better. You yourself can adjust the filter directly to your specific system components and achieve better sound results. Such amplifiers are more preferable and convenient to use, since they allow you to select the desired cutoff frequency.

Another important parameter for a crossover is damping slope. The value is measured in dB/oct. The minimum characteristic value among the acceptable ones, which allows you to get good sound, is 12/24 dB/oct. The ability to configure this parameter is also available in modern amplifier models. A steeper roll-off value eliminates the effect of the bass sound being centered at the rear of the vehicle. This allows you to build high sound quality and get a full sound stage over the entire range of permissible frequencies. Let's take a closer look:

Let's say the crossover has a cutoff frequency of 1000 Hz. This means that one of its filters cuts off all frequencies below 1000 Hz and only allows frequencies above 1000 Hz to pass through. This filter is called a high-pass filter. Another filter that passes frequencies below 1000 Hz is called low-pass. Graphically, the operation of this crossover is shown in the figure on the left. The point of intersection of the two curves is the crossover cutoff frequency equal to 1000 Hz. Three-way crossovers also have a mid-frequency filter (band-pass), which passes only the middle frequency range (approximately 600 Hz to 5000 Hz.) The figure on the right shows the frequency response of a three-way crossover.

Order of sensitivity is the ratio of the output signal intensity (dB) of the crossover to the input signal frequency, assuming that the input signal intensity is constant. Typically, sensitivity (cutoff slope) is characterized as the ratio dB/octave. For many mathematical reasons, crossover sensitivity is always a multiple of 6 dB/octave. The first order crossover has a sensitivity of 6 dB/octave. The second order crossover has a sensitivity of 12 dB/octave, the third order has a sensitivity of 18 dB/octave, and the fourth order crossover sensitivity is 24 dB per octave.

Consider a third-order low-pass filter with a cutoff frequency of 100 Hz. This crossover will only pass frequencies below 100 Hz, and will cut off frequencies above 100 Hz. Frequency cutting will occur as follows: all frequencies above 100 Hz will lose their intensity at the output of the filter by a multiple of 18 dB, depending on the octave they belong to. That is, the 200 Hz frequency (the first octave above the cutoff frequency) will lose its intensity by 18 dB, the intensity of the 400 Hz frequency (the second octave) will fall by 36 Hz, and the third octave (800 Hz) will attenuate by 54 dB. And so on, all subsequent octaves will be attenuated by a multiple of 18 dB. A less sensitive first-order low-pass filter with a cutoff frequency of 100 Hz will do the same thing, only unnecessary octaves will be attenuated not by 18 dB, but by 6 dB. As you can see, the filters that make up the crossovers cannot immediately cut off unnecessary frequencies, but do it gradually, with different sensitivities depending on their order. Below are pictures of how this works in practice in action.

Setting up an active crossover. The most important thing in setting up a crossover is choosing the right cutoff frequency. If we have a three-way active crossover, then we are faced with the task of determining two cutoff points (frequencies). The first point determines the cutoff frequency for the subwoofer (low-pass) and the beginning of the mid-frequency range for the midwoofer (high-pass). The second point determines the end frequency of the mid-range (low-pass) and the starting frequency of the high-frequency range for the tweeter (high-pass). The most important thing is that when setting crossover cutoff frequencies, remember the frequency characteristics of the speaker and under no circumstances load the speaker with frequencies that are not within its operating range. For example, if the subwoofer rattles a little or makes a hum (unpleasant resonance of the car body), then it is overloaded with unwanted mid frequencies (above 100 Hz). Move the cutoff frequency (low-pass) to 75 Hz and/or set the sensitivity to 18 dB or 24 dB per octave, if possible. Let me remind you that increasing the order of the crossover sensitivity (dB/octave value) cuts off unnecessary frequencies more efficiently, preventing them from leaking through the filter. The sensitivity of high-pass filters for a midwoofer can be left at 12 dB/octave (for “soft” mid-range speakers). This active crossover setup is called asymmetrical. This table shows the starting cutoff frequencies for various types of speakers when configuring active crossovers.

If there are no line outputs on the head unit, it may be useful to have outputs on the amplifier. Outputs that accept filtered signals have the greatest flexibility. An example of a device with these characteristics is the top-class FP Dual Monitor amplifier from the Focal Power series. This model has a built-in digital-to-analog converter (DAC) and a modern, ultra-powerful digital audio processor.

One of the filters that is used in amplifiers is the LIF (infra-low pass filter). It is also known as Subsonic and is especially useful if you have a bass-reflex subwoofer. The purpose of the FINCH is to remove ultra-low frequencies, which are completely useless when playing music; firstly, we do not hear them naturally; secondly, this allows us to protect the speaker from excessive vibrations of the diffuser and prevents the amplifier from using up excess power, extending its service life. This filter is usually separated from the crossover and is considered an independent component of the audio system, but it is practically no different from other filters.

Naturally, crossovers differ from each other not only in ease of use and technical capabilities, but also in quality. Hi-end class amplifiers significantly “benefit” in relation to budget amplifiers in terms of the quality of the element base, participation in the process of passing the sound signal, and the technique of arranging the crossover section circuit. A striking example of elite-class devices with a built-in high-quality crossover are Audison amplifiers (Thesis TH model range). These amplifiers have extensive customization options for all available parameters and are capable of eliminating distortion during the passage of an audio signal.

Adjustments are another important element of car amplifiers. They come in several types: Level, Full, Bass Boost, Low (High) Frequency, Subsonic, 4/3/2ch. Let's take a closer look at each of them:

Level– used to match the sensitivity level of the amplifier with the car radio (sound volume).

Filter Bass Boost(Bass EQ) - used to enhance and correct low frequencies (bass). Simple models have a built-in frequency switch with a single gain level value (most often +18 dB). For more complex models, a special control allows you to smoothly change the gain level.

Filter type High Frequency used to equalize high frequencies. The frequency range that is below the value required for the filter is reproduced using a subwoofer.

Adjustment Low Frequency adjusts the level of low frequencies. The range of frequencies that are above a specified value is cut off and reproduced by the car’s speaker system, i.e. your speakers.

Function Full- used to work with a broadband signal, it is also called full-band audio.

Filter Subsonic– used to correct infra-low playback frequencies. This makes it possible to prevent mechanical malfunctions of the subwoofer.

4/3/2ch switch used in 4-channel amplifiers. Makes it possible to switch the operating mode to 2, 3 or 4 channels if necessary.

Partial material taken from the forum

An important component in any high-quality vehicle audio system is the crossover, so you need to be able to not only choose it correctly, but also know how to connect crossovers to speakers. Without this knowledge, the sound of music in a vehicle will be far from ideal, which for many amounts to ruined trips.

What is a crossover

Crossovers are specialized devices in sound systems that create the necessary frequency ranges while the speakers are operating. In simpler terms, these are several filters for sound.

Externally, it is a housing with dimensions of approximately 12x6x4 centimeters, and inside this housing contains filters that are responsible for transmitting sound signals depending on their frequency. According to their main function, crossovers are divided into:

  1. High frequency (adjustable to frequencies from 80 to 100 Hz);
  2. Low-frequency (adjustable to frequencies from 2-5 kHz).

Active and passive

Another classification is passive and active. The main difference between these two types is the components from which they are composed.

Active ones consist of components that require constant operation of power sources. These are, for example, microcontrollers, amplifiers and other elements.

As for passive ones, they are created from elements that do not require power, for example, coils, as well as capacitors and resistors.

Another difference is that active ones can only be mounted in front of the amplifier, while passive ones have more choice - they can be mounted in front of the speaker itself.

Advantages and disadvantages

Active crossovers

  1. Convenience during operation;
  2. The switches are output directly to the housing.
  1. Too expensive;
  2. The need for active crossovers in amplifiers for channels;
  3. The presence of distortions in the work that arise due to the operation of the elements of these devices.

Passive crossovers

  1. Dividing signals into systems with several bands, and this requires only two amplification channels;
  2. Low cost.
  1. Impossibility of configuration without direct intervention in the entire electricity supply circuit;
  2. Select according to the acoustic system bands used;
  3. Configuration, selection and installation are processes that require professional knowledge and experience.

How to configure

In order to get the highest quality sound, you need to select the required cutoff frequency. If you use a three-way active crossover (the best option for most acoustic systems), you need to identify two cutoff frequency levels. The first shows the boundary between frequencies such as medium and low, and the second does the same, but for high and medium frequencies.

An important point: every vehicle owner must correctly determine the frequency characteristics of the speakers used before connecting the crossover to the speakers. There is no need to go to these frequencies, since in this case the crossovers will refuse to work normally at them. Ultimately, this will only lead to deterioration in sound and quality. This will also cause a reduction in the life of the equipment and the entire acoustic system in the vehicle.

CrossOver Linux is the easiest solution for running Windows apps and games on your Linux PC. This platform is an integrated virtual machine that runs Windows software, games and utilities. As a result, the desired Windows program will work without failures.

Features of CrossOver Linux

CrossOver for Linux offers many amazing features. Let's look at the main ones in more detail.

Eliminates rebooting before starting Windows programs

Once the installation process is completed, you will be able to install and run your desired software without any problems. And it does not require any download or any virtual machine to use your desired Windows programs.
It directly runs Windows software on the Linux operating system. There is no need to copy files from one system file to another.

One-click installation

CrossOver Linux allows you to relax while doing your work yourself. It has the core CrossTie technology, which is a breakthrough for CrossOver users.
CrossTie allows you to install your favorite Windows applications in a few simple steps. You just click the Install button and it does the rest.

The software runs at its own speed

You don't need to run a copy of Windows because this software runs on a Linux PC. This means your RAM and CPU won't pay extra memory costs for using two operating systems at the same time.
However, for this reason, Windows programs and games run faster than the Windows operating system.

Read more about games on Linux in this article.

So there are no performance disadvantages. CrossOver Linux is an all-in-one solution for running a Windows application on your Linux computer.

Seamlessly integrates with your work environment

Because CrossOver Linux runs the Windows programs you need from the native Linux file system, you don't have to move files between the Linux partition system and Windows programs. Everything in one place, wherever you need it.
It is possible to edit Windows and Linux documents. What's more, you can launch Windows programs right away rather than having to do a ton of work before launching it. Plus, this application makes your Windows programs act like real Linux applications.

Bottles - a portable Windows virtual environment

One of its unique features is "Bottles" which allows a standalone Windows environment like XP, Win7 to be packaged and standalone with your favorite program. CrossOver Linux is useful for backing up Windows applications and moving them from one computer to another.

This also ensures that the correct version of Windows that your applications require is available. This unique feature of the software will make you feel like you are working with several different Windows machines on your computer.

Installing CrossOver from the website

Installing CrossOver in the terminal


CrossOver Linux is an application that will change the way you think about Linux. Due to some Linux restrictions, you cannot run Windows programs on your Linux computer.
There are three main factors to use CrossOver.
Firstly, using and installing CrossOver Linux is simple and comfortable. Secondly, the ability to switch between operating systems. Thirdly, you get all the utilities in one place.

Probably every macintoch user tried to install a Windows program on a mac, but OS X did not give any chance to do it. Of course, there are cross-platform applications, and they have versions for different systems, including Mac, but most exist specifically for Microsoft OS, and are simply not designed for OS X.

Why run Windows applications on another system?

If you have enough of all the features of OS X, then you may not need to install third-party utilities. But if you would like to lift the curtain and expand your horizons, then additional software will undoubtedly add new capabilities to your arsenal and, perhaps, even speed up your work. The thing is that most modern games are written for the Microsoft environment, what can we say about specialized, accounting and other utilities that work only in the Microsoft system.

This article will talk about installing Windows applications on a mac via Crossover - this is a utility that allows you to run incompatible software, almost without loss of power on OS X. Among its analogues, we can note another installer: “Wine”, they wrote about it in, Wine, although is free, compared to the utility in question, but it also does not run everything that Crossover can.

How Crossover works

All programs have a set of commands with which they interact with the operating system, in other words, a native language. Because the commands for different environments are different, then OS x simply does not understand what the Windows application wants and therefore it does not work. Crossover acts as a translator, i.e. translates signals into a form understandable for a foreign environment. Everything would be fine if there was a translation for all commands, but this is not the case; in many cases it is simply impossible to translate and understand commands, due to the lack of such an implementation in another operating system. This means that Crossover will allow you to install only a small number of Windows programs on a Mac and it is not a fact that they will interact correctly and without glitches.

The most reliable and proven way to run non-native software is. This is the method that completely eliminates compatibility problems, besides, you will have 2 systems at once and will always be able to work in your native OS X.

- Speed ​​comparable to launching in native environment.
- Working with incompatible software in OS X environment.
- The license price is significantly lower than purchasing an additional operating system.
- More friendly interface compared to its free analogue - Wine.

- Paid, unlike the free analogue Wine.
- A small number of running applications.
- Instability, errors, freezes.

How to install Crossover

We type our keyword “Crossover” into the search engine, then go to the developer’s website, at the time of writing this site was still called Because The utility for installing Windows applications on Mac is paid, we download the trial version to test it and understand whether we need it and whether it is worth buying it.

After launching Crossover, a window will appear, click “install applications”.

We will be asked to select what we want to install from among all those available and previously tested for performance in the “Select an application to install” menu. We select, in our case, this will be the “PSpad” editor, for a faster search we enter “PSpad” in the search field.

In the bottom column, where it says “Select an installer,” the download path will be automatically indicated, but in some cases, this path is not available, so consider the option of installing from our directory. We indicate the path to ours, select the installer file (usually with the extension .exe). In the "bottle" field, leave the default selection and click "Continue".

The Windows installation of the program on mac OS X will begin; during the unpacking process, a window may appear indicating the path - we leave this field as it is.

Upon completion, the launched file will be located at the address: “/Users/aleksandr/Applications/CrossOver/PSPad editor”, going to this directory, click on the “PSPad editor” icon and open the previously incompatible application on the mac. It started, hurray To remove PSPad editor you need to click "UnInstall" in the same folder. For convenience, you can move the icon to the Dock.

To summarize, we can say that Crossover is paid though, but also has advantages over its free counterpart - more convenient use and a fairly large set of software already tested for performance. under Windows.

Despite its simplicity and convenience, Crossover, like its free analogue Wine, allows you to run a very small number of available programs, usually simple ones. If you would like to get all the features of the most common environment, work with all modern utilities and be content with games that are not 5-10 years old, then the only way is as an additional system to OS X.

No matter how much you love your Mac, there are still programs that run exclusively on Windows. The simplest solution to this problem is to purchase Windows and use it through Boot Camp, Parallels or VMware Fusion. The pros and cons of all these options are known, but the point is that you still need Windows (and after using Mac OS X on Windows, sometimes you don’t want to look at all, I think I’m not the only one who knows this feeling ;-). And here CrossOver Mac 7.0 can come to the rescue.

The point is that this software allows you to run applications (running under Windows) without starting Windows. Essentially, CrossOver Mac 7.0 makes applications (running on Windows) think that they are running on Windows, while in reality they are running on Mac OS X.

It all works quite simply. First, of course, you install and launch CrossOver Mac 7.0, after which all CD/DVD disks with programs for Windows will be recognized and launched using this program.

Unlike Parallels and Fusion, which create a virtual machine—a file that simulates a real computer—CrossOver Mac creates isolated files (called “bottles”), each of which simulates a different version of Windows. This allows you to install the program under the optimal version of Windows (for example: Office 97 under Windows 98, Office 2007 under Windows XP).

In fact, bottles allow you to run multiple Windows applications on your Mac without fear of them interfering with each other. Since each bottle is stored as a separate file, you can also easily make backup copies or copy them to another Mac to run through CrossOver.

When you start CrossOver Mac, a so-called opening window appears, from which you can load any of the already installed Windows applications or install a new one.

A list of already installed programs opens in the Finder window.

When you double-click on the icon of an installed program, you load a bottle containing this program and it opens in a standard Mac OS X window.

Transferring files between Mac and Windows is carried out using the standard copy and paste functions. Any of the programs can just as easily save created files to your hard drive using the standard Save function.

While any Windows program is running, its icon appears in the Dock, like all programs under Mac OS X. It goes without saying that you can also save icons in the Dock for quick access.