Cont ws geopolitical. Platform for social journalism

Do you know what it's like today the main problem from the Russian treasury? I'm afraid you'll never guess. No, its income is not dependent on the oil market. Not corruption. And not even Western sanctions. The most important problem of the federal budget of the Russian Federation, its main risk is the Russian elderly. This is exactly what is said in almost direct text in the budget forecast of the Ministry of Finance

There are many problems in our life. Naturally, our relatives and friends also have them, and we often have to listen to complaints about something or someone. On the one hand, this is natural; people want to somehow relieve tension and speak out. But, on the other hand, constantly listening to someone's complaints takes away our energy. It's good to show empathy and sympathize with St.

IN Russian Federation there is an institute of consulting agencies providing advisory, research and audit services legal entities, including government agencies, banks and state corporations. The purpose of consulting is to assist the management system in achieving its stated goals.

Ukrainian volunteers published final data on the voting results of Ukrainian Armed Forces military personnel in the area of ​​the so-called Joint Forces operation. Based on these results, if they are relevant to reality, it is possible to form a picture not only of how many percentage points the presidential candidates from the “group of leaders” received, but also of the approximate amounts

About the need for a committee that could take on the functions of censorship - in fact high level, on legally, Chechen Minister Dzhambulat Umarov said on air in Constantinople. Minister of the Chechen Republic for National Policy, External Relations, Press and Information Dzhambulat Umarov in the program "Grozny. View" on the Tsargr TV channel

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg gave a speech to the US Congress about containing “enemies of freedom” who may resort to violence. He cited the terrorist group “Islamic State” as an example of such enemies. Then he put Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin on a par with them, noting that they could only be resisted by force. “Freedom has enemies. AND

Only the lazy are not talking now about the fact that the Standard & Poor’s rating agency has downgraded Russia’s rating to BB+ - below investment grade. The political background of this issue is clear to everyone. And we propose to talk about why exactly the decision of Standard & Poor’s is absurd and, by and large, simply buries the agency’s reputation. Credit ratings are calculated "based on past and current financial history V in this case"sovereign governments", as well as based on estimates of the size of their property and [...]

It’s nice to know that you are surrounded by caring people who sincerely care about the fate of our country. They, these people, are trying their best not only to help, but also to identify themselves in every possible way, to show that they belong to patriotically minded sections of the population. You walk around the city and see: there is the flag of Ukraine flying on the balcony, but a car drove by with the license plates “PTN PNH”, there is a fence or a bench painted in the colors of the national flag. Neighbors joyfully greet each other with the words “Glory to Ukraine!” - "Glory to heroes". Some of the patriots are collecting [...]

", great group blog. Conte published articles by many statist bloggers, including, for example, Rostislav Ishchenko, Nikolai Starikov and yours truly. At the same time, there was no censorship on Kont, and the moderation was quite mild - so quite controversial texts periodically appeared in the feed.

Here are my thoughts on this matter.

1. The site owners did not receive any demands, no requests, or notices from Roskomnadzor. The employees were too lazy to exert themselves, they silently blocked the site and that’s it.

At the same time, a year ago, Kont corresponded with Roskomnadzor, provided all contacts, and explained the mechanism of the site’s operation.

2. Roskomnadzor mail is silent. Of course, letters with questions were immediately sent to the post office; Kont proactively deleted the article, which, as users suggested, could have caused the blocking. Roskomnadzor ignored the letters and, since it is already Saturday, will probably ignore them at least until Monday.

By the way, a scan of the court ruling has not been posted either. “Kont” is invited to go to Penza, look for the appropriate court there and try to get a decision there: only in order to find out which page, in fact, the claims arose.

3. Providers also don’t even try to understand the issue - they don’t block separate page, and the site as a whole. I understand that if a site operates via https, blocking only one page is problematic - but is it possible to at least redirect users to a page where the reason for blocking will be explained? You can, after all, indicate on the same page that if the site goes to http protocol, only one page will remain blocked?

4. Could the issue be resolved better? Definitely. In the following way:

We are creating a hotline on the Roskomnadzor website, which will answer questions from site owners about blocking around the clock.
- We instruct specialists from the same team to call the owners of sites that should be blocked and write them letters regarding the blocking.
- We oblige providers to take all possible measures to ensure that only one page is blocked, and not the entire site.

Voila. There will be much fewer problems with blocking.

5. How much does it cost to create such a hotline? Let's do the math. For 24/7 work We need, say, five people. Salary expenses, payroll taxes, premises, long distance communication and so on will amount, as my experience shows, to approximately 500 thousand rubles per month, 6 million rubles per year.

This is for Moscow, I didn’t even try to save money, and I didn’t take into account that theoretically someone at Roskomnadzor is already doing this work - that is, necessary resources they are already allocated for this. But let’s say we create everything from scratch and immediately start working on a grand scale. Does Roskomnadzor have 6 million rubles a year?

Yes, I have. Roskomnadzor's budget is about 10 billion rubles a year, therefore, the cost of creating a hotline will not exceed 0.06% of its annual budget.

6. Do you need to bother with this? Maybe let Kont suffer and not care about his problems?

No, you can't do that. At least for the reason that senseless blocking of this kind sharply spoils the reputation of our entire government as a whole. Every time an opposition resource is blocked in this way, the opposition media raise a terrible screech about the oppression of freedom of speech in Russia - trying, as usual, to pass off the laziness of specific Roskomnadzor officials as a deliberate policy of the authorities to stifle freedom of speech.

7. One can, of course, notice in this regard that “Kont” is a resource, rather, of a patriotic orientation, and that before banning opposition resources, “Roskomnadzor” checks everything much more carefully... but then the result is something completely different extreme wildness.

I, of course, have no illusions about our journalistic community, which, despite the crafty lamentations of the opposition, remains thoroughly liberal. It is quite clear that our media do not pay any attention to the blocking of patriotic resources; they are only interested in the problems of the pro-Western opposition, which is “their own” for our journalists.

But still, Roskomnadzor is federal Service, he must feel responsible to society and the state.

8. Finally, I’ll say a few kind words to the Kont administrators. If someone considers himself a “patriot” and a “statist,” this does not mean that he is truly a patriot and a statesman. Let me remind you that at Euromaidan everything was also teeming with Ukrainian patriots - and we all see where these patriots have taken their long-suffering country.

Therefore, dear editors of patriotic resources, do not make concessions for “your own.” Do not allow those who are actively inciting things under the guise of patriotism to access your resources.

Firstly, this kindling is not in the interests of society and the state. Secondly, I doubt that Roskomnadzor will accept my reproach right tomorrow and create a hotline right in June. This means that for starting a fire - even with patriotic sauce - your resource can be blocked, and then you will spend a long time catching lazy people from Roskomnadzor to explain to them that you have already fixed everything.

Update. I was informed that hotline Roskomnadzor does have one.

Reports from Donbass March 16, 2018The situation on the front line between the Donbass republics and the Kyiv junta remains steadily tense. Periodic skirmishes continue between the VSN and the punitive forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which are traditionally initiated by the punitive side. Preparations for offensive actions continue across the entire depth of the enemy’s defense. There is a rotation of military units and tightening up...Ukrainian nationalists are escalating the situation around the presidential elections of the Russian Federation. Russia is going to exercise the electoral rights of its citizens on the territory of Ukraine in its diplomatic missions. Accordingly, citizens of the Russian Federation located in Ukraine will be able to vote at Russian embassies and consulates. In turn, the ukropatriots could not help but react to such a “boorish gesture of the aggressor.” Some Ukrainian media are already publishing d...The world is on the verge of a serious conflict. In recent days, Russia has been intensifying the transfer of army units to the Syrian conflict zone. According to observers. To strengthen the group, additional S-400 air defense systems, fighter-attack aircraft, surface and submarine ships arrived. MTR units presumably arrived at the landing craft. In turn, the US-led coalition is building up...British politicians are working for Russia with their delusional statements. Even Ukrainian political scientists admit that the statements of British officials regarding the Skripal case are frankly delusional. According to the conclusions of Mikhail Pogrebinsky, for the most part, London managers treat their people like cattle. However, one cannot fail to notice the positive effect of such a British policy. Thanks to the current Anglo-Saxon rhetoric...WHY ARE THE RF MEDIA HIDING THIS FROM US? Every day I start by watching news from various Russian and European channels. 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And the strangest thing is that they landed... THE GREAT RUSSIAN NATIONAL IDEA They had a flag that was impossible to betray. A red flag with a hammer and sickle - a symbol of their new country and the new world that they were building together with their people for their descendants... They had the idea of ​​a different future for their children and grandchildren, which was much more difficult for those ideological Russian people to betray, how to win the last football match against the German Nazis... HE, THIS... NOT HIMSELF... IMPOSED IT... IT ON HIM.. THAT... PLANTED... If you are not yet aware of what is happening, then urgently drop everything business and join us in watching the most exciting show, sorry for the cynicism, which has now been staged very important people in Lugansk. 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This is the overwhelming majority of synthetic drugs on Russian territory, some of them are smuggled... HOW TO MAKE ROMANTICISM OUT OF TERRORISM SO THAT WESTERN PARTNERS ARE REWARDED AND RUSSIAN COLLEAGUES RESPECT The court asked them: “You are all children of high-ranking parents. Would we take tourist vouchers to Turkey and stay there, ask for political asylum!?” The answer was discouraging: “If we fled to Turkey this way, we would be mistaken for ordinary emigrants. So the Brazinskas, father and son, flew away with noise, with shooting, the flight attendant Nadya Kurchenko was killed, so they were in... HOMELAND... WHO SAID UGLY? TRUSTING THE bastard...AH, WELL, AND TO US: TRA LA LA...LA LA LA...LA LA LA Continuation of the article THE MIGRATION DEPARTMENT OF THE RF MIA OF THE ROSTOV REGION IS DEALING ANOTHER Blow TO RUSSIAN STATEITY The following describes another situation of blatant, arrogant, shameless and irresponsible, to our subjective view, the attitude of some Russian officials towards their job responsibilities. Understanding what problems may turn out to be in the future... THE MIGRATION DEPARTMENT OF THE MINISTRY OF INTERIOR OF THE RF OF THE ROSTOV REGION IS DEALING ANOTHER Blow TO RUSSIAN STATEHOOD Long gone are the days when a single-engine plane managed to land on Moscow's Red Square. That country no longer exists. But before she passed away, then the heads flew along with the shoulder straps of those who were accused of criminal negligence regarding the landing of that plane. A little later, criminal negligence of the same kind, but many hundreds and probably thousands of other Soviet... 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Alexey in Lately began to agree to debates with representatives of his likely electorate. That’s why you can sign up for a debate with him. Just record your video message-challenge and upload it to YouTube. Alexey and his team of bloggers constantly monitor YouTube and therefore your video will be immediately noticed by them and put in the queue. Debates with Va...NEW RULES FOR OBTAINING RUSSIAN PASSPORTS FOR KHOKHLAS - A STEP FORWARD AND TWO BACKIn addition to the topic about the recently adopted amendment to the migration rule in Russia legislation, I would like to add another very important point. In the Russian Federation, dual citizenship seems to be allowed. Therefore, it is not entirely clear why Ukrainian citizens are required to abandon their Ukrainian in favor of the new Russian. If in terms of the fight against... 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The man who sits and works in the State Duma demands that we farmers carry out constitutional reform in the state! Why are you listening to him!? This is how the farmers met with the leader of the NOD movement, Evgeny Fedorov. He tells them about support for Putin and Bystrykin, and they tell him about their readiness to vote for the realistically stated Eye program...Let's block ads! (Why?)

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