CMS Joomla - principles of operation of a free content management system, page creation and caching. What is the difference between the actions of the “Apply” and “Save” buttons?

1 year ago | 12.5K

Joomla is very interesting solution For quick creation online store or other websites. But you need to understand the main advantages of this CMS in order to call your choice truly informed, because there are certain disadvantages that must also be taken into account.

Official website of Joomla!

Main features of CMS Joomla

This CMS is considered one of the most popular and popular. You can create a website using this engine quite quickly, without additional problems. Joomla allows you to create quite complex projects for people who do not have extensive experience with PHP.

Main advantages of Joomla

1. Availability

CMS Joomla is free, which makes it a popular option for beginning entrepreneurs who still find it difficult to allocate money to purchase expensive professional engines. Today you can see a large number of conditionally free CMS, V in this case you will not have the opportunity to create a unique website by making adjustments during its creation. Such actions will be regarded as violations of the original agreement. And Joomla allows you to modify sites at your own discretion, there are no restrictions in this case.

2.Easy to install

Joomla can be installed quickly and easily, the process of creating a website is convenient and understandable. If you need new templates, there are a huge number of them on the Internet. various solutions, there are even large-scale ones, paid templates. In order to quickly understand the operating features of Joomla, it is enough to watch several video tutorials that the Internet is full of.

3. The system is open

There are no proprietary components, the Joomla CMS is completely open source. Users can edit it, taking into account their own preferences - this is one of the main advantages of Joomla.

You will have the opportunity not only to edit source Joomla, make the necessary adjustments to the design, and create custom websites on Joomla in order to receive a certain reward. Today it is difficult to find an alternative CMS with such a set of characteristics.

There is only one limitation for those who are going to use Joomla in their work. You cannot make changes to the license or violate copyright.

4. A huge number of components and modules

In mid-2005, the first version of this CMS appeared. Quite a lot of time has passed, Joomla has been actively developing, innovative components and modules have been created. Various galleries have appeared, integration with new systems for making payments.

This approach allows you to use Joomla to create incredibly stylish websites; if you have a problem with certain components while working, you can simply find several groups of freelancers where amateur developments from members of the huge Joomla community are posted.

5. A site created on Joomla is quite simple and practical.

Today you can find a large number of CMS used to create websites. Almost all of them have a rather complex admin panel, which makes managing the resource very difficult.

Users of such systems encounter problems when performing basic actions. It takes 5-7 separate actions to create simple page- this is quite difficult and inconvenient.

Joomla has a simple, intuitive admin panel; all the necessary functionality is available to all users. Just 2 clicks are enough to perform the required action.

6. Russification of various modules and extensions

Enthusiasts continue to translate popular Joomla modules into Russian, this makes it possible to significantly simplify working with them in the admin panel. If you find a module in which there is initially no option to select the Russian language, just search on Google, you will definitely find a Russian language.

7. The system is regularly updated, new useful modules appear

Joomla is constantly updated, new modules appear, and developers protect the system from attacks by hackers by patching various holes. Given the popularity of the CMS, it is updated quite often.

8. Help in solving complex issues

If you encounter a certain problem while working with Joomla, you can easily find the answer to your question - there are a huge number of support groups for users of this CMS. There will always be information that will be important and useful to you.

9. Hosting

Joomla is a universal CMS and most modern hosting services are suitable for it.

Important disadvantages of CMS Joomla

Several factors are worth highlighting:

  • The structure of some elements of the system has not been finalized;
  • The system is very poorly protected from outside interference;
  • Site indexing suffers from time to time;
  • Sometimes it is difficult to update the system immediately after the next update appears;
  • Absent official service support.


Whether to use CMS Joomla or not is up to you. In our opinion, Joomla has more advantages than disadvantages. And the openness of the code gives almost limitless possibilities for implementation large number ideas and ideas!

The word Joomla comes from "Jumla", which is Swahili for "all together". According to its own description, the Joomla engine is “an exclusive content management system and one of the most powerful content management systems with open source in the world.

The Joomla engine is used all over the world to manage everything from simple home pages to complex corporate websites. The system is easy to install, manage and very reliable.

What is the Joomla engine?

The Joomla engine is a certain software package, content manager.

A content management system, or CMS, is a computer software system, used to ensure and organize the joint process of creating and editing text and multimedia documents (content).

The Joomla engine belongs to the WCMS (Web Content Management System) category, since its functionality is administered from the browser to the web.

The Joomla engine is the result of serious conflicts between the Mambo Foundation, which was founded in August 2005, and its development team. The Joomla engine continues the development of the successful Mambo system and, like Mambo, is software, which enables easy administration of websites from web browsers.

The Australian company Miro ( developed a CMS called Mambo in 2001. In 2002, the company split its product into a commercial version and an open source version. At the end of 2004, the open source version was called Mambo. It had the advantage of being free and had a huge community of users and developers who expanded and improved it.

In addition, in 2005 it was proposed to establish a fund, which was founded by the Miro company from Australia, but it stated that it did not plan to include the previous development team in further work. Then the development team decided to continue developing Mambo under its own responsibility, giving its new product the name Joomla. The Joomla engine version 1.0 was published on September 17, 2001.

Two years after its discovery, the Joomla engine has become one of the most popular open source projects in the world. But for a long time it did not expand further and had already begun to lose its popularity, but the development team was not at a loss and released the updated Joomla 1.5 Engine.

The Joomla engine, through its clever building block strategy, allows an even wider range of developers to participate in development. Now we have the third version Joomla engine and work to improve it continues.

Let's build a website using the Joomla engine
Just like a real house, your Joomla Engine has a specific layout of rooms.

This house has:

  • living room (for displaying content),
  • kitchen and meeting room (forum),
  • office (administrative area) and
  • personal apartments that you show only to personal friends.
It doesn’t matter which layout you choose - in any case, you must furnish your home, lay a beautiful floor, put up wallpaper, hang several pictures on the walls (templates) and, of course, clean regularly.

Visitors should be able to find your home. Therefore, how can more people should know his address.

Take a responsible approach to planning your own home online. Think over the text interactive elements like a calendar or a form and, of course, an area available only to registered users. Think about pointers that will help users, but don't force anything on them, and finally, look at how others do it all. Talk to the people to whom your site will be addressed. Be sure to take their wishes into account. This is the most The best way avoid mistakes.

If you put your heart and soul into building your website using the Joomla engine, then success is guaranteed. The Joomla engine will allow you to implement all this.

The Joomla engine has the following characteristics:

  • Freely available source code.
  • Huge community of users and developers.
  • Simple workflow system.
  • Content publishing system.
  • File manager for downloading and managing files.
  • Summarizing content in RSS format.
  • Recycle bin for deleted content.
  • Search Engine Friendly URLs.
  • Banner management.
  • Multilingual websites and administrative interface.
  • Administrative interface separate from the website.
  • Macro language for content (plug-ins).
  • Easy installation of additional extensions (more than 2000).
  • Powerful template system.
  • Hierarchical user groups.
  • Simple user statistics.
  • Editor for content.
  • Simple voting.
  • Content rating system.

From the author: Greetings dear friend. Content management systems, in given time, are extremely popular among web developers because they allow you to quickly and easily create a website with almost unlimited functionality. Therefore, in this article I would like to talk about what Joomla is and how it works.

What is Joomla?

Joomla is an open source content management system written in PHP programming, With JavaScript elements. The name “Joomla” is formed from the word “Jumla”, an African Swahili language that means “all together”. By the way, on this occasion, the developers chose the name very well, since the CMS is very popular and has a huge community of users, both in RuNet and on the Internet. At the same time, Joomla is actively developing and constantly improving both in terms of functionality and convenience, as well as in terms of security and performance.

At the moment, and this is already 10 years since the first version of the engine was created, CMS Joomla occupies a leading position in the ranking most popular CMS worldwide, second only to WordPress.

History of the creation of CMS Joomla

The CMS Joomla is based on the Mambo project. Back in 2005, in the development team of this project a split occurred, accordingly some of them left the project and began developing a new one own CMS. So in September 2005, the first version of the CMS was released - Joomla 1.0, which, in fact, represented the already existing one, Mambo 4.5.23, of course with some modifications and improvements. After some time, in 2007, a completely independent version with long-term support was released - Joomla 1.5. This version was supported for quite a long time, and a huge number of extensions and templates were created for it, which made it possible to adapt it to various user needs.

The developers did not stop there and in subsequent years more and more updates were released, which led to the release in December 2011 of the next long-term version - Joomla 2.5.

At this time, the current version of Joomla 3.4.5 is released for testing - Joomla 3.5 beta, which led to the cessation of support for more than early version Joomla 2.5

Features of CMS Joomla

Now let's talk about what CMS are Joomla features:

Rich functionality, which is also significantly expandable additional extensions(components, modules and plugins).

Flexible and simple system templates, thanks to which it is very easy to change appearance site: module positions, fonts, background color, etc. During the existence of Joomla, a huge number of templates, both free and paid, have been created for different versions CMS. Wherein Joomla templates are quite simple to understand, which means it’s quite possible to create them yourself own template, thus ensuring the uniqueness of the design of the created site. A mini-course on this topic has been published on our website - link.

Since version 1.6, multilingual support has been added.

Starting from version 2.5, database support has been expanded. Implemented Microsoft support SQL Server, and since version 3.0 - PostgreSQL. In the future it is planned to add support for Oracle and SQLite.

Built-in media manager, which provides the ability to upload files to the site.

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A flexible and functional mechanism for dividing users by access rights to site elements.

Human Readable URL (HUR) support.

Ability to set start and end dates for publishing materials.

The ability to create closed areas of the site, access to which is only permitted separate groups users.

Possibility of administration from the user part of the site if you have the appropriate access rights.

Advantages of CMS Joomla

Main advantages of CMS Joomla:

Intuitive interface admin panel, thanks to which even a beginner can easily create a website on this CMS.

A convenient mechanism for creating and displaying menus with unlimited nesting levels.

Open source.

A richly functional material manager that allows you to publish an unlimited number of materials, divided by category.

A convenient system of modules, thanks to which you can display the necessary data in different positions.

Flexibility and extensibility with third-party components. As described above, the CMS functionality can be significantly expanded with additional extensions and adapted to solve almost any task.

Versatility and ease of setup. Each element of the system is easily customizable for each user.

Wide community of users and constant updates, which correct found errors and increase system security.

Multilingualism – as described above, the CMS has introduced support for multilingualism, which allows you to display content on the site pages in various languages.

Easy to update.

As you can see, the benefits of Joomla show why it is extremely popular among website developers. All the best to you and happy coding!!!

Modern trends and approaches in web development

Learn the algorithm for rapid growth from scratch in website building

It's time to start designing and creating a website. At this stage, there are three options for the development of events.

First. You contact professionals who write to you program code site, but this option is not yours, otherwise you would not be reading this guide.

Second. You are surrounded by textbooks on HTML and CSS, PHP, study the Dreamweaver program, and spend 24 hours scribbling the code of your future website. If you were born a programmer, this path is yours and it is very interesting.

Third. If your brain is not ready for such a long and difficult assault, there is an alternative way that does not require a significant investment of time and effort - use special program CMS (Content Management System) website management. CMS is literally translated as from content management system, popularly called the “engine” of the site.

Nowadays there are a large number of paid and free engines, the most full list you can look in this directory.

It is quite difficult for a beginner to understand such a variety of CMS, and even more so, to fully appreciate their advantages and disadvantages, so when choosing an engine for your first site, you can rely on the opinion of more experienced comrades.

What is most important for a beginner who is encountering a CMS for the first time and has absolutely no idea how to use this program with maximum benefit for myself?

The first is a freebie. Start getting acquainted with CMS is better With free versions, there are a sufficient number of them on the network. Moreover, in terms of their capabilities, free engines are in no way inferior to their paid counterparts.

Secondly, the program interface should be friendly (necessarily in Russian), simple, and intuitive.

Third, the process of creating content (creating and editing articles, modules, components, etc.) should be as easy as possible and not require any special knowledge of programming languages.

Fourth, the engine must have a large number of extensions in order to be able to supplement the basic functionality to suit your needs.

Fifth is technical support, in the form of various forums, visitors who will help you overcome the difficulties of knowledge, various specialized sites and blogs, where in detail smart and kind people tell you how to work with a CMS.

Considering all of the above, I believe that CMS Joomla is the most suitable option for a beginner who is taking his first steps in web construction.

Today, this is one of the most popular systems content management, which is a unique tool for creating dynamic sites and subsequently managing its content.

Advantages of CMS Joomla

  • Free, and one of the top three free CMSs.
  • Simple, convenient and has an intuitive interface.
  • Joomla is a long-term project that has been developing for more than a year, therefore it has a large number of forums and thematic support sites where they discuss various problems related to Joomla.
  • You can install additional modules and components (extensions) into the standard basic package of the program and significantly expand functionality site. Joomla has dozens of extensions that can satisfy any of your requirements, and there are a large number of free extensions.
  • The developers constantly publish new program releases and add extensions.
  • The site design is “hardwired” into the template and by changing the templates, you can easily change the appearance of the site, while the content remains unchanged. There are thousands of free templates, With various designs for every taste.
  • You do not need special knowledge of programming languages, because... built-in text editor simple and very similar to Word.
  • You can create websites of any complexity and functionality using Joomla. Starting from a business card website and author’s blog to online stores and serious thematic portals with a lot of information.
  • And most importantly, there are many video tutorials on this engine. Lazy people don’t even need to read, just sit, watch and listen.
I admit that fans of other CMSs can enter into a debate with me, “which engine is better,” but the taste depends on the color... Joomla is not a panacea, but for a beginner it is the most suitable option, given the advantages listed earlier. Perhaps, when you become more familiar with how the engine works, you will have a desire to try something different. And by this moment you will already know which engine with what parameters and functions you need and can easily choose the right one. It's all a matter of experience.

To study CMS Joomla in more detail, I recommend using video lessons and books on CMS Joomla.

Regardless of which CMS you choose, in order to work and create websites, you need to install local server on your home computer.

You can find out in more detail what kind of thing this is, a local server, and why a web developer needs it, from the article “What is a local server?” section “Educational program for dummies”.

If you choose CMS Joomla as the engine for your site, then the video lessons on this engine will go into great detail on how to install a local server, how to configure databases, i.e. prepare everything to install the Joomla engine and start working on your first website.

Good day, dear friends, acquaintances, readers, admirers and other individuals.

I am constantly (via the website known to you) asked about how, in fact, to create websites and it is advisable to do it quickly, simply and without unnecessary investments.

Moreover, they ask so constantly that at first I even started making another resource on this topic (those who have been with us for a long time remember that they were once dedicated to this topic), and there they wrote, where they revealed the topic deeply and in detail, and not only about the creation sites, but also about their promotion, monetization and content.

In this short article, I want to briefly talk about developing a website based on a free engine Joomla, so that you have at least some idea (at least in theory) about this process and an understanding that this is not so difficult.

Well, and then, you see, in the future, within the framework of this resource, I will publish materials where I will consider all the engines and other nuances, since several materials have already been written about, for example, hosting for your sites.

Let's get started.

Download installation and initial configuration of CMS

To begin with, just a little theory. There are countless engines on the Internet, they are, in fact, CMS(site/content/content management system). The most popular (although this does not mean that they are directly the best) of them can be identified so far three - these are WordPress, Joomla And Drupal.

Engine ( CMS) is, so to speak, a set of code, the code is responsible for the main functionality of the resource and allows you to create websites of various content, design and functionality based on it (the functionality is supplemented and expanded in every possible way through various modules/plugins/extensions).

This is true if, as they say in a nutshell, that is, if you have some understanding. In one of the future articles (provided that we develop this section) I will talk about engines in more detail, but now let's move on to the process of installation and use

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Let's assume that you have read the articles on hosting that I published earlier and, in fact, you already have hosting + domain.

On this same hosting you need to create (if there is none) a database with a login and password for it, and also have access to files on the server (if you don’t have one yet, then don’t worry and at least just read the material below , as a theory that may be useful to you in the future).

I think you’ll figure out how to create a database, fortunately there’s nothing complicated about it, and through almost any hosting panel this can be done in literally a few gestures.

  • Download latest version Joomla(you can do this from the official website or);
  • Unpack the downloaded archive (using, for example,);
  • Upload the unpacked files to the server (usually to the folder httpdocs), using FTP-client, files (using, for example, ):

  • After everything has been downloaded and the coffee has been brewed, go to the address of your website (entering it in address bar browser);
  • If you did everything correctly, the installer script will run:

  • Fill in the required fields and click on the little blue button " Further";
  • Now you will need to fill in the fields associated with the database you created earlier:

  • Then press the button again " Further";
  • Well, on last tab All that remains is to double-check the little things and, if necessary, set the switch to the " Yes" (if you want to receive the site configuration by email), and also select the circle with demo data (if you want the site to be automatically filled with demo data and not be completely empty):

  • Next, all you have to do is click on the button " Installation" And..

  • Voila! The site is ready!

Now let's take a quick look at the site settings, but first we need to remove the installation folder from our site. This can be done by logging into the server via FTP-client and deleting the folder from there, or by going to the site where there is a corresponding orange button:

After clicking on which the directory will be deleted:

And we will go to the site control panel using the next, now blue, button (or by following the path "").

By entering the login and password that we chose during installation, we actually get to the administrative panel. Let's go through the settings:

More detailed usage and settings

WITH general settings We figured it out and let's move on to the control panel (" System - Control Panel"):

Let's go through the list in a nutshell:

Perhaps the bare minimum sounds something like this. When changing settings, do not forget to save them with the corresponding button.

By the way, everything that has been chemically modified can, in general, be immediately seen on the website - so the process will be visually clear for everyone and, mind you, without any work with the code (which is convenient for the unskilled user, and in what, exactly , the very essence CMS as such).

I guess that's all for now. Let's move on to the afterword.


That's how things are.

I hope that the article was useful and interesting to you (at least from the point of view of theory and understanding of the process of building websites based on engines).

As always, if you have any questions, additions, etc., then welcome to the comments.

By the way, if the topic is interesting for you, then, from time to time, we are ready to write articles in this area within the framework of this resource (in the sense of site building as such, and not just on the engine Joomla).