So as not to go astray. How to stay on course and not go astray

All people from time to time set out to change something in their lives. As a rule, grandiose plans are made at the end of the outgoing year, before the next birthday, or after some serious shock. But, unfortunately, not everyone manages to keep the promises they make to themselves. Why is this happening? How to avoid this?

Brain inertia

Quit smoking, learn English, open your own business, play sports - these and many other goals are set by different people. And they don’t just formulate them, but firmly believe in the need for change and vow not to deviate from their plans. But after the sincere feeling that the time has come to take the first step, the thought comes: is it worth spending your time and energy on this, because you can live like this.

Experts say that human brain programmed to repeat, that is, it tends to perform the same actions. At the same time, gray matter has another property - plasticity, but in order for it to take effect, the brain requires six to ten months of work in a certain direction.

Most psychologists are confident that a person is able to change his life for the better. True, it is not as easy as it seems. The inertia of the brain prevents you from carrying out your plans. But creativity and the desire to learn something new help. Moreover, experts advise starting knowledge with yourself. That is, first of all, you should understand your needs and desires. This will help determine the right motives for implementing plans and remove obstacles.

Good start

Psychologists recommend making plans in writing. At the same time, it is important to detail the strategic goal, breaking it down into smaller tasks. Having a written action plan will help keep it up to date. right moment, as well as assess its prospects.

It is best to present the plan in the form of a table with the following columns: “Circumstances”, “Thoughts”, “Feelings”, “Problems”, “Solutions”. Thanks to this division, it will be possible to systematize all the difficulties that arise on the way to achieving the goal. When filling out the last column regarding solving pressing problems, it is advisable to look for new ways and look at the situation from an unusual angle, that is, challenge yourself.

Don't retreat

No matter what dream a person is trying to fulfill, it will be difficult for him to do it without believing in himself. It is self-confidence that makes it possible to bring the brain out of a state of fear.

As already mentioned, it is important to break down the process of keeping a promise made to oneself into concrete solutions. Every day you should write out your schedule, indicating a clear time frame. The implementation of the plan must be done daily. Once changes become part of everyday life, they will become a habit.

At the very beginning of your journey, you should come to terms with the fact that completing the assigned tasks will require considerable effort, and the initial enthusiasm will quickly disappear. Sometimes it will seem that everything is not working out the way it should. In the most difficult moments, you should use your imagination and imagine a rosy future that depends on the implementation of the plan. It is very important to give yourself a firm word - to achieve what you want despite your own laziness and unfavorable external circumstances.

The decisions that a person has to make in the process of implementing his plans should not contradict his internal principles. This will protect him from negative emotions and stress. It is desirable that the intended plan be part of the path leading to self-development. In addition, when assessing the changes that have taken place, you need to be lenient with yourself, that is, you should not dwell on mistakes, it is better to treat failures philosophically and find the strength to move on.

And it is not surprising, because Pyotr Ivanovich is a geographer by training, a tourist with vast experience, and has made numerous trips to the Caucasus, the Urals, the Tien Shan and other wonderful places of the former Soviet Union. Has the first category in tourism, the “Mountaineer of the USSR” badge. I was lucky enough to make a trip with him to Kazakhstan, to the Borovoe resort area - a picturesque corner of nature, poetically called Sinegorye. How many legends he knows about these fabulous places, and with what enthusiasm he tells them! Well, the tourist songs he performs are enough for more than one night around the fire.

Thus, in 2001, the school tourism team “Azimut” was born.

I recruited children from the 6th grade, where my son studied, so the first composition was represented by classmates. Why them? The whole point is that in primary school they studied with Irina Anatolyevna Vlasova, who instilled in the children a sense of collectivism, friendship, love for their native land, and sports. She and her parents often took their children to nature, so they learned to overcome the difficulties of hiking quite early. Both then and now I begin my first lesson with the words of Robert Rozhdestvensky.


“Night in the forest. The fire greedily sorts through the twigs. The flames greedily attack the dry forest and tear out the tired faces of people from the darkness.

These are tourists. Today they will spend the night here, in this forest, and tomorrow they will move on. Gurgling and indignant, tea boils in a pot. It smells like smoke. It burns your lips pleasantly and is incomparable to homemade tea!

And the fire is still burning. He seems to demand something from people. He calls not to deviate from traditions. “Where is the song?” the branches crackle. “Where is the song?” sparks fly like a fan.

Here it is, the song...

The guitar rings quietly - quietly. One voice started the song. Then she was picked up by a second, a third. And now everyone is singing. They sing calmly, thoughtfully, tenderly...

...The fire died down. He also listens to the song. Trees surrounded us on all sides. They appear to be huge columns supporting the night sky. The stars are right above us. Quiet, distant stars..."

If I see that a light has lit up in children’s eyes, it means a start has been made. This means that we must work so that this light does not go out. I managed to get the kids involved, and in September we began developing the Azimuth school club program. Pyotr Ivanovich suggested which methodological literature to use and shared his secrets on how to make the work of the circle fun.

We prepared for the competition all year, learned to tie knots, pitch a tent, read topographic signs, walk in azimuth, and set up a bivouac correctly. Unfortunately, the problem with travel supplies at our school remains the same, there is practically nothing. We had to do many things ourselves, and asked for something from colleagues from other schools. No obstacles could dampen our desire to engage in tourism.

The summer of 2002 came, and we went to Lugovoye. There were many difficulties: heat, midges, competitions, food cooked over a fire with our own inexperienced hands, nights in tents. But it is during a hiking trip that the ability to overcome difficulties is developed. These difficulties can only rarely be overcome alone. As a rule, only the efforts of the entire group produce results. This is how the kids learn what collectivism is, not in words, but in real life. For the sake of a common cause, they learn to overcome fatigue, rise above personal likes and dislikes, and learn to help each other. Tourism develops conscious discipline and perseverance. It’s impossible without this. Those who did not understand this did not stay on our team; fortunately, there were very few such guys. Despite the fact that my students were the youngest, we took third place overall as a team. This was the first success. I would like to mention Alena Bart, Anna Chukhacheva, Katya Komandykova, Sasha Eva, Katya Naumenko and many others. Andrei Psheno deserved special gratitude then. He was two years older than the guys and his seriousness, determination, and desire for victory had a positive impact on the team. Andrey tried to do everything accurately and correctly and to the end, albeit a little at the expense of time.

There were also funny moments. I especially remember how our favorite Anechka Chukhacheva passed the stage of the control and tourist route “overcoming a wetland area over bumps.” It so happened that out of ten bumps, Anya only hit one or two. Vladimir Stepanovich Starshov, the judge at this stage, exchanged glances with me and, after the fifth unsuccessful attempt, stopped counting fines; he, like me, realized that the girl would no longer get on other bumps. At the finish line, Anya made her own decision and gave her word of honor that she would never jump over bumps again in her life. But with Alena Bart she had no equal in medicine and in determining the floristic composition of a given area. And how she and Katyusha Naumenko perfectly prepared competitive potato dishes and generally fed the team “excellently”! Although I can’t help but remember our first okroshka. The girls wanted to pamper the team, but this was their first experience. And it doesn’t matter that all the food was not cut into small cubes, but “chopped” into pieces, there was almost nothing left of the bucket, everything was eaten. I also remember the salty tea, a whole bucket, with which we tried to give Pyotr Ivanovich, who came to the tourist song competition, to drink. It turned out that salt and sugar were lying next to each other in the food tent and in the dark the girls mixed them up. Pyotr Ivanovich didn’t even blink an eye, but delicately said that tourists always drink salted tea to quench their thirst.

The guys had so much energy that, despite a difficult day, they were ready to stay up and “booze” all night. I distributed them among the tents, but there was no room left. So I fell asleep in the air at the entrance to the boys’ tent so that they wouldn’t run away.

We returned home cheerful, satisfied, tired, with a lot of vivid impressions and the firm belief that we will return to Lugovoye more than once. The accumulation of invaluable experience had begun. None of my guys would probably have gone on a hike for the second time if they had not been convinced from personal experience that everything seen, experienced, heard, walked, sung around a night fire leaves such an impression and makes our life so much richer that compared to This makes all the hardships and inconveniences of tourism look like unimportant trifles. This is how our team lived. Preparation in winter, competition in summer. I would especially like to mention two talented students who made a great contribution to the development of tourism at the school, both of whom have been at Azimut since its formation. The guys are not just fast, hardy, athletic, but also well versed in tourism. This is Katya Komandykova and Sasha Eva. Participants in municipal and regional competitions. The regional tourist rally of student youth “Golden Autumn 2003” was especially successful. At this rally, our family took first place in the tourist-sports festival “Dad, Mom, I am a tourist family,” where Sasha took an active part and helped win the competition. Ekaterina is an excellent topographer; perhaps no one can draw up a site plan like she can. Together with Sasha, they drew tourist newspapers, doing it on a professional level, because they both graduated from art school.

The years flew by unnoticed. “Azimuth” always took prizes, and in 2005 we finally became the first. Well done! Knowledge, experience, effort and perseverance have yielded results. In the future there will be many first places. To my great regret, 2006 came and the guys, my favorite tourists, graduated from school. I am very glad that many of them, having become students, continue to engage in tourism.

Some guys leave, others come to replace them. The program also changes, is adjusted, polished, brought to perfection. The river of time flows. The completely updated composition of “Azimuth” is eager to go into battle. Autumn 2007. Tauride forestry enterprise. Orientation in a given direction. With Dima Petrov we are laying out the route. We try not to violate the boundaries of private property and not to be bitten by angry dogs. But these are all minor things, the competition is coming soon, and the guys need to remember their orienteering skills. We return to the starting point, the team is already assembled. I note the time, everyone goes to the track. I’m waiting, there’s indescribable beauty all around, just like autumn. To my surprise, the circle members returned quickly enough and removed all the control posts. Inspired by the result, I hope for first place. On September 27, on the eve of International Tourism Day, most of the schools in the region gathered for the competition. Fifteen teams arrived, there is nothing to be surprised about, the result goes towards the district school sports competition. The responsibility is great. The weather turned bad, it became cold and damp. Orienteering and, in parallel with it, touring equipment are given a start. The tour equipment passed quickly in time, but received penalty seconds on knots and top marks. And what I didn’t expect at all, on the “pendulum”. Then Vika Savchenko got it from me for this “pendulum”. As a result, we have second place. The result is very good. They lost only to the Tauride Gymnasium, but were ahead of the Tauride Secondary School No. 2. Thanks for this to Dima Petrov, Tolya Sermus, Dima Schneider, Vladislav Dyubov, Yulduz Abdullaeva, Vika Savchenko. On the prize podium, as always, are the three main leaders in tourism among the schools in the region. Behind last years We swapped places, but never dropped out of the top three.

The guys and I were especially impressed by the 2nd regional youth tourist rally, the initiator of which was social service for young people. The competition was held on June 13 - 14, 2008 on the banks of the Irtysh River near the village of Kopeikino. The territory struck me with its amazing beauty; the Achairsky monastery was majestically located on the right opposite bank. Its domes glow with gold. A wonderful place where unnecessary words love for one’s native land, one’s small Motherland, sinks into one’s soul. The level of implementation is quite high. The course for orienteering competitions is beyond praise. The sports map was compiled by one of the best cartographers of the Omsk region, Tsypnyatov. The bank of the Irtysh, meadows, forest islands, ravines, small rivers. We are accustomed to orientation, which was traditionally carried out in a given direction (tourists will understand what we are talking about), but here new format. Everything is organized at the regional level. And one more innovation, each participant contributes to the success of the team, the competition is personal and team. Required skills in reading a sports map, skill in working with a compass, observation, attention, and sports training. Even if our performance was not entirely successful, even if we got lost, even if we didn’t meet the target time. It’s not scary that we weren’t among the winners, but we gained the necessary experience in the future. I am sure that he is irreplaceable, and Azimuth will be among the best orienteers.

To our great regret, we couldn’t stay for the competition program, we didn’t have the chance to cook a quick dinner, we didn’t sing a tourist song by the night fire, we didn’t sleep in a tent on the banks of the Irtysh. There was a good reason for this. I couldn’t help but show up for my geography exam the next day at nine o’clock in the morning. The next “star” of the team, graduate of 11th “A” class Dima Petrov, could not do this. But we couldn’t stay out of business, we simply didn’t have the right. And it was decided that Dima would take the exam among the very first, out of turn, so to speak. That's what they did. At ten in the morning we were already rushing to the competition in tourist equipment. And here my guys had no equal. We are the first, we are better than others, we took revenge for the unsuccessful previous day. Overall, we had bright and unforgettable impressions.

Then there was a lull and the summer holidays came. Some went on vacation, and some went to take entrance exams to educational institutions in Omsk and Tavrichesky. But summer has passed, a new school year has begun. Dima Petrov, Tolya Sermus, and Dima Schneider are no longer in the team. Daria Lyakhova. It’s a pity, but you can’t turn back time and we need to think about the future, we need to look for new worthy guys so that Azimut continues to live and win, following the traditions of its predecessors.

In the fall of 2008, the director of our school, Pyotr Ivanovich Poloukhin, a wonderful person, an assistant in all my endeavors, retired. I and my “Azimuth” really miss his advice and support. No one knows tourist songs more than Pyotr Ivanovich. No one can sing them better than him. But I hope that we will still sit with him by the night fire and listen to him sing with a guitar.

In order to take a closer look at the students of our school, determine the children’s aptitude for tourism and carry out certain selection work, every year in September, as part of International Tourism Day, I hold competitions among students in grades 5-11. It is gratifying to see that interest in tourism is growing year by year. The need for a healthy lifestyle takes precedence over vices among children and youth. I came up with the idea of ​​creating two age groups within Azimuth. The eldest of the children in grades 9-11 who already have tourism experience and youngest - from very young and inept. I think that with these children I will make a worthy team. I hope for the guys, for their ability to work and determination. I am convinced that “Azimuth” will glorify our school more than once again.

Igor Evu, biology teacher at Tavrichesky Secondary School No. 1 with in-depth study of individual subjects in the Omsk Region, participant in the finals of the All-Russian competition “Teacher of the Year in Russia 2011”

Photo by Oksana Rodionova

Get lost, get lost, get lost, get lost; get lost; owls
1. (1 l. and 2 l. not used). Move. The hat was knocked to one side. The bandage has come loose.
2. Deviate from the correct train of thought, make a mistake, get confused. At first he answered well, but then he lost his way. S. in the count. S. in the testimony (fall into contradictions). S. confused.
3. Give an interruption in work and movement. The schedule is off. Traffic was disrupted.
4. The same as getting lost (colloquial). S. out of the way, out of the way (also translated: to take the wrong, erroneous path in behavior, in life).
5. (1 l. and 2 l. not used). Stop, grimace. The heels are off.
6. (1 l. and 2 l. not used). Damage from impacts, friction, walking. My feet were stuck in my boots.
To be knocked off your feet (colloquial) to be very tired from running around and hassle.
Lose your footing and start walking out of step.
nesov. get lost, I guess, you get lost.
noun failure, -i, m. (to 3 digits). Give s. C. graphics. C. radio communications.
II. STILL (I'll get lost, you'll get lost, 1 liter and 2 liter units are not used), will get confused; owls
1. Thicken from shaking, turn into a dense mass. The butter has mixed well.
2. Join together tightly. S. in the flock. People huddled together.
nesov. get lost (I think, I think, 1 liter and 2 liter units are not used), it seems.

Sentences containing the word CONTACT

  • Now there was no longer any danger of going astray.
  • They even stretched a string so as not to get lost.
  • Augustus was very dissatisfied with himself for having managed to lose his track.
  • But with such a guide there was no need to be afraid of going astray.
  • He bowed his head and thought, like a bloodhound sniffing the ground so as not to lose his way.
  • How good and simple my first plan was and how easy it is now for me to get lost and confused.
  • After about a quarter of a league, we came to a fairly well-trodden road, which was difficult to get off.
  • I was enveloped in impenetrable darkness, but the reflection of the water and its murmur helped me not to lose my way.

Tomorrow we will have an online seminar where we will talk about the “subtle” causes of excess weight. These reasons are at the level of emotions (astral), thoughts and beliefs (mental) and karma.

Let me remind you that the seminar is called“Find out the causes of excess weight on the astral, mental and karmic levels, and motivate yourself to be slim”

In addition to looking for reasons, at this seminar we will look a little ahead. Each participant will set their own goals - to get rid of excess weight and be slim. We will do a meditation in which you will find and strengthen your motivation to be slim.

Therefore, today we will talk about how to set goals correctly. Read this article before the seminar - you will need this knowledge during the lesson.

5 conditions for setting goals correctly:

1. Positive. State your goal positively.

Positively means that the wording should NOT contain denial or avoidance. For example:

  • “I’m losing weight” is a bad wording
  • “I’m slim, I feel good and light” - good

2. Definition. Imagine what the result will be and when you plan to achieve it

What will your world be like, what will you be like? Plan a time frame for when you will achieve your goal. The more specific this picture is, the more details it contains, the more vivid it is, the better.

If you set a goal to lose weight, write down for yourself the weight/volume you want to achieve and the approximate time frame. For example, “I weigh 55 kilograms by August 1st,” try to feel yourself in this state, look at the world around you from this state.

3. Responsibility. Take responsibility.

Losing excess weight is only your desire, your goal and your intention to change your life and the world around you. Now think about what depends on you on this path? What are you ready to do for the sake of your goal?

  • Wrong: “I want my husband to lose excess weight”, “I want my colleagues at work to stop drinking tea and cookies in the morning”
  • Right “I will make conscious food choices, eat with pleasure and become slim.”

4. The power of intention.Consider your options and likely obstacles.

What can you do to achieve your goal? What are your strengths? Surely you have qualities with the help of which you achieved success in life - patience, determination, diligence, and at least a strong intention.

Also think about what might hinder you, what your weak sides? How will you deal with obstacles?

For example, the goal is to lose 10 extra pounds.

  • What can be done? Learn to love and care for yourself, choose the nutrition that will be suitable for me.
  • Strengths - I can make a plan and act on it from A to Z until I achieve a result.
  • What can interfere? Old habits, negative emotions that I eat, the opinions of others.
  • How will you cope? Maintain awareness, meditate, study special techniques, strengthen your opinion and importance.

5. Truth. Check if the goal is true and if you have taken everything into account

Will you feel good and comfortable when you achieve it? Is there anything important to you that you might lose when achieving your goal?

For example, you can lose weight but ruin your health due to an unwise diet. Or lose weight, but at the same time become irritable and angry, because now nothing is possible, and you have to strictly limit yourself.

What will happen as a result:

After you “guide” your goal through these five points, you will begin to form a link between a goal and a path.

For example:


“I weigh 55 kilograms by August 1st. I am slim, I feel good and light. My legs don’t swell in the evening, shortness of breath has disappeared, I’m less tired and I want to walk more and more. I notice how with physical ease, ease appears in thoughts, decisions, attitudes towards certain things. external factors, which previously could have caused depression.”


  • “I will consciously choose food, eat with pleasure and become slim
  • I will learn self-love and self-care, choose the nutrition that will be suitable for me
  • I will change old habits and learn to cope in new ways. negative emotions- maintain awareness,
  • meditate, study special techniques
  • I will pay attention to my emotional state and health

With my example, it will be easier for you to work out your goal, but do not forget: this is just an example, and you will find additional items. I’m specifically writing all this in today’s article, because you will need it tomorrow at the online seminar. This way we will save more time for our practices.

Think about your goal for being thin along these five points. And come to tomorrow's seminar. I remind you:

  • The seminar is free for everyone!
  • Reiki initiation is not required to participate.
  • You only need to sign up once. If you have already filled out this form, you do not have to fill it out a second time.

Sign up for a free seminar with Veronica