To activate modem mode, contact your carrier. Is there tethering mode in iphone se

Any iPhone in the “About device” item in its settings has a mysterious “Carrier” item, next to which there is a number. The user, having discovered this name, is usually lost and cannot understand what it means, because, in theory, this place should contain the logo of the telecom operator and its name. This article will tell you what Carrier is in iPhone, what this situation means and how to fix it.

To understand the essence of this concept, a literal translation of the word denoting it should be given. So, translated from in English the term “carrier” is translated as courier, carrier, carrier. The technical translation of this word implies the operator company mobile communications, i.e. “carrier” means the one that provides communication services.

So, everything is clear with the translation of the term. But why does the settings line contain “Carrier” instead of the operator’s name, and not Megafon, Beeline or another company preferred by the iPhone user?

It is easy to dispel this misunderstanding. The thing is that the owner of the gadget did not receive (or did not install) the files with network settings, which contain the specifications specific operator, internet setup data and other equally important data.

For this reason, if the user did not receive the configuration files (or installed them incorrectly or an error occurred during the installation process), then mobile device(in our case, an iPhone), instead of the communication company settings, it offers own settings. In most cases, the latter work with errors, which is understandable.

Due to all the above reasons, instead of the name of the telecom operator, the inscription “Carrier” will appear in the corresponding line. The number next to this word only means a specific version of the settings.

Causes of problems with iPhone settings

Now, knowing what the term “Carrier” means, we will no longer be afraid of the unfamiliar inscription in the device window “Contact Carrier”. But in order for problems with settings to occur as rarely as possible, it is necessary to find out the reasons that can cause them. Typically, the communication company sends a file with network settings to the subscriber automatically when he or she first connects to the network. But if for some reason this did not happen, it means that something could have interfered with this process.

Reasons for communication settings dysfunction on iPhone:

  • Errors during the settings synchronization process.
  • Outdated SIM card format.
  • Lack of agreement between the communications company and the manufacturer of Apple devices to provide the user with the appropriate settings. This can happen to new companies that have recently entered the communications services market. This should not happen with trusted, well-known operators.

Above were 3 main reasons why failures in the network settings system in iPhones occur most often. Now let's move on to ways to resolve problematic situations with Carrier.

Carrier: fixes on iPhone

Every user of an Apple device should know how to fix Carrier, because it negatively affects the operation of the device and can cause the loss of important data. You can’t even dream about the quality of your Internet connection in such a situation.

To fix the Carrier problem, the user is recommended to run the following actions:

  • Turn on your PC or laptop and launch iTunes (the utility should be the most new version).
  • Connect your smartphone via the original USB cord to the computer.
  • The utility will detect outdated files with settings, after which the program will automatically delete them.
  • iTunes will prompt the user to update the settings, which he should agree to by clicking on special key in the pop-up menu.

After completing these simple steps the problem should be resolved successfully. If this does not happen, try other methods, which will be discussed below.

Perhaps the source of the problem lies in the outdated format of the SIM card that is in your iPhone. Therefore, it is better to replace such a card with a new one. To do this, you need to contact any branch of the telecom operator whose services you use, where you will be given a new SIM card, and, if you want, with the same number.

After receiving and installing a new SIM card, follow these steps:

  • Update your iPhone operating system to the latest version (sometimes this is the cause of the problem).
  • Try downloading the carrier settings yourself.
  • Make a connection to the network.
  • Enter the settings and click on the main item, and then on the section. Where information about your phone is contained. Wait a while.

If the settings are available, the communications company will send a message to your phone offering to install or update them.
As a rule, after performing all the above steps, the situation with Carrier on an Apple smartphone is resolved successfully.

In conclusion, a few more words about the essence of Carrier. Surely many will be interested in learning more about the history of the origin of this software product. At the most earlier versions The Carrier iPhone operating system was installed by the manufacturer itself in order to track applications launched by the user. But Carrier monitored not only these types of operations, but also other types of active actions, sending the collected information to the company to subsequently improve the functions of the device. Essentially it was spyware, which, of course, caused a negative attitude among users who different ways fought with her. This led to the fact that the Apple company stopped implementing this program in new versions of iOS.


This article made an attempt to understand the essence of Carrier on the iPhone. In the vast majority of cases, the appearance of this word instead of the name of the telecom operator whose SIM card is installed in the device means that there are problems installing network settings or updating them. To correct this situation, you need to apply the methods described above, but if nothing helps, then you should contact the communications company directly to get competent advice and put the Internet settings on your device in order.
If you urgently need Internet on your iPhone, try turning on modem mode on your iPhone 6 or another version of the device.

In all devices under iOS control After the update, one unpleasant thing happened - the modem mode in the settings disappeared. The option was really convenient, and many actively used it. Now it has completely disappeared from the settings section, and instead the user sees the message: “To enable modem mode, contact Carrier.” This inscription is confusing, but the problem can be solved quite easily. Today we will talk about how to return the ability to distribute the Internet.

First, you're probably confused when you see the message: "To enable modem mode, contact Carrier." Where to go and what is this incomprehensible word? Let's explain now.
Let's do the following: go to “Settings” - “About device”. In the line “Operator” it should just say “Carrier”, instead of the usual MTS, Beeline, Megafon, etc. The fact is that translated from English this word just means “operator”. That is, instead of the name of the operator itself, a general word is used. So when you see similar message, the device asks to contact the operator.

Why did this happen and what are the dangers?

There can be many reasons, but the most common one is inconsistency with Apple's global settings. That is, your operator did not load correct settings networks on a smartphone. Users often saw such a message when they first began to implement them in Russia. LTE networks– SIM cards were unable to work with them, and devices Apple has already they were used to the fullest.
This can lead to problems with cellular communications on the device's part. From calls and SMS to Internet access. This is precisely the reason for the appearance of the corresponding message on iOS 7 and later later versions. In addition, the operator could not correctly monitor the operation of the device, as a result of which some people had many claims for payment for the use of communication.

How to solve a problem

A fairly simple and concise way to solve how to get rid of this limitation on iOS 8.3 and other operating systems. It is enough to register the APN, and everything will fall into place.
To do this, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to “Settings” and select “ cellular»;
  2. Then click " Cellular network data transmission";
  3. In the “Modem Mode” section you must enter the “Username”, “Password” and the “APN” value that were assigned by your operator;
  4. Reboot the device.

After such simple manipulations, everything should work, and the message “To enable modem mode, contact Carrier” should disappear, and the active “Modem Mode” function will appear instead.
Arises logical question, what should I enter into the data fields? We have prepared the settings that are used by the main operators in Russia:
MTS Russia
User: mts
Password: mts

Tele2 Russia
User: do not enter anything
Password: do not enter anything

User: beeline
Password: beeline

APN: internet
User: gdata
Password: gdata

If you have entered these settings, but nothing still works, check their correctness and contact your operator, who will suggest the current parameters.

If all else fails

In rare cases, the above steps do nothing and the message still prevents you from sharing the Internet. In this case, you need to update your operator settings or change your SIM card. The second option is the simplest - it works 100% of the time. If this is not possible, then:

  1. We connect the device to the computer after downloading and installing iTunes on it;
  2. The computer must be connected to the Internet - then the program itself will offer to update the operator settings;
  3. If you don't receive such an offer, upgrade to latest version iOS firmware and repeat the procedure.

Such manipulations should lead to success, and your device will live a full life. Still have questions? Welcome to the comments!

Hello! For me personally, “modem mode” is very useful feature, which is used rarely (once six months or a year), but aptly. And recently a most interesting story happened. I needed to quickly distribute the Internet at iPhone Help- out of habit, I went into the settings to enable modem mode and... it turned out that there was simply no such option - it disappeared!

“We need to reboot, what if there’s some kind of glitch?!” - I thought, but did not correct the situation. Maybe I'm looking wrong? I looked through all the settings and found nothing. Apple has removed tethering mode! However, on an iPad with latest firmware everything was in place - the possibility of distributing the Internet did not disappear anywhere. So what has changed? Why did everything work before, but now it doesn’t?

The answer turned out to be very simple - in Lately I often changed SIM cards in my iPhone and at one point (after another SIM change) for some reason the operator settings were not registered. There are no settings - the phone does not know that this SIM card can be used to distribute the Internet - the modem mode has disappeared.

How to fix it:

Although, as a rule, it is enough to just specify the APN. Where can I get this data? Here is a sign for the most popular mobile operators:

Tele 2internet.tele2.ruWe do not indicateWe do not indicate

If your operator is different from the above, then:

  • Try specifying internet in the APN line, but leaving the username and password blank.
  • Write in the comments - we’ll figure it out together!

That's all, after these manipulations the “modem mode” item will appear in the settings menu of your iPhone or iPad. To be sure, you can reboot the device.

But even this cannot guarantee that the Internet distribution will work. Why? Because when you click on “modem mode”, the following message may appear.

Setting the modem mode. To enable modem mode for this account contact Carrier.

What does it mean?

  • "Carrier" says that the iPhone "doesn't know" your name mobile operator and its settings. That’s why he calls it “Carrier” - this is a common name. More details about this inscription -.
  • “Contact Carrier” means that you call your carrier's support team. Perhaps this SIM card does not support or is blocked from distributing the Internet to other devices. This means that the modem mode will not work.

Although, most often it’s all about the device settings.

Open “Settings - Data settings - Cellular data network” and fill in absolutely all the lines, not just those related to modem mode. Reboot your iPhone or iPad - everything should work without any problems!

Perhaps we can end the article. I told you how to return modem mode, why we found out about contacting Carrier, and if you still have questions, feel free to write them in the comments. Let's figure out what's what!

P.S. Oh yes, whoever puts a “like” is a great fellow and just good man. My sincere gratitude - many thanks and low bow! :)

iPhones – universal devices. They allow you not only to make calls and surf the Internet, but can also act as a modem themselves. With their help, you can distribute traffic to selected subscribers within the range of the network (or the length of the USB cable). For this purpose, a special mode is provided; it is enough to activate and configure it to provide the Internet to any device: from smartphones or smart watches to a computer.

No modem mode?

Often after installing new updates on the iPhone, without visible reasons Some network settings are lost. This is how the modem mode stops working, or the system hangs endlessly on the window running process. But the problem is not new, the situation repeats itself every time different frequencies and no one is safe from it.

The next one, the ninth in a row, did not escape similar problems. iOS version. After the update, users simply lost the corresponding item in the menu, or when they tried to turn it on, the smartphone was stuck in the startup state for a long time.

But in fact, the modem distribution function itself has not gone away. It turned out that Apple simply disabled this mode by default - they say that rarely anyone uses it anyway. And of course, this was partly done to avoid responsibility for its operation, taking into account the peculiarities of the Internet settings of operators around the world. After all, explaining this to users each time requires a lot of time from the technical support service. And so iPhone owner, at your own peril and risk, allows third parties access to it, which means there are no claims against the manufacturer.

However, in reality, many users have become accustomed to using their iPhone as a hotspot, and now they feel like they are hands-free. For example, on the road it is much more convenient to work on a laptop, receiving traffic from a smartphone “over the air” or via cable, without an additional router. So let's figure out how to return the ability to distribute the Internet through your iPhone.

How to activate?

If the connection in modem mode does not work in iOS 9, you will need to first enable it and then manually enter the details of your operator.

So, to do this, find the cellular communications section in the settings, scroll to the item - Modem mode, and put it opposite “enable”.

Done, modem mode is activated. Now you need to enter your operator’s settings in the cellular data tabs provided for this. The example below shows network settings Megaphone.

We also offer appropriate settings for the most popular domestic operators communications.

If you are connected to Beeline , in the first paragraph - APN, we write:, in the second - Username, we set: beeline, in the third - the password, again - beeline.

U Tele2 everything is much simpler: in the APN line we enter:, and you just need to leave the username and password fields blank.

In the settings for Yota also only the APN line is filled in, where -internet.yota is indicated, the other two remain blank.

For MTS everything looks like this: in the first paragraph we put -, in the remaining two - mts.

Users Motivtelecom enter: in APN -, as login and password - motiv.

iOS has a wonderful “Modem Mode” (access point) function, which allows you to distribute the Internet from an iPhone or iPad to any device - other smartphones, laptops or desktop computer. Using the function, you can share the Internet via Wi-Fi or via a USB cable and Bluetooth.

How to enable "Tethering Mode" on iPhone or iPad

First of all, you need to check if you have 3G and “data transfer” enabled in your phone settings. As a rule, an avid mobile Internet user always has them activated.

After checking, launch the “Settings” application, go to the “Modem Mode” section and activate the function. After this, you should set a password for connection.

Now the device works in “Modem Mode” and we just need to connect to it from the device from which we need to access the Internet.

How to share Internet from iPhone via Wi-Fi

As already mentioned, you can connect via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or USB cable.

To distribute the Internet from an iPhone or iPad via Wi-Fi to another device, you need to find the name of the iOS device distributing the Internet in its settings. Then provide your password when prompted.

How to share internet from iPhone via Bluetooth

To distribute the Internet via Bluetooth, connect your iPhone or iPad with another device. On your iOS device, click “Create a pair” to enter the code displayed on third party device. After this, the connection to the iPhone or iPad will be completed.

Internet distribution from iPhone, iPad via USB cable

To perform this method of Internet distribution, you need to connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer via a USB cable. In this case, the system may ask which connection we will use. Select “USB Only”.

Then operating system determine a new device yourself, which you can select in network services and connect to the Internet. Next, in the list of network services on your PC, select your iPhone, iPad.

Problems may arise if, when connected via a cable, your iOS gadget is not always detected by the system. Otherwise, there should be no difficulties.

How to set up 3G/LTE Internet on iPhone, iPad. APN settings for mobile operators

Finally, a few words about how to set up the Internet on iOS.

First, you must activate the corresponding service from your operator - Mobile Internet.

We follow the path Settings > Cellular
Here you need to include:

  • Cellular data
  • 3G/LTE
That's all! The 3G/LTE icon should appear in the upper left corner of the status bar of your iPhone or iPad.

Sometimes you may need to enter settings APN your operator if they are not already filled in automatically. To do this we go to Settings > Cellular > Cellular Data Network


  • APN: internet
  • Username: [leave blank]
  • Password: [leave blank]
  • APN:
  • Username: beeline
  • Password: beeline
  • APN:
  • Username: mts
  • Password: mts

If you have not found an answer to your question or something has not worked out for you, and there is no suitable solution in the comments below, ask a question through our