What does the expression IMHO mean? Should I use imho in conversation? IMHO, as it looks in the original, is an abbreviation of the stable phrase “In My Humble Opinion”, which translates as “In my humble opinion”


Originated among science fiction fans. sf.fandom), from where it penetrated Usenet and spread throughout the world. Today it is a fairly common online abbreviation and Internet meme that penetrates into spoken language. People often use this term in chat rooms, Internet messengers or social networks.


The abbreviation IMHO is used mainly to indicate that a certain statement is not a generally accepted fact, but only the personal opinion of the author, and he does not impose it on anyone. It often also indicates that the author is not entirely sure of the correctness of his statement. Corresponds to the introductory word “in my opinion” or “in my opinion”:

IMHO, the Internet is better than television.


In my opinion (in my opinion), the Internet is better than television.

The area where the abbreviation is used is echo conferences, forums, chats, and other (both public and private) places to express one’s attitude towards a subject. It is relatively rare in colloquial speech.
Also in Internet resources there is an expression “IMO”, which means “in my opinion” In My Opinion. It came from IMHO only with the removal of the letter “X” meaning “Humble”. It is used when the author directly states his position, without imposing it on others, but also without unnecessary modesty. .

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In the game Space Rangers 2, the weapon of the terronoid Dominators is called “IMHO-9000” (Molecular Chaotic Deviation Emitter 9000 ticks per second).

0 Even before the advent of the Internet, there was a network Fido-net, it was in it that the first jargons and concepts arose, which then began to be used in the vast world wide web, for example, what is Shmot, how to understand the term Highground, who is called Teammate, what does Tim mean, etc. One of these terms has become “Imho”. What does IMHO mean?? IMHO, what does this mean?
IMHO is not actually a word, it is more of an abbreviation. It comes from the English acronym " Imho", which can be deciphered as " In my humble opinion", which translated into Russian means "In my humble opinion". What is the meaning of the origin IMHO? Why do people use it instead of the words they are familiar with?

IMHO(IMHO) - means "In my humble opinion." This acronym is now used by many players in online games, for example Dota 2. It is considered a kind of Internet


Despite your Imhos, girls, I have my own Imhos.

I think that my IMHO is the best IMHO in the world!

You've already bothered everyone with your IMHO, bro!

The thing is that typing the acronym “IMHO” on your keyboard is much faster and easier than “this is my opinion,” “I think so,” “I think so.” This is precisely the secret of the enormous popularity of the IMHO abbreviation. Some people have a question, how to write IMHO correctly, in capital letters or in capital letters?
And so, and so it will be correct, it’s not important at all. This abbreviation can be successfully used both in friendly communication and in harsh criticism.

Since this one appeared abbreviation a lot of time has passed. Now she doesn’t have that slight shade of shyness as in the original version - " In my humble opinion". Now IMHO - carries a more neutral meaning - “I believe”, “I believe”, “in my opinion”. Other similar acronyms like IHHO (In him humble opinion) are not perceived at all and are used in quite rare cases.
IMHO implies that his statement is not considered a generally accepted fact, but is only the personal opinion of the author. Moreover, abbreviation makes it clear that the person expressing any thought is not completely sure of the correctness of his thought.

After the acronym IMHO became commonly used, there were many people who began to decipher it in their own way:

I have an Opinion - you can't argue with it.

I have an Opinion - Fuck I'll refuse.

I have an Opinion - I want to voice it.

True Opinion - You can't challenge it!

I have an Opinion - Even if it’s wrong!

There is another fun option:

Individual Opinion of the Owner of the Answer.

After reading this short article, you have finally figured out what is IMHO on the Internet, and now you won’t get there

IMHO (IMHO, IMHO) is a word often found in forums and Internet conferences, causing confusion and vague associations for an untrained user. In fact, IMHO, this is English written in Russian letters abbreviation IMHO, which stands for the phrase “In my humble opinion” - “In my humble opinion.” Typing “IMHO” on the keyboard is easier than “I think” or “I believe”; Here lies the secret of the popularity of this word. Meanwhile, the great and mighty Russian language has long allowed Runet users to decipher “IMHO” in their own way: “I have an opinion - you can’t argue with it.” Perhaps this is more correct... (IMHO.)

But the glorious path of this word does not end there. “IMHO” has already become a noun, which usually means “personal opinion,” “idea, view, belief,” or “assumption.”

A little less often you can come across another meaning of “IMHO”: a computer acronym. That is, “IMHO” is a synonym for the very definition of “acronym, abbreviation”, a generic word for all abbreviations of this type. What is "BTB"? Answer: by the way – “by the way”, i.e. an acronym. Abbreviation. Another imho from many imho.

The stress is on the second syllable, the noun “imho” is neuter and is freely inflected (“without imho”, “according to imho”). There is also a plural - “imhi”. In the composition of complex words, this component is almost not observed: lovers of experiments have not yet thought of calling a referendum or a voting poll “imhomer” or “imhomometer”. But there is already “imhoism”. A new philosophical movement, no less. In online debates, the adjectives “imhoshny” and “imhovy” – “subjective”, “personal”, “based on one’s own experience” – are thrown around. It should be noted that these epithets are not without self-confidence and aplomb (note how far we have come from the initially modest English I.M.H.O.). And the “imkhoshnik” will probably be a person with his own mind, a debater who is difficult to convince. And finally, computer pirates, working in their gloomy lairs to hack the next mega-portal or super-toy, automatically purr under their breath: “Imho-ho and a bottle of rum...”. “Imho-ho” is an interjection.

Along with the correct literary version “imho”, the colloquial “imha” (noun) is used. Less commonly, one comes across the unchangeable form “imhu” (introductory word), clearly reduced from the expression “according to my humble imhu.”

“IMHO” cannot be recognized solely as an attribute writing. I've heard people use it in conversation (again, as an introductory word). Moreover, before our eyes, a certain sworn fidoshnik “infected” with this “IMHO” an interlocutor who did not have access not only to web networks, but also to a personal computer at all.

You've probably already come across the mysterious word "IMHO" on the Internet. You can find it on forums and in comments. But what does it mean?

How does IMHO stand for

Don't worry, this is not a curse word. First, we will tell you about the origin of the word.

So, this slang expression was borrowed by us from English language, it stands for “ In My Humble Opinion", which translates as " In my humble opinion«.

What does this mean IMHO in Russian?

Netizens simply took the abbreviation of this English phrase IMHO and used four Russian letters that make similar sounds. By combining “i”, “m”, “x” and “o”, they got that same “IMHO”!

That's all!

Why is the word IMHO popular on forums?

The word is often used on forums and in comments. With its help, users express their opinions. They simply express it, knowing that there are other judgments. The person does not insist on anything and does not claim that his point of view is correct.

But the word “IMHO” has another meaning. Sometimes it is perceived as a strong belief! Yes, yes, this is diametrically opposed to the above. But such a misinterpretation arises only due to ignorance of the true translation of the phrase “ In My Humble Opinion", which in Russian means " In my humble opinion«.

Decoding from those who like to joke

Of course, there were some jokes. Some comedians have come up with their own own way decipher the abbreviation “IMHO”. And in Russian!

And here are some options:

  1. “I have an opinion - don’t challenge me!”
  2. “Individual opinion of the owner of the answer”
  3. “You can’t refute a true opinion!”
  4. “I want to refute existing opinions!”

Jokers are constantly looking for new ways to decipher the word “IMHO.”

But let’s not forget that the original meaning of the word comes down to expressing “your judgment,” “your opinion,” “your observations.”

If you are wondering how to write “IMHO” correctly, - in capital letters or small, there are no specific rules. Both options are correct.

Video explaining the meaning IMHO

We hope that we were able to answer your questions.

Hello, dear readers of my blog! Wandering around the Internet, I have often come across words whose meaning I did not know. And all this is because they do not occur in oral speech. So today I decided to tell you about one abbreviation that I often see in written speech, especially often in comments on websites. So what is IMHO?

What does the abbreviation IMHO mean?

What does this strange internet slang mean? What do people who use this abbreviation want to tell us?

In fact, this abbreviation is of English origin and it looks like this: IMHO. The full phrase from which the abbreviation actually consists: “In My Humble Opinion”, and is translated as "In my humble opinion" . Of course, the original IMHO was replaced with Russian IMHO, without even knowing the true meaning of the phrase, or did they still know? What does the abbreviation IMHO mean in Russian?

To be honest, the original meaning IMHO suits me, since I never try to impose my opinion on both the people around me and those who read my blog, I admit my mistakes.

Therefore, even in English format IMHO suits me. That’s why I often end my comments on forums with this word, since I never wanted to seem like a person who is too self-confident, who considers his opinion to be the only correct one.

But in the Russian translation the word IMHO has somewhat lost its original meaning. Now this is not an agreement with the fact that the person who used this word agrees with the fact that he may be wrong, but rather, on the contrary, his opinion is the only correct one, which does not require criticism. But in Lately, it seems to me that the meaning IMHO is: “Even a fool understands, but here you are trying to prove something.”

It is difficult to say what influenced such a change in the original meaning of IMHO, perhaps it is the Russian mentality, but the fact that the meaning of IMHO has changed is a fact. If in the bourgeoisie this abbreviation is used to indicate their humble opinion, then in RuNet IMHO it is a point in a dispute that has not yet begun.

Again, this is my purely personal opinion, IMHO What do you think about the acronym IMHO?

By the way, do you know?

Let's relax a little:


Best regards, Alexander Sergienko

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