What does a personal blog mean? What does a personal blog on Instagram mean for a company?

I remember those times when I didn’t even know why do you need a blog. It is clear that then I also did not know. Now the time has come, and I will try to popularly explain what it is and what it is intended for.

Blog– this is the same site, only a special version of it. There are different sites: news, forums, online stores. There is also a type of website called a blog.

Why do you need a blog? Why do people have them?

In order to answer this question, you need to know that blogs are divided into 5 types. And depending on the type of blog, you can find out the purpose of its creation

Types of blogs:

1. Personal blog

2. Professional blog

3. Brand blog

4. News blog

5. Non-traditional blogs

Now let’s take a closer look at each type of blog.

Personal blog

You may have heard that online diaries exist. This is the same as a regular paper diary, in which we write whatever we want. Only it will be in electronic form. Everything related to the life of its author is written on personal blogs. There you will find notes like “how I went to the cinema yesterday”, or “how I chose jeans”, etc.

As a rule, such diaries do not serve any special purpose. It is simply important for the author to pour out his soul. Well, and chat with friends. Therefore, such blogs will be read by a couple of the author’s friends, and so on, random people. True, you don’t need to think that if the blog is personal, then it will not be interesting at all random people. No. The author can write things that will be interesting not only to him, but also to many other people.

Professional blog

As a rule, such blogs always attract a large audience that is interested in what the author writes about. They read it, comment on it, discuss various issues, etc.

Of course, at first the author of such a blog does not receive income, but over time, when the blog gains momentum, it will begin to bring profit to its owner. Moreover, tangible profits. The author makes money from advertising, or by placing blocks contextual advertising Yandex.Direct or .

Of course, you can earn money in other ways. For example, you can sell your information materials. The same photographer can sell photographs through his blog. So it turns out that initially the author simply shared his experience with his readers and communicated on the blog, but over time the blog begins to bring him serious profit. Moreover, initially the blog becomes only an additional line in the author’s income, but gradually it turns into the main source of income. Today there are plenty of such bloggers in the West. But gradually we have more and more such guys.

Here's an example of a professional photographer's blog -

This blog is owned by world famous Australian Daren Rose. This is an example of a person living solely off the profits they make from their blogs. Pay attention to the right top corner his blog. It will say: “Join ****** Subscribers.” There will be a number instead of asterisks. It means that so many people read Daren Rose's blog. For example, today this figure is 564,409 people. This suggests that the blog is very popular.

Brand blog

These types of blogs are usually created with the purpose of promoting the brand of a person or company. I know a lot of people who use these types of blogs in their work. Such people already have their own sites that generate profit. And when they are asked why they need a blog, they answer that it is to share more personal information with readers.

Here another question arises: is it possible to share this information on your websites? Why not do just that?

The answer is quite simple. The posts on the site are very different from the posts you see on blogs. For example, if the site contains information about website promotion in search engines, then the blog will have more personal information regarding promotion. The websites will contain materials about the technical nuances of promotion, the cost of this service, etc. And the blog will write about what problems arise when promoting sites, or about the nuances of communication with customers, etc. That is, the difference, I think, is clear.

Blogs of this type are well suited for promoting the name of the author. The author, for example, is engaged in the promotion of websites to order, and thanks to the blog, many people begin to learn about him, some of whom will gradually “mature” and also become clients of the blog author.

There is another option for using a blog brand. This is an opportunity to use it as your main site. Here is an example - http://www.michelfortin.com. This is the blog of a well-known copywriter in the West. His name is Michel Fortin

Michel, i.e. writes custom selling texts for various products and services. But he uses his blog to promote his name. Well, and, of course, a decent profit comes from his blog. The point is that Michel writes on his blog interesting articles. An interested audience gathers around the blog, among which there will certainly be potential clients. And when one of the readers of his blog needs to order interesting texts, then they will already know who to contact

News blog

Such blogs, as a rule, are written by not one, but several authors. They choose one topic, for example, “all about Apple,” and write several blog posts a day. Mainly various news related to Apple.

The popularity of the blog will depend on how interesting the authors write. If it is interesting, then over time the blog will become the center of niche news, and a certain audience will gather around it, which will regularly visit the blog to find out Apple news.

Blogs of this type can also be monetized (earn income). True, this is not done right away. First they are promoted, and then monetized. Authors are looking for direct advertisers + hang up or Google AdSense+ use various partnership programs. Here is an example of such a blog - http://www.iphones.ru/

Other types of blogs

Some blogs are created on free blog hosting sites like LiveJournal. But still, the vast majority of blogs are created using the free WordPress engine.

This is a very functional engine, and with its help you can create a wide variety of blogs. That is why on the Internet you can come across video blogs, catalog blogs, and any other blog options that run counter to the classic blog version.

How to create your own blog?

Now that you already know why you need a blog, there is only one thing left to find out - how to create one. But the fact is that the technical aspects of creating blogs is a very broad topic, so I will not touch on it in this article. Let me just say that the leader among blogging engines today is WordPress + Movable Type script, which has been confidently holding a leading position for several years now.

Well, that's all I wanted to tell you about blogs. I am sure that now this information vacuum has been filled, and you understand how promising it is to create blogs.

Hello, do you know that your site is an ordinary one? personal blog, is capable of bringing you from 150,000 rubles per month? And to my friend, his blog brought in more than $900,000, and in just 18 months! Cool isn't it? Of course, you won’t earn this amount right away, but there is technology that allows you to get the most out of your blog. Let's, in today's article, look at what a blog is and why it is needed.

Do you want to start creating such a money generator for yourself, of course, you won’t make $900,000 right away, the amounts with the right approach will be large for you? It sounds, of course, like another glopart scam, but it’s true!!! Just read this article in full and read between the lines for all the juice there)))

Let's start…

Okay, now try to think for just a few minutes, what are you pursuing when looking for a unique way to make money on the Internet? Earn money or maybe just try to prove to yourself once again that all courses and trainings are a real scam. Moreover, even when you buy another course from Glopart for 800 rubles, you still won’t use anything, even if the miracle scheme really works... Damn, I don’t like courses from Glopart... tough.

You know, I was also in the same situation... I needed a large stable flow of traffic for one resource. In principle, I understood perfectly well that there are ways to attract traffic, but I was looking for a unique one... one that no one uses and is capable of bringing results when minimum investment. At one time I was also looking for a miracle pill so that I could get results without investing anything. Similar situation?

The only thing is that this was at the very beginning of my online business around August 2013. I bought all the globe art and it was then that I realized that there was nothing worthwhile there. After watching the 7th course, I finally realized that there are actions that bring results, and others that do not bring results.

For example, looking for a miracle way to make money or attract traffic are precisely those actions that do not bring results. And vice versa, when you work and think not about immediate benefits, but about the future, then it is these actions that bring results in the future.

Do you know who achieves immediate results and is not able to think long term? Only shoemakers, and other workers in similar professions. I polished my shoes, sewed on the soles, I got money, but I didn’t polish them, so I earned nothing. Such people will never receive money constantly from 1 polished shoe; in order to get money, they need to constantly polish their shoes. The only way!

Many people go to it in the hope of making money quickly, and 90%, oddly enough, do not earn money or earn money, but only once. Why? Because they are like shoemakers, focused on immediate profit. If you did the job, you earned money; if you didn’t do the job, you didn’t earn it; what kind of machine can we talk about with this approach?

I'm looking for automatic earnings, which will bring me money constantly since tomorrow. Yes, I agree, such a method exists, but unfortunately it is not automatic. For any income you need a flow of traffic, if you think like a shoemaker, then you will never take actions that can constantly bring results - bought traffic - earned money, didn’t buy traffic, and therefore didn’t earn money. That's the whole secret.

So what to do? Do you really need to work all the time?

As I said, there is an opportunity to take actions that are aimed not at immediate results, but at the long term. This is exactly what we will be doing today.

It turned out to be a rather long introduction, but I want you to understand the whole essence, understand the technology and get your brains in place! Instead of being under the illusion of earning a million dollars by lying on the couch and doing nothing: the lazy person’s method, the idiot’s method, the method...what other courses are there on Glopart?

So what is a blog and why is it needed?

Your website is that constant generator of traffic. Moreover, you decide for yourself how to distribute this flow. You have 2 options for working with this flow.

  • Build your subscriber base.

I have already written in detail about the benefits of collecting your own subscriber base in previous articles. You can look and learn more about compiling a subscriber database in these articles:

I will only say one thing: a constantly replenished subscriber base will allow you to earn at least 60,000 rubles, just by making 1-2 newsletters per month. Well, I’m generally silent about the advantages that automailing provides. In , we looked at how to compose an auto-series of letters in order to earn from 100,000 rubles a month completely automatically.

In addition, creating your own subscription list provides benefits fast communication with your target audience, directly through email or retargeting social networks. By the way, few people use retargeting today, and this is a tool that, together with blogging, can bring you 2-3 times more profit. more money, compared to standard ways of earning money and informing your readers.

Through articles on your blog - you can grab your target audience who needs help in a certain matter and offer solutions to their problems, through affiliate products or goods.

For example, your blog is dedicated to weight loss and healthy eating. On your blog, you posted an article: how to lose weight by summer at home. Your article brings value and useful content to people, and accordingly search engines display it in the top ten when searching. Every month 400 people come to your blog for this request and read your article.

How can you make money from this? For example, offer a product to these hot customers, having previously done a review and put your affiliate links in the article. How many readers do you think will purchase the paid product you recommended? With a high degree of probability, I want to say that the percentage will be much more than 1%, and can reach 3 and 7% on sale. Now calculate how much you can earn from 1 such article, even with a minimum average check of 2000 rubles. All you did was write an article once and post it on your blog.

  • But there is also a 3rd way.

This is exactly what one person used, whom I talked about at the webinar. The most interesting thing is that he not only figured out how to monetize traffic without in a standard way, and also earned more than $900,000 in just 18 months. Having worked pure time in just 18 months, about 20 hours.

I have not yet achieved such a result, only 5 months have passed (at the time of writing this article) from the moment I started implementing this tool, but I will tell you openly - the experiment has already been a success. How and what I did, I also described on . Just to find out this approach, you should watch the recording of the master session. Already for the reason that the sooner you start acting, the faster you will receive money in the future.

Now, I hope you understand what a blog is and why it is needed? For those who are ready to act and move towards building their own business on the Internet. For those who want to launch their blog tomorrow, for the most determined and daring, I have recorded a short course: How to create a blog that will bring in money. In just 1-2 hours you will create your blog on the Internet.

This course will be completely free for you.

In fact, I don't really like giving away information for free due to the fact that few people value these free materials. Of course, you can set a symbolic price for it, about 100 - 300 rubles, and a larger percentage of people will already complete it and create their own blog, but I won’t do this.

Let's do it better as follows, as soon as you create your website/blog, according to my instructions. You yourself decide how much this course costs for you, and send this amount to Yandex wallet or others in a convenient way. I think that would be fair.

Now, take it free course on creating your own profitable blog/site from scratch.

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A personal blog on Instagram is a popular platform on a social network for expressing your thoughts, communicating about interests and promoting your products/services.

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Today, more than 800 million people are registered in it. Some people simply share their impressions and news with friends and acquaintances. And some people prefer to present for a large audience. Such people are called .

If you are not yet a member, but you want to expand your target audience’s reach, show and sell your products, and earn money from advertising, we advise you to register right now. The promotion process takes a lot of time and the sooner you start, the better.

How to make a personal blog on Instagram

It's very easy to create. You can work from a smartphone or laptop or computer. It will be more convenient to use your phone while maintaining a social network. Anything you need - Email. Enter it, the name by which you will be known and the password. Or log in using your account Facebook post, if you have it.

Then the system will ask you to post a photo and connect the page to Facebook. Skip this moment or do it. If you tie it right away, you will save yourself from unnecessary actions in the future. So, everything is ready, you can talk about your life, hobbies, post beautiful pictures, look for readers and even become popular. But still, your profile at this moment is deprived of some opportunities for development.

What does a personal blog on Instagram mean for a company?

There are two types of accounts: simple and commercial. The second is more functional and allows you to recognize and attract more target audience. What is the difference? Externally regular page Instagram is almost no different from a personal blog, except for the gray mark under the username and a few advantages that it provides.

Why is this necessary?

  • Choose the appropriate category and name. Click next.
  • Add your contacts (one is enough).

If you later decide to return to regular version, just go to the menu again and click “Switch to account”. Gray mark and all options will disappear.

Themes for Instagram for personal blog

To attract people and gain thousands of subscribers it is not enough just beautiful photos. It is necessary to develop a promotion strategy and profile concept. One of the components of a successful Instagram is. Postings must be published regularly and certain time. Marketers advise posting no more than 1-2 posts a day, morning and evening. Try to make the page lively and in the same style.

If you're creating an account to earn money from advertising and don't have a theme chosen yet, stick with the one you like. Second important factor– you must understand what you want to talk about if we're talking about about serious areas (nutrition, sports, medicine). The most popular are invariably blogs about the beauty industry, travel, lifestyle (about life), cooking, fitness, and handicrafts. But you can develop your niche. If they are interesting, you will find your audience.

What posts to include in your content plan

There are several varieties. Often one note combines two materials.


They are needed to increase your engagement rate. They show how many likes they give you and comments. What does this include:

  • Polls.
  • News.
  • Humor.
  • Competitions and promotions.
  • Motivational stories.
  • Congratulations.
  • Collections of films and books.
  • Texts from users.
  • Distracted thoughts or ideas that you want to talk about.

You can add commercial elements to them. For example, in surveys, find out about customer preferences, arrange a draw for your products.

Useful (educational)

Such materials are suitable for Instagram advertising services. Let's say you are a psychologist or designer. In this case, you need to build trust with your audience since they don't know you yet. Such posts will also be useful for goods. Tell us about new products or how to maintain the quality of an item for a long time. Write a short, meaningful text. If it takes up a lot of space, be sure to break it up into blocks.

  • Adviсe.
  • Instructions.
  • Interview.
  • Comparative reviews.


What to write? Your proposal should be readable (paragraphs, graphic elements). Complete it with a beautiful, appropriate photo. Style and presentation depend only on your target audience and what you are advertising.

  • Description of the service or product.
  • Reviews.
  • Story about the company.
  • Work with objections.
  • Presentation of a new product.
  • Announcement of competitions and promotions.

Where to get ideas

If your muse has left you, don't be upset. Finding a topic is easy. One of the most common ways is to ask account visitors. By the way, this can even become an entertainment and commercial post. Ask your audience what they would like to read about. There are several other ways to get out of creative stagnation:

  • Competitors. Look through them, but do not copy, but tell us about your view of the events.
  • Groups on other social networks and YouTube channels.
  • Your old texts. Rework them, write how your point of view has changed.
  • Meeting newly arrived users.
  • Interview.
  • Show off your favorite places in your city.
  • Visit a park, botanical garden or animal nursery and film a mini-report.

How to create a personal blog on Instagram and gain subscribers from scratch

Before leaving the shadows new page, it needs to be filled out. Friends, relatives and acquaintances will be your first visitors. If you already have a business and are developing it, add Instagram to business cards, flyers, and website. In order to increase your audience, come up with some beautiful, meaningful notes that will interest your target audience.

Do this even if you don't have a single reader. No one will pay attention to an empty account. Be sure to fill out the profile header. It is important to write down who you are and what your personal blog is about. List the main topics – there shouldn’t be too many of them. Choose one, two, three. Use emojis, but in moderation. Add links to other resources if you have them. Good example in the screenshot. The craftswoman indicated that she makes jewelry and loves wildlife. Indeed, both themes can be seen on her Instagram. Added contacts that make it clear where the order will come from and a link to the Etsy store.

Subscribe to pages that interest you, leave comments, participate in (). Follow the statistics. Which texts and photos are responded to most often, at what time. Experiment. For example, if you see that there is no user response during the recommended morning hours, try early evening. Communicate with those who read you, respond to comments. Instagram Promotion requires daily involvement.

  • Take photos in good light. The best is during the day, without direct sunlight.
  • Use filters third party applications. For example, VSCO, Snapseed.
  • Don't post just photos, no text. Today, this social network is becoming increasingly popular text format. Often people subscribe because of interesting thoughts.
  • Do not put the most popular ones, only those relevant to your topic. Come up with your own.
  • Make a video. There are also statistics on it and they say that short posts are liked by other users.
  • Be yourself. Don't copy famous accounts or competitors. Add humor and zest to your posts.

So, you have learned what a personal blog on Instagram is, how to create and connect it additional functions. With its help, you can promote your products and services and earn money from advertising. The key to success is a well-thought-out strategy and lively, entertaining content. Instagram is not easy. In order to achieve your goals, you will need patience, regular work over texts and photographs. However, nothing is impossible, make a content plan, watch the statistics, be inspired by successful accounts and you will succeed.

Hello friends.

Vasily Blinov is in touch, today I want to look at one very important question: why do you need a blog? I often write on social networks about running my blog, announcing various news, and people don’t understand why I do this. Probably 99% of my friends who have nothing to do with the Internet in terms of earning money do not understand the idea of ​​​​keeping their own blog.

To be honest, even some bloggers don’t understand why they blog, which is why there are millions of abandoned blogs on the Internet. First of all, to start blogging, you don’t need to buy hosting, a domain, or create semantic core etc.

First you need to answer the question: “why is it needed?” and write down the answer to this question in a visible place so as not to forget. A blog will be successful not from beautiful design or perfectly written articles, but from the desire to do it.

It seems to me that any success in life depends on desire and meaning, and not on talent or luck, so let's look at these two points together.

Why do you need a blog?

Why do people create them? I think everyone has their own original reason for starting a blog, but I will tell you about mine. The idea for creating a blog came to me from a book, but I don’t remember which one.

Once upon a time (about 2 years ago) I was engaged in network marketing; I also got the idea to do it from the books in the “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” series by the American author Robert Kiyosaki. In general, since his books there has been some kind of shift in the convolutions of the brain, but this is a separate article.

So, while doing network marketing, I learned the concept of “personal brand on the Internet.” Namely: I wanted to create a page so that a person interested in my online business could easily go to my website and find out all the necessary information.

A personal brand is now necessary for any person who wants to make money via the Internet; it is on it that trust is built. The number of sales or orders for your services depends on the trust of your audience, whether you are a freelancer or a businessman. So my first reason is personal brand.

The second reason appeared to me already in the process of searching for an answer to the question “”, then I first heard that on a blog you can earn. This is the main reason most people start blogs. And also the main reason why they give up the idea of ​​running it.

Not everything is as simple as it might seem. To bring a blog to an income of at least 20 thousand rubles per month, a beginner needs years of work and investments of much more than 20 thousand rubles. Of course, this process can be accelerated by turning to professional bloggers. Even recently appeared blogger school, where famous webmasters and bloggers of the Runet share their experience accumulated over many years.

Turning to professionals is the shortest way to achieve results. After I gave up the idea of ​​doing online business for certain reasons, I continued to look for options to change my quality of life. I wanted to travel, and I began to look for options to make money online. I started freelancing, but to no avail, even in the red.

It turned out that in order to successfully engage in it, you needed knowledge: how to properly offer your services, how to arrange orders, etc. After trying on my own for about six months, I decided that it was better to turn to professionals. Having paid them for their knowledge, within a month I began to receive as much as I paid for training. I wrote about this on this blog. Therefore, if you want to learn some kind of income or profession on the Internet, go to someone who already has visible results and torture him day and night. As a rule, these are open people and ready to tell how they did it.

I digressed a little from the topic of the article. So, the third reason, it’s a little expanded, is self-development. I have a lot of meanings in blogging in self-development. It is now, one might say, main reason, why I need a blog and why I haven’t abandoned it. I'll give you a couple of examples and move on.

Firstly, these are constant thought processes: how to do what to write, how to write, etc. Secondly, by expressing your thoughts, you begin to learn to think independently, have your own point of view, delve into yourself, get to know yourself. Thirdly, you become a more open person. I remember how difficult it was for me to write a comment or ask someone a question. What will people think, what will I look like?.. Now you don’t even think about it, you just take it and do it.

In fact, I have a lot of such meanings and everyone has them, they just need to be understood and also written down on paper. By the way, if you already have your own blog, don’t forget to tell a little about it and yourself in a comment. Why did I write it in vain? The fourth reason lies precisely in this.

The fourth reason to blog is communication. As I already said, by communicating with people, we learn something new, especially when communicating with bloggers. Bloggers are those people who answer any question when you are looking for something in a Yandex, Google or other search. search engine. For example, the answer to the question: “why do you need a blog?”, which you are reading now.

Sometimes from communicating with them you learn random things that you couldn’t even guess about before. All problems lie in ignorance. Why are we on this moment don’t earn a million rubles a month? The answer is simple - because we don’t know how to earn so much.

Let's summarize the answer to the question

  1. Self-development, meanings of blogging.
  2. Personal brand, people's trust.
  3. Earnings, passive income from the blog.
  4. Communication, new knowledge and opportunities.

But how??? The article is called “5 reasons: why do you need a blog?” At this point I want to appeal to fellow bloggers, let everyone who has read this article share the fifth reason why you are blogging.

I would also like to hear the opinion of those people who do not yet have their own blog and those who once tried to create one, perhaps created one, but abandoned it.

That's all for today, thank you everyone.

Hello, dear guests of net4lady!

You found yourself on a blog. What is a blog and how to create one? Why is it needed at all and most importantly: how to use it?

The blog, coupled with the website, has become a means for many people to express their attitude to the world, modern instrument for creativity, self-expression, receiving additional (or main) income from the Internet.

The sums turn out to be both meager, on which you can hardly feed yourself, and substantial.

Those comrades who have turned their hobby into their main business make good money on a website with a blog.

Those who devote a considerable part of their time to a blog (site), its development and promotion, study, monitor changes on the Internet, keep statistics, analyze previous work to improve results in the future.

What is a blog? What does the word itself mean?

A blog translated from English is interpreted as an “online diary”.

This is a resource in a mobile network, as opposed to a simple one, consisting of HTML pages website, structure and relatively easy to use for the average PC user.

Nowadays, it is impossible to start regularly world wide web for a while, I won’t learn about blogs, bloggers and blogging.

Blogs are maintained

  • on free platforms(Blogger, LJ)
  • in services with free or paid website builders (Yukoz, Wix, Tilda)
  • V personal accounts social networks (Facebook, Instagram, VKontakte, etc.)
  • on your own website ( paid hosting and domain) using CMS capabilities(Content Managment System) - blog content management systems - WordPress, Joomla, Drupal

Each of you is a unique individual. As you age, you gain experience and certain skills.

I believe in sharing with virtual world- a pleasure because:

  1. in the first place is the uniqueness and relevance of your information.
  2. no one cares who your parents are or what brand of jeans you are wearing
  3. you do not impose your point of view on anyone, your information will be used only by those who really need it

Now let's think about the purposes for which millions of blogs are created on the Internet? Is it really just for self-expression?

If you are going to buy training programs and courses online, follow the news: there you will find information that, if applied, will not throw money away.

But let's return to the topic of blogs. So.

What is a blog, how to create and manage it to make money?

The principle of creating a profitable blog is this:

  1. Select the topic and niche of the blog. We take into account the cost of a click on an advertisement in a niche, plus the interest in the topic, passion, expertise, availability of free time and some financial resources.
    I would say that the interest in revealing your favorite topic to the maximum still plays a dominant role, traffic depends on it. It can be converted into profit through other tools, not necessarily contextual advertising.
  2. The semantic core of the future resource is created. This can be done independently or with the help specialized programs, online services or paid services freelancers.
    The main percentage of the core is low-competitive key user queries from search engine statistics (Yandex, Google, Rambler, Bing, Mail Ru)
    When selecting, we focus on data exact frequency And quality key query. Additionally, we take into account competition V search results, plus seasonality request. It is important.
  3. The blog is filling up useful content in the form of SEO-optimized articles for each selected key query. We write interestingly and cover the topic almost completely. We write it ourselves or hire copywriters.
  4. Every two to three months, the semantic core of the site is updated and, if possible, supplemented with new keywords, for example from related topics. This is provided that there is traffic and you feel that the topic has taken off.
  5. Various technical factors, namely:
    regular updates of the Word Press engine;
    the presence of an adaptive, unique and SEO-optimized blog template;
    a minimum of plugins and lightweight template layout required for sufficient page loading speed.

At least you need to start with these steps to earn income from your blog. I would also like to mention the monetary investment at the initial stage: payment for hosting and domain. Investment of personal free time goes without saying.

The process will proceed gradually, starting with a few dollars a month, and not immediately with hundreds and thousands, as many people think and dream. Win quickly and immediately in a casino or lottery. There are NO quick freebies on the Internet.

Everyone who is trying to convince you otherwise just wants to make money off of you.

Try it, start taking action, and in the process you will understand whether you want to run a blogging business or not.

What useful things will you find here?

When you visit me, you can read about how to blog on the Internet using the Word Press engine - a very simple and convenient blog content management system. The content of the remaining sections, which were created on the principle of “a little bit of everything,” includes posts about health, beauty, calendars, finances and household chores.

I will be happy to try to explain to you what a blog is and how to create one. I’ll explain some technical aspects of working on a blog, since I’ve accumulated enough experience in blogging over a couple of years, and I already have a lot on my own))

I will also help you compile a list of keywords, or as it is also called the “semantic core” of your future blog, completely free of charge. If, of course, you are passionate about the idea of ​​​​creating it and are ready to devote part of your free time to this process

You may ask, why am I going to help, and free of charge, to everyone?

First of all, because I really like the process of selecting keywords for blogs, assessing their quality, observing how the dynamics of queries change and how they work or don’t work - in short, all this statistical and analytical SEO kitchen))

Further. I am not a millennial blogger. The traffic to my blogs is not off the charts, which means star fever and Roskomnadzor are not a threat)))). This is due to the fact that the lion's share of my time is occupied primarily by housework and raising three small children. Although the selection principle I use key phrases for a blog - working and effective, which I am convinced of every time I look at the service with visitor statistics.

So why on earth would I take money from people? I’ll just share what’s already in abundance, that is, the keywords. Later - we'll see, time will tell... And then, making new observations and discoveries, it is NECESSARY to share your experience with those who are still searching. This gives an amazing positivity and influx of energy for creating new projects, for CREATIVITY.

I wish you good luck and harmony in your soul!

Blog owner Julia Strehler

2024 gtavrl.ru.