What a connection iota. Mobile communications iota - what is it and how does it work

The history of the Yota operator began in 2007, when the company was founded, while the test launch of the first networks occurred only in 2008. At first, WiMax technology was used, only then Yota switched to LTE technology. Today MegaFon and Yota operate together; according to official information, MegaFon is the parent company. Let's look at the results of this union and compare the current tariff plans.

In fact, Yota is MegaFon. If we dig a little deeper, we will find that in 2014 Iota established itself as a virtual cellular operator. Cooperation with MegaFon, expressed in the combination of assets, occurred in July 2012. Their coverage areas coincide almost completely, with the exception of some cities in which MegaFon has built LTE Band 20 networks - Yota does not work here (in 4G format).

Yota is a subsidiary of MegaFon, but it is not the same company. Yota is a virtual operator that uses the equipment of its parent company. Therefore, the question of whose towers Yota uses is very easy to answer - Yota uses MegaFon’s towers and its own towers that were available before the merger of assets. MegaFon bought Yota by purchasing shares of Scartel. There was information in the media that the Yota brand would be destroyed, but today we see that this is not the case - the subsidiary works as a virtual operator and belongs to the organization that bought it. Roughly speaking, now this is almost one company, but the brands have different areas of activity.

Iota is MegaFon or not

Many people believe that Yota and MegaFon are one and the same. This is not to say that this is not the case, but the positioning of brands is still different. MegaFon remains a traditional operator, while Yota is virtual and focuses on unlimited Internet. Today this Internet is available only on tablet PCs and modems/routers. Until January 25, 2017, unlimited was also available on smartphones, but then it was removed.

MegaFon and Yota are almost identical in coverage area, but differ in tariffs. Therefore, it is very difficult to answer which is better - it all depends on the preferences of the subscriber. For example, if you need unlimited mobile Internet from your computer, you should choose Iota without hesitation - MegaFon does not have complete unlimited data. In terms of voice quality, both operators are almost identical.

There is one more difference - MegaFon has a lot of information, entertainment and service services. The catalog contains services for making money transfers, connecting a dial tone, geopositioning services, mobile subscriptions and much more. Yota does not have all this variety, so this operator is suitable for those who do not like imposed services.

MegaFon tariff plans

If you need high-quality voice communications and fast Internet on your smartphone, we recommend taking a closer look at MegaFon's tariff plans. It operates a profitable “Turn On!” line, offering subscribers several tariff plans for any needs.

TP “Turn on! Communicate"

Tariff “Turn on! Communicate” is a balanced offer for medium-active subscribers. For only 600 rubles/month. we receive 500 minutes of calls to any phone in the country, both mobile and landline (including local ones), 12 GB of Internet traffic (for any needs), free traffic to mobile TV with the MegaFon package channel , as well as two films from the video archive.

Also on the tariff there is an interesting addition - unlimited traffic for social networks and instant messengers. It applies to the extremely popular Odnoklassniki and VK, to foreign Facebook, as well as to the messengers Viber, WhatsApp and eMotion. A great advantage of the tariff plan is its wide coverage area - all of Russia.

TP “Turn on! Look"

Tariff “Turn on! Look" is a sentence designed for those who love not only communication, but also video content. The subscription fee is 900 rubles/month, it includes 16 GB of general Internet traffic, unlimited on YouTube and unlimited on the above social networks and instant messengers. For chatting with friends, relatives, acquaintances and other people, 1200 minutes are allocated per month. As a bonus - four films from their archive, as well as a package of MegaFon channels and free traffic to MegaFon TV.

The tariff plan works in domestic Russian roaming without changing the tariff.

TP “Turn on! Speak"

Tariff plan “Turn on! Speak” provides a subscription fee of 500 rubles/month. The range of services here is quite limited - 600 minutes of communication within Russia, 3 GB of Internet and unlimited traffic for instant messengers. There is also free unlimited traffic for mobile TV, but without a channel package - you will have to pay for it separately. The tariff works throughout Russia and targeted at those who rarely use Internet services.

TP “Turn on! Listen"

We have a tariff plan for true music lovers who need nothing but music. The subscription fee is only 300 rubles/month, it includes 250 local minutes, 6 GB of traffic, special traffic for music services and instant messengers. The list of music services includes the most popular Yandex.Music, Zvooq, BOOM and VKontakte Music. Free mobile TV is also provided with the MegaFon package. The tariff works throughout Russia, but intercity fares are paid separately.

TP “Turn on! Write"

Tariff “Turn on! Write" was created specifically for those who prefer to communicate in text mode, but does not want to spend extra money. For 350 rub./month. subscribers receive 350 local minutes, 200 local SMS, as well as traffic for instant messengers. There is also a small package of regular traffic (only 2 GB) and traffic for mobile TV. A striking drawback is that the tariff does not retain home tariffs when roaming in the Russian Federation.

TP “Turn on! Premium"

Mega tariff for the most talkative people and those who cannot live without mobile Internet. This includes 5,000 minutes within Russia, traffic for an expanded number of social networks and instant messengers (hello to fans of Telegram and Instagram), access to music services, unlimited for three video hosting sites - Rutube, YouTube and Vimeo, as well as 20 GB of regular traffic. Also The tariff includes mobile TV with the “Basic” package and three channels for adults, access to four films from the archive is provided. The subscription fee is healthy - 3000 rubles/month.

Please note that on all tariff plans, after the main package of minutes is exhausted, intra-network unlimited is activated (on the “Turn on! Write” tariff, it is valid only for local MegaFon numbers).

Yota tariff plans

Let's take a look at what Yota offers us (or Eta is an erroneous but common spelling of the operator's name). Its tariffs are divided into three categories - for smartphones, tablets and modems/routers. Smartphones have a single tariff plan, and it is very flexible. The minimum subscription fee is 370 rubles/month. – it includes 200 minutes within Russia and 2 GB of traffic. A package of 5,000 minutes and 30 GB of traffic will cost 2,850 rubles/month.

It would be more correct to say that packages on Yota are allocated not for a month, but for 30 days - such a tricky tariff.

The following options are available as an add-on:

  • “Unlimited SMS” - 50 rubles/month;
  • Messengers – 15 rubles each. every;
  • Social networks – 25 rubles each. each;
  • YouTube - 100 rubles.

Tariff parameters can be adjusted at any time at your discretion.

Full unlimited service from Yota works for tablet PCs. It can be paid for a day, a month or a year at once - the longer the paid period, the cheaper the connection. A day of access costs 50 rubles, a month – 500 rubles, a year – 4500 rubles. Traffic is not limited in any way, but you cannot use torrents - the speed will be reduced to 64 kbit/sec.

For computers, Yota offers complete unlimited traffic. There is even a free package that runs at 64 kbps– such a snail’s speed is enough to communicate in ICQ, Skype, Telegram and other instant messengers in text mode. The next speed indicator is 512 kbit/sec, it costs 400 rubles/month. For 1400 rub./month. we get unlimited at the highest available speed. In total, there are about two dozen speed gradations.

Internet from Yota is connected under the following conditions:

  • 5 Mbit/sec – 5400 RUR/year;
  • 10 Mbit/sec – 6900 RUR/year;
  • Maximum speed – 9000 rub./year;
  • 2 hours of access – 50 rubles one-time;
  • One day of access – 150 rubles one-time.

Thus, Iota is beneficial for those who need unlimited Internet - it can be distributed from a PC to other devices.

The short answer is that Yota is a brand under which communication services are provided (communication operator) and equipment is produced. However, to understand what Iota is, you will need to analyze the structural features, history and prospects of the company, and find out its advantages and disadvantages.

How it all began

(it is called Scartel LLC) occurred in 2007, and a year later the Internet was launched using WiMAX technology. In 2009, sales of a modem released under its own brand began, and work was underway to create an LTE network.
In 2012, the merger of 100% of the assets of Scartell and 50% of PJSC Megafon was completed. Two years later, an advertising campaign for the new mobile operator launched on federal channels in the spring, and by the end of summer the first SIM cards were issued. Then the question began to arise, what is Yota, and why is it called a virtual operator?

Iota: what is it and how does it work?

It is called a virtual operator because it operates on the basis of several networks. LTE communications (that same treasured 4G Internet) are provided by equipment from Scartel LLC, and GSM is provided by Megafon.
The coverage area began with 6 large Russian cities in August 2014, grew rapidly and by the end of 2017 the operator provided coverage to the entire country, except for the Crimean Peninsula and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.
To the question of what Eta is and how it works, there is another answer - it is a full-fledged cellular operator with large communications and Internet coverage, excellent technical support and competitive tariffs.

What are the advantages of the Yota operator?

Everyone became aware of this telecommunications company thanks to its unlimited 4G plans with an affordable price tag; this made it possible to quickly attract a significant number of subscribers. By the beginning of 2017, unlimited tariffs for smartphones were closed, but since 2019, you can use this option on a tablet or modem, and SIM cards for smartphones have an affordable price tag.


  1. A clear division of SIM cards depending on the devices for which they are intended. For example, a SIM card designed for a tablet will work in a smartphone, but the pricing will change greatly.
  2. Small number of own service offices. Ordered SIM cards are delivered by courier in most regions.
  3. Technical support can be obtained not only in the application or personal account on the website; anyone can ask a question on the official website in the chat and get advice.
  4. One price for calls to subscribers in your home region and throughout Russia.
  5. At least 30 days without roaming when traveling around the country. The cost of services during this time remains the same as in the home region.
  6. Tariffs with unlimited Internet are still available on tablets and modems.


Iota continues to increase its 4G (LTE) network coverage; the operator plans to provide high-speed Internet to the entire country. The company is interested in data transmission technologies such as 5G and 6G, but there have been no official statements on plans for their implementation.

The brand is well known to Russians for the first Russian personal device, Yota Device, but one point is being missed.

The main task of the developers was to propose a new model operating on two promising wireless communication standards, WiMAX and 4G LTE, within the framework of the latest telecommunications infrastructure. In the first case, we are talking about the development of the Wi-Fi standard and a more advanced version of the technology, providing a greater coverage radius than Wi-Fi. 4G LTE is a new standard for high-speed mobile radio communications, focused primarily on access to the mobile and global network of smartphones, laptops and tablets, which is not yet offered by other mobile operators.

Selecting tariffs for smartphones and PCs when logging into your Yota personal account

The company has offered interesting tariffs for smartphones, which, on the one hand, can be individually selected depending on the needs for high-speed traffic, on the other hand, make it possible to use unlimited and free services that do not require an additional connection.

Yota plans (like those of other operators) are designed for a different number of minutes of calls and traffic quota. Unlike other companies, where only subscribers under corporate contracts have access to 4G networks, at Yota the service is available to all private subscribers. Moreover, the cost of the package is comparable to offers from other providers.

Packages offered:

  • Yota 300 minutes (5 GB);
  • Yota 500 minutes (10 GB);
  • Yota 1500 minutes (15 GB);
  • Yota 1200 minutes (20 GB).

Please note that tariffs are valid throughout the Russian Federation, and not just in your home region, which eliminates the need to monitor expenses when leaving your city for another region.

Please note that the Yota tariff is designed for the latest generation mobile devices - only for smartphones; when using other devices with cards of this plan, the speed will be limited by the operator.

Convenient and inexpensive Yota tariffs for tablets

A distinctive feature of Yota from the proposals of other providers is the development of adapted tariff plans for connecting certain types of subscriber devices to the mobile network along with 2G telephone communications. On the official website, a special tariff package is offered to tablet owners.

For Yota, Internet tariffs are a key service based on a new telecommunications infrastructure focused on connecting personal devices. For the convenience of tablet users, the provider offers packages with daily, monthly and annual pricing at the following rates:

  • 1 day – 50 rub.;
  • 1 month – 590 rub.;
  • 1 year – 4500 rub.

If you are interested in choosing an excellent provider that will provide you with fast mobile Internet, Iota with tariffs for unlimited tablet Internet access is your choice. A SIM card for devices that support LTE will cost an additional 300 rubles.

Adaptive tariffs for modems and PCs - customize the work at your discretion

Yota offers you high-quality traffic with high speed Internet access for home, office and personal PCs. The SIM card can be installed in a wireless router, to which you can also connect home and office computers, TV, video cameras, and automation devices. For these purposes, the provider offers to purchase and connect a compatible modem.

Yota - personal account. Internet connection speed settings slider.

A key feature of the service is the ability to select the access speed, as well as switch it during operation, flexibly customizing the services to suit your requirements. Supported access speeds range from 512 to more than 10 Mbit/s. We offer you tariffs from Yota 2017; a wide selection of compatible modems at reasonable prices helps you gain access to the network of several devices.

Yota, which until recently developed its networks in the Wi-Max format, today became the fifth federal operator. You can connect to Yota in most federal regions of our country. Let's take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of this operator.


What new does Yota offer?

It must be said right away that Yota’s tariffs are fundamentally different from the tariffs of other mobile operators. If you want to connect to a mobile Internet tariff, you will be pleasantly surprised by the complete unlimited service. Internet traffic is not charged for all tariffs. The only difference is the speed.

Moreover, when the money on your balance runs out, Yota does not block access to the Internet, but reduces the speed to a minimum (up to 64 kbit/sec).

If you choose a tariff for a smartphone, Yota does not limit traffic speed. On a smartphone it always remains high. As for tariffs for tablets, there are three options:

  • 512 Kbps – 390 rubles per month
  • 2.1 Mbit/s – 550 rubles per month
  • Maximum speed (in some regions with 4G it reaches 20 Mbit/s) – 650 rubles per month

Prices are presented for Moscow and the Moscow region. In the regions they are lower.

Perhaps, with its tariffs for tablet computers, Yota fell in love with all “Internet-addicted” people. But tariffs for smartphones can also cause admiration and envy of competitors.

As mentioned above, all tariffs include high-speed unlimited Internet. In addition, calls within the Yota network are not charged. And if you wish, you can (for 50 rubles) add free SMS.

As for the differences in tariffs for smartphones, they consist in the number of free minutes to numbers of other operators in Russia:

  • 300 minutes – 140 rubles
  • 500 minutes – 340 rubles
  • 1000 minutes – 640 rubles
  • 2000 minutes – 1040 rubles
  • 3000 minutes – 1540 rubles

The cost of the selected package is added to the cost of the Internet (300 rubles) and unlimited SMS (if required).

We can say that Yota provides its users with one tariff for smartphones, but which everyone can customize for themselves.

Also, the mobile operator Yota provides tariffs for home Internet (desktop PC, laptop, etc.). Tariffs differ only in speed:

  • 512 Kbps – 400 rubles
  • 640 Kbps – 450 rubles
  • 768 Kbps – 500 rubles
  • 896 Kbps – 550 rubles
  • 1 Mbit/s – 600 rubles
  • 1.3 Mbit/s – 650 rubles
  • 1.7 Mbit/s – 700 rubles
  • 2.1 Mbit/s – 750 rubles
  • 3.1 Mbit/s – 800 rubles
  • 4.1 Mbit/s – 850 rubles
  • 5 Mbit/s – 900 rubles
  • 5.7 Mbit/s – 950 rubles
  • 6.4 Mbit/s – 1000 rubles
  • 7.1 Mbit/s – 1050 rubles
  • 7.8 Mbit/s – 1100 rubles
  • 8.5 Mbit/s – 1150 rubles
  • 9.2 Mbit/s – 1200 rubles
  • 10 Mbit/s – 1250 rubles
  • 12 Mbit/s – 1300 rubles
  • 15 Mbit/s – 1350 rubles
  • Maximum speed – 900 rubles (Promotion)

Prices are per month. But you can also use this service:

  • For 2 hours – 50 rubles (maximum speed)
  • For a day – 150 rubles (maximum speed)

IMPORTANT: Mobile operator Yota offers high-speed 4G Internet in more than 40 cities of Russia. But the spread of access to LTE networks does not end there, and over time the geography of Yota’s coverage will only increase.

Advantages of Yota

In addition to excellent prices and flexible tariffs, the mobile operator Yota offers roaming-free space throughout Russia. If you travel to another region of our country, then mobile communications and Internet services will be charged as in your home region.

Unfortunately, this benefit is available only for the first thirty days of being in a region other than the Yota connection location. After 30 days, the operator will offer you a different tariff. However, there is no data yet on what kind of tariff this will be.

Disadvantages of Yota

Yota is a virtual operator. That is, one that uses the networks of another operator. In the case of Yota, this “other” operator is Megafon. That is, this operator is completely dependent on Megafon and the state of its networks.

Another disadvantage is the inability to use a smartphone with a Yota SIM card as an access point for a Wi-Fi network. Here's UNLIMITED Internet. But this disadvantage can be slightly minimized by using a router and paying for Wi-Fi Internet service for 2 or 24 hours.

And of course, the main disadvantage of this mobile operator is its small coverage area. True, it is increasing every day. Perhaps Yota has already come to your city?

Cellular operator Yota: reviews

Eugene. Have been using this operator for several months now. I connected it for both a smartphone and a tablet. And when I move to a house that is currently under construction, I will also order a router with a Yota SIM card. I really like the quality of communication and the ability to track the number of minutes remaining for calls to other operators. The only drawback is the ability to increase Internet speed only after the current tariff ends. Not very comfortable.

Igor. I go out of town for the summer and live there. Naturally, there is no wired Internet there. Before that, I used Megafon, but I found out that they have a subsidiary company, Yota, which “covers” my holiday village. I took it for a try and now I won’t part with it. I even watch football on my laptop. Thanks Yota!

Video. Yota review

The Yota brand belongs to Scartel LLC, which in turn is a subsidiary of Megafon OJSC. Yota offers cellular communication services on Megafon's GSM and 3G/4G networks.

Coverage area of ​​the mobile operator Yota

The new federal operator has so far begun to provide its services only in Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, and then only in a limited manner. In the near future, Yota should be launched in every Russian region.

Advantages of Yota

The new operator promises its subscribers unlimited Internet for smartphones, SMS, free calls to other Yota users, 300 free minutes of calls to numbers of other Russian operators, as well as roaming-free space throughout Russia. For now, the new operator offers only one tariff. The cost of monthly service for this tariff is 750 rubles. However, other tariffs will appear later.

Disadvantages of Yota

There was a fly in the ointment in the Yota tariff. So, Iota’s Internet cannot be called completely unlimited. The operator notes that the tariff is intended exclusively for use on smartphones, mobile phones, and tablets. The use of Yota SIM cards on other devices (including routers, modems, desktop computers and laptops) is not allowed.

However, the “surprises” do not end there. The tariff is intended for use with one SIM card on one device. Using a card inserted into the phone to provide additional access to communications from other devices is not allowed (in particular, we are talking about distributing the Internet via a wireless channel).

If these restrictions are violated, the operator will reduce the Internet speed to 32 kilobits per second. In addition, Yota speed will also be limited to 32 kilobits for services that use network resources to access torrents and download large files. It turns out that downloading torrents with this tariff will be quite problematic.

Yota service center and personal account

In order to increase comfort and optimal prices, the operator abandoned traditional sales channels. You can order a Yota SIM card either through the operator’s website or through a special mobile application, and receive it by courier or at the point of issue. Their address is indicated in the mobile application.

The company relied on online service, abandoning the traditional contact center. Subscriber support will be provided via chat on the website or mobile application. Services will also be managed entirely through the app.

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