What kind of high voice app is this? HiVoice Huawei app

At Google I/O 2018, which took place this spring, accessibility for everyone and built-in technologies took up much more space in Google's software lineup than usual. The company has made sure to improve accessibility across all platforms, and those promises are starting to be fulfilled in actual products that you can download and use.

Google is now releasing a new Voice Access app for Android that provides the most comprehensive and detailed version of voice control for smartphones yet. Rather than limiting interaction to preset commands through a voice assistant, Voice Access is designed to replace every tap on the touchscreen with a voice option. In most cases, it won't be faster or more convenient than a touch interface, but for people with disabilities, Voice Access will be an essential tool.

“After using this product, within the first 10 seconds I fell in love with it,” says Stephanie Putnam, a quadriplegic who plays sports. “You use your voice and you can access the world. It has been a wonderful product in my life.”

In some cases, the Voice Access app works the same as Google Assistant, or duplicates the commands. But once you're in a more complex menu field, the Voice Access app adds numbers next to buttons or text fields, allowing you to select them with your voice.

Once you launch Voice Access, numbers will appear next to everything on the screen that you can interact with.

For example, you may see the number 7 next to the Save button. To select the Save button, you can say any of these commands: 7, Save, Press 7, Press Save.

If two items on your screen have the same text label (for example, two Select menus), you can specify a number instead of a word. Additionally, if the text label is long or difficult to pronounce, it will be easier and faster to pronounce the number.

If you're not sure which elements on your screen are represented by numbers, you can ask, for example, "What does 7 represent?"

There are also detailed controls for smartphone functions, such as turning Wi-Fi or Bluetooth on and off. Google sees the app primarily as a tool for users with disabilities, but it also believes voice control can be useful for anyone with their hands full. For example, driving a car.

The application is already available in the Google Play app store.

Hi all! Many Huawei users are experiencing strange notifications from the HiVoice app. We will tell you what HiVoice is on Android, how to use it and how you can turn off these notifications.

HiVoice is the official mobile application from Huawei for recognizing voice commands. You can call this program a kind of answer to Siri and Google Now. The application is available in Chinese and English.

The program is easy to use and works like standard voice search. The application causes inconvenience to users due to constant notifications (most often in Chinese) when pressing a call, changing the volume and other changes in the phone.

Hi Voice could appear on the phone after latest Android updates. When installed, it requires permissions that it needs to work correctly.

How to disable HiVoice?

To remove/disable the Hi Voice application, you will need to install the Debloater program on your computer. This program works successfully on devices with and without root rights. To remove you need to install Debloater and him driver on the PC, and then connect the phone via a USB cable.

Here is a visual video instruction on how to use Debloater on a computer.

Here Additional Information, which you need to know when uninstalling an application:
  • file name - HwVAssistant.apk;
  • package name com.huawei.vassistant;

That's all, I hope that you understand what kind of HiVoice application this is and why it is needed.

Owners of Galaxy smartphones may wonder: s voice, what is this program on my phone? They don't realize how cool this feature is. This is a built-in voice assistant. An analogue of Siri on iOS, voice search OK Google on other Android devices. What is useful in the S Voice program and how you can use it.

To launch the program, you need to double-click the Home button and say a question or command. If you launched S Voice for the first time, you need to agree to the terms of use with a few clicks of the next button. After this, you will be able to give orders to the application. Depending on the commands used, S Voice can set an alarm, send SMS, talk about the weather, and much more. You will find an extensive list of commands below.

It is worth noting that you can launch the voice assistant without pressing buttons, but with a special voice command that you can record in the application settings. Then, when the screen is off, you say a key phrase and the assistant will instantly wake up and listen to you.

List of tasks and suitable phrases

Task Phrase
Calls Call Mom on her mobile phone

Dial Kolya worker


Dial 123456789

SMS Send a message to Andrey Where did you go?

Tell my wife that I'm going home

Read my messages

Read my messages from Mom

Contacts Contact Misha

What is the Chief's address?

When is Lisa's birthday?

Notes Note: watch the movie Watchmen

Note: buy a light bulb

Show note with shopping list

Schedule New event: meet the courier at 15:00

What's on my schedule

Add a swimming event for Sunday at 11am lasting an hour

Who will be at my next meeting

Cancel Thursday meeting

Reschedule my 5pm meeting to 9am tomorrow

Search for information Search for a recipe for pizza with mushrooms

Google the population of Russia

Search Bing for car rentals

Search Yahoo for fairy tales

Launching applications open calculator

to photograph

Open settings

Dictaphone Record voice
Alarm Wake me up tomorrow at 5 am

Show my alarms

Set an alarm for nine hours

Turn off my alarm clock

Change my alarm clock from 8 to 6 o'clock

Phone features Turn on Wi-Fi, Turn off Bluetooth
Navigator Route to Tula

Go to the city of Makhachkala

Moscow map

News Read news

Next news

Previous news

Weather Weather in Cheboksary

Check the weather forecast

What is the weather today

What will the weather be like tomorrow in Rostov?

Timer Set the timer for half an hour

Set a timer for 5 minutes

Create a timer for a minute

Stop timer

Restart timer

Audio player Play something

Play the artist Madonna

To listen to the radio

Play previous song

In addition to commands for specific tasks, you can try to have a heart-to-heart talk with the application by asking various life questions.

You can find some of them in the list below. Try asking these questions. Well, you can imagine it yourself.

Questions you can ask the S Voice app

Do you like football
Ask me
tell me something
Do you love me
Are you sad
Who do you love
Who do you hate
Are you married
Do you have feelings
You feel
What is your name
Who are you
You're a chicken
Who are your parents
Do you like football
You are fool
Can you give me your phone number
Why are you here
You are Android
Who are you friends with?
Let's be friends
You are happy
How much time
What is today's date
How are you doing
You are tired
I want to rest
I want to sleep
Shut up
You are hungry
It's time for me to sleep
You wear glasses
How old are you
You know me
What are you interested in
What do you want

If you ask a question that S Voice does not understand, the program will offer to search for the answer on the Internet, that is, it will show search results for your phrase in the browser.

So we got acquainted with S Voice and understood what kind of program it is. It should be noted that the application requires the Internet to work, otherwise you will only hear in response to your commands “There is no network connection, try connecting to the network and try again.”

If in the process of communicating with the program you find cool questions, send them to me through the comments. And perhaps your friends who own Galaxy smartphones will be interested in learning about this information, so reposting is welcome.

HD-Voice: what is it?

HD-Voice is a technology that provides excellent sound quality during telephone conversations. HD-Voice is “high definition voice”. With the help of this technology, a person’s speech becomes more distinct, the voices of friends become better recognizable. Speech is not just audible, it is almost perfect! This is especially useful in noisy places, such as on a street near a road with high traffic.

Mobile communications are arranged as follows: during a conversation, the speaker’s speech is digitized online, transmitted to the listener’s receiver and played back. Processed in HD-Voice wider range of sound waves, accordingly, the quality of digitization is higher. The Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband audio codec is used for this.

HD-Voice example.

MTS has provided files demonstrating a comparison of sound quality - regular conversations (without high-definition voice) and conversations with HD-Voice.

Let's look at the sound without HD Voice first.

And now speech with HD-Voice technology.

HD-Voice technology works in 3G networks (MTS, Beeline, Megafon). MTS also provides HD-Voice in some areas with 2G coverage.

How to enable HD-Voice on your phone?

Yes, actually, this is not necessary. The selection of digitization occurs automatically - the best available method. To do this, the phone must support HD-Voice and must be on a 3G network. Almost all modern smartphones support the HD-Voice function. It is so popular and widespread that it is not even indicated in the technical specifications of the phone.

If you have a phone manufactured no earlier than 2013 and supports 3G, then the likelihood that you have “high-definition voice” is almost 100%.

There is also no need to configure anything on the smartphone itself.

Talk on the phone with even greater pleasure, enjoy sound quality with HD Voice technology. Check with your mobile operator for details.

And now a small survey on the topic of your phones and HD-Voice technology: does it work for you, did you feel the difference that is given in the examples from MTS?

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