What kind of ribbon is on VK. How the VKontakte smart feed works - ranking algorithm

We asked representatives of the VKontakte team some burning questions about Prometheus, smart tape and their plans for the future. Answered by Sergey Paranko, director of media ecosystem, and Andrey Zakonov, director of growth and research for the social network. Hurry up to get acquainted with unique information from the original source.

1. How do your algorithms understand that a post is interesting to a specific user? Can you list the factors that most influence the reach of a post? The quality of the content, the response from the audience - this is clear. Anything less obvious?

We analyze the user's activity in the feed and raise higher those posts with which he is more likely to interact: like, write a comment, stick, open a photo, read an article, watch a video. These actions are very different, we predict them separately. Next, all this is taken into account by a general algorithm, which, based on all factors, performs ranking.

2. At your performance on "MEN2“You said that even little things like the weather and the user’s mood affect the reach of a post. How does the tape understand this?

Behind any post there is a huge number of ranking indicators. Each component is a certain value that describes the post itself, its author, the time of day at the time of viewing the recommendations, the speed of the reader’s Internet connection and many other criteria.

If a user visited the news feed or recommendations section while in a deep forest and with a poor Internet connection, we will not show him a bulky video at the beginning of the feed. The algorithm also takes into account the day of the week and time of day. This way, the morning recommendations feed will contain more news and information content, and in the evening - media and entertainment content.

3. Do you have a document that lists all the factors that the algorithm takes into account? Or has he already become so trained that even you don’t know by what parameters he provides coverage for a particular record?

We know the list of factors, but everything is unique for each user-record pair. Therefore, just by looking at a post, it is impossible to say how good it is, it’s subjective. A post about local news from Moscow in St. Petersburg is absolutely irrelevant to me, and you may not be interested in my news feed about machine learning and social networks.

4. Is it possible to artificially increase the reach of a post by purchasing likes and shares on promotion services?

Not worth it. In the long run, this will definitely lead to lower coverage. In addition to the fact that likes and shares do not play a central role in the ranking of a post, such cheats are highly likely to be detected by us.

However, traffic to a post from references on other social networks can indeed improve the organic reach of a post, and there is no penalty for this.

5. Is there an optimal text length for maximum reach in the smart feed? For example, in the announcement of an article – no more than 500 characters. And in a longread created in the editor, there are no more than 10,000?

There is no optimal length apart from the reader's focus. Everything is based on involvement; if you have an informational message, try to write succinctly, in an information style. If you are trying to attract a person to click on a snippet, the same principle is succinct and engaging. Just don’t fall into clickbait, it will negatively affect your reach.

If you're telling a story, captivate the person. All large forms, typically more than 1,000 characters, are best typed in the article editor, breaking up the text with multimedia inserts.

6. Smart Feed favors high-quality videos (over low-quality ones). What is “high-quality video” for VKontakte? What characteristics does it have?

Videos 720–1080 rub.

7. Does VK try to detect fake news? Is the veracity and reliability of the data important, or only the audience's interest in the recording?

On VKontakte there is no pre-moderation of content - as on other platforms, users can freely publish and discuss topics that interest them. At the same time, anyone can report illegal, offensive or inaccurate content in their opinion using the “Complain” button. We consider all complaints without exception. VKontakte has one of the largest moderation services and we respond as quickly as possible.

8. How do you feel about competitions for the most active subscribers and competitions for subscription + repost? They are allowed by the VK rules, but does this somehow affect the coverage of posts (positively or negatively)? Do you recommend using competitions for promotion in VK?

This is a legal way of promotion, but you need to keep in mind that in this way you are attracting an irrelevant audience to your subscribers. This can have a negative side effect - followers who don't engage with your group's main content can have a negative impact on the reach and virality of your posts.

9. Articles created in the editor receive more coverage than articles leading to a third-party site. What should commercial sites and blogs do in such conditions? How can they attract VKontakte users to their site?

A business group on any social network is first and foremost a community. If you treat it exactly like a media asset, you will succeed. Forcing a user to another site, without providing an alternative, in communication can upset a person. As they say: you want to sell me your product, but you do it without respect.

On the VK platform you can communicate with clients/readers, sell goods, receive money transfers and much more. We are developing our ecosystem and making it as convenient as possible for users. And in this regard, it is also beneficial for a business to develop its site within VK. The article editor is another tool for communication and community building.

10. Will wiki articles now receive less coverage than editor-based articles?

It's not the format that decides, but the user's interaction with your content. An interesting story told with a lot of interaction from readers will receive coverage regardless of the presentation format. Another thing is that it is more convenient to hold the audience’s attention with the tools available in the article editor.

Specifically about wiki pages, they do not fall into the “Recommendations” section on mobile devices, they are basically a desktop tool, so yes, their reach is lower than that of other delivery formats.

11. Some users complain that they do not see interesting and necessary posts. Why is this happening? And do you have any thoughts about follow the Facebook path – make sure that users’ feeds contain more personal content rather than commercial content?

We are constantly experimenting with different ranking models, and the main metric is user engagement. You can always send clear signals to the neuron by hiding a couple of posts from unwanted public pages.

12. You say that you cannot purchase bots at all. How then can the community gain its first audience? If you sign up relatives and friends, it turns out that the audience is still not the target one. And if you buy advertising, no one will subscribe to an empty community. How to find a way out?

People come to you for content. Therefore, your community will not be empty if you tell things there that are interesting to the target audience. Advertising for the target audience is an ideal option to start with. This will give you a core audience that will help you grow organically.

13. How do you understand that a penalty has been imposed on the community? How to remove it?

Looking at the statistics, this can be seen in the decreased coverage. Analyze what you have been doing in recent days, which can be regarded by the platform as unwanted actions: clickbait, aggressive audience withdrawal, unoriginal content, too frequent posting. Stop doing this. And it will go away on its own in two days :-)

14. Are there filters based on topic? (For example, “adult content” is downgraded). If yes, what topics have reduction coefficients?

Everything that is not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the rules of the site is possible. Everything that is prohibited is prohibited.

15. A case from our practice. We publish unique articles on the blog every day, and they are immediately parsed by several VKontakte public pages. It turns out that they announce this content first, and we announce it 5-10 minutes later. Does this negatively impact the coverage of our posts?

16. That is, the one who first shares the link is considered the original source? If this is the case, we cannot compete with autoparsers, since they do this automatically, but with us manually, we write a unique announcement. What should we do in this case?

I didn’t share the link, but downloaded the content natively. Embeds and links, in principle, do not make you the original source of content. We don’t know what’s on someone else’s video hosting or website, and we don’t parse or analyze this content. That’s why it’s important to upload your materials to the platform’s native submission tools.

17. How will search engines index articles created using the editor? Wiki articles were well found in searches, but what will happen now?

Articles are perfectly indexed by Yandex from the very start, and by Google already too.

18. Public LIVE led by a VKontakte employee? Is it possible to refer to it as an official source of information?

At one's own risk. This is an unofficial community.

How the Prometheus algorithm works

19. Are living people involved in the work of Prometheus? Or is the decision entirely left to the algorithm? How does he learn? Can you tell me in simple words?

The algorithm is automated and independently searches for new authors. The neuron sometimes makes mistakes. We mark each such error by sending a signal to the network about the wrong choice. Based on this feedback, Prometheus learns.

20. We have been posting quality content that resonates with our audience for a long time, but we have never received the Prometheus fire. How can we influence this? Can you give specific recommendations? I want specifics, and not vague advice like “post the content that your audience likes.”

First of all, the Prometheus algorithm reacts to original materials submitted in native VKontakte tools. Native content delivery formats are extremely important because they allow the algorithm to evaluate the uniqueness of the content and its subject matter. The first is important in order to get a mark, the second is to provide the author marked with “fire” with a good boost in coverage. Posts by such authors appear in the “Recommendations” section.

Almost all entries

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.

The benefits of a smart VKontakte feed

According to the official statement from representatives of the social network VKontakte, most users independently switched to the smart feed. Among the users there are those who simply did not turn it off. Also, according to the statistics provided, the coverage of posts on average increased by more than 20%, and the number of targeted actions increased by 50%.

The old style ribbon is still available to users. As before, it contains publications from friends and subscriptions in chronological order. When creating a VKontakte account, the smart feed is enabled by default. You can disable it in the “News” section by deactivating the “Interesting first” button.

The VK smart feed algorithm is of interest, first of all, to those users who are subscribed to a large number of groups and pages. Now they don’t need to look through the entire chronology of publications to find the news and posts that are most interesting to them - just turn on the “Interesting first” button, and the algorithm will display the information that matches the user’s interests. By the way, this fact is the reason why the ratio of “likes” has increased by 50% since the activation of the smart feed.

It is worth noting that the algorithm constantly collects and analyzes the behavior of users of the social network: it takes into account not only comments and “Like” marks, but also hundreds of other factors, most of which are not disclosed by the VKontakte administration. Among the well-known ones are:

Because each person's interests vary, the Smart Feed curates content individually and improves over time thanks to a self-learning algorithm. In this regard, owners of VKontakte groups and communities need to know how the VK smart feed works and how it can be used to maximize reach of the target audience and increase loyalty to content.

How does the VKontakte smart feed work?

For users of the social network, working with the algorithm is limited to pressing the on/off button of the smart feed. Owners and administrators of VKontakte groups, on the contrary, in order to popularize their resource and raise its rating, must ensure that the published content, be it photographs, articles, audio or video recordings, is ranked and offered in the feed as the most interesting material.

The main thing that group administrators should know is how to prepare and format a publication so that it is suitable for inclusion in the VK smart feed. First of all, you need to pay attention to the content itself. In particular, it must be unique, that is, published for the first time, without any borrowing (even your own previously published materials will be recognized by the algorithm as copied). It is unknown to what extent the uniqueness of the content is taken into account, but representatives of the network themselves state that original posts are shown much more often than repeated material. Among the equally important conditions for preparing content are:

  1. Publication format. Short and long materials are distinguished, with the presence of audio and video materials, photographs, links, documents, etc. The point is that a person will be shown mainly what they most often pay attention to. For example, if it most often reacts to various selections of photographs of cats, similar material will always be a priority until the algorithm notices any changes and reacts to them; on the contrary, if a person prefers long posts, they will be shown more often.
  2. High visual quality of posts. Photos and images with poor resolution (less than 700px) do not rank or rank poorly in the smart feed. Same with video. This is done to ensure that the user’s feed is as aesthetically pleasing as possible.
  3. Ability to comment on posts. User feedback is a sign of interest. If comments are closed, the post has a much lower chance of getting to the top of the rankings. If the administrator is concerned about the presence of obscene language and insults in the comments under posts, they can be easily stopped using filters.
  4. Number of entries per day. This is bad news for those who publish a large amount of material every day: the smart feed prioritizes infrequent but high-quality posts. And on the contrary, the more activity on the group wall, the less audience coverage there will be in the end. The recommended frequency of posting is no more than one post within 3-4 hours.

In addition to complying with these conditions when compiling and publishing content, community administrators must carefully monitor and analyze statistics, observe user reactions to different types of publication formats, and build strategies so that the proposed material satisfies not only the preferences of the audience, but also corresponds to the parameters of the algorithm. Taken together, this will lead to each user’s news feed becoming more interesting and attractive, which means that VKontakte, firstly, will improve its position and will be able to attract much more business investment in advertising; secondly, it will force authors to take the interests of subscribers more seriously.

How to get into the VKontakte smart feed

As noted above, smart feed is an algorithm created specifically to create a more interesting user news feed. The hierarchy of posts here, in contrast to the standard chronological sequence, depends on the degree of usefulness of the published material and its ability to interest the user.

In addition, recommended posts sometimes appear in a person’s feed, which, according to the algorithm, may be of interest. This assumption is made, naturally, on the basis of previously collected and analyzed data. Moreover, such posts may be published in a community to which the person is not subscribed. In other words, the algorithm creates a semblance of personal search results within a social network. In this regard, the tasks of group administrators who want to get into the smart feed should be aimed at improving the quality of content:

  • Firstly, the posts should be higher than the posts of other groups.
  • Secondly, so that not only subscribers, but also random people interested in similar topics can receive the group’s posts as recommendations.

Taken together, these actions benefit community statistics, increasing the reach of views and subscribed people.

The main factors for getting into the VK smart feed

The factors that allow you to display group entries in the smart feed were described above. However, fulfilling these conditions does not provide a 100% guarantee of success. The behavior of the target audience also plays an important role here. In particular, this includes the following parameters:

It is worth noting that these factors operate for a limited amount of time: the more reactions a post receives from users within 24 hours after publication, the more likely it is that it will end up in the smart feed. In other words, a post from a month or even three days ago, even if it suddenly begins to gain popularity, will not be able to qualify for ranking by the algorithm.

Among the typical posts that, according to statistics, are most often found in the smart feed, one can note posts with text and attached video material (one or more), text with a poll or voting, a selection of pictures and photographs in high resolution, etc.

Recently, VKontakte has become able to write articles using an internal editor. According to popular belief, text materials intended for long reading have priority in the ranking of the smart feed. This assumption is due to the fact that large articles are most often included in recommendations, increasing the natural increase not only in the reach of the target audience, but also in the group’s subscribers.

Smart Instagram feed

The introduction of a smart feed on Instagram is due to the fact that the application was purchased by the largest social network Facebook, where for many years it has been practicing ranking the news feed according to the degree of interest in posts from users. In other words, Instagram now only shows the content that gets the greatest response from the audience. As a result of the innovations, not only the ranking conditions were changed, but also the overall level of engagement of subscribers - many popular accounts saw a noticeable decrease in their reach.

The principle of creating a smart feed on Instagram is as follows: the algorithm, based on the individual characteristics of the user’s account, selects the most interesting material. In particular, it takes into account: user activity (likes, comments), real geographic location, etc. Several users can be subscribed to the same profiles, but the chronology of displaying posts will be different for each of them: for one person the photo will be a priority and rank higher than another user.

When you publish a photo on Instagram, the algorithm shows it to a small part of your followers (about 10-20%). If the audience response is high, the photograph will advance to even greater coverage and, having passed the “exam,” it will move forward. Thanks to this, profiles with inflated subscribers (who are not active) lose popularity and audience coverage.

The VK smart feed did not immediately captivate social network users, authors and targetologists. At first, the innovations seemed inconvenient, but the VKontakte company justified the introduction of a new self-learning algorithm for ranking posts and helped all target groups get used to it. In addition, ordinary users can now turn off the “smart feed” and return to the chronological version of the news display.

When you log into your personal account, all records of friends and communities that have accumulated during the period of absence online become available. Initially, all accumulated posts were shown chronologically, i.e. entries published earlier were lower in the feed and were still sometimes not accessed even by those who frankly had nothing better to do. In 2016, an alternative appeared.

The VKontakte smart feed is an algorithm developed by the company of the same name. It influences the ranking of posts based on user behavior and reactions to a particular type of post. The more positive responses in the form of likes and reposts, the higher the post will appear in the feed. Recordings that have caused or theoretically may cause a negative reaction are not broadcast.

The service is enabled in each profile by default (can be disabled in one click if desired).

How does the VKontakte smart feed work?

The feed works based on an algorithm that analyzes which materials and in what format you like, and which ones you ignore and scroll through. As a result, only those posts in which you are interested are shown:

  1. News profiles of friends or acquaintances with whom you often chat on social networks. Their new repost, posted picture with a comment, photo or video will be shown on the wall by the smart feed. For people with whom interaction is zero, getting here is almost impossible.
  2. Updates in your favorite groups and communities (the more often you go to look through the wall of a particular community, the more you like and repost, the more updates will be displayed). Accordingly, the lower the attendance and activity, the less chance the community has of being among those displayed.
  3. News in the format that suits you (video collections, long layers of text, a picture with an attached song, etc.). If a user has a preference for a certain type of content, the feed will prioritize it when showing it.
  4. New: now the feed periodically flashes posts that friends have rated or commented on. Provided that the VK administration considers them suitable, or more precisely, socially proven (with a large number of likes and reposts confirming the interest of the topic), you will see them too.

How to get into the VK smart feed

There is no need to enable the smart feed in VK - just log into your social network account, where the specified mode for selecting and displaying news posts is in effect by default. When authorizing, each profile holder is first thrown into the “News” section, where a smart algorithm is in charge - scroll through and be amazed at the collaboration.

How to bypass the VK smart feed

How to disable the smart feed in VK

Do you hold conservative views or didn’t like how the smart feed works in VK?

  1. Go to the "News" section.
  2. On the right you will see a toolbar, at the end of which there is an item “Interesting first”, selected automatically.
  3. Cancel the action.

Now posts in the news feed will be displayed in chronological order.

Good afternoon everyone. In today's article we will talk about news and news feed on VKontakte. In simple terms, any social network user, as well as groups and public pages, can create news that, after publication, appears in the feed. If we are subscribed to communities and friends, then all their posts end up in our feed, and we find out what new has happened in the life of a particular user or group.

VKontakte News

What is news on the social network VKontakte? Essentially, this is any user or community. After you have created a post and clicked the “Submit” button, your post becomes news and appears in the feed of your friends and subscribers. A social network is essentially an information portal too, since there is a constant exchange of information between users and groups.

In fact, news is not only a means of transmitting information, but also a powerful tool for promoting user and group pages. Imagine that you are a professional photographer. Every day you post yours (for example, wedding ones) on your wall. People like your photos, like them and share them on their page. Gradually, you get more, and your page, thanks to likes, occupies a higher position in the search. At some point, you can post on the page information about the provision of photographer services - and now you already have a client base. Communities and public pages are promoted in exactly the same way.

In fact, the main ones are communication and information exchange. In order to begin the process of sharing information or promoting a page or community, you need to learn how to do simple things - create interesting news and distribute them on a social network. Let's talk about it below...

How to add news

All posts are created on your own or someone else’s wall (or community wall). After the entry is added, it goes to the feeds of friends and subscribers and becomes news itself. We talked about how to create a record in the article. You can add any recording (photos, videos, music, documents, etc.).

You can create news from your own page...

...and from the “News” section. The type and principle of creation are the same in both cases. Even if you add a post using the second method, it is still published on your wall.

How to repost a post on VK

1. Find the post you need or like on the wall of a community or friend.

2. Click on the speaker icon in the lower field of the post (the counter of those sharing the post is also shown there, and in the pop-up window you can see who exactly shared the post.

If you wish, you can add a comment or attachment (photo, video, music, etc.) to the reposted post.

After the code is inserted onto your site, the post will look like this.

VKontakte news feed

As we have already said, after a post is added to a user’s or community’s wall, it immediately appears in the feed. The feed is located in the “News” section of the main menu.

All events in the feed appear in chronological order - i.e. the most recent (fresh) ones are on top. Since most users have many friends and subscribers, and they are also members of many groups, the feed is updated quite often. You need to somehow navigate this abundance of information, which is why a powerful set of selection, sorting and search tools has been invented for the feed.

Sorting news in the feed

Look - to the right of the feed is the feed menu.

For now, all our news is, one might say, in the “heap.” But in such an array of information it is difficult to find something that interests you, especially if you have not looked at the feed for several days, but you know that during this time a lot of interesting things happened with your friends. Here, in the menu, we can, for example, sort the posts of groups and friends by type. For example, show only:

There is also a filter for updates that appears in the section below the main menu. With it you can filter your friends' updates.

For example, you are only interested in the following updates:

2. What new communities did they join?

To do this, you need to leave only the appropriate checkboxes in the list of filters - that’s all.

This way, you can choose only the information that is interesting to you.

How to show only interesting news? Smart feed VKontakte

To enable the smart feed, you just need to activate switch “Interesting first” under the ribbon menu (by default it is in the “On” position).

What is a “smart” VK feed? Using special algorithms, it analyzes your actions and calculates what you like and is most interested in. To calculate what is most interesting for you, all your likes, views of posts and photos from videos, comments, etc. are calculated. Based on this, a feed is built with the most interesting entries ahead. This is also very useful and saves time for social network users.

Search by news

Sometimes in the abundance of information you need to find something specific and important. If we just rummaged around the wall in search of the right post, we would probably go crazy. For this purpose, there is a flexible search tool with various settings.

Select the “Search” section in the menu and then enter the keyword in the search bar. But it often happens that one keyword or phrase is not enough, and then an advanced feed search comes to our aid. To do this, you need to activate the “Search options” drop-down list.

In the advanced options, you can enable sorting by message type, attachment type, number of likes, and other parameters. As a rule, using advanced options it is not difficult to quickly find the news you need.

How to hide news in VK feed

VK has flexible settings for sorting and displaying posts in the feed. If desired, you can display and hide posts from specific people and groups. These settings are here...

After clicking on the funnel icon, we go to the window where we can mark the posts of which friends and communities we do not want to see in the feed. By default, all friends and groups have a checkmark next to them (that is, all their posts are displayed in the feed). This is not always convenient, as it clogs the feed with all sorts of unnecessary information.

To selectively hide news in the VK feed, just uncheck the user or community in this list. After this, the selected friend or group will be blacklisted (they will be displayed in the “Not shown” tab), and posts from them will no longer be displayed in the general feed.

In this way, we can protect ourselves from unnecessary information garbage in the feed.

How to create your own VKontakte feed

On VKontakte you can also create tabs where . For example, you can select two or three people or several communities whose posts are most important and interesting to you, and add all posts from them to the tab. At any time, you can quickly see all the news from selected people or groups without sifting through all the information in your feed.

To create a tab, you need to click on the plus sign icon in the menu and select “Add tab” from the drop-down list.

After this, the “Most Interesting!” tab will appear in the menu list. By selecting it, you will be able to view posts only from the “Looking for you Nizhny Novgorod” group you selected.

By default, the VKontakte news feed is a collection All possible updates from friends and groups. They get into it All new publications, uploaded photos, reposts, advertising.

Do you like the content of the feed?

If your feed has grown too large and it’s difficult to find really interesting materials among the many posts, it’s time to start cleaning up.

From this article you will learn how to set up a VKontakte feed Based on your interests, how to create “Favorites”, remove unnecessary messages, quickly see what friends liked, and turn off auto-playing GIF animations.

What does the VKontakte feed consist of?

First, let's go to the feed and see what is where →

  1. In the top field you can write something.
  2. In the central part are the publications themselves. We'll tell you in what order a little later.
  3. On the right is the menu. This is what will help you customize your feed.
  4. Below the menu there is a “smart ribbon” switch.

VKontakte uses two modes selection news to feed:

  • chronological (top - newest publications)
  • “smart feed” mode (at the top are the most interesting publications).

With chronological everything is clear. And here "smart tape" requires clarification. The internal algorithm of VKontakte analyzes the behavior of users in communities.

Taken into account:

  • activity of the user and his friends in the comments
  • number of views of photos and videos in community albums and on the wall
  • likes and reposts
  • time to watch community news
  • number of link clicks
  • other indicators (information from the official VKontakte blog).

The more active a user is in a community, the more useful and interesting this community is (according to the selection principles embedded in the algorithm). This means that the news from this community deserves to be included in the top positions in the feed.

Smart Tape mode is enabled by default. But if you don’t rely too much on the VKontakte mechanisms and want to choose what news to read, move lever 4 (see the picture above) and configure the feed manually.

How to create your “Favorites” on VKontakte

Easily organize your bookmarks in your browser or Evernote. But few people know that VKontakte also has such a function. You can create your own in the feed newsgroups:

  • by topic (for example, all news from content marketing communities)
  • by friends lists (for example, all news from colleagues)
  • by selected friends (for example, all the news from the trainers of the Academy of Correct Copywriters).

Surely you will come up with other options. This is done like this:

  1. Click the plus sign in the right menu (see picture).

  1. In the menu that opens, select “Add Tab”. You will see a window like this. Come up with a name for your new newsgroup.

  1. In this list at first all yours are withdrawn Friends, then - all groups and pages. Next to each item there is an empty circle for a checkmark. Check the box for the groups where they publish materials on the selected topic, and all new publications from these groups will be reflected in the created tab (in the right menu), and other posts will not appear there.
  1. In the “Actions” drop-down menu, you can select only groups or only friends, and then act by elimination, unchecking unnecessary boxes. Do not forget save changes(button below the list)!
  1. The tab you created is customizable. To do this, you need to press the plus sign again, and then press the gear next to the name of the tab in the menu. You can delete the tab there. Tracking news has now become easy!

How to find out what your friends liked

In the same menu (by clicking on the plus sign on the right) there are several more interesting functions. For example, viewing only photos. Or news from friends.

If you check the “Like” box and then select it in the menu, then in your feed you will see posts, photos and videos that you or your friends have liked or commented on.

You can customize this feed using a filter.

Of course, if your posts meet article quality criteria, the likelihood of receiving likes and comments increases significantly.

How to remove unnecessary messages from your feed

Not all news is equally useful. If you want to save subscription on a community or person, but their publications you don’t need them in your feed, you can use extra messages put away. This is done like this:

  1. In the right menu, already familiar to us, there is a funnel icon between the word “News” and the plus sign. This is a filter. Click on it and you will get this window:

It is similar to the tab customization window and works the same way. Only here the entire list of friends and groups is initially shown.

  1. Uncheck those groups (or friends) whose news you don’t need in your feed.
  1. If you uncheck the “Show copies” checkbox (below), then reposts will no longer appear in your feed.
  1. Save changes.

How to disable automatic playback of GIF animations

I don’t argue that GIF pictures (those that move) can be very interesting. They attract attention. That’s why advertisers love GIFs. But I prefer that only those files that I launch myself are played. You too?

In the new VKontakte feed all animated images default made large and “self-playing”. That is, they do not require activation by clicking the mouse. And the feed may suddenly start showing a mini-video.

If you are not happy with this situation, you need to disable autoplay of GIF animation. This is done simply:

  1. Go to the menu (arrow next to your avatar, displayed in the upper right part of the page)
  1. Select “Settings” and immediately go to the “General” tab (see picture)
  1. In the second paragraph - “Page Settings” - you need uncheck"Automatically play GIF animations"

  1. Ready. Changes to page settings are saved themselves.

In fact, you can quickly set up your VKontakte feed. It's enough to do it all once with your own hands. Let's start right now→

  1. Select a topic (for example, copywriting)
  2. Create a newsgroup tab in your feed
  3. Title it
  4. Gather thematic communities there
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