What is wmid in webmoney. What is a WMID in WebMoney (WebMoney) and where to find it

The electronic payment system Webmoney began its existence two years before the end of the second millennium. In the open spaces of the Russian Internet, it is perhaps the most popular among other systems. About a third of Runet users have already acquired Webmoney wallets. And only half of them have some kind of funds in their wallets. Newbies may have many questions about the system itself and its components. There are a lot of questions about what is wmid in webmoney, as well as what does wmid mean in webmoney.

What is a WMID in the Webmoney system?

WMID is a member's identifier, a kind of identification code. WMID in webmoney means the same as a tax identification number that every citizen has. The code is a unique sequence of 12 digits. It is important to know about the personal identification number wmid in the webmoney system that this is not confidential information. Do not be afraid and fearful if someone asks our wmid.

The wmid webmoney number is a kind of participant's address.

However, the wmid number cannot be specified for making settlements between users. To receive funds and store them, they use wallets that are linked to the WMID account.

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How to register your WMID?

To get your WMID account in the Webmoney system, you need to register. Registration of wmid webmoney has four steps.

Find the registration button. By clicking on it, we are taken to a page with a registration form for a new user.

Here we will be asked to enter our cell phone number, in accordance with international requirements. It is checked whether the specified number is linked to an already existing WMID.

After filling out the questionnaire, you need to check the submitted information again and confirm it.

You need to carefully check your mail, as the verification letter may end up in the "spam" folder.

How to find your WMID number?

The first and probably the easiest way to find out your WMID number in the WebMoney system is to simply log into the system. After entering the username and password, we get to our account. In the upper right corner, we can immediately notice the inscription with our identifier.

You can find out your WMID by the wallet number. If you follow the link, we will see a window with a field in which you can enter the number of one of our wallets.

Thanks to this form, you can easily find out your WMID. You can also find out your WMID number in WebMoney using your phone number or e-mail, which we indicated during registration. To do this, follow the link enter.webmoney.ru/addMP.aspx?lang=ru.

A message with a code will be sent to the mail or phone, which must be entered in the appropriate field.

Changing WMID in the WebMoney system

The Webmoney system makes it possible to change the user data entered during registration. You can change the last name, first name, patronymic, series and passport number, specify a different phone number, link another e-mail and a security question. But the question "How to change wmid on webmoney?" remains unanswered. In reality, this possibility does not exist. The personal ID cannot be changed. It is only possible to create a second WMID and link it to an existing one.

Creating a second WMID in the WebMoney system

How to create a second WMID in WebMoney? It must be remembered that the system does not allow the existence of another certificate for the same data. On the page for registering new WMIDs in the upper corner, click the “Re-register” button. You will be prompted to enter the system to determine to which passport the new WMID is bound. It is allowed to bind up to ten WMIDs to one account. If you need more, then privately you need to decide with the technical support of the resource. All the details from the first are linked to the second WMID.

Removing WMID and WebMoney purses

It was possible to answer how to delete a WMID number in the WebMoney system even before 2008. Until that time, the procedure for deleting wallets and WMIDs was quite simple. It was enough to make the wallet zero and just delete it. Nobody even asked the question "How to delete a WMID in the WebMoney system?"

But when cases of fraud with WM currency became more frequent, the WebMoney Transfer company decided to raise the level of security, and, accordingly, the level of user confidence, and the level of responsibility of everyone. Therefore, today there is no such opportunity for users of the Russian Internet. You have to monitor your operations and try to be honest with others. And this is definitely very good.

And not only there, you are asked to enter your Wmid number. A beginner may be confused, because he does not understand at all what is at stake. And if he understands, then perhaps he does not know where to look for him. Where to look to find what you need?

What is WMID, he thinks, how to find out your wmid in Webmoney? This is what I will tell you today, dear readers of the site. Where to find your wmid in your account, how to find it in various ways (if you forgot, for example). How to spy on this number from another person. And also how many Wmid you can create on your passport.

Some people who are just starting to get acquainted with the Internet may even have a panic when they are asked to enter their Wmid. We will not go far, I myself once did not know this. And even a little scared, because it was necessary to indicate this data after registering on one of the sites to earn money (). How to find out and where to get it I thought.

WMID or Web Money ID (identifier)- this is your individual number on the WebMoney website, or in other words, a personal address that is assigned to each new user immediately after registration. It consists of 12 digits, and, of course, is unique (only you have such a number). As an example, WMID 464889785562 belongs to the site attestation center.

If we talk about this identifier in more detail, then you should remember this. This number does not have to be kept secret. You can easily call your wmid in Webmoney to another person. No one will be able to use this information to steal your money or hack your account, since this is not possible without a password. And most importantly, if you want to fund your account on the Webmoney website, you need to specify not Wmid. Since the money does not fall on him.

How to find out your wmid in Webmoney, 4 ways!

Let's start with the easiest and fastest way. If you remember the username and password for entering the site, enter them and go to your account. After entering, we turn our head to the right and "About a miracle" we see the number of our identifier.

There is nothing complicated at all, problems begin when you urgently need to find out this number, and you have forgotten the password. It is clear that all passwords are recovered, but this takes some time. What to do in such a situation? In fact, it is possible to view your Wmid without logging into your account. Let's consider three more main ways:

  • How to find out Wmid by wallet number
  • How to find out Wmid by phone number
  • Learn Wmid by Email

If you remember the number of any of your wallets, it doesn't matter (WMR, etc.) it will help you. You need to enter it in a special section on the Webmoney website, and then the system will show which identifier this wallet belongs to. You need to enter this data
here . Then just click on the find button and enjoy the result.

To use the following method, namely to find out your Wmid number using Email, you must have access to this mailbox. After all, the system will send a verification code there. This must be exactly the Email that you used to register on the site. Well, then the matter is small, just enter it in the required window, receive a letter, open mail, copy the code and paste it on the Webmoney website. And below you click on the search button. A couple of seconds and your ID will be displayed on the monitor. You can specify this data.

The phone number is the same, but you had to enter and confirm it in your account beforehand. Nobody will send you anything to the "left" number. The site will send you an SMS with a code, enter it and find out what we need. As you already guessed, in order to spy on another person's Web Money ID, you need to know at least the number of one of his wallets, or you can simply ask, because as you remember, this is not a secret or a secret.

How many Wmid can I create for 1 passport?

When registering on the WebMoney website, you will need to indicate your passport data, do it, there is nothing to worry about, because a person who is going to stay on the Internet seriously and for a long time should do just that. After registration, write down the login and password on paper so as not to forget. But everything happens in life and during the vacation, the leaf with this data disappeared. What to do?

If you do not want to suffer with the restoration of access, you can simply create a new account, and re-enter your real data during registration. Thus, you will create a new Wmid, which will be attached to the old one, since the system, after verifying the personal information you specified, will offer you to do this. But remember, you can create everything 10 new identifiers, although in fact one is enough for me.

To work with an electronic payment system, you need to understand how you can find out the Webmoney wallet number, where the user's personal data is located, how to check the account, and much more. For those who use the service little, it is enough to understand the basics of its work. For those who use Webmoney constantly, you should learn more about this payment system. Let's start in order.

What is a WMID and how to determine it

The WMID number is not secret, and you can safely call it if necessary. Most often, he is requested to check any data about a person: the level of the certificate, activity, etc. - not closed .

You can see your WMID in the upper right corner on the payment system website:

Attention! Never specify this number to transfer funds to WebMoney. It is not intended for such transactions, and the money simply will not come to your account.

Where to transfer money

But, if the WMID cannot be used for transfer, then a logical question arises, how to find out the Webmoney purse number? Everything is very simple:

  1. Go to the WebMoney website.
  2. Enter data for authorization.
  3. Confirm the entrance to the wallet in any convenient way.
  • Keeper Standard (new version);
  • Keeper Standard (old version);
  • WebMoney Keeper VK (facebook, classmates);
  • Keeper WebPro (Light);
  • Keeper WinPro (Classic) - a program for a computer, laptop.

The wallet number in WebMoney always starts with a letter and consists of a twelve-digit code.

In order to find out the number for transfer in the new version of the Keeper, look at the first colored icon in the mobile menu - it will indicate your account number, which must be indicated for transferring funds.

If you click three dots on the gray panel of the pop-up window, then you can see more detailed information: account, limits, expense statistics. If you want to find out the Webmoney wallet number in the old version of Keeper, follow the instructions:

  1. In the leftmost column with icons, select the wallet icon.
  2. In the central and right columns you will see a number that can be used to deposit and withdraw funds.

Another Keeper that differs from the previous ones is the social media app. Using the example of an extension for Vkontakte, we find out the WMR of the Webmoney wallet in the following applications:

  1. Go to the app.
  2. In the left column, select the "wallets" icon.
  3. Above, in both columns, you will have a number for transfers.

If you are using Keeper WebPro (Light), then your WMR number is available as soon as you enter the program. The number for withdrawing and depositing money is displayed in the "wallets" tab located on the top panel in the "list" subcategory. See the number on the right side of the first line in the lists:

If you use the Webmoney payment service all the time, then it is more convenient to install a special program. Such a program is called WM Keeper WinPro. You can install it from the official website of WebMoney. There you will also find detailed instructions on how to install the program and how to work with it.

To view the wallet number in WM Keeper WinPro, go to it and go to the "Wallets" tab. Immediately below the action line, you will see your wallet number, as well as the date of its creation and the amount that is on its balance.

Information on WMID

If you are going to cooperate with a person through the Webmoney service, then you have the opportunity to find out certain information about the owner of the wallet. To do this, you need to specify the user's WMID at the top of the page in the search bar and the system will give you all the available information.

If you check the wallet on the WebMoney service, then you can quickly get the following information about its owner:

  • availability of claims;
  • availability of reviews;
  • registration date;
  • level of activity and degree of trust;
  • certificate level.

When examining information about the owner of the wallet, pay attention to the BL indicator - this is the level of the client's business activity, which takes into account the duration of the system use (active), the number of transactions performed and the number of claims. There are 4 levels in total: red, orange, green and blue. The more WMR passed through the wallet, the higher its level.

Everyone who uses the electronic payment system Webmoney knows what wmid is in WebMoney. If you do not use, but in the future plan to use the WebMoney system in your activities, then we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the term Vmid Webmoney and find out why it is needed. Details on this are disclosed below in this review.

In the electronic payment system Webmoney, the term wmid is the identifier of the owner of the WebMoney wallet. It can be compared to a passport number or TIN code.

Actually, the abbreviation wmid itself means - WebMoney identifier. In WebMoney, wmid can be correlated with a bank account to which several bank payment cards in different currencies are attached. Where wmid acts as a bank account, and WebMoney wallets act as bank cards with different currencies.

WebMoney wallets can be issued by the owner of wmid free of charge in any available currencies and in any quantity. That is, one wmid may have two or more dollar WebMoney wallets, several rubles, euros, tenge, etc.

You can clearly see what Webmoney wmid is, see the image (highlighted in red):

Checking wmid

To check and receive data about the owner of any webmoney wallet by wmid, you need to go to the Webmoney service - check via wmid or WM wallet. Where you need to enter wmid or wallet number in the specified line. After entering the data, you will see the data of the owner of the Webmoney wallet.

Checking data on a WebMoney wallet or wmid is needed when sending money through WebMoney to brokerage companies.

You need to enter in the specified line below in the image:

What information about the owner can be found by wmid

After entering the WebMoney wallet or wmid, all available data on the owner of the WebMoney wallet or wmid number are opened in a new window.

Data that can be obtained via WebMoney wallet or wmid:

  • wmid of the owner of the wallet;
  • wallet owner alias;
  • Full name (or company name) of the owner;
  • owner sites;
  • country and city where the owner of the wallet is registered;
  • what type of passport the owner has (if formal or personal, then it is confirmed by copies of the TIN and passport);
  • date of receipt of the certificate;
  • business level "BL";
  • is it possible for the owner to issue personal certificates.

In the case when the information on the owner is hidden, this means that the owner of the WebMoney wallet is not reliable and does not want any additional information to be known about him. In most cases, this is not done by honest entrepreneurs or fraudsters. It is not recommended to enter into cooperation with people who want to remain incognito.


When using different ones, be careful, use the service to check by wmid or wallet number data about the seller or Internet entrepreneur in order to protect yourself and not come across scammers. Be careful and vigilant with your finances. I wish you all good luck and success!

Many electronic money users ask about WMID. What is it and what means of protection? Here we will try to figure it all out.

WMID is a user's identification number in the WebMoney payment system and is assigned after registration in it.

We provide security in the WebMoney system

If you have registered, you can go to the authorization page, enter your personal data and then get into your personal account. To carry out settlements within the service, you need to create wallets, one for each currency. There are no difficulties here. It is also advisable to add a mobile phone number to your account, this is very useful for protecting money. To do this, go to the "Menu" tab. After adding the phone number, disable the ability to access by password and login, and instead enable access by SMS-password.

As you already understood about WMID, it is an identification code that is assigned after registration at WebMoney. It is represented by a sequence of 12 digits. Each user of the system has his own unique WMID. The wallet that you create in the system will be linked to this identifier.

This identifier is not classified information. So you, without fear, can communicate it to your partners and clients. And since all your wallets are linked to a WMID, every time you provide your wallet number, you will publish your identification code as well.

How can I find out the WMID?

You already know what it is. Now we need to clarify one more question. Users often lose their identifier, forget it, etc. How can I find out this code again? There are several ways to do this.

You can find out the WMID using the key file if you use it for authorization. The file contains a WMID in its name and has the kwm permission. For example, 758495396841. .kwm.

You can also find out the WMID from the people you gave it to to establish contacts through the system. Your data is saved on the "Correspondents" tab or in the payment history.

The identifier is easy to learn from the client program. It is displayed at the bottom and top of the program. Also, the identification code can be found from the menu program.

In addition, you can find out the WMID by the number of the wallet to which it is linked.

ID blocking

Quite often, users face a problem when their WMID is blocked by the system. What is the reason? Firstly, the reason may lie in the violation of the agreement, which is confirmed during registration. Secondly, users often provide fictitious data, as a result of which, over time, if inconsistencies are found, the WMID is blocked. And the third reason is that the strict rules of the service categorically prohibit transferring WMID to third parties.

In addition, each WMID can accumulate many reviews that come from users. If there are a lot of negative reviews, you may be blocked. To recover the identifier, you will have to contact the system arbitration in any case.

As you can see, the identification code is a very useful thing when conducting transactions in the WebMoney system. It is often said about WMID that it is a vulnerability, but nevertheless it continues to be actively used, in addition, there are methods to ensure the security of electronic money.

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