What is a universal PnP monitor. PNP transistor: connection diagram

Many of you have probably encountered the situation - you downloaded and installed a free program, then opened your browser and found a strange bar, a changed default search engine and a different home page. You have simply picked up a potentially unwanted program (PUP).

Typically, these programs are packaged in the installer of regular programs, often free, but sometimes found even in commercial products. They usually change browser settings in an attempt to redirect traffic to resources that generate income for the creators of unwanted software. They may also track your online behavior and then resell this data to advertisers.

Preventing the installation of PUPs

Although programs are unwanted, they are not malicious in nature and are often not detected by antivirus programs. The best defense against them is attentiveness and caution.

Always carefully read each step of installing a program and disable the checkboxes that are responsible for installing additional programs, toolbars and extensions. If regular and custom installations are offered, then select custom - switches for installing hidden software are often hidden there. The program can help uncheck unnecessary checkboxes in installers and warn about an attempt to install an unwanted program.

The free tool Unchecky monitors program installations and automatically disables checkboxes that lead to the installation of third-party software. The utility is available on our website.

Sometimes, when you install free software, PUPs are an integral part of the offer and you cannot disable their installation. When you come across a license agreement for a program, it is very tempting to click the “Next” button, because reading the document can take a fair amount of time. However, sometimes it is better to look at the agreement to find out that the program comes with a bunch of unnecessary “friends”. In this situation, the best solution is to close the installer and look for another program that does not impose additional modules.

It may be worth looking for a portable version of the program - they do not need to be installed, which means they do not have an installer containing third-party software.

To check a suspicious installer, you can use a sandbox - in this case, unwanted software will not gain access to files on the real system. You can use a virtual machine, such as VirtualBox or VMware, to install applications on a separate OS.

Removing PUPs

You did everything possible to avoid PUPs, but your browser was still hacked, panels appeared in it, the page and search engine changed. If your antivirus does not detect the culprit and you cannot remove the unwanted extension from your browser, try

Today I will tell you what PnP is. All or almost all board game lovers come across this term. Some people ignore this concept, some delve into it, but leave it without much attention, and some plunge into PnP headlong. This happens for a number of reasons, which I will discuss in future publications.

So what is PnP? PnP from English "Print and Play", which means "Print and Play", aka "Samizdat". It's nothing more than making board games with your own hands. As I said, there are many reasons for making your own board games:

- reluctance to spend money for expensive games;
- inability to buy any games in your region due to non-delivery to stores or due to games going out of sale;

I myself have encountered this many times when I liked a game, but it was no longer on sale. I even had to contact the publishers and ask how things were going with the game, but received a polite refusal that the game was out of print forever, look for used copies, etc.

- just a hobby- independent production of board games.

I understand that making games with your own hands is comparable to piracy, but sometimes circumstances force it. And in general, I like to cut, glue, and laminate things. I immediately remember my childhood, when during labor lessons at school and in kindergarten we also did needlework and appliqué. This calms me down a little, distracts me from the hustle and bustle, and has a calming effect on me.

It must be noted that PnP will never be able to replace the original game. If you think that you can independently surpass the quality that various publishers offer us, then you are greatly mistaken. Yes, if the game is based on cards alone, then you can make good quality cards yourself at a meager price and play such a game, but if the game contains a lot of small cardboard parts, for example, coins, tokens, etc., then you will make friends for a long time with scissors and you'll give your fingers a great workout. The quality can be quite passable, but it will require sacrifice. But if the game contains figures and chips, then this will be an ambush: somehow you can reproduce simple men from Carcassonne, but it will be difficult and almost impossible to make figures from games such as Lords of Xidit, Raptor, Andor, etc.

I will not dwell on the fact that to make games you will need both tools and consumables. They may be different for everyone, in subsequent articles I will tell you what I use and what it all looks like. It will be interesting, don't miss it.

In general, we have understood what is PnP- this is the independent production of board games, also known as Samizdat, Print-and-Play. We looked at why people do PnP and what approximate difficulties may arise.

Each of us chooses for ourselves priorities and ways to solve certain difficulties. I do not encourage anyone to only print PnP or only buy original games. In various situations, you need to make an appropriate decision. I know many people who fundamentally do not do PnP and actively encourage people to buy games, and I also know people who, for the most part, just print everything themselves: cards, figures, and even make boxes for games. From start to finish, as they say.

So, about PnP and the original games.

Play games, discover new worlds, dive into the unknown!

13:15 — REGNUM The Ulyanovsk region is ready to cooperate with universities in the Volga Federal District “in breakthrough areas of innovative development.” This was stated by Governor Sergei Morozov at a meeting of the Council of Rectors of universities in the Volga region, which was held in the Ulyanovsk region, they reported IA REGNUM in the press service of the head of the region.

The event was attended by the President of the Russian Union of Rectors, the Rector of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Victor Sadovnichy, his deputy and chairman of the Council of University Rectors of the Volga Federal District R Oman Strongin, heads of higher educational institutions in the regions of the Volga Federal District.

Addressing the meeting participants, Governor Sergei Morozov stated the pattern that “ it was the Ulyanovsk region that became a platform for discussing the tasks of our country’s innovative breakthrough", which the president put Vladimir Putin. The head of the region recalled that the Ulyanovsk region is among the top ten innovative regions of Russia: at the end of 2017, the region took eighth place in the ranking. Also, for several years, the Ulyanovsk region has remained one of the leaders in attracting investment. Sergey Morozov thanked the professional community of university rectors in our region “ for his invaluable contribution to this success».

“Including thanks to technical, classical, and agricultural universities, we managed to attract about a trillion rubles of investment into the regional economy, creating 20-25 thousand jobs annually. Today we face new challenges. The Ulyanovsk region is actively developing such industries as aircraft manufacturing, new materials, renewable energy, wind industry. It would be great if today we all looked at what breakthrough areas our region can be useful for the country, and began to develop them in cooperation with universities of the Volga Federal District,” - said Sergei Morozov.

The meeting participants discussed issues of increasing the innovative component of universities. Viktor Sadovnichy noted the important role of the flagship university of the Ulyanovsk region. According to him, today serious national projects are planned, the implementation of which requires the solution of certain tasks.

“Ulyanovsk State University was founded as a branch of Moscow State University, and I am glad that now the university is actively developing and is one of the leading ones, including thanks to the competent leadership of the region by Governor Sergei Morozov. This is pride for Moscow University too,” - said Viktor Sadovnichy.

He also outlined the main directions of work of Russian universities in the context of the tasks set by Vladimir Putin. In particular, he touched upon the issue of creating consortia of Russian universities under the Vernadsky program. Viktor Sadovnichy addressed Governor Sergei Morozov and the meeting participants with the initiative to form a similar unified space in the Volga Federal District.

According to Roman Strongin, the best experience of the district’s universities will be accumulated at the Ulyanovsk site.

“A breakthrough is, first of all, a qualitative leap. If we leave everything as it is, then something will improve, but there will be no leap. This means that our very actions must be different. Previously, there was industrial science, industrial institutes, and every idea was brought to metal, to a machine, to a device, to a model. Now the university must do it itself - from idea to factory. The generation of mature scientists did not do this; they worked with industrial science. But it is necessary for them to carry out such activities, and for young people to be able to do this; these are large-scale educational tasks. And it is not true to say that someone already fully knows its solution,” - said Roman Strongin.

He emphasized that today it is important to collect the best practices of universities in the Volga region and see what happens, so that others can use and develop them. And Ulyanovsk University is one of these sources of experience. It was emphasized that one university is not enough - a consortium needs to be formed. The expert noted that career guidance work with schoolchildren and kindergarten students is also an important area.

“This should be a whole system together with the university. Some experience already exists in a number of regions, including the Ulyanovsk region,” — added Roman Strongin.

Let us remind you that currently at the federal level, “Science” and “Education” are among the priority national projects. The Council of University Rectors outlined the importance of developing scientific and industrial cooperation, including the creation of world-class scientific and educational centers. In addition, issues of updating the infrastructure of universities for conducting research and development in the Russian Federation, as well as supporting young scientists, were touched upon.

“Ulyanovsk talents have repeatedly become recipients of grants from the President of the Russian Federation. In 2018, the results of the competitive selection conducted jointly with the Russian Foundation for Basic Sciences were summed up. As a result, 100 million rubles will be allocated for the implementation of 85 scientific projects,” — commented the Minister of Education and Science of the Ulyanovsk region Natalia Semyonova.

Bipolar transistors are made of alloyed materials and can be of two types - NPN and PNP. A transistor has three terminals known as emitter (E), base (B) and collector (K). The figure below shows an NPN transistor where, in the main operating modes (active, saturation, cutoff), the collector has a positive potential, the emitter is negative, and the base is used to control the state of the transistor.

The physics of semiconductors will not be discussed in this article, however, it is worth mentioning that a bipolar transistor consists of three separate parts, separated by two p-n junctions. A PNP transistor has one N region separated by two P regions:

An NPN transistor has one P region sandwiched between two N regions:

The junctions between the N and P regions are similar to the junctions in , and they can also be forward biased or reverse biased p-n junctions. These devices can operate in different modes depending on the type of displacement:

  • Cut-off: work in this mode also occurs when switching. No current flows between the emitter and collector, practically an “open circuit”, that is, “the contact is open”.
  • Active mode: The transistor operates in amplifier circuits. In this mode, its characteristic is almost linear. A current flows between the emitter and collector, the magnitude of which depends on the value of the bias (control) voltage between the emitter and the base.
  • Saturation: works when switching. There is practically a “short circuit” between the emitter and the collector, that is, “the contact is closed.”
  • Inverse active mode: As in active mode, the transistor current is proportional to the base current, but flows in the opposite direction. Very rarely used.

In an NPN transistor, a positive voltage is applied to the collector to create a current from the collector to the emitter. In a PNP transistor, a positive voltage is applied to the emitter to create a current from the emitter to the collector. In NPN, current flows from the collector (K) to the emitter (E):

And in PNP, the current flows from the emitter to the collector:

It is clear that the directions of current and voltage polarity in PNP and NPN are always opposite to each other. NPN transistors require a supply with positive polarity relative to the common terminals, and PNP transistors require a negative supply.

PNP and NPN work almost identically, but their modes are different due to the polarities. For example, to put NPN into saturation mode, U B must be higher than U K and U E. Below is a brief description of the operating modes depending on their voltage:

The basic operating principle of any bipolar transistor is to control the base current to regulate the flow of current between the emitter and collector. The operating principle of NPN and PNP transistors is the same. The only difference is the polarity of the voltages applied to their N-P-N and P-N-P junctions, that is, the emitter-base-collector.

What the antivirus does not see, MBAM will see.

What is PNP?
  1. PUPs are potentially unwanted programs that are not malicious but can be intrusive; they can actively manifest themselves in advertising, opening other sites, spying on users of computer devices for the purpose of displaying advertising sites. These programs can do a lot of things, and most importantly, the antivirus may not see them; any antivirus company, be it the most advanced, may not notice it. I’ll tell you why this happens now. Antiviruses detect viruses using several rules for searching and identifying virus programs. The most basic rule for antivirus search is based on the existing database, which is periodically downloaded from the server. Using it, the antivirus scans files, scanning the code in the file itself and running it in a sandbox, isolating the file itself. It looks at how and what tasks the file performs and if it doesn’t notice any suspicions about the file’s actions or doesn’t find it in the database by name or parts of the code, then it skips it because it considers it not dangerous. A virus is considered to be files that can harm your device, block some functions from fulfilling their purposes as specified in the program. Send the data to the specified server or email that is specified in the code of the virus file. It happens that an antivirus triggers falsely, because a program that was written to perform some tasks may seem strange, say, because it asked for administrator rights to go to which system partition to enter its entries into the system file. The antivirus will consider such a program a virus, but it is written, say, to change or add to the operating system menu as additional options that you need and are not provided by the system itself. Why do I consider such antivirus programs to be viruses, but in fact they do no harm, such programs should be reported to the authors by antivirus laboratories so that they can be reviewed and included in the database as exclusion programs. Then the antivirus will not work, or another option is for you to disable them yourself in the antivirus by setting them to an exception. So, we haven't deviated much from the topic. Let's say a program that in your browser, after some time, shows you a picture, a simple picture with an advertisement. How can an antivirus consider it a virus, all they showed was a picture that had no effect on the operation of the system or individual programs. Moreover, most likely you yourself allowed it to be shown, but no need to say right now, you didn’t allow it. In 80% of cases, users themselves, without knowing it, allow PNP to be placed on their computer device. Perhaps you didn’t finish reading what they wrote to you when you downloaded or went to the site and clicked on the ok button. I am a computer technician and have seen this many times, I come to the user and when he shows me his problem on the computer. He closes the window that talks about his problem several times by clicking confirmation. And the user says that this is nonsense and at the same time presses ok. Then he says when he came to the problem, you see what a window has come out! Yes, I see, I say, have you seen it before? They asked you whether to show it to you or not? No, there was something else there, it was probably the browser asking something! Yes, I say I asked whether to show you notifications or not! So this is the difference between viruses and pnp, why antiviruses don’t see it!
  2. Who will protect you from PNP and intrusive advertising?
  3. Currently, and this is the beginning of 2017, in order for your computer device to be completely protected from all threats and unwanted applications, you need to install three protections and configure your operating system depending on how you work on it, say, to perform some actions or checking actions. You can configure it using group policies or the registry by entering it into the keys or creating keys with the necessary settings. Let's say in these articles there are some methods to prevent certain actions that viruses need to execute their code on your system: 1.) 2.) Accordingly, you need to have an antivirus installed, or better yet IS (Internet Security), which has protection not only by file system as in an antivirus and protection on the Internet, a firewall that blocks and monitors the ports through which connections are made to other servers on the Internet. Let's say port 80 is used by the HTTP protocol to view websites, when you are browsing the Internet and typing in a search engine, going to a website, viewing maps, visiting social networks, all this goes through the HTTP protocol and port 80. IS, unlike an antivirus, will view this port for the presence of malicious traffic (packets). But this again does not provide complete protection for your computing device. You need to protect against ransomware if you use email and your computer is used at work or in the office, you have very valuable files on it. Then I, as a doctor, tell you that you need protection from ransomware, unless of course you want to lose all your files or a more humane method in this story is to pay the attacker about 60,000 thousand. You can learn more about what ransomware is and with the help of what science they were created from these two articles: 1.) 2.) Well, having actually learned almost everything that you need to have on a computer device in terms of protection, now let’s move on to PUPs. From PNP and intrusive advertising in order for your sites to be displayed correctly, let’s say that if you install an ad blocker, as many people like, it will block useful functions on the site. You need to configure it correctly or simply install a real leader out of all this, not a purchased one that is inflated in statistics, but a truly full-fledged anti-spy MBAM. MBAM only blocks truly PUPs and intrusive ads, and blocks spyware modules on your system. Works in tandem with any antivirus or IS, does not block useful functions on the site, allowing you to see the full picture of the site. It works the same as any antivirus, there is a scanning engine for the system as a whole, there is an option that can be called up by right-clicking on a downloaded file from the Internet and scanning it for the presence of PNP. It uses its databases as a full-fledged antivirus, which are updated every day. I will not go into details and words that cannot be understood by an ordinary user, I must give a full explicit description.
  4. More information about MBAM:
  5. MBAM - Malwarebytes I personally bought a key a long time ago and have been using it for almost 7 years; I have never had pop-ups on my computer, redirects to other sites, unwanted advertising and other PNPs that the antivirus could not see. I am not saying this for advertising purposes, because due to my status I would not be able to advertise such a large company on my website. I wrote this article based on my extensive experience in which I outlined everything that I had accumulated in practice. I use a fairly good paid antivirus, I won’t say because it didn’t work out for me, but Kaspersky doesn’t slow down the system too much and the quality is not inferior to others. About my experience with MBAM over the years, which should be permanently installed on your computer device and not excluded from the rules for installing computer programs. I repeat, I am not advertising this product, but I am writing an article sharing my experience. Below I have posted a video from the MBAM website, it is in English but there are Russian subtitles, they can be included in the video menu where the viewing scale and video control buttons are:
  6. As I said above (wrote), MBAM showed itself to be quite good and the most important thing is that if you buy a key to use the full version, you will use it for a long time, you won’t have to renew it every year, I haven’t done that for 7 years! MBAM comes in two versions, not to mention other products, separate modules, so to speak, this will be interesting for advanced users. The version for free use disables the automatic option for detecting PNP in some options, about them below, leaving similar options to compare the paid version, a scanner for manually scanning the system, if you suspect something is wrong on your computer device, you run a scan manually. Also, in the free version, just like in the paid pro version, you can scan a downloaded file from the Internet or on a flash drive before launching it by right-clicking on the file and selecting scan MBAM from the menu. The product is released for all versions of operating systems: , . Anti-virus databases are loaded once every two days and this is enough to search for the latest PNP threats. MBAM also catches some viruses, which in principle it should not do since it is not intended for such purposes.
  7. What is the difference between the free and paid versions of MBAM?

    Free version:
  8. I will give a description for the free version of the product; most functions can be called manually on demand:
  9. The function of quickly scanning critical areas of the system: RAM, startup objects, as well as areas of the OS itself where active malware is most often located.
  10. Full system scan function: hard drives, system areas are scanned, in fact, everything is scanned in a few words. On demand.
  11. Intelligent heuristic analysis: allows you to detect the most persistent threats hiding or camouflaging. On demand.
  12. Daily updates of anti-virus databases: contains information about the latest threats, name and other information for detecting PUPs and other threats.
  13. Blacklist: you can add a program or package to exclude scanning or if you are sure that the file is not a virus and MBAM is swearing.
  14. Quarantine: where found threats are placed if a rule is configured or the rule is set to default. You can also add the file yourself there.
  15. Integration into the context menu: allows you to check the selected file or folder by right-clicking on it. As I mentioned above, if you downloaded a file from the Internet or you need to run the file from a flash drive, check it by right-clicking on it, and start scanning the selected file. After which, if the threat is not provided, it will be possible to run it for execution.
  16. Multilingual: Russian and other languages.
  17. Malwarebytes Chameleon Dynamic Technology: Allows MBAM to run even if it is blocked by malware.
  18. Additional utilities: Anti-Rootkit, FileAssassin, StartupLite, Chameleon. You can install them separately if you don't want the full version of MBAM.
  19. Paid version:
  20. The paid version of the product is distinguished by add-ons that are disabled in the free version and full automatic scanning, configured in the program in advance or by default. And also fully automatic protection that works 100% according to the stated parameters. Below are additional options that work in the PRO version to those described above in the free version:
  21. Real-time protection: detects and blocks threats when accessing infected files; if you decide to run a malicious file, the system will notify you and delete it in quarantine.
  22. Instant scan function: unlike full and quick scan, does instant scan scan: startup and RAM? those areas in which files are launched and are already executed in real time.
  23. Blocking malicious sites: a good feature that will replace all the ad blockers that are out there. As I wrote above, along with advertising, functions for the correct operation of the site in your browser are blocked because of this, the site is not displayed correctly and shows you incomplete information, I wrote about this above, mbam displays sites correctly without losing information, you can view the site correctly. It is possible that MBAM will block a site that you consider not malicious, in this case, temporarily disable site blocking in the tray next to the clock, or to avoid this, add this site to the exception every time. Honestly, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen sites blocked that really don’t harm a computer device. The databases are updated and if the site is checked by mbam and is not evil, it is not blocked. As mbam develops every year, it becomes better and there are fewer glitches, or rather there are none at all!
  24. Task scheduler: helps you schedule MBAM actions such as scanning at a certain time or loading databases.
  25. Password protection: Protects application settings from unauthorized changes by others or from some changes to settings by malicious users running on your computer device.
  26. How to properly set up an MBAM program?
  27. The correct setting will be different for everyone. But in general, I will show you my setup; if you do it like I did, your MBAM will have fewer resources and will be properly occupied with the task that was entrusted to it by writing it in the program code. Watch the video on how to get into the settings and the setup itself:

2024 gtavrl.ru.