What is prefetch data? Prefetch: what is this folder and can it be deleted

It is difficult, without being a specialist, to follow the development of the operating room Windows systems. But there are basic concepts that every user should understand. Knowing which folders are responsible for what in Windows will make it easier to navigate the system. An example of files unknown to us is the contents of C:/Windows/Prefetch.

Purpose of the folder

Let's answer the question: why is it needed? Prefetch folder? When Windows starts, it analyzes programs that we often use (we open them ourselves or using startup). The system then creates information about these programs, which it stores in special temporary files in the Prefetch folder. Subsequently turning on Windows these files speed up loading of the OS.

The OS component is responsible for performing this work. If you remove them, no changes will occur. The next time you start it, Windows will again collect current data about programs and place it in the Prefetch folder. However, loading the OS may take a little longer than usual.

Prefetch was first used in Windows XP. With the advent Windows Vista the folder was supplemented with SuperFetch technologies (responsible for analyzing frequently launched applications) and ReadyBoost (responsible for increasing performance). You can find it in this path: C:/Windows/Prefetch.

Managing the Prefetcher Service

You can control the operation of the Prefetcher service in the registry editor:

This parameter operates with values ​​from 0 to 3, which mean:

  • 0x00000000 - disabling the component;
  • 0x00000001 - acceleration of application loading;
  • 0x00000002 - acceleration Windows startup;
  • 0x00000003 - acceleration of OS and application loading.

The default value is 3. To disable the service, enter the value 0 and restart the PC.

Important! The developers made sure that the Prefetch folder did not accumulate files (and gigabytes of disk space), creating a limit of 128 trace files.

Answers on questions

Is it possible to delete the Prefetch folder and the data it stores?

No. This doesn't make sense for three reasons:

Should I empty the Prefetch folder or not? Give good advice, because the data contained in it is used by applications when loading Windows, which means they can directly affect the startup speed of the operating system.

Prefetch folder

In this folder, Windows stores data files containing information about launched applications. Naturally, life in our operating system does not stand still, many programs are deleted and replaced by others, which means that the information in the Prefetch folder needs to be periodically updated, clearing it. All loading programs will immediately enter their data into this folder again, at this point, Windows startup will slow down a little, but all subsequent loading of the operating system will happen for some time faster.
Then the Prefetch folder will be full again unnecessary information. Personally, I delete data from the Prefetch folder once a month, it’s not worth visiting this folder more often, if you can gain here in launch speed, it’s very little...

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Questions and debates about the Prefetch folder are not uncommon. Many people ask why the Prefetch folder is needed and whether its contents can be deleted. In this article we will try to figure out how operating system Windows uses the Prefetch folder.

What is the Prefetch folder

There is a myth that in the Prefetch folder...

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The Prefetch folder can be found in Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 at the following path: C:\Windows\Prefetch - it is a component of the operating system and speeds up the process bootstrap OS and frequently used programs. First this technology was used in Windows XP, and starting from Vista it was supplemented with SuperFetch and ReadyBoost technologies. Launching an OS or application is accompanied by reading data from memory; often the same file has to be accessed several times, which is very irrational and takes a lot of time. Windows optimizes code loading by storing trace files in the Prefetch folder, which it processes in its own way.

To configure the Prefetcher folder, we need a registry editor. I would immediately like to duplicate the warning from the Microsoft website: " Misuse Registry Editor may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. You use the Registry Editor at your own peril and risk."

Click Start...

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Removing unnecessary files

You know, I never understood the purpose of the Temp folder in Windows. I mean, I don't know why it's needed or what it does. For example, if the installation of a program fails, then certain files are copied to this folder that are subsequently not needed; they can simply be deleted without causing any harm to the system. If there is a malfunction, be sure to check the Temp folder; you will probably find a lot of files in it, taking up precious space on your disk.

Temp folders are located in two places: C:\Windows\Temp and C:\Documents and Settings\Username\LocalSettings\Temp. By default, the Local Settings folder is hidden, so to see this folder you will have to enable the appropriate option. Now go to these folders and delete all the contents.

If you haven't opened these folders before, you'll probably be shocked by what's going on in them.

What is the Prefetch folder

The Prefetch folder is located in the system...

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Mad Cat@k Sage (15885) 3 years ago

The purpose of Prefetcher Service is to reduce application startup time and system boot time. The files used by this service are located in the %systemroot%\prefetch folder.
Management is carried out using the following registry key, which is also used by various tweakers:
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters
DWORD EnablePrefetcher, the parameter can take the following values:
0 - disable service
1 - application prefetching
2 - prefetching applications launched during system boot (used Windows Server 2003 by default)
3 - both prefetchers are enabled (items 1 and 2) used by Windows XP by default
Restart your computer for the changes to take effect.
Much depends on the tasks for which the system is used. If you turn on your computer and immediately launch Contra or...

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I found an interesting folder that many people saw, but were afraid to delete something in it. This folder is called “Prefetch” and is located inside Windows folders. What kind of folder is and why it is needed you will find out below.

What is Prefetch?

Prefetcher - operating system component Microsoft Windows, speeding up the process of its initial loading, as well as reducing the startup time of programs. Prefetcher first appeared in the Windows XP operating system. Starting with Windows Vista, it was supplemented with SuperFetch and ReadyBoost technologies.
It turns out that this system watches which programs you use most often and records them in special folder: C:\Windows\Prefetch

There are all sorts of different files stored there with strange extensions like this.

Well anyway Windows boot loader analyzing these records, it pre-drives the software into RAM to then speed up the response to your request.

By default, entries in the prefetch folder are made not only by system ones, but also by secondary ones...

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While checking the Windows XP SP3 system after cleaning it from viruses, I looked for files using certain parameters and came across the folder C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch.

This is approximately the same as the Applog folder in Win98. IN general outline, the files store the order in which fragments of the corresponding programs are loaded, which allows Windows to extract from disk into the cache a fragment that will be needed in the near future, before it is actually requested (while the processor is busy with other things). Thus, the next time there is a real request for this fragment, it will be taken not from the disk, but from the cache, which speeds up the launch of programs, including the loading of XP.

All this is possible...

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Attention: this is an archive, i.e. This section is no longer updated. A new version Computer FAQ is located here. All new questions and answers are now there.
However, nevertheless, here in this archive there is a mass useful information- please view.

What is the Prefetch and Temp folder for in Windows XP? Is it possible to remove virus-infected files from them?

Vladimir answers:
IN Temp folder Temporary files are stored. You can safely delete it from there. In the Prefetch folder - I don’t remember exactly what is stored there, but you can also delete files from there, there will be no problems.

Leshiy answers:
The Prefetch folder contains programs that are loaded when starting Windows, with the aim of quick launch these same programs. It is not only possible to delete, but also necessary, otherwise too many of them accumulate and this slows down the startup and operation of Windows itself. Look at what you really use often, and put the rest in the trash!

Markiz answers:
Regarding Prefetch...

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what is the Prefetch folder?

The Prefetch folder is located in system folder Windows and is used to speed up the loading of the operating system and launch of programs. On startup Windows computer monitors the download process. After this, the received information is stored on HDD in the Prefetch folder. The next time you start, this information is used to speed up the loading of the operating system. The same thing happens when you launch any program.

This folder is a folder with temporary files and deleting its contents will not lead to any consequences. The next time you boot your computer, Windows will fill the folder with new, up-to-date data about loading the operating system and programs.

There is a myth that outdated and irrelevant information accumulates in the Prefetch folder. Therefore, to speed up Windows boot It is recommended to clean it from time to time this folder Prefetch. In reality, clearing the Prefetch folder does not make the operating system boot faster. More...

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Disabling Superfetch and Prefetch for SSDs in Windows 7.

In this article, we will look at how you can disable Prefetch and SuperFetch in Windows 8 and Windows 7 on SSDs. In this article, we have seen how Windows 8 treats Defragmentation on Solid State Drives. Before we begin, let me make it clear that it is not very good idea to disable SuperFetch or Prefetch in regular hard drive mode, but for solid state drives, that's a completely different matter!

SuperFetch, Prefech and SSD in Windows 8

Every time you run an application on your computer, a Prefetch file is created that contains information about the files, it is loaded by the application and specially created by the Windows operating system. All the information that the Prefetch file contains is mainly used to optimize the loading time of the application next time. you are running this application. SuperFetch tries to predict which applications you will launch in...

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Brief terminology

Prefetch (English) – prefetch (from memory); pre-select, select (from memory) in advance.

Fetch (English) – sampling (for example, commands or data from memory); select (command or data from memory); fetch (an element of the swap strategy that determines when a page is transferred from disk to memory, for example, prefetch, used in Windows NT, transfers not only the selected page to memory, but also several subsequent ones).

How to reduce application loading time

To reduce application loading time, select program shortcuts one by one (on the Quick Launch Bar and on the Desktop, as well as in the Start -> Programs menu);

– click right button mouse call context menu–> Properties;

– in the Properties dialog box: open the Shortcut tab;

– click at the end of the Object text box, make a single space and enter /prefetch:1;

– click...

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Continuing to study the computer on the subject different folders and files, you can discover a lot of interesting things. Often the same folders arouse genuine interest for the simple reason that the files in them sometimes take up a lot of space on the hard drive, which raises the question of whether these files can be deleted. Today we'll talk about the Prefetch folder.

The Prefetch folder is located in the Windows folder (usually C:\Windows\Prefetch). It is used as one of the components for loading the Windows operating system, thanks to which the OS loads faster and the time spent launching programs is reduced. The component itself is called Prefetcher and first appeared on Windows XP.

How does Prefetcher work? The loading of the operating system is accompanied by processing large quantity files. In this case, some files are opened many times to read different segments. This process can take a lot of time, so it is much more convenient and productive to access each file only once, loading information into RAM before it is needed. Prefetcher allows you to accumulate this information in trace files to optimize the loading of code and data on subsequent launches by observing what code and data is loaded during the startup of the operating system and applications.

Prefetcher settings are stored in the system registry. You can change the Prefetcher settings.

Click on the keyboard shortcut WIN+R. The Run window will appear, enter the word regedit and click OK. This will open the .

Once the editor is open, navigate to the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters.

Select the EnablePrefetcher option.

Double-click on it. A window will appear in which you can set one of the values:

  • 0x00000000 - component is disabled
  • 0x00000001 - acceleration of application launch
  • 0x00000002 - system boot acceleration
  • 0x00000003 - acceleration of application launch and system boot

No need to enter specified parameter, but only the number at the end, for example, 0, 1, 2 or 3.

And be careful when working with the registry. If you don’t understand something, don’t change anything, because one careless move can lead to problems with the operating system!

Is it possible to delete the Prefetch folder?

There is a legend according to which the Prefetch folder collects files that require deletion. This is wrong. The files are temporary and the system automatically deletes them if necessary, which is why, by the way, the folder size is so small. So the files in specified folder don't touch it.

If you do delete the files, nothing will happen, but application loading speed may drop. In this case, the files will be re-created automatically.

Folder Prefetch can be found in Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 in the following path: C:\Windows\Prefetch - it is a component of the operating system and speeds up the process of booting the OS and frequently used programs. This technology was first used in Windows XP, and starting with Vista it was supplemented with SuperFetch and ReadyBoost technologies. Launching an OS or application is accompanied by reading data from memory; often the same file has to be accessed several times, which is very irrational and takes a lot of time. Windows optimizes code loading by storing trace files in the Prefetch folder, which it processes in its own way.

To configure the Prefetcher folder, we need a registry editor. I would immediately like to duplicate the warning from the Microsoft website: “Incorrect use of the Registry Editor can lead to serious problems requiring reinstallation of the operating system. You use the Registry Editor at your own peril and risk.”

Click Start - Run and enter regedit. In the Registry Editor we will find the following section: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters

We are interested in the parameter EnablePrefetcher. It can take the following values:
0x00000000 - component is disabled
0x00000001 - acceleration of application launch
0x00000002 - system boot acceleration
0x00000003 - acceleration of application launch and system boot

In the way that disable Prefetch you need to double click on the parameter EnablePrefetcher and in the dialog box specify the value 0 . The default is 3 - for faster launch of applications and loading Windows. The need to disable Prefetcher often arises when working with Windows 8 - many new laptops are not equipped with the traditional HDD hard disk, but an ultra-fast SSD drive, which are still characterized by high cost and small memory capacity.

When installed SSD drive Windows 8 should automatically disable the Prefetcher service, but if this does not happen, you can remove Prefetch yourself. In the above registry key for the settings EnablePrefetcher And EnableSuperfetch need to set value 0 , that is, turn them off. Restart your computer.

Windows system files and folders have many myths, and the service we are considering is no exception. We often hear questions: is it possible to delete the Prefetch folder, how to disable or enable Prefetch. But the most interesting misconception is that adding a key /prefetch:1 in the link to the object in the "shortcut" tab speeds up the loading of the application, since the OS, seeing given key, adds the program to the Prefetch folder. Adding /prefetch:1 to the address will do nothing, and the myth is based on the fact that a similar key is present in the startup line Windows Media Player.

People often ask, is it possible and necessary to delete files from the Prefetch folder? Supposedly, this allows you to free up space on your hard drive. The answer is clear: NO. Firstly, when these files are deleted, the loading time of the OS and some programs will increase, and the trace files will be created anew. Secondly, Prefetcher itself manages these files without the need for third-party intervention. In addition, Microsoft limited the number of trace files to 128 pieces so that they do not take up too much disk space.

Some users who like to rummage through system directories often come across the Prefetch directory. What is the folder in front of the user in in this case, not everyone knows. Let's try to fill the gaps in knowledge about what this directory is for and what data it contains.

Prefetch: what is this folder?

We will begin our consideration of the issue by presenting theoretical material. At startup, the operating system monitors the boot process, saving all data about it to speed up subsequent launches in the Prefetch directory. What kind of folder is in front of us?

Essentially, on the computer's hard drive containing current data, settings and components full cycle boot the system and launch the most frequently used programs.

To avoid loading all the components from scratch next time, Windows uses the data saved on the hard drive. Some users, however, claim that for each subsequent system startup, the information stored in the Prefetch directory becomes outdated. Therefore, from their point of view, it is necessary to clean out the Prefetch directory from time to time. It’s a little clear what the Prefetch folder is. But not all cleaning enthusiasts know that the data in it is overwritten automatically after each start or launch of the application.

Let's look at the practical aspects of the issue of deleting its contents. A little later we will talk about how to disable the use of the loading acceleration function if this bothers someone too much.

Prefetch folder in Windows 7 and higher: is it worth emptying it?

Removing data from this directory does not make any critical changes to the operation of the system or installed programs will not cause.

But all those who claim that after removing information from this directory, loading the system and launching applications will become faster are absolutely wrong. Quite the contrary, because the system or program will have to re-launch its own modules, placing them in the operational or computer device, and this takes time. data usage Prefetch directories The time spent on these processes is significantly reduced. Therefore, by and large, it is undesirable to do cleaning, especially deleting the folder itself.

It is important to understand here that during subsequent downloads, data about the process will still be saved. So cleaning and removal will turn out to be what is commonly called “Sisyphean labor.”

Managing the contents of the Prefetch directory

If someone doesn't need this service, they can get rid of it. To do this you need to enter the editor system registry(regedit command in the “Run” menu, called by the combination Win + R).

Here you need to select the HKLM branch, and then through system directory(SYSTEM) and setting the current control parameters (CurrentControlSet) go down to the memory inspection section, where the desired PrefetchParameters directory is located. It contains keys of the format 0x0000000z, where “z” can take four possible values:

  • 0 - complete shutdown;
  • 1 - acceleration of program launch only;
  • 2 - optimization of Windows loading only;
  • 3 - activation of the function in full (for both the system and applications).

The same settings can be made in the editor group policies or in the Computer Administration Tools.

It remains to add that the directory is located in system partition along the path Windows/Prefetch. What kind of folder is and what it is needed for, I think, is already clear. As a final piece of advice, it's best not to clear directory contents or change service settings that are set by default on the system.

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