What is pre-order in iTunes. Music in the iTunes Store on iPad

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We received the following question:

Good afternoon

We need your advice regarding pre-orders in the iTunes Store. Let's say I wanted to order some album or movie. I press the orange button with the price tag, I see a warning that the money can be written off at any time, and what I pay for may not appear on the appointed date, but later. Ok, I agree - that’s all. Nothing happens at all! If I go back to the album page, the orange price tag is visible again. I click and the warning appears again. I don’t want to press any further, because I feel that the money can be written off two or three times.

Why doesn't Apple show me that I pre-ordered an item?? Is it possible to somehow manage iTunes pre-orders Store, for example, look at their list or cancel unnecessary ones?


We agree with you that the pre-order system in the iTunes Store is far from perfect. For any other purchased items in the iTunes Store, a download button is displayed instead of a price - this clearly tells you that the purchased content is yours and the money will not be charged a second time. With pre-orders it's quite the opposite. The orange pre-order price tag never changes, making it unclear whether your purchase has been completed or not. You can start pre-ordering several times. However, we hasten to reassure you: they will not charge you money several times; at the time of confirmation of the purchase, you will be notified that the content has already been ordered:

But pre-ordered albums and movies won't show up in your purchase history until the content appears in the iTunes Store. By the way, the money should be written off from you at the same moment, although in practice this rule is not always observed (they can be written off either earlier or later).

To see full list pre-orders, you need iTunes. In it, go to the iTunes Store, click on your account button on the left top corner and select “Account”. In the bottom section of the window you will see the “Manage pre-orders” item:

As you can see, here you can cancel any pre-order, provided that you have not yet been charged and you have not yet downloaded the pre-ordered content.

Developers planning to launch their products in , will now be able to receive pre-orders for their apps or games that are not yet available to the public. This is exactly the information that appeared on official page, which is dedicated to the App Store.

From this day on, you can make your applications and games available for pre-order. People will be able to read the description and understand what the product is about even before they can get their hands on it. Once the required software becomes available, everyone who pre-ordered it will receive a corresponding message - it is reported on the website.

While the application is at the pre-order stage, its price, description, functionality and other components may change. At the same time, the price increase will only affect those users who pre-ordered after the price increase.

Pre-order the app in the App Store

Step 1. Let's go to App Store and determine a game or application that you can pre-order (there is no special category for it yet, so for now you just need to look for those).

Step 2. On the game or application page, click " Pre-order»

Step 3. We confirm the pre-order using or Face ID.

Important! We would like to warn you that pre-order funds will not be withdrawn immediately. By these actions, you simply confirm that after the application becomes available, it will be installed on your device. Thanks to this, you can always cancel your pre-order.

How to cancel a pre-order on the App Store

Step 1. Open the App Store and go to the " Account».

Step 2. Verify your identity with using Touch ID or .

Step 3. Go to the section " Pre-orders».

Step 4. Select the app you no longer want to pre-order and click " Cancel" to cancel the pre-order.

If you are planning to pre-order the new iPhone XS or Apple Watch Series, you better take care of this now. All three iPhone devices XS, iPhone XS Max and Apple Watch Series 4 should be available for pre-order in select countries around the world today.

Remember how it was with the iPhone X? Only 10 minutes have passed since Apple company started accepting pre-orders when the limit ran out. Those who left the order half an hour later received a delivery delay of a month. If you love new gadgets and can't stand watching your friends play with gadgets you don't have yet, read the tips below.

Make sure you can log in without delays

Login to your account Apple Store right now. Make sure your details and password are correct and consider saving them in your browser. This will help you save some time when you're ready to pre-order your new iPhone.

If you have previously configured two-factor authentication for your account, you may need to click Remember You on the Apple Store sign-in page so you can skip entering the verification code from your associated device to sign in.

Enter your payment information in advance

Why waste minutes trying to find out information about your credit card? Every second during the order new iPhone precious. On the Account Settings page, you can find an option to enter payment and shipping information in advance. Do this to make your ordering process even smoother. This way you can receive your pre-ordered device in a short time.

If you're using the Apple Store app to pre-order a new device, make sure you turn on Touch ID or Face ID for purchases. This will help you complete the transaction much faster than entering your Apple ID password. This will especially help if you type for a long time due to excitement or fatigue.

This setting can be found by tapping the little face icon in the top right corner of the app. To get to the account screen, scroll down and tap Settings, then select Touch ID or Face ID.

Don't forget about the app

Judging by last year, it was through the Apple Store app that users were able to place an order faster than through the website. If you don't already have a single Apple device, ask a friend for an iPhone or iPad for the evening.

Set up iPhone settings or Apple Watch

Don't waste time looking at configurations and colors at the time of ordering. The fact is that you can choose options, color, add iPhone to your favorites on the website or in the Apple Store application. Just look for the heart icon on last page where the company asks if you want to add ppleCare+ (or the heart icon in the top right corner Apple apps Store).

Then, when pre-orders go live, you can click on the bag icon, select Favorites, find your pre-selected device there, and order it ahead of other shoppers.

Set up notifications correctly

You can set the alarm for the time you need. As soon as it rings, remember what you have to do pre order over the next 15 minutes.

Start exploring as early as possible

You can set up a preliminary iPhone search on Twitter and Reddit and update it. It happens that the opportunity to place an order appears half an hour earlier than officially announced. Of course, many sellers do this by mistake, but it will give you the opportunity to accurately place your order.

Ekaterina Pastukhova
From: www.lifehacker.com.au
Illustration from the site: www.zdnet.com

Good day to all readers! The sun is shining outside the window, the birds are singing - summer! But I had a small problem: I rented a film and then realized that I didn’t really need it... So what should I do now? It’s simple: you need to cancel your iTunes purchase! And now I will tell you how to do this, but before that, a little background.

The sun is shining and I’m so happy, I pick up my iPhone and see the inscription - not enough space... What would you do first? Most likely, you would go into the settings and see what all the memory is occupied with and delete something unnecessary. I did the same and saw that most of my space was occupied by music and photos, about 5 GB of each. But my entire iPhone holds 27 GB, and everything else is quite small, 100-200 MB each. And then I decided to use a little trick— try to rent any movie so that the iPhone itself deletes temporary files. By the way, this method has repeatedly helped out my clients and friends who have the “smallest” models with 16 GB of memory.

Ok, I'll go rent a movie. I go to the iTunes Store, look for a long time for films that generally have a “Rent” button (the newest films do not have such a button), I find a film, click on the “Rent” button and wait... I wait a long time, about 15 minutes, but nothing happens: No password prompt, no notification about lack of space! While I was waiting, I poured myself some coffee, connected my iPhone to iTunes and decided to look in more detail at the occupied space. And it turns out that I also have Deadpool for 5 gigs, purchased from the same iTunes Store! I, of course, really like the film, but it has already been purchased and this means that I can watch it at any time on my Mac, for example. I calmly delete it and continue enjoying my coffee. And suddenly a message appears on the phone - enter the password for the iTunes Store. Somehow, without a second thought, I enter the password, and a couple of seconds later I receive an SMS with congratulations that I rented a movie and paid an astronomical 69 rubles for it!

Damn, it turned out that after deleting “Dead Pool” I had 5 GB freed up, and a rental film that had disappeared somewhere, I suddenly felt free and decided to buy it. In 20 minutes! And why do I need it now, when the place has been safely found and nothing else needs to be removed? Then I decided to cancel the purchase on iTunes and get my 69 rubles back.

To start, I went to iTunes and top menu Clicked on Account -> View, and then entered your Apple ID and AppStore password.

Once I entered everything correctly, iTunes kindly showed me the following screen with my account settings, where I was most interested in the Purchase History item:

Then I was once again reminded of what I bought or downloaded for Lately, and also gave the opportunity to cancel this or that purchase. However, I didn't find anything on this screen that would allow me to cancel the purchase until I clicked on the "Report a Problem" button...

...after clicking on which, next to the film, the item “Report about a problem...” appeared

I click on this strange inscription and I am redirected to the browser to the Apple page where I can report a problem. As you can see, I had already complained about myself and the status of this rental film changed from “Report” to “Waiting”... Well, never mind, I’ll show you using Deadpool as an example:

Specifically in my case, I selected the “Purchase made by mistake” option and wrote a comment (note that during a real cancellation, the comment must be written in English language!), after which all that remains is to click on blue button“Send”, which of course I’m not going to do with Deadpool :)

However, even during the cancellation of the film “The Hitcher”, for some reason I took a screenshot and this is what was written there after canceling the purchase:

As you can see, even failures happen to me and I don’t hide it at all :) Since I bought it by mistake, I canceled the purchase in iTunes...

It remains only to clarify some points:

  • Don't delay getting a refund.
  • It is also important to know that if you buy a game on an iPhone/iPad, you can return it only if you have played it very little...
  • Moreover, you can return a purchase only once: you bought it once, played with it, returned it, then bought it again and decided to return the money again - it won’t work :)

What artists does A+ work with?

We are not focused on any particular genre. Our catalog includes Lolita Milyavskaya and Yulia Volkova, and we are currently collaborating with Mana Island. But the majority of our catalog is made up of hip-hop artists. We have been working with Mezza, Rigos, Nel for a long time, last year we released the albums Galata, Jubilee, LSP with Pharaoh and Schokk, and just recently we started working on the Big Russian Boss catalog.

How much money can you make on iTunes?

The main store is iTunes. Those albums that fall into the annual iTunes tops- this is more than 10 thousand copies of sales. There are also those who sell for 20-30 thousand. You can calculate the average revenue yourself if you multiply it by the release price and subtract the aggregator commission ( average price album in iTunes - 129 rubles, average aggregator commission + store commission - 40% -50%, it turns out about 650,000 rubles - Approx. The Flow).

A song that plays on major radio stations for at least six months can earn its author and performer several million rubles on iTunes. It is desirable that at the end of the year it should also be in the top 20 in terms of rotations in the country: that is, that the number of annual rotations on radio in Moscow should reach 10,000 times. This can be monitored using the websites Tophit or Moskva.fm.

The result can be influenced by video content - for example, Big Russian Boss sees an increase in album sales on iTunes after each episode of his show.

How can an artist survive on iTunes money if he's not a rap superstar?

No way. Such artists need to fuel themselves with concerts. Only on sales digital content Unfortunately, they won’t be able to live happily.

There are artists who receive most of their money not even from iTunes or Apple Music. They make good money from streaming their videos. For example, Bahh Tee talks about it himself tweeted recently- and this is the honest truth: I’m sure he can live with dignity from his YouTube channel alone.

Is streaming killing iTunes sales?

When Apple Music came out, iTunes sales dropped by about 30%. The balance between Apple Music and iTunes is just now starting to even out. This quarter, our Apple Music revenue surpassed iTunes for the first time. This happened, for example, with the latest album Jubilee. His listeners are young and sophisticated people; they already had subscriptions to Apple Music - it was more profitable and convenient for them to listen to it there.

And since 2017, the popular VKontakte service has legalized tracks - you can download Boom app and listen to the entire audio library on your phone for some little money. Or continue listening to songs in your browser for free, but with audio ads before the song.

This song is from last year's Jubilee release.

How is a promotion done in iTunes and what does it give?

iTunes may give you a top banner, but that's a show-off thing. It’s much more interesting to get into the “New Music” section. Not only because your album immediately becomes visible to all buyers, and then gets into the iTunes summary chart, but also because it is an indicator for all music market professionals: media, radio, television, and so on.

Eat normal procedure applications for all publishers who want to receive promotions on the iTunes or Apple Music storefront. We send an application to the iTunes editorial office in Russia and explain why the release needs to attract the attention of the audience: what resources will support it? What clips are planned? How many pre-orders are there for the album (this is the most important)? How much money do you plan to spend on promoting the release?

Why Apple Music? The service must constantly attract new people. And a good promotional plan can explain to them that this particular artist will give a link on his social networks and attract people to the service who will pay for a subscription.

I remember when Schokk’s album appeared ahead of time on Odnoklassniki, we were forced to open a month earlier than planned. And all marketing plans naturally fell through. But within the first 24 hours we managed to convince the iTunes editors that this was a release they shouldn’t miss. On the same day we made an appointment, talked, and the next day we had full set promotional options for the release.

Is the iTunes summary chart objective and how to get more views?

Yes, you can sell 100 copies of your track and get into the top positions of the chart there. But the chart is constantly moving, so increasing your rating is daily work. Buying 100 copies is quite simple: you go into the program, enter 100 emails, click “Buy”, 100 x 20 rubles = 2000 rubles are debited from your card. Not so much large sum, especially considering that you buy your own music and part of the amount will be returned to you. Half exactly.

I wouldn’t say that this is such a widespread practice: hip-hop artists, for example, do this very rarely. How to check if an artist is cheating himself? You can compare the iTunes and Apple Music charts - it’s harder to get listeners there. These charts should be approximately the same: if an artist’s song is in the lead on iTunes, but it is not on the Apple Music chart, draw your own conclusions.

iTunes (top) and Apple Music (bottom) song charts at the time of publication - April 18, 2017

Which artists are labels willing to fight for?

The struggle of music publishers for newcomers is common. Take the T-Fest artist, Phlatline (with whom we collaborate) and Gazgolder tried to build a relationship with him. We made him an offer, he came to Schokk’s autograph session, where there was a huge queue for many hours. After two hours of the session, we realized that our work was over and decided to leave. We leave and see that at some point some people stood in line for Schokk and went to stand in the second line - for T-Fest. At one point, he had about 20 people standing there. After that, there were no questions about whether it needed to be signed.

He went on a mini-tour with Schokk, and ended up signing up for Gazgolder. I see it this way: T-Fest was interesting to Scryptonite as a creative unit. They have the same chemistry that LSP and Pharaoh had a year ago - when two creative people find each other. And the fact that he went to Gaz is normal: after all, we are engaged in monetization of music, not creativity. And “Gaz” is an ideal creative environment for a young artist who has lit up brightly. Unfortunately, we cannot offer this to the artist.

Newbie T-Fest clip. In two months - a million views

Another example is Husky. I started writing to him after the “Black and Black” video, we talked, but then there was a pause. After the release of “Fool Bullet,” we met again, this time with Dima and his manager, and discussed the contract. After the meeting, we went down to the subway together, where a policeman approached us: “Good afternoon, young people, I am Sergeant So-and-So. You’re a Husky, right?” It turned out that this young policeman was an aspiring rap artist who wanted Husky to listen to his demo.

At some point, Gazgolder got involved in negotiations with Husky and offered a lot of money, then another digital aggregator. In the end, Husky called me and said that he wanted to work with us, but he intended to seriously increase the fee. At that time I convinced my partners that this new star, an explosion, but I understood that he and I would no longer agree: the numbers were too unrealistic. As a result, his album was released by another company - and it streams very well: it’s in fourth place on Apple Music for the third week.

Who can receive millions in advances?

The artist receives an advance from the publisher before the album is released. If I were an artist, I would never be chasing the amount of the advance. It pays off for a very long time - and all this time you do not receive royalties, anywhere. Because the publisher must return the money spent. If I were an artist, I would take a minimum advance and get myself Better conditions on royalties (deductions from sales - note by The Flow).

There is also this problem: you got a very large, unrealistically huge advance from the label - and your album failed. The second time no one will give you that much money, and all the professionals in the market will see the situation. More you on favorable conditions You can’t sign a contract with anyone.

The opposite situation also works: if an artist makes money himself at the start, shoots a video, promotes it on social networks - in short, does not sit still - after six months the label is ready to give him a larger advance out of the blue. For example, to do good mastering in America: it is expensive - in our practice, from $280 per track. Or if we see that an album or single is selling well, we are ready to invest money in a video. Let's say, pay half the cost of his filming.

The largest advance we paid was one and a half million rubles. Unfortunately, I cannot name the artist; we signed a non-disclosure agreement with him. I read from you that ATL offered a sum of a million rubles per album. We'd be willing to pay two million for the entire catalogue. Seriously, can we offer him something straight from the pages of The Flow?

For this amount, the artist gives us an exclusive license to his entire music catalog. For a period that we will discuss. An exclusive license is the exclusive right to monetize all existing creative rights. In this case, the artist himself temporarily loses the right to monetize these rights. But he receives regular detailed sales reports throughout the contract period. And your own deductions, of course.

How would we recoup this money? It has its own secrets. For example, just by correctly arranging the position of his catalog on the storefront, you can earn 20% more.

Why does the artist pay a percentage to the publisher?

Some artists do not understand why we are asking for our conditional 30% of all money earned. “Why would I give part of my money to someone if they just put my album in stores?” And here it is important to explain that our work from the moment the content is placed on sale not only does not end, but only begins.

This is the development of a promotional plan, its implementation (including all kinds of seedings and publications, paid and free), communication with radio regarding the rotation of a particular song, placement of clips on TV, work on synchronizing music in various TV shows, serials and movies, advertising.

We also make sure that the rights of our artists are not violated by pirates or other artists. Recently, JEM Publishing deliberately used a verse from the old song Jubilee in the new song of its artist Zamai, and then posted this new song everywhere and started selling. Of course, they did not have permission from Jubilee. After an attempt to resolve the issue peacefully and refusal on their part,

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