What are behavioral factors page. How to improve the behavioral ranking factors of Yandex and Google? Behavioral ranking factors: "Yandex"

If you influence behavioral factors naturally or artificially, then this note will help you understand whether you are moving in the right direction.

This time there is almost no gag - the list of synthetic behavioral factors was published at the goodwill of Yandex in the report Through-the-Looking Glass: Utilizing Rich Post-Search Trail Statistics for Web Search.

Yandex itself dates the article to September 1, 2013. Was presented at the CIKM 2013 conference, held from October 27 to November 1, 2013 in Burlingame (USA)

There is a mention of the report on the Yandex website, but the text itself is still not there. Do you realize that you've said too much? 🙂

NB: I express my gratitude to Ilya Zyabrev AlterTrader Research ltd for providing the text of the report.

Yandex behavioral ranking factors

QueryDomCTR– average CTR value of all domain documents by this request

QueryUrlCTR– the average CTR value of a specific document for a given request.

QDwellTimeDev– standard deviation (deviation) from the average time spent on the document upon request. Can be used to filter out PF cheats.

QDwellTime– this parameter is not mentioned in the report, but it is obviously used as a ranking factor. Because if we calculate the standard deviation for a random variable, then we must also know the expected value (also known as the average value) of this variable. Accordingly, this is the average time a visitor spends on a document upon request.

AvSatSteps– the average number of satisfied steps on the site. Satisfied step - transition to internal link after 30 seconds of being on the document. It is important that the average value of such steps is only ~0.2 or less per domain, regardless of the subject of the site.

NB: As follows from this report, Yandex “knows” what topic the site page belongs to. Based on our own set of second-level domains with manually defined topics (as I understand it, this is nothing more than Ya.Catalog, possibly expanded by Dmoz.org) and using a naive Bayes classifier, any document from the index is assigned to a particular topic.

AvDwellTime– the total average time a visitor spends on a document for various search queries.

DwellTimeDev– standard deviation (deviation) of the time spent on the site. It can also be used to track PF markups.

90thDwellTime– this is the top decile, also known as the 90th percentile of average time spent on the site. Allows you to discard added AvDwellTime and QDwellTime.

10thDwellTime– This is the bottom decile of average time spent on the site. Allows you to define doorways. It is obvious that Yandex expects improvements from “white” webmasters here.

TimeOnDomain– total time spent on the site. For all requests for any documents.

CumulativeDev– standard deviation (deviation) from the average time spent on the site

A few snide remarks

  1. Are you afraid that boosting PF reduces conversion and this negatively affects rankings? Don’t anger the SEO god – Yandex can only count satisfied steps. He doesn't even think about conversion. .
  2. To satisfy Yandex engineers, you should break large articles into small ones. Very small. Because the average person reads less than 300 words per minute. And engineers are interested in a click after 30 seconds. By this point, you've already read about 300 words in this short piece. By comparison, a good review article is considered to be at least 1000 words long.
  3. For the same reason, you should not post either internal ones, much less external links at the beginning of the document. So that there are no unsatisfied transitions.

Instead of a conclusion

This Yandex report perfectly explains why boosting behavioral ranking factors for 3-4 queries does not work. Namely, this is the number of queries that a regular (median) optimizer tries to generate. The average is only 9. A successful optimizer generates an average of 40 queries and more. This is the only way to significantly influence, for example, AvDwellTime and TimeOnDomain.

I presented this data in June 2013 on

How difficult it is to keep your website in the first positions and get into the top 50 on a certain topic. You constantly need to analyze the site, analyze competitors, follow news on the market and understand how to correctly present your product or service so that it is noticed by both the search engine and the consumer, while complying with all promotion requirements.

What is a behavioral factor?

One of important indicators for the site is a behavioral factor, i.e. this is the behavior of people on the site, which can tell us how interesting the resource is, how much it meets the needs of visitors and whether it is of interest to the consumer so that he comes back again.

Some consider this indicator not very important, others, on the contrary, say that it is worth paying attention and analyzing behavior; in any case, you should definitely pay attention to it, and improving the indicators will only be beneficial.

Before examining the factors in more detail, you can consider the indicator on simple example. The user, upon request “Buy a children's toy,” receives a specific website result that the search engine has prepared for him. Next, he selects a resource and begins to look at what toys there are, whether there is a description for them, and whether the price is indicated. If he likes a product and wants to buy it, then in one click the product should go to the cart and payment should take place in several steps. All these actions make up user behavior, which turns into behavioral factors. Google ranking, Yandex and others search engines.

Types of behavioral factors

All behavioral factors can be divided into external and internal. First, the user sees information about the site when issuing a search query, i.e. he has external behavior. If he likes it brief information about the site (description, address, availability of contacts), then he can click on the link, thereby completing the action.

It is worth understanding that if external factor works (there will be a click on the link), then the internal one will also work (there will be a visit to the site, which can be short, or maybe long, it all depends on the creators of the site).

It is always worth analyzing user actions for certain period time, for example three months or six months. If any new information has been added or new product, which I want to tell you about in real and potential clients, but sales have not yet reached a certain level, then the analysis should be carried out more often, comparing behavioral indicators week by week.

What indicators influence behavioral factors

For better understanding users should analyze their behavior on the site, and certain indicators can help with this:

How to improve PF

The resulting figures for indicators should be studied in comparison with several periods to get an overall picture of the site's development. This is what can help determine further actions and an understanding of how to improve behavioral factors if you are not satisfied with the statistics, there are few sales, but there are a lot of visitors.

First, you need to understand how well the page responds to the request that brings users to the site. Maybe he is looking for products, but there is only one on the site, and that is only for an order that will have to wait a week. In addition, the answer to the request should not just be specific, but expanded. For example, if you buy 5 pieces, the free shipping or as a gift the 6th item, etc.

Secondly, you need to analyze all the pages and see which of them are the most unpopular. Understand why the page is not liked and what can be changed in it so that the user begins to linger on it.

Thirdly, you can increase traffic to the entire site by optimizing the text and each page for a specific request. In this case, it is better to promote one request to separate page, without mixing them together, as this may negatively affect the ranking.

Fourthly, the placement of keywords in the text, in headings, in descriptions. But it is worth remembering: the density of such words on the page should not exceed 4-5%, since if this indicator is exceeded, the search engine may consider the promotion aggressive and the site will fall under the filter.

It may be possible to influence behavioral factors in the following way: in a simple way, as an improvement in the usability of the site, i.e., making it more convenient, understandable and simple, so that you can immediately find a product, put it in the cart, write a question to the manager, find out about delivery and payment. Don't forget about establishing social buttons, so, millions of people spend time in social networks, and perhaps it is more convenient for them to monitor the company there.

The main method of improvement is content optimization

If the indicators are not satisfactory, then main task- improve behavioral factors. SEO specialists say that the first thing to start with is to optimize the site’s content, i.e. show your true face to users. Content is something unique that no one else has, although many sites don’t try very hard and simply copy texts without notifying the copyright holders.

Content is everything that can attract the user: text, pictures and photographs, video files. For example, the text should be interesting, unique and of high quality. It should be divided into paragraphs to make it easier to read, structured (subheadings and sentences are interconnected), perhaps diluted with pictures or videos for a visual example.

For example, if this is an online clothing store, then you need nice photos, description and, possibly, the presence of informational text to interest the buyer.

We should also talk about headlines, which play a significant role in promotion. The title should be attractive, short, but informative. It should prompt the user to take action - go to the site where he can find the answer to his request.

Cheat and ban

Search engines monitor and take into account behavioral ranking factors. Yandex, which is a Russian search engine, takes special care to ensure that there is no cheating. After all main principle- this is the purity of the search, so that the sites themselves achieve the first positions, doing a colossal job.

In 2014, website promotion using behavioral factors became a real boom, when many promotion companies paid attention only to this. These actions really brought results, positions grew, and clients were satisfied, seeing their site in the top, until Yandex introduced sanctions and began to impose sanctions on the site for cheating. Positions began to drop sharply, traffic fell, and sales practically stopped.

If you use any kind of cheating, you need to do it carefully and wisely so that behavioral factors naturally grow. Serpclick is a company that helps with promotion by calculating in advance the number of clicks on queries. Such a visit can be called natural, since the work is performed by real people who come to the site and conduct certain time, go to required sections, and it doesn’t look like a cheat.

Behavioral ranking factors: "Yandex"

The user enters a query into the search bar and waits for a relevant answer. The search engine, using its algorithm, tries to select sites that can answer the request, using the behavioral factor, since a machine is not able to replace a person.

However, Yandex, using its technology, still uses human labor, due to which the quality of sites that are located in the first positions has increased. Employees conduct very strict supervision over the issuance, since the main task is the most accurate response to the request received.

Yandex collects data on behavioral factors from various sources. Firstly, data collection when issuing a request. If the link is frequently clicked and the visit to the site is quite long, it means that it becomes more relevant for this request and is better ranked in the search results. Secondly, it collects information from the counter, if one is installed on the site, or from the installed Yandex browser.

PF and Google system

Google's behavioral ranking factors look somewhat different, and some believe that this search engine does not pay attention to this at all. However, according to the analyzes carried out, it can be said that Google takes into account various factors much less than Yandex, but still analyzes sites:

There are also negative factors that the system also takes into account, which can affect the position of the site, and this is worth remembering, because someone uses such earnings on behavioral factors, winding them up in an unnatural way, and someone will then pay for it and will be sanctioned by Google. For example, Penguin algorithm or Panda monitor low-quality links, of which there can be a lot.

Myths about behavioral factors

There are several misconceptions that many people are not aware of and think it is right, which leads to wrong actions.

Many people think that more people comes to the site, the higher his position will be in the future search results. On the one hand, this is true, but on the other hand, search engines take into account not one behavioral factor, but several that are interrelated.

Another rumor or myth is that site owners are monitored by search engines, so they let some resources appear on the first page, while others remain in the 20th and 30th positions. It cannot be ruled out that everyone is being watched, so the work is being carried out more carefully. But even if they don’t follow you, you should always remember that work in progress for the sake of the user, since he is a potential client.

What to expect in the future

What might happen in the future and how important will behavioral factors be? Yandex and other search engines will never give a direct answer, but several development options can be assumed:

  • It is possible that behavioral ranking factors will cease to play an important role, as a different algorithm for issuing sites for search queries will appear and promotion technologies will have to be improved.
  • It is possible that the importance of PF will increase, and this will be a revolutionary path in promotion.

In any case, you should not be afraid of one option or another, since you can always adapt to the work of search engines, configure the site correctly and achieve the desired indicators.

If you follow all the rules, create a site for users where they can find everything they need and want to come back again, then you won’t need to boost the site, use black hat promotion methods and other steps to achieve first positions in the search results. By constantly improving the resource and analyzing behavioral factors, you can achieve good positions, which will bring profit and success.

Hello, dear colleagues! In this article, I want to go into detail about the main behavioral factors and what actions a webmaster must take to influence them.

Behavioral factors We got them quite recently. Before this, Yandex said that it has sufficient information about users, but it does not yet know where to use it.

If you have a problem with the behavioral factors that we will talk about now, do not connect, do not feed all the bad information to Yandex.

So what are the main behavioral ranking factors we currently have?

The main ones are those that we can influence when promoting sites.

There are also numerous additional factors that we cannot influence in any way. Therefore, we do not take them into account.

1) Bounce Rate– when a user, having typed some query, finds sites in a search engine, clicks on one of them, opens the page, and leaves the site without walking around the site.

That is, in – out, bounce rate, one-page visit.

This bounce rate is not taken into account equally for all topics.

For example, you need to find out the postal code of the city of Kirillov. You typed a request, opened the site and wrote down the index. You do not need any more information on the site. Yandex also takes such requests into account.

Therefore, not for all topics, not for all query clusters, Yandex will take this into account.

2) Time spent on the site– how much time users spend on your website on average.

This is perhaps the main indicator today that Yandex takes into account.

If a user spends very little time with you (up to a minute), it means that he is not interested in your site. This means, accordingly, Yandex may lower the search results a little for this.

3) First and last clicks on search results. The user typed a query and several results were displayed. It starts opening all ten results.

And Yandex, in the calculation of the first and last result, which the user opened, ranks them higher, and slightly lowers the relevance of intermediate results.

If you clicked on the first site in the search results, it means that this site lured you in some way, and clicking on the last site means that you found the information you need on it, and you don’t need to search anymore.

We can influence these factors and improve them.


Firstly, your site should in any case have an analytics system installed to track the effectiveness of keywords and to track some behavioral issues.

For this purpose, I usually use the Google.Analytics system on my websites; it is much more powerful and convenient.

Secondly, you need to make a cool, manageable, readable snippet, insert some enticements into it so that it attracts the user.

The more often you are clicked on this snippet, the more positive points you will earn.

Thirdly, as for the site itself, is user convenience, so-called usability (i.e., ease of use of your site by the user).

So that you have a well-thought-out page structure, so that the user does not get lost on your site, so that he calmly moves from section to section, and it is convenient for him.

Fourth, this is work on landing pages. To keep a user on a page that is optimized, it must be 100% relevant to the query.

If you are optimizing a page for a lot of key queries, you have written large text, the user will simply get lost and exit.

That's why, golden rule, which should be used whenever possible, is one page - one request.

Always work on landing pages. There are testing tools such as Google Website Optimizer, which allows you to test this or that version of the page or this or that version of the page structure (multivariate testing).

If you have a high bounce rate on your landing page and users don't stay on it or read the content on it. commercial offers, which means it needs to be changed, which means we need to test new options.

Fifthly- This additional information on the website. That is, create an additional cluster of pages on the site, where we will add information of interest to the user on the site.

Where to get this information? For example, using Yandex hints that appear when you type your key query in the search.

You have noticed more than once that when you type in a query, a list of other, identical queries appears below. These are Yandex hints, that is, what users are often looking for.

Therefore, it is necessary to expand the content on the site so that users spend more time on it and read more pages.

The conclusion is this: You should always work to improve your website. The more attention we pay to this, the less likely it is that Yandex will downgrade us for behavioral factors.

Hello friends! Today I want to talk about behavioral ranking factors. In the article I will highlight several of their types, optimization options, and also touch on the controversial side that exists.

The influence of behavioral factors on ranking began to be often discussed more than six months ago. Apart from Sadovsky’s reports that they exist and that they are “stronger” specifically (officially), nothing else is known.

According to search developers, user behavior on a site can indicate the usefulness and quality of the resource and content located on it. Part of how users behave on a site will determine its position in search results.

Below I will publish possible factors that can be taken into account by a search engine when ranking documents, as well as options for optimizing them. All this will be useful for the resource in any case, so it is relevant for every webmaster.

1. Site click-through rate in search results

Here we mean the CTR of the site in the sickle. The more users go to your site based on some search queries, the more useful it is in the eyes of the search engine. The resource in first place for the request “buy ipad” has a CTR of 20%, and in third place - 35%. Apparently the site on the third line is more useful.

The key elements in the search results are the displayed title and snippet. The title should be informative, eye-catching, and contain the requested keywords, and most importantly meet the needs of the user. In principle, the snippet must meet the same criteria. If Google often takes information as a description of a site, Yandex rarely does this.

If you do not like the snippet that the search engine has chosen, then you can change the text component selected as a description or make it more attractive. After the search engine reindexes the page and the text update, new information should appear in the snippet.

The search results may also show the company's address, additional links, and so on. Don't forget about this.

2. Attendance

The first is the number of visitor sources, and the second is the direct volume of visitors. Obviously, if users come to the site not only from search engines, but, for example, from social networks, bookmarks, forums, blogs, thematic projects, type in (direct traffic), then most likely it is really useful, since it is linked to many sources. Another point: 20 people or 10,000 users switched to the resource from 10 different sources. That is, quantity can also matter.

I have already written that the more sources of links to your site you use, the better. Also here. You need to try to promote your projects not only in search results, but also try to use thematic communities, social networks and so on. In addition to improving behavioral factors, you will also be able to get interested visitors and links.

Speaking of sources of links, their diversity is quite difficult to ensure, especially for beginners without experience working with sites. For this task, you can use link aggregators, where suitable thematic sources are automatically selected from a huge database: groups on social networks, information sites, blogs, etc. The links will be placed in a natural environment, which will give, in addition to the SEO effect, what we need - motivated traffic with good behavior.

3. User behavior

3.1 Bounce rate

Or bounce rate as this indicator is called abroad. It talks about the percentage of visitors who viewed only one page. The lower this figure, the better.

3.2 Time spent on the site

The amount of time the user spent viewing the resource.

3.3 Number of pages viewed

It is believed that the more pages a visitor views, the more interesting the site is.

Optimization. To improve these indicators, while creating interesting content, the user needs to be “motivated” to go to other pages of the site or interested in some services (features). in the form of links to clarifying or supplementary articles will be most welcome. These are, first of all, links directly in the body of the material, blocks " similar posts" and so on. The user follows such links, the bounce rate decreases, the time spent on the site and the number of pages viewed increases.

You can also create some interesting thematic service on your website that will confidently improve behavioral factors.

Do not forget about the most important thing - quality and interesting content, about reliable and fast hosting, as well as about usability. If this does not happen, then nothing will help.


As in many areas, there are a number of contradictions. An ideal website should answer questions as quickly as possible. Right? Then it will have a high bounce rate, a small amount of time that the user spent on it and a viewing depth of 1. This results in some inconsistency.

There are also a number search queries, for which an explicit answer is required (for example, starting with “What is...?”). Most likely, the user will immediately find the information on the site and close it. There are other queries - “audi brands”, “LCD monitors” and so on. They already initially involve viewing many pages.

For example, there are also big differences regarding the types of sites. On a blog, 2-3 views per visitor is the norm. For online stores this figure is at least 2 times higher.

Combinations of factors are also interesting. For example, the user spent a long time on the page, found the answer and left. We get a viewing depth of 1, a 100% failure rate, but a user who is satisfied with the response. It’s another matter when a surfer wants to download something, but additional links are constantly thrust into him (for example, in the case of Warez). Long time spent on the site, large number pages viewed, a low bounce rate, and a sad user who couldn't find what he wanted.

All this needs to be corrected. In general, it was beneficial for Yandex to talk about behavioral ranking factors and the fact that they are valued above link factors, so that people would start working inside sites, rather than looking for SEO secrets in links.

What else is unclear? Are certain behavioral indicators applied to pages or the entire site? Some kind of calculation is being made general meaning(for example, like TIC or Page Rank) or this complex calculations, based on the specifics of search queries, topics of sites, their types, and so on?

Where does Yandex get information about user behavior on the site? This is no less interesting question. On the first point, he has all the information he is interested in. What about 2 and 3? Yes, he can use Yandex.Bar and Yandex.Metrica. But this is still not a complete picture. Maybe he even cooperates with popular services statistics in RuNet (liveinternet, for example)?

Who thinks about this? I will be glad to see your opinions in the comments. Maybe you have any additions or observations about the behavioral ranking factors taken into account?

Behavioral factors are the behavior of a visitor on a website. Today they have great value for website promotion, moreover, we can say that this value is steadily increasing. There is logic in this, because only the user can truly correctly decide how useful the site is to him.

Influence of behavioral factors

Visitor behavior takes into account:

  • Login to the site (source, login page);
  • Time spent on the site;
  • Number of pages viewed;
  • Transitions via internal and external links.

These are indicators by which user behavior on the site can be measured.

It is known that the following factors are taken into account when ranking search engines:

  • Number of failures;
  • Browsing depth (number of pages visited on the site);
  • Time on site;
  • Traffic diagram on the site;
  • CTR of the snippet in search results;
  • Social signals (if users share materials on social networks);
  • Returning to the site from bookmarks;
  • Return to search.

The last factor is considered the most important, simply because if the user returns to the search, then he did not receive the answer to his question. Consequently, the PS will decide that this page does not need to be ranked high for this request. The optimizer cannot find out this indicator; it is known only to the search engine. To a certain extent, you can focus on the number of bounces, but a user can spend a few minutes on the site, look through a couple of pages, but still return to the search.

Methods for collecting behavioral factors by search engines

For their part, search engines can only measure a number of factors, these are snippet CTR, social signals and return to search. To collect other data they use:

  • Statistics collection systems that optimizers install themselves. This Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica;
  • Browsers that belong to the PS. Yandex.Browser and Google Chrome. They collect a lot of data;
  • Browser plugins (bars, applications, etc.) are also capable of transmitting information.

You cannot prevent search engines from collecting data on behavioral factors; if you do not install statistics systems, you will only limit their capabilities. Is it necessary to do this? Of course not. There is no point in this, and you are depriving yourself of excellent tools for analyzing behavioral factors.

A good website, from the point of view of behavioral factors, is one that solves the user’s problem. The optimal behavioral factors for this may vary greatly from site to site. For a one-page website, it is important that the user comes, sees and buys. Browsing depth and time on site in in this case do not matter if the user does not immediately buy what he needs. For information sites or online stores, this is much more important, where these indicators (if they are good) give a clear signal to the PS: “The site is interesting to the user.”

Today it is no longer possible to ignore the value of PF; the optimizer must strive to improve them. There are only two ways:

  • Natural;
  • Unnatural.

About natural ways I will talk about it in the article “Improving Behavioral Factors”. Unnatural methods include cheating using a number of services. I do not recommend them, since today there is a very high risk of falling under the filter for cheating PF, search engines have learned very well to recognize such methods.

If you have a very good and interesting site that has excellent behavioral factors, this does not mean that they do not need to be improved. Practice shows that it is almost always possible to improve the PF, and this facilitates its promotion. But at the same time, it is also important not to worsen them through your own actions.

What can worsen behavioral factors?

Even at the stage of website creation, you need to avoid mistakes that can guaranteed worsen the PF. There are things that cannot be done at all or must be done very carefully; they will be discussed below.

Information does not respond to user request

One of the most common reasons for leaving a site. If you are tailoring a page for a specific request, the information on it should fully answer the user’s question. When a user searches for “product price,” they want to know the price, not read a long description without specific numbers.

Sometimes search engines can make mistakes and people can come to the page for queries that are not answered on the page. Most often this happens by low frequency queries or when there are no other materials on this topic in the search results. In this case it is better to add needed by users information, this can greatly reduce the number of refusals.

Excessive advertising

Nobody likes sites with a lot of advertising, pop-ups or randomly playing videos. Not only will you receive a large number of refusals, but you also risk being penalized by search engines for a large amount of advertising. Plus they will demote you for bad behavior.

Yes, sites make their living from advertising, but you need to be very careful in this matter. Worsening behavioral factors will also reduce income. It is better to work not on the quantity of advertising, but on its quality.

Long texts

Today there are fewer and fewer people who like to read, for many long text– a reason to leave the site. There is no need to write large “sheets” unless necessary. If the topic can be covered in 2-3 thousand characters, there is no need to write 10. And if there is such a desire, it is better to make several materials and link them. But if you need long text on the page, follow these rules:

  • The text should contain images, videos and other elements that will make it easier to understand;
  • Make a table of contents with anchors, this makes it easier to navigate through long articles;
  • The beginning of the text should be interesting and make the visitor want to read it to the end.

Keywords and errors

Unnatural key phrases, like “buy goods in the city cheaply” are disgusting to many. Especially when they are in every paragraph (or even sentence) and highlighted in bold. This can be said about numerous errors. Plus or minus a comma, no one will pay attention to it, but if the text was written by an author who does not know Russian at all, no one will read it. Simply because something like this doesn’t inspire confidence.

Design and layout

Incorrect layout and terrible design very often cause deterioration in behavioral factors. If the site is made in unnatural colors, if the design looks cheap and clumsy (especially on a commercial site), then such a project will not inspire any confidence. The layout should also not cause inconvenience to the user; look at your site yourself with different browsers and with different resolutions. There shouldn't be any mistakes here, these are the basics.

This includes the unreadable font. Surprisingly, this still happens.

Black font on a dark blue background... well, what can I say, you can see everything for yourself.

Poor navigation

Poor navigation that doesn't encourage the user to walk through your site can be the cause of poor behavior. There is no deterioration to speak of here (unless you changed the navigation to a worse option), but usually there is always something to work on. Your site should have a thoughtful menu, linking, and a search bar (especially if you have a lot of pages).

Page loading speed

The user is accustomed to fast internet, he’s also used to the fact that sites load in a couple of seconds. If your site takes a very long time to load, you can guarantee a large number of failures. You should not unnecessarily overload the pages with elements that may take a long time to load (animation, etc.). It may look nice, but who cares what it looks like if most people won't see it?

Mandatory registration

Mandatory registration is often the reason for leaving the site. If you need it, make it possible for users to log in through social media accounts, which almost everyone has these days. This applies not only to online stores, but also to many other sites, including information ones. The user read the article, wanted to leave a comment, but they asked him mandatory registration? 99 out of 100 will leave.

Outdated content

Sometimes it happens that an article is in the top, but the information in it is already outdated. Many people are lazy to update old articles; this may cause worsening behavioral factors. Here you need to either not display the publication date of the document, which immediately shows that it is out of date, or update the content. The latter option is better, since many will still understand that the information is already out of date, even without a date.


Texts with a lot of terms will almost certainly scare away those who do not understand the topic. Add tooltips when you hover over text or explain the meaning of a term in parentheses. Those who know their meaning will not pay attention to this, but for others it will greatly facilitate the understanding of the text.

These are the main mistakes that can lead to worsening behavioral factors. I did not mention very specific ones, such as musical background (there are still such sites), I indicated only the most common ones. Try to avoid them from the very beginning, this will make website promotion easier.

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