What is ozu v. What is RAM in a computer and why does a simple lamer need this knowledge?

RAM, also known as random access memory, is a key element of computers and performs the function of operating speed various programs running on a PC or laptop. The memory itself is short-term, it is capable of only temporarily storing commands and information, and after the device is turned off, all data is erased from the memory. automatic mode. They can only be stored while they are turned on. The volume and parameters of the RAM directly determine how well the computer will cope with its tasks.

RAM: what is it and how can you find out how much there is on your computer?

RAM acts as a memory that temporarily stores information about running utilities, system processes, and service tasks. With its help, there is a relationship between the HDD and the CPU, as well as devices connected from outside. As you know, the system processor is responsible for the execution of any program, and all software files are located on the HDD. Before a program can be executed, each of its files must be on the processor. This kind of “transfer” is carried out by RAM.

Determining the amount of RAM on your PC is not difficult. This can be done without the help of third-party utilities:

The main purpose of RAM

Main purpose random access memory is to set the pace for each system when running applications. The more capacious the RAM, the faster the tasks that users need are completed. In general, RAM affects how quickly a computer operates, ensures the uniform efficiency of system elements, and is also responsible for the device’s ability to simultaneously work on various complex projects.

What happens if there is a lack of RAM? In this case, the user will experience extremely long loading times for pages and opening folders. Even less resource-intensive programs will begin to freeze and will not work properly. All this suggests the following: an increase in the amount of RAM is required. In this case, it will be possible to eliminate the problems.

Why is RAM needed in games?

To fully enjoy games, you need a “fast” RAM. Its speed level determines the update speed, measured in megahertz. The faster and larger the RAM is, the more processes can run simultaneously, and the smoother modern games will run.

If the device does not have enough RAM for a comfortable game, then all its parameters will not fit in the RAM. Of course, the game will load, but its performance will leave much to be desired. The user will encounter lags, slowdowns, slow reactions - all this is the result of a lack of RAM.

Note! Afterwards, game processes will begin to be processed more quickly and efficiently, and the application itself will respond to the gamer’s commands with lightning speed.

Type and amount of RAM

RAM is available in the following types:

  • DDR. It is considered the oldest type of RAM, which was installed on PCs in the early 2000s. Such memory was installed only in budget PCs and functioned with minimum frequency at 400 megahertz;
  • DDR2. It is a more modernized version of the type described above. It can operate several times faster and handle larger volumes of data. Such brackets were installed in all computers until 2011;
  • DDR 3. RAM, thanks to which it was possible to provide an increase in computer performance by more than 10%. Such brackets were installed in PCs and laptops from 2007 to 2014 and were considered extremely popular, since they differ high level frequency of information processing;
  • DDR4. Known as the newest and most advanced type of RAM, capable of operating at frequencies of 2400 megahertz or more. This memory became available in 2014, but is still considered not very widespread due to its high price - not all users can afford it.

If we talk about the amount of RAM, it doubles in modules 1, 2, 4, 8, 16. There are no odd amounts. It is possible to install modules of different volumes, but in this case the two- and three-channel operating modes will be lost. To ensure optimal performance, it is recommended to install models in pairs of the same volume (and preferably from the same brand) - this will ensure their effective use.

Insufficient RAM - what to do?

Sometimes users see system message about a lack of RAM - this indicates lack of RAM, due to which applications will not be able to work properly - freezes and slowdowns will begin. Beginner users mistakenly believe that they need to free up space on the HDD, but the physical and virtual memory- these are different things that you definitely need to know about. There are several options to solve this problem - cleaning, overclocking and installing a larger RAM slot.

Ways to clear RAM

The simplest and most popular method is considered manual cleaning RAM. To do this, you need to perform a number of actions:

There is another way that involves doing the following:

According to the third method, you can use the KCleaner program - it has long established itself as a most powerful application to clear RAM without disabling important system processes and services. For optimized work you will need:

How to overclock RAM?

The lightest and affordable way overclocking RAM, without requiring installation third party applications, accessible via BIOS.

Specifics of installing RAM

The process of connecting RAM will be discussed using a laptop as an example.

  1. Turn off the device completely and take care to unplug the power cord. If the battery is removed, it is better to remove it. After this, use a screwdriver to unscrew the screws from the cover. Memory access will now appear.

  2. If there are several slots for RAM at once and each of them is occupied, then you need to remove the strips - to do this, bend special latches on the sides.

  3. New RAM is installed in the empty slots. This must be done at an angle of approximately 45 degrees.

  4. You need to be careful when installing the modules so that the contacts are not damaged, and the modules themselves must be installed tightly enough. By pressing on the top edge, the RAM will be clamped with latches.

All that remains is to put the cover back on, turn on the laptop and check the result!

Program for testing RAM

Today is the most popular program for is called Memtest. This is what you should use for checking.

Advice! What actions should I take if errors related to RAM are detected? If due to failures it is impossible to work normally, then the most cost-effective way would be to replace the problematic module. In some situations, regular cleaning, which was described earlier, also helps. The most common problems are caused by faulty microchips or connectors. operational board- in this case, you definitely can’t do without a specialist’s diagnosis.

The best RAM manufacturers

Today the RAM market is focused on 4 best manufacturer, whose products do not cause any complaints in operation and meet user expectations:

  • Corsair. The corporation's headquarters are located in America. Compared to other RAM manufacturers, the brand also creates many other devices and elements such as headphones, mice, keyboards and cooling systems. If we talk directly about memory modules, then over its many years of history, the company’s employees have been engaged in the production of strips different types. Now there is also a modern, powerful version of DDR4 available;

  • G.Skill. This brand appeared on the world stage in 1989. The company was founded by ordinary enthusiastic developers. Now she produces minimal amount“hardware” - memory sells best. Engineers are producing modern standards RAM, so the models are characterized by both a decent amount and high frequency. Many planks can be overclocked, which will definitely please a certain category of customers;

  • Kingston. Without exaggeration, the products of this American brand are considered the most popular. The reason for this popularity is the affordable price tag. RAM of this brand almost always used by different manufacturers laptops;

  • Mushkin. Another American brand whose employees produce power supplies and other types computer equipment, but their RAM is in particular demand. The products are mainly intended for desktop PCs, but there are several models for laptops. The most common series is REDLINE, which supports overclocking and is therefore of interest to more experienced users.

So RAM really is key device in computers and laptops, which directly affects the performance of the gadget and the ability to fully work with several resource-intensive programs at once. When choosing RAM, it is recommended to focus on products from popular brands - in this case, you will definitely be able to meet your expectations from the purchase.

Video - Why do you need RAM in a computer?

Each RAM cell has its own individual address.

In modern computing devices, based on the type of execution, there are two main types of RAM:

1. RAM assembled on flip-flops, called static random access memory, or simply static memory - SRAM (Static RAM). The advantage of this memory is speed. Since the triggers are assembled on gates, and the gate delay time is very short, switching the trigger state occurs very quickly. Also given memory is not without its shortcomings. Firstly, a group of transistors that make up a trigger is more expensive, even if they are etched in the millions on a single silicon substrate. In addition, a group of transistors takes up much more space because communication lines must be etched between the transistors that form the flip-flop. These considerations forced inventors to invent more economical memory, both in cost and in compactness.

2. In more economical memory, a circuit consisting of one capacitor and one transistor (in some variations there are two capacitors) is used to store a discharge (bit). This type of memory solves, firstly, the problem of high cost (one capacitor and one transistor are cheaper than several transistors), and secondly, compactness (in the place where one trigger, that is, one bit, is located in SRAM, eight capacitors and transistors). However, there are also some disadvantages. Firstly, capacitor-based memory works slower, because if in SRAM a change in the voltage at the input of the flip-flop immediately leads to a change in its state, then in order to set the capacitor-based bit to one, this capacitor must be charged, and in order to set the bit to 0, respectively, discharge. And charging or discharging a capacitor is a much longer operation than switching a trigger (10 times or more), even if the capacitor has a very small sizes. There is a second significant disadvantage - capacitors are prone to “draining” of charge; in other words, capacitors discharge over time. Moreover, the smaller their capacity, the faster they discharge. Due to this circumstance, in order not to lose the contents of the bits, these capacitors must be regenerated after a certain time interval to restore the charge. Regeneration is performed by reading the charge (reading the charge from the capacitor is performed through a transistor). The memory controller periodically suspends all memory operations to regenerate its contents. This regeneration operation significantly reduces RAM performance. Memory on capacitors is called - dynamic memory- DRAM (Dynamic RAM) because the bits in it are not stored statically, but “drain” dynamically over time.

Thus, DRAM is much cheaper than SRAM, its density is much higher, which allows more bits to be placed on the same space of the silicon substrate, but at the same time its speed is very low. SRAM, on the contrary, is very fast memory, but also very expensive. In this connection, conventional RAM is built on DRAM modules, and SRAM is used to create, for example, caches of microprocessors of all levels.

RAM can be manufactured as a separate unit, or included in the design of a single-chip computer or microcontroller.

An example of the structure of the memory address space using the example of an IBM PC

Main memory area

Upper Memory Area

Additional memory area

High Memory Area

see also



  • Scott Mueller. Chapter 6. RAM // Upgrading and Repairing PCs = Upgrading and Repairing PCs. - 17th edition - M.: “Williams”, 2007. - P. 499-572. - ISBN 0-7897-3404-4

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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    ozuka- ozuk…

    RAM- random access memory device Dictionaries: Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations of the army and special services. Comp. A. A. Shchelokov. M.: AST Publishing House LLC, Geleos Publishing House CJSC, 2003. 318 pp., S. Fadeev. Dictionary of modern abbreviations... ... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

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We’ll talk about hardware again, namely the computer’s RAM. We will share this article into two parts. In the first, that is, in this article, I will talk about what RAM is, its purpose and so on. useful information, and the second article will describe how to choose RAM, what criteria to follow, and so on.

Now let's move on to a specific question, namely, what is RAM and why is it needed.

Purpose of RAM

Each of us has a computer, and users may often be faced with the question of improving and upgrading this very PC. Every person has the right to experiment with his own electronic device, but within reason, of course. Someone, someone is working magic on the processor, but we will look at a cheaper option - RAM, namely increasing its volume.

Firstly, the option of choosing RAM is the simplest, since you do not need to have any special knowledge for this, and installing a memory module takes place in an instant. Moreover, currently this technical part is quite cheap.

Now we will move on to the definition of RAM, otherwise known as RAM.

RAM (random access memory)– the structure of temporary data storage, with the help of which the software operates. Always represents a set of chips and modules connected to motherboard.

This memory usually acts as a buffer between the drives and the processor, it temporarily stores files and data, and also stores running applications.

By the way, do not confuse RAM with memory hard drive. ROM- This hard memory disk (read-only storage device). This different types memory.

According to its structure, RAM consists of cells that store data of a certain size, 1 or 4 bits. Also, each cell has its own address, which is divided into horizontal rows and vertical columns.

The cells described above are capacitors that accumulate electric charge. There are also special amplifiers here that can analog signals translate into digital ones, which then create data.

When transmitting the address of a line to the chip, a signal called RAS (Row Address Strobe), to transmit the column address, a signal is used CAS (Column Address Strobe).

We've sorted out the complex definitions, now let's move on to the work of RAM.

The operation of RAM is unconditionally linked to the operation of the processor and other external devices computer, since it receives data from all these devices. First of all, data from the hard drive goes into RAM, and then is processed by the processor; this structure can be seen in the figure below:

Information exchange between RAM and the processor itself can occur either directly or with the participation of cache memory.

Cache memory is also a temporary storage of data and represents sections local memory. The use of this memory significantly reduces the time it takes to deliver data to the processor register, and all because the speed external media very slow unlike the processor one. Also because of this, which is also important.

But actually, who or what controls the RAM? The RAM is controlled by a controller installed in the motherboard chipset. This part is called " North Bridge ", which provides connection to the processor ( CPU) to various nodes using the graphics controller and RAM. You can see such a diagram below.

I would also like to say one important thing. If data is written to the RAM in any cell, the content that was before the recording will be immediately erased.

An important point in application programs is that they must run under one or another operating system, otherwise it will not be able to allocate the required amount of RAM for this program. There have been cases where it was not possible to run old programs that were intended for the old OS on the new operating system.

You should know that Windows 7, which has 64 bits, supports 192 GB of RAM, but 32 bit Windows 7 only supports 4GB.

Why do you need RAM?

So, now we know that the so-called cache memory is involved in the data exchange process. At this moment, it is controlled by a controller that analyzes a program and calculates what data the processor will most likely need, and then loads it into cache memory from RAM; then the modified data by the processor, if necessary, is returned back to RAM.

To begin with, we note that all your information is stored on the hard drive, then, when you turn on the PC, data is written from this same hard drive to the RAM various drivers, OS elements, and special programs. At the end, the programs that we will run are recorded, and when we close them, they will be erased from RAM.

Information recorded in RAM is transferred to the processor, processed by it and written back, and so on every time. But it may happen that the memory cells run out, what should you do in this case?

In this case, the so-called process comes into play. This file is located on the hard drive; information that is not included in the RAM is written there. This is a big plus. The downside is that HDD The speed is much lower than that of RAM, so system performance may slow down. The life of the hard drive itself is also shortened.

What does RAM consist of?

Now we can look at what the RAM module itself consists of.

Typically, all RAM sticks (modules) consist of the same elements. There are also two types of modules: unilateral And double sided. And they say that double-sided ones are much faster. But it happens that the double-sided bar did not work at full capacity, since the chips on either side were not used. And all because, both the motherboard and the processor must support one or another memory.

Note - if you purchase, for example, two RAM modules, then it is better to buy one type.

On this moment There are several types of memory: DDR, DDR2, DDR3. Also developed new type memory - DDR4, which is not yet particularly used. Today, DDR3 is the most popular and used memory type.

A laptop uses almost the same memory, but the module is slightly smaller. It bears the name SO-DIMM (DDR, DDR2, DDR3).

On this, I think it’s worth finishing, we learned what RAM is and its purposes, various characteristics and types. You may have any comments on this issue, feel free to ask them below. Any suggestions and criticism are welcome.

RAM can be made in the form of a drive, that is, you can store data on it and install programs. This technology is called . If you are interested, you can read about it.

If your computer has become slower, additional RAM may be a solution to this problem. In this case, you need to understand what RAM is and why it is needed, find out its parameters, and also familiarize yourself with the recommendations for installing and replacing this module.

What is RAM?

RAM stands for Random Access Memory. It is also called:

  1. RAM (Random Access Memory);
  2. random access memory;
  3. or just RAM.

Photo: Random Access Memory

RAM is a computer's volatile memory that has random access. While the computer is running, this is where all the intermediate, input and output data that the processor processes is stored. All data located on RAM can be accessed and saved only when power is connected to the device. Even during a short power outage, information can be distorted or completely destroyed.

Data exchange occurs between Random Access Memory and the processor:

  • directly;
  • through registers in the ALU;
  • via cache.

OP is:

RAM usage

Operating systems use RAM to process information and store frequently used data. If in modern devices there was no Random Access Memory, then all operations would be much slower, since it would take much more time to read information from permanent source memory.

Additionally, it would be impossible to perform multi-threaded processing. Thanks to the presence of OP, all applications and programs launch and work faster. At the same time, nothing makes it difficult to process all the data that is in the queue. Some operating systems, such as Windows 7, have the ability to store files, applications and other information that the user frequently uses in memory.

This way, there is no need to waste time waiting for them to start loading from disk, since the process will begin immediately.

Typically, this will cause Random Access Memory to be more than 50% loaded at all times. This information can be viewed in the task manager. Data tends to accumulate and those applications that are used less often will be supplanted by more necessary ones.

Today, the most common is dynamic random access memory (DRAM). It is used in many devices. At the same time, it is relatively inexpensive, but it works slower than static (SRAM).

SRAM has found its application in controllers and video chips, and is also used in processor cache memory. This memory has higher speed, but it takes up a lot of space on the chip. In turn, manufacturers decided that volume is much more important than accelerated work, therefore in computer peripherals DRAM is used. In addition, dynamic memory is an order of magnitude cheaper than static memory. At the same time, she has high density. Thanks to this, more memory cells can be placed on exactly the same silicon crystal. The only negative is she's not like that fast work, like SRAM.

It is worth considering that all the information contained on the OP can only be accessed when the device is turned on. After the user exits the program, all data will be deleted. Therefore, before exiting the application, you must save all changes or additions that have been made.

The OP consists of several cells. This is where all the data is located. Each time a change is saved, last information is deleted and a new one is written in its place. The number of cells depends on the volume of Random Access Memory. The larger this volume, the higher the performance of the entire system.

To find out your computer's RAM, you need to do the following:

  • for Windows XP:
  1. hover over the “My Computer” shortcut;
  2. then you need to press the right mouse button;
  3. select “Properties”;
  4. go to the “General” tab;
  • for Windows 7:


Additional OP will help significantly improve the performance of the device. It can be installed on either desktop computer, and into a laptop.

Installing RAM on a computer

First you need to find out what type of OP is required. Its type depends on the motherboard. In order to find out which type is compatible with the motherboard, you should check the documents for the device or visit the manufacturer’s website. When choosing RAM, it is recommended to purchase 2 or 4 modules. Thus, if you need 8 GB of RAM, then it is better to buy 2 x 4 GB or 4 x 2 GB. It is worth paying attention to their throughput and speed. All data must be the same. Otherwise, the system will adjust to the most minimal parameters. This may result in poor performance.

Photo: RAM installed

To install RAM, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. you need to disconnect the monitor, mouse, printer and keyboard from the device;
  2. make sure that there is no static charge;
  3. remove old modules - to do this, you need to open the clamps located on both sides and remove the module;

Important! New module The OP should be held so as not to touch the microcircuits that are located on the side and bottom contacts.

  1. The RAM must be inserted so that the groove exactly coincides with the protrusion located in the connector;
  2. press on the board and fix it, while the clamps should close;
  3. build a computer;
  4. turn on the device;
  5. check for OP.

Installing RAM on a laptop

To do this you need:

  1. correctly determine the type of OP;
  2. eliminate static charge;
  3. disconnect the laptop from power and remove the battery;
  4. take off the desired panel on the bottom surface of the laptop;

Important! Most laptops do not require paired modules.

Type and volume

At the moment, there are several types of OP. This:

  • DDR RAM;
  • DDR2 RAM;
  • DDR3 RAM.

They differ in the design of the bar, as well as in performance.

Important! It is worth noting that the modules are completely incompatible with each other, as they have different connectors for installation.

Most modern laptops have DDR2 or DDR3 installed. Legacy models work with DDR. The speed and performance of the computer directly depends on the amount of RAM.

Currently there are modules on the market with the following volumes:

  1. 512 MB;
  2. 1 GB;
  3. 2 GB;
  4. 4 GB;
  5. 8 GB.

Before purchasing additional modules, it is worth considering that 32-bit operating system will only be able to recognize 4 GB. Therefore, there is no need to spend money on boards with a large volume due to the fact that it will not be used anyway. But if the operating system has 64 bits, you can install 8, 16 or even 32 gigabytes of memory for it.

Video: increase RAM

Frequency and other parameters

Among the main parameters of Random Access Memory, the following should be highlighted:

  1. DDR – 2.2 Volt;
  2. DDR2 – 1.8 Volts;
  3. DDR3 – 1.65 Volts.
  • module manufacturer. Preference should be given to well-known brands and models that have greatest number positive feedback. This will help eliminate the possibility of purchasing a defective part, and the warranty period will be longer.

What does RAM look like in a computer?

The computer OP is a plate consisting of several layers of textolite. It contains:

  • printed circuit board;
  • soldered memory chips;
  • There is also a special connector for connection.

Where is the RAM located? The OP is located directly on the motherboard.

There are slots for modules, usually 2 or 4 of them. They are located next to the processor.

Photo: storage device on the motherboard

OP for PCs and laptops

RAM intended for a laptop has several differences from the RAM used in a PC, namely:

  1. the modules differ in their sizes - the plate for a laptop is much shorter than the standard one for a computer;
  2. The bar also has unique connectors.

Thus, the module used for a PC cannot be installed in a laptop.

RAM is one of the main parts in a computer. It is responsible for the speed of launching various programs and applications, as well as for temporary storage of information. In addition, it helps to connect external devices and the hard drive to the processor.

Story random access memory, or RAM, began back in 1834, when Charles Babbage developed the “analytical engine” - essentially a prototype of a computer. He called the part of this machine, which was responsible for storing intermediate data, a “warehouse.” Memorizing information there was still organized in a purely mechanical way, through shafts and gears.

In the first generations of computers, RAM was used cathode ray tubes, magnetic drums, later magnetic cores appeared, and after them, in the third generation of computers, memory on microcircuits appeared.

Nowadays RAM is made using technology DRAM in form factors DIMM and SO-DIMM, this is dynamic memory organized in the form integrated circuits semiconductors. It is volatile, meaning data disappears when there is no power.

Choosing RAM is not a difficult task today; the main thing here is to understand the types of memory, its purpose and main characteristics.

Memory types


Memory of the SO-DIMM form factor is intended for use in laptops, compact ITX systems, monoblocks - in short, where the minimum physical size of memory modules is important. It differs from the DIMM form factor in that the length of the module is approximately halved and there are fewer pins on the board (204 and 360 pins for SO-DIMM DDR3 and DDR4 versus 240 and 288 on boards of the same types of DIMM memory).
In terms of other characteristics - frequency, timings, volume, SO-DIMM modules can be of any kind, and do not differ in any fundamental way from DIMMs.


DIMM - RAM for full-size computers.
The type of memory you choose must first be compatible with the socket on the motherboard. Computer RAM is divided into 4 types – DDR, DDR2, DDR3 And DDR4.

DDR memory appeared in 2001 and had 184 contacts. The supply voltage ranged from 2.2 to 2.4 V. The operating frequency was 400 MHz. It is still available for sale, although the selection is small. Today the format is outdated - it is suitable only if you do not want to update the system completely, and the old motherboard only has connectors for DDR.

The DDR2 standard came out in 2003 and received 240 pins, which increased the number of threads, significantly speeding up the processor data bus. The operating frequency of DDR2 could be up to 800 MHz (in some cases - up to 1066 MHz), and the supply voltage was from 1.8 to 2.1 V - slightly less than that of DDR. Consequently, power consumption and heat dissipation of memory have decreased.
Differences between DDR2 and DDR:

· 240 contacts versus 120
· New slot, not DDR compatible
· Less power consumption
Improved design better cooling
Higher maximum operating frequency

Just like DDR, it is an outdated type of memory - now it is only suitable for old motherboards, in other cases there is no point in buying it, since the new DDR3 and DDR4 are faster.

In 2007, RAM was updated to the DDR3 type, which is still widely used. The same 240 pins remain, but the connection slot for DDR3 has changed - there is no compatibility with DDR2. The operating frequency of the modules is on average from 1333 to 1866 MHz. There are also modules with frequencies up to 2800 MHz.
DDR3 differs from DDR2:

· DDR2 and DDR3 slots are not compatible.
· Clock frequency DDR3 operates 2 times higher - 1600 MHz versus 800 MHz for DDR2.
· Features a reduced supply voltage - about 1.5V, and lower power consumption (in the version DDR3L this value is on average even lower, about 1.35 V).
· The delays (timings) of DDR3 are greater than those of DDR2, but the operating frequency is higher. In general, the speed of DDR3 is 20-30% higher.

DDR3 is a good choice today. Many motherboards on sale have DDR3 memory connectors, and due to the massive popularity of this type, it is unlikely to disappear soon. It is also slightly cheaper than DDR4.

DDR4 is a new type of RAM, developed only in 2012. It is an evolutionary development of previous types. Bandwidth memory increased again, now reaching 25.6 GB / s. The operating frequency also increased - from an average of 2133 MHz to 3600 MHz. If we compare the new type with DDR3, which lasted on the market for 8 years and became widespread, then the performance increase is insignificant, and not all motherboards and processors support the new type.
DDR4 differences:

· Incompatible with previous types
· Reduced supply voltage - from 1.2 to 1.05 V, power consumption has also decreased
· Operating frequency memory up to 3200 MHz (can reach 4166 MHz in some trims), while, of course, the timings have increased proportionally
May be slightly faster than DDR3

If you already have DDR3 sticks, then there is no point in rushing to change them to DDR4. When this format spreads massively, and all motherboards already support DDR4, the transition to a new type will happen by itself with an update of the entire system. Thus, we can summarize that DDR4 is more of a marketing product than a real new type of RAM.

Which memory frequency should I choose?

Choosing a frequency should begin by checking the maximum supported frequencies by your processor and motherboard. It makes sense to take a frequency higher than that supported by the processor only when overclocking the processor.

Today you should not choose memory with a frequency lower than 1600 MHz. The 1333 MHz option is acceptable in the case of DDR3, unless these are ancient modules lying around the seller, which will obviously be slower than the new ones.

The best option for today is memory with a frequency range from 1600 to 2400 MHz. A higher frequency has almost no advantage, but it costs much more, and as a rule, these are overclocked modules with raised timings. For example, the difference between modules of 1600 and 2133 MHz in a number of work programs will be no more than 5-8%; in games the difference may be even smaller. Frequencies of 2133-2400 MHz are worth taking if you are engaged in video/audio encoding and rendering.

The difference between frequencies of 2400 and 3600 MHz will cost you quite a lot, without significantly increasing speed.

How much RAM should I take?

The amount you need depends on the type of work performed on the computer, the operating system installed, and the programs used. Also, do not lose sight of the maximum supported memory capacity of your motherboard.

Volume 2 GB- today, it may only be enough to browse the Internet. More than half will be consumed by the operating system; the rest will be enough for the leisurely work of undemanding programs.

Volume 4 GB
– suitable for a mid-range computer, for a home PC media center. Enough to watch movies and even play undemanding games. Modern ones, alas, are difficult to cope with. (will become best choice, if you have a 32-bit operating system Windows system, which sees no more than 3 GB of RAM)

Volume 8 GB(or a 2x4GB kit) is the recommended volume today for a full-fledged PC. This is enough for almost any games, for working with any resource-demanding software. The best choice for a universal computer.

A capacity of 16 GB (or sets of 2x8GB, 4x4GB) will be justified if you work with graphics, heavy programming environments, or constantly render videos. Also perfect for online streaming - here with 8 GB there may be stutters, especially when high quality video broadcasts. Some games in high resolutions and with HD textures can behave better with 16 GB of RAM on board.

Volume 32 GB(set 2x16GB, or 4x8GB) – still a very controversial choice, useful for some very extreme work tasks. It would be better to spend money on other computer components; this will have a stronger effect on its performance.

Operating modes: is it better to have 1 memory stick or 2?

RAM can operate in single-channel, dual-, triple- and quad-channel modes. Definitely, if your motherboard has a sufficient number of slots, then it is better to take several identical smaller memory sticks instead of one. The speed of access to them will increase from 2 to 4 times.

In order for the memory to work in dual-channel mode, you need to install the sticks in slots of the same color on the motherboard. As a rule, the color is repeated through the connector. It is important that the memory frequency in the two sticks be the same.

- Single chanell Mode– single-channel operating mode. Turns on when one memory stick is installed, or different modules running on different frequencies. As a result, the memory operates at the frequency of the slowest stick.
- Dual Mode– two-channel mode. Works only with memory modules of the same frequency, increases operating speed by 2 times. Manufacturers produce sets of memory modules specifically for this purpose, which can contain 2 or 4 identical sticks.
-Triple Mode– works on the same principle as two-channel. In practice it is not always faster.
- Quad Mode- four-channel mode, which works on the principle of two-channel, accordingly increasing the speed of operation by 4 times. Used where needed exclusively high speed- for example, in servers.

- Flex Mode– a more flexible version of the two-channel operating mode, when the bars are of different volumes, but only the frequency is the same. In this case, in dual-channel mode, the same volumes of modules will be used, and the remaining volume will function in single-channel mode.

Does memory need a heatsink?

Now we are long gone from the days when, at a voltage of 2 V, an operating frequency of 1600 MHz was achieved, and as a result, a lot of heat was generated, which had to be removed somehow. Then the radiator could be a criterion for the survival of an overclocked module.

Nowadays, memory power consumption has decreased significantly, and a heatsink on a module can be justified from a technical point of view only if you are into overclocking and the module will operate at frequencies that are prohibitive for it. In all other cases, radiators can be justified, perhaps, by their beautiful design.

If the radiator is massive and noticeably increases the height of the memory bar, this is already a significant disadvantage, since it may prevent you from installing a processor super cooler in the system. By the way, there are special low-profile memory modules designed for installation in compact cases. They are slightly more expensive than regular size modules.

What are timings?

Timings, or latency (latency)- one of the most important characteristics RAM, which determine its performance. Let's outline general meaning this parameter.

Simply put, RAM can be thought of as a two-dimensional table in which each cell carries information. Cells are accessed by column and row numbers, and this is indicated by the row access strobe RAS(Row Access Strobe) and column access gate CAS (Access Strobe) by changing the voltage. Thus, for each cycle of work, accesses occur RAS And CAS, and between these calls and the write/read commands there are certain delays, which are called timings.

In the description of the RAM module you can see five timings, which for convenience are written as a sequence of numbers separated by a hyphen, for example 8-9-9-20-27 .

· tRCD (time of RAS to CAS Delay)- timing, which determines the delay from the RAS pulse to the CAS
· CL (time of CAS Latency)- timing, which determines the delay between the write/read command and the CAS pulse
· tRP (time of Row Precharge)- timing, which determines the delay when transitioning from one line to the next
· tRAS (time of Active to Precharge Delay)- timing, which determines the delay between the activation of the line and the end of working with it; considered the main meaning
· Command rate– defines the delay between the command to select an individual chip on the module until the command to activate the line; this timing is not always indicated.

To put it even more simply, it is important to know only one thing about timings - the lower their values, the better. In this case, the strips can have the same operating frequency, but different timings, and a module with lower values ​​will always be faster. So you should choose the minimum timings; for DDR4, timings for average values ​​will be 15-15-15-36, for DDR3 - 10-10-10-30. It is also worth remembering that timings are related to the memory frequency, so when overclocking you will most likely have to increase the timings, and vice versa - you can manually lower the frequency, thereby reducing the timings. It is most beneficial to pay attention to the totality of these parameters, choosing rather a balance, and not chasing the extreme values ​​of the parameters.

How to decide on a budget?

Having a larger amount, you can afford larger volume random access memory. The main difference between cheap and expensive modules will be in the timings, operating frequency, and brand - well-known, advertised modules may cost a little more than noname modules from an unknown manufacturer.
Besides, extra money there is a radiator installed on the modules. Not all planks need it, but manufacturers are not skimping on them now.

The price will also depend on the timings than they the lower the higher speed, and accordingly, price.

So, having up to 2000 rubles, you can purchase a 4 GB memory module, or 2 2 GB modules, which is preferable. Choose depending on what your PC configuration allows. Modules DDR type 3 will cost almost half as much as DDR4. With such a budget, it makes more sense to take DDR3.

To the group up to 4000 rubles includes modules with a capacity of 8 GB, as well as sets of 2x4 GB. This optimal choice for any task except professional video work and in any other difficult environments.

In total up to 8000 rubles It will cost 16 GB of memory. Recommended for professional purposes, or for avid gamers - even enough in reserve, while waiting for new demanding games.

If it's not a problem to spend up to 13,000 rubles, then the best choice would be to invest them in a set of 4 4 GB sticks. For this money you can even choose more beautiful radiators, perhaps for later overclocking.

I don’t recommend taking more than 16 GB without the purpose of working in professional heavy environments (and even then not in all), but if you really want it, then for the amount from 13,000 rubles you can climb to Olympus by purchasing a 32 GB or even 64 GB kit. True, this will not make much sense for the average user or gamer - it is better to spend money on, say, a flagship video card.

2024 gtavrl.ru.