What is it, contact the carrier. Carrier IQ surveillance software can be disabled on iPhone

This is a fairly common situation. If you see a message on your iPhone when you try to turn on “Tethering Mode” "To enable Modem Mode for this account, contact Carrier" , this means that you have a problem updating your operator settings. Also, they can simply be knocked down:

Who is Carrier and how to contact him?

Carrier, translated from English - “Operator”. That is, the phone asks you to contact your operator for the latest settings. You can go to “Settings” -> “General” -> “About this device” and in the “Operator” line you will see the word “Carrier”. In the usual case, the name of your operator should be written there:

  • Found an iPhone, how to unlock and bypass the Activation CODE on Iphone 7?
  • In order not to call the operator (although you, of course, can do so), you need to make your own APN settings(Access Point Name) to your phone. This can be done by going to Settings -> Cellular -> Data Options -> Cellular Data Network:

    Below are the APN settings for everyone Russian operators:

    APN: internet.mts.ru
    User: mts
    Password: mts

    APN: internet
    User: gdata
    Password: gdata

    APN: internet.beeline.ru
    User: beeline
    Password: beeline

    APN: internet.tele2.ru
    User: leave blank
    Password: leave blank

    After making the settings, you need to restart your iPhone. After the reboot, everything should work; if this does not happen, you will still have to contact contact center your operator.

    When going to the “About device” item in the settings of their iPhone, some users may see the word “Carrier” with a number in the operator line. The user does not know what this is, and he also has no idea why the word “Carrier” appears instead of the operator’s name. In this article I will try to tell you what carrier is on an iPhone, I will explain why the user sees this word instead of the name of his operator, and I will also tell you how to correct this situation.

    To understand that this is Carrier on an iPhone, we must first decide on the translation of this word. Translated from English, “carrier” means “ carrier, carrier, courier" In this particular case, the term “carrier” refers to the mobile operator whose services we use.

    In this case, a completely logical question arises: why is it “Carrier” in the operator line of the phone settings, and not the familiar name of our operator? The solution here is simple - for some reason the user did not receive (or did not install correctly) the network operator settings file, which contains the specification mobile network, profiles, Internet settings and other important data.

    Because if given configuration file for some reason was not received (or was not installed correctly), then your device substitutes its own settings instead of the operator’s settings, and in some cases they may not work entirely correctly (which is understandable).

    Accordingly, now instead of the operator name there will be “Carrier”, and the number after of this word means a certain version these same settings.

    Instead of the operator name - Carrier with a number

    Carrier on iPhone – reasons for settings dysfunction

    After we have decided what Carrier means on an iPhone smartphone, we need to identify the reasons why our settings file (which is usually sent automatically by the operator) was not used in our device.

    The reasons may be the following:

    • Settings synchronization failed;
    • Old version of SIM card;
    • Your operator has not agreed with by Apple about the appropriate settings for the iPhone (there were precedents for this, especially if your operator is new and has just entered the market).

    How to fix Carrier on iPhone

    Now that you know what Carrier is on an iPhone, you should list the steps that need to be taken to correct this situation. If this is not done, the user may experience dysfunction of his device at the very most inopportune moment, and any important information(or call) may be lost (not to mention the instability of the Internet connection).

    So, to fix the situation, do the following:

    • Launch the latest iTunes version, then connect your smartphone to your computer. The program itself will detect outdated operator settings (if available) and will offer to update them by clicking on the corresponding button in the menu that appears.

    Usually, after performing these steps, the problem with Carrier on iPhone is solved.

    A little more about Carrier (IQ)

    Understanding what Carrier means would be incomplete without mentioning software product called "Carrier IQ".

    This software has been installed on more than early version iOS and tracked all applications launched by the user, the order of keys used and other activities, and then sent the collected data to third parties “to improve functionality.” The struggle of many users with such spyware led to Apple ending support for Carrier IQ in latest versions iOS.


    In this material, I tried to explain what the essence of Carrier for iPhone is. In most cases, the appearance of the word Carrier in the carrier information indicates some problems with the carrier settings and carrier updates on your smartphone. To correct this situation, you should follow all the recommendations described above, and if nothing helps, then you should contact the local office of your operator for additional advice on the issues of your situation.

    In contact with

    Without mobile internet It’s hard to imagine how a smartphone will work properly. Service information is transmitted over the network, the user constantly corresponds with someone, watches the news, the weather and does a bunch of other necessary things. But one day a mysterious message appears: “To enable modem mode, contact the carrier.” At the same time, the ability to distribute the Internet from a smartphone disappears, the “Modem Mode” item disappears from the menu, and the owner of an iPhone or iPad falls into a stupor and does not know what to do. In this article we will try to clearly explain to readers how to quickly and without much delay return everything to its place.

    First, a little theory and explanation. IN general understanding the word carrier means “operator”, in our case it means TELE2, MTS, Megafon and others famous brands. Be afraid of appearing check inscriptions carrier is not installed on the iPhone, which means that you need to make some manipulations with the phone's parameters.

    First, go to the “Settings → About device → Operator” menu, making sure that inscription carrier is present, check if there is a menu item “Modem Mode”. If it’s not there, then for sure, the phone asks you to contact your telecom operator to reconfigure some of the nuances.

    The appearance of the inscription is possible in all versions of iOS, starting with 6. Now the “carrier” problem is especially relevant for the new 7s and 8s with iOS 10 and 11, respectively.


    The first and most common reason why the message “to enable modem mode, contact the carrier” appears is that the SIM card was replaced with a new one from a different operator and the network parameters had not yet been loaded. You should wait a little and the necessary data will be sent to your phone, but if you are in a hurry, you can call your operator and ask them. support to send parameters individually.

    At the dawn of the introduction of LTE in Russia, similar problems were not uncommon. Cellular companies the necessary parameters had not yet been sent to the devices, and the iPhone and other gadgets were already trying hard to find LTE Internet.

    The second reason is much less common - settings failure as a result of a sudden reboot of the smartphone or action malware, including the ill-fated “jailbreak”.

    The third reason is the service plan. The inscription may appear after reinstalling the firmware or full recovery from a backup.

    In any case, there is a solution to this and it is quite simple. We will tell you how to remove check carrier in the following sections, and as usual, we will post video instructions.


    For the operation of the device as a whole, the appearance of the message “to enable modem mode, contact the carrier” does not threaten anything. Hardware in in this case is not involved in any way, so you don’t have to solder anything.

    The operation of 3G, LTE, egde, and other information transfer protocols on the iPhone will be disrupted. It is likely that the operator will not be able to calculate your costs correctly and will bill you for non-existent services.

    A simple solution

    The “check carrier” solution is incredibly simple, but you still have to navigate through the settings menu. All versions of iOS do this the same way, so you don’t have to struggle with finding the required fields. Let's get started.

    It is necessary to register the Internet settings in the form of the so-called APN, accepted standard worldwide. We follow the instructions strictly according to the points:

    1. Click “Settings → Cellular → Data settings → Cellular data network”;
    2. We indicate the settings received from technical support operator or copy the parameters you need from the list below. Enter the “Username”, “Password” and “APN” values ​​clearly line by line, do not mix them up, otherwise there will be problems with communication. Enter in the lines “Cellular data” and “Modem mode”
    3. Turn off the iPhone.

    After turning on the smartphone, the 3G or LTE Internet should work correctly, the “Modem mode” item will appear in the menu, and the inscription “To enable modem mode, contact Carrier” will no longer appear.

    List of settings

    Here are the parameters for the main mobile operators Russia, they will help you restore the functionality of your iPhone if the previously issued settings have disappeared.

    MTS Russia

    APN: internet.mts.ru
    User: mts
    Password: mts

    Tele2 Russia

    APN: internet.tele2.ru
    User: do not enter anything
    Password: do not enter anything


    APN: internet.beeline.ru
    User: beeline
    Password: beeline


    APN: internet
    User: gdata
    Password: gdata

    Afterwards, be sure to reboot! Otherwise, the problem will remain until the system is turned off. If the settings do not work, you should contact your operator and check that the information is up to date; something may have changed.

    Other options

    If the methods described above do not help bring Internet distribution to life to iPhone smartphones 7 or iPhone 8, then you should change the SIM card to a new one. How more modern than sim card, the more memory cells there are on it, where files with the parameters necessary for work are stored. Don’t be afraid to lose your phone number, now this is not a problem, even when switching from one operator to another.

    It is extremely rare to resort to iTunes help. Using the program we update iOS system before current version. Immediately after the update, iTunes will automatically download and upload to the device the current “APN” values ​​necessary to distribute the Internet from the iPhone.


    The article discussed what steps to take to set up modem mode on iPhone 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 when the error “To enable modem mode, contact Carrier” appears. We provided APN parameters for the “Big Four” wireless voice and Internet communication providers. With the help of pictures and video instructions you can do it. I hope we helped you, see you on the pages of the site!

    Video instruction

    In different life situations You may need the Internet, for example for a laptop, Apple TV, and so on. In such cases, modem mode on the iPhone will help. In this article we will look at the instructions -. There is nothing difficult to set up, the main thing is to follow a few steps and know the operator data, but more on that later in the article.

    How to set up modem mode on iPhone

    In order to use your iPhone as a modem, you need access to a 3G or higher mobile network (4G LTE).
    To set up tethering mode on iPhone:

    1. Enter the Settings app.
    2. Go to the "" section.
    3. Open the Data Options tab.
    4. Then go to the next tab “Cellular Data Network”
    5. At the bottom of the settings tab there will be “Modem Mode”. You need to enter data in the empty fields:
      • APN - individual operator data (see below for your operator).
      • Username - field with the name of your network.
      • Password - create a password to connect to the network.
    6. Restart your iPhone.
    7. Go to Settings again
    8. Under the “Cellular Communications” section, a new “Modem Mode” item will appear.

    Below is the APN data of the operators mobile communications Russia, Ukraine, Belarus.

    Modem mode settings for Russian telecom operators

    Modem mode settings of Ukrainian telecom operators

    Modem mode settings of Belarusian telecom operators

    How to distribute Internet from iPhone

    There are several ways to distribute Internet from an iPhone:

    • Wi-Fi connection
    • Bluetooth connection
    • USB connection

    How to distribute Internet from iPhone via Wi-Fi

    1. Select “iPhone” in the Wi-Fi settings of your computer or other device.
    2. Enter your password when prompted.

    How to share internet from iPhone via Bluetooth

    1. Pair your iPhone and computer.
    2. On iPhone, tap “Pair” and enter the code shown on your computer.
    3. Connect to iPhone from your computer.

    How to distribute Internet from iPhone via USB

    1. Connect your iPhone to your computer via Lightning/USB.
    2. On your computer, select “iPhone” in the network services settings.

    If you, like me, don’t know where the modem mode in iOS went, then here I’ll show you how to enable it. Because it is specifically disabled by default in iOS and you need to manually enable it.

    To enable modem mode and you had an item in the iPhone settings “modem mode”, as shown in the screenshot below. You need to do the following...

    Enter settings - cellular communications.

    Then click on Data Options.

    Now you have your cellular data settings open. Scroll to the bottom of these settings.

    At the very bottom there are settings for modem mode parameters.

    • If you have tele2, enter APN in the line internet.tele2.ru. Leave username and password blank
    • If you have Megafon, then enter in the APN line internet. In the username and password lines, enter gdata
    • If you have MTS, then enter in the APN line internet.mts.ru. We write the username and password in the lines mts
    • If you have Beeline, then write in APN internet.beeline.ru. In the lines we write the username and password beeline

    Modem mode allows you to use a mobile data connection iPhone devices or iPad (Wi-Fi + Cellular) to connect to the Internet. If you need help using tethering mode on your iOS device, follow these steps.

    Basic Actions

    After each action, check to see if the problem is resolved.

    1. Make sure the Modem Mode feature is enabled. You can do this from one of two screens: Settings > Tethering or Settings > Cellular > Tethering. If you can't find or enable the Tethering feature, check to see if your carrier supports cellular communications this mode and whether it is included in your tariff plan.
    2. Change the way you connect to the Internet. For example, instead of connecting via Wi-Fi, choose to connect via Bluetooth or a USB cable.
    3. with the “Modem mode” function active. After this, restart the second device.
    4. Make sure it's installed on your iPhone, iPad, or other device.
    5. On an iPhone or iPad with Tethering enabled, go to Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings.

    If you still need help, use the instructions below to activate the Tethering feature available via Wi-Fi, USB, or Bluetooth.

    Problems accessing the "Tethering" function via Wi-Fi

    On the device you want to connect to, go to Settings > Tethering and make sure tethering is turned on. Then check your Wi-Fi password and phone name. Stay on this screen until you are connected to another device on the Wi-Fi network. Then on the target device connected in modem mode, do the following:

    1. Make sure you make the right choice Wi-Fi networks. The network name must match the name iOS devices, on which the “Modem Mode” function is enabled. For the iOS device name, see Settings > General > About This Device.
    2. If a message appears when you try to connect via the Modem Mode function: wrong password, check your Wi-Fi network password. To do this, go to Settings > Modem Mode on your device running in modem mode.
    3. Its status bar displays the number of devices using the Modem Mode feature. Some cellular operators impose a limit on the number of connections.
    4. Turn off and on again the device connected via the Modem Mode function.

    I think many of you have been in a situation where you have a regular PC or laptop nearby, but there are no Internet access points on it. And access to the network is very necessary from a computer. If you have your own iPhone, it will help you solve this problem using the modem function.

    In this article we will talk about how to enable modem mode if you have it in the settings. There are also cases when this item is simply hidden in the menu, and if you have a similar case, then you will learn how to return this setting. The only thing you need is access to the network on your iPhone (preferably unlimited, since you simply won’t notice how you’ll go into a huge minus on your balance).

    How to enable tethering mode on iPhone

    To do this, follow the following instructions:

    1. Go to “Settings”.
    2. Click “Cellular” and there are two scenarios here: you see the “Modem Mode” item or it doesn’t exist, but we’ll talk about that later.
    3. Go to “Cellular Data Network”. It often happens that this setting is at the very bottom, so scroll to the very bottom. Then you will see blank fields “Name, APN Password”. You need to enter any username (this will be enough).
    4. Now the active “Modem Mode” should appear in the settings. If it is inactive, then go to the “Cellular Communications” item again and turn on the modem.
    5. “Modem mode” is enabled and all that remains is to connect to it through another device and use the Internet.

    Setting up the function via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or USB

    Apple developers took care of their users in advance and made it possible to distribute access to World Wide Web You can use Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or USB, which is quite convenient and easy. Let's look at each method in more detail.

    Connecting “Modem Mode” via USB

    If you have Windows 7 or older or Ubuntu installed on your computer, then you can easily set up your iPhone as a modem via USB, just follow the instructions below:

    1. Connect your phone via cable to your computer and, as a rule, you will see a window with a choice of programs to launch. Just close it, as it doesn't make any difference for setting up the Internet.
    2. Go to “Settings” and go to modem mode, there you will see the “Shared USB modem” item. After turning it on, your computer is in mode sharing to the Internet.
    3. To disable this mode, simply disable the USB tethering feature on your phone and disconnect USB cable from the computer.

    Connecting “Modem Mode” via Bluetooth

    Apple equipment can also support network access via Bluetooth, and to set up such a connection follow the instructions:

    1. Connect your phone and computer using Bluetooth data.
    2. Set up an Internet connection on your computer via Bluetooth (how to set it up correctly depends on the computer model, so for this information it is better to refer to the instructions that come with the computer).
    3. Go to the Settings menu on your phone and turn on Modem Mode.
    4. Enable the USB Tethering feature. Your phone and computer are now in shared mode.

    Connecting “Modem Mode” via Wi-Fi

    It is very easy to make your phone distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi, and you will now see for yourself. To do this, follow the instructions:

    1. Open Settings and go to the Modem Mode menu.
    2. Find the “Wi-fi hotspot” function and activate it. Now the phone will be able to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi to which up to eight users can connect simultaneously.
    3. To disable the distribution of Internet access, do everything in reverse order.

    Additional Information

    In modem mode, when another device is connected to you, the status bar changes color to blue and displays the number of connected devices, which makes it easy to monitor the status of Internet distribution.

    You should also remember that when distributing access to the network via Wi-Fi, only cellular network data transmission.

    As you can see, there are many ways to distribute the Internet through your phone. Each method works the same and does not require additional knowledge. Everything is set up quickly, and in a couple of minutes you can turn your iPhone into an Internet access point.

    Access to free Wi-Fi Unfortunately, it is not available everywhere and this often causes serious problems. If you don’t have a 3G modem at hand, then it would seem like it’s time to start despairing. However, not many people know that using their iPhone, any user can create an Internet access point and distribute Wi-Fi to other devices.

    You can use this feature in any way you like: help out friends who have run out of traffic on their smartphones, access the Internet with iPad Wi-Fi only or connect the same laptop while on the train. The best part is that setting up an access point, unlike routers various models, on iPhone will take you have less than a minute.

    Step 1: Make sure the menu Settings -> cellular switches activated Cellular data And Enable 3G

    Step 2: Go back to the menu Settings and go to Modem mode

    Step 3: Activate the Slider Modem mode. If Bluetooth is turned off, the system will give you a pop-up message asking you to activate it. If your computer has a Bluetooth adapter, then select Enable Bluetooth for further connection

    Step 4. Specify what you want Wi-Fi password connections

    After completing these simple steps, you will be able to connect to the Internet from another device or directly from your computer. And if the situation with the Wi-Fi connection is clear - you just need to scan the space for the presence of active wireless networks from any device that has Wi-Fi, then the case with connecting via USB needs to be analyzed in more detail.

    In order to access the Internet from a PC using your iPhone as a modem using a USB cable, you need to:

    • Connect iPhone to computer
    • Go to Control Panel -> Network and Internet ->View network status and tasks and make sure that the connection is activated
    • If this connection is not shown, restart your computer and connect your iPhone again

    Attention: may be required reinstalling iTunes(it is advisable to use the current version).

    iPhones – universal devices. They allow you not only to make calls and surf the Internet, but can also act as a modem themselves. With their help, you can distribute traffic to selected subscribers within the range of the network (or the length of the USB cable). For this purpose, a special mode is provided; it is enough to activate and configure it to provide the Internet to any device: from smartphones or smart watches to a computer.

    No modem mode?

    Often after installing new updates on the iPhone, without visible reasons Some network settings are lost. This is how the modem mode stops working, or the system hangs endlessly on the window running process. But the problem is not new, the situation repeats itself every time different frequencies and no one is safe from it.

    The next one, the ninth in a row, did not escape similar problems. iOS version. After the update, users simply lost the corresponding item in the menu, or when they tried to turn it on, the smartphone was stuck in the startup state for a long time.

    But in fact, the modem distribution function itself has not gone away. It turned out that Apple simply disabled this mode by default - they say that rarely anyone uses it anyway. And of course, this was partly done to avoid responsibility for its operation, taking into account the peculiarities of the Internet settings of operators around the world. After all, explaining this to users each time requires a lot of time from the technical support service. And so iPhone owner, at your own peril and risk, allows third parties access to it, which means there are no claims against the manufacturer.

    However, in reality, many users have become accustomed to using their iPhone as a hotspot, and now they feel like they are hands-free. For example, on the road it is much more convenient to work on a laptop, receiving traffic from a smartphone “over the air” or via cable, without an additional router. So let's figure out how to return the ability to distribute the Internet through your iPhone.

    How to activate?

    If the connection in modem mode does not work in iOS 9, you will need to first enable it and then manually enter the details of your operator.

    So, to do this, find the cellular communications section in the settings, scroll to the item - Modem mode, and put it opposite “enable”.

    Done, modem mode is activated. Now you need to enter your operator’s settings in the cellular data tabs provided for this. The example below shows network settings Megaphone.

    We also offer appropriate settings for the most popular domestic operators communications.

    If you are connected to Beeline , in the first paragraph - APN, we write: internet.beeline.ru, in the second - Username, we set: beeline, in the third - the password, again - beeline.

    U Tele2 everything is much simpler: in the APN line we enter: internet.tele2.ru, and you just need to leave the username and password fields blank.

    In the settings for Yota also only the APN line is filled in, where -internet.yota is indicated, the other two remain blank.

    For MTS everything looks like this: in the first paragraph we put - internet.mts.ru, in the remaining two - mts.

    Users Motivtelecom enter: in APN - inet.ycc.ru, as login and password - motiv.


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