What are memes in VKontakte. What is this meme? Meme concept in popular culture

What are memes in contact, examples of memes on different topics, photos and pictures.

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Thanks to the Internet, our vocabulary is replenished with new words at tremendous speed. Sometimes we don’t understand a word, and we want to know what it means. Recently, a novice Internet user asked me the question: “What are memes in VKontakte?”

I decided to answer on my blog. I’ll explain it in a simple way, as I understand it myself. Memes are not only in contact, they can be posted on any social networks, on forums, in chats, and so on.

In short, wherever people communicate. A meme is a kind of humor, satire. This is a joke, with the difference that the joke belongs to the conversational genre, you can either listen to it or read it.

A meme is a picture with a caption that makes you laugh or smile. And if, when reading a joke, we have to think about its meaning in order to grasp the essence, then in memes all the “salt” is in the picture.

And as you know, images convey information faster. No wonder they say that it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times.

Examples of memes in pictures

I've put together a few memes for you to understand what I'm talking about here. Memes are also called demotivators.

Personally, memes remind me of funny comics that were popular before the advent of the Internet.

A little about politics

About male friendship

Well, a little about sex, but what would we do without it? The inscription on the T-shirt is “Porn Star”.

I think you understand the essence of what memes are. And now we will find out the meaning of the word “Meme”.

Meaning of the word Meme

Let's turn to Wikipedia for help: “Memes (English “meme”) - in memetics, a unit of cultural information, tends to rapid spread from one person to another through demonstration, training and more"

IN internet meme- these are virally spreading phrases or pictures that have become popular and are instantly picked up by the majority of users.

born word meme thanks to Professor Dawkins of Oxford. He described it in his book The Selfish Gene, which was published in 1976. By the way, in terms of properties, the word meme has a lot in common with the word gene.

If a gene is a unit of hereditary material, then a meme is a unit of information material.

Who is the author of memes

It’s safe to say about memes that they are purely folk art. Any of you can create memes. Another thing is that the memes of some people spread across the Internet with great speed and become popular, while the memes of others will not even cause a smile.

But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to create memes. This type activities develop creativity, imagination, and ingenuity.

Currently, on the Internet there are many online generators and meme constructors, where thousands of funny, cool pictures are collected.

All you need is creative ingenuity and a cool, uncluttered signature, a sense of humor and knowledge of pressing issues. Memes can be created from photographs, pictures.

What topics are popular

Memes on current, “fresh” events from the world of sports, politics, and so on are always popular. They never go out of fashion and are always on the “crest of the wave” with demotivators on everyday topics, family relationships, finding a partner, and Internet dating.

They use pictures ridiculing stupidity, stupidity, laziness, tardiness, and so on. Try your hand at creating memes, this is a great, viral way to promote your account, group on social networks, and so on.

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Now, in the information age, people are accustomed to expressing most of their emotions on the Internet. They do this with emoticons, stickers, newfangled words and memes. Today we will talk about what memes are. You will find out when they appeared and learn how to make them yourself.

What is a meme?

This is a picture with an inscription, created with the aim of making a joke about some situation or expressing your emotions. They appeared around the same time as the emergence of the Internet. Most often, each picture carries some deep meaning.

The most popular memes that everyone knows:

As you may have guessed, memes are created based on funny pictures and video. IN Lately they are created based on epic phrases that blew up the entire Internet:

  1. This is a fiasco, bro!
  2. This is Sparta!
  3. Dude, this is rap!
  4. You're telling me something crazy!

Memes are great way cheer yourself up and laugh. This is why people spend a lot of time on the Internet and social networks. They can be found in posts of various VKontakte groups, as well as on sites:

How to make a meme

If for you highest degree expressions of emotions are memes, then you can make them yourself.

What you need to make a meme:

If you are too lazy to create a meme yourself, then there are special meme generators. These generators already have built-in pictures on the basis of which a meme will be created. The most popular templates in such generators:

Such generators can be found on the sites:

  1. risovach.com;
  2. mr-mem.ru;
  3. memok.net/create;
  4. 1001mem.ru/create_meme.

They have very user-friendly interface. You will immediately see lines for entering text. First you need to select the image on which the inscription will be applied. And after that you will need to enter the text that you came up with for your meme.

What memes should not be made

Humor is great, but you need to know your boundaries everywhere. There are topics that it is better not to touch on in your jokes. Which means there is also Memes you shouldn't make:

Now you know that creating memes is very easy. Every day there are more and more of them on the Internet. Try creating memes and sending them to your friends on VK. If they like it, then send your memes to various groups social network VKontakte and gain popularity!

Popular memes

General information

The term "meme" comes from the Greek word μίμημα , "similarity" The concept of a meme and its concept were developed by Richard Dawkins in 1976 in his book The Selfish Gene. He first proposed the concept of a replicator as applied to sociocultural processes. This theory was described in his next book, The Extended Phenotype.

Dawkins introduced the concept of “meme”, which he used to describe the processes of storage and distribution individual elements culture. Edward Osborne Wilson and Charles Lumsden (English) Russian in the same years, they proposed the concept of the cultural gene, which is also based on an analogy between the mechanisms of transmission of genetic and cultural information.

Vertical transmission of ideas is when a person receives certain ideas “inherited” from predecessors, parents, educators, through oral transmission, books, or other cultural artifacts. The horizontal transmission of ideas occurs from person to person and from culture to culture.

Essentially, memes are pure information, but their functioning has noticeable physical and behavioral consequences. Examples of memes similar to genes are “melodies, ideas, buzzwords and expressions, various crafts.”

This idea is also discussed in Douglas Rushkoff’s book “Media Virus”: memes are considered in connection with their ability to spread through media channels and the Internet, causing socially significant consequences (for example, influencing the election of politicians, changing public beliefs, influencing children's audiences, etc.) .

Complex meme

Memes can spread horizontally (between members of the same generation) and vertically (from generation to generation). Memes often form groups - complex memes that unite several memes for joint mastery of minds and for strengthening in the struggle of ideas. A complex meme in literature is also called a memeplex. memeplex) - this abbreviation is derived from the words “memetic complex”.

The best examples of complex memes are religious or political doctrines. Thus, we can say that Christianity is a consequence of the development of the Christian memeplex, including the idea of ​​the church. In the process of the division of faiths (Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Protestantism), believers added and deleted various memes, which led to the formation of independent complex memes (religions, sects) within the main memeplex of Christianity.

Recently, as a rule, the medium for the spread of Internet memes is the blogosphere and forums, however, memes can also spread using web pagers, email and go beyond the Internet, for example, ending up in the media (in such cases the concept of “media virus” is also used ").

Perceptible public response in the mid-2000s sparked the Internet meme "Preved".

Media viruses (media memes)

Memes, among other things, can be spread through the media. This aspect of the phenomenon was studied by the American media researcher Douglas Rushkoff, who used the term “media virus” and published the book “Media Virus” in 1994. How Pop Culture Secretly Affects Your Mind.

As a Russian example of a media virus, one can cite the popular project “Lenin is a Mushroom” by Sergei Kuryokhin, framed as an interview as part of Sergei Sholokhov’s journalistic television program “The Fifth Wheel” and shown on Leningrad Television on May 17, 1991.

Meme concept in popular culture

The very concept of a meme, in turn, has become part of popular culture. The concepts of “meme” and “memetics” in one form or another are found in many works of art.

"Viruses of the mind" are a key plot element in various science fiction works. Thus, the story “Digital to Analogue” by Alastair Reynolds describes a “memetic” epidemic spreading through musical works. The novel Absloution Gap by the same author tells about a religious movement whose members use biological viruses as carriers of memes.

In addition to the almost traditional negative attitude towards memes, they sometimes also perform useful social functions, promptly attracting public attention to one or another “sick” topic.

see also

  • List of Internet memes
  • Membot
  • Lena Golovach



  • Dawkins Richard. Selfish gene. - M.: Mir, 1993. - P. 318. - ISBN 5-03-002531-6 (Russian)
  • Brody Richard. Psychic viruses. - M.: IVC Marketing, 2002. - P. 192.


  • Memetik und Recht (German)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

0 People using the Internet on permanent basis periodically stumble upon various images with hilarious captions, and sometimes they wonder what these pictures are? In this short article, we will just examine such a concept as Meme, which means you can read below.
However, before continuing, I would like to recommend you a few more sensible publications on the subject of memes. For example, what does the “Blood Navalny” meme mean; watch memes about Hitler; what does the meme mean? You can’t just take it; look at memes about Mom, etc.
So let's continue what does Meme mean?? Now memes have become something completely unimaginable just 15 years ago. Back then they were just silly pictures, but now they are essentially becoming another form of mass media.

Memes- this is something or someone that has become popular on the World Wide Web, and has become the subject of mass hype, and is expressed in the form of a picture or photograph with a caption

In fact, the word meme was first coined by a professor Dawkins from Oxford in his popular book, The Selfish Gene, published in 1976.
It is in this work that the word “meme” first appears, which Dawkins uses to mean “ unit of cultural information", which can spread very quickly.

The most popular form of memes today is Advice (graphic memes expressed in the form of comics, posters and, of course, pictures).

Some memes act as excellent anti-advertising for certain products. I can assume that the noticeable reduction in the use of Yazhka by adolescents is associated precisely with memes which emphasized the connection between cattle and the Jaguar drink. That is, if you drink Yaga, then you accordingly become cattle and scum in the eyes of others. Therefore, uncertainty began to form in the souls of these teenagers, and the fear that they would be caught with this drink in their hands.
However, having abandoned Yazhka, young people began to use other substances, which, however, does not at all reduce the possibility meme influence people.

Most memes are created precisely in order to leave a positive aftertaste from viewing a picture, to make a person grin, or even scream.
Gradually memes They form in children a sense of what can be done and what situations it is better not to get into so as not to be laughed at. In fact, memes began to shape the thinking of schoolchildren, and whether this is good or bad, we can conclude in twenty years, when former schoolchildren begin to “rule” the country.

Some particularly stubborn individuals, splashing saliva and knocking themselves in the chest with their heels, broadcast that soon memes They will die out like mammoths. However, they do not take into account the fact that this art easily evolves and adapts to its surroundings. Thousands, tens of thousands of authors are sitting at this moment on the next meme, which may well shake all the foundations of the World Wide Web.

Unfortunately, Internet trolling has also made its way among the creators memes, and we can find many pictures that offend individuals. However, you shouldn’t get hung up on this, and you shouldn’t pay attention to this kind of provocation.

After reading this short article, for which special thanks to you, you learned what a meme means and understood how it influences society. From this we can conclude that memas when used skillfully, it can generate not only vile grins, but also bring significant benefits in education and informing citizens.

What Internet jokes do we come across most often?

With development World Wide Web Users are finding more and more new methods of communication. One of the most original ways The exchange of information has now become memes - viral ironic and witty drawings, photos and demotivators.

1. Troll and rage faces

These funny faces, seemingly drawn by a child, have been conquering the Internet since 2008. Millions of users today use them when creating demotivators or as comments on posts to express a variety of emotions - from happiness and tenderness, to grief and awkwardness. Initially, these pictures were created for simple comic comics on various forums. But thanks to their simplicity, which clearly conveys feelings, they soon became recognizable to any user. For example, what a “trollface” is, it’s simply unnecessary to explain - everyone knows this face.

2. Movie memes

Travolta is confused. 20 years after the release of Quentin Tarantino’s cult film “Pulp Fiction,” Internet users gave new life the character Vincent Vega, played by John Travolta in the film. Just a few seconds of doubt and confusion in Travolta’s performance today fit very organically into the frames of other popular films, as well as into current news videos or simply iconic life situations.

The Great Gatsby. Internet users really liked the shot with actor Leonardo DiCaprio from the movie “The Great Gatsby.” With different captions, this picture is used to illustrate either cynicism, sarcasm, or borderline humor.

A shot of the character Boromir along with the first part of his catchphrase from The Lord of the Rings is one of the most recognizable memes today. However, few people remember that in the film itself he said: “One does not simply walk into Mordor.” That is, “You can’t just go into Mordor.”

Internet users are already accustomed to ending Boromir’s phrase in their own way, depending on what process or event they want to ridicule.

Meme about Karl. Not everyone knows where Internet trolls got the pictures with a boy in a big hat and his crying father. This meme originated from the post-apocalyptic American TV series The Walking Dead. In fact, according to the original plot, there is nothing funny in these pictures. After all, they depict the moment when the main character of the series, Rick, realizes that his wife died in childbirth, after which he begins to cry and scream, and his son Carl, in shock, just stands and is silent.

The episode first began to be laughed at when it appeared on YouTube in 2013 in a re-edited version called "Rick Finds Out His Son Carl Is Gay."

But Carl truly became a meme at the behest of the American publication Buzzfeed, which posted the material “The 19 Best Dad Jokes from Rick.” Then the beginning of all the demativators with the boy in the hat began.

Facepalm or hand. If you come across terribly stupid or mediocre material on the Internet, this picture without unnecessary words will help convey all your feelings to the author of the publication. A lowered head with a hand covering his face very clearly explains to anyone - “you did this in vain.” This gesture became especially popular when performed by the captain from the American TV series " Star Trek"(Star Trek).

3. Memes with real people

Disaster girl. In 2007, photographer Dave Roth, while walking with his daughter Zoe, saw training sessions firefighters and photographed his daughter against the backdrop of a specially set fire to a house.

Sasha Fokin. The Ukrainian boy Sasha also distinguished himself on the Internet. The teenager appeared on a TV show on one of domestic channels, in which all his favorite games were removed from 11-year-old Sasha’s computer. It was the hero’s reaction to the tragic loss that formed the basis of the meme. Nowadays it is used when someone loses something very important for virtual life.


Yao Ming. The image of Chinese basketball player Yao Ming has become a famous meme thanks to the interesting facial expression that the cameras were able to capture. Yao Ming Face is used online as a reaction to unwise words or to show contempt.

Sad Keanu. Actor Keanu Reeves became a victim of photoshoppers after a successful paparazzi photo. Photographers caught the actor in the park, sitting on a bench with a pie in his hand. The actor looked quite sad, but it was this look of him in hundreds of photoshopped images that made his photo one of the most famous memes on the Internet.


Cheerful Leo. A photograph of actor Leonardo DiCaprio striding down the street and swinging his arms unnaturally strongly appeared during the filming of the film Inception. The photo instantly spread across the Internet and became the victim of thousands of photoshoots. The satisfied actor visited the moon, escaped from the Titanic and found himself in all situations where his happy smile was completely inappropriate.


Putin on horseback. Russian President Vladimir Putin was also affected by the fate of the photoshoot victim. His naked torso, which he “shone” while riding a horse, became the reason for the appearance of hundreds of funny memes.


girl with soap bubbles. A little girl in a yellow raincoat, who funny runs somewhere with soap bubbles, became the heroine of the Internet space already in 2009. Since then, she has run away from everyone - bears, explosions and dinosaurs.


What kid? The history of this funny meme, which is used to express complete misunderstanding, is no less epic than the expression on the hero’s face itself. A well-known meme was a screenshot from an educational video for children on correct use toilet.

Successful child. Users turned a photo of little Sammy holding sand in his fist, about to eat it, into a meme - a symbol of success. The baby's gesture was perceived as a manifestation of an imperious character and began to be used to mean the successful resolution of certain cases. It should be noted that Sammy’s worldwide popularity thanks to the meme helped him raise money for an operation for his father.

4. Animal memes

It should be noted that users express their opinions on the Internet not only with the help of movie footage and funny drawn faces. Animals often become Internet stars, and later famous memes. Due to the special expression of the muzzle or good photo, the smaller brothers manage to portray a whole palette of emotions - from sarcasm to surprise.

"Angry cat" In particular, among the most famous animals among users is the Grumpy Cat. The image of a dissatisfied cat, which owes its popularity to an incorrect bite, is most often used to express dissatisfaction or complete indifference to something. It should be noted that the cat became the “meme of the year” in 2013.

"Johnny Catswill" The funny shot, which later became a famous meme, was taken by the cat’s owner quite by accident while playing with the animal. However, after getting onto the Internet, the furry one became a “blogger,” supposedly taking pictures against the backdrop of interesting events.

"Damned fox." A separate point worth remembering is the fox - a not very successful work by taxidermist Adele Morse - which became very popular in the CIS countries, reminiscent of a sad drug addict in its appearance.


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