What is Lois in VK. "Like" or "Not-Like", that is the question! From the history of social networks

Like is an action on the Internet that expresses a liking for text or multimedia content. From English, the word means "like".

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In this article, we will tell you how to like, what it means in the world of marketing, and how you can use this tool.

From the history of social networks

The innovation first appeared on Facebook. In 2010, the developers added an approve badge so that each user can show their favor to the post. This site was followed by all the others; at the moment, almost any material posted on the network can be evaluated.

This button looks different on different resources:

What Like Shows

For the user, this is a convenient opportunity to mark what he liked, in some cases - to draw the attention of the account owner and get a like from him in return.

For the author of a post, a like is an indicator that the user is interested in the publication, its author, and possibly the page itself, account, group, public, where the content they liked is posted. The button has gained popularity on all sites, and is useful for both authors of publications and subscribers.

What is like from a marketing point of view

For marketers, the addition of the Like feature has brought a new way to go viral. Viral content travels much faster across the network when it is distributed by the users themselves. Previously, for these purposes, spam mailings were actively used, which were negatively perceived by the audience.

Now the task of like marketing is to create a post with interesting content. Consider the following guidelines:

The number of likes is one of the criteria by which posts in the feed are ranked. The more users like you, the more likely your post will be featured in recommendations. This means that your post will be seen by many people, each of whom can become your potential subscriber.

Like is a way to get approval and express your affection for someone else's posts. At the moment, this direction in marketing is developing at a high speed.

In order to express your positive attitude, you used to have to choose the right words. Today it is possible to cope with this complex task with a single click of a computer mouse. Knowing what a like is, you don't have to waste time writing long comments.

What is like and repost?

Modern social networks cannot be imagined without approval (less often disapproval) buttons for this or that content. This functionality is called “ like"- from the English like (" like "). It can be found not only on the pages of social networks, but also on other sites that voluntarily embed this mechanism of social interaction.

The main functions of the "Like" button:

  • Users express sympathy or complicity with a particular event;
  • The author of the post gets the opportunity to determine the surge in popularity for a particular post and adjust his work in accordance with the preferences of visitors;
  • Third-party sites that embed likes into their functionality may display targeted ads that target a specific audience of the portal.

On most sites created on the basis of the concept of Web 2.0, there is also the possibility of repost (from the English repost - "republishing"). Thereby the material you like will be displayed in the user's feed... In some cases, repost can be used as an alternative to adding to the "Bookmarks" of the browser.

Like creation history

The opportunity to express your attitude to the material published on the site was back in 1998. It was provided by the Dutch Surfbook website, created by programmer Josef Van Der Meer. People on it could exchange messages with each other and transfer some of the content to their feed.

However, in the modern sense, the history of the "like" button is associated with the American social network Facebook:

Analogues on other sites

As the most popular project of its kind, Facebook has a huge impact on the Internet industry.

In less than a few years, almost every resource acquired its own like:

  • "Class!" - option from Odnoklassniki;
  • “YouTube” presented both “likes” and “dislikes” at the same time to make the video evaluation more objective;
  • "+1" - on Google+;
  • "Surf" - this is the name of the form from the site of search recommendations Surfingbird, which is placed on third-party resources.

In the vast majority of cases, the icon under which one or another Like clone is hidden is executed in the form of a heart, a star, or a hand with a raised thumb (like on Facebook).

Often, the functionality includes the ability to share a message with friends or send it to your news feed.

What is Lois in VK?

The brainchild of Pavel Durov implemented similar functionality a year after its appearance on Facebook - in 2010. Despite the fact that the button on VKontakte bears the name “Like”, the site’s multimillion army habitually calls it “like”, and the very process of expressing approval is “like”.

Teenagers, who make up the lion's share of VK users, soon began to use tongue-tied " lois».

There are several versions of the origin of the name:

  • The word was obtained by multi-stage and gradual distortion of the word. Word games like this are not uncommon on the web. So, until recently, the "language of the padonki" was popular, where instead of the usual "hello", "preved" was used;
  • This is due to an accidental mistake when typing a word in Russian letters on the phone;
  • Special user slang MDK- the scandalous VKontakte community. Its audience is estimated at several million people, so everything that originates in its open spaces very quickly becomes mainstream in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet.

Over time, "Lois" embroidered outside the "VKontakte" and began to enter the lexicon of visitors to other sites: "Odnoklassniki", "Pikabu", etc.

How do I like it?

The invention of Joseph van der Meer today has an insane variety of options. However, the general principles of using it are almost universal:

  1. Most often, the shape with a heart, a raised finger or any other intuitive symbol is located directly below the entry;
  2. In some cases, web designers can move away from the unwritten rules and place functions for expressing social preferences at the top or side of the post. But this happens very rarely;
  3. You only need to press the button once to show your location to the post;
  4. In order to take advantage of this opportunity, you must have an account on the relevant social network. It is impossible to "like" without an account;
  5. Everything that was marked as "liked" is added to a special section of the social network so that you can return to the post after a while. So, in "Vkontakte" these are "Bookmarks" at the address
Being aware of your own elegance gives you a sense of self-confidence. It is important for you to be “well dressed”, fit, solid. Sometimes your appearance can serve as a kind of shield for you, allowing you to fence yourself off from people, communication with whom at the moment is undesirable for you for some reason. At the same time, your appearance, sometimes quite colorful, but always correct, disposes to you, evokes sympathy.

Lais name compatibility, manifestation of love

Lais, you know how to love sincerely, deeply and reverently. With your typical maximalism, you give your feelings the utmost importance. And if a partner is ready to reciprocate you and at the same time meets all your requirements - both in its external appearance and in its internal content - love can take over your whole being for a long time, become the meaning of life. At the same time, your desire to dominate, coupled with the inability or unwillingness to demonstrate the depth of your feelings, can greatly complicate the relationship for your partner: you are passionately in love, but cold and withdrawn; You are ready to idolize, but at the same time you constantly "put in place".


The basis of your motivation is striving for an independent position. That is why you always choose the path that no one else has walked. If the direction is not mastered, then there are no "authorities", and no one will be able to correct your actions, indicate how and where you need to move.

As a result, you do not recognize anyone's right to assert that your opinion is wrong, and that your choice is insufficiently substantiated. It is almost impossible to turn you off the path, to make you doubt your abilities. On the contrary, any criticism spurs you on, provoking you to take even more decisive steps.

The fact that you never try to "shift" responsibility for your actions onto someone else speaks unambiguously in your favor. Wanting to achieve success precisely "in singles", you are ready for the fact that, in case of failure, it will be you who will be blamed for it.

However, a clear mind and courage, which, as you know, "takes the city", make such an outcome unlikely. Therefore, they believe in you and willingly follow you.

If you are an active user of the Internet, then you have probably often seen messages on social networks urging you to put "Lois" under a video or photo.
Everyone is well aware that Lois - it is something like approval, consent, or it should be put when you really liked something.
Where did this "Lois come from?"and what does it really mean?

The history of the concept of "Lois"

Those who have used the Facebook social network must have noticed that there is an opportunity to put the so-called "Like" under the comment or photo you like. The creation of such a concept shook the entire Internet to its foundations. After all, now you can express consent or disgust to the one who "posted" a photo or left a comment.
Now, in order to please the strangers around them on the other side of the monitor, people began to upload terabytes of photos and videos in anticipation of the long-awaited "Likes" (see what emoji are).
A little later, this idea was picked up by simple websites and blogs.

In Runet, as it is customary to call the segment of the Russian Internet, "Laika" has competitors. They are: "I like it", "Class", "+1". However, Lois is gaining more and more popularity. Researchers are inclined to believe that the concept of "Lois" originated from a simple misprint in the term "like".
Indeed, this is actually the case, only the fact is that this typo was made on purpose.

For the first time this concept of "Lois" began to be used in such a popular social network "VKontakte". In the bowels of this network there is a community called " SWEPS AND MIXED SQUARES". As a rule, here they create parodies of various Internet comics, including FFFUUU.
Trying at least something to stand out among others, they decided to change "like". The chronology is as follows, first "laik" appeared, after a while "laic". However, he did not last long, followed by "lais", "lays", "loys", "loyc". Finally, the last term with a slight movement of the hand turned into "Louce", in Russian "Lois". It was this concept that overcame all obstacles and became wildly popular on the network, mainly due to schoolchildren.
Terms such as "lois", "lois", "lays" have a little less meaning.

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