What is software installation? Installation: definition and main types of this computer process

The article talks about what installation is, why this process is needed, and describes the installation of games and software.

Digital Age

Nowadays, computers are becoming increasingly widespread, many can no longer imagine life without them, and almost all enterprises have switched to electronic document management. But just 15 years ago, not everyone could boast of having a home PC, or high-speed unlimited Internet access. And the development of new software has become a profitable business for many, bringing in billions. If you look at the statistics of in-demand professions on the labor market, every year more and more programmers and other similar specialists are required.

And this is natural, because even the most powerful and modern computer without software is nothing more than a set of expensive chips. Operating systems and programs are a kind of layer between man and machine, which serve for their interaction. But for the programs to work, they must first be installed, since you cannot simply transfer a set of files to your computer and expect everything to work by itself; this is why they need to be installed correctly. So what is installation? What is it like and what is it needed for? We'll figure this out.


Before answering this question, it's worth diving a little deeper into how programs work. In its pure form, any of them is a set of sequences of ones and zeros that the processor of a computer or other device interprets into certain commands. But such programs were common a long time ago, when PCs did not have a graphical interface and were “fed” programs directly.

But now, if you look at almost any software, then in addition to the interface, you will notice a lot of other things: additional fonts, language packs, help files, online checking for updates and much more. All this is hidden in special system libraries, and they need to be copied correctly. True, the installation can be different, but first things first. So what is installation?


Almost all programs are delivered in compressed or packaged form, which is natural, because it is much easier to download one installation archive and get everything you need from it than to download or copy dozens, or even hundreds of different files. For example, just look at the catalog of any software to ask the question: “What is an installation?”

Installation is a copying process to the end user's computer. It cannot be called a regular copying to the file system, since during the installation process a special program (package manager) checks the computer for compatibility, the presence of the necessary accompanying software, etc.

Then the installer places files on the disk in the required sequence, creates additional directories if they are needed, makes entries in the registry, startup, associates files, etc. So now we know what installing a program is.

As you can see, during this process the computer performs many actions, although the user, most often, does not notice any of this. It is also worth noting that we will use this term in relation to plug-ins and drivers, although they themselves are not programs.


There are also several basic installation types. And although they do the same job, their methods are slightly different. And when examining the question of what software installation is, it is worth mentioning the most common ones.

For example, a “silent” installation is performed without displaying pop-ups and other things. The user starts the process and after some time simply receives a program ready to use.

Automatic installation (the most common) occurs without human intervention, of course, except for the launch itself and some settings, for example, instructions on where to unpack the software, whether to create a shortcut to launch, etc.

Manual installation is different in that it requires many complex steps.

There are also some that are not required, and the entire installation consists only in the fact that they simply copy the files to the hard drive on their own. So now we know what installing a program is.


Computer games have long ceased to be some kind of childish or primitive entertainment. This is a profitable business, and many large companies spend tens or even hundreds of millions on creating the next toy that brings in profits several times more.

So what is a game installation? Essentially, this is the same as installing another program. During this process, game materials (models, sound, textures, etc.) and executable files are copied to the hard drive, which assemble it all into a three-dimensional controlled image.

Without suitable, well-tuned software, even the most powerful modern computer will not work at full capacity, and its real capabilities will remain untapped.

Setting up a variety of programs specifically for each user’s tasks is the key to comfortable and confident work on the computer. Installing programs is a wide field of activity: the number of applications is so large that it can sometimes be very difficult to navigate new products and system requirements.

Write in your notebook:

Installation or installation- the process of installing software on the end user's computer.

Uninstallation- action opposite to installation; the process of removing a software product from a disk or computer

Let's consider the concepts:

1. What is a distribution kit.

2. Types of software installation.

3. License agreement

    Distribution(English distribute - distribute) is a set of programs designed for the initial installation of software.

For example, an operating system distribution usually contains programs for initial initialization - initializing the hardware, loading a stripped-down version of the system and running the installer program, an installer program (for selecting installation modes and parameters) and a set of special files containing individual parts of the system (so-called packages ).

Write in your notebook:

Distribution is a package of files made specifically for the convenience of installing the program on a fairly arbitrary computer.

README file(from English read me

2. Software installation

A distribution kit (software) is a kit (usually a set of files) adapted for software distribution. May include auxiliary tools for automatic or automated initial software configuration (installer).

The same is true when using a software distribution - only the necessary files are installed, and in such a way that they are correctly seen by the operating system. The initial parameters, language, and connection method, for example, to the Internet, are also configured.

Types of distributions:

    Archive(.zip, .rar, .tar.gz, etc.) - manual distribution

    Executable file- distribution kit with an automated installer, allows the user to specify the necessary parameters during installation.

    Set on CD/DVD- such a distribution usually consists of several files and is accompanied by an automated installer. Used for large software packages and system software (OS distributions, Windows, various Linux distributions).

Most programs are supplied for sale and distribution in compressed (packaged) form. To function properly, they must be unpacked and the necessary data placed correctly on the computer, taking into account differences between computers and user settings. During the installation process, various tests are performed to ensure compliance with the specified requirements, and the computer is configured (set up) as necessary to store the files and data necessary for the correct operation of the program.

Installation includes placing all the files needed by the program in the appropriate places in the file system. Many programs (including operating systems) come with a universal or custom installer - a program that automates much of the work required to install them.

Write in your notebook:

Installer is a computer program that installs files, such as applications, drivers, or other software, on a computer. It is launched from the SETUP.EXE or INSTALL.EXE file

The distribution may also contain README file(from English read me- “read me”) is a text file containing information about other files.

Without suitable, well-tuned software, even the most powerful and modern computer will not work at full capacity, and its real capabilities will remain unused.

Setting up a variety of programs specifically for each user’s tasks is the key to comfortable and confident work on the computer. Installing programs is a wide field of activity: the number of applications is so large that it can sometimes be very difficult to navigate new products and system requirements.

Installation or installation is the process of installing software on the end user's computer.

Let's consider the concepts:

What is a distribution kit?

Types of software installation.

License agreement

A distribution kit (English: distribute) is a form of software distribution.

For example, an operating system distribution usually contains programs for initial initialization - initializing the hardware, loading a stripped-down version of the system and running the installer), an installer program (for selecting installation modes and parameters) and a set of special files containing individual parts of the system (the so-called packages).

A distribution kit is a package, an assembly made specifically for the convenience of installing a program on a fairly arbitrary computer.

The distribution may also contain a README file (from the English read me “read me”) - a text file containing information about other files.

2. Software installation

A distribution kit (software) is a kit (usually a set of files) adapted for software distribution. May include auxiliary tools for automatic or automated initial software configuration (installer). The same is true when using a software distribution - only the necessary files are installed, and in such a way that they are correctly seen by the operating system. The initial parameters, language, and connection method, for example, to the Internet, are also configured.

Types of distributions:

Archive (.zip, .rar, .tar.gz, etc.) - manual distribution

An executable file is a distribution kit with an automated installer that allows the user to specify the necessary parameters during installation.

Kit on CD/DVD - such a distribution kit, as a rule, consists of several files and is accompanied by an automated installer. Used for large software packages and system software (Windows OS distributions, various Linux distributions).

Most programs are supplied for sale and distribution in compressed (packaged) form. To function properly, they must be unpacked and the necessary data placed correctly on the computer, taking into account differences between computers and user settings. During the installation process, various tests are performed to ensure compliance with the specified requirements, and the computer is configured (set up) as necessary to store the files and data necessary for the correct operation of the program. Installation includes placing all the files needed by the program in the appropriate places in the file system. Many programs (including operating systems) come with a universal or custom installer—a program that automates much of the work required to install them.

An installer is a computer program that installs files, such as applications, drivers, or other software, onto a computer. It is launched from the SETUP file. EXE or INSTALL. EXE The distribution may also contain a README file (from the English read me - “read me”), a text file containing information about other files.

3. License agreement

Programs according to their legal status can be divided into three large groups: Write in your notebook:

· licensed


· freely distributed programs (freeware).

Distributions of licensed programs are sold to users. In accordance with the license agreement, program developers guarantee its normal functioning in a specific operating system and are responsible for this.

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"Software Installation"



1. How to install new software

2. Main problems when installing programs

3. What is the installer

4. How to install the program



installation software

Software installation, installation- the process of installing software on the end user's computer.

Installation is executed by a special program present in the operating system, or by an installation tool included in the software itself.

An installer is a computer program that installs files, such as applications, drivers, or other software, onto a computer. It is launched from the SETUP.EXE or INSTALL.EXE file

Each software product is, first of all, an executable module with the extension *.EXE (for example, ARJ.EXE) or *.COM (for example, WIN.COM), and this module can work either independently (for example, ARJ.EXE) , or accompanied by many service files and other programs (for example, WIN.COM).

1 . How to install new softwaresecurity

Before the advent of modern software products, the problem of installing a program on a PC practically did not exist: the executable module was simply copied from a floppy disk to any directory on the hard drive (if necessary, along with service files), and then launched for execution using conventional MS-DOS tools. If the product was compatible with the hardware, it operated in accordance with the conventions intended by the software developer.

Simple programs are still installed in the same way. For example, to install an archiver or a program for copying large files to floppy disks (such as LONG.EXE), you simply need to copy the corresponding module from a floppy disk or CD to any directory.

However, for most modern software products, developers provide a special installation procedure, which uses a special distribution copy of the product. This copy comes either on multiple floppy disks or on a CD, with the first floppy disk (or CD) always containing the SETUP.EXE (or INSTALL.EXE) installation program. Run this program and follow its instructions.

Here are the typical steps that are performed during product installation:

entering the name of the user who has a license to use this program and the name of the organization;

checking the hardware elements of the system (disk memory, RAM, connected external devices, etc.);

configuring the product in accordance with the user's requirements and recording on the hard disk all program and service files necessary for the product to operate in the ordered configuration (in this case, some of the product's functions may be excluded);

creation and (or) modification of settings files - both system (for example, CONFIG.SYS) and specialized WINDOWS files (with *.INI extension).

2 . Basicproblems installing programs

In its most basic form, a program is just a set of instructions for the computer, telling it what to do and when.

Unfortunately, most programs do not store these instructions in a single file and do not provide easy access to it. Instead, they are most often located in several files and, moreover, even on several disks.

No matter what program you are installing, the basic procedure you need to follow before installation is the same. You copy your program from the floppy disks to your computer's hard drive. Then move the so-called “Start-with-me” button (icon) to the Start button menu to ensure that you can launch the installed application immediately after a simple mouse click.

3 . What is the installer

Installing a program can be a rather long and rather painful process. Therefore, programmers had no choice but to write special programs designed to install applications.

The program, known as the installer, manages the process of copying files to your computer's hard drive and checks the software's compatibility with Windows.

Most applications that you buy from specialized software stores are sold with installation programs.

Some programmers, being quite lazy, did not bother to write installation programs. As a result, all the routine work of installation goes directly to you, the user.

Most of the so-called shareware programs also fall into your hands without installation programs, so you must solve this problem yourself.

4 . How to install the program

All the following steps will help you figure out how to move from a floppy disk or a whole bunch of floppy disks to a program that will actually run on your computer.

Installing a program is not such a difficult task as it might seem at first glance; when installing a new program, follow the following sequence of steps:

Take the disk with the program.

Insert it into the drive.

View the contents of the drive using the My Computer application.

Find and download the installer and read the README file.

Create a new folder on your hard drive.

Copy the program files to this folder.

Place the program name and icon in the Start menu.


So, let's summarize - choosing the installation path, license agreement, copying and unpacking files, selecting software functions (some programs are offered to be installed in whole or in part) and registration, rebooting the software settings)).

Our modern society is developing, and new technologies are developing in it. Our life is impossible without computers, computer programs, and the skills to install and work with them. Every modern person should be able to install programs on a computer, and be able to solve problems with installing programs without resorting to the help of specialists.

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To use any program or utility, you must first install it on your computer. This process is called installation. However, what is hidden behind this term, and what types of computer installations exist?

Digital Age

With the development of high technologies, computerization has spread to increasingly large sectors of human activity and today has become global. However, just ten years ago, a computer was considered a luxury item, as evidenced by its prohibitive cost. And the first models of system units and laptop computers that could be found on sale did not have such great capabilities, which cannot be said about modern PCs. However, even new laptops, which have the most powerful components installed inside them, remain just useless hardware without software.

To work with a computer, you need an operating system, and utilities and tools are provided to perform various tasks. But to use any software, you must first install it. To do this, you just need to launch the installation distribution and the system will automatically perform all the necessary actions. But what happens during installation, and what are the main types of this process?


To understand what exactly the installation is, you need to understand how the programs work. If we delve deeper into the theory, then any program can be described as a certain sequence of program code, which the central processor processes and subsequently converts into the necessary commands. However, this was the case at the dawn of the development of computer technology, when there were no modern versions of the OS with a graphical interface.

Modern utilities, in addition to a beautiful and convenient window interface, implement many extensions: font sets, language packs, reference books, automatic update service and much more. All these extensions form libraries that must be copied correctly, which, in fact, happens during software installation.


Any utility consists of many files that are combined into one installation distribution. This implementation greatly simplifies the installation process, since it is much easier to download one archive than to download dozens or even hundreds of program files from the network. To verify this, you just need to go to the folder with any installed program and see how many components it consists of.

So, installation is copying program files and then installing computer software on the hard drive. However, it is immediately worth noting that the concept of installation goes much further than ordinary copying, since during its process the installer checks the compatibility of hardware and software, as well as the presence on the computer of the software necessary for stable operation. Next, the installer places the files in the required sequence, creates the necessary directories, enters the corresponding keys into the system registry, adds executable components to startup, and so on. Thus, installing a program is accompanied by a large number of different actions that are performed automatically by the operating system and occur unnoticed by the user.

Types of installation

Despite the fact that the installation of utilities of various categories occurs in a similar way, the installation is nevertheless divided into several types. The most common installation is the so-called “silent” installation, during which no windows or notifications are displayed on the monitor screen, and upon completion, the user can immediately begin working with the utility.

Another type is automatic installation. It is performed by the operating system and does not require any special action from the user. The only thing that is required is to launch the installation distribution, set additional parameters and wait for the installation process to complete. The opposite of automatic installation is manual installation, which requires the user to perform many steps.

In addition, you can find utilities on the Internet that do not require installation; you just need to copy the program files to your hard drive, after which you can immediately launch and work with the utility. As for computer games, they require standard installation, which is carried out according to a similar principle described earlier.

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