What is hosting and how to choose it correctly. Colocation, dedicated server and cloud hosting

Hosting is the placement of information (websites, files) on a server and providing access to it via the Internet.

How does website hosting work?

Each website consists of files (.html .php .css, etc.) and they are all stored on the hosting provider's server. Therefore, when the user enters the address of your site into the browser and wants to see it, at that moment the files will be launched on the server and, depending on what code is written in them, the user will see one or another design and functionality of the site. But all text content of the site is stored in special file- MySQL database and loaded from it. This file has the extension .sql and is also stored on the hosting provider’s server.

Virtual hosting (shared)

The server on which the site files are stored is actually the same computer. It contains a processor (CPU), random access memory (RAM) and HDD(HDD or SSD). But providing an entire server to run just one simple website (which doesn’t use a lot of resources) is very expensive. Therefore, the hosting provider places several sites at once on one powerful server, including those from different owners. All of them simultaneously use the processor and memory. This type of hosting is called Shared hosting, Shared hosting or simply Hosting (). It is the most popular and widespread, because... is the cheapest. But it has one drawback: if your “neighbor” on the server begins to overload it (the server), then your site will begin to slow down, or it will stop loading altogether. Hosting providers, of course, limit the number of sites that can be hosted, databases and disk space. And they make tariff plans based on this. Those. The more sites you host and the more disk space they take up, the more you have to pay. But problems can still arise on Shared Hosting, and if your site is very visited, then it needs much more resources.

Virtual server (VPS/VDS)

Therefore, hosters came up with another type of hosting - Virtual Server (Virtual Dedicated Server, VPS, VDS, Virtual Private Server, Virtual Dedicated Server). With this type of hosting, sites from different owners remain on the server, but a certain amount of resources is allocated for each of them (CPU power, number of RAM memory and disk space). As a result, no matter what your neighbor does with the server, it will not affect your sites in any way. This type of hosting is more expensive, but it makes it possible to host as many websites and databases as you like, the main thing is that they fit within the limits of server resources (CPU, RAM and disk space).

Dedicated server

If this is not enough, and your project is growing very much and requires full control over the server. Then the provider will offer you the sole use of all server resources, without “neighbors”. It will be more expensive, but you will get more resources and most importantly - full control above the settings. This type of hosting is called a Dedicated server. It's quite expensive.

Those who are planning to create their own website on the Internet cannot do without a domain and hosting. Let's look at what these concepts mean and why they are needed to create a website.

Hosting - what is it? Let's explain in simple words.

Internet resources are hosted on servers (computers operating 24 hours a day, having several different Internet providers located in). Any website is a collection of files and databases that require storage space on a server. Hosting is the name of the service for placing files of your website on a server.

Virtual website hosting for popular CMS:

This is what a data center with hosted servers looks like:

The most popular type of hosting is virtual. This is usually what is meant by the term “hosting”. Hosting services also mean renting a server as a whole, or renting a part of it. You can read more about the differences in types of hosting. For a beginner, in order to save money, virtual hosting is suitable.

Hosting is divided into free and paid. When ordering paid hosting You pay for space to host your website for a selected period (month, six months, year, etc.). It is better not to use the services of a free provider, even for novice users to “test the pen”. Free hosting services are limited in memory capacity, do not guarantee the safety of your site, and they often lack technical support.

Why do you need hosting?: You can’t do without ordering hosting when creating a website, because... Site visitors need 24/7 access to its content. It is possible to create your own website on your own computer, but then it must be hosted on hosting. It is the hoster who monitors the round-the-clock uninterrupted operation of your website and the performance of server equipment.

What is a website domain?

A domain is the name of a website, its address in global network, what we type in address bar browser.

Purchasing a domain means renting a name for a website (lease period is from 1 to 10 years). If you forgot to renew your domain name lease, another person can buy it and place their website on it.

Let's look at the domain structure using the example of our website address https://www.site

  1. https (http, wap, ftp, etc.)– data services. https – add-on http protocol, provides more secure information transfer.
  2. www.– the prefix indicates that the site is on the World Wide Web. Anachronism, in Lately When entering a site name, these letters are practically not used.
  3. ipipe– the name of the site, its Domain name. You come up with it yourself, but before registering you need to check whether the desired domain is taken.
  4. .ru– this is the zone in which the domain is located. Domains are classified into thematic, international, and territorial. Thus, in Russia the domains .RU or .РФ are more often used.

COM, NET, BIZ denote commercial or general sites. An example of a subject domain is the .CAFE, .BAR zones.

“Beautiful” domains – short and easy to remember – are usually occupied in all more or less popular zones:

Country domain zone It is better to choose if the site is designed to be visited by citizens of a certain country. It is advisable to register a domain in an international zone if the site’s audience is located in several countries (for example, CIS countries).

Now let’s take a closer look at what website hosting is and why it is needed, let’s formulate in simple words. Earlier in the previous article we gave a complete definition, and here we will tell you what types of hosting there are and which sites to host on which hosts. We will give recommendations and describe the pros and cons.

(detailed video instructions)

What is hosting in simple words?

Hosting - the word came into the Russian language not so long ago, about 20 years ago. In connection with the development of Internet technologies and website building. It can be formulated as:

— A service for providing resources for posting information on a server that is constantly located on the network (usually the Internet). So says Wikipedia.

In Russian it can be explained in simple words as follows:

— Hosting is powerful computer connected to the Internet at the highest possible speed. With large RAM, fast hard drive large volume.

The owner of this computer is called a provider, and it is he who gives you a place in the sun for your website. Just kidding, hard drive space.

Facebook data center

In fact, this is, of course, not one powerful computer, but hundreds connected into one or thousands hard drives. Located in huge premises with good ventilation and a large staff. These computers are equipped with the necessary software.

Remote computer hosting provider

In theory, you can organize hosting for one of your websites at home, even from an already outdated Core 2 Duo, by replacing the hard drive with a modern SSD. Buy a good and expensive block uninterruptible power supply, increase Internet speed to the maximum, install the necessary software and configure everything correctly.

But the game is not worth the candle; hosting services are much cheaper than organizing constant access to the site from your home computer.

To sum it up and put it in simple words:

— Hosting is a service for providing a certain amount of hard disk space remote computer 24 hours, 7 days a week.

Types and types of hosting

Today providers provide different kinds services in this area. Speaking in simple language— hosting is divided into different types(kinds). Each type has its pros and cons. Now let's take a closer look at each one separately.

Virtual hosting for a website

The most common, most sites are located on such hosting. Most novice web masters launch their websites on such hosts. Managing a website on such a host is simply simple and does not require knowledge of PHP settings, mail servers, databases and other things software. It all comes down to simply pressing buttons in an intuitive way clear interface. As a rule, the support service will always answer your questions.

Pros of shared hosting

There are quite a lot of advantages. One of the most important is cheapness. average price in Russia it ranges from 100 to 300 rubles per month. As a rule, discounts are provided when paying annually.

The next significant advantage is that there is no need to install and configure the necessary software; everything has already been done for you. It is also worth noting that the support service works 24 hours/7 days a week.

Almost all providers do this every day backups all sites on the host. And in cases where your site crashes due to hacking, an unsuccessful update, or simply an accidental violation of the site’s service files, upon request, the entire site will be restored from a copy. For beginners this is a very important point.

Disadvantages of shared hosting

There are not many of them, but they are also present. One of the biggest ones is the IP address. The fact is that the provided IP address always contains several thousand sites, and this is not good. All providers have additional service to a dedicated IP address. But these addresses should always be checked, since many people make mistakes and smuggle in black IP addresses, that is, not clean ones.

Also a significant disadvantage is the fact that virtual hosting, even with the most competent settings, can withstand a load of 1500 to 3000 maximum unique visitors per day. But given the fact that this is very a large number of visitors and it is very difficult to achieve it, then this minus can be ignored by beginners.

Detailed video instructions for administration

From the video you will learn how to register a domain, how easy it is to configure the host and load the site. In just 24 minutes of viewing, you will understand that you can create your own website in half an hour!

Your promo code is TZS52983 (just copy and paste when registering)

Virtual dedicated server VPS

This is part of the remote computer. Imagine a computer with a pristine hard drive. You will have to install all the necessary software yourself. When turning on the system, Windows will not work; you will have to install Linux. The site is managed through command line or paid visual panels server and website management. All providers offer them for an additional fee.

The advantages of a dedicated virtual server VPS refer to the fact that you receive a clean IP address on which only your site or sites will be located. It is possible to fine-tune the software to speed up site loading.

Not high tariffs, you can buy a powerful VPS server starting from 350 rubles per month. They can withstand tens of thousands of visits per day.

Of the minuses, perhaps, the only difficulty is in managing, downloading software and launching the site. Third-party customizers - freelancers are quite expensive. Proper loading and fine tuning costs 3000 - 4000 rubles. This one-time payment, but without having an idea about the settings, it will be difficult to manage the server. All providers offer their specialists for a separate tariff.

This type hosting will do advanced web master and a serious project. Although not everything is so complicated, and after reading sensible articles on the Internet, you can easily set everything up yourself and master server management. Ideally, it is better to run any website on a virtual dedicated VPS server.

Colocation, dedicated server and cloud hosting

It is also worth mentioning several other types of hosting services.

Dedicated server

Dedicated server (dedicated server) in the jargon “dedicated”. The most powerful option for the site. They use large corporations, popular services, and branded, well-promoted online stores. A mere mortal won't need it. They can withstand hundreds of thousands of visits per day. They are a separate remote computer.


This is a rental of several square meters in the data center premises. Your own hardware is installed in the rented space. The rental price includes full maintenance of your property, i.e., computer. This type of service is beneficial to use if you need a very powerful “dedicator”; their cost can reach up to 50,000 rubles and more.

Cloud hosting

The provider offers to perform any cutting of equipment. That is, not a fixed amount, as when renting a VPS, but whatever you want. Any volume random access memory, any amount of disk space, etc.

A kind of hardware designer. You only pay for the hardware you order, sometimes this is profitable. For example, you only need to increase the volume hard drive, and the tariffs for a virtual dedicated server VPS, when the disk is increased, the RAM also increases, which significantly increases the cost of the tariff. In cloud hosting, you can increase one thing and the cost will change only for the increased resources used.

It is also worth noting that there are free hosting, but it is not possible to describe their pros and cons, as well as their work due to lack of experience in use.

Several disadvantages of free hosting

Cost of hosting services

As already described above, the cost of hosting services starts from 100 rubles and reaches 50,000 rubles per month. When choosing a package of services, look at the discounts, that is, if you pay for the year, you get good savings. Below we present the cost of services for various most common types of hosting.

— Regular virtual hosting from 100 to 3000 rubles per month. High price includes set additional functions, sometimes absolutely useless and unnecessary. Also taken into account tariff plan, somewhere in the bourgeoisie, it’s quite possible to find a provider for $50. There are times when a website needs to be located somewhere in Argentina or Europe.

The most optimal cost for renting virtual hosting is 2,400 rubles per year, that is, 200 rubles per month. This tariff is provided by the provider Majordomo. The tariff plan includes everything you need.

— Dedicated virtual server VPS. From 350 rubles and above, it reaches three, four thousand rubles per month. Optimal cost The provider Majordomo costs 350 rubles per month if paid annually. The package includes everything you need.

— Dedicated server “Dedik”, also on Majordomo you can find it at a suitable price.

The rest of the hosting services are purely individual and tariffs depend on the goals and features of the equipment.

If your site is designed for some Russian region, then choose a provider in your region. For example, if your audience is located in Moscow, then the host must be taken from a Moscow or St. Petersburg provider. For metropolitan providers, the site will open faster in central Russia than in far east in Vladivostok.

If your audience is the USA, then choose overseas hosting. Remoteness (distance) matters.

The second point that you need to pay attention to is the type of hosting. The most optimal solution for most sites this is a virtual dedicated VPS server. Wins in everything, price-quality ratio, customization flexibility.

Technically difficult only at first glance. After spending a week, or maybe less, studying the material, you will understand everything. Having understood the principle and basics, you can pay for one month of VPS rental and practice. Study it thoroughly, and then take an annual subscription and upload your internet project. By the way, our free lessons provide all the necessary knowledge on quick start and setting up a VPS server, so sign up and try it.

It is hosting that provides access to your website 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

1. What is website hosting

Hosting(English "hosting") is a service for providing physical space for hosting a website or other files on the Internet, i.e. this is the place where all the files of your site will be located

Sometimes it is called a "host" or "hoster". Websites that provide hosting services are often called simply:

  • "Hosting"
  • "Hosting provider"

The quality of hosting affects the loading speed of the site and the stability of access to it. For unreliable providers, server downtime (the time when the site will not work) can reach 5 or more minutes a day, which is unacceptable on modern market. If the hosting allows such downtimes every day, then you can simply change it to another more stable one.

2. Paid and free hosting

Hosting globally can be divided into two types:

  • Paid
  • Free

Free hosting, as a rule, has its limitations, which a beginner may not notice, but an already experienced webmaster is unlikely to be able to live in peace. For example, second-level domains (for example, yandex.ru) are usually not allowed here. They provide their own third level domains (for free).

For example, aleksey.narod.ru, proauto.ucoz.ru. Such domains rank worse in search engines and making money on them is much more difficult.

In addition, the third-level domain does not belong to it, since there are no documents that would confirm the fact of ownership. Second-level domains are officially registered.

I advise you to read:

There are many more paid hosting services and they provide a full range of all available services. I advise you to read the recommendations for choosing hosting for your website.

3. Website hosting ratings

The average price for hosting services is around 90..150 rubles per month. Here I mean the minimum tariffs for the simplest site (this option, as a rule, is suitable for almost everyone). Of course, if the site takes up a lot of disk space (for example, 3GB or more), then the cost will be higher due to the additional disk space.

Personally, I have been using the following hosting services for a long time:

These are excellent hosting services that work stably. Have positive reviews. Technical support answers questions quickly and helps if necessary.

Read also

4. Types of hosting

Each hoster usually has several plans depending on what you buy. Let's write down the features of each of them.

4.1. Shared hosting

Virtual hosting is the simplest and cheapest option for hosting a website on the Internet. Its meaning is this: multiple user accounts are hosted on one server. Each person is allocated a certain amount of disk space (depending on the tariff). And everyone has a common processor and memory. There are both pros and cons to this.

  • Cheap service
  • No need to administer the server
  • Decent server response speed (usually)
  • There may be surges in server response speed (depending on its current load)

It is also recommended to order a dedicated IP address so that the site is not hosted with other “dubious” sites on one large IP. This is not necessary, but it is insurance against any sanctions from search engines.

4.2. Virtual dedicated server

A virtual dedicated server (VDS or VPS) is almost the same as a dedicated server, but with more stringent restrictions. In fact, one server hosts several virtual dedicated servers. This service is much more expensive. By the way, it’s not a fact that your site will open faster, since on shared hosting, when the load is light, the server works faster.

4.3. Dedicated server

A dedicated server is an option when hosting provides you with the entire server. Usually, fast work here it is guaranteed, but it is even more expensive and knowledge of server administration is required.

This option is well suited for sites that heavily load the server.

You will not be able to host your site in world wide web Internet without these two things. For your website to start working, you need to buy a domain and .

What is a website and what does it consist of?

How to choose hosting

To explain it in simple and in clear language, then a website is a bunch of files that are located on your computer’s hard drive. But they still need to be placed so that not only you, but also anyone can see them. Internet servers were created especially for this, which provide a certain amount of space on the hard drive (hard drive) for the user and part of the system resources:

  • amount of RAM.
  • CPU time
  • communication channel speed
  • number of ip addresses
  • number of hosted sites
  • ssh and ftp access
  • volume of consumed traffic
  • and much more

Most often, access to such a server requires a fee from the content host. Site visitors themselves do not pay anything.

Why do you need to rent disk space?

The question is often asked: why? disk space need to rent?

Because this part of the disk is fast and permanent channel connections to the Internet, the ability to link a domain to the folder where the files necessary for the site are stored, as well as to a physical disk. In other words, if you go to the domain address, the hosting gives the user all the files that are present on the hosting - the site pages.

What is hosting

Hosting is a computer connected to the Internet on which you place everything necessary files for the future site. You rent hosting from a hosting company. Usually payment is monthly.

Who is a hosting provider

A hosting provider is a company that provides hosting services. For such services on the territory of the Russian Federation, an appropriate license is required.

What kind of hosting is there?

There are 2 types of hosting: real and virtual

Shared hosting

With virtual hosting, many websites are placed on one hard drive of one Internet server. Typically, such servers have strict limits on the amount of memory used, on the maximum capacity of the hard drive, and on processor time.

- This is cheap hosting. Everything has already been set up for you. You only need to upload files to the server and the site will already be working.

The limit on traffic to such hosting is usually around 300 - 10,000 people / day. Depending on the scripts used.

Real hosting

Internet hosting can be virtual or real

Real hosting is when only you will be located on a specific part, a piece of the hard drive. You can occupy the entire volume, or you may not. Anyway, this allocated space is assigned to you.

Renting real hosting is very expensive. It is intended for large sites, high-load projects that have a high number of visitors per day: tens, hundreds of thousands of people per day. Shared hosting is much cheaper. Suitable for those sites with 200-300 visitors per day.

How to choose hosting for your website

Before you buy hosting, you need to think about what you will need for its operation. Most often, the choice of hosting depends on the cms () on which your site will run.

For most hosting sites you need:

For most sites this is quite enough.

Which hosting is the best?

The most best hosting, unfortunately, is located abroad. Domestic hosting providers are breathing down their throats, but still lag behind. At first, in your search for the best hoster, you will change several hosting providers.

All prices are the same. Virtual hosting from 50 to 300 rubles / month.

If you speak a foreign language poorly or don’t speak it at all, then you only need Russian-speaking hosters.

Russian hosting

For beginners, I advise you to choose Gino - www.jino.ru. This is a clear, convenient hosting control panel. It's cheap and easy to connect and disconnect services.

Masterhost is also a good hosting provider.

Common Typical Hosting Problems

With high traffic to your site, hosting costs huge pressure. In this case, the server with the databases usually crashes (stops working). To solve problems, many content management systems have . As a result, the problem disappears.

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