What is email and how. Sending files via mailbox

Modern means communications are very diverse. But perhaps the most proven, popular and the oldest way communication is e-mail, which has almost replaced the traditional one. Writing paper letters is no longer the norm, but rather a deviation from it. It's much easier to write an email to your friend or colleague's email address. In addition, many companies, including Russian ones, attach the same official significance to emails as to paper documents. This article will tell you in detail what an email address is.

Over the course of its existence, email has received many names. Including: e-mail, Internet mail, electronic mail, soap (in computer jargon).

So what is an email address?

Email is modern technology. It allows you to forward a text message or specific file via the Internet to a specified email address.

The operation of e-mail is similar to the normal functioning system. Many methods and terms of Internet mail were borrowed from traditional "offline" mail. An example would be such concepts as delivery, box, attachment and many others.

Roughly speaking, e-mail has certain similarities with regular mail, only instead of a paper letter you get an electronic letter typed using a keyboard. It is also indicated not the place of residence, but the email address (example: [email protected]).

What is a mail server

A mail server can be called a powerful large computer on which a huge amount of information is stored. And an email address or simply a mailbox is a small area of ​​said computer's memory space that is specifically allocated for storing and processing emails of a specific user.

All this means is that email messages are not stored on your personal computer, but on a special central one connected to the Internet (mail server).

The procedure for sending an email can be described as follows: a person writes a letter, indicates the specific registered email address of the recipient and sends it. The letter first arrives at the mail server and then ends up in the user's mailbox. When the recipient goes to their mailbox, they will find a new message and read it.

Some email services allow you to add your email address to your permanent contact list for easier communication.

History of the emergence and development of email

So we've looked at some theoretical aspects on the topic of email. For better understanding To understand what an email address is, let’s look at the history of its creation.

Email first appeared in 1965, when scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) created a program called Mail.

It had its shortcomings, but at the time of its creation it was simply revolutionary. The development of the electronic communication system was influenced by the emergence of the DNS system. Now the email address has become linked to the domain. At the end of the twentieth century, the following companies made a breakthrough in electronic communications: Hotmail, Yahoo, Mail.ru. And already in 2004 Google company launched one of the more popular mail servers - Gmail.

What does an email address look like?

The email address is the following sequence:

User Login (your name) @ Mail Service Name (for example: yandex) + Domain (ru, com or other).

You can select a login (name) when registering on the mail server. As for the name of the mail server itself (depending on which email address you choose), it coincides with the name of the site that provides mail services.

The user login and the name of the mail server are in absolutely all cases separated by the @ sign, which has the funny name “dog”. This is exactly what an email address looks like. An example of such an address: [email protected] or [email protected].

Some benefits of email

Communication by email has a number of advantages:

  • Mail is delivered instantly, without any delays. This allows for online dialogues.
  • It is possible to send the same letter to several users at the same time.
  • TO email You can attach a file of any content: a document, music, a short movie, a photograph or a picture.
  • Ease of use of mail. Anyone can learn to work with this service.
  • Confidentiality. Mail servers guarantee that your letter will not be read by someone to whom it is not addressed.
  • Reliable delivery of letters. The recipient will definitely receive your letter.

Disadvantages of the email service

The disadvantages, of course, are much smaller compared to the positive aspects of communication by email, but they still exist:

  • It is not possible to delete a mailbox after going through the registration process. It is saved permanently.
  • The mailbox is subject to a phenomenon called spam. This is the deliberate sending of emails with advertising content, sometimes they are even infected with viruses or malware.

So, we have learned what an email address is and how it functions. Today, anyone, even a novice Internet user, can register their personal email on one of the many mail servers for free. Using the service is easy and convenient for both work and personal purposes.

Nowadays, no one can do without email. Network communication has become widespread. Many issues - both business and personal - are resolved in this way. It's convenient, fast and doesn't require much effort. Similar method information exchange is available to every user who has a computer and the Internet. Therefore, it is important to know what an email address is and how to write it correctly. Thanks to this service, you can quickly contact someone, send important documents, or simply chat with a person who is far from you.

We will tell you how to become the owner mailbox in the Internet

Electronic Mail (e-mail) services are used everywhere. Each organization or institution, along with other contacts, always has an email address. Any PC user should have it. Without it, you cannot register on websites, subscribe to mailing lists, or gain access to closed resources and forums. It is also needed for some programs to work.

This spread of email is due to the fact that services for sending messages are accessible and understandable to every person. They appeared a long time ago, but still remain relevant. Not needed for email powerful computer or fast internet. There are many different sites where you can register it. Everyone has different interface and functionality, so there are options for every taste. If you don't like online services, install on your computer special utilities- mail clients.

The e-mail address is unique for each user. It's like a phone number or a zip code - no two are alike.

You can send messages of any length and add attachments to them: files, pictures, documents. Such a letter will be delivered instantly. Most email services have a huge range of text formatting tools. Various fonts, styles, colors, background insertion, and pictures are available. You can send the real one greeting card. And the recipient will see it on the same day.

What does an e-mail address consist of?

E-mail has a clear structure and is formed in a certain way. It consists of several elements. The elements themselves may vary, but they must be written in Latin letters. It is acceptable to use numbers, punctuation marks and some other symbols. This is the generally accepted standard. This is what the email address looks like: “login@domain”. Let's look at each part of the address in more detail.

Structure Email addresses not that difficult

  • Login (login). This is your username or "nickname". A unique identifier by which the system for receiving and sending messages will calculate that this is your e-mail. You have to come up with it yourself. It can be anything, the main thing is that it does not coincide with a nickname that already exists in the mail service. When registering an email, a warning “This login is already taken” or something similar may appear. Then you need to come up with and write down another name. It is not necessary to change it completely - just add some numbers or symbols to it to make it unique.
  • Next comes the separator character “@”. It is called "Commercial at" or simply "Dog". On the keyboard it is located in the same place as the button with the number “2” (you can type it in English layout). This sign is required in all e-mails - it stands between the login and the domain. IN different countries it is called by different names. For example, in Finland it is “Cat” or “Cat’s tail”, in Italy it is “Snail”, in Bulgaria it is “Monkey”, in the USA it is simply “at”. On public Internet resources, this symbol is sometimes replaced with “at” in parentheses. This is done so that the address does not end up in spambot databases. When sending messages, you must replace “at” with “@”.
  • Domen (domain). URL of the service where the e-mail is registered. This can be a corporate or any free site (for example, mail.ru or gmail.com). Many resources offer several domain options. You cannot invent it yourself - you can only choose it. Many organizations create their own domains, but this comes at a cost.

See how to write an email address at specific example: « [email protected]», « [email protected]».

How to register an email?

Several sites with the function of free e-mail registration:

  • Yandex
  • Gmail
  • Rambler

Viewing your inbox on Google is quite convenient

They're not just for composing email. Each of them has a huge range of informational, entertaining or simply useful services. To obtain a personal address, you must do the following:

  1. Go to the resource.
  2. There will be a button “Create an account”, “Register”, “Register email” or something similar.
  3. Fill in the fields. Usually you need to write your name, desired login, indicate Security Question and the answer to it is to set a password. If you don’t want to enter your real name, you can replace it with a nickname. But in an e-mail that is needed for work or some official business, it is better to write correct user data so that it is displayed in messages to your clients, colleagues and employers.
  4. It is advisable to make the password complex. Not related to login, name, date of birth or anything similar. So that it cannot be picked up.
  5. The login may consist of letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers or special characters. If you enter an invalid character, the system will warn you about it.
  6. Confirm your registration.

Dialogue for creating a mailbox in one of the systems

Large organizations register their own domains. It looks presentable. Serious companies prefer not to use free e-mail services.

If you don't know how to come up with an email address, try something like this:

  • Last name with initials or abbreviation full name. You can add numbers, dots, dashes, underscore. Convenient for business communication. From the login it is immediately clear who it belongs to.
  • A nickname that you often use on the Internet. Those who know you by this nickname will be able to recognize your email at first glance.
  • In some services, the address is automatically generated from your name (if you specified it). The system will offer several logins to choose from. If one of them suits you, use it.
  • It's better to create a nickname that is easy to remember. You should not specify an incoherent set of letters or numbers if you intend to use the service in the future for communication or work.

How to send an email?

Do you want to send something by e-mail? It's very easy to do.

  1. Log in to your email site or launch your email client.
  2. Click the New Email button. It may be called differently.
  3. In the To field, enter your address.
  4. In the Subject field, briefly describe what your message is about. The first thing the recipient will see is the sender's email and this subject.
  5. The largest field is for the body (content) of the letter.
  6. When finished, click on “Submit”.

The webmail interface of different services is approximately the same

It’s quite easy to figure out how a user’s email address is generated. It consists of three parts: login, @ separator character and domain name. These elements are fixed and cannot be swapped. Each email is a unique set of characters; no two are alike. You can come up with a login, you can just choose a domain from the proposed options. The address must consist of Latin letters, numbers or some symbols.

People use regular mail less and less these days. Many children and teenagers sometimes even wonder: why is it needed when there is a telephone and a computer?

At the same time, not all adults have yet learned to take advantage of Internet communications, in particular e-mail.

What is email?

Principle of operation regular mail is simple: a person writes a letter, writes the address on the envelope and takes it to the post office. Postal workers deliver the letter to the addressee.

E-mail works in much the same way: you write a letter, add an address, and the letter is sent on its way. But the addressee receives it not after a week, but within just a few seconds, and special computer programs serve as postmen.

In addition to the text of the letter, you can put photographs, scans of documents, audio or video recordings, a funny or romantic postcard in the “envelope”. At the same time, you do not pay anything for shipping: postage is included in the total fee for.

You can receive and send emails not only with home computer, but also from any device with Internet access and special program: from a tablet, smartphone or laptop.

How to create your own email?

The easiest way to create your own mailbox is to register on one of the free mail servers. The most common of them are yandex.ru, gmail.com, mail.ru and rambler.ru.

You can use them at any time, and the functionality is approximately the same, so if you learn to use email, for example, on Yandex.ru, you can use any other mail servers on the Runet.

So, in order to register a personal mailbox on yandex.ru, you need to home page in the Yandex search engine (site www.yandex.ru) find the inscription “Create a mailbox.” It is usually located on the right side of the screen. Found it? Very good, now click on it with your mouse.

The registration page has opened in front of you. Fill in all of its fields. By the way, you are not at all obliged to register a mailbox in your real name: you can come up with any pseudonym or nickname. The main thing is that the recipients of the letters know from whom they are receiving the messages.

It may not be easy for you to come up with a login for your mail: it is part of the email address and must be strictly individual. The Yandex mail service will tell you how you can come up with a login using your first and last name. The email address of the mailbox will look like this: [email protected].

When creating a password, use as much imagination as possible. Good password consists of at least 6-7 characters, which include letters and numbers. It should be something that you can remember fairly easily. Often the names and dates of birth of loved ones, the names of pets, and famous historical dates are used as a password.

After filling out all the fields, click on “Register”. You can now use email.

How to use email?

There is nothing complicated about using email. Log in to your email using your username and password. You are automatically taken to the inbox section, i.e. the ones you received. There is a menu at the top of the screen postal service, on the left is a list of your mail folders.

Unread emails are highlighted in bold To read any of them, just click on it with the mouse.

To write a letter to someone you know, click on the “Write” inscription. Fill in the “To” field - here you need to indicate email address your friend's mailbox. The Subject field is optional. In the main field, type the text of the letter, and when finished, click “Send.” That's all, actually.

You will learn further functions of the mailbox as you use it. Most of them will probably never be useful to you. You can customize your email to your liking by going to the settings panel.

You can create new folders for letters, organize the forwarding of letters from your other mailboxes, change the mail design, etc. Once you have mastered using the yandex.ru mailbox, you will be able to use any mail servers, since functionally they are all almost the same.

Almost all Internet users have at some time had to work with e-mail, electronic mail, which is a technology for sending and receiving emails. E-mail, like regular (paper) mail, has its own history, which we will turn to.

It all started at a time when TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) had not yet been developed, and the phrase “a computer for every home” was science fiction. Then, in the 70s of the 20th century, large network there was the ARPANET, and the computer was an important and expensive piece of technology. Therefore, many people used one computer at once. For convenience, a program was written that allows you to leave text messages other users of the same computer, which was a kind of analogue of today's guest books and online forums, and the file storing messages was called “Mailbox”. It couldn’t yet be called modern email, because... all correspondence could be conducted only within one computer.

It is worth noting that in 1965 In 2010, employees of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology wrote the MAIL mail program for operating system CTSS. The authors of the program, Noel Morris and Tom Van Vleck, made it possible to exchange messages within the same mainframe ( large computer). Many people consider this moment to be the beginning of email. But the history of modern email, which we use now, begins six years later.

At the end 1971 year, programmer Ray Tomlinson wrote a program that made it possible to send messages to remote computer via the CypNet protocol, previously used to transfer files. Received messages were placed in a file - “Mailbox”.

That's how email came about.

Almost immediately he improved the program. Tomlinson developed a system of organization postal addresses: Each computer user was assigned an address consisting of the user name and network name his computer, which were separated by @ . This sign denoted the English preposition at (translated into Russian as “on”). Thus, the expression user@machine meant user at machine, i.e. such and such a user on such and such a computer. After Tomlinson continued to improve the program and in March 1972 he made a simple user interface, allowing you to send and download messages using the network. Six months later, Lawrence Roberts, Tomlinson’s colleague, based on his program, created his own, which had quite a few service functions.

Just a year and a half later, having gained popularity on the ARPANET, email was used to transmit 75% of all data. And in 1975 the first one appeared mailing list letters from useful information. The most popular newsletter was news from the world of science fiction.

In the same year, programmer John Vittal wrote the MSG program, which included all the known functions for working with mail. From that moment on, email reached the state level.

Today, the value of an email address has become on par with a residential address or number mobile phone. Many email services have appeared, and the second part of the user@machine expression is interpreted differently. Now, instead of machine - a specific computer on which several users worked, we mean a server that provides e-mail services. Such a server serves hundreds of millions of users.

Among the most popular in Russia free servers(for obvious reasons, paid servers cannot reach such heights), we can highlight Mail.ru, Yandex.ru, Hotmail.ru and Rambler.ru. All these servers can work with mailers Outlook Express and The Bat!

Every New user The Internet one day begins to rack its brains for a long time, coming up with the name of its future e-mail.

When creating a mailbox for the first time, all concentration apparently goes into the login and password, so few people think about the quality of the service itself.

Of course, some users pay attention to an easy-to-remember and sonorous domain name. When choosing a mail service, you can focus primarily on

  • service stability,
  • methods of fighting spammers,
  • user-friendliness of the interface,
  • Availability additional features, which are provided by this or that mail.

Below we will look at common free email services, and the choice is yours.

The 10 GB capacity of the mailbox is pleasant, and it can be expanded as letters accumulate. It’s a good fight against spammers, but sometimes spam breaks through, probably due to the popularity of the mail service on the RuNet.

There are also many pleasant and convenient additional services, for example " ", which allow transmission via cloud storage files among your devices and send files to other people as needed.

Rice. 1 How to find all its capabilities if you have mail in Mail.ru

If you have Mail ru mail, then in order to see all its capabilities (all projects, all services), you should:

  • 1 in Fig. 1 – go to your Mail.Ru mail,
  • 2 in Fig. 1 – click on the “All projects” button.

The formatting of the text in the letter is excellent. However, for a change, sometimes it is better to send a message directly from your mailbox rather than a letter.

It is possible to create a folder with additional password. You can create .

The well-known service is Answers Mail.Ru.

For those who have their own website, it will be useful to know about services such as Mail.Ru Rating and Webmaster's Account. To access them you need to have an email account on Mail.Ru.

In my opinion, convenient and reliable Post service. I like it for safety and capacity, functionality and convenience. See for yourself. Besides secure mail With good anti-spam filters there are many additional convenient features.

This includes collecting mail from other mailboxes of different services, the ability to attach a phone number to mail and receive a mailbox with your own phone number like 79991234567 @ya.ru.

There are Photos, Videos, Internet meter, as well as .

We have our own browser - Yandex.Browser, which runs on the same engine as Google Chrome, but has some differences, but what would we do without them?

Yandex email domains: yandex and ya

Yandex.Mail has a short domain - this is what comes in the mail name (that is, in the login) immediately after the “dog” symbol: @. IN following examples names for mail

  • Nadezda @mail.ru,
  • Nadezda @gmial.com,
  • Nadezda @yandex.ru

The differences in logins are only in the mail domains: mail.ru, gmail.com, yandex.ru. And this, of course, is already different mails, with different services.

As for the Yandex mail domain, it doesn’t matter whether you send a letter to @yandex.ru or @ya.ru, it will still arrive to the same addressee.

Each owner of Yandex.Mail has the opportunity to use, designed for storing, transferring and sending files.

Of course, if the file is not very large, then you can just add it to the letter.

If the letters contain actual addresses, they become active links and when you click on them, Yandex.Map opens.

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