What is automator in mac os. A practical guide to using Automator

Oddly enough, Automator has been one of the significant advantages of Mac OS X for many years now, compared even to the latest version of Windows. In addition to the fact that it can process a wide variety of data quite flexibly, “Automator” is also easy to use - the rules for processing information are compiled like cubes. However, the simplicity of this program is still far from the mythical “Do as I want” button. Therefore, some points that may be unclear to beginners are still worth clarifying.

By task and process

Depending on the situation in which you want to automatically perform specific actions, you should choose the most appropriate process type.

In the third version, Automator has significantly added to the number of types of data processing rules (or processes) - there are now seven of them. Which of these types to choose depends on the conditions in which you want to run your future algorithm. The first type Process(Workflow) is a standard type of algorithm that can be launched either from Automator itself or saved as an application.

However, Application(Application) is the second type of Automator process that you can create from the very beginning. The name itself says that as a result you will receive a small utility (or droplet) that accepts data and processes it in strict accordance with the algorithm you created - without launching Automator. You can place the app in the Dock, Toolbar, or Finder sidebar. After this, you just need to select the required files and drag them onto the application icon - it will start, do its job and close. This way, without launching Automator itself, you can, for example, scale a stack of photos or fill in the tags of selected audio files.

Features of processes like Service(Service) is that they can be built into the context menu of programs specified in advance. Remember in the online dictionary Lingvo - the “Automator” service was used there. Of course, in addition to textual information, the service can be “fed” graphics, sound, video, PDF files - it all depends on what application you are creating the service for and what task it must perform.

The input can be not only files from a folder opened in Finder, but also from the directory of one of Apple's multimedia programs - this data is accessible through the media browser built into Automator.

Folder Actions(Folder Actions) themselves have existed for a very long time, and Automator only makes it easier to create them without the need for knowledge of the AppleScript programming language. This type of process is triggered when any files are placed in the specified folder. The most obvious example of using folder actions is to automatically sort data into nested subdirectories. There are third-party applications for this - however, you can create an analogue of them yourself in Automator.

Print plugin(Print Plugin) is built into the PDF menu in the print dialog. Using processes of this type, you can control the creation of a PDF file from the current document in Text Edit, Pages, Microsoft Word, etc. For example, when creating a PDF, you can watermark each page or convert the pages of the generated PDF -document into raster images.

iCal Reminder(iCal Alarm) are processes that run at a specified time. Let's say, on the birthday of your beloved grandmother, such an event can automatically create a letter according to the specified template - all you have to do is select the design and click the send button. You can even organize a group mailing, thereby inviting guests to the same birthday or wedding.

Finally, Image capture plugin(Image Capture Plugin) - this process is built into the module for importing photos from your camera. When copying files from the camera to an iPhoto or Aperture photo library (or simply to a folder), such a process will start itself and perform certain actions - add all the pictures to a specific album, add a text annotation to each of them, etc.

Macros at random

By clicking on the record button, manually execute all the necessary commands using the mouse and keyboard. When finished, stop recording and view the list of commands recorded by Automator.

If you are familiar with Microsoft Office applications, you know that they have (in the Mac version there was) an action recording mode. This is when you simply select the necessary buttons and menu commands, enter some text, add some objects - and the program consistently records all your actions. The third version of Automator is equipped with a similar mode that remembers not only your actions, but also the programs in which they were performed. The playback speed of recorded actions can be adjusted from one tenth to ten times. The recording mode is activated by the corresponding button on the Automator toolbar.

Display Mode

Notice the sidebar of the Automator window. By default, the action catalog (Library) is structured by categories - actions are grouped depending on what types of data they work with. But instead of categories, you can display a list of applications to which actions are associated. To do this, select the command in the “Automator” menu ViewSort actions byprogram (ViewArrange Actions byApplication).

Who's ready?

The creation of many processes can be simplified even further by downloading them from one of the specialized sites dedicated to the Automator program. Bookmark these resources:
automatoractions.com ,
In addition, sets of actions are being developed for professional programs - products from Adobe, Quark and others - for which you already have to pay, sometimes impressive sums.

Examples and reference

For those who are completely unfamiliar with Automator, but want to master this program, it is worth paying attention to simple examples that, although not always interesting from a practical point of view, form an idea of ​​​​the possibilities of automating tasks on a Mac. Take note of these resources and web pages: homepage.mac.com/cjrtools/automator-apps/index.html,

If the topic of automation is interesting to ProstoMAK readers, step-by-step instructions for creating useful processes will appear regularly in this blog. Let me know in the comments what you think about it.

While you Mad from Siri shortcuts in the iOS 12 beta, we play adult games with Automator - a macOS automation editor that is monstrous only at first glance. It replaces 10 third-party utilities that you have already purchased or locked, and 5 more that you have just collected.

Today we’ll improve our work with macOS files: we’ll create 10 Finder Context Menu Commands with popular teams for every taste.

First we will create a template for actions with files

Step 1. Open Automator.

Step 2. Click on the “New Document” button.

Step 3. In the new document type window, select the “Service” option.

Step 4. In the "Service receives" drop-down menu, select "Files or folders" in "Finder.app".

Step 5. Open the “Files and Folders” section from the menu on the left, select “Get Selected Finder Items” and drag this item to the menu on the right.

At this stage, you have a template, on its basis you will create as many as 10 items for the Finder context menu that will help you work with files.

By the way, by default new services are saved to the Libraries > Services directory.

1. Rename with date

Step 1.

Step 2. Duplicate it via “File” > “Duplicate”.

Step 3.

Step 4. In the first drop-down menu, select “Add date or time”, and configure everything else based on the example below.

With this command, I suggest you add the current date, starting with the year, right before the name. It seems to me that this feature is convenient when a bunch of fresh files constantly appear on your Mac.

For example, you are a photographer and upload photos for today. In order not to get lost in them, it’s easier to immediately name them with the date. Agree?

2. Rename sequentially

Step 1. Open the template you created in the first step of the “lecture”.

Step 2. Duplicate it via “File” > “Duplicate”.

Step 3. Drag the Rename Finder Items script from the Files and Folders section of the left menu to the right menu.

Step 4. In the first drop-down menu, select “Make sequential”, and configure everything else based on the example below.

Another handy tool for renaming files. For example, when I'm preparing material for publication on the Internet, I use it to quickly rename screenshots or other images. It saves me time.

3. Replace text in file name

Step 1. Open the template you created in the first step of the “lecture”.

Step 2. Duplicate it via “File” > “Duplicate”.

Step 3. Drag the Rename Finder Items script from the Files and Folders section of the left menu to the right menu.

Step 4. In the first drop-down menu, select “Replace text”, and then

You can specify what and what in the file name should be changed each time you use the command.

4. Set the program as default

Step 1. Open the template you created in the first step of the “lecture”.

Step 2. Duplicate it via “File” > “Duplicate”.

Step 3. Drag the "Install program for files" script from the "Files and Folders" section from the left menu to the menu on the right.

Step 4. In the “Program” drop-down menu, leave “Default”, and then expand the “Options” menu and check the box next to “Show action while running”.

It is those files for which you change the default program using this command that will be opened immediately in it - in this case we are talking about specific documents, and not the format as a whole.

Similar to the previous menu, we use here an additional application selection window to create a universal command.

5. Filter and archive

Step 1. Open the template you created in the first step of the “lecture”.

Step 2. Duplicate it via “File” > “Duplicate”.

Step 3.

Step 4. Expand the “Options” menu and check the box next to “Show action while running.”

Step 5. Drag the “Create Archive” script from the “Files and Folders” section from the left menu to the menu on the right, configure it as you wish.

I continue to complicate the commands so that you better understand the meaning of the Automator program.

This time we are using the command not for 2, but for 3 levels. An intermediate step in this will be determining the types of files that need to be added to the archive. We display it in a separate window.

It turns out that you can select at least all the files from the “Recent” menu and add only images to the archive.

6. Filter and delete

Step 1. Open the template you created in the first step of the “lecture”.

Step 2. Duplicate it via “File” > “Duplicate”.

Step 3. Drag the Filter Finder Items script from the Files and Folders section of the left menu to the right menu.

Step 4. Expand the “Options” menu and check the box next to “Show action while running.”

Step 5. Drag the "Move Finder Items to Trash" script from the "Files and Folders" section of the left menu to the menu on the right and configure it as you wish.

In this team we did almost the same thing as in the previous one. Only instead of archiving files using a filter, they used deletion.

This command is perfect if you want to clean up files on the disk. For example, you can delete movies that take up a lot of space - this can be easily configured through the filter.

7. Filter and rename

Step 1. Open the template you created in the first step of the “lecture”.

Step 2. Duplicate it via “File” > “Duplicate”.

Step 3. Drag the Filter Finder Items script from the Files and Folders section of the left menu to the right menu.

Step 4. Expand the “Options” menu and check the box next to “Show action while running.”

Step 5. Drag the Rename Finder Items script from the Files and Folders section of the left menu to the right menu.

Step 6. Expand the “Options” menu and check the box next to “Show action while running.”

As you understand, you can use not one, but several dialog boxes at once while working with files.

In this case, we first filter the files we want to use, and then rename them according to the template we need in this case.

I’m sure now you clearly see that you simply don’t need any additional software for renaming objects, you can easily create the necessary command yourself.

8. Filter and rename to folder

Step 1. Open the template you created in the first step of the “lecture”.

Step 2. Duplicate it via “File” > “Duplicate”.

Step 3. Drag the Filter Finder Items script from the Files and Folders section of the left menu to the right menu.

Step 4. Expand the “Options” menu and check the box next to “Show action while running.”

Step 5. Drag the Copy Finder Items script from the Files and Folders section of the left menu to the menu on the right, select a location, and enable Replace Existing Files.

Step 6. Drag the Rename Finder Items script from the Files and Folders section of the left menu to the right menu.

Step 7 Expand the “Options” menu and check the box next to “Show action while running.”

Here we do exactly the same as in the previous paragraph, but we no longer use originals, but copies, as files for renaming.

Imagine that you are sending photos from one folder to your family. You will have the opportunity to sort only the most recent ones, rename them by date, or sequentially and immediately copy them to a separate folder. Miracles of automation!

9. Filter and email

Step 1. Open the template you created in the first step of the “lecture”.

Step 2. Duplicate it via “File” > “Duplicate”.

Step 3. Drag the Filter Finder Items script from the Files and Folders section of the left menu to the right menu.

Step 4. Expand the “Options” menu and check the box next to “Show action while running.”

Step 5.

Step 6.

You should be well aware that in Automator you can use commands from more than just one section. You have the opportunity to combine different ones and get an interesting result.

For example, in this case, we created a command with which you can filter the necessary files from the selected ones and immediately attach them to a new email. This may be useful to you in your work.

10. Send archived email

Step 1. Open the template you created in the first step of the “lecture”.

Step 2. Duplicate it via “File” > “Duplicate”.

Step 3. Drag the "Create Archive" script from the "Files and Folders" section to the menu on the right and select "Input Folder" from the "Where" drop-down menu.

Step 4. Drag the “New Mail Message” script from the “Mail” section from the left menu to the menu on the right.

Step 5. Drag the "Attach files to sent message" script from the "Mail" section of the left menu to the menu on the right.

Forget about the file filter. Using this command, you will simply archive the selected files and immediately attach them to a new email.

I always use this command when I am asked to send some documents by email, it is very convenient.

Today we only went over some of the basic elements that can be implemented using Automator so that you have a general understanding of how to work with the program.

If you support the topic with a like and comment, we will definitely continue the series of articles on automation. I'm waiting for feedback!

P.S. Be sure to write about your tasks that you want to automate. We'll try to help.

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website Well, you yourself asked for a boost in Automator!

Few people know, and some may have never even heard of such a wonderful native Mac utility called automator. At one time, before I got acquainted with this program, I could not even imagine that it was capable of automating the workflow so deeply and turning large routine activities into a few keystrokes.

Often, users who are starting to get acquainted with the Mac, having stumbled upon automator in system utilities, close it in horror literally after a few seconds, not understanding why it is needed and how to use it. But in fact, working in this application is much simpler than it seems, you just need to correctly organize the sequence of actions, and then “explain” to the program what is required of it. It was the low popularity of automator among users that prompted me to write this post, which I hope to do in the future will mark the beginning of a series of articles devoted to a program that can sometimes create real miracles of automation.

Operating principle and program interface

So, the main principle of automator is to interact with applications, files and the computer's operating system. When a user needs to automate any actions, he needs to select the category to which these actions will belong (program, process, service), and then sequentially arrange the steps that the program will perform.

Before we begin creating our first macro (this is the name given to the sequence of actions specified by the user), we will analyze the main elements of the program and their purpose.

After clicking on the Otto icon (that’s the name of the Automator robot :) you will see the following window.

As you can see, the utility offers to select the type of future macro:

1. Process (Workflow) - Can only be launched from the program itself and cannot exist outside of it. Represents the simplest sequence of actions;

2. Program - Created once and exists on its own, can be saved with the *.app extension - as a full-fledged Mac OS X application;

3. Service - Integrated into the OS itself and can be accessed from anywhere, usually called from the context menu;

4. Folder action - Activated for a specific folder after adding files to it and performs specified actions with them;

5. Printing plugins - Expand the standard set of functions for printing documents;

6. Calendar notification - Allows you to create processes that will be launched using calendar events;

7. Image capture plugin - allows you to “capture” photos from the camera for further processing.

Today, as an example, we will look at creating a program, so click the appropriate icon and continue to get acquainted with the application interface.

1. The “library” panel displays the categories into which actions are divided;

2. The “library” panel, which displays actions for the selected category;

3. Description area of ​​the selected action;

4. Button for creating, editing, deleting categories;

5. Hide / reveal the description area;

6. Hide / reveal the process execution log;

7. Hide or show variables;

8. Process execution status;

9. Variables or process log window;

10. Panel of the created process, actions are added to it by moving them from the library;

11. Process control buttons (start, stop, pause). Button record allows you to record the execution of actions in real time;

12. Search for necessary actions;

13. Hide / show the library;

14. Expands the list of available actions and variables accordingly;

15. Sequence of actions forming the future macro.

Creating your first macro

I apologize for the lengthy theory, now let's immediately begin creating our first macro, the task of which is to combine several PDF documents into one, giving us the right to select source files, and then show the result on the desktop.

As I have said more than once, a macro is a logical sequence of actions; in our example there are three such actions: selecting source data; conversion process (not visually displayed) and output of the result.

We add the first action “query finder objects” by dragging it from the library to the program workspace.

Don't forget to check the box multiple choice, this will allow the program to understand that we need to get not one file, but several.

We have set the receipt of the initial data, now we need to process it, in our case this is “merge PDF pages”

In this action, by default, pages will be merged in order by adding new ones, if desired, you can put a button on shuffling pages, but we are still interested in the first option, so we don’t change anything.

There remains the final stage, which is responsible for saving the result in any place convenient for us, for example on the desktop.

First, let's look at working with Automator. It's a far cry from "real" programming, but no less exciting and rewarding.

After that, let's move on to scripting languages; their work is not much different from work in other operating systems.

When all this is mastered, let’s cast aside all doubts and rush into the very depths. Into programming directly for Mac OS X Native apps, native development language, native IDE, native problems.


Automator is a standard program that comes with the operating system and allows you to automate simple actions. In fact, you can use it to create different actions without calling them programs. This is cool. The developers are scared and don’t want to get involved with it. But this doesn’t seem to be programming, so you can try.

Rice. 2 - Automator started

Let's start the automaton. Immediately after launch, a window will appear with the ability to select the type "workflow"(“work process” in Russian translation) (Fig. 2). What it is? This literally translates as “work flow.” It's actually a sequence of actions. For example, what do you need to do to make coffee?

  1. Take coffee from the can in the closet.
  2. Find a coffee grinder.
  3. Grind coffee.
  4. Place ground coffee into the coffee maker.
  5. Pour water into the coffee maker.
  6. Put down the cup.
  7. Turn on the coffee maker and wait until it turns off.
  8. Take a cup and put it on the table.

It is precisely this sequence of actions that is called the incomprehensible word “workflow” or the no less incomprehensible “work process”. When working with an automator, we type actions one after another in order to obtain a result from the initial data.

The type of workflow (let's take this term as a starting point, since it was translated this way to Apple) determines exactly the initial data with which you want to do something. We are offered to work with files, audio data, photographs, text, or something completely incomprehensible and our own. For example, let's try to take an Internet page, download all the pictures from it, making fun of them a little along the way. And save the result to your folder.

This is where a little leapfrog begins. In the English version, you can select the appropriate type of process that collects links to pictures from the current page. This is not in the Russian version. Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary repetitions and disagreements, we select the “Free” or “Custom” process type. A blank field appears on the right, where we will create a sequence of actions and an impressive list of actions on the left. Let's make a preliminary list of what needs to be done:

  1. Take the current Safari application page.
  2. Get all the pictures from there.
  3. Make fun of them (they should all be the same).
  4. Save the result.

Safari seems to be related to the Internet. Therefore, we select the section "Internet", there is an action “Get current page from Safari", drag it into the field on the right (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3 - Drag the first action

You need to pick out pictures from the resulting page. There is no required action. But there is an action that gets URLs pictures, that is, their addresses. Well, let's try. Drag the “Get URL of web page images” action so that it appears below the previous one. This is a general rule and the process is done from top to bottom. Please note that the actions are linked by an arrow. This means that the result of the top action is used in the bottom one. If not used, there will be no arrow. But what to do with these addresses? Download! Since the term “download” is informal, we are looking for something more formal. ABOUT! "Load URL". Let's take it. We drag this action, the arrow appears again. There is some kind of incomprehensible field in the action (Fig. 4).

The field is called “Where” (although it should be called “Where”) and shows where to save the mined items. Let's leave it as it is. If we click on “Description”, we will see that the action receives as input URL addresses, as a result “Files/folders”. This is good because we are now working with files. We were able to convert the links on the page into real pictures on our computer. Let's move on.

Select the “Photo” library in the list of actions on the left. We are now interested in some kind of perversion. Suitable: “Image Processing” Quartz- filter." Sounds mysterious. It's really just applying filters to pictures. Like Sepia. Drag the action under the rest, select the filter type to your liking. During the dragging process, we will be warned that this filter is committing abuse on images. This suits us, so we boldly agree.

All that remains is to take the received files and put them in some correct place. Let this correct place be in “Documents”, in the subfolder “Pictures from the Internet”. We work with files, so we select the “Files and Folders” action library; there is a wonderful “New Folder” action there. It’s great because, having selected it and looked at the description (at the bottom of the list of actions), we read: “This action creates a new folder with the specified name. Input:(Files/Folders) If files are submitted to this activity, they will be copied to a new folder. Result: Files/folders." Great! Exactly what we need. Let's throw it down. Enter the name of the new folder and choose where to create it.

Let's go check how this whole thing works. Open your favorite website in Safari. Go to Automator, and click the big “Run” button at the top right. The magic begins. Wheels spin around actions, jackdaws appear next to completed ones, and at the end a victorious “Dong” sounds. Let's check. Open in Finder folder “Pictures from the Internet”, which was created in “Documents”. Hmm, really pictures. Works!

Fig. 6 - What does the “workflow” look like after execution

Pay attention to the green “daws” at the bottom left of each action. This indicates that the action was completed successfully. If something breaks, there will be a red X.

The first steps have been taken. Here is a list of what else you can do using Automator:

  1. Rename a bunch of files.
  2. Send file(s) directly from your desktop by email.
  3. Bulk resize images. Both files and album in iPhoto.
  4. Make a mailing to your address book (to a group of addresses).
  5. Make an audio file from a text file (unfortunately, there is no way to make the computer speak Russian).
  6. Upload the resulting file to FTP.

All these and other actions can be combined in any order. In general, there is huge scope for creativity. And no programming. It just works!

Automator is an incredibly convenient program included with Mac OS X that allows you to automate some routine and everyday operations. Unfortunately, most new Mac users don't even know this tool exists. Therefore, today I will try to correct this and, with the help of clear examples, show the basic principles of creating mini-programs, which are called “processes” (workflow).

Batch renaming images

We will begin, perhaps, with a fairly simple task of group renaming images according to a certain mask containing the file name, its number and the current date. If there are several such files, you can rename them manually, but if there are a large number of files, I recommend using the services of Automator.

To launch the utility, you just need to either find its icon at the top of the Applications directory, or use your favorite application launcher/system Spotlight. And after a few seconds, the application window will appear in front of us, as well as a list of available templates:

  • A "Process" is the simplest sequence of actions that can be started directly from Automator.
  • The "program" is a stand-alone process and can be saved as a regular Mac OS X application with a *.app extension.
  • A "service" is a process that is context specific and can be used across the entire system or individual applications.
  • The “folder action” is launched only for the folder specified in it and is initialized by the objects added to it.
  • "Print plugins" are used to extend the capabilities of the print dialog.
  • iCal Reminders are processes that are triggered by events added to iCal.
  • Finally, the “Image Capture Plugin” can be used in the corresponding application to process photos uploaded from the camera.

In our case, select “Folder Action” - and a window will appear in front of us, divided into 2 areas. On the left half is the Library (a list of available actions and variables), and on the right is the workflow window into which you can drag and drop items from the Library.

The option located at the top of the process window (right below the toolbar) requires you to select a folder. It is for this that our actions will be performed:

Everything we may need to solve a problem is located in the “Files and Folders” category. First, you need to find and drag an action called “Rename Finder Items” into the workflow window. Because Automator changes their names, we'll be prompted to automatically add another action that allows us to save the original files to a different folder (I chose not to save copies, but that doesn't mean you have to do the same).

Now in the very first drop-down list of our action, you need to select the “Make consistent” item and configure the format of the new name as you wish. This is quite easy to do, as there is an example at the bottom of the action.

To add the current date to the file names, you need to drag the Rename Finder Items action into the workflow window again. Only this time, instead of “Make sequential”, select the “Add date or time” list item (more precisely, it is selected automatically) and set the parameters as you wish:

Bulk image resizing

Let's complicate the task. Let's say we have a large number of images (photos) that need to be reduced. To solve this problem, we need to select the “Program” template.

However, before rushing to solve the problem head-on, I suggest drawing up a sequence of necessary actions. For example, first we should ask the user to select the photos whose size we want to resize. In addition, it is advisable to work not with the original files, but with their copies, so that you can always try new settings for our process. And we will copy the reduced images to a separate directory.

Now we can move on to creating our mini-program. First, you need to find and drag the Query Finder Items action into the workflow window under the Files and Folders category (or via the search bar). There you can specify the window title text, the starting folder and the data type. Don't forget to check the multiple selection checkbox.

To work with file copies, I suggest searching the Library for the “Copy Finder Objects” action, specifying the destination directory. The next action is in the "Photo" category and is called "Resize Image". In the settings you can specify the size of the resulting image in pixels or percentages.

By the way, in the bottom panel of each action there are three tabs: Results, Parameters and Description. Therefore, if you want Automator to prompt you each time to specify the required image size when performing this action, select the “Show action in progress” checkbox in the Options tab (if desired, using this option you can extend the previous process to specify a specific name files to rename).

If you notice, a triangular arrow comes out of each action, which represents the result of its work. These results are then used as input parameters in the next action.

And one more trick: by selecting the “Show action during execution” checkbox, the “Show only selected objects” option will become active. This way you will not be able to display the entire window with the action, but only some elements. For example, a field to indicate the required size.

And to complete the process, we need to transfer the thumbnail image to a new directory. To do this, we will need the “New Folder” action from the “Files and Folders” category.

The saved program will behave exactly like any other application on the system.

Opening certain web pages when launching the browser

Almost every day I launch Safari and start working with the same web pages. So why not create an application that will do this automatically?

We will need the "Application" template and two actions located in the "Internet" category:

  • “Get selected URLs”, in the settings of which we indicate our favorite web pages;
  • and the “Display Web Pages” action to open them in the default browser.

Extract text from PDF

This is a fairly simple but handy script for Automator that can sometimes save time. It will allow you to extract text from a PDF document (of course, such a document should contain text, not scanned images) and save it into a separate file with or without formatting.

To solve the problem, we need only one action with the same name, “Extract PDF text”, located in the “PDF files” category. Drag it into the workflow window and configure the settings as you wish:

Note that we didn't specify a "Query Finder Items" action in this process, so once launched, we can drag any PDF file we want to process directly onto our app's Dock icon. This file will serve as an input parameter for the process.

Save the contents of the clipboard to a text file

We continue to explore different Automator templates, and in this process I suggest creating a service that will save the contents of the clipboard to a text file that we specify. The required template is called “Service”. She will not teach any initial data, but will “act according to the situation.” Therefore, it will not have input data, which is what needs to be indicated in the drop-down list above the workflow window.

We need to give our service a human name so that we can easily find it in the “Services” menu of any application...

...and assign it, if necessary, a keyboard shortcut in the System Settings application.

And if you replace the “New Text File” action with “Text to Audio File”, then as a result of the process you will get an audio track with the contents of the clipboard, recorded using the text-to-speech function built into Mac OS X.

In general, this function was designed specifically for people with disabilities, but if desired, it can also be used for entertainment purposes.

Easy automatic backup

We continue to complicate the task, and now I propose to create a simple backup system that will be triggered when a certain event occurs in iCal. To do this, we will use its ability to serve as an event reminder to launch a specific application or file.

In Automator, select a new template type - “iCal Reminder”, and then drag three actions from the “Files and Folders” category into the workflow window:

  • “Get specified Finder objects” (select the desired folder for backup using the Add button).
  • “Get contents of folders” with the “Repeat for each subfolder found” option selected.
  • And “Copy Finder Objects” (this requires you to specify a destination directory and allows you to replace existing files).

As soon as you save the process, iCal will launch and an event with the name of your process will automatically be added for the near future. You can change this event at your discretion, and also create a completely new, independent event, indicating the need to run our program in the reminder section:

Quit all applications

Sometimes you need to end all running applications that interfere with your work or have taken up almost all the free resources of your computer. In this case, you can use a special utility like Blitz, one of the tips for concentrating attention in Mac OS X, or start working “from scratch” by closing all applications in one fell swoop.

Such a workflow will require only one action, formatted as a program. And this action is called similarly - “End all programs” (it is located in the “Utility programs” category). You can also add some applications to exceptions. In “difficult moments”, it’s enough to launch our mini-application, wait a while and again enjoy the performance of the Mac.

That's all for today! I hope that this article will help you not only understand the wonderful and useful Automator tool, but also greatly simplify some routine operations. Don’t be afraid to experiment, because if you wish, you can take any of the examples discussed above as a basis and change them at your discretion.

2024 gtavrl.ru.