What to write in meta tags. What are meta tags? How to correctly fill out the Title, Description, Keywords meta tag

Meta tag HTML defines information about a web page. Tags in the meta group are called meta tags, and the contents of the meta tag are called metadata. Metadata indicates various technical information about a document, mainly for browsers and search engines and is not visible to the user on the site.

Meta tags are often used: author, description, keywords, viewport, charset.

Meta tags are in the area HTML document(). You can insert or, as they say, write meta tags in any order and quantity.

It is not necessary to use meta tags, but we recommend filling in at least the description, viewport, and charset meta tags. This will be a plus for internal website optimization.


Examples of using in HTML code

Basic meta tags

Below are some basic tags with application notes and examples of use.

Meta description tag

Brief description of the document (website page). Search engines can use the contents of the meta description tag to display it in the search results snippet.

Example of using the description meta tag

Meta keywords tag

Page Keywords. Previously used to indicate to search engines the main semantic phrases of a web page. At the moment, there are different opinions on how to correctly and whether it is worth filling out the keywords meta tag.

An example of filling out the keywords meta tag

Meta viewport tag

Sets some browser viewport options. Attribute width indicates the width of the viewing window (viewport), initial-scale- scaling factor when opening the page for the first time.

Example of using the viewport meta tag

Meta tag for a responsive site: indicates that the viewport width is adjusted to fit the device:

Meta tag charset

Web page encoding. The most common value is "UTF-8".

Example of using a charset encoding meta tag

Meta refresh tag

A meta tag with an attribute indicates the time when the page is automatically refreshed. The page will automatically reload at the interval specified in content attribute. The value is indicated in seconds.

Example of using meta http refresh

Browser support

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


Attribute Values Description


Specifies the encoding of the HTML document.


test value

The main content of the meta tag. Depends on other attributes. Used with http-equiv or name.



Sets the HTTP header for the attribute content.

Content-type- Encoding. Deprecated value, in HTML5 use charset(see example above).
Default-style- Preferred style sheet.
Refresh- Page auto-refresh interval.



Meta tag name. Like http-equiv defines the essence of the meta tag.

Application-name- the name of the web application that the page represents.
Author- the name of the author of the web page.
Description- a brief description of the page.
Generator- Indicates the software used to create the page (for non-handwritten pages).
Keywords- page keywords.
Viewport- some parameters of the page viewing area.

What are meta tags? Meta tags are special html tags located in the container and are designed to transmit information about the site to browsers and search engines. For example, when crawling your resource, search robots collect page titles, site descriptions, keywords, author information and other information contained in tags . Before showing the page of the user’s website, the browser does the same to understand in what form the site should be shown for a PC or a smartphone.

In this material, meta tags will be considered through the prism SEO promotion. And you can learn the basic rules for filling them out, analyzing and checking them using webmaster tools.

Types of meta tags:

  • title( title) - page titles;
  • description( discrimination) — brief description of the page;
  • keywords ( keywords) - keywords;
  • technical meta tags (responsible for the correct display of the page).

How to fill out meta tags correctly

From an SEO point of view, the main meta tags of a website are Title and Description. Therefore, we will consider the correctness of filling them out. We repeat that all of them must be located between the tags and not in any other place in the code.

If your site is made on a CMS, then to edit the section with meta tags, you need to install a special plugin or module.


Meta tag is responsible for the page title and is displayed as a line of text in the browser tab.</p> <p>For search engine promotion of a site, it is necessary that the keyword be located as close as possible to the beginning of the Title or be the very first. If the site is being promoted in any region, we write the name of the city or region. Next comes a selling or clarifying additive. Finally, to make the title unique, after the straight line we insert the name of the site or company</p> <p><b>For example:</b></p> <ol><li>For a commercial site: <i>“Buy a laptop in Moscow - prices from 19,990 rubles in the online store | site.ru"</i></li> <li>For the information site: <i>“How to properly grow aloe at home | Gardener</i>»</li> </ol><p>To ensure that the title is not cut off when displayed in search engine results, the title length must be no more than 65 characters.</p><p> <title>Page title


The Description meta tag is responsible for describing the essence of the information on the page in a few sentences. Typically, the search engine takes information from this tag to form a snippet in the search results (most often Google does this, less often Yandex).

The description should also include a direct occurrence of the keyword (if possible supplemented by another word form), talk about the benefits of your offer, plus serve as a promotion for the main content of the page. Let's try to create page descriptions for the two examples mentioned above.


  1. “Buy a laptop in Moscow. Order a laptop at a price of 19,990 rubles in the online store. Delivery is free. 2 year warranty."
  2. “How to properly grow aloe at home. Gardener magazine shares the secrets of growing aloe plants at home.»

Length no more than 140 characters. In pure html, it would look like this:


The Keywords meta tag is a set of keywords by which the page is promoted. However, today this attribute is already is not mandatory and can be filled out optionally, So, in the “golden era” of SEO, it was overused and search engines practically do not pay attention to it. If you still decide to fill in the keywords, it is better to do this by simply listing the words in the initial form without commas:

“Buy a laptop in Moscow order price cost ruble online store catalog delivery guarantee”

Any length, but don’t be too zealous. In html it is correctly written like this:

You can parse competitors' meta tags in just a couple of clicks - using a parser.

Technical meta tags

  • Expires — document expiration date.
  • Pragma - a ban on the use of cached data; information must be loaded from the server.
  • Content-Type - content type and encoding.
  • Content-language — page/site language.
  • Cache-Control - Sets whether the document is cached or not, and if so, how.
  • Robots - is responsible for indexing individual pages.
  • document-state — indexing frequency.

The absence of meta tags can negatively affect the display, indexing and ranking of pages.

How to add meta tags to a CMS

Most often, various CMS are used to manage content on a website, and some of them require the installation of additional modules and plugins to set meta tags. To add meta tags to the CMS you need:

Though Wix and is not a CMS - it is just a constructor, here you can also make a meta description of the site and keywords that contain information about the site. For each page, when you click on three dots, a menu pops up where you can go to the SEO section and set the necessary parameters.

But if you are serious about promoting your site in search engines, it is better not to use Wix and choose, for example, WordPress.

Checking meta tags online + analysis

To check meta tags on your own website, you can use the Yandex webmaster panel. To do this, go to Webmaster "Diagnostics - Site diagnostics." On the page that opens, click “View.” After this, you will be shown a list of pages that are not filled in .

For a comprehensive check or to analyze competitors’ meta descriptions, you can use services that quickly and online show the necessary information.

Here are a few such services:

  • Promotional console
  • Serpstat
  • Pixelplus


Meta tags are the first thing a search engine pays attention to. They are the key factors in ranking site pages in search results. You can’t leave meta descriptions empty; on the contrary, you need to be very careful about filling them out, and now you know how to do it.

Meta tags, meta tags, meta tags(rarely SEO tags) - all this is the same concept in website promotion in search engines. In a nutshell, these are special HTML (or XMTL) tags (elements) that are included in the code of website pages and are not visually visible to the user on the page. These are auxiliary elements for promotion, which are specifically entered into the code to transmit information about the site to browsers and search engines.

Correctly filling out meta tags on a website is very important for SEO promotion of any website. When developing a website, meta tags must be taken into account immediately: so that they are displayed on each page in the code, are filled in everywhere, and also so that it is possible to edit meta tags on each page at any time. Correct filling of meta tags especially helps promote low frequency queries. One of the basic rules for filling out SEO tags is their uniqueness on the site: there should be no duplication of meta tag values ​​on any page of the site. The absence of basic meta tags on the page has a negative impact on promotion.


These tags are not required elements when creating the site page code and do not affect its performance. The presence of meta tags on a page is an important criterion for SEO website promotion.

Basic page meta tags and where they should be placed

Meta tags that exist (although there are a little more of them) and which we will talk about in this article:

  • title (title, title) – page title (which is sent to the browser);
  • description (description) - description of the page;
  • keywords (keywords) - keywords;
  • robots - page indexing rules for robots.

Where are these tags typically placed in the page code? Inside the container at the very beginning of the page code. There may be several different in their purposes. Meta tags must be placed on all pages of the site and must be filled out correctly and correctly.

How to add meta tags on a website

Website programmers/developers should add meta tags to templates. But SEO specialists should prescribe meta values. Website programmers/developers should add meta tags to templates. And it is more convenient for the SEO specialist to specify meta values ​​directly - for this purpose, functionality should be provided in the site administration system. You can fill in tag values ​​manually for each page separately, or using automatic rules for the site.

How to check if a site has meta tags

You can check whether a page has meta tags by opening the page code. You can do this in several ways:

Meta title tag (title, page title)

Concept and syntax

The title tag is one of the most important in optimization. The title is the title of the page, its name. Therefore, it must be present on all pages of the site. Pages without titles on the site look like this in the snippet:

That is, the page URL itself is included in the header (url is the address of the page).

A snippet is a small text block that describes a website page in search results. Thanks to the snippet, the user can get an idea of ​​the site without visiting it.

Accordingly, the title must be present on all pages of the site. It helps improve optimization for queries in search results.

The title is located in the tag . Briefly it looks like this:

Page title

There are generally accepted rules for filling out the title. But calling these rules “rules” can only be conditional. Let's look at the main points that you should first pay attention to when creating a meta title:

  • title length;
  • title content;
  • use of keywords in the title;
  • use of stop words in the title;
  • use of punctuation marks.

12 Basic Rules for Writing Titles

In the search results title we see here:

Often, it is by this title that users decide whether to go to the site or not. This is why the content of the page title is very important: it must be on topic, meaningful and informative to attract attention.

How to fill out title correctly:

You need to understand that there are always exceptions to the rules: sometimes pages that contain elements about which we say “impossible” or “abstain” get to the top, for example:

Meta description tag (description, page description)

Concept and syntax

Description is also an important parameter when promoting websites. Distribution is a logical continuation of the page title. If in the title we briefly say what the page is about, then in the description we do this in more detail. But you don’t need to make the description very similar to the title; don’t include phrases from the title. This should be an independent text that is not so focused on key queries, but must be attractive to the user, since the description can often be included in a snippet in search results here:

When forming a snippet, search engines take into account the description as a text block equally with other text fragments of the page.

7 basic rules for writing Description pages

What do we look at first in the description:

  • description length,
  • uniqueness of the description,
  • content.

There are some conventional SEO rules for correctly composing a description:

Small tricks: recently it has become popular to use special characters and emoji in descriptions (emoji are “smiles”, “graphic elements”). Similarly, emoji can be used in titles. This use supposedly affects click-through rates in search by making the site snippet more attractive (but there is no evidence). But there is no need to “confused” with such use, i.e. Emojis should not be inserted every two words. What it might look like:

But this is just our subjective opinion.

Advice! Emoji cannot be placed as the very first and/or very last element of titles and descriptions, as search engines ignore them and do not include them in the snippet.

If there are no descriptions anywhere on your site, or they are partially present, but not on all pages, or there are duplicate descriptions, we highly recommend correcting this situation as soon as possible. Description must be present on all pages of the site and be unique for the site.

Lyrics about keywords (keywords, keywords)

Let's say separately about keywords, but not much: today this meta tag does not provide any benefit to the site.

A little history: What is it? This tag once contained a list of main queries (keywords) that corresponded to the content of the page. They could be listed separated by commas, or without punctuation through spaces. Previously, search engines took these words into account when indexing.

The keywords meta tag was placed similarly inside the tag . In simplified form it looked like this:



4 rules that were taken into account in Keywords

  1. Use no more than 20 words. Placing too many words could have a negative impact on search engine perception.
  2. No more than 3 repetitions one keyword: the principle here is similar - there is no need to cause negativity on the part of search engines due to overspam.
  3. Insert misspelled words: Typos are normal for the user. Sometimes misspelled words could be more popular than the main query.
  4. Using English Queries: if the subject of the site (page) allows it.

The question has always arisen: how to write keywords correctly: separated by a space or separated by a comma? It was argued that both options were correct. Comma separated queries have been a more popular use case. What it might look like:

An example of keywords without commas. Here again there are two options:

  • A list of queries, similar with commas, but without them:
  • Or use words only once without commas:
  • If the keywords meta tag was filled out well, this had a positive effect on the relevance of the page, which helped with promotion.

    But let us note once again: today this tag is no longer taken into account at all, or its value has been reduced to a minimum.

    Here is all the information that should be enough to understand what meta keywords are and how they were used.

    And for a snack: the Robots meta tag

    The robots tag is also inside the container … anywhere. Brief syntax:



    This meta tag affects the indexing of pages.

    Site indexing- this is the process of searching, collecting, processing and adding information about a site to the search engine database, that is, search robots enter your site and take its pages into the database, which they can then submit in search results.

    Using the robots tag, we tell search robots whether to index a page or not, who to index and who not, i.e. We influence site indexing. The content attribute must consist of one or more directives (if there are several, we write them separated by commas).

    The directives themselves:

    • all - allowed to index text and links on the current page;
    • none - it is forbidden to index the text and follow links on the page;
    • index - equals all, i.e. indexing is allowed;
    • follow - same as all;
    • noindex - indexing of page text is prohibited;
    • nofollow - it is forbidden to follow links on the page;
    • noimageindex - disables indexing of images on the current page.
    • noarchive - prohibits displaying “Saved copy” links in search results;
    • nosnippet - prohibits displaying a snippet in search results.

    Most often, the robots tag looks like:

    • - the page is allowed to be indexed;
    • - the page is not allowed to be indexed.

    It is advisable to use this tag on all pages of the site that are allowed to be indexed, except for those pages that you want to block. In addition, you can specify different parameters for different search engines, for example, allow Yandex to index, but not allow Google. This can be done by specifying a specific robot: - ban for Yandex, - a ban for Google.

    You need to fill out such tags carefully so that there are no errors in the syntax, or repetitions within the tag, or tags that are mutually opposite to each other (for example, we allow and disable indexing of code). In this case, robots tags may be ignored by robots.

    Briefly about other meta tags

    Content-type- shows information about the document type and its encoding. May affect correct display in browsers. Example .

    Content-language- provides information about the language of the content (content) used. .

    Refresh- this tag allows you to set the page refresh time when loading or when the user is redirected to another section. Useful to use when updating a site: instead of a 404 error page or long loading time, it redirects the user to a new section: .

    Meta Author And Copyright- indicates the authorship of the graphic and text content of the page: (author of the page), (copyright property), (address of the author/owner).

    Typical mistakes when writing meta tags

    • Duplication the same meta tag value for several pages, and sometimes on all pages of the site.
    • Adding to meta identical tails(pieces), these can be the names of the site/company, or some auxiliary similar constructions like “on the salon website...”.
    • Too much long values titles and descriptions, or vice versa are too short.
    • Blank value meta tags.
    • Spaminess keywords.
    • Several of the same tags on one page (for example, two titles).


    Here is basic information on site meta tags that may be useful to you in promotion. Follow some or all of the rules and your search rankings will be more successful. Good luck!

Title, Description, Keywords - these terms confuse every novice blogger and Internet entrepreneur.

I remember once searching for the meaning of these words on Google. After reading dozens of articles and conducting many experiments, I studied meta tags in great detail.

As a result, having learned how to correctly compose meta tags for my blog, I was stunned by the results (without exaggeration).

In this article, I will save you time: you will learn what meta tags are, why they are needed and how to write them correctly.

But there is another side to the coin: overspam of this tag. Remember, the headline is written primarily for people.

⛔ Example of an unsuccessful Title:

How to travel to Asia quickly, cheap, travel tickets China Japan

✅ Example of a good Title:

How to travel to Asia: all the details including tickets, accommodation, food

👍 Ideal option:

How to travel to Asia and not regret it (tickets, accommodation, etc.)

Secret #2. Intrigue

Your title should not only contain search queries, but also arouse people's interest.

The logic is simple:

The more intriguing your headline, the more people will come to the site. Seeing interest from users, search engines will begin to raise its rankings. The higher a site ranks in search results, the more successful it is.

Impressive statistics: the first three sites from organic results receive 61.5% of all clicks. Therefore, try to get not into the top ten, but into the top three.

But how to write a truly catchy Title?

Here are some tips:

  1. Add numbers and percentages to the title. For example: 10 Tips on how... ; 5 Reasons why...; 3 Best...
  2. Use the following adjectives and adverbs: Effective, Awesome, Incredible, Unconventional, Like, Step by step, Simple, Easy, Fast.
  3. Try to make people feel strong emotions when reading your headline.

Most importantly, take the time to write compelling headlines. Always remember the words of the “father of advertising” David Ogilvy:

After I wrote a more intriguing title for an article about plugins, the percentage of conversions from search increased significantly:

Secret #3. Ideal length

Your title should not exceed 60 characters. Otherwise, search engines will independently cut it off at the 61st letter.

Ideal: Stick to 50 to 60 characters.

A headline that is too short will look unconvincing in most cases.

Compare for yourself:

How to add a Title tag

Websites running on WordPress have one interesting detail:

The title of the article is automatically duplicated in Title. If you really want to increase website traffic, you need to create the page title yourself.

Blogging, making money on the Internet, blog monetization.

Now you know literally everything about meta tags and are one step closer to success. If you think this article might be useful to others, please share it on social media.

Meta tags (from the English meta tags) are elements of HTML markup of pages for search robots so that they correctly “read” and process the presented information. Most tags are placed in a block HTML document:

Page title for search engines

Document title

Document text

Resource optimization is important for search engine promotion, but many do not know how to correctly write the main SEO tags: title, description, keywords and h1 heading

The most important html tags associated with website ranking in search engines are the following tags:

  • title;
  • description;
  • keywords;
  • headings h1, h2, h3.

  1. To generate an expanded snippet– text information selected by the search engine to present your online store page in search results. For the snippet, you can select an excerpt from the text with a keyword or text from the description tag.
  2. To increase the click-through rate of your website in search engines. The better and more accurately you describe what a buyer will encounter when going to a page on your website, the higher the number of transitions and the conversion of search traffic into sales will be.
  3. To provide additional information about the store. If you, using micro-marking, add information to the snippet about your advantages, terms of delivery and payment, rating, prices, opening hours and pickup points, then this information will help customers choose your product or store.

What is the meta title tag for?

Title – page title tag, which is displayed as the first line in Google and Yandex search results for each site and is shown in the title of the browser tab with your site. Its importance is very difficult to overestimate, because it is it that has the greatest influence on the ranking of the page, gives an idea to users and the search engine itself about the content of the page.

In order for search engines to correctly perceive the content of the pages of your online store, it is very important to correctly write the title tag. To do this, follow the basic rules for forming the title tag.

1. The title tag must be unique for each page

If you have several pagination pages in the catalog section, you can add the page number at the end of the title tag: page 1, page 2, page 3, or better yet, write down the distinctive characteristics of the product: color, volume, size or article number, so that search engines and buyers can understand how products on similar pages differ.


  • Entrance metal door "Name" - double-leaf
  • Entrance metal door "Name" - with thermal break
  • Engraving inside glass on shell
  • Engraving inside the glass on the ball

2. The title tag should be different from the description and h1 tags

The fact is that title is very often displayed in search results together with the contents of the description tag, so they should not be duplicated, but rather reveal and complement each other’s meaning. If they are identical, then the search engine will select a different piece of text with a key query. Therefore, you need to think carefully about the title and description.

The h1 tag is a user-visible heading located at the top of a section or product page. The h1 tag should briefly and clearly describe the product: name, manufacturer, model, etc. For example, if in the title

the product is simply named, then in the title and description you can add the most frequent commercial queries, including brand names in Cyrillic.


  • Engraving on a wooden flash drive

  • Order engraving on a wooden flash drive as a gift
  • < meta name="Description" content="Order engraving on a wooden flash drive as a birthday present. A large selection of exclusive gifts with delivery.">

3. The title tag should be optimized for relevant pages and products

Title is the main tag that allows search engines to understand what information is on the page, so it is necessary to include a search query corresponding to the name of the product or section and several clarifying commercial words.

Title tag for online store section pages need to be formed from the most common queries with high frequency, for example:

  1. Buy a metal entrance door in Krasnoyarsk inexpensively;
  2. Buy an exclusive birthday gift (city);
  3. Buy a trip with an all-inclusive flight to Turkey.

Title tag for product pages needs to be formed from specific requests, when the buyer has already decided what to buy and chooses where to do it:


  • Buy an entrance door Vityaz (model) in Krasnoyarsk
  • Buy a last minute trip to Turkey from (price)

4. The title tag should reflect the actual content of the page

The title should describe as accurately as possible what the user will encounter on the site and what he can do with it. If on your website you can only get acquainted with the assortment, but there is no opportunity to buy the product, then in no case should you include commercial queries with the words “buy”, “order”, “delivery”, etc. in the title. Otherwise, the user deceived by an incorrect title and disappointed by the real state of things, will close your site in a few seconds. And this will lead to an increase in the number of failures, a decrease in behavioral characteristics and a decrease in positions in search engines.

5. The title tag should have a complete sentence structure

The title is the calling card of a page in search results, so it should be readable, understandable, and interesting to potential buyers.

  1. It is forbiddenlist all keywords for a query separated by commas: door, buy a door, buy an inexpensive entrance door, etc..
  2. You need to make sentences correctly: Buy an entrance door to (city) inexpensively.
  3. Inconsistent proposals with listing keywords should not be allowed: buy an inexpensive entrance door.

The ideal title tag structure answers the questions “What?” Where? When?" In other words, what product can a potential buyer buy in your store and under what conditions? Moreover, the high-frequency request should be at the beginning of the tag.

note: When forming a title meta tag, you cannot use “.” !

6. The title tag must be written correctly

Not only texts, but also tags should not contain grammatical errors, since this is equally disliked by both users and search engines.

  1. Don't make mistakes in spelling words;
  2. Do not use jargon or "blank" words;
  3. Do not overuse special characters, exclamation marks and capital letters;
  4. Do not use periods or quotation marks, as they break up the content of the tag into passages;
  5. Use quotation marks and parentheses if the rules require it;
  6. Use brand writing in Cyrillic and Latin.

An exception to this rule is sometimes allowed if a non-literary name for a product is firmly established in the language ( dishwasher – dishwasher) or incorrect brand spelling ( Scarlett – Scarlet).

7. The title tag should contain no more than 70 characters

The search results display no more than 70 characters, although you can write 90.

  • 50–57 characters for Google;
  • 65–70 characters for Yandex.

If the title is long, the search engine will choose which 70 characters to show to the user in accordance with the entered query. And this choice is unpredictable. It is better to make the task easier for search engines and try to fit everything or the most important thing into the first 50-70 characters, otherwise everything unnecessary will be replaced with ellipses. Moreover, the search engine can shorten not only the end of the phrase, but also the middle and the very beginning. Therefore, take care of concise and succinct titles for your pages.

True, there are times when it is impossible to describe the entire range of goods and services posted on the page in five or six words. It should be taken into account that in long titles the weight of the main keyword is blurred: the further from the beginning, the less the meaning of each word.


  • Buy an inexpensive entrance door in Krasnoyarsk

What is the Description tag for?

Description is intended to provide search engines with a brief description of the page content for indexing and displaying accompanying information in search results.

Once upon a time, information from this tag was necessarily displayed in search results and had special weight during indexing, however, due to abuse, different search engines use different algorithms to assess the relevance of the description and page content specified in the tag, on the basis of which they can ignore the contents of the tag .

Despite this, it is preferable to fill out this tag, but keep in mind that the effective length of text that can be placed in this tag by various search engines is set at their discretion and the current recommended size ranges from 70 to 140 characters, and the maximum processed does not exceed 400.

It is reliably known:

  • The content of the tag is taken into account and is sometimes used to appear in search results. For example, as Yandex reports:

    - content of this tag Maybe used in snippets (site descriptions on the search results page);

    In some “magic” cases, even if this tag is present, the text from it is used as a description of the page in search results. And this is not always the lead paragraph (the first one on the page).
  • The effective length of the content taken into account is different for different search engines, that’s why they are different search engines.
  • The content of the tag affects the assessment of relevance, but today even the developers themselves will probably not say exactly how, due to the fact that many different and complex algorithms are used to calculate relevance in all search engines. Therefore, developers in many articles and blogs, almost in unison, report that no, it does not have any effect.
  • You still need to indicate this tag; there are instructions about this in the webmaster assistance systems of all major search engines.

How to write Description correctly?

  • The description should reflect the essence of the page and is written in the form of consistent text. Can write several sentences.
  • It must be unique for all pages of the site, and not duplicate similar tags on other sites (for this you can use the company name in the description text, model or characteristics of the product, price).
  • The tag needs to use queries that are used to promote this page, but this must be done in such a way that they are used naturally, in the desired morphology. You should not list search queries separated by commas in the Description.
  • The content of the tag should not repeat the Title.
  • The length of description must be at least 70 and more than 150-200 characters. Google defines the length in pixels, with recommended lengths ranging from 400 to 930 pixels.
  • It is advisable to reflect the main advantages of the company, product, service in the description.
  • The most important information and phrases should be placed at the beginning of the meta description.
  • The tag must be written in human-understandable language.
  • There should be a period at the end of the sentence.

There is no need to use such Descriptions: “Buy entrance doors from us, because we are the best.”

How to correctly fill out the H1 tag for product and store pages?

So, we have reached the headers of product cards and their sections, as well as pages dedicated to payment, delivery, contacts and other information about the store. Title enclosed in a tag


, usually placed at the top of the page and should contain the name of the product or the name of the section. Tags


serve to highlight subheadings by level. For example, this text uses three levels of subheadings:

  • How to correctly write meta tags for SEO optimization of a website?

  • Why write tags: title, description, keywords and h1?

  • How to correctly write the title tag for website pages?

  1. H1 - page title (one!)
    1. H2 - second level heading
      1. H3 - third level heading
      2. H3 - third level heading
    2. H2 - second level heading
    3. H2 - second level heading

If in any of these points there are more sub-points, then they will need to be taken into tags



Rules for placing an H1 tag on a page

  • The tag must appear once on the page.
  • The tag must be unique.
  • Should be informative.
  • No tag

    is an error.

  • In the tag

    there must be a keyword, query corresponding to the section or product name.

  • The recommended tag length is no more than 70 characters (no more than 7-8 words).
  • For products, it is advisable to indicate in the tag

    the most important characteristics of the product (length, width, color, model).

What is the Keywords tag for?

Keywords are used to provide data to search engines to increase the importance of certain words in searches.

Almost all search engines ignore words from this list unless they appear in the visible part of the page. The recommended number of words in this tag is 5-10. In addition, it has been experimentally revealed that breaking this tag into several lines affects search engines’ assessment of the page’s relevance to the query.

Previously, this tag played an important role in website ranking, but today search engines are very critical of it. Since search engine developers reveal only part of the features of page ranking algorithms, it is difficult to say how significant the content of this tag is, but the fact that a correctly filled tag will help to at least slightly increase the significance of the specified words is confirmed by representatives of all major search engines, not forgetting to indicate this in directories for webmasters. But if you fill it with outright spam - a large number of keywords - this can lead to pessimization of the page.

If you decide to fill in keywords, consider the syntax:

Do not include more than 10 keywords. In addition, the specified keywords must be present in the text of the page.

How to enter keywords correctly?

  • The tag must contain the key queries of the page;
  • Use no more than 5-6 words;
  • You can use no more than 3 repetitions;
  • You should not use conjunctions, prepositions, interjections;
  • It is better to form a tag from nouns;
  • You should not use any punctuation marks other than a comma.

What does incorrect resource optimization lead to?

If the tags do not comply with the rules of search engines, Google and Yandex themselves form a snippet (title and description of the site page) on search results pages from the contents of other tags, anchor links, Yandex catalog headings and other sections of text that search robots will find more adequate. This happens if there was:

  1. Reducing or exceeding the optimal tag length;
  2. Lack of exact occurrences of keywords;
  3. Repeating key phrases in one tag;
  4. Grammatical and syntax errors;
  5. Duplicates on several pages of the site.

If the tags do not meet the requirements of search engines, a site with such tags will be shown only after sites with well-written tags. Therefore, you need to be careful when forming and filling out tags to avoid duplicates, overspam and, accordingly, a drop in search rankings.

If you need to create a website, optimize it and promote it to the TOP, hire it for support or conduct contextual advertising, contact our specialists.

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