What do the colors mean in the etxt report. Review of the ETXT Anti-Plagiarism program

How difficult it is these days to bring a coursework or essay to the required percentage of uniqueness in Antiplagiat.VUZ or ETXT. Students spend hours “sweating” over their texts in order to somehow increase their originality and successfully submit their work. Okay, if the “teacher” requires 60-70%, this can still be achieved, although you will have to spend a lot of time, and it depends where the material for the work is taken from. What if the teacher set the requirement at 90%? This is a guard, friends!

How to deal with this disgrace and defeat the unfortunate anti-plagiarism? Who came up with all this and what is it for? - such questions are “born” in the minds of thousands of students, when once again Anti-Plagiarism shows 30-40% uniqueness.

Remember that for every anti-plagiarism there is its own anti-plagiarism! :)

Let's move directly to the topic of the question and figure it out, how to cheat anti-plagiarism when checking a coursework, diploma or essay in 2019-2020. - it’s quite possible to do all this and get by with “little blood.”

The fight for uniqueness

It is necessary to turn on the internal reserves of vocabulary and start “creating”. Each sentence in the text will need to be rearranged. We replace other people's thoughts with our own, select synonyms. We leave only quotes and definitions from the original text. We create practically new work, change the structure. Yes, the work is painstaking, but uniqueness can be greatly improved. In this way, you can turn a downloaded coursework or dissertation into an almost original work. The main thing is that the text in the work makes sense and is formatted correctly.

It will take a lot of time and effort

The teacher can check the work for rewriting and find out where the material came from

If you approach text processing head on, then this method is one of the best.

It differs from the first recommendation in that we mainly use synonyms and use intelligence to a lesser extent. If in a complete reworking of a text you have to use your own thoughts and knowledge in the topic of the work, then for superficial rewriting it is common to use:

- substitution with synonyms

- use of introductory elements, turns

- rearrangement of phrases, words

— changing the structure of text, paragraphs and sentences

I wouldn’t dare call this way to defeat anti-plagiarism programs easy, because... They (the programs) get smarter every year and calculate rewriting quite well. In order not to get caught during verification, you need to use the listed methods in conjunction with uniqueization of coursework and other work. For example, only rearrangement of phrases will be immediately detected when checking for plagiarism in Text.ru or Content-Watch, and in the Advego program, the edited text will be highlighted in blue.

Below is a screenshot from the ETXT program, where you can see that the rewrite is already checking.

This recommendation can work well if the work already has at least 30-40% uniqueness and needs to reach 70-80 - this is a very real opportunity to increase originality. Even a weak C student can outwit anti-plagiarism using this method. But patience and willpower will be required in any case.

This is how easy it used to be to pass coursework and essays...! I replaced Russian letters in words with English ones and now you have 100% uniqueness. Now this no longer works. The freebie is over :) It’s becoming more and more difficult to deceive anti-plagiarism for free.

The method of diluting sentences with epithets, introductory words and phrases does not work either (and in academic work, an abundance of introductory words does not always seem appropriate).

The selection of synonyms is a very good method, but it is of little use when there are a large number of scientific and professional terms. And, of course, if you stupidly use auto-substitution, the teacher will laugh at the “crazy” text.

Let's summarize what no need spend time:

Replacing Cyrillic letters with Latin ones

Adding introductory words

Synonymizing in large quantities

Let's fire up the topic! Insert formulas and tables with pictures - anti-plagiarism programs will not notice them. Normal teachers themselves recommend this method, since it is impossible to make formulas unique! The main thing is not to abuse this feature.

You can set automatic word hyphenation in the MS WORD page layout. How can this help in deceiving anti-plagiarism? Very simple. If you insert a document or copy text in which automatic word wrapping is enabled in Antiplagiat.ru, the system will perceive some of the words as unique, because words will be partially cut off.

Note: this method can increase uniqueness by no more than 2-7 percent. If you don’t have enough to pass the anti-plagiarism check, you can try this method.

To enable this option you need to follow certain steps in ms word (screenshot below):

The essence of this method to bypass anti-plagiarism is that you need to search for material in English, Ukrainian or another language, then translate the material into Russian. The resulting material in Russian will need to be corrected to give the text the correct format. This option to deceive anti-plagiarism for free does exist, but it’s hard to call it free, because Losing time on translation and correction is also a kind of payment. And it is unknown how checking the text for plagiarism will behave, because it may happen that you find the work you need, and after translating the text, it turns out to be borrowed from another source in Russian. Each student chooses the method that suits him best.

We are talking about scientific works that were not indexed by search engines. You may be caught out if the inspector was already familiar with this work. But if you copy-paste carefully and add your own personal thoughts to the texts, the result can be very good.

Where to look for unindexed texts? It can be:

Foreign sites

Translation of foreign works and articles

Dissertations from paid catalogs

Not yet digitized materials taken from the library

Note: the Antiplagiat.VUZ system can also check texts not only in Yandex and Google, but also against closed sources. Keep this in mind, and try to find a way to pre-check your work using closed sources.

If you do not have time to correct downloaded coursework, diplomas, and essays yourself, then you can use the services of our service.

The system increases the uniqueness of the work in a technical way (at the document code level).

The text in the document does not change (visually), but when checked on Antiplagiat.ru, a university or in the ETXT program, the uniqueness will meet your requirements.

For example, you can upload a downloaded finished work into the system with 5% uniqueness. To increase uniqueness to the desired value, for example to 80-100%, you need to:

1. Upload the file with the finished work to our system

2. Select the desired processing system and indicate the percentage

3. Wait for your text to be processed online

4. Check the processed document and successfully submit the work to the educational institution.

An example of checking a thesis that was processed in our service (screenshot below):

The picture shows that using our service you can cheat anti-plagiarism online and increase the uniqueness of any educational work to 80-100%, without wasting your precious time “dancing with a tambourine” around a coursework or diploma.

We wish you successful studies and easy passage of anti-plagiarism!

Etxt Anti-plagiarism is a program for Windows designed to check the uniqueness of texts. Developed by Etxt Anti-plagiarism exchange etxt.ru.

The program looks for matches among saved copies of web pages in various search engines and gives the result of the uniqueness of the text as a percentage.

Features of the program

It is interesting to note that different types of non-uniqueness (text is a frequently occurring key, there is a repetition of text in one document, text is found on the Internet) are highlighted in different colors, and there is also a gradation of color in accordance with the degree of non-uniqueness of the text (See Fig. 1).

Pages are logged if a match is found, and the result of a text uniqueness check is shown at the end. As you can see, the result of the uniqueness of two different texts is different (See Fig. 2).

After clicking on the percentage of uniqueness, similar fragments are highlighted, and by clicking on the link to the web page with the matches found, it is loaded with repetitions already highlighted (See Fig. 3).

Setting up Etxt Anti-plagiarism

The program has a large number of settings and allows you to: configure the sample size (the size of the request to the search engine in words), the number of samples per document, the number of links per sample, the number of shingle words, the uniqueness threshold in percentage, the use of search engines (the main ones are Yandex, Google, Rambler, and the less popular Bing, Nigma, Poisk, Qip, Genon, Mail), specify the interval between search queries. You can use the antigate service (by default, the program produces a verification captcha for search engines with which you need to enter text) to automatically enter captchas. You can also create a list of exception pages from which matches will not be taken into account (See Fig. 4).

Etxt Anti-plagiarism, in addition to checking one text, allows you to perform a batch check of texts from a specified directory, as well as check an entire site.

The downside of the program is its low performance due to the lack of multithreading. With standard settings, the program takes about an hour and a half to check 100 texts using 5-10 thousand.

You can download Etxt Anti-plagiarism on the official website.


Etxt Anti-plagiarism is certainly a useful program for a webmaster, which allows you to check texts for uniqueness, has a large number of settings and quite clearly identifies uniqueness. Since the program is supported by a copywriting exchange, you don’t have to worry about it becoming irrelevant in the near future.

Today's newsletter is entirely dedicated to the popular program for checking the uniqueness of texts - "eTXT Uniqueness Check". We have compiled the newsletter in such a way that you will receive answers to frequently asked questions related to the program and its versions: online and server.

Why can uniqueness check results differ, or how does "eTXT Uniqueness Check" work?

You may have noticed that the results of checking for plagiarism by different services, including “eTXT Uniqueness Check,” may differ. Sometimes the match is close to 100%, and sometimes less than 50%. So what's the matter and why is this happening? Let's figure it out.

To begin with, let's understand what is "eTXT Uniqueness Check", what it is for and how it works. The "eTXT Uniqueness Check" program compares the text you enter with materials that are freely available on the Internet, using search engines Google, Yandex, etc. Those. in fact, he himself is a search engine. The coveted percentage of uniqueness will depend on the number of matches between your text and that found on the “global web.”

The program searches for duplicates using shingle algorithm. A shingle is a phrase consisting of consecutive words. The entire text is divided into such phrases, after which the uniqueness of these samples is checked against those found on the Internet. The smaller the shingle (the number of words in a phrase), the more accurate the result will be. But you need to understand that if you set the shingle size to three in the settings, and use stable phrases in the text, for example, “I like you,” then the uniqueness of the text (due to the large number of matches on the Internet) will not be high.

After the program has divided the text into shingles, it makes requests to search engines (Google, Yandex, etc.). Another factor that influences the final result of the scan is the configuration of these queries. Somewhere a parameter such as "phrase size" is used, and in "eTXT Uniqueness check" this is " Number of samples". A sample is a small “piece” of the source text that will be sent as a request to a search engine. This search engine output is then analyzed by the program (pages are downloaded using links from this output and compared with the source text). The larger the sample, the more requests to search engines , the more comparisons with pages from the Internet, the better the verification.

The next parameter responsible for checking is web page response time. If the connection speed is very slow or the page is heavily overloaded, then “eTXT Uniqueness Check” may skip and not load this page for comparison. Which can lead to an increase in the level of uniqueness, because... there is a possibility that this resource will contain text similar to the one being checked. Therefore, if your Internet connection speed is not high, increase the page response timeout in the settings.

An important factor in the correct result can be errors in processing requests by the program. Below are some and methods for eliminating them.

  • Error 500 (Internal server error). Nothing depends on you here. It can't be fixed.
  • Error 400 (Invalid request). This error may occur due to your computer being overloaded, then requests simply do not have time to be processed.
  • Error 503 (Service is temporarily unavailable). It may occur due to problems with the requested resource; nothing depends on you. This can also occur due to opening a large number of tabs in the browser.

Also, different indications of the uniqueness of the same text are given by shingle comparison method(comparison of consecutive phrases). The algorithm of this method is generally accepted, so different programs when comparing two texts using this method will give approximately the same result.

But with the method of checking for rewrite(when word forms are taken into account, word permutations are taken into account) is a different story, there is no single algorithm, so the results can differ quite a lot.

How to check text with the "eTXT Uniqueness Check" program?

First of all, you need

After installing and launching the program, you will see the program's working window.

To check uniqueness, you need to insert text into the “Editor” window (1), then click “Check uniqueness” (2) and wait for the result of the check in the “Journal” field (3). During the verification process, captchas may appear that must be entered to continue the verification process.

During the verification process, the program regularly requires you to enter a captcha, which must be decrypted to continue working. It is impossible to disable Captcha - this is a protection for search engines. But you can use anti-captcha services, for example “Rukaptcha”, and free yourself from unnecessary work.

Don't forget that the program has a large number of settings. You can access them through “Operations” -> “Settings”. It is possible to make individual settings.

After checking, you can see which text fragments are not unique. They are highlighted in color in the "Editor" field. And in the "Journal" field the sources of borrowing are indicated.

You can also notice that in field 3 to the left of “Found..% matches” abbreviations are visible: Qi, Go, Bi, etc. - they indicate from which search engine this data was taken.

Ya - Yandex.ru, Go - Google.com, Ra - Rambler, Bi - Bing, Qi - Qip.ru, Ni - Nigma.ru, Yah - Yahoo.com

You can select the search engines involved in text evaluation in the settings:

It also happens that instead of a URL in the “Log” field, a line with an error code (500, 400, etc.) may appear. You can see what this means a little higher. It is also worth mentioning that sometimes a page no longer really exists, but is still in the search engine index and the program refers to it when producing results. For example, it was deleted separately or the entire site disappeared. This happens because all indexed website pages are stored in the search engine cache. That is why the program will continue to link to the found page until the search engines update their cache. And even in this case, the text will not be considered unique. Search engine robots know that this material was already written once, despite the fact that the page with such text no longer exists.

Batch check

The program provides the ability to check several texts simultaneously. Select the appropriate section in the program menu at the top, “Operations” -> “Batch scan”

In the window that opens, select the directory in which the files are found (1), then use one of the verification methods: “Check uniqueness” - the verification will be carried out according to your specified parameters, “Deep scan” and “Express scan”.

If you want to scan files stored on your computer, click “Local scan” (3), indicate the directory in which the search will be performed and click on one of the buttons in the field (2).

Also, you have the opportunity to sort files into different folders, depending on the level of uniqueness obtained as a result of verification. To access this function, click on “Show additional options” and configure the necessary parameters, not forgetting to specify the directories (4).

Checking the site for uniqueness

Check every page of your site in just a few clicks. "eTXT Uniqueness Check" makes it possible to check the uniqueness of the material on at least one page or on the entire site. Direct access to this functionality can be obtained by opening “Operations” -> “Site Check”. Next, the following window will open in front of you:

In field 1 you need to insert the site page you want to check. Next, you need to decide how many pages from this site will be checked by the program. To do this, enter the desired number in field 5. The next step is to click on the “Upload” link, and the site pages will be displayed in the program field. Thanks to sorting (6), working with this list of pages is simplified. You can see which pages were loaded with errors and remove them from the list. After this, feel free to choose the verification method suggested by “eTXT Uniqueness Check” (3). If you have several sites that need to be checked, you can use batch download directly from the file by selecting it in field 4.

SEO service

"eTXT Uniqueness Check" can not only check the uniqueness of texts and images, but is also capable of doing a small audit of your site. Open "Operations" -> "SEO service"

In the "Set addresses" (1) specify the sites about which you want to receive information

In the “Set parameters” tab (2), indicate what exactly interests you by selecting from the following list of parameters:

Comparison of texts

It often happens that it is necessary to compare two texts with each other. This function is also present in “eTXT Uniqueness Check”.
Open "Operations" -> "Text Comparison". In field 1, insert the original text, and in field 2, the comparison text.
After checking, matching phrases will be highlighted.

Checking Images

Since there is a store of unique photos on the exchange, and the issue of checking them for uniqueness is very pressing, we have added such a function to “eTXT Uniqueness Check”. To go to the verification window, select "Operations" -> "Image Uniqueness".
The search for a similar photo on the Internet will begin automatically after you select the image.
The left window (1) displays the original image, and the right window (2) displays the image found on the Internet. In the explanations you can always see a link to the page where the duplicate is located and a link to the photo.

Autosave in the program

If you accidentally closed the program window and did not have time to view the scan result, it does not matter. "eTXT Uniqueness Check" provides automatic saving of the last sessions of your work. You can view your history through “File” -> “Autosaves”. Select a session, click on it and it will immediately open in your browser window.

You can also choose how many reports will be automatically saved; to do this, set the desired number in the settings in the “Report” tab.

The difference between the system version of "eTXT Uniqueness Check" and the online check and what is the "Dedicated Server" eTXT Uniqueness Check":

"eTXT Uniqueness check" online
Need to install on PC Yes No. Can be used from any mobile device
Free verification option No limits Free checking is possible for users with a rating above 20. It is possible to make several free text checks (the higher the rating, the more checks), not exceeding 5000 characters each. The cost of paid verification is 1.5 rubles per 1000 characters with spaces.
Batch scan of all files from a folder Eat No
Depends on Internet speed and computer performance Yes No
The check history is stored on the server No Yes
Ability to set individual scan settings Yes No
Not afraid of being blocked by search engines No Yes
Requirement to enter captcha Eat No
Checking the entire site for uniqueness Eat No
SEO service Eat No
Comparison of two texts with each other Eat No
Checking images for uniqueness Eat No
You must have an account on the exchange No Yes

Dedicated server "eTXT Uniqueness check".

If you need to check large volumes of materials, we can provide you with a separate “eTXT Uniqueness Check” server. Work with the server occurs through . The rental cost is only 3,000 rubles per month, and your materials will always be checked first on a dedicated server. You can find answers to all questions in the “eTXT Uniqueness Check” section, discuss on the forum or write to “ ”


More than one thousand people have already used the program. Video tutorials appear on the Internet showing how to work with it. We have made a selection of such videos and share them with you. We hope they help

Author - Pyotr Kupriyanov
Author - Pavel Shut

The free Etxt Anti-Plagiarism program does an excellent job of finding non-unique content. The screenshots show the settings that performed best during testing (speed + uniqueness check).

In my opinion, the threshold of uniqueness is not so important for information content, rather, what is important is the usefulness and completeness of the topic. At the moment, the service for identifying unique images is not entirely correct, so I do not recommend using it.

You can remove the captcha using the antigate.com service, you need to register there, top up your balance and get the key.

When determining uniqueness in a batch, a problem may arise with loading site pages; in this case, we use it to download the site structure. Having downloaded the structure, we save it into a test file and upload it to Etxt Anti-plagiarism and use express check.

Is it possible to bypass Etxt Anti-plagiarism?

When checking, the program highlights non-unique pieces of content. If you are writing an essay or a thesis, then these pieces can be changed using synonyms or completely rewriting the highlighted sentences. The search engine focuses on user metrics: return to search results, viewing time, scrolling and much more. If the information content does not respond to the request, then rewriting will not solve the problem.

The Anti-Plagiarism system from ETXT is one of the most popular and accurate programs for checking uniqueness; in this article we will analyze it and consider the main functions.

The resource is intended to identify matches in the text with other content on the Internet. Previously, webmasters checked the uniqueness themselves using search engines. They took a piece of content, inserted it into a search engine and looked for matches. The smaller the text fragment that was checked, the better the result. The ETXT service does the same thing, but automatically, making it easier for copywriters, students and SEO optimizers.

The site interface is less user-friendly than some other systems. When checking, it is impossible to exclude the address, so you can only check unpublished content that has not yet been found by search engine robots.

The service guarantees that the ETXT Antiplagiarism check is highly reliable. The developers offer the following types of checks:

  • deep;
  • express check;
  • analysis of several website pages.

Features of ETXT Anti-Plagiarism

To use the ETXT Anti-Plagiarism program, you must first download and install it. Only after this the functions will be available. After starting the program, a text check field will appear.

To check the text, you need to perform simple manipulations. The verification mechanism itself is simple: the text needs to be copied and pasted into the program field. After starting the check, the program begins to compare the content with similar texts on the Internet. The result is given as a percentage, but errors often occur, after which it is necessary to start a lengthy check again.

If the user is not satisfied with the result, then it is necessary to replace non-unique phrases and sentences found in the text with ones that are close in meaning. The program highlights and highlights in a different color phrases with low uniqueness so that the user can immediately see “weak points” in the text.

Consider the “Operations” option:

  1. when analyzing uniqueness, the service checks the text by sending queries to search engines;
  2. during express verification, uniqueness analysis is performed with minimal resource requirements;
  3. with a deep check, the result is the most accurate, although the analysis takes quite a lot of time;
  4. during batch scanning, a large amount of content is analyzed, unique and non-unique text is distributed into a specific directory;
  5. when checking a site, you can check all pages of the resource you are interested in for originality;
  6. during online checking, the text is analyzed in real time;

Disadvantages of ETXT Anti-Plagiarism

During the work process, the copywriter always checks his text for uniqueness. Students do the same content checks before submitting coursework and diplomas. There are enough tools for such analysis on the Internet. How convenient and reliable a resource is can only be determined experimentally.

Video tutorial on how to use the ETXT Anti-Plagiarism program:

The Antipalagiat Etxt service can be a good tool for checking texts, but to obtain high-quality results, a deep understanding of the functionality is required, and this will require a long study of all the settings.

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