What does the word virtual communication mean? What is virtual communication? Possibility to interrupt communication

Dzhantalieva Anel

Scientific and practical conference of schoolchildren - "First steps into science" direction - Psychology ( research)




II.Main part………………………………………………………………………………………..3-9

Chapter 1. The concept of communication in psychology. Virtual reality and man……………3-5

Chapter 2. Real and virtual communication “Pros” and “Cons”………………………………………………………………………………………………………….6- 8

Chapter 3. The influence of the virtual world on children's health and psyche?.................................8-9


IV. Bibliography………………………………………………………………………………11

I. Introduction

“Talk to people as if they are who they really are.”

What they would like to be, and you will help them become that way.”

So said the great German poet Goethe.

Communication is of great importance in the formation of the human psyche, its development and the formation of reasonable, cultural behavior. If from birth a person was deprived of the opportunity to communicate with people, he would never become a civilized, culturally and morally developed citizen. In communication, there is an exchange of spiritual values, the transfer of information from the older generation to the younger, from one nation to another. Very great importance For the mental development of a child, communication with an adult is necessary, especially in the early stages of his development. It is in the process of communication that the child acquires the most important mental and behavioral qualities. A child needs an adult as much as possible. Communication between an adult and a child should be emotionally positive. This creates an emotional and positive tone in the child, which serves as a sign of physical and mental health.

Vygotsky L.S. believed that a child’s attitude to the world is a dependent and derived value from his most direct and concrete relations to an adult.

That's why it's so important to lay the foundation trust relationships between a child and an adult, providing emotionally and psychologically favorable conditions for the harmonious development of the child.

The rapid development of technology has led to the emergence of -virtual communication. This type of communication is becoming more and more popular, a person does not need to go out into the street to go to the store, there is no need to go on a visit, to the theater or to the cinema, everything can be done via the Internet. An adult has some experience of communication, since many were born in the era of “not universal computer literacy" Modern children, born with a TV remote control and a computer mouse in their hands, often have low communication skills, since they spend most of their time communicating virtually.

Today, every day, many people unexpectedly discover the existence of global computer networks, uniting computers all over the world in a single information space, whose name is the Internet. The Internet is multifaceted and it is impossible to clearly define what it is. Currently, almost any person with access to a computer with a simple modem can use the vast resources provided by the Internet in their activities.

II. Main part

Chapter 1. The concept of communication in psychology. Virtual reality and man.

Communication is the intentional influence and influence on the behavior, state, and attitudes of a partner. When communicating, there is an exchange of information, mutual influence, mutual assessment, empathy, the formation of beliefs, views, character, and intelligence.

Currently, it is impossible to imagine people’s lives without communication. Every day, people all over the world solve global issues, argue, make responsible decisions and simply exchange information through communication. Communication covers a special class of relations between subjects, where assistance or opposition, agreement or contradiction, empathy or emotional deafness are detected.

virtual communication represents a special world in which a person can be himself or someone else, without being afraid to express his emotions, feelings, doing the most incredible things, without fear of regretting it.

The word "to virtual" "came from quantum physics, where it is used in the sense of "possible, apparent" and refers to elementary particles in unobservable states. By analogy, "virtual reality" (the concept was first introduced by the American entrepreneur D. Lanier) is an apparent, illusory world, the opposite real, into which a person can be transported.

1. Online communication is usually divided into two types:

- Synchronous communication, online communication or real-time communication, that is, when participants are at the same time at their computers connected to the network, and it is also necessary that the same computers be running the same software. Most popular types online communication are the so-called chats - quick conversation; printed speech, possibly supplemented with multimedia capabilities: sound, video image. Programs for organizing online communication (programs instant exchange data) are varied, to name just a few of the most popular, Skype, Googletalk, ICQ, Magent.

- Asynchronous communicationunlike online, it can take place in a delayed mode of sending messages, which does not require immediate presence in the network of communicating people. These types of resources include forums, blogs, and email.

Virtual communication should serve to strengthen or build new relationships in real life, but not to destroy existing ones in pursuit of illusory mirages.

Virtual friendly communication is built on a commonality of interests, values, worldview and can continue without reinforcement by real-life communication for the longest time and contribute to the development of the personality of both communicating parties. And such communication should not be at the expense of real-life communication.

In virtual communication, the rule is more relevant than ever: the less you expect from your interlocutor, more precisely, the fewer demands you make, the greater the chance of not being disappointed and getting a positive experience and positive emotions from dating, communication and online relationships.

Recently, it has become quite fashionable to talk about all kinds of social networks, dating chats, Internet pagers, about people’s dependence on them, as well as about the influence of the latter on the human psyche. Virtual communication, under certain conditions, will turn out to be bad for us sooner or later. social disease, which, like a virus, will spread and infect one after another.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the formation of psychological dependence on Internet communication in general and on social networks in particular. In psychology, addiction is understood as a special behavior of a person, expressed in the fact that the objective reality that is available ceases to fully satisfy the spiritual needs of the individual (the need for communication, self-esteem, the realization of one’s “I”, etc. ), which in turn forces him to look for some kind of alternative reality where these needs could be satisfied. This is important to understand because not all virtual communication can be called an addiction. In general, a special scientific discipline makes a great contribution to determining the criteria for psychological dependence, as well as to getting rid of them. addictionology. It is inappropriate to talk about psychological dependence on communication on the Internet, or indeed on any other virtual communication, in cases where it accompanies human activity and acts as a kind of tool.

Any communication always pursues a certain goal: it can be either establishing social contacts or organizing some kind of activity. There are three main aspects in the psychology of communication:communicative(information exchange), interactive (organization of interaction) and perceptual (people getting to know each other). And that virtual communication is based on a need, it becomes clear that the main reason lies in the fact that a certain part of the population has lost the ability for self-realization in real society. This is also consistent with the concept of Adler, who claims that the basis of human activity is the desire for one’s own significance, the desire to be great. He was guided by the idea that the inferiority of one of the organs necessarily leads to its compensation at the expense of others. And if the organ is replaced with a certain component of self-awareness, then the problem appears in a slightly different form. We come to the conclusion that a person’s desire to dissolve in virtual space is nothing more than compensation for his own insignificance both in his own eyes and in the eyes of significant people. You should also pay attention to the presence of specific person some inferiority complexes, which he tries to compensate by creating an avatar for himself in the open spaces world wide web. It is not difficult to verify the correctness of this conclusion; just look through the pages of social network users. We will easily find a lot of flashy nicknames (the name chosen as a business card). They can’t think of any names! But practice shows that behind high-profile pseudonyms there are usually hidden undistinguished individuals, who, moreover, often suffer from a bunch of all kinds of inferiority complexes. For these kind of peopleself-presentationis nothing more than the realization of an unrealized sense of belonging, a sense of self-worth. But, and this is quite important, this kind of substitution of the real “I” with some fictitious image is nothing good man does not bring, on the contrary, it is a direct path to self-destruction of oneself as a person, individuality. The reason is simple: someone who has invented some kind of alternative “I” willy-nilly becomes dependent on this fictitious personality, since he is forced to hide his true face behind it. And what longer person persists in replacing his own “I”, the more difficult it becomes for him, this is a kind of vicious circle. After all, sooner or later, the person hiding behind the avatar, entering into all kinds of social contacts, will stumble upon someone who will interest him, but the other person will no longer be interested in himself, but in the image that the person hiding behind the “super” - mask, so carefully concocted. And it happens that people first come up with an image for themselves, live a fake life, and then become dependent on it. After all, it’s easy to seem like anyone, it’s much more difficult to be someone.

Nowadays there is an active growth of Internet users, and if the adult generation is not particularly in a hurry to virtual space, then young people, and especially teenagers, are extremely active in this direction. Many young people do not pick up books at all and do not read literary works from the monitor, no, they are simply organizing their virtual life, realizing themselves in the vastness of the endless virtual space.

Chapter 2. Real and virtual communication “Pros” and “Cons”

Why does communication between people gradually turn from real to virtual? Communicating using a computer is much easier. The virtual world and communication on the Internet have become so popular that many people sometimes forget about real communication. A real meeting puts people within a certain framework, obliges them to make direct emotional contact, and the Network is always at hand.

Press a couple of keys - and you are already in the communication center. If you want to confirm your importance, you open a page on Odnoklassniki, look at how many people have visited it, and become convinced of your own relevance.

a) Advantages of virtual communication:

1. Voluntariness of contacts and relationships.

2. The ability to interrupt communication at any time.

3. Errors in virtual communication are easier to correct, especially before they turn into real-life relationships.

4. A wider circle of communication – an opportunity to find a heart-to-heart interlocutor or a partner to create a serious relationship. Someone who is not nearby in real life or it is difficult to start communicating with him.

5. There is no virtual pregnancy and the possibility of contracting an STD is excluded.

6. Self-disclosure and development of one’s strengths in virtual communication.

7. Development of communication skills, greater self-confidence in general.

b) Disadvantages of virtual communication:

1. In the event that communication for the sake of communication is to the detriment of relationships in real life.

2. Lack of non-verbal communication - using gestures, intonation, etc., which impoverishes communication and gives rise to misperception of the interlocutor, overestimating or underestimating.

3. The opportunity to meet extortionists who gain trust for the purpose of further financial enrichment.

4. Virtual communication has an increased social contacts emotional intensity.

How does online communication differ from real communication?

The World Wide Web of the virtual world and communication on the Internet is addictive and almost addictive to its users. People have an obsessive desire to access the Internet, but once on it, a person does not find the strength to leave the web pages. There are two main forms of the virtual world and communication on the Internet: chat addiction - from communication in chat rooms, forums, teleconferences, online Email. And web addiction - from new doses of information (virtual surfing on sites, portals, etc.). And yet, the majority of Internet addicts are hooked on services related to communication. According to statistics, the most attractive characteristics of such contacts are anonymity (86%), accessibility (63%), and ease of use (37%). So the network is needed to receive social support, sexual satisfaction, the possibility of creating a virtual hero (creating a new self).

An adult seems to be like a seven-year-old child who wants to get what he wants right now. Another popular mental disorder isMunchausen syndrome. It is based on faking illness in order to attract attention and sympathy. Since no one will ask you for a medical card on the Internet, pretending to be sick is as easy as shelling pears.

CHAPTER 3. How does the virtual world affect children's health and psyche?

A child under 7-10 years of age must develop physically through play and movement. After the ten-year mark, the body’s forces concentrate on the development of metabolism, heart, lungs, and other important organs. And only after 14 years of age does acceptance shift to spirituality. Small children, glued to the monitor, are static. Instead of the physical progress expected at this age, there is an intellectual load - as a result, modern children grow old early. At the age of 13-14 today, vascular sclerosis, atherosclerosis and early cancers already appear. At the age of ten, a child can speak three languages ​​and the basics computer programming, but does not pass the banal test of physical development: walk exactly along one floorboard and hit the target with the ball.

The virtual world and communication on the Internet are credited with a lot of merit as a means of learning and broadening one's horizons. Perhaps, with the right dosage, it will help raise children with superpowers?

Parents are touched by watching how their three-year-old child operates a laptop. In fact, all these skills are formed at a superficial level and will not be useful in adult life. It is easier for adults to put a child at a computer and occupy him for a while than to form other values ​​in him. The idea that a computer develops and is necessary for school is nothing more than self-justification.

The USA conducted an experiment: children from the age of 5 were taught externally, and by the age of 12 they graduated full course secondary education. Their lives were followed for many years. It turned out that not one of them had a good fate: they were intellectually brilliant, but they lacked the strong-willed and emotional components. They didn't know who they were or what they wanted. After all, talent is 99% work and the ability to organize oneself, and only 1% depends on abilities.

A) What gaps in life do we compensate by going virtual?

To feel the fullness of being, a person must manifest himself in several areas of life. INcreation, work- some constructive activity for the benefit of others, in caring for the body, which is improving and pays a hundredfold for the fact that it is healthy and is taken care of. IN spirituality - the personality we acquire, the meanings we create, biography. In communication with other people that enriches and gives feedback: you live, you are recognized. And if we haven’t made this communication real, haven’t invested our emotions, our care into someone, we are left alone with our fears, troubles...

B) How to get rid of virtual addiction?

Life is organized on the energy balance of “take and give.” On the Internet we give our energy to no one knows where and why. The network sucks her up like a sponge. Life force is given to us by emotions, but not superficial ones, but aimed at action. And emotions depend on the mood: “there are three of us.” The child of the mood needs to get together, put our emotions together, come up with some idea and get a fountain of energy to implement it. A person is able to throw himself into other areas of life, where there will be a lot of emotions, and he simply won’t remember about the computer. Energy is buried in real deeds, real actions and real connections. And the Internet can become an assistant in their search. Use the virtual world as a tool to expand your interests in real life (met - met). Nothing can replace the luxury of communication, not virtual, but real.

III. Conclusion

For me, communication is one of the most important moments in life. Of course, I give some honor of my time to the Internet. The Internet is very convenient thing, with its help we can get a lot of useful information. But sometimes this worldwide network bothers people, especially teenagers. Nowadays, almost everyone has a computer, and therefore the Internet too. For adults, this is not only games and virtual communication; for most, the need to use this network arises because of work. Older people are able to carefully filter Internet information, unlike teenagers. Those who do not understand the essence of this or that web page go to it without even thinking about the possibility of falling into a trap. Those who fall into it will have to pay in the future, and from their own pockets. Unfortunately, in modern times these cases have begun to occur more and more often, and it is a pity that we are not able to protect ourselves from this.

But this is not the most negative side of the Internet. In my understanding, the worst thing is obscene language. Walking down the street, we hear various indecent words every now and then. Yes, adults have the right to express themselves the way they want, but not in front of children. After all, children listen carefully to the speech of their parents and loved ones, they remember every word, and later use it in their speech. Sometimes adults, not listening to what they say, can say something obscene, and then wonder how their children know it! But in most cases, children learn this negative information from the Internet. If you now take and read the correspondence between two friends, you can see how illiterate and uncultured the language is. The children began to forget the Russian language and began to express themselves the way they wanted, not realizing that it was not beautiful.

Unfortunately, our speech will change in the future, and I doubt it will be for the better. To communicate, people will not even have to leave their homes, because they will have the Internet.

All this is very sad, because communication implies correct and cultural speech, and most importantly contact between interlocutors, and without all this, the understanding of “communication” may completely disappear from our speech, which, from my point of view, should in no case be allowed.

Those who believe that social networks are replacing real communication with virtual communication are not entirely right. Still, we should not forget that a computer, like a telephone or the same telegraph, is just a tool that provides opportunities for communication between people. There is always a person sitting on the other side of the monitor - never forget this simple truth.


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The people with whom we enter into mutually pleasant communication are what I call homeland.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

What is attractive about Internet communication, the pitfalls of virtual relationships, is it worth counting on the seriousness of virtual dating, how can Internet communication help and how can it harm, how to behave so that virtual communication brings only joy?

This is what will be discussed in this article, written on the basis of numerous studies of the features of virtual relationships and recognized concepts of interpersonal communication.

Let's first consider the positive aspects of online dating and relationships, and there are more of them than might seem at first glance.

Advantages of virtual communication:
1. Voluntariness of contacts and relationships.
2. The ability to interrupt communication at any time.
3. Errors in virtual communication are easier to correct, especially before they turn into real-life relationships.
4. A wider circle of communication – an opportunity to find a heart-to-heart interlocutor or a partner to create a serious relationship. Someone who is not nearby in real life or it is difficult to start communicating with him.
5. There is no virtual pregnancy and the possibility of contracting an STD is excluded.
6. The ability to realize personal qualities, play roles, experience emotions that, for one reason or another, are frustrated in real life.
7. Self-disclosure and development of one’s strengths in virtual communication.
8. Development of communication skills, greater self-confidence in general.
9. And others.

There are also negative aspects of online dating and relationships, and they cannot be ignored.

Disadvantages of virtual communication:
1. In the event that communication for the sake of communication is to the detriment of relationships in real life.
2. Lack of non-verbal communication - using gestures, intonation, etc., which impoverishes communication and gives rise to misperception of the interlocutor, overestimating or underestimating.
3. The opportunity to meet extortionists who gain trust for the purpose of further financial enrichment.
4. Virtual communication has increased emotional intensity compared to ordinary social contacts.

More details about latest feature virtual communication. Virtual love, "Love on the Internet" ( further development this feeling is already individual, can end in nothing or develop into a serious long-term relationship in real life) - this is an extremely common “disease” on the Internet, something like “virtual measles”, which almost everyone has had in a mild or severe form. Most often, a virtual romance is a state of extreme emotional excitement, bordering on euphoria. A virtual romance develops very quickly; what takes months in reality takes days on the Internet. However, such novels end very quickly. Without meetings in reality, a virtual romance rarely lasts more than six months.

General principles for virtual communication and relationships in real life:
1. Truly interpersonal is dialogical communication, where both partners are equal.
2. Previous communication experience, genetic characteristics (temperament) and characteristics of upbringing, the society in which a person moves, form standards of communication, set patterns of behavior that a person learns to follow when interacting with other people.
3. It is necessary to understand the uniqueness of each communication partner and under no circumstances adjust the inner world of another person to your stereotypical vision.
4. Scientific researchers J. Teutsch and Ch. Teutsch developed a completely different theory from the previous ones, explaining behavior in the process of communication as genetically determined.

Psychogenetics considers the main internal direction and negative emotions, which, intertwined with life circumstances, form a certain model behavior that is invariably repeated from generation to generation.

A behavior model is a stable, regularly repeated, “recognizable” form of behavior, otherwise patterns. Patterns, like physiological information, are passed on from generation to generation: a person's individual history repeats the history of his parents or one of his ancestors. The pattern is formed by previous consciousness and experience; the history of the family up to the third or fourth generation is embedded in the individual model of behavior.

Thus, a happy person attracts good teachers, friends, co-workers and even favorable circumstances, which together further contribute to his prosperity. A “loser,” or more correctly, a pessimistic, negatively-minded person, on the contrary, attracts negligent or cruel mentors, unfaithful comrades, worthless colleagues, dangerous strangers, finds himself in fatal situations, and becomes a victim of accidents.

Everyone who interacts with the bearer of a positive internal direction - regardless of their will - will help him achieve his goals. The owner of a negative “radar” will “beg” from the same people first of all painful reactions or simply allow himself to be treated poorly, unpretentiously and silently agreeing to everything. To denote this, a special concept is used – “indirect consent”.

Indirect consent is a person’s unconscious predisposition to silently accept or provoke one or another negative attitude or influence from others. Undesirable hereditary traits are preserved and passed on from generation to generation, which manifest themselves in one aspect of life and have a significant impact on others - marriage, relationships with people, health.

IN in this case the same person is a negative factor in at least two functional blocks, unconsciously contributing to the strengthening of not only his own negative models, but also those who interact with him. The “victim” and her “persecutor” are drawn to each other not by chance or failure, but by natural law. Ch. Teutsch explains this pattern discovered by him with Newton's law of attraction, according to which the force of attraction between two bodies is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Family law, which determines the basic patterns of behavior and relationships among family members, can be changed if a person wants to “retrain” his subconscious and persistently works on himself. Awareness of the negative aspects of your genetic program helps you become masters of your life and create your present and future well-being with your own hands, mind and will.

With the help of conscious effort, appropriate actions and positive life experiences, a person can abandon the position of victim and change his attitude towards the world, people and himself.

Rules NLP(Neurolinguistic Programming) for effective communication- both virtual and in real life, enriching our lives:
1. The meaning of communication is in the response of the interlocutor.
2. Behavior is not the person himself.
3. Behavior changes in accordance with the context (circumstances of communication).
4. Non-verbal language (gesture language, intonation, etc. - which, unfortunately, does not exist in virtual communication) is the most truthful source of information.
5. The more choices, the more freedom.
6. Everyone chooses and does the best of what they are capable of.
7. Every action has a positive intention and is therefore useful and meaningful.
8. Look at failure as feedback.
9. Everyone has the resources to change.
10. Everything that is possible in this world is possible for me.

The goal of virtual dating and relationships should be to develop communication skills to improve the quality and satisfaction of real-life relationships. Ideally, any online communication at some stage should be reinforced in the form of a real relationship - at least on Skype, even from time to time, otherwise there is a high chance of communicating with a fictitious person invented by oneself.

Virtual communication should serve to strengthen or build new relationships in real life, but not to destroy existing ones in pursuit of illusory mirages. First of all, this concerns male-female communication.

At the same time, virtual friendly communication is built on common interests, values, worldviews and can continue without reinforcement by real-life communication for the longest time and contribute to the development of the personality of both communicating parties. I repeat once again: such communication should not be at the expense of real-life communication.

In virtual communication, the rule is more relevant than ever: the less you expect from your interlocutor, more precisely, the fewer demands you make, the greater the chance of not being disappointed and getting a positive experience and positive emotions from dating, communication and online relationships.

Psychology of Internet communication. Features of virtual dating and relationships.

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With the advent of computers in every home and the Internet at affordable prices, such a thing as virtual communication arose. People chat, correspond, get acquainted, etc. Virtual communication has its own characteristics, pros and cons, as well as problems that do not arise in real communication.

The computer has become a storehouse of information. The Internet has made it possible to create many social networks, dating sites, chat rooms, where people from different parts of the planet can communicate and make friends. You are in one country, and your new loved one may be in another. You stayed on same place residence, but you can keep in touch with an old friend who has moved to another city.

The Internet has provided excellent opportunities to communicate with different people without leaving home. That's a plus. The downside may be the imaginary commonality of interests, views and goals in life, especially when we're talking about about the desire to meet your loved one.

What is virtual communication?

What is virtual communication? This is a type of communication that occurs through telecommunications, that is, through a computer and the Internet. The interlocutor is presented not in the form of a living person, but in the form of his image, symbols, signs and number. Virtual communication is often communication in written form, where free style people exchange various information.

There are many sites on the Internet where virtual communication takes place. There are social networks that are aimed at uniting acquaintances and friends, regardless of who is where. You can find your old classmates, you can find a friend with whom you once communicated. You can simply ask about the life of your former loved one if he has a page on a social network.

Other sites for virtual communication are forums. Here people ask questions and give answers to questions from other forum members. This is where the exchange takes place. useful information, as well as opinions.

There are sites where people comment on articles or some information. There are sites where people unite based on interests, for example, online games, where they meet and exchange information specifically on the topic of the site, start making friends, and chat.

The Internet has made it possible to solve the most main problem many people - to make numerous friends and lovers. Those who in real life are uncommunicative, shy, withdrawn and rather uninteresting and unattractive have the opportunity to become interesting to those who do not see or hear them. That's a plus. The downside may be that such people talk about themselves in exaggerated colors, that is, they deceive those with whom they communicate.

Virtual communication has its pitfalls and advantages, which continue to attract many people.

Advantages of virtual communication

At first, virtual communication was of a specific nature - communication on work issues between people who were located in different locations. Only later, with the availability of the Internet, virtual communication began to unite all layers of people on various issues. The advantage of virtual communication is that people can communicate with absolutely everyone, even those who are in another country or city.

Another advantage of virtual communication is the ability of shy, lonely and physically disabled people to make friends and even loved ones. Internet communication is easier and more relaxed, since a person does not contact his interlocutors face to face, they do not see him, do not hear him, and cannot evaluate or check him.

All this makes it possible to present yourself in the best light. And no one, in fact, will be able to verify the accuracy of the information. You can put a photograph that shows a more attractive person than the individual himself. You can tell things about yourself that never really happened. You can become anyone on the Internet, since there is no chance of revealing the deception until virtual communication becomes real.

Other advantages of virtual communication are:

  • The ability to correct an error at the word level at any time.
  • Voluntariness of relationships and contacts.
  • Exclusion of pregnancy and infection with sexually transmitted diseases when it comes to intimate virtual communication.
  • The opportunity to find numerous friends from all over the world based on interests, goals, desires, etc.
  • The ability to stop communication at any time and without explanation.
  • The opportunity to become what you want to be, but what you are not in reality. Thus, a person plays roles, experiences emotions, and appears the way he wants to appear.
  • The emergence of self-confidence due to the absence of refusals in communication.

Disadvantages of virtual communication

How more people spends time on the Internet, the more his consciousness, language speech and interaction with others changes. The disadvantage of virtual communication is that a person loses the skills of real communication with people, getting used to the forms that are accepted on the Internet. Everyone is familiar with forms such as emoticons, abbreviations of words and other slang. These forms are useless and incomprehensible in real contact with people.

Another important disadvantage of virtual communication is the change in human consciousness. Spending most of the time at work that does not inspire him, a person gets carried away with virtual communication. He follows the lives of other people, puts his life on display, communicates with people he does not know, and is carried away by the information that is provided to him. All this may in many ways be far from the realities that exist in the real world.

Getting used to virtual communication, people stop communicating in the real world. Even when close to each other, people can chat through their gadgets. Family people can spend their leisure time on social networks. They no longer communicate with each other, but are carried away by what is in them. virtual world.

Often people want to find their love through online dating on special sites. There are many pitfalls that can await a person here:

  • He meets someone other than the one shown in the photograph.
  • The photo may be old.
  • The information that a person gives about himself cannot be verified and, accordingly, may turn out to be false.

Absent during virtual communication real contact people, where they observe facial expressions, gestures and other manifestations of their interlocutors, by which they determine whether they like each other, whether they enjoy communicating, whether they have common interests etc. People can not only talk about themselves in an exaggerated manner (that is, embellish themselves), but also create images in their heads that absolutely do not correspond to who the interlocutors are.

During virtual communication, people communicate not with each other, but with the images that were drawn for them and which they themselves supplemented with their desires and imagination. If such communication turns into a real acquaintance, then the interlocutors are often disappointed and end the relationship on the very first day, since everything that seemed to them was an illusion.

Often people run away from real communication, because here there is rarely a chance to make mistakes, to be yourself, to show your negative qualities, to be imperfect. Real communication is a field where there are many grievances, disappointments, difficulties, etc. Virtual communication allows a person to be anyone. He may even be a scoundrel - such an image will also be accepted and loved by someone. A person can experiment, make mistakes, play different roles - and all this will be accepted and go unpunished.

The disadvantage of virtual communication is that a person forms his own personality, which may not coincide at all with its real capabilities and properties. This becomes dangerous for a child who is just learning to communicate with people and understand his place. In the virtual world, everything is allowed and permitted. In the real world there are limitations. If a child does not understand himself, does not develop the qualities necessary for real life, and does not look for his “place in the sun,” then he loses touch with his real self and goes forever into the virtual world.

We should remember such a concept as Internet addiction, which is observed in modern society for many people. Its signs are:

  • Obsessiveness in looking through messages, even if no one should write.
  • The importance of the number of people who visited the page and the comments that other people left.
  • Length of time spent in front of the monitor.
  • Feeling of panic or disappointment due to the inability to get to your page.
  • Communicate with friends only through social networks.
  • The desire to discuss other people's photos and post new photos of yourself.

If a person prefers to communicate virtually rather than in reality, then this indicates his dependence and detachment from real life.

Features of virtual communication

Virtual communication in itself is not something good or bad. Initially, the network made it possible for many people to maintain contacts at a distance, without excluding the possibility of their real communication. However, virtual communication has its own characteristics that differ significantly from real one:

  1. Opportunity to communicate with people from different parts of the world. If people know each other's language, then they can become friends and start a relationship right at a distance.
  2. Comfortable communication conditions. The interlocutors do not leave their usual habitat, which gives them a feeling of confidence and calm. At the same time, they communicate with each other.
  3. Exchange of any information. People get the opportunity to learn information on any topic that may not be discussed in society. They can tell everything about themselves.
  4. Improvement writing. Since virtual communication often involves written communication, people can improve their speaking skills in writing.
  5. Improving the ability to understand another person. Since the interlocutors may differ in their views or cultural traditions, the opportunity to write a response later, rather than immediately, allows you to think through the message well so as not to offend anyone.

Virtual communication is the written transmission of information in the form that is most convenient for a person. And since you can be anonymous on the Internet, the individual feels a certain impunity, self-confidence, permissiveness, which inspires and at the same time exaggerates the possibilities.

Problems of virtual communication

The longer people communicate on the Internet, the more more problems they have. The very first problem of virtual communication is mismatch virtual image person with real. If people intend to transfer communication into real life, then they must do it as quickly as possible. Because every day they are increasingly “finishing” and “embellishing” the images of their interlocutors with whom they communicate.

People are losing real life skills, getting used to the forms of communication that are accepted on the Internet. Here, the speech of many users is incomplete, situational, expressive and slang. In real life, such forms may not be used at all, which is why a person loses his communication skills.

People in the virtual world are judged by different qualities than they are judged in real life. Here the main things are a sense of humor, literacy, and outlook. In real life, the decisive factors are often appearance, actions and the ability to correctly express one’s thoughts. If partners move from the virtual world to the real one, then the qualities that they valued during distance communication may depreciate in an instant when they see each other.

Another problem is identification and self-identification. As already mentioned, people can play different roles in words. The weak can tell stories that demonstrate their strength. An ugly girl can say that she is surrounded by many admirers.

In reality it may not be what was said. While virtual communication is ongoing, a person can be anyone and mislead his interlocutors.

The longer a person communicates virtually, the more accustomed he becomes to his own lies and irresponsibility, since no one can reveal him, see his deception, or bring him to light. A person gets used to such communication, becoming absolutely uninteresting to those with whom he can communicate in real life.

Another challenge may be behavior change. Since a person can be anonymous in virtual network, he can speak and write whatever comes into his head. This behavior is condemned and ignored in society. In the virtual world, a person can afford everything. This develops in him qualities that are absolutely unacceptable in real life, that is, they make him an outcast. This - aggressive behavior, use of obscene language, impunity, irresponsibility, permissiveness, etc.

Virtual communication with a girl

One of the forms of communication in the virtual world is online dating. People are looking for love, which is quite easy to do, since there are special dating sites where you can communicate with a large number of applicants. What rules should you follow when communicating with a girl virtually?

First you have to take the initiative. In the virtual world, girls value initiative more than passivity. Under any pretext, offer to start communication. Here it should be taken into account that every girl has her own scenario in her head of what a man should write to her in order for her to answer him. Therefore, some girls can answer you, while others cannot, which is a completely normal phenomenon.

The second point is a sense of humor. There should be no exaggeration here. Humor should be pleasant for both you and the girl. If you laugh at the girl herself, then most likely it will offend her. Make jokes about things that do not concern the girl, this will show your intelligence and sense of tact.

Third, don’t bombard the girl with messages. Have a dialogue where your message is written after her response. It’s better not to bombard her with emoticons, compliments and other messages that could show the interlocutor that she has won you. Your communication should be almost neutral, but interesting.

How to understand that a girl is interested in you?

  • She answers your messages.
  • She keeps the conversation going.
  • She visits your page.
  • She offers new topics for conversation.

In fact, attracting a girl by correspondence is not so difficult, especially if you skillfully use lies to embellish your image. Difficulties may arise at the stage of real meeting and communication. This is where the girl will certainly “see through” you if you have given too much false information about yourself.

Bottom line

There is no need to say that virtual communication is only harmful. In fact, any medicine can harm if used in the wrong quantities, just as any poison can cure if used in the right doses. The outcome of virtual communication depends entirely on the purposes for which a person uses it.

Some people use the Internet out of necessity. For example, they communicate with their relatives who are in another city or country, or maintain business relationships with partners. However, when virtual communication completely begins to replace the real one, when a person refuses real meetings in order to surf the Internet, then this type communication spoils it.

The virtual world will not disappear anywhere. A lot of people use the network to communicate with each other. However, it should be remembered that people live, build real relationships and create families only in the real world. And here, not only the ability to tell something is valued, but often the ability to do something useful.

Virtual and real communication are different things. You should remember this if you want to live and not immerse yourself in your own illusions while your body ages and becomes decrepit from passive image life.

virtual communication– this is a type of communication that is computer-mediated in nature and is implemented using telecommunication systems. Virtual communication implies communication without the presence of a living person as an interlocutor, but presented on his behalf in the form of certain signs and symbols, numbers and even images. In the information society, virtual communication serves as the basis for the formation of human language and thinking, operating with information significant flows and the individual’s preferred habitat in which his main activities take place.

Features of virtual communication

The Internet has firmly entered people's lives, being not only a source of information, but also a means of communication. Computer communication has a number of features compared to real communication. These features include the following:

— expanding the possibilities and boundaries of communication, since interlocutors can be found in all countries of the world;

- both partners in the process of communication are in their usual living space, using various techniques transfer of information;

— virtual communication is mainly carried out in written form (chat, e-mail), which makes it possible to improve skills in writing;

— in addition to improving language knowledge, communication participants receive information about the partner’s personality about his views on the world around him,

— virtual communication is carried out in the form of oral messages or emails;

— messaging allows you to improve the ability to understand written text, which is accompanied, if necessary, by explanations from a native speaker of the language being studied. Regular exchange by email with virtual communication, it allows you to improve your writing skills, enriches your vocabulary, expands your sociocultural competence and horizons, and improves your Internet skills.

Problems of virtual communication

Most manipulations of information in the information society occur through interactive forms of interaction and influence, since this significantly speeds up the processes of obtaining and processing it. Thus, live communication is devalued, turning into virtual, profitable and accessible, allowing as soon as possible simultaneously process multiple information flows.

Virtual communication includes new sign systems, forming new language information society. New system signs appears on the network and also manages information flows. Through virtual language, Internet users express themselves and transmit important information.

Virtual communication is a special world in which an individual can be either himself or someone else, while not being afraid to express his feelings, emotions, doing incredible things and not being afraid to regret it. The anonymity inherent in Internet communication gives a sense of security and protects against disappointment, allows you to experiment with your image, while real life can be perceived as a source of resentment, pain, disappointment and be filled with fears.

The problem of virtual communication is that the child, during the period of personality formation, spends all his free time at computer. Many adults do not find time to take care of their own children, so initially the computer is a real salvation for them, since the child stays at home and is always engaged. Meanwhile, virtual dependence on communication is akin to alcohol or drug addiction, which cannot be ignored.

Signs appear in the following manifestations:

- an obsessive constant need to look through incoming messages, even if no one should write;

- spending a long time in front of a computer monitor;

- a constant strong desire to discuss your every step with friends, posting new photos;

— for an Internet-addicted young man, it is important how many people visited his page and how they commented on his updates;

— communication with friends occurs only through a social network;

- a feeling of terrible disappointment if there is no way to get to a social network page.

What does this mean? Adolescents' passion for virtual communication can lead to the fact that they stop noticing people, relatives, as well as their problems, becoming irresponsible. Over time, the real world will cease to exist completely for them.

Virtual communication with a girl

Despite the wide variety of “channels” for communication on the Internet, there are a number of certain rules for virtual communication that must be taken into account when communicating with girls. To create male attractiveness, psychologists recommend being different from everyone else: girls welcome it when guys joke and argue in a playful manner. If you want to communicate with a girl, you should show your interest, but do not bombard her with emoticons and messages from the first days, from which the girl will conclude that she easily conquered the man.

Virtual communication with a girl includes the ability to challenge her in the form of jokes so that she draws a conclusion about the guy’s courage and confidence.

Clear signs that a girl is interested in a guy are:

— initiation of communication under any pretext;

— the girl leaves comments and likes;

— visits the page frequently;

— actively supports the conversation, asks questions, and joins in the conversation. The height of male charisma is considered to be emotional, interesting communication with an unexpected farewell, so the girl will understand that they communicated with her for the sake of positive emotions, and not for the sake of a date.

Hello, Alla. You need to calm down and understand that the man is interested in you and you are attractive to him. This is fine. He honestly voiced his desire. But this does not mean that he cannot be a true friend for you. Life is long and maybe he will also show himself as a friend towards you.
He did not deceive you or offend you, you imagined his ideal image, which he must now correspond to. But he is ordinary and wants intimacy with the one he loves, “he started writing to me again and declaring his love.”
“I shared all my experiences with him. He appeared online and disappeared, citing work and difficulties, and with each absence I felt emptiness and confusion” - You have become emotionally dependent on communicating with this man, we recommend sharing your experiences with your husband or making virtual friends on women’s forums.

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