What does the inverter model of a gas generator mean? What does inverter generator mean? What is a gasoline inverter generator

Small-sized power plants for home use have become widespread due to the fact that with their help problems with power supply can be easily solved. Compact gasoline and diesel generators are used both to ensure uninterrupted power supply and to generate electricity in places where there are no power lines: at a construction site, at a picnic. The choice of consumers is complicated by the fact that there are several options for generators on sale:

  • Classic, using gasoline or diesel drive;
  • Inverter.

Both types operate on exactly the same principle: the work of the internal combustion engine is converted by a generator into an alternating current voltage of 220 V with a consumer power of up to several kW. The difference lies in the principle of stabilization of the output voltage parameters.

Design and operating principle

As already mentioned, both types of power plants have a similar design, which includes two main elements:

  • Internal combustion engine;
  • Alternator.

The electrical voltage of the AC mains must satisfy the following conditions:

  • Voltage level stability – 220V;
  • Frequency stability – 50Hz.

Failure to comply with voltage parameters may cause damage or inoperability of connected devices. This is especially true for voltage level stability. Deviation of the mains frequency may lead to disruption normal functioning devices that have AC motors in their design: circulation pumps for heating systems, compressors for refrigeration equipment.

Regular generator

In the classic version of the power plant, a gasoline or diesel engine rotates the rotor of an alternator. The alternating current voltage is removed from the stator windings and then goes to the distribution panel of the power plant for distribution to consumers.

An increase in current consumption by the load causes a braking force on the generator rotor, thus reducing the rotation speed. As a result, it decreases amplitude value voltage and its frequency. Reducing the load causes the opposite effect. The most dangerous phenomenon is that with a sharp decrease in power consumption, voltage surges that reach dangerous values ​​are possible.

Stabilization of rotation speed in classical devices is carried out in two directions. The rotation speed of the internal combustion engine is directly controlled by a centrifugal governor, which regulates the fuel supply depending on the crankshaft speed. For finer adjustment, an additional stabilizing winding loaded onto a capacitor is provided in the generator stator. As the frequency of the alternating voltage increases, the resistance of the capacitor decreases. Consequently, the load on the additional winding increases. An increase in the current of the additional winding causes the appearance of a braking magnetic field, which reduces the rotor speed. When the speed decreases, the process occurs in the reverse order. The braking field of the stabilizing winding decreases, the stator speed increases.

From these considerations, the conclusion follows that the main disadvantage of classical generators is that, regardless of the load size, the rotation speed of the crankshaft of an internal combustion engine must be constant. That is, maximum efficiency is achieved only in the mode maximum load. With minimal power from connected consumers, the engine will run in idle mode, wasting fuel.

Note! Long-term operation of the generator in low power consumption mode and at maximum mode is not recommended, since both an underloaded and overloaded gasoline internal combustion engine can quickly fail.

An inverter generator uses the same principle of generating electricity. The difference is that output voltage generator does not go directly to the consumer. First of all, the voltage is converted to DC using a rectifier, smoothed by a filter capacitor, and then supplied to the inverter for conversion to AC. The inverter includes powerful transistor switches, controlled by a microcontroller circuit.

This construction scheme has the following advantages:

  • Rectification of the generated voltage from the generator completely eliminates surges in amplitude and frequency;
  • The microcontroller circuit of the control unit instantly responds to changes in amplitude and frequency, sending the appropriate control commands to the output switches.

The accuracy of adjusting the output voltage parameters of inverter generators is one of the highest.

This is not one of the advantages of an inverter generator. An equally important feature is high efficiency. This is based on the fact that there is no need to strictly maintain the speed of the crankshaft and generator rotor. Doesn't matter AC voltage straightens up first. This means that when working with a low-power load, the generator rotor rotates at a low frequency, and fuel consumption is minimal. The built-in rechargeable battery makes a big contribution to reducing fuel consumption, since part of the generated voltage is used to charge it, and the battery is put into operation either to compensate for peak surges in power consumption, or when operating at a minimum load, when its capacity is sufficient to operate the inverter converter. This solution reduces the limitation on long-term operation at low load while maintaining the reliability of the system as a whole.

Advantages of inverters

The increasingly widespread use of inverter devices is due to their high performance characteristics:

  • Low fuel consumption;
  • Small dimensions and weight;
  • High reliability;
  • Excellent output parameters, especially in terms of power quality.

Disadvantages of an inverter generator

With excellent electrical parameters and high efficiency, inverter generators have disadvantages that should be taken into account when choosing:

  • High price. A good inverter has a cost two to three times higher than that of a similar classic model;
  • Limited power. The permissible maximum power of most common models is no more than 5 kW;
  • You can also find 7 kW, but they are not yet very common, and their cost exceeds reasonable limits;
  • Difficulty in repairing in case of breakdown;
  • It is difficult to replace the battery if it fails.

Additional features

Many models of power plants have the ability not only to start manually, but also using an electric starter. This is important when using them in automatic power backup systems.

Most devices are equipped with protection against exceeding the permissible load current and sudden voltage surges. There is often an additional output for low voltage DC sampling.

Without exception, all devices have measuring instruments on the panel that allow you to monitor the value of the output voltage, and expensive multifunctional devices are equipped with liquid crystal displays that allow you to evaluate most parameters, including the shape of the output voltage, the load size, the degree of charge of the battery and the amount of remaining fuel. The inverter circuit contains a microcontroller, with the help of which all kinds of additional functions control and management.

The variety of models on the market makes it difficult to choose required device. Usually the first place is the value of the permissible load power. The following power data can help with this:

  • Traveling outdoors – up to 1 kW;
  • Power supply for the most necessary household appliances in case of interruptions – 2-3 kW;
  • Power supply for a small private house or apartment - 5 kW;
  • Large house - 7 kW.

Note! If mini-power plants are used in construction, their power must be at least one and a half times greater than the power of the connected power tool. So, if a grinder with a power of 2 kW is used, then at the moment of start-up the current consumption exceeds the rated one by 1.5-2 times. Therefore, the generator power must be at least 3 kW.

Which generator to choose, classic or inverter? To power the vast majority of consumers, a conventional device is sufficient. The choice in favor of an inverter should be made in the following cases:

  • Frequent work with minimal load. The reason here is not only economics, but also a decrease in the reliability of a conventional device;
  • Requirement for high efficiency;
  • Minimum dimensions. Traveling into nature with a large power plant is difficult for obvious reasons.

A classic mini-power plant is more suitable if:

  • Requires work with a powerful load (more than 5-7 kW);
  • Not expected long work with minimal load;
  • The dimensions of the device are not decisive;
  • The cost of the equipment is important.

A gasoline engine runs on high-octane gasoline, while a diesel engine requires the appropriate diesel fuel to operate. Sometimes you can find a power plant design that operates using liquefied gas.

Common Misconceptions

The most common misconception, which is strongly supported by manufacturers of inverter generators, is the supposedly poor shape of the output voltage.

Firstly, the voltage from the generator stator without connecting any kind of semiconductor converters, on the contrary, has an ideal sinusoid. This is due to the very principle of operation electric machines. Suffice it to remember that most power plants, hydraulic, thermal, nuclear, that is, based on the conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy, operate on exactly the same principle as a home power plant. But semiconductor elements have a nonlinear characteristic, and obtaining a strict sinusoid using semiconductor converters, including inverters, requires great technical tricks.

Secondly, most modern consumers use built-in switching power supplies, which do not care about the shape and frequency of the voltage (within reasonable limits), since the first thing the power supply circuit contains is a rectifier and filter. Consumers such as irons, electric kettles and electric stoves generally do not care what voltage is supplied to the input. The only devices that care about the frequency and shape of the supply voltage are: asynchronous motors and transformers.

The second common misconception is related to the complexity of the design of inverter generators. Here we can say that this applies mainly only to products from little-known manufacturers who offer cheap equipment. Leading companies have developed inverter circuit solutions to perfection, using only high-quality components and perfect assembly lines. The electronic circuit of the control and monitoring unit of inverter devices is protected from moisture and dust, therefore good devices They fail extremely rarely and, if the recommended requirements are met, can last quite a long time.

As for breakdowns of internal combustion engines, most designs use drives that have been tested for a long time and have high reliability and durability. Provided that the required and high-quality fuels and lubricants are used and regular maintenance (replacement of filters, spark plugs), engine failure is unlikely.

As has been shown, the correct formulation of the requirements determines which device design to give preference to. Both types have their own areas of application, advantages and disadvantages, but can often be interchangeable, so it is impossible to categorically say which is better. Currently, while prices are inverter devices will not drop to reasonable limits, the majority of buyers focus on conventional devices that use a gasoline engine with an alternator and the simplest scheme management.


Various traditional types of generators have been available on the market for a long time. The operating principle of such equipment has remained virtually unchanged over all this time: a certain type of fuel is burned in an engine that is connected to a device that generates alternating current.

In addition to gasoline, diesel and other traditional types of generators, there are so-called inverter generators.

Inverter generators- these are gasoline mini-power plants, where the alternating current generated during fuel combustion is converted into direct current, which, after stabilization through electronic circuits, is converted back into alternating current.

Nowadays, inverter generators are still considered a novelty, the emergence of which was facilitated by the development of high-tech magnets and the improvement of electronic circuits. Compared to traditional generators, such devices allow you to obtain electric current more High Quality. They are also equipped with more complex electronic circuits, which makes them high-tech equipment.

Such positive points provides inverter generators with more effective work and smaller sizes. The use of complex components not only reduces the size of the equipment, but also makes it more economical and less noisy in operation.

Many sellers forget that inverter generators are more advanced devices than conventional generators. Moreover, sellers often put them on a par with traditional units.

But the power from inverter generators is cleaner, making them suitable for use with sensitive electronics. And small sizes and low level noise allowed them to become popular among summer residents, hunters, fishermen and tourists.

Inverter generator- this is the best choice for picnics, outdoor celebrations, country trips, hikes and even marketing events.

The relatively small size of inverter generators makes them easy to transport, which traditional devices cannot boast of. If you need to get more powerful equipment, then you just need to purchase and combine two inverter generators.

The design of conventional generators is often carried out according to a simple principle, while assuming the solution of the basic problem - generating a certain power. Factors such as equipment size are rarely taken into account by designers of traditional generators. Consequently, any unit of this kind is equipped with a capacious and, accordingly, heavy and bulky fuel tank.

The negative factors described above are completely absent from inverter generators, since their design initially involved the creation of compact devices. In addition, they were originally conceived as lightweight equipment without bulky and heavy fuel tanks.

And finally, inverter generators effectively solve the problem of exhaust gases.

Customer reviews of products

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Maria, Kingisepp

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Inverter generators are autonomous power sources that produce high-quality electricity. Basically, such devices are used as temporary or permanent (for short periods of continuous operation) power sources for particularly sensitive instruments.

The main facilities where these electrical units are operated are schools, hospitals and other institutions where even the slightest voltage surges are unacceptable.

Operating principle of inverters

You should not purchase an inverter generator whose operating principle is unclear to the user. The same applies to other devices.

The inverter generating set is based on a corresponding block. This unit consists of a microprocessor, rectifier and converters.

  1. High frequency alternating current is generated;
  2. The rectifier converts the resulting current into direct current;
  3. Current accumulation occurs in capacitive filters (batteries)
  4. Oscillations of electric waves are stabilized;
  5. Using an inverter, direct energy from capacitive filters is converted into alternating current of the required frequency and voltage. This alternating current is supplied to the end user. In the process, we see an ideal sine wave, confirming the highest quality of the generated electricity.

Such an inverter generator device allows you to obtain a very stable output voltage and connect any sensitive devices. The device operates automatically.

Thanks to constant control above the level of fuel, oil and engine speed, the cost of refueling the mini-power station is halved.
The built-in air cooling system protects electric generators from overheating.

When the load drops below the minimum, the unit automatically switches to economy mode. Thus, the wear of the electric generator is reduced and the service life is increased.

The main differences between inverters and other types of generators.

A classic electric generator is a device that uses hydrocarbon-based fuel as the main energy source. The resulting energy is converted into electricity and sent to the end consumer.

Quality electrical energy generated by a conventional electric generator depends on the stable operation of the engine. The speed of its rotation must be constant. Therefore, with a change in operating mode, the efficiency of the electric generator may noticeably decrease. For example, when a 7 kW unit is used exclusively for watching TV or to power a 60-watt lamp.

A conventional generator always operates at one engine speed. An inverter generator can change the engine speed depending on current needs.

An inverter generator does not transmit electricity directly to the consumer. He collects it, accumulates it in a special built-in container ( battery). First, high-frequency alternating current is produced, then it is converted into D.C. and refills the batteries.

Thus, in electrical units of this type the outgoing current is created from double conversion. The conversion process optimizes its performance. This is the main difference between an inverter generator and a conventional one.

Advantages and disadvantages of inverters from other types of generators

The main difference between an inverter generator and a conventional one is the quality of the output voltage and the ability to vary the loads. There is no need for constant engine speeds, therefore, at low loads, lower fuel consumption is possible. This is especially noticeable when the unit is lightly loaded.

Compared to analogues, the inverter design is very compact. This occurs due to the possibility of operating an engine with smaller parameters and dimensions. Another significant advantage of such units is minimum level noise.

Among the advantages, it is worth noting the compact dimensions of the inverters, as well as their low weight. This is achieved by transferring the rotor to the motor shaft. Such mini-power plants are ideal for short-term trips into nature, as well as for carrying out urgent work on construction sites.

Some inverters have additional features. For example, some models have two sockets, so you can independently power two devices.

The main disadvantage of an inverter electric generator is its high price. It far exceeds the cost of standard electric generators, be they petrol or diesel.

Another drawback is the built-in battery. It has a very limited capacity and is not self-replaceable.

This disadvantage is that short-term connection of high-power electrical appliances (such as microwaves) or long-term operation of low-power devices such as electric lamps or TV, is only possible if the generator has a battery of suitable capacity. If the power of the appliances exceeds the battery capacity, the inverter will constantly shut down to charge the battery.

The main advantage of standard electric generators in comparison with inverters is a wide range of operating powers.

The maximum power of the inverter unit is limited by the volume of the battery and does not exceed 6 kW. The maximum power of a conventional generator is limited only by the engine power. For example, the power of some models of diesel mini-power plants exceeds 100 kW.

In addition, conventional mini-power plants are distinguished by the highest durability and reliability when used at their full declared power. The only condition in in this case is a thorough and timely implementation Maintenance. In the case of inverters, it is better that the total power of the devices is slightly less than the maximum power of the generator.


Increasing the quality of electricity leads to a decrease in quantity. There are no inverter electric generators whose power exceeds 6 kW. If the total power of electrical appliances connected to the network is greater than or equal to this figure, uninterrupted power supply is not guaranteed.

However, if it is necessary to ensure completely uninterrupted power supply to low-power devices with low noise levels and mobility of the generator, the best option There will be an inverter unit. Thanks to compact size and light weight, the electric unit can work even in the most inaccessible places where it is not so easy to install a conventional system.

Highly sensitive devices such as computers or Appliances. It is able to regulate the resource consumed depending on the current load, which leads to significant fuel savings. An inverter is an ideal solution for a private home and cottage.

“Miracle generator”, “balcony power plant”, “tourist’s friend”, “apartment assistant” - whatever they call the Ukrainians they love today. These affectionate and enthusiastic names reflect the very essence of the inverter generator: yes, it is truly wonderful, small and quiet, and produces current of the highest quality. And yes, it can be installed without any problems on the balcony of a high-rise building or even in a closet if it is ventilated. And again, yes - it’s ideal for a hike or a picnic; you couldn’t find a more comfortable and convenient one (and also, wow! more economical).

An inverter generator is the best backup or permanent source electricity. Such a device is a small generator set that is capable of generating the highest possible quality of electrical energy, successfully converting it into a stable voltage that will not be subject to fluctuations. Often inverter generators are also given the name “digital”, since they are a successful embodiment of the current century - the digital age, and are crammed to the limit with various electronic circuits for regulation.

Table of popular inverter generator capacities:

Power Number of monthly searches on Google Sales statistics
1 Inverter generator 60 27,20%
2 Inverter generator 120 54,50%
3 Inverter generator 40 18,18%


At the time of operation, a conventional generator produces electrical energy, which, according to its technical data, does not always correspond the required level power supply of some ultra-precise instruments, and also often needs to maintain constant good engine speeds, resulting in high fuel consumption. The inverter generator is capable of producing “perfectly clean” voltage.

The fact is that a conventional alternator generates a rough output signal, while an inverter one uses a converter together with a regulator. Thanks to the converter, the alternating current becomes constant, and with the help of the regulator, all current indicators are equalized. Then such a current is converted again and becomes alternating, but even more “pure” (the deviation of the sinusoid is not higher than 2.5%). Controlling the current at the exit point also regulates the circuits " feedback", so we end up with a stable frequency and high-quality voltage. This connection also controls engine speed, and a simple generator has direct connection to the motor.

Rice. Operating principle of an inverter alternator

The inverter unit is also unique in that it is able to adapt to the existing load. For example, if in electrical circuit If there is only one device with a consumption of 1 kW, and the generator is designed for 2 kW, then its work automatically becomes 50% less. In this case, fuel will be consumed less (up to 40%), and if you increase the load by connecting an additional device, the engine speed will increase on its own. As a result, as much energy is spent as needed, and gasoline, accordingly, too.

Main advantages of inverter generators:

1. High quality current.

Just a few years ago, household electrical appliances were simpler, and electronics were not so popular. Today's boom in sales of digital electronics requires the supply of high-quality current everywhere - in the house, in the apartment, in the office. Expensive computers, laptops, printers, modems, telephones, alarm systems, refrigerators and televisions have the most delicate electronic insides: any voltage drop is destructive for them. Only an inverter device will provide any device with high-quality current in the required quantity.

2. Saving on fuel.

By adjusting engine speed using automation, the inverter itself sets the level of electrical energy. Therefore, excessive fuel consumption is excluded; exactly as much as is required is used. this moment and the wear of mechanisms is significantly reduced. The inverter uses four times less gasoline per 1 kW of electricity per hour than a conventional generator, so saving fuel is as easy as pie.

3. Compactness.

A small microprocessor board the size of a matchbox does not require heavy windings or bulk ventilation. Therefore, in comparison with conventional generators, their dimensions are two to three times smaller, and this despite the fact that their power remains unchanged. The weight of the power plant, accordingly, is also less and therefore they are very convenient to transport. Some generators are so light that you can carry them in your hands, holding them by the handle, like a small suitcase.

4. Reduced noise.

Each inverter station is equipped with a special protective casing that reduces the noise level to a minimum (no more than 66 dB). That is, the inverter does not “rumble”, but quietly “rumrs”, which is very pleasant for one’s own hearing, and at high altitudes, in neighboring apartments, it is almost inaudible.

5. Resistance to external factors.

Many models of devices can be used outdoors and in rain and snow, since the housing has IP23 protection (does not allow moisture and dust to enter the mechanism).

Let's pay attention to the disadvantages:

Buying an inverter generator for a home, apartment or office is the most correct decision, and it is wonderfully good, but still there are some disadvantages of this purchase, and we have no right to hide them from you.

1. High price.

You have to pay for compactness and convenience, so the price of a generator is several times higher than conventional analogues. This generator is about 2-2.5 times more expensive than a conventional transformer generator. But consider the savings in the future: your expensive electronics do not melt, they do not need to be carried for repair or thrown away, and you need much less gasoline.

2.Limited choice.

The lineup Such devices are quite small and there is practically no choice. But there would be a desire! The specialists of our online store will always help you purchase an inverter mini-power station from such well-known and high-quality brands as the American TM Weekender, the Japanese Honda or the South Korean company Hyundai.

3.Power limitation.

Basically, these generators do not exceed a power of 8 kW, although this is quite enough for domestic needs. For example, for going outdoors, the power of a one-kilowatt generator is enough, and for powering the most necessary electrical appliances in the house, 2-3 kW of power is also enough. Inverter generators with a power of 5 kW are capable of lighting and heating a small private house, and 7-8 kW - a large residential building with an electric pump, room heating and many electrical appliances.


Inverter generators have the following classification:

1. By power:

  • Portable. 1-3 kW of power and weighing 8 kg, the portable inverter generator looks like a small suitcase and is very easy to carry (like Weekender-x950).
  • Average. Their power is no more than 6 kW and they weigh up to 100 kg. They resemble monoblocks and usually have a frame with convenient transport wheels.
  • Heavy. Their power can reach up to 9 kW, and their weight can be over 100 kg. Typically used for professional use where there is high power demand.

2. By control method:

  • Manual start. Since the inverters are light in weight, there are no difficulties with manual start(pulling the pull cord towards you) does not occur. The ignition system has been improved so that the inverter starts easily manually even in cold weather.

  • Electric start. Some models of inverter generators are equipped, in addition to manual start, with an electric starter. Starting is accomplished by simply turning the ignition key. This is very convenient, especially at low temperatures.

  • Remote. If you wish, you can buy an inverter generator with remote start. It is turned on using a remote control with an antenna. This is convenient both at home and outdoors, since you don’t need to lift it and go to the generator.

  • Possibility of installing PBX. Also, some users claim that it is possible to install ATS and in practice there were no inconveniences with this. The automatic transfer unit must be purchased separately and installed according to the instructions. To do this, the generator must be equipped with an electric starter.

3. By type of structure:

  • Open body. There is a fairly small selection of devices among inverters open type, that is, installed on the frame. The open version is mainly aimed at harsh operating conditions and increased loads.

  • Closed housing. Basically, all models of inverter generators are produced in a noise-absorbing housing with high class protection from dust, dirt and moisture. Enclosed inverters are capable of operating in any environment.


1. Inverter gas generators are widely used in coffee machines, which large quantities located both in the city of Kyiv and in other cities of Ukraine. And not only for coffee - compact and reliable inverters are successfully used at any field sites for the sale of various products. In small stationary stores, they power refrigerators, freezers, grills, electric kettles and other appliances.

2. Sensitive household appliances and various electronics in an apartment in a multi-storey building can only be trusted to an inverter generator. Its quiet operation will not disturb the inhabitants of neighboring apartments. Any Internet user can go to the YouTube website and read the recommendations correct installation device on the balcony in a high-rise apartment. There are few toxic gases from burning gasoline, since the inverter is very economical. If the balcony is glazed, exhaust gases are discharged to the street using a special pipe. You can also remove exhaust from the generator by installing it in a closet or other room in the apartment. But installation directly in places of residence is not recommended, since the device emits electromagnetic vibrations, which can cause increased blood pressure in humans and headaches.

3. Inverter devices are also popular during camping, fishing, hunting, traveling and tourism. All thanks to their compactness and reliability. In general, when going outdoors, load a tent, sleeping bag, barbecue and a blue inverter suitcase with the Weekender or Hyundai logo into the trunk, and a comfortable stay will be ensured.

4. Thanks to the excellent sinusoidal current and uninterrupted, even voltage supply, such devices work in the medical field, in clinics and laboratories where high-quality equipment is installed. They serve well in various enterprises for supplying electricity to digital and other high-precision and voltage-sensitive equipment. In companies or offices, they can be installed even in rooms where people work, because their gas emissions are negligible. But this is provided that the generator will not operate for long, and the room is well ventilated.


Quiet and environmentally friendly, small and reliable inverter generators are worth buying, because they are clearly superior to conventional analogues in many respects. Their compactness and provision of stable power supply deserve the highest praise. Although the price of an inverter generator is quite high, believe me, it is worth the money and will quickly pay for itself.

What speaks in favor of inverter generators is that they are bought not only as a reserve (when the electricity is turned off) and not only as a stationary power plant where there is no power supply. Imagine that there are users who are so worried about their equipment that they buy a generator specifically for it, fearing our domestic weak and planted networks. After all, a surge in the network can burn out expensive electronics instantly, but the inverter will never produce such a surge - it is always stable.

Popular models inverter generators:

We recommend watching the video review “How to choose an inverter generator”:

Without electricity there can be no comfort. The TV, refrigerator, and all other household appliances do not work. To avoid such inconveniences, autonomous generators are most often used, which are backup sources of electricity. But even this is not so simple; there are many different models and types of similar devices, which sometimes causes additional confusion. In such a situation, it would be quite reasonable to ask the question, what, for example, is the difference between an inverter generator and a conventional one and which one is better to use?

About autonomous generators

Obtaining electricity in the field or in the event of an accident on a power line is most easily accomplished using standalone device. Structurally, it looks quite simple - it is an internal combustion engine connected to a generator. The engine can be any - gasoline, diesel, gas, 2- or 4-stroke, and designed for different power.

It rotates the rotor of the electric generator, and an alternating voltage appears at the output of the latter, the magnitude and parameters of which (voltage and frequency) are determined by the characteristics of the engine and generator. The number of turns in the windings and their number on the generator do not change during operation. Thus, it turns out that the operation of the internal combustion engine affects the quality of the electricity received.

This is expressed in the fact that a change in the speed of the engine crankshaft leads to a change in the output voltage of the generator. There is also an inverse relationship - an increase in load. For example, emerging starting current when connecting a new consumer, it affects the operation of the internal combustion engine and, accordingly, the characteristics of the generated energy.

A conventional generator works in the manner described. The quality of the electricity received is usually suitable for powering many devices. An incandescent lamp will shine even with such a floating voltage, it will also have little effect on electronic devices, in which it is used pulse block nutrition. However, to the parameters electrical network 220V 50Hz has certain requirements. And many devices are designed for them. And violation of the characteristics of electricity leads to failure or premature failure of expensive products.

A different approach to power supply.

However, this does not suit most consumers at all. For example, a refrigerator, like circulation pumps in a heating system, gas boiler control controllers, require standard quality electricity for their operation. This is what the so-called inverter generators.

They allow you to avoid the troubles noted above. And this happens thanks to an inverter - a special device that converts a current of one frequency and voltage into a current with other characteristics. This is implemented as follows: the alternating voltage from a conventional generator is converted into direct voltage, and then an alternating voltage of 220 V 50 Hz of high quality is obtained from it. The described principle is shown in the figure:

A little clarification needs to be made here. For conventional generators, a voltage of 220 V 50 Hz is generated at the output at 3600 rpm of the internal combustion engine crankshaft. In inverter systems, 300 V is generated. This allows you to obtain a standard sine wave from it, independent of the operation of the internal combustion engine.

Changes in the crankshaft speed and network loads can lead to a decrease in the value DC voltage at the output of the generator, say from 300 V to 250 V. But in any case, this is enough to obtain 220 V. And from a direct voltage you can form an alternating voltage of any frequency. The above graphs will confirm this, allowing you to compare the sinusoids at the output of the generators different types in different conditions.

An additional advantage of an inverter generator is its efficiency. Security required characteristics output voltage is possible at lower engine speeds, respectively, gasoline and oil consumption is reduced by up to 20%, as well as the level of noise generated.

Additional information about generators

But it just so happens that any advantages are accompanied by disadvantages. And the difference between inverter and a regular generator not only in the quality of electricity generated, but also in price. In addition, there are limitations on power; inverter generators according to this indicator do not exceed 7 kVA.

Therefore, the choice of a backup power supply system must be approached very carefully. Most importantly, it is necessary to determine the requirements for its quality. To power incandescent lamps and hand-held power tools you do not need the best voltage; for these purposes it is quite possible to use conventional gas generators.

But powering a refrigerator, circulation pump of a heating system or gas boiler control controllers requires a high-quality source of electricity. In this case best choice there will be an inverter generator. Additional information you can find out about it here:

The issues of ensuring autonomous power supply are not as simple as it seems at first glance. First of all, this concerns the resulting voltage, which is largely determined by the type of gas generator. In most cases, you can get by with conventional devices, but for particularly critical components you need to use inverter generators. They may be more expensive, but the reliability of some products directly depends on the quality of electricity.

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