What does cmos checksum error defaults loaded mean? What is the cmos checksum bad error?

Once you turn on your computer, the user may encounter the message “Cmos checksum error defaults loaded", and the system stops loading further. By pressing the F1 or F2 keys, the system boot can continue, but when you restart the computer this error arises again. In this article I will talk about the Cmos checksum error defaults loaded error, what are the reasons for this dysfunction and how to fix it.

Features of the Cmos checksum error defaults loaded error

If you are interested in what Cmos checksum error defaults loaded is, then translated from English this message sounds like "CMOS checksum error, defaults loaded".

To make it clear what I’m talking about, I’ll explain to the reader what it is CMOS. As you know, it’s hard to imagine today’s computers without BIOS – a set of programs built into the hardware of your computer. The latter allow you to configure the hardware components of your PC, they are responsible for loading the operating system, and so on.

BIOS settings that the user can change in BIOS Setup are stored in a separate chip dynamic memory called CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor or in Russian “Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor”). The memory capacity of such a chip is usually only 256 bytes, and in addition to the settings of your BIOS, it stores a number of parameters of your PC.

In order for the CMOS chip to remember the specified data, it needs constant food(even though in minimum volume). The latter is achieved through a miniature battery (usually CR2032), which powers the CMOS board for several years (on average 5-6 years). The battery itself is usually located next to the CMOS chip on the motherboard.

When the computer is turned on, the current sum of data in CMOS is compared with the control indicator, and if these sums do not match, then the user receives the error Cmos checksum error defaults loaded.

Also, in rare cases, the cause of the described dysfunction may be the influence virus programs. What does this mean Cmos checksum error defaults loaded we figured it out, now let’s think about how to fix it.

How to fix Cmos checksum error defaults loaded

If you are interested in eliminating the Cmos checksum error defaults loaded error, then to simply boot your computer’s operating system you will only need to press the F1 or F2 (or Delete) key.

If the problem repeats regularly after each reboot of your PC, then a physical replacement of the CR2032 element located on the motherboard of your computer is necessary. Turn off the computer, open the system unit by removing the roof, find and remove the CR2032 by pressing the latch tongue (try to keep touching other parts of the motherboard to a minimum). Purchase a similar one at your nearest computer store (or market). new element, and install it to replace the removed one (in this case, the battery plus should usually be located on top).

After replacement, turn on the computer, install in BIOS current date and time, as well as other parameters necessary for comfortable work your PC.

It would also be a good idea to check your computer for the presence of various malware (Dr.Web CureIt!, Trojan Remover, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and a number of other antivirus programs).


When considering the issue of the value of Cmos checksum error defaults loaded, it is worth, first of all, to conclude that the appearance of the message “Cmos checksum error” often means the CR2032 element supplying the CMOS chip is discharged. To solve the problem described, it will be enough to replace the specified element (its price is an insignificant amount), and continue to enjoy stable work your PC.

In contact with

Сmos checksum bad- this is a fatal systemic error, which is detected and forces activate default setting system (BIOS data are reset to the original value). Typically, the cause of this problem is faulty battery - CR2032.

What does the error look like?

Replacing it will not be difficult, since it is sold in any electronics store due to the fact that this element nutrition is universal for many electronic devices. After the purchase, the user only has replace battery (you can do this yourself). But, there are several more ways to solve this problem.

Cmos checksum bad depending on the motherboard manufacturer, may have different index. For example, error, default loaded, failure and others. But, regardless of the index, the meaning of this error is the same.

So, this error indicates that in personal computer the power element, namely the battery, has failed, which leads to the system loading with default settings (the date and time are lost, settings appearance, and may also erase any user data that was recorded on the local disk systems).

Causes of malfunction

As mentioned above, the problem with the malfunction is a non-working battery. It can fail for several reasons:

  • Overvoltage, which led to the failure of this element.
  • Physical wear, which plays an important role in the event of a breakdown of any part of the hardware of a personal computer.
  • Unintentional breakdown(moisture getting into the computer or laptop case, physical damage when falling system unit And so on).


You can solve the problem in the following ways:

  1. The first and most obvious way is to simply replacement a non-functioning battery, which is not a problem to buy and replace yourself (you don’t even have to disassemble the motherboard for this). But, you should remember that when replacing a device, the PC must be completely de-energized for security.
  2. You can also clear the error and save the data using the BIOS menu. At loading PC key press F1 or F2 (choice hotkey depends on the computer manufacturer). You can find out in advance the appropriate key for the device on the official website or in the instructions.

Probably most PC owners have at least once in their lives encountered a situation where operating system, installed on the equipment, did not start perfectly. For example, a message may appear when loading “cmos checksum error defaults loaded”, which does not seem to exclude the continuation of this process, but, nevertheless, stops it for a while, requiring the user to press the “F1” key.

Then everything usually starts normally. However, it should be understood that the cmos checksum error defaults loaded error, although not critical, has some prerequisites for its appearance. Therefore, they need to be found and eliminated.

What is the reason for this situation?

The development of these events is directly related to one small microcircuit located on the motherboard. There is no need to panic ahead of time - you will not need to change the board, therefore, if financial investments are required, then they will be minimal. The fact is that this element stores all the information about the launch installed system. And, if certain parameters of each new download do not match the saved ones, then the following message will appear on the screen.

The root causes of such a situation may be:

  • Either a malicious program or the user himself updated the BIOS not entirely correctly.
  • The battery that powers this microcircuit has almost exhausted its life.
  • The last equipment shutdown was not carried out according to instructions. For example, the power supply was simply cut off.

Based on the above, you can understand how to fix cmos checksum error defaults loaded.

Method for fixing this problem

Considering the possible root causes that influence the appearance of this error, it is not so difficult to understand what to do with cmos checksum error defaults loaded:

  1. After pressing “F1”, wait for the OS to fully turn on.
  2. Initiate the launch of a good antivirus program and conduct a full analysis of all files and elements on the computer’s hard drive.
  3. Restart the equipment and use the “del” button.
  4. Go to the BIOSa menu, where you can force the system to start using the original settings. Typically, this requires selecting "Load optimized defaults". And be sure to save the changes made.

If the first two points did not cause the correction, then, unfortunately, you will need to part with about one or two hundred rubles. Namely, replace the battery. This requires:

  1. Completely disconnect the equipment from the power supply.
  2. Open the front part of the computer unit.
  3. Remove the battery.
  4. Take it to any specialty store to purchase a replacement.
  5. Install the new product in the required location.
  6. Launch the equipment.

And, of course, we should not forget that turning off the PC and restarting it should always be done correctly. If observed common problems With electrical energy– it is recommended to purchase a BPP, which will provide enough time to complete all necessary procedures.

A fairly common error on computers that are 3 or more years old. After all, it is after this period that, as a rule, it is necessary to change the battery. You will learn further about how the “Cmos checksum bad” error is associated with the computer error.

Cmos checksum bad or Cmos checksum error defaults loaded - What does this mean?

Let's start with the fact that this error can take on another guise under the guise of such names as

  • CMOS Checksum Error;
  • CMOS Checksum Failure;
  • CMOS Checksum Error – Default Loaded;
  • System CMOS Checksum Bad.

All this is an interpretation of the same error, it’s just that different manufacturers motherboards it can be called by different names.

Error loading Cmos checksum bad

This error indicates that there is a problem with checksum CMOS memory. The system will boot with default settings. In this case, most likely your date and time are confused. And there may be several reasons for this error.

What to do with the Cmos checksum bad error?

In most cases, this error can be resolved by replacing the battery on the motherboard.

Reason cmos checksum error defaults - dead battery

The microcircuit itself can be damaged much less often. BIOS memory, which will require flashing the BIOS. It can be damaged by a power surge or even a low-level virus.

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