What is the amount of RAM in the computer. RAM

Story random access memory, or RAM, began back in 1834, when Charles Babbage developed the "analytical engine" - in fact, the prototype of a computer. The part of this machine, which was responsible for storing intermediate data, he called the "warehouse". The memorization of information there was organized in a purely mechanical way, by means of shafts and gears.

In the first generations of computers, cathode-ray tubes, magnetic drums were used as RAM, later magnetic cores appeared, and after them, in the third generation of computers, memory on microcircuits appeared.

Now the RAM is performed according to the technology DRAM in form factors DIMMs and SO-DIMMs, is a dynamic memory organized in the form of semiconductor integrated circuits. It is volatile, that is, the data disappears when there is no power.

The choice of RAM is not a difficult task today, the main thing here is to understand the types of memory, its purpose and main characteristics.

Memory types


SO-DIMM form factor memory is designed for use in laptops, compact ITX systems, monoblocks - in a word, where the minimum physical size of memory modules is important. It differs from the DIMM form factor by a module length reduced by about 2 times, and a smaller number of pins on the board (204 and 360 pins for SO-DIMM DDR3 and DDR4 versus 240 and 288 for boards of the same types of DIMM memory).
In terms of other characteristics - frequency, timings, volume, SO-DIMM modules can be any, and they do not differ from DIMMs in any fundamental way.


DIMM - random access memory for full-size computers.
The type of memory you choose must first of all be compatible with the socket on the motherboard. RAM for a computer is divided into 4 types - DDR, DDR2, DDR3 and DDR4.

DDR memory appeared in 2001 and had 184 pins. The supply voltage ranged from 2.2 to 2.4 V. The operating frequency was 400 MHz. Still found on sale, however, the choice is small. Today, the format is outdated - it is suitable only if you do not want to completely update the system, and in the old motherboard the connectors are only for DDR.

The DDR2 standard was released already in 2003, it received 240 pins, which increased the number of threads, decently speeding up the data transfer bus to the processor. The operating frequency of DDR2 could be up to 800 MHz (in some cases - up to 1066 MHz), and the supply voltage from 1.8 to 2.1 V - slightly less than that of DDR. Consequently, the power consumption and heat dissipation of the memory have been reduced.
DDR2 vs DDR Differences:

240 contacts vs 120
· New slot not compatible with DDR
Less power consumption
Improved design, better cooling
Higher maximum operating frequency

Also, like DDR, an outdated type of memory - now it’s only suitable for old motherboards, in other cases it makes no sense to buy, since the new DDR3 and DDR4 are faster.

In 2007, RAM was updated with the DDR3 type, which is still massively distributed. The same 240 pins remain, but the connection slot for DDR3 has changed - there is no compatibility with DDR2. The frequency of the modules is on average from 1333 to 1866 MHz. There are also modules with frequencies up to 2800 MHz.
DDR3 is different from DDR2:

· DDR2 and DDR3 slots are not compatible.
· The clock speed of DDR3 is 2 times higher - 1600 MHz versus 800 MHz for DDR2.
Differs in a reduced supply voltage - about 1.5V, and lower power consumption (in the version DDR3L this value is on average even lower, about 1.35 V).
· Delays (timings) DDR3 more than DDR2, but the operating frequency is higher. In general, the speed of DDR3 is 20-30% higher.

DDR3 is a good choice today. Many motherboards sell DDR3 memory slots, and due to the massive popularity of this type, it is unlikely to disappear soon. It's also slightly cheaper than DDR4.

DDR4 is a new type of RAM developed only in 2012. It is an evolutionary development of the previous types. Memory bandwidth has increased again, now reaching 25.6 GB/s. The operating frequency has also risen - on average from 2133 MHz to 3600 MHz. If we compare the new type with DDR3, which lasted on the market for 8 years and became widespread, then the performance gain is insignificant, and besides, not all motherboards and processors support the new type.
DDR4 differences:

Incompatibility with previous types
Reduced supply voltage - from 1.2 to 1.05 V, power consumption also decreased
Operating memory frequency up to 3200 MHz (can reach 4166 MHz in some brackets), while, of course, proportionally increased timings
May slightly outperform DDR3

If you already have DDR3 sticks, then there is no point in rushing to change them to DDR4. When this format spreads massively, and all motherboards already support DDR4, the transition to a new type will happen by itself with an update of the entire system. Thus, we can summarize that DDR4 is more of a marketing than a really new type of RAM.

What memory frequency to choose?

Choosing a frequency should begin with checking the maximum supported frequencies by your processor and motherboard. It makes sense to take a frequency higher than supported by the processor only when overclocking the processor.

Today, you should not choose memory with a frequency below 1600 MHz. The 1333 MHz option is acceptable in the case of DDR3, if these are not old modules lying around at the seller, which will obviously be slower than new ones.

The best option for today is memory with a frequency interval from 1600 to 2400 MHz. A higher frequency has almost no advantage, but costs much more, and is usually overclocked modules with raised timings. For example, the difference between modules at 1600 and 2133 MHz in a number of work programs will be no more than 5-8%, in games the difference can be even less. Frequencies in 2133-2400 MHz are worth taking if you are engaged in video / audio encoding, rendering.

The difference between the frequencies of 2400 and 3600 MHz will cost you quite a lot, without adding any noticeable speed.

How much RAM to take?

The amount you need depends on the type of work being done on the computer, the operating system installed, and the programs you use. Also, do not lose sight of the maximum amount of memory supported by your motherboard.

Volume 2 GB- for today, it may be enough only for browsing the Internet. More than half will be eaten up by the operating system, the rest will be enough for the leisurely work of undemanding programs.

Volume 4 GB
- suitable for a medium-sized computer, for a home PC media center. Enough to watch movies, and even play undemanding games. Modern - alas, with difficulty pull. (Will be the best choice if you have a 32-bit Windows operating system that sees no more than 3 GB of RAM)

Volume 8 GB(or a set of 2x4GB) - the recommended volume for today for a full-fledged PC. This is enough for almost any game, to work with any resource-demanding software. Best choice for general purpose computer.

16 GB (or 2x8GB, 4x4GB sets) will be justified if you work with graphics, heavy programming environments, or constantly render video. It is also perfect for online streaming - here with 8 GB there can be freezes, especially with high quality video broadcasts. Some games at high resolutions and with HD textures may perform better with 16 GB of RAM on board.

Volume 32 GB(set 2x16GB, or 4x8GB) - so far a very controversial choice, it will come in handy for some very extreme work tasks. It would be better to spend money on other computer components, this will have a stronger effect on its performance.

Operating modes: better 1 stick of memory or 2?

RAM can operate in single-channel, dual-, three- and four-channel modes. Definitely, if your motherboard has a sufficient number of slots, then it is better to take several identical smaller ones instead of one memory bar. The speed of access to them will increase from 2 to 4 times.

In order for the memory to work in dual-channel mode, you need to install brackets in slots of the same color on the motherboard. As a rule, the color is repeated through the connector. It is important at the same time that the memory frequency in the two bars is the same.

- Single channel mode– single-channel operation mode. Turns on when one memory bar is installed, or different modules operating at different frequencies. As a result, the memory runs at the frequency of the slowest bar.
- dual mode– two-channel mode. Works only with memory modules of the same frequency, increases the speed by 2 times. Manufacturers produce specially for this kits of memory modules, in which there can be 2 or 4 identical strips.
-Triple Mode- works on the same principle as the two-channel. In practice, it is not always faster.
- Quad mode- four-channel mode, which works on the principle of two-channel, respectively, increasing the speed of work by 4 times. It is used where exceptionally high speed is needed - for example, in servers.

- Flex Mode- a more flexible version of the two-channel mode of operation, when the bars are of different volumes, but only the frequency is the same. In this case, the same volumes of modules will be used in dual-channel mode, and the remaining volume will operate in single-channel mode.

Does memory need a heatsink?

Now is not the time when, at a voltage of 2 V, an operating frequency of 1600 MHz was reached, and as a result, a lot of heat was generated, which had to be somehow removed. Then the heatsink could be a criterion for the survival of an overclocked module.

At present, memory power consumption has dropped significantly, and a heatsink on a module can be justified from a technical point of view only if you are fond of overclocking, and the module will operate at frequencies that are beyond its limits. In all other cases, radiators can be justified, perhaps, by a beautiful design.

If the heatsink is massive and noticeably increases the height of the memory bar, this is already a significant disadvantage, since it can prevent you from installing a processor supercooler in the system. By the way, there are special low-profile memory modules designed for installation in compact cases. They are slightly more expensive than regular sized modules.

What are timings?

Timings, or latency (latency)- one of the most important characteristics of RAM, determining its speed. Let us outline the general meaning of this parameter.

Simplified, RAM can be represented as a two-dimensional table in which each cell carries information. Cells are accessed by specifying the column and row number, and this is indicated by the row access strobe. RAS(Row Access Strobe) and column access gate CAS (Acess Strobe) by changing the voltage. Thus, for each cycle of work there are calls RAS and CAS, and there are certain delays between these accesses and write / read commands, which are called timings.

In the description of the RAM module, you can see five timings, which for convenience are written as a sequence of numbers separated by a hyphen, for example 8-9-9-20-27 .

· tRCD (time of RAS to CAS Delay)- timing, which determines the delay from the RAS pulse to CAS
· CL (time of CAS Latency)- timing, which determines the delay between the write / read command and the CAS pulse
· tRP (time of Row Precharge)- timing, which determines the delay in transitions from one line to the next
· tRAS (time of Active to Precharge Delay)- timing, which determines the delay between the activation of the line and the end of work with it; is considered the main value
· command rate– determines the delay between the command to select a single chip on the module until the command to activate the line; this timing is not always indicated.

To put it even more simply, it is important to know only one thing about timings - the smaller their values, the better. At the same time, the bars can have the same frequency of operation, but different timings, and a module with lower values ​​will always be faster. So it is worth choosing the minimum timings, for DDR4 the timings of 15-15-15-36 will be the benchmark for average values, for DDR3 - 10-10-10-30. It is also worth remembering that the timings are related to the memory frequency, so when overclocking, you will most likely have to raise the timings, and vice versa - you can manually lower the frequency, while lowering the timings. It is most beneficial to pay attention to the totality of these parameters, choosing rather a balance, and not chasing the extreme values ​​of the parameters.

How to decide on a budget?

With more money, you can afford more RAM. The main difference between cheap and expensive modules will be in timings, frequency of operation, and in the brand - well-known, advertised ones can cost a little more than noname modules from an incomprehensible manufacturer.
In addition, the radiator installed on the modules costs extra money. Not all planks need it, but manufacturers now do not skimp on them.

The price will also depend on the timings, the lower they are, the higher the speed, and, accordingly, the price.

So, having up to 2000 rubles, you can purchase a 4 GB memory module, or 2 x 2 GB modules, which is preferable. Choose depending on what your PC configuration allows. Modules like DDR3 will cost almost half as much as DDR4. With such a budget, it is more reasonable to take DDR3.

To the group up to 4000 rubles Includes 8 GB modules and 2x4 GB kits. This is the best choice for any task, except for professional work with video, and in any other heavy environments.

Into the amount up to 8000 rubles The amount of memory will cost 16 GB. Recommended for professional purposes, or for avid gamers - enough even in reserve, waiting for new demanding games.

If not a problem to spend up to 13000 rubles, then the best choice would be to put them in a set of 4 sticks of 4 GB. For this money, you can even choose prettier radiators, possibly for subsequent overclocking.

I don’t advise taking more than 16 GB without the purpose of working in professional heavy environments (and even then not in all), but if you really want to, then for the amount from 13000 rubles you can climb Olympus by purchasing a 32 GB or even 64 GB kit. True, this will not make much sense for an ordinary user or gamer - it is better to spend money on, say, a flagship video card.

RAM is a component of a computer. The most important characteristic is measured in gigabytes: the more, the better. Other characteristics are much less important - timings and the number of bars, dual-channel ... This device has many other names:

  • "brain"
  • memory
  • RAM
  • RAM (Random Access Memory)

What does RAM look like

This article explains in detail the purpose of RAM, how to install it yourself (no more difficult than replacing a light bulb!), The subtleties of choice. The main thing: after reading a couple of pages of this text, an inexperienced user will easily figure out marketing spells about frequencies with megahertz and will know whether another gigabyte of memory is useful, or the seller is selling unnecessary goods.

What does RAM do: a clear explanation

Temporarily stores operational information. Not the one that is needed to save movies with music, but the one that is used by Windows itself, programs, games, etc. Such information is stored only when the PC is turned on. The computer turns on, the system starts - and during the start, programs and modules are launched that write the necessary data from the HDD to RAM. So that the computer can "communicate" with this data very quickly - i.e., operate promptly(hence the term “operational”).

In short, this is ultra-fast memory, which is 300 times faster than a hard drive. The quick response of a running program (instantaneous appearance of a menu with the right mouse button, say) is the merit of the high speeds of the “RAM”.

RAM analogue in the real world - what is stored in the human brain for a short time. This data is ready for brain processing at any second. With the RAM in the brain can be compared, for example, the information that we remember for a short time, while doing some work. For example, we consider 9 + 3 = 1 and 2 in the mind ... Or another example, the waiter remembers that he ordered a table - he will most likely forget this information in a couple of hours, replacing it with another one. Of course, comparing human memory and computer memory is not very correct, because the brain works differently and everything that gets into the RAM can be remembered and get into long memory (in the HDD), which cannot be the case with a computer ... With HDD, you can compare long-term memory, for example, we read a book and remember something. But access to such data is sometimes not fast, because in order to remember, you need to take a book from the shelf and refresh your memory - such memory can be compared to the memory of a hard disk in a computer - not fast, but fundamental.

Finally, there are also absolutely lightning-fast types of memory. In a computer, this is a processor cache, which is tightly sewn into the CPU, and in the human head, it is something that is tightly and firmly memorized from a school desk: the multiplication table, “live - write with the letter and”, “twice two”, etc. P.

How many GB of RAM do you need

The bigger, the better? Yes, but only up to a certain limit. Modern computers (starting from 2012-14) are extremely rarely equipped with one gigabyte of RAM - this is the day before yesterday and a museum exhibit, and not a real product in 2017.

2 gigabytes RAM - a typical capacity of frankly budget machines. Perhaps this is enough - but it is extremely uncomfortable in terms of speed and responsiveness already with the browser open, Word, Skype and antivirus. No, for 2017, two gigabytes is incredibly small - but somehow you can live with them.

4 gigabytes RAM - a certain "threshold" value of the capacity of RAM. Four gigabytes are equipped with fairly budget laptop models, and more or less expensive counterparts. Enough? Frankly, yes; but there is no stock. The "gluttony" of programs and the OS itself is able to load all 4 gigs to the eyeballs, albeit not always.

8 gigabytes DDR is a zone of comfort and tranquility. Rarely, very rarely, a computer will take at least 5-6 gigabytes of RAM (this is in 2016, but in 2018 the appetites of the code will be able to score even not such a huge volume!).

16, 32 (or 128!) gigabytes RAM is hardly needed by an ordinary user - this is already from the territory of space. What is the use of a multi-ton truck body when the car does not carry anything larger than a washing machine? In 2017, it's hardly worth buying extra gigabytes of RAM just to "be".

The table lists the main "eaters" of RAM. The numbers are only approximate - for some, Windows takes more megabytes, for some it takes less. Tabs with sites can contain a short page without pictures, or they can be monstrous panels of social networks with all contacts, blinkers and reminders. Games require a lot, but before launching them, it is customary to turn off unnecessary browsers and text documents.

So, the table: who “eats” how much RAM. Typical RAM consumption by modern programs. 2016-2017; further - only more.

Programs and their components The occupied amount of RAM, megabytes (not GB!)
OS Windows 7 500-1500
OS Windows 8 (or 10) 500-1800
Browser with 5-7 open tabs 400-800
Word 200
Skype 100
Numerous service processes, updates, drivers 10-20 MB in each of 20-50 such firmware = 200-1000 megabytes
Download manager 20-30
Modern game 2000-3000
Sample game 2010-2012 1000-2000
Antivirus in normal state 300-500
Antivirus in full scan mode 2000-2500

So how much RAM do you need for Windows 7, for example? Try not to buy computers with 2 gigabytes on board - this is frankly not enough. 4 gigabytes is just good, 8 is super. More is usually not worth it. 16 gigabytes and above are needed for:

  • advanced “computers”, for whom it is quite a standard task to run 2-3 virtual systems in Windows;
  • avid gamers with ultra-high resolution monitors and expensive graphics cards;
  • programmers with the need to debug-test desktop programs;
  • video designers and their photo colleagues - and even then not always;
  • simply because you want more than others. No focus on practicality.

Types of RAM, frequency and other characteristics

18-20 years have passed since the introduction of the first DDR standard. Several generations of computers have changed, their performance has increased significantly. At any given time, no more than two generations of memory are relevant. In 2017, this is the rapidly aging DDR3, which reigned on the market for 7 years, and the already familiar DDR4. If you are buying a new computer, then most likely it will be equipped with the fourth generation of RAM. If we are talking about upgrading an old one (5-8 years ago), then DDR3 works inside. Generations are not compatible with each other: it is physically impossible to put a DDR4 die into the connector from the “troika”, and vice versa.

RAM for laptops differs from the usual "desktop" in physical dimensions. Notebook RAM is two times less in length than standard. Frequencies, volume and generation of DDR match each other for laptops and PCs. True, memory for laptops is divided into 2 more subcategories that are physically incompatible with each other:

  • standardSO-DIMM(the SO prefix indicates exactly the laptop size of the RAM) - the most common option;
  • low power memory SO-DDR3L(or simply DDR3L, or the newest DDR4L): most often found in inexpensive laptop models.

The second important characteristic of RAM after volume is frequency. The more, the better, in principle - but DDR4 at 2100 MHz is completely a penny slower than DDR4 at 2800 MHz. The difference is almost 1-2 percent, and even then only in some applications. You should not overpay for megahertz - except maybe 2-3 dollars. There are also other characteristics of memory: delays, they are also timings. The lower the timings, the faster the memory (that's right - timing 10 is preferable to 12). You certainly should not focus on this characteristic, although in the era of DDR / DDR2 15 years ago, timings meant more than they do today. However, this is history.

RAM prices: focusing on offers

Since around 2010, RAM has been obscenely cheap compared to the older days. How much exactly? We apologize for the prices in dollars, but ... they are not called "evergreen" for nothing. The prices given are not the cheapest, according to the Bayon.ru online store - but with a margin.

Table: cost of RAM (for laptop and for PC), 2017. DDR3 and DDR4 models are introduced, as well as "notebook" SO-DIMM form factors.

Memory type Frequency, MHz Price,$ Note
DDR3, 2 GB 1600 19,85 The cheapest decent option
DDR3, 4 GB 1600 26,00
DDR3, 4 GB 2400 32,15 Expensive, "overclocking" RAM
DDR3, 8 GB 1600 38,60
SO-DIMM DDR3, 2 GB 1600 19,85 The cheapest stick of RAM for a laptop
SO-DIMM DDR3, 4 GB 1600 27,50 The most popular type of laptop RAM
SO-DIMM DDR3, 4 GB 1833 29,30 Popular volume, increased frequency
SO-DIMM DDR3, 8 GB 1600 34,50 Large volume, standard frequency
DDR4, 4 GB 2133 26,00 Average 4 GB DDR3
DDR4, 8 GB 2133 42,90 Popular high volume plank
DDR4, 8 GB 2400 55,60 Large volume, increased frequency
SO-DIMM DDR4, 4 GB 2133 27,50 Standard bar of a modern laptop
SO-DIMM DDR4, 8 GB 2133 43,50 Volume bar of a modern laptop

Should I upgrade (add) RAM?

Definitely yes, if the amount of RAM is less than 2-3 gigabytes: the performance gain will be visible to the naked eye. The "critical point" of performance is somewhere in the middle between 2 and 4 GB of RAM. Less RAM means less speed. More - everything works as it should, in a word - "flies".

Rather, yes than no, if the available volume is 4 gigabytes. The speed of the computer is unlikely to increase, but there will be much less freezes and lags. Not a bad investment.

There is no need if there are already 6-8 gigabytes “on board”.

There is no need if the point of the upgrade is to buy DDR with a higher clock speed. The benefit of such an upgrade, if non-zero, tends to be.

How to add RAM to a computer? And on a laptop? DIY RAM upgrade

PC desktops are larger “creations”. Inside the case you can place at least 10 laptops (in size!). There are a lot of slots and connectors on desktop motherboards, unlike ultra-compact laptops, where every millimeter is saved. The typical number of slots in a computer for RAM is 2 or 4. As a rule, only 1-2 of them are occupied. Adding a bar of RAM to an already working one is a matter of a couple of minutes. It is enough to turn off the computer, open the system unit and insert the DDR bracket into the appropriate slot. You don't need any tools or even a screwdriver.

The main requirement is that the RAM must be of the appropriate generation. There is no way to insert a modern DDR4 into a DDR3 slot: they even have different sizes. But the volume of the additional bar can be any. The frequency is also any, but at different frequencies of several "RAM" strips, the computer runs on the smallest of them.

In laptops, things are a little more complicated. They have three types of RAM slots:

  1. Dual Slot Configurations: as a rule, it is already inserted into 2 connectors by "RAM". In this case, you should buy one more capacious module, and replace the existing one with a new one. Classics of the genre: 4 GB of RAM, 2 sticks of 2 GB each. There are no other sockets. You will have to buy a 4 GB memory module (or 8 GB, if necessary), and insert it in place of the old one. As a result, we get 6 GB of RAM. The old module, by the way, can be sold.

Less common are two slots, one of which is occupied, the other is free. Everything is perfectly simple: we buy additional RAM of any volume, insert it into an empty slot. For example, it was 4 GB (one bar), we buy another 4 GB in one bar, insert ... the result is 8 GB.

  1. Single slot configurations(usually inexpensive laptop models). There is only one connector, and, of course, it is already filled with a bar of RAM. The only option is to remove the old module, put in a new one - a larger one.
  2. Laptops with soldered RAM. Upgrading is almost impossible: desoldering an old module and resoldering a new one is a non-trivial and very risky task. However, the RAM is tightly soldered only in inexpensive machines, and this does not happen too often.

How to find out the number of slots and type of memory in a laptop or computer

Any diagnostic program like CPU-Z will do. Download, install, look in the section about memory (memory).

Basic information about RAM: how many GB and so on, is in the Memory tab. The following characteristics are immediately visible:

  • Memory type: DDR3
  • RAM: 6 GB
  • Number of channels: 2 (Dual)
  • Less interesting indicators are timings and frequency: 665.1 MHz (the DDR standard implies a two-way exchange of information with memory, therefore the true frequency is 1333 MHz).

The conclusions can be drawn as follows: the computer (in this case, a laptop) clearly has 2 slots, both are occupied. This is indicated by the dual-channel mode of operation, which is possible only if there is an even number of bars. Another conclusion is a clearly non-standard configuration: 4 + 2 GB of RAM. Typically, manufacturers set the amount of RAM to a multiple of 2: 2, 4, 8, or 16 gigabytes. This means that the owner has already upgraded the RAM.

Much more detailed information is described in the next tab of the CPU-Z utility: SPD (brain speed). In the upper left part of the window, you can really see that there are 2 slots, both are occupied. In the first connector, a 2 giga (2048 MB) die with a frequency of 667 (1333 MHz) perched. In the second - 4 gigabytes (4096 MB) with the same frequency of 1333.

A couple of informational bonuses: you can see the production date of one of the RAMs (week 9, 2011), and the manufacturers of both sticks: Nanya and PNY.

How can I upgrade the RAM in the example above? 6 gigabytes is quite enough volume for 2016, but if there is a strong desire, you can buy one 4 GB DDR3 stick (the price is about $ 26), and insert it instead of the old 2 GB one (by the way, you can sell it for 5 dollars). eight). The result will be 8 gigabytes of RAM.

RAM manufacturers: which one is better. And final tips

Whoever does not produce RAM: the processor giant AMD, and Samsung with LG, and numerous Kingston, Corsair, etc. In the most numerous segment of RAM, there is really no difference between manufacturers. All of them produce reliable and fast DDR, which is capable of some overclocking.

You should think about the manufacturer only in cases where more serious overclocking is required, special requirements for reliability, and, perhaps, for the artistic beauty of RAM. That's right, the more expensive models come with optional, but stunningly cute heatsinks for cooling the modules.

And further. RAM is remarkably reliable. It is quite safe to take it from hand, "used" - most likely, it will work for many more years, with the same characteristics and power consumption.

Not all users understand the functioning of the system components. Such knowledge helps to understand the operation of the computer and, if necessary, fix any problems. Therefore, you often need to know how to find out the amount of RAM or other characteristics of a PC.

The concept of RAM

RAM has long been an integral part of the system. And if the system can function without a discrete video card, then things are more complicated with the operational one.

The component is volatile in the system. It is part of computer memory and is stored while the PC is running. That is, the RAM is not engaged in saving user data, but is designed to maintain the system's performance.

For example, you opened a browser, and there are several tabs in it. After you had to interrupt your work to start one of the programs. You worked with it for a while and returned to the web browser again. So that neither one nor the other information is lost, it is written by code to RAM. The same situation occurs with computer games.

RAM operation

Before you figure out how to find out the amount of RAM, it is important to understand how RAM functions. All data is stored in the module's semiconductors. All of them are available and can work if voltage is applied to them. That is, in a turned off computer If, during the operation of the RAM, the supply of electric current is interrupted, then any stored information may be distorted or destroyed.

RAM capabilities

Thanks to the RAM, an energy-saving mode can work. It helps the PC put the system into sleep mode. During this time, energy consumption is reduced. But since electricity is still supplied to the motherboard, the RAM module functions fully.

But if you use hibernation, then in this case the RAM will not help, because it turns off the voltage completely. But before that, the system manages to write all the information that was stored on RAM into a special file that will start the next time the system is turned on.

RAM Creation

It is not so easy to determine the RAM. It all depends on how long ago the device was purchased. To do this, you will have to refer to the operational documentation. For example, models from 2006 to 2009. received only 4 GB, after - until 2012, they worked with 16 GB, and until the end of 2013 32 GB of RAM was available.


A lot also depends on the capabilities of the mother's memory. Even if the operating system is running with 128 GB of RAM, the motherboard may not support this amount. To do this, you will have to open your PC and find out the model of the motherboard. After that, you can search for information about her. In the case of a laptop, it is enough to find the documentation for it or find information on the official website of the manufacturer.

Situation now

The minimum amount of RAM at the present time is 1 GB. This is the minimum that can still withstand work with office programs and a browser. But for another six months or a year, and due to the resource intensity of programs and media content, resources will not be enough.

8-16 GB of RAM is considered optimal. This is enough for heavy programs such as Photoshop, and for computer games, and for office work.

How much is installed?

When you figure out how to find out the maximum supported amount of RAM, you can try upgrading the RAM. But for this you have to find out how much is available in the system.

To do this, you can go to "My Computer" again, right-click on the free space and select "Properties". A new dialog box will show the total amount of RAM. This option is more suitable for understanding how to find out the amount of laptop RAM, since it is not easy to get to the module in laptops.

You can also install the CPU-Z program to get all the RAM data. For this you need:

  • Download program;
  • install and open it;
  • go to the SPD tab.

Here the type of memory, its volume, frequency of operation, manufacturer and even serial number will be indicated.

On a PC, it's better to check everything with your own eyes:

  • disconnect the system from power;
  • remove the side cover;
  • find the module on the board;
  • turn it off and check the information on the label.

If one module is installed in the computer, then it is possible to connect one or two more. But for this you will have to choose the same RAM modules. That is why it is better to take the device out of the case in order to find identical or very similar parts and purchase.

Mem Reduct Program

How to find out the amount of RAM used by the computer? To do this, you can install the Mem Reduct program. This little utility gives you information about how much physical, virtual memory and real-time usage. But, in addition, it allows you to clear unnecessary data already.

If the system began to slow down, this is especially true for computers with 1-4 GB of RAM, then you can install this program. Entering it, some indicators will be highlighted in orange. This means that the memory is loaded. Just click on "Clear memory" to temporarily unload it.

The program is very useful because it allows you to maintain the working state of the system without braking. If you don't have much RAM installed, it's best to clean it once an hour. Of course, everything will depend on the processes.

I decided to write an article on the topic of what computer RAM is, as I realized, judging by the questions, that many people do not understand what it is.

What is computer RAM and what is it for?

To begin with, I will give a definition that is similar to all the others.

RAM- This is a temporary computer memory that works when the computer is on and is needed for the normal operation of programs and processes. As soon as you turn off the computer and whether you restart, the RAM is erased (correctly speaking, it is reset to zero).

I will explain, using the example of the usual “notebook”, what does temporary memory mean and what is permanent.

Let's start with the constant. Permanent, this is the memory that stores data until the moment when until you remove them. For example, you downloaded a text file from the Internet. As you should already know, any file has weight, it depends on its fullness (in our case, on the amount of text) on the format, etc., this is not so important now. So, you downloaded it, and you see that it exists, that is, you can move it anywhere, delete it, put it on a USB flash drive. That is, this file is “existing”, you can “feel” it.

Now it seems a bit confusing, but after the next paragraph, everything will fall into place, trust me.

Now, let's imagine that you open Notepad and start typing text there. About how good the weather is or how you walked around the city today and what after, you came tired. Now you have already printed a whole poem about your adventures ... Stop! And where is the very text that you typed for half an hour? Look at drive C or D, look in the folders. Let me stop your search, because you won't find it anywhere - it doesn't exist! It's not there yet because you haven't saved it. You didn't click File -> Save As, choose a name, and click Save. Until you save it, it doesn't exist! “How does it not exist?”, you ask, “I can read it, edit it, add it ...”. Yes, like this, it is not in fact, not on one disk, not in one folder. “Then where is he?”, you ask. The answer is simple- just in the same RAM. It exists for situations like this. To store those files that, as it were, do not yet exist, which, at the moment, are only being created. But if you suddenly restart your computer without making a save, then everything that you printed will be lost, because the memory will be reset. Such is its nature of action.

I hope I clarified the situation with the RAM, because it would be much more difficult to explain with other examples and processes. But trust me, this is exactly how it works. So, what is RAM for we figured it out, let's move on.


The amount of RAM (as it is often called) affects the number of simultaneously running programs and their normal operation.

I'll explain now. You have installed some program, and it has been saved on your computer, let's say Microsoft Office Word. Until you start it, it is at rest and does not take up a drop of RAM. But as soon as you run it to print the text, it immediately begins to take up a certain amount of RAM. Why? Yes, because some temporary processes also take place in it, I will not go into details so as not to confuse you, just take my word for it. These temporary processes occupy a part of our "temporary" memory, and so in every program.

If a large number of "heavy" programs are running, then the computer begins to "freeze" and "fail". His work is noticeably slower. So don't overuse it. And also remember that some .

Now a little about how much memory is normal. It's different for all systems, and here it's not the OS version, i.e. not in Windows XP or 7. It's a matter of bit depth. If you have a 32-bit system, then more than 3 GB of RAM is not recommended. Of course, you can put it, but only 3 GB will be perceived by the computer, the rest will be ignored. If you have a 64-bit system, then you can put up to 9, as far as I know. How to find out how many bits your system is, it’s very simple - Start -> Right-click on “Computer” -> Properties and you won’t confuse everything there (bit depth is highlighted in red).

Frankly, I have 4 GB and enough for my eyes.

How to find out the computer's RAM, or rather its volume?

The easiest way find out the amount of RAM on your computer, this is through the Computer or My Computer program if you have Windows XP. Information about the volume is located in the same place where you found out the bit depth of your system, this is written a little higher (the amount of RAM is highlighted in blue).

order how to check computer RAM, we figured it out quickly, so we will immediately move on to the next question.

Now let's deal with the increase in RAM.

Recently, many people are starting to solve problems with the performance of their PC by increasing resources, and sooner or later they run into the question - how to increase the computer's RAM? Because someone once advised them that, they say, the computer slows down solely because of this. Perhaps in part these "wise advisers" are right, but maybe not. Therefore, let's figure out in which case it is worth increasing our memory, and in which it is not.

Before increasing anything, do something:

  • If memory consumption has increased very sharply, without any special reasons (for example, installing a heavy program), then I advise you to check your computer for viruses, either with your antivirus program, or
  • I also advise you to generally carry out a major cleaning of the computer, more about it in
  • Well, take a look at autoloading programs. You may have enabled those programs that you do not use at all, you can disable them. I wrote about how to do this and.

If you have cleaned and checked everything, and the speed of the PC has not increased, then you can safely increase the amount of RAM. I'll tell you how to do it yourself.

First, as I wrote above, we look at the bit depth to find out to what size we can increase the amount of memory. Next, turn off the computer and DISCONNECT THE POWER FROM THE ELECTRIC NETWORK. After that, we hide one of the covers and take out one of the RAM modules, it looks something like this

You don't have to be a genius to take the module out, just look at how it attaches, unplug the fasteners, and pull it out of the slot. Fasteners look like this:

They are like clothespins, you squeeze them from one side of the module and from the other, and then just drag the module towards you.

Now look how many module slots you have in total, I have four. Since I had two gigabytes of RAM, and I decided to increase it to four, I decided to buy two more gigabyte modules.

Next, I applied a very insidious trick. I went to a computer store, went up to a consultant and said give me two like this one. After the purchase, I came home and inserted all four modules into the slots. All.

Now you know, how to add RAM to your computer if you don't have enough.

How to clear computer RAM?

Several ways to clean up the RAM:

  • Restarting the computer. Completely clears "temporary" memory. This type of cleaning can be used only when the computer starts to freeze and slow down due to the huge number of running programs.
  • Go to the Task Manager and disable those programs that you currently do not need. I talked about how to do this in.
  • Disable unnecessary programs that start with Windows when you turn it on. I talked about how to do this and.

These three points are enough to understand how to clear working memory.

Also, memory is divided not only in size but also in frequency. There are three types of RAM:

  • DDR2,
  • DDR3.

Their frequencies are:

  • DDR - from 200 to 400 MHz,
  • DDR2 - from 533 to 1200 MHz,
  • DDR3 - from 800 to 2400 MHz.

Accordingly, these types of RAM differ in speed, DDR3 is the coolest. The only thing you need to know is what kind of RAM is suitable for your motherboard, most often it is written on the box in which it was sold.

That's all the secrets of RAM! I hope I helped you at least a little, but to understand this matter.

To date, it is the most acute. Almost all users refuse 32-bit operating systems, while they absolutely do not understand why they need 64-bit operating systems. As a rule, the answer is standard: "My processor is 64-bit, so the operating system is 64-bit." Fortunately, the development of 64-bit operating systems and applications has led to the fact that we practically do not notice in what environment we work, unless it becomes necessary to connect some old printer or scanner to the computer, the manufacturer of which did not bother to release a 64-bit driver.
The history of the development of requirements for the amount of RAM in a personal computer is such that in 1981 Bill Gates stated that 640 kilobytes of computer RAM is enough for everything about everything. Indeed, it suffices to recall the days of the dominance of the DOS operating system, in particular, MS-DOS, when 4 megabytes of RAM was enough, and 8-12 megabytes was enough to run almost any gaming application. It should be understood that the DOS kernel itself is 16-bit, and in order to use all 4 or 8-12 megabytes of RAM, it was necessary to ensure the loading of special DPMI (DOS Protected Mode Interface) drivers, which allowed for 32-bit applications to use the entire amount of RAM.

The appearance of the first versions of Windows from Microsoft - the Windows shell for workgroups, full-fledged operating systems Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Vista, Windows XP did not portend going beyond the 32-bit standard. It seemed that three gigabytes of RAM would be enough for home use. But the software developed, made more and more demands on the amount of RAM, and AMD began to integrate 64-bit instructions, RAM controllers into its AMD Athlon 64 XP processors - the best processors of its time.

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At the same time, there was a rapid development of the RAM market - a decrease in the technological process made it possible to create 1-gigabyte memory modules, 2-gigabyte memory modules, 4-gigabyte memory modules, and today 8 GB memory modules are becoming more accessible. There are even 8 GB DDR3 strips on sale from the same Samsung SO-DIMM format for laptops. Thus, all this suggests that even buying one bar of 4 gigabytes or more will lead to the fact that a 32-bit operating system will not be able to use part of the RAM and it will simply stand idle. But many people want to organize a two-channel, three-channel or four-channel operation mode due to the existing memory controller, therefore, a 64-bit operating system should become the gold standard of today, and it's time to gradually forget about 32-bit operating systems.

Earlier there was a heated discussion - which application works faster - 32-bit or 64-bit. Experience has shown that if you have less than or exactly 3 gigabytes of RAM - there is practically no point in switching to a 64-bit system - in some applications a slight increase will be noticeable, and in some a slight drop. Full compatibility of 64-bit operating systems with 32-bit ones does not impose severe restrictions on software manufacturers, so they try to create 32-bit applications, and if the application actively uses RAM, then 64-bit ones.

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Despite everything that has been said about 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems, it should be noted that the popular manufacturer of these operating systems themselves, Microsoft, clearly differentiates its products by the amount of supported RAM. The old operating systems Windows XP 32 bit and 64 bit supported only 3.5 and 16 gigabytes of RAM. It should be noted that these features were largely dictated by the features of that time - 16 gigabytes of DDR2 memory was quite an expensive pleasure, and 8 gigabytes did not exist. The Windows Vista operating system in 32-bit and 64-bit editions supports 4 and 16 gigabytes of RAM. At the same time, the operating system should belong to the older version - extended, since Home Basic and Starter managed to support either 1 or 8 gigabytes of RAM. This fact already said that Windows Vista was already "obsolete" and did not correspond to its time, therefore it did not find any popularity among users.

Fortunately, Microsoft realized its mistakes and created a completely new operating system - Windows 7. In this case, the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 7 Ultimate operating systems support 4 gigabytes and 192 gigabytes of RAM, that is, the entire allowable amount in within the framework of binary calculus formats. Stripped-down versions of Windows 7 support smaller amounts of memory. For example, Windows 7 Starter x32 installed on netbooks and some laptops supports only 2 gigabytes of memory, while versions of Windows 7 Home Basic x64 and Windows 7 Home Premium x64 support 8 and 16 gigabytes, respectively. Naturally, all these restrictions are artificially created by Microsoft in order to make different operating systems from one product, both in terms of functionality and cost.

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Therefore, if you have already decided on the version of the operating system, you should decide on the amount of RAM you need. In particular, if your budget is limited and you are building an office computer, then it makes sense to take a closer look at the 2 gigabyte slats. We do not recommend considering 1 gigabyte sticks, as their cost is higher when calculating the amount of free space. Naturally, we are talking about the popular DDR3 memory.

For home users, we recommend, depending on the limited budget, to look closely at the 4 and 8 GB DDR3 memory sticks. If your budget is limited - get 4 GB sticks, if the budget allows - then 8 GB sticks. In this case, you should remember the rules that we described in our previous materials.

The main thing for a new computer is to acquire the same memory strips, and their number must correspond to the channel of the processor's memory controller. Most modern processors have dual-channel memory controllers. Therefore, buying two sticks of 4 gigabytes each will allow you to get 8 gigabytes of total memory, which is enough for modern games on a computer with a single monitor. And if you buy two sticks of 8 gigabytes each, you will get a total of 16, which is enough for a computer with multiple monitors. Conclusion
In any case, when determining the amount of RAM, we recommend that you do not forget about the balance of your personal computer. When building a gaming computer for the home with 16 gigabytes of memory and a weak video card, you will get the same performance as with 4 gigabytes of RAM. For an office computer, we recommend not saving on penny memory, since intensive data exchange, surfing the Internet - leads to massive use of RAM due to caching - here an additional 1-2 gigabytes of memory can significantly reduce the intensity of using a hard drive to upload data to paging file.

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