What can a quantum computer do? Home quantum computer

Humanity, like 60 years ago, is again on the verge of a grandiose breakthrough in the field of computing technologies. Very soon to replace today's computers quantum computers are coming.

How much progress has been made

Back in 1965, Gordon Moore said that in a year the number of transistors that fit in a silicon microchip doubles. This pace of progress recent times slowed down, and doubling occurs less frequently - once every two years. Even at this pace, in the near future, transistors will reach the size of an atom. Then there is a line that cannot be crossed. From the point of view of the physical structure of the transistor, it cannot be less than atomic quantities. Increasing the size of the chip does not solve the problem. The operation of transistors is associated with the release of thermal energy, and processors need a high-quality cooling system. Multi-core architecture also does not solve the issue of further growth. Reaching the Peak in Technology Development modern processors will happen soon.
Developers came to understand this problem at a time when personal computers were just beginning to be available to users. In 1980, one of the founders of quantum informatics, Soviet professor Yuri Manin, formulated the idea of ​​quantum computing. A year later, Richard Feiman proposed the first model of a computer with a quantum processor. The theoretical foundations of what quantum computers should look like were formulated by Paul Benioff.

The principle of operation of a quantum computer

To understand how the new processor works, it is necessary to have at least a superficial knowledge of the principles of quantum mechanics. It makes no sense to give here mathematical layouts and derive formulas. It is enough for the layman to get acquainted with the three distinctive features of quantum mechanics:

  • The state or position of a particle is determined only with some degree of probability.
  • If a particle can have several states, then it is in all possible states at once. This is the principle of superposition.
  • The process of measuring the state of the particle leads to the disappearance of the superposition. Characteristically, the knowledge about the state of the particle obtained by the measurement differs from the real state of the particle before the measurements.

From the point of view of common sense - complete nonsense. In our ordinary world, these principles can be represented as follows: the door to the room is closed, and at the same time open. Closed and open at the same time.

This is the striking difference between calculations. A conventional processor operates in its actions with a binary code. Computer bits can only be in one state - have a logical value of 0 or 1. Quantum computers operate on qubits, which can have a logical value of 0, 1, 0 and 1 at once. For certain tasks, they will have a multimillion-dollar advantage over traditional computers. Today there are already dozens of descriptions of work algorithms. Programmers create special program code that can work according to new principles of computing.

Where will the new computer be used?

A new approach to the computing process allows you to work with huge amounts of data and perform instant computing operations. With the advent of the first computers, some people, including statesmen, had great skepticism about their use in the national economy. There are still people today who are full of doubts about the importance of fundamentally new generation computers. For a very long time, technical journals refused to publish articles about quantum computing, considering this area a common fraudulent ploy to fool investors.

The new way of computing will create the prerequisites for scientific grandiose discoveries in all industries. Medicine will solve many problematic issues, which have accumulated quite a lot recently. It will be possible to diagnose cancer at an earlier stage of the disease than it is now. The chemical industry will be able to synthesize products with unique properties.

A breakthrough in astronautics will not keep you waiting. Flights to other planets will become as commonplace as daily trips around the city. The potential inherent in quantum computing will certainly transform our planet beyond recognition.

Another distinguishing feature that quantum computers have is the ability of quantum computing to quickly pick up desired code or cipher. An ordinary computer performs a mathematical optimization solution sequentially, going through one option after another. A quantum competitor works with the entire data array at once, choosing the most suitable options at lightning speed in an unprecedentedly short time. Banking transactions will be deciphered in the blink of an eye, which is not available to modern computers.

However, the banking sector may not worry - its secret will be saved by the quantum encryption method with the paradox of measurement. If you try to open the code, the transmitted signal will be distorted. The information received will not make any sense. The secret services, for which espionage is a common thing, are interested in the possibilities of quantum computing.

Design difficulties

The difficulty lies in creating the conditions under which a quantum bit can be in a state of superposition for an infinitely long time.

Each qubit is a microprocessor that operates on the principles of superconductivity and the laws of quantum mechanics.

A number of unique conditions are created around the microscopic elements of the logic machine. environment:

  • temperature 0.02 degrees Kelvin (-269.98 Celsius);
  • system of protection against magnetic and electric radiation (reduces the impact of these factors by 50 thousand times);
  • heat removal and vibration damping system;
  • rarefaction of air below atmospheric pressure by 100 billion times.

A slight environmental deviation causes the qubits to momentarily lose their superposition state, resulting in a malfunction.

Ahead of the planet

All of the above could be attributed to the creativity of the inflamed mind of a science fiction writer, if Google, together with NASA, did not purchase a D-Wave quantum computer last year from a Canadian research corporation, the processor of which contains 512 qubits.

With it, the market leader computer technology will solve machine learning issues in sorting and analyzing large data arrays.

An important revealing statement was made by Snowden, who left the United States - the NSA also plans to develop its own quantum computer.

2014 - the beginning of the era of D-Wave systems

Successful Canadian athlete Geordie Rose, after a deal with Google and NASA, began building a processor of 1000 qubits. The future model in terms of speed and volume of calculations will surpass the first commercial prototype by at least 300,000 times. The quantum computer, the photo of which is located below, is the world's first commercial version of the fundamentally new technology computing.

He was prompted to engage in scientific development by his acquaintance at the university with the works of Colin Williams on quantum computing. I must say that Williams today works in the Rose Corporation as a business project manager.

Breakthrough or scientific deception

Rose himself does not fully know what quantum computers are. In ten years, his team has gone from creating a 2-qubit processor to today's first commercial offspring.

From the very beginning of research, Rose sought to create a processor with the minimum amount qubits in 1 thousand. And he must have had a commercial option - to sell and earn money.

Many, knowing Rose's obsession and commercial acumen, try to accuse him of forgery. Allegedly, the most ordinary processor is issued for quantum. This is facilitated by the fact that the phenomenal performance new technology manifests itself when performing certain types of calculations. Otherwise, it behaves like a completely ordinary computer, only very expensive.

When will they appear

There is not long to wait. The research group, organized by the joint prototype purchasers, will soon report on the result of research on D-Wave.
Perhaps the time is coming soon in which quantum computers will turn our understanding of the world around us. And all of humanity at this moment will come to more high level its evolution.

Mankind, like 60 years ago, is once again on the verge of a grandiose breakthrough in the field of computing technologies. Quantum computers will soon replace today's computers.

How much progress has been made

Back in 1965, Gordon Moore said that in a year the number of transistors that fit in a silicon microchip doubles. This pace of progress has slowed recently, and doubling occurs less frequently - once every two years. Even at this pace, in the near future, transistors will reach the size of an atom. Then there is a line that cannot be crossed. From the point of view of the physical structure of the transistor, it cannot be less than atomic quantities. Increasing the size of the chip does not solve the problem. The operation of transistors is associated with the release of thermal energy, and processors need a high-quality cooling system. Multi-core architecture also does not solve the issue of further growth. Reaching the peak in the development of modern processor technology will happen soon.
Developers came to understand this problem at a time when personal computers were just beginning to be available to users. In 1980, one of the founders of quantum informatics, Soviet professor Yuri Manin, formulated the idea of ​​quantum computing. A year later, Richard Feiman proposed the first model of a computer with a quantum processor. The theoretical foundations of what quantum computers should look like were formulated by Paul Benioff.

The principle of operation of a quantum computer

To understand how the new processor works, it is necessary to have at least a superficial knowledge of the principles of quantum mechanics. It makes no sense to give here mathematical layouts and derive formulas. It is enough for the layman to get acquainted with the three distinctive features of quantum mechanics:

  • The state or position of a particle is determined only with some degree of probability.
  • If a particle can have several states, then it is in all possible states at once. This is the principle of superposition.
  • The process of measuring the state of the particle leads to the disappearance of the superposition. Characteristically, the knowledge about the state of the particle obtained by the measurement differs from the real state of the particle before the measurements.

From the point of view of common sense - complete nonsense. In our ordinary world, these principles can be represented as follows: the door to the room is closed, and at the same time open. Closed and open at the same time.

This is the striking difference between calculations. A conventional processor operates in its actions with a binary code. Computer bits can only be in one state - have a logical value of 0 or 1. Quantum computers operate on qubits, which can have a logical value of 0, 1, 0 and 1 at once. For certain tasks, they will have a multimillion-dollar advantage over traditional computers. Today there are already dozens of descriptions of work algorithms. Programmers create special program code that can work according to new principles of computing.

Where will the new computer be used?

A new approach to the computing process allows you to work with huge amounts of data and perform instant computing operations. With the advent of the first computers, some people, including statesmen, had great skepticism about their use in the national economy. There are still people today who are full of doubts about the importance of fundamentally new generation computers. For a very long time, technical journals refused to publish articles about quantum computing, considering this area a common fraudulent ploy to fool investors.

The new way of computing will create the prerequisites for scientific grandiose discoveries in all industries. Medicine will solve many problematic issues, which have accumulated quite a lot recently. It will be possible to diagnose cancer at an earlier stage of the disease than it is now. The chemical industry will be able to synthesize products with unique properties.

A breakthrough in astronautics will not keep you waiting. Flights to other planets will become as commonplace as daily trips around the city. The potential inherent in quantum computing will certainly transform our planet beyond recognition.

Another distinctive feature that quantum computers have is the ability of quantum computing to quickly find the right code or cipher. An ordinary computer performs a mathematical optimization solution sequentially, going through one option after another. A quantum competitor works with the entire data array at once, choosing the most suitable options at lightning speed in an unprecedentedly short time. Banking transactions will be deciphered in the blink of an eye, which is not available to modern computers.

However, the banking sector may not worry - its secret will be saved by the quantum encryption method with the paradox of measurement. If you try to open the code, the transmitted signal will be distorted. The information received will not make any sense. The secret services, for which espionage is a common thing, are interested in the possibilities of quantum computing.

Design difficulties

The difficulty lies in creating the conditions under which a quantum bit can be in a state of superposition for an infinitely long time.

Each qubit is a microprocessor that operates on the principles of superconductivity and the laws of quantum mechanics.

A number of unique environmental conditions are created around the microscopic elements of the logic engine:

  • temperature 0.02 degrees Kelvin (-269.98 Celsius);
  • system of protection against magnetic and electric radiation (reduces the impact of these factors by 50 thousand times);
  • heat removal and vibration damping system;
  • rarefaction of air below atmospheric pressure by 100 billion times.

A slight environmental deviation causes the qubits to momentarily lose their superposition state, resulting in a malfunction.

Ahead of the planet

All of the above could be attributed to the creativity of the inflamed mind of a science fiction writer, if Google, together with NASA, did not purchase a D-Wave quantum computer last year from a Canadian research corporation, the processor of which contains 512 qubits.

With its help, the leader in the computer technology market will solve machine learning issues in sorting and analyzing large data arrays.

An important revealing statement was made by Snowden, who left the United States - the NSA also plans to develop its own quantum computer.

2014 - the beginning of the era of D-Wave systems

Successful Canadian athlete Geordie Rose, after a deal with Google and NASA, began building a processor of 1000 qubits. The future model in terms of speed and volume of calculations will surpass the first commercial prototype by at least 300,000 times. The quantum computer, the photo of which is located below, is the world's first commercial version of a fundamentally new computing technology.

He was prompted to engage in scientific development by his acquaintance at the university with the works of Colin Williams on quantum computing. I must say that Williams today works in the Rose Corporation as a business project manager.

Breakthrough or scientific deception

Rose himself does not fully know what quantum computers are. In ten years, his team has gone from creating a 2-qubit processor to today's first commercial offspring.

From the very beginning of his research, Rose aimed to create a processor with a minimum number of qubits of 1,000. And he must have had a commercial option - to sell and earn money.

Many, knowing Rose's obsession and commercial acumen, try to accuse him of forgery. Allegedly, the most ordinary processor is issued for quantum. This is facilitated by the fact that the phenomenal speed of the new technique shows when performing certain types of calculations. Otherwise, it behaves like a completely ordinary computer, only very expensive.

When will they appear

There is not long to wait. The research group, organized by the joint prototype purchasers, will soon report on the result of research on D-Wave.
Perhaps the time is coming soon in which quantum computers will turn our understanding of the world around us. And all of humanity at that moment will reach a higher level of its evolution.

In recent decades, computers have developed very rapidly. In fact, in the memory of one generation, they have gone from bulky lamps that occupy huge rooms to miniature tablets. Memory and speed increased rapidly. But the moment came when tasks appeared that were not subject even to super-powerful modern computers.

What is a quantum computer?

The emergence of new tasks beyond the control of conventional computers forced us to look for new opportunities. And, as an alternative to conventional computers, quantum computers appeared. A quantum computer is a computer technology based on the elements of quantum mechanics. The main provisions of quantum mechanics were formulated at the beginning of the last century. Its appearance made it possible to solve many problems of physics that could not be solved in classical physics.

Although quantum theory is already in its second century, it still remains understandable only to a narrow circle of specialists. But there is also real results quantum mechanics, to which we are already accustomed - laser technology, tomography. And at the end of the last century, the theory of quantum computing was developed by the Soviet physicist Yu. Manin. Five years later, David Deutsch unveiled the idea of ​​a quantum machine.

Does a quantum computer exist?

But the implementation of ideas was not so simple. Periodically, there are reports that another quantum computer has been created. Over the development of such computer science Giants in the field of information technology work:

  1. D-Wave is a Canadian company that pioneered the production of operational quantum computers. Nevertheless, experts are debating how real quantum computers are and what advantages they provide.
  2. IBM - created a quantum computer, and opened access to it for Internet users to experiment with quantum algorithms. By 2025, the company plans to create a model capable of solving practical problems.
  3. Google - announced the release this year of a computer capable of proving the superiority of quantum over conventional computers.
  4. In May 2017, Chinese scientists in Shanghai announced that they had created the most powerful quantum computer in the world, surpassing analogues in signal processing frequency by 24 times.
  5. In July 2017, at the Moscow Conference on Quantum Technologies, it was announced that a 51-qubit quantum computer had been created.

How is a quantum computer different from a conventional one?

The fundamental difference of a quantum computer is in the approach to the calculation process.

  1. In a conventional processor, all calculations are based on bits that are in two states 1 or 0. That is, all the work comes down to analyzing a huge amount of data for compliance with specified conditions. Quantum computers are based on qubits (quantum bits). Their feature is the ability to be in the state 1, 0, as well as both 1 and 0.
  2. The possibilities of a quantum computer increase significantly, since there is no need to look for the desired answer among the multitude. In this case, the answer is selected from the already available options with a certain degree of correspondence probability.

What is a quantum computer for?

The principle of a quantum computer, built on the choice of a solution with a sufficient degree of probability and the ability to find such a solution many times faster than modern computers, also determines the purpose of its use. First of all, the emergence of this type of computing technology worries cryptographers. This is due to the ability of a quantum computer to easily calculate passwords. Thus, the most powerful quantum computer created by Russian-American scientists is able to obtain the keys to existing systems encryption.

There are more useful applied problems for quantum computers, they are related to the behavior of elementary particles, genetics, healthcare, financial markets, protecting networks from viruses, artificial intelligence and many others that ordinary computers cannot yet solve.

How does a quantum computer work?

The device of a quantum computer is based on the use of qubits. As a physical implementation of qubits currently used:

  • rings made of superconductors with jumpers, with multidirectional current;
  • individual atoms, under the influence of laser beams;
  • ions;
  • photons;
  • options for the use of semiconductor nanocrystals are being developed.

Quantum computer - principle of operation

If there is certainty in working with a classical computer, then the question of how a quantum computer works is not easy to answer. The description of the operation of a quantum computer is based on two phrases that are obscure to most:

  • superposition principle- we are talking about qubits that can be simultaneously in positions 1 and 0. This allows you to conduct several calculations at the same time, and not to sort through options, which gives a big gain in time;
  • quantum entanglement- a phenomenon noted by A. Einstein, which consists in the relationship of two particles. talking in simple words, if one of the particles has a positive helicity, then the second one instantly takes on a positive one. This relationship occurs regardless of distance.

Who Invented the Quantum Computer?

The basis of quantum mechanics was stated at the very beginning of the last century as a hypothesis. Its development is associated with such brilliant physicists as Max Planck, A. Einstein, Paul Dirac. In 1980, Yu. Antonov proposed the idea of ​​the possibility of quantum computing. A year later, Richard Feineman theoretically modeled the first quantum computer.

Now the creation of quantum computers is under development and it is even difficult to imagine what a quantum computer is capable of. But it is absolutely clear that the development of this direction will bring people many new discoveries in all fields of science, will allow them to look into the micro and macro world, learn more about the nature of the mind, genetics.

Last week there was news that Google made a breakthrough in the development of a quantum computer -
the company understood how such a computer would cope
with my own mistakes. They have been talking about quantum computers for several years: for example, he was on the cover of Time magazine. If such computers appear, it will be a breakthrough akin to the appearance of classical computers - and even more serious. Look At Me explains why quantum computers are good and what exactly Google did.

What is a quantum computer?

A quantum computer is a mechanism at the intersection of computer science and quantum physics, the most complex section of theoretical physics. Richard Feynman, one of the greatest physicists of the 20th century, once said: “If you think you understand quantum physics, then you don’t understand it.” So please note that the following explanations are incredibly simplified. It takes people years to understand quantum physics.

Quantum physics deals with elementary particles smaller than an atom. The way these particles are arranged and how they behave contradicts many of our ideas about the universe. A quantum particle can be in several places at the same time - and in several states at the same time. Imagine that you tossed a coin: while it is in the air, you cannot tell if it will come up heads or tails; this coin is like heads and tails at the same time. This is how quantum particles behave. This is called the principle of superposition.

A quantum computer is still a hypothetical device that will use the principle of superposition (and other quantum properties)
for computing. A typical computer works with transistors,
which perceive any information as zeros and ones. binary code you can describe the whole world - and solve any problems within it. The quantum analogue of the classical bit is called a qubit. (qubit, qu - from the word quantum, quantum). Using the principle of superposition, a qubit can simultaneously be
in state 0 and 1 - and this will not only significantly increase the power compared to traditional computers, but also allow you to solve unexpected problems,
which ordinary computers are not capable of.

The principle of superposition is the only
What will quantum computers be based on?

No. Due to the fact that quantum computers exist only in theory, scientists are still only guessing how exactly they will work. For example, it is believed that quantum computers will also use quantum entanglement.
This is what Albert Einstein called "spooky" ( he was generally against quantum theory, because it is not compatible with his theory of relativity). The meaning of the phenomenon is that two particles in the Universe can be interconnected, and vice versa: say, if the helicity
(there is such a characteristic of the state of elementary particles, we will not go into details) of the first particle is positive, the helicity of the second will always be negative, and vice versa. This phenomenon is called "creepy" for two reasons. First, this connection works instantly, faster speed Sveta. Secondly, entangled particles can be at any distance from each other.
from a friend: for example, at different ends of the Milky Way.

How can a quantum computer be used?

Scientists are looking for applications for quantum computers and at the same time figuring out how to build them. The main thing is that a quantum computer will be able to optimize information very quickly and generally work with big data that we accumulate, but do not yet understand how to use.

Let's imagine this (highly simplified, of course): You are about to shoot a target with a bow and need to figure out how high to aim to hit. Let's say you need to calculate the height from 0 to 100 cm. A conventional computer will calculate each trajectory in turn: first 0 cm, then 1 cm, then 2 cm, and so on. A quantum computer, on the other hand, will calculate all the options at the same time - and instantly give you the one that will allow you to hit the target exactly. Many processes can be optimized in this way:
from medicine (say, diagnose cancer earlier) before aviation (for example, make more complex autopilots).

There is also a version that such a computer will be able to solve problems that a conventional computer is simply not capable of - or that would take it thousands of years of computing. A quantum computer will be able to work with the most complex simulations: for example, to calculate whether there are intelligent beings in the universe other than humans. It is possible that the creation of quantum computers will lead to
to the appearance artificial intelligence. Imagine what an appearance did to our world conventional computers- Quantum computers can be about the same breakthrough.

Who is developing quantum computers?

All. Governments, military, technology companies. Building a quantum computer will benefit almost anyone. For example, among the documents released by Edward Snowden, there was information that the NSA has a project "Introduction to complex targets", which includes the creation of a quantum computer for encrypting information. Microsoft is seriously engaged in quantum computers - they began their first research in this area back in 2007. IBM is leading the development and a few years ago they announced that they had created a chip with three qubits. Finally, Google and NASA are collaborating
with the D-Wave company, which claims that it is already releasing
"the first commercial quantum processor" (or rather, the second one, now their model is called D-Wave Two), but it does not yet work as a quantum -
remember, they don't exist.

How close are we to creating
quantum computer?

Nobody can say for sure. News about breakthroughs in technology (like recent news about Google) appear constantly, but we can be as very far away
from a full-fledged quantum computer, and very close to it. Let's say there are studies that say that it is enough to create a computer with just
with several hundred qubits to make it work like a full-fledged quantum computer. D-Wave claims to have created a processor with 84 qubits -
but critics who have analyzed their processor claim that it works,
like a classical computer, not like a quantum one. Google collaborators
with D-Wave, they believe that their processor is simply in the very early stages of development and will eventually work like a quantum one. Somehow, now
quantum computers have one main problem - errors. All computers make mistakes, but classical computers can easily deal with them - but quantum ones still don't. Once the researchers sort out the bugs, there will only be a few years left before the appearance of a quantum computer.

What makes it difficult to correct errors
in quantum computers?

To simplify, errors in quantum computers can be divided into two levels. The first is the mistakes that any computers make, including classical ones. An error can occur in the computer's memory when 0 changes to 1 involuntarily due to external noise such as cosmic rays or radiation. These errors are easy to solve, all data is checked for such changes. And Google just recently dealt with this problem in quantum computers: they stabilized a chain of nine qubits
and freed her from mistakes. There is, however, one nuance to this breakthrough: Google has dealt with classic errors in classic computing. There is a second level of error in quantum computers, and it is much more difficult to understand and explain.

Qubits are extremely unstable, they are subject to quantum decoherence - this is a violation of communication within a quantum system under the influence of the environment. A quantum processor must be isolated from the environment as much as possible (although decoherence sometimes occurs as a result of internal processes) to keep errors to a minimum. At the same time, it is impossible to get rid of quantum errors completely - but if you make them rare enough, a quantum computer can work. At the same time, some researchers believe that 99% of the power of such a computer will just be directed
to eliminate errors, but the remaining 1% is enough to solve any problems.
According to physicist Scott Aaronson, Google's achievement can be considered the third
with half of the seven steps required to create a quantum computer - in other words, we are halfway there.

2022 gtavrl.ru.