Which is better to buy Android or Windows? Windows Mobile or Android: WinMo is better than you think! Which is better: Android or Windows Phone? Comparison of operating systems

Talking about Android OS and Windows Mobile you need to understand that we are considering different operating systems used on different computer devices. All modern smartphones or communicators are equipped with operating systems.

This makes it possible not only to carry out phone calls, transmit SMS messages, but also use smart apps, visit the Internet, play audio and video files.

The most popular operating systems used in mobile devices today are Google Android and Windows Mobile.

But which operating system to choose? mobile device the buyer has to decide for himself.

To do right choice, you need to know the advantages and disadvantages of each of the presented operating systems.

So what better Android or Windows for mobile phone and tablet? Let's look at the operating systems presented.

OS Google Android

Main advantages:
1. Speed ​​of work.
The speed of the operating system being presented is determined by its performance. Each new version of the OS provides new features, offering new speed milestones. In each new version developers manage to remove unnecessary parts that slow down the processor. The Android operating system, according to consumer reviews, is not inferior in speed to similar programs, and it works without errors. High job stability makes it more attractive and desirable.

2. Wide variety of software.
The operating system in question has no restrictions, allowing the use of countless software applications.
The operating system has user-friendly interface, a large number of Various, easy-to-adjust settings. This makes working with the device more attractive and varied.

The Android operating system comes with the world's fastest browser. Among other things, this operating system implements Flash technology, which makes Internet surfing a more exciting experience.

1. It is not possible to demonstrate video calls in third generation networks. Is it true, this problem resolved by using applications like Fring.
A serious disadvantage Android Market Access to confidential user data when installing certain applications can be considered.

OS Windows Mobile

Advantages of OS Windows Mobile:
1. Synchronization.
All programs designed to run on Windows Mobile are fully synchronized. Available popular programs for Windows. These include such popular programs as Word, Excel, Outlook.

2. Variety of software.
For a given operating system, many various applications, decisive big number tasks with special functionality.

operating room Windows system Mobile is developed based on OS Windows CE 5.
But the shortcomings could not be eliminated.
The browser is slow and inconvenient virtual keyboard. The issue of scaling and scrolling in the IE browser has not been resolved.
The interface has not been improved.

In the end, no matter what pros and cons are presented in operating systems, the choice always remains with the consumer.

Articles and Lifehacks

Any manufacturer knows how to colorfully describe the advantages of their products. Let's try to answer the question honestly, which is better: android or windows phone, and also tell you about their weaknesses.

It is obvious that after several years on the market mobile technology Nothing revolutionary happened either in the creation of new models of gadgets or in the development of the OS. The power of new smartphones has not become fantastic, but all because developers simply do not care about significant innovations. As a rule, we see improvements in the usual flagships. It would also not be worthwhile to state unequivocally that it was more recently introduced than windows phone. Shall we figure it out?

Why is Android better? 10 reasons not to buy Windows Phone

One of the main reasons against buying a WP device is the unreasonable ratio of parameters such as price and quality. It's no secret that not many companies produce these devices. In fact, today there is only one of them left on the market, and this is Nokia. Working with Windows Phone turned out to be an unprofitable business, and the modern buyer is forced to pay a lot of money for the fact that Microsoft has never been able to create a truly competitive platform. Unfortunately, today it requires constant material investments.

The second reason is that Nokia releases supposedly new device every few months, and thereby deceives his potential buyer. Upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that the differences between the devices, which were released several months apart, are actually quite insignificant.

The third reason is Microsoft's approach to supporting its customers. The fourth is the difficulty of selling WP devices on the secondary market (if the need arises).

Since Windows Phone is a relatively young platform, find the desired program, or a program with a sufficient level of functionality is very complex (maybe more complex than earlier models). This is reason number five. Sixth – absence of many additional accessories that would be useful: smart watches, pedometers, etc.

The seventh reason is that Microsoft services are not popular today. For example, the Windows Phone platform offers Bing search. Obviously, most users prefer Google, and they have to manually change the search in the device settings. Also WP owners will not be able to use Google Chrome, that is, the most popular browser in the world.

The Windows Phone platform does not provide space for unified work on multiple devices (for example, on a smartphone and tablet) - just as it is provided for iOS or Android, and this is the eighth reason. Reason number nine - poor quality warranty service.
The tenth reason is that Microsoft itself does not have much faith in the prospects for the development of a platform such as Windows Phone. Who else, if not the manufacturer himself, can convince the buyer of the opposite?

Android or Windows Phone: which is better?

Note that the WP platform, the weaknesses of which we described above, is not popular among users primarily due to its closed source code. However, if we are trying to find out which is better: Android or Windows phone, we should know that low popularity does not mean that the operating system is worse in all respects. Of course, WP also has its advantages - for example, the interface is very convenient.

Fans of animated desktop wallpapers should be aware that they can only be installed on Android. Also, the advantage of this platform lies in the wide possibilities for customizing the interface.

Open source Android systems allows it to be more flexible and easily adapt to consumer needs. If we prefer to customize everything at our own discretion, we should choose this platform. However, when Android volume often demonstrates instability during work; It is also poorly protected from viruses. Closed code Windows Phone takes away the flexibility of this system, but it is more stable and reliable. Moreover, Android supports multitasking. This is not only an advantage, but also a disadvantage, because as a result the battery discharges much faster.

Android users can download any program at their discretion. Windows platform Phone also offers the most important built-in applications. What's the difference? Android Maps much more convenient than, for example, Nokia Maps. Both platforms support NFC technology, but it’s more convenient (and more reliable) to store money on a Windows wallet. Of course, there are many more programs tailored for Android. Weak side is that not all of them are compatible with different versions operating system.

In conclusion, we note that Android combines both unsuccessful and ingenious solutions. In turn, on Windows Phone everything is very reliable and stable. This system works well, with virtually no lag, but is much less flexible than Android.

Articles and Lifehacks

Comparing different operating systems is not an easy task, especially since there are thousands of supporters of both one and the other platform. If we still want to find out, which is better: android or windows, we should understand the features of each of them. And then figure out where the music is stored.

Windows or Android: which is better?

Let's start with the fact that Windows is a computer operating system, and Android is a mobile OS, and comparing these systems seems pointless. That is why we will compare not them, but two mobile platforms - Android and Windows Phone.
The Android operating system was based on Linux kernel. Today it is supported by Google.

The Windows Phone platform was created by Microsoft. To be fair, it is worth noting that due to its closed source code, it is less popular today.

In contrast, the Android system has open source. This means that it is more flexible, and the user has the right to customize it at his own discretion. In other words, he can modify and change the operating system to suit himself. For example, many users prefer to change the firmware themselves, look for patches, etc. The Windows Phone platform is not very flexible and cannot be customized in this way.

A feature of Android is full support for multitasking. Unfortunately, this also has advantages back side medals: if the user does not close everything open applications, the battery will run out very quickly. Unlike the Android system, which can run an unlimited number of applications, Windows Phone itself will close them after some time if the owner of the device does not use the phone. The advantage of this platform is that it is more stable.

So, RAM on Android fills up too quickly, which significantly increases system requirements. If the amount of RAM and processor power is not enough, the smartphone constantly freezes and causes a lot of trouble. Possessing similar parameters, the device is suitable for Windows control Phone will work much faster. However, this platform is capricious, and therefore the cost of such devices will be higher.

In an effort to find out which is better: Android or Windows phone, the user is also interested in the possibilities of installing new applications. As already mentioned, Android is a flexible platform, and therefore there will be no problems with this.

Which is better - Windows or Android? Let's sum it up

So, one of the main differences between the platforms is that Android is easy to customize for the user. In addition, the system is better adapted to Internet surfing and has flash support. In addition, you can easily purchase there required applications and games.

Unlike Android, Windows Phone does not allow installation third party programs. In addition, the second platform offers very limited multitasking, while Android offers full multitasking.

The disadvantage of Android is that its battery consumes much more power than Windows Phone devices. It also requires a large amount of free RAM. In turn, Microsoft is very demanding hardware their smartphones.

To understand whether to choose Android or Windows Phone, it is worth understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each system. To do this, you need to consider their individual parameters and decide.

To begin with, you should pay attention to In both systems, it is quite attractive. If we talk about Android or Windows Phone is better, then it is worth noting that in the first system ( latest versions) has all the advantages of previous modifications, plus a lot of new things have been added for the convenience of users. This system is universal for tablets and smartphones, and WP can be used exclusively on smartphones. Android notifies the user of various events using widgets on the home screen, and WP uses live tiles for this. Since in the first system it is much easier to scroll from left to right and back, many people prefer this option. However, WP remains the most stylish option in terms of interface, so it wins.

If you choose Android or Windows Phone, then it is worth considering hardware support. The Microsoft platform works only on those devices with whose manufacturers the company has partnerships: these are Samsung, Acer, Asus, Nokia. Android is open source, so this platform became more widespread. This is the reason why this platform has the upper hand in this category.

When considering which system to prefer, Android or Windows Phone, it is worth mentioning this important point like multitasking. This option is for modern smartphone considered the main one. Both systems provide for this good opportunities, however, the product from Google is more advanced in this sense. That is why Android wins here again.

Important on this moment The parameter for the system is services. Considering what Windows Phone better than android, it is worth noting better interaction with all kinds of services. In contacts there are several tabs: “Latest”, “All”, “What’s new”. The first has 8 tiles showing the latest SMS and calls, as well as messages posted on the Facebook wall. In this category, the Microsoft product is significantly superior to its competitor.

Many users want to be able to download a variety of applications for different cases, and here Android is significantly superior to its competitor, since its application store has more than 250 thousand various programs. However, this can also be attributed to the fact that this platform has existed for much longer.

It is trying to unite all its users under one roof with ICS, and Microsoft is working to form a new ecosystem in the mobile industry, which will provide customers with choice beyond existing systems. It is expected that many will choose Windows Phone over Android.

In conclusion, we can say that the choice between these two systems must be made in such a way that it is convenient for you first of all. Windows Phone can be called more stylish and elegant, while Android is distinguished by its ease of use and development. if you love big choice applications, then WP will be a little difficult for you to cope with.

Today we will compare and try to figure out which operating system the smartphone is better on - this is, as you might have noticed, an ignoble matter. There will always be fans of both the first and second operating systems, shouting and screaming, defending the advantages of their smartphone on the current operating system and pointing out the shortcomings of the competitor. Competitors of Android and Windows today are not worth last place, but when choosing a smartphone at the same prices and technical characteristics, the operating system will play an important role. What does a user have to compare today? Android or Windows Phone 7/8, what to choose Android or Windows task not a simple one, because one and the other operating system have their advantages and disadvantages.

How do these mobile operating systems differ from each other? It is worth noting that the Android OS was developed on the Linux kernel, which has support from Google. And it has such an attraction as source. This means that any user can reconfigure this operating system for themselves, make optimal settings by modifying the system for personal use. In Android, you can completely change the interface, and you can also add widgets to the desktop. There are several freely available system builds, firmware for it, which will not be difficult to install on the device. Windows Phone OS developed by Microsoft, as a successor (WinMobile) for smartphones, this operating system does not give the user full control above the device and the desktop is limited to living slabs. Which makes it less convenient.

RAM load in Android increases system requirements system requirements. Weak processor and insufficient capacity RAM slow down the process of smartphone operation Android platform, Windows Phone with exactly the same technical characteristics will not affect performance in any way. But it is worth noting that Microsoft OS runs on devices with a certain type of processor. And this increases the cost of this device.

What to a simple user most important? Will he be able to download and install games and applications on his smartphone? There are no problems as such with Android. Wide variety of paid and free applications on Google Play Market. And in general, Android, thanks to Google, is much better adapted for surfing the Internet. Watching videos and listening to songs in the browser is a big plus for the user. It is worth noting that on Android there is such an option as installing from file system, which makes the system almost universal. For OS Windows quantity Fewer applications have been created and it is impossible to third party developer install the product. Android can be easily connected to a PC without special software, which allows you to use the device for storage.
And so let's sum it up...

Android allows the user to customize the system, and is better suited to surfing the Internet.
Android gives full multitasking, Windows - not full.
Android consumes a lot of energy and requires as much free RAM as possible.
Windows hardware does not work on all devices.
Windows does not allow installation of applications from an unknown source.

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