Which is better amd or intel. Which is better - AMD or Intel for gaming? Which processor should you choose? Video - AMD or Intel: which is better

For several decades now, the debate about which manufacturer's processors are better has not subsided. Now comparing Intel and AMD processors is meaningless, since these companies cannot compete with the Russian MCST :). Elbrus are so good that they simply do not reach ordinary buyers, being snapped up almost instantly by organizations. Ordinary users have to be content with Intel and AMD processors on the “outdated” X86 architecture. Of course, they cannot stand comparison with MCST, but essentially there is nothing else to choose from. Because of this, it won't hurt to figure it out Which is better - AMD or Intel? by comparing them with each other.

Which is better for gaming: Intel or AMD?

Gaming performance has become the main criterion for choosing a processor for ordinary users. Many people generally assemble a computer just for gaming. In principle, we have more people who like to play than people who like to work! =)))

The performance of any more or less modern 8-thread (not cores, but threads!) processor is sufficient even for AAA projects. However, models with less thread should not be discounted - in many cases they cope well with games. Sometimes this is necessary. If gaming performance is limited by the capabilities of the video card (in the vast majority of cases), the requirements for the processor are even lower. The main thing is that it does not give freezes and stutters in games.

And yet, which company’s processors perform better in games? It is very difficult to answer this question unambiguously; ideally, you should always consider and compare specific models. In short, AMD's low- and mid-range processors are better than Intel's. In addition, AMD processors in general have a much better price/performance ratio. Intel is the undisputed leader in the highest price segment of desktop processors. The older processors of this company have the highest absolute performance in games.

It's worth noting that gaming performance is not indicative of overall processor performance. So AMD Ryzen shows rather modest results in games, significantly lagging behind Intel. In rendering and some other tasks, AMD is better than Intel (if we consider processors of equal cost).

Intel or AMD: which processor to choose for a laptop

Laptops, due to the requirements for high autonomy and low power consumption, receive significantly weakened “stuffing”. CPU performance and energy efficiency are very important to them.

In terms of energy efficiency, the leader in the laptop market is modern AMD processors. Already, Ryzen has a smaller die size than Intel processors. In 2019, AMD chips will begin to be produced using the 7nm standard. This will further reduce their size, which means increasing energy efficiency. Well, Intel just can’t master the 10nm process technology.

AMD-based laptops also have better price/performance ratio. The graphics built into its mobile processors are significantly superior to those from Intel. This provides a noticeable advantage, most pronounced in low-end laptops that do not have discrete graphics.

Intel mobile processors boast the highest absolute performance. The graphics processor built into them is quite weak compared to AMD. However, in the case of discrete graphics, this becomes unimportant.

Intel and AMD in 2019: clash of the titans

After AMD released its newest generation of processors based on the Zen architecture in 2017, a new round of confrontation between “red” and “blue” began. AMD Ryzen turned out to be such a successful product that Intel had to urgently increase the number of cores. The performance increase in the 8th generation of Intel processors reached 50%, while over the previous 5 years the “blue” giant offered an average of +5% in each new generation.

The increase in cores in the 8th generation of Intel seemed small. In the second half of 2018, it released the 9th generation of its desktop processors, the flagship of which has 8 physical cores and 16 threads. This was a response to the Ryzen 2 and possibly the upcoming Ryzen 3 next year.

Intel uses marketing successfully. So the company gave birth to a new line of processors, . Intel also emphasized at the presentation of its server processors that AMD Epyc does not have hardware support for AVX-512. By the way, there are literally only a few applications that support these instructions.

The confrontation between these titans affects all segments of the processor market. In the server market and in HEDT, both manufacturers offer solutions with a large number of cores. For example, AMD's current flagship in the server market, EPYC 7601, has 32 cores and 64 threads. Already in solutions based on the next Zen 2 architecture, AMD will increase the number of physical cores to 64 in server processors. AMD's HEDT flagship, Ryzen Threadripper 2990WX, has 32 physical cores. At this time, Intel's flagship, the Core i9-7980XE, competing with it, has only 18 cores.

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The confrontation between processor manufacturers has been going on for many years. The main competition is between Intel and AMD processors. Let's try to figure out which of these manufacturers is better and why.

Comparison of AMD and Intel processors

Computer performance is very important to the user, and one of the most important parts of the device that is responsible for it is the processor. The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is a multitasking device that has many tasks - from executing program code to processing information and coordinating the work of the rest of the computer. The processor is important in the following tasks:

  • when playing computer games - it is during this task that modern users demand maximum performance from the device;
  • when a large number of programs are running simultaneously - launching a large number of programs at the same time allows you to increase the efficiency of office work;
  • For the functioning of complex programs - processing three-dimensional models, rendering videos or calculating large drawings, the computer needs to give its all. A machine with a weak processor simply will not allow you to work correctly in such programs.

So how did AMD and Intel come to develop processors and take their place in the competitive computer hardware market?

The history of the creation of AMD and Intel

In order to better understand the approach of both companies to work, let's study the stories of their creation.

AMD History

AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) was founded on May 1, 1969. Its founder, Walter Jeremy Sanders III, who came from a poor family, did not plan to do something like this. When a group of engineers led by Walter decided to start their own company, they faced great problems in terms of finding start-up capital. No one wanted to invest in a dubious company until Jeremy was helped by his former colleague, Robert Noyce (founder of Intel). That is, AMD is based on money that was invested by their future competitors. AMD's much more modest budgets are sometimes noticeable even now, but this has allowed the company to become unique and offer the market solutions that are more accessible to the masses.

Walter Jeremy Sanders III - founder of AMD

History of Intel

Intel was founded by Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore just a year earlier - on July 18, 1968. And real success came to the company in 1971, when they began cooperation with the Japanese corporation Busicom. It was then that the world-famous first commercially available 4-bit single-chip processor was developed. A little later they made the first 8-bit process, and in 1990 the company was already the largest manufacturer of processors for personal computers. The company made significant contributions in other areas of computer technology, for example, it invented the DDR memory type, which is still used throughout the world.

Robert Noyce - co-founder of Intel

Applications of Intel and AMD processors

Since processors from Intel and AMD are literally everywhere today, it’s worth understanding in what areas they are used.

Use of Intel processors for various purposes

In the modern world, Intel processors are presented in a wide variety:

  • productive personal computers - many of the most productive home devices have a built-in Intel processor;
  • workstations - Intel processors are used to process graphics, multimedia files and calculate other demanding processes;
  • top-level servers - computer servers can process requests from hundreds of users simultaneously, so they need powerful processors;
  • productive mobile PCs - Intel processors are widely used in laptops.

If we consider the areas of application of Intel processors, we can name, for example, the following application options:

Application of AMD processors

How can AMD respond to this? Their processors are used in the following areas:

As you can see, AMD and Intel, although they occupy similar niches, are actually aimed at somewhat different directions. This is confirmed by their recent collaboration to create a new processor based on the technologies of both companies.

Comparison of performance and characteristics of AMD and Intel processors

In addition to direct performance, it is worth evaluating other characteristics of processors. The following parameters are worth considering:

  • clock speed - this term means the number of processes that the device is capable of processing within a second;
  • number of processor cores - the more physical cores are in the processor, the more performance it can produce;
  • processor cache size - the larger the cache size, the more temporary information the processor can store while processing data. This directly affects the speed of calculations;
  • bus bandwidth - for the processor to interact with other equipment, information must be transmitted along the bus at sufficient speed;
  • power consumption - energy savings are no less important when we compare processors from different manufacturers;
  • the presence of a built-in graphics processor - if the processor can independently process graphics in games, the load on the video card will be reduced;
  • maximum temperature - the temperature at which the processor can operate correctly without the appearance of graphic artifacts.

And now we can compare the characteristics of processors from both manufacturers. True, it is also worth taking into account such a fact as the “generation” of the processor. Intel and AMD devices do not come out at the same time, which means that even with similar characteristics, a newer generation device may be more productive. Let's study devices from the middle price range and more expensive models that came out at about the same time.

Previously, AMD processors ran hotter than Intel processors. But those days have passed and now the temperature depends solely on the quality of the cooling system in your computer. It is worth considering that the maximum heating temperature of Intel processors is slightly higher, which means it is normal for them to heat up more.

Comparison of the cost of AMD and Intel processors

AMD processors are on average cheaper than Intel. But both companies have both budget solutions and quite expensive advanced processors for the most demanding games and programs:

  • the cheapest AMD processors cost about 600 rubles, and the most expensive ones can reach 400 thousand rubles. At the same time, the company does not produce embedded processors for production, which are much more expensive;
  • Cheap Intel processors also cost about 600 rubles, but the upper limit is much higher - about two million rubles. Of course, these are processors of a completely different category and they are not intended for private use.

If you buy current gaming processors, AMD devices will be cheaper, but at the same time they will be inferior within one generation (without overclocking). Speaking about cost, one cannot fail to take into account one more factor - AMD processors are often equipped with a built-in video processor. This means that a device with such a processor can display images without a main video card. Thus, assembling a device with an AMD processor turns out to be more budget-friendly.

Table: comparison of mid-range Intel and AMD processors

AMD Ryzen 5 1600XIntel Core i5–8600K
CPU frequency6×3.6 GHz (4 GHz)6×3.6 GHz (4.3 GHz)
Number of threads12 6
Memory speed2667 MHz2667 MHz
L2 memory cache3 MB1.5 MB
L3 memory cache16 MB9 MB
Power consumption95W95W
NoThere is
Acceptability of overclockingThere isThere is
Maximum temperature95 (Celsius)100 (Celsius)

Table: comparison of high-end Intel and AMD processors

AMD Ryzen 7 1800XIntel Core i7–8700K
CPU frequency8×3.63 GHz (4 GHz)6×3.7GHz
Number of threads16 12
Memory speed2667 MHz2667 MHz
L2 memory cache4 MB1.5 MB
L3 memory cache16 MB12 MB
Power consumption95W95W
Availability of integrated graphicsNoThere is
Acceptability of overclockingThere isThere is
Maximum temperature95 (Celsius)100 (Celsius)

Information on overclocking Intel and AMD processors

Many Intel and AMD processors can be improved by overclocking. It is believed that the overclocking potential of AMD processors is higher - with the help of overclocking, their processors can be equal in efficiency to the next generation processors.

Overclocking allows you to significantly increase the processor frequency

The processor is overclocked by increasing its frequency (the number of processes per second). In this case, the difference between the base and overclocked values ​​can reach 30% (for AMD processors). You can overclock the processor both through the BIOS and through special programs. But it’s worth considering that by overclocking a processor, you go beyond the boundaries that the developer set for it. This means you act at your own peril and risk. You should be careful and carefully monitor the temperature of the device to prevent damage to it. If you are not very knowledgeable about computer hardware, it is better not to try to overclock your equipment.

Comparison of processors by other factors

There are several other factors to consider when choosing between Intel and AMD:

  • processor cost - AMD processors usually offer cheaper versions of Intel processors, although they come out later. That is, if you do not need the latest hardware or are on a budget, then AMD will be the best choice;
  • device reliability - Intel processors are made from more expensive materials, so they are usually more reliable. Of course, if we compare high-end devices rather than budget ones, then their reliability will be approximately at the same level.

Based on the above, if you are looking for a budget model for not the latest games, then it is better to choose an AMD processor, and for important production tasks it is better to take more stable Intel processors.

Choosing a processor for computer games

In addition to the information already indicated, when choosing a processor specifically for games, you should consider a few more points:

  • Different computer games are processed differently by the processor. The choice of processor also depends on this. So, Intel works better with 3D graphics, while AMD works better with graphics integration. In order to understand which processor is better for a particular game, pay attention to the system requirements of the project. Usually the minimum requirements for the processor are indicated there;
  • games are not too demanding on the number of cores - for most games in the modern industry, four will be enough. Processors that have six or eight cores will be overkill for gaming. Therefore, you will only need such a processor if you are going to work with “heavy” programs that require constant loads;
  • Since AMD processors are more prone to overclocking, you should immediately decide whether you want to do it. If you are going to overclock your processor, then a mid-range AMD processor may be enough to run even demanding games.

In addition, it is worth considering what video card is installed in your system:

  • AMD processors will work better with a Radeon video card - it goes well with the built-in video adapter of these processors and reveals its potential well when paired with it;
  • Intel processors will be more efficient with Nvidia graphics cards, since their 3D graphics processing methods support each other.

Video: comparison of current Intel and AMD processors

The final choice for the best processor

Choosing the best processor between Intel and AMD always depends on your specific goals. And if you take a closer look at the devices of these companies, you can draw the following conclusions:

Since the competition between Intel and AMD has been going on for so many years, it is not surprising that there is no clear favorite between them. Depending on your tasks, you should choose devices from one company or another. Now you understand how they differ and can make the right choice according to your needs.

When buying or assembling a computer yourself, you most often pay attention to the hard drive, the amount of RAM and the central processor. The CPU is responsible for the performance and stability of the entire system and performs all major calculations on it. Processors from Intel and AMD are available to the average user. Their architecture is very different and each has its own strengths and weaknesses.

History of the creation of processors

Intel was founded by Robert Noyce in 1968. And they started with the Intel 8008 microprocessor. Now the company is actively promoting the latest developments and is a leader in the development of processors.

Their direct competitor AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) appeared a year later with the participation of Intel. At first, it was engaged in the production of microprocessors, but relations with Intel deteriorated and the companies fled. Since then, they have been eternal rivals in the computer microprocessor market.

Chips from Intel - expensive and fast

Today, crystals of this brand are leaders in all respects. They are available in the budget Pentium and Celeron versions for the universal LGA1151 socket and the top-end i7 version for the LGA2011-v3 socket.

Pros of Intel

  1. Stable performance under any load and high performance in an active application (archiver, graphics editor, game).
  2. Optimized for many modern games, so the performance and number of frames per second will be higher than that of a similar AMD.
  3. Good overclocking potential.
  4. Well-established multithreading and virtualization technology.
  5. The work of processor memory at the lower levels is very well developed.
  6. Low power consumption and operating temperature.


  1. The price even for basic models is higher than analogues from AMD; the cost of i3, i5, i7, i9 models is very high.
  2. Frequent changes of sockets for the crystal connector and their non-interchangeability - to install a powerful processor you will need to change the motherboard.
  3. Sensitive to cooling, especially during overclocking.

On a note! Processors from Intel do not lose their technical characteristics even after 3-5 years, when a new line or computer game is released. Old models continue to cope well with their responsibilities and do not bother the PC user.

Interesting video on comparing Intel and AMD processors

AMD processors - catch up and overtake

AMD is doing well and is nipping at Intel's heels in some niches. The strongest position is in the segment of inexpensive crystals.


Today their strengths are the following:

  1. Excellent cost/performance ratio, the price per processor is 1.5-2 times lower than competitors.
  2. Multi-platform functionality has been successfully resolved, when almost the entire line of processors can be installed on the popular AM2+ and AM3 sockets.
  3. The number of physical cores in the chip is greater than that of a similar one from Intel, so it is well possible to work with several applications at the same time.
  4. All series have high overclocking potential.

Weaknesses of AMD crystals

  1. Multithreading in the kernels is not fully debugged; problems are observed in the operation of powerful graphic editors - AutoCad, Illustrator, Compass 3D and other programs.
  2. Interacts worse with RAM.
  3. High power consumption and the need for a powerful cooler, prone to strong heating with a standard cooling system.

CPU overclocking and power consumption

All manufacturers set the clock frequency at a level that will allow the processor to operate as long and reliably as possible. Users for whom this is not enough are engaged in artificially increasing the number of operations per second, overclocking the microchip.

AMD devices have always been in the lead in overclocking. Even the basic A series model for 1,400 rubles can be overclocked, and FX processors can reach frequencies of 13 GHz. During this procedure, it is necessary to replace the cooling systems with more efficient ones.

At Intel, only the Pentium line can be overclocked. He responds well to this operation and can increase his performance by 20-25%. Modern Core models with chips with 8 or 10 cores are noticeably ahead of powerful crystals from AMD in performance. Overclocking somewhat equalizes the situation, but in terms of the sum of indicators, Intel is in the lead.

The best embedded video cards are produced with AMD chips, which are superior to the Intel HD Graphics series. A6 processors are an excellent budget solution for multitasking processes, and with proper overclocking they correspond to i5 performance, but will be 2 times cheaper.

Let's compare power consumption using popular chips as an example. Intel Pentium G3258 and A6-7400K have the same power - 53 Watts, but Intel performs better in graphics tests. This indicates its efficient operation with less heating, but the AMD processor in similar conditions has a much harder time, and the cooling system is forced to work at maximum.

The same situation occurs with all AMD chips - they consume more energy and heat up more. For this reason, they are rarely used in low-cost laptops where battery life is important.

Video - AMD or Intel: which is better?

Processor selection

Recently, Intel has strongly pushed aside its competitor in all segments. Even AMD's transition to the new Zen architecture doesn't help, but there are segments where they are still very strong. The approximate choice of processor for a personal computer can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. The first group is budget models. You can use any inexpensive chip from Intel or AMD (Athlon, Sempron, A4). The difference in performance between them will be insignificant, but the price may differ greatly.
  2. The second group is graphic editors and multimedia systems. Models of the A6 and Trinity series from AMD or Intel G series chips and others are good in this segment.
  3. The third group is powerful gaming devices and graphics programs that work with discrete three-dimensional graphics. The choice here is obvious: in the mid-price range, we choose AMD FX series processors or Core i3 from a competitor. In the maximum configuration there is no alternative to i7 and i9 chips.


AMD or Intel. How to make the right choice? :: SYL.ru

The debate over which processor is better - AMD or Intel - has been going on for more than a decade. It would seem that the current state of affairs on the market eloquently indicates that the victory in the “cold war” between the brands of two North American countries was won by a company from the United States, that is, Intel. The company now occupies more than half of the global processor market in all segments. Canadian AMD almost ranks among the “third world” of chip manufacturers, based on revenue indicators. But in terms of technology, the “northerners” are in no way, as most experts believe, and have never been fundamentally inferior to their counterparts from the “south.” And today it is impossible to say unequivocally which company holds the leadership in terms of its “know-how”. Which processor is better - AMD or Intel? By what criteria are chips from the USA superior to similar solutions from Canada and vice versa?

Strengths of Intel processors

Many IT specialists consider solutions from the American brand to be ideal for working in single-tasking mode - when only one active application (or game) is running. When a user operates a PC in a “single window” format, if you will.

In addition, a number of experts agree that the world's leading software manufacturers adapt their products primarily for Intel processors. Which is no wonder due to the current market positions of the Americans. As they say, a purely “democratic” principle: “software” is written for the “ruling” majority. It, as marketers' reports indicate, uses American chips.

Another undeniable advantage of Intel processors is their relatively low power consumption. This, according to some experts, is a direct consequence of better compatibility with games and applications. The processor does not have to work too hard to accurately process all the necessary data streams. As a result, the chips do not heat up so much and therefore do not require the installation of expensive cooling systems.

Overclocking factor

For many years, users, when choosing which processor to buy - AMD or Intel, kept in mind a rather significant criterion - the “overclockability” of the chips. Many experts agree that historically it was the Canadian company that was more loyal to “overclockers” who dreamed of setting sky-high frequencies on their chips - just to work faster. A significant percentage, if not the majority, of Intel processors overclocked very poorly. Just a few years ago, according to this criterion, we would have had the right to give microcircuits from Americans a fat minus. But today we’ll put a plus. An increasing number of experts agree: Intel processors can overclock superbly. Especially those that come in lines with the letter K.

Among other advantages of Intel processors is fast interaction with RAM modules. In addition, their own memory, which is the “cache,” usually operates at a higher frequency than that found on similar chips from AMD.

Cons of Intel processors

When figuring out which is better - AMD or Intel, you should, of course, refrain from an excessive flow of praise for either brand. And therefore now about the shortcomings of the “Americans”.

The most important disadvantage of chips from Intel that experts and many users note is that installing a processor of a new line, as a rule, requires replacing the socket (the connector where the chip is connected). This means that you need to change the motherboard (and sometimes other hardware components with it). These are, first of all, additional financial costs.

The next disadvantage is not difficult to “calculate”, remembering one of the above-mentioned advantages in the form of fast work in single-tasking mode. It is logical to assume, and experts say the same thing: Intel processors do not cope effectively with work if several applications are running simultaneously (we are, of course, talking about “demanding” programs, games, photo and video editors, etc.).

Price factor

Intel processors, when compared with solutions in the same class as AMD, are, as many experts believe, more expensive. Not significantly, of course, but on average by 15-17 percent. If we take a purely financial criterion, then the choice between which processor to buy - Intel Core i3 or AMD FX, may be difficult. These two classmate chips cost approximately the same. But if we compare the “giants” - Intel Xeon MP and AMD Opteron Dual Core, then American microcircuits in most modifications comparable in class will most likely be significantly more expensive. And therefore, many experts consider the price of Intel processors to be a disadvantage.

Advantages of AMD chips

Having praised and criticized processors from Intel, let's try to summarize the pros and cons of the “Canadians”. First, about the advantages of AMD processors. Having said that Intel prices are higher, we will automatically write down the fact that AMD chips are cheaper as a plus. Same with multiplatform. To install an AMD chip from the new line, in most cases you do not need to change the motherboard. The socket will most likely be the same.

Another advantage of AMD processors can be easily guessed from the fact that Intel does not cope with multitasking very effectively. According to most experts, Canadian microcircuits behave very well when simultaneously running several demanding applications.

AMD processors, although this is no longer a clear competitive advantage, traditionally have good overclockability. Especially in lines like FX. Let's write it down as a plus.

Cons of AMD processors

For many users who are deciding which processor is better - AMD or Intel, the argument in favor of the second is the fact that the first gets quite hot. And therefore, it often requires the installation of an expensive cooler (remember that we said above that there is no need to do this when using chips from Intel).

In principle, the disadvantages of AMD chips are also easy to guess based on the advantages of their American competitors. This means higher power consumption, less rapid data exchange with RAM, and slightly worse compatibility with games and applications from the world's leading developers.

Based on the advantages and disadvantages of the “Canadians” and “Americans” listed above, what preliminary conclusions can we draw (referring, of course, to the opinion of experts)? If we are talking about which processor to choose - AMD or Intel - for games, then the first one is highly likely to be more suitable. Simply because gamers love, firstly, to get carried away with “overclocking”, and secondly, to “upgrade” their PCs (install more powerful processors as they are launched on the market). In terms of the first component, AMD is at least not inferior. In terms of the second, it is superior. Since installing a new AMD processor will most likely be easier than Intel, based on the absence of the need to change the motherboard.

What is the best processor for a laptop?

If a user is deciding which processor to prefer, AMD or Intel, for a laptop, what should he pay attention to first (besides Intel's undivided sales leadership in this segment as well)? First of all, the fact that chips such as AMD Trinity types A4 and A6, according to many experts, are ahead of competitive solutions from Intel in terms of graphics processing (at a low cost compared to similar chips from Intel). But this is only at the level of budget laptop models.

If we are talking about the middle and “premium” price segments, then it is much more difficult to determine what is more powerful - the “mobile” Intel i5 or AMD, for example, the A10. Some experts give preference to the Americans, others - to their Canadian counterparts. The first arguments are energy saving, which is very important for laptops, since one of the main criteria for their functionality is battery life. AMD supporters, in turn, say that the solutions of the Canadian brand ideally implement the transfer of certain types of modules from the motherboard (such as, for example, the graphics subsystem) to the processor architecture.

AMD and Intel: history of relationships

First, some historical facts. The American company Intel appeared in 1968, the Canadian AMD a little later - in 1969. The confrontation between brands, which has been relevant for the last decade and a half, as noted by many experts interested in the history of the IT market, did not begin immediately. At first, the Canadians simply copied the flagship American product - the 8080 processor, releasing it under the AM 9080 brand. Their first independent development was the AM 2900 chip.

Pentium and its competitors

Intel, of course, was conquering the market at a rapid pace, offering consumers a wide range of processors with different prices and performance. In the 90s, the Pentiums, which later became legendary, appeared. However, their undivided leadership was prevented by processors like K6 from AMD, which, according to experts, were in no way inferior to solutions from the Americans. Gradually, more and more new brands of chips from Canadians were introduced to the market - Athlon, Duron, Sempron. Their competition with Intel chips was very high. Users kept asking themselves the question: “Should I install an Intel Pentium or an AMD Athlon on my computer?” Many who decided to choose the second option did not regret it.

Intel is the sales leader

More or less equal competition between solutions from Intel and AMD continued until the mid-2000s. The Canadian company's market share either approached or moved away from that of its competing US corporation. It is worth noting, of course, that there was no period when AMD overtook Intel in terms of global sales.

In the mid-2000s, Americans began to consolidate their leadership in sales even more confidently. But the question of Intel's technological superiority remains open. And therefore, the expert community does not have a clear opinion as to which processor is better - AMD or Intel, despite the difference in financial indicators between companies.

Intel and AMD: platform comparison

Many experts believe that AMD was even ahead of Intel in terms of technology in some lines and classes of devices - this was in the late 90s and early 2000s. A more or less equal confrontation took place until the end of the 2000s, while solutions such as AMD Athlon in the K8 and K10 architectures and Intel chips in the Core 2 Duo and Quad models “fought” among themselves in the global sales arena. Users of those years sometimes did not have at their disposal objective criteria that allowed them to decide which chip - AMD processor or Intel Core 2 Duo - to choose.

Intel Technological Breakthrough

However, in 2008, the Americans developed chips running on the unique Nehalem architecture, which made it possible to produce chips such as Core i5 and i7. These processors, the production of which also involved Sandy Bridge technology, are believed by experts to have played a decisive role in shifting AMD's position in the segments of similar chips.

The Americans, having created a significant technological foundation, continued to surprise the market. Processors based on an even newer platform - Ivy Bridge - have gone on sale. Their performance caused exceptional delight among IT market experts. What has the Canadian corporation been doing all this time? Nothing special, experts say. All they did was refine the K10 platform, which was certainly good, but in many ways inferior in terms of manufacturability to Intel chips.

AMD's attempt at revenge

AMD, according to some experts, had a chance to catch up with competitors by introducing chips to the market on the promising Bulldozer platform. However, in practice, the product turned out to be very ambiguous, according to experts. By most criteria, it loses to solutions based on the Ivy Bridge architecture from the Americans. Therefore, for many experts, the answer to the question of which is better - AMD or Intel, based on the comparative characteristics of the two platforms, was unambiguous. The American solution in this case outperformed the product from the Canadian brand.

At the same time, experts note, processors based on Bulldozer, as well as their improved modifications on the Vishera platform, show excellent performance in multitasking mode. That is, one of AMD’s traditional competitive advantages, as can be seen in the example of such chips, is preserved.

Criterion of goals and objectives

Experts recommend that if the user is in doubt about whether to choose Intel or AMD, look at the types of tasks that will be performed on the PC. For games, as we said above, solutions from “Canadians” are at least perfectly suitable, and, quite likely, they will look more advantageous than American ones. If we are talking about home PCs on which games will be launched infrequently, then, most likely, chips from AMD will also be the optimal solutions. Mainly due to their relatively low price when it comes to processors such as Trinity and LLano. For office PCs, in turn, processors like Pentium G may be more optimally suited, as they cope well with resource-intensive tasks within a single thread. If the user is interested in high technology and ideal performance, and price is a secondary factor, then it makes sense for him to pay attention to expensive solutions based on chips such as Intel Core i7 with index 3970. This processor guarantees stable and fast operation with all types of games and applications.


Which processor is better from Intel or AMD for a gaming computer?

If the basis of choice is more towards games. then switching to Intel is undesirable, but necessary... It's up to you to choose...

Advantages of INTEL processors

1.Fast work in applications, if only one is active (games, video converters, photo editors, archivers).

2.Lower power consumption.

3. More applications and games are optimized for the Intel processor.

4. Gaming performance is higher than that of similar processors from AMD.

5. The latest generations of processors with the K index have good overclocking potential.

6. Excellent work with RAM.

7. Level 2 and 3 memory in the processor operates at a high clock frequency, much faster than that of AMD processors.

8.Multi-threading for Core i7 and Core i3, gives increased performance in optimized applications (archivers, photo editors, video converters).

9.Stable operation of the system.

Advantages of AMD processors

1.Affordable price.

2.Good cost/performance ratio.

3.Multi-platform - i.e. if you currently have a computer built on the AM2+ socket and a Phenom X3 8450 processor installed, then you can simply buy a processor with an AM3 socket, for example Phenom II X4 955 BE, and install it in the AM2+ socket. Thus, increasing the power of the computer by 100% at minimal cost. (The difference in performance between the Phenom X3 8450 and Phenom II X4 955 BE is really 100-110% depending on the application).

4. Multitasking - that is, in systems assembled on the basis of AMD processors, you can simultaneously run 3-4 powerful applications, packaging an archive, installing games, converting videos, unpacking an archive with another archiver, and at the same time listen to music and wander the Internet or just watch a movie. This Tested on an Athlon II x2 240 and Phenom II X4 955 BE processor, on a system built on the Core i7-2600K and Core i5-2500K, it was impossible to do this: installing a game, packing an archive, listening to music, surfing the Internet and watching a movie.

5.Stable operation of the system.

6.You can clearly set the voltage on the processor core, even on the cheapest motherboard.

7.Good overclocking potential of FX processors.

8.All AMD processors can be overclocked by 10-20%.

Disadvantages of INTEL processors

1.When a new line of processors is released, the platform changes, with the exception of processors with the LGA 1155 socket.

2. The ability to simultaneously work with a maximum of two powerful applications (game installation, video converters, photo editors, archivers). That is, we are not talking about multitasking.

4.High cost of processors, especially Core i3 i5 i7.

Disadvantages of AMD processors

1. AMD processors always live in an aggressive environment because the shell of a large number of applications, programs and games is written under Intel.

2.Energy consumption is higher than that of INTEL processors.

3.Processors of the FX and Phenom II X4-X6 series need to purchase a good processor cooler, since the standard one does not cope well with its functions.

4.Working with RAM is a little worse than that of Intel.

5. Level 2 and 3 cache memory operates at a lower frequency than Intel processors.


The efficiency of working on a computer, its performance, and interaction with demanding applications depends on the type of CPU installed. Advanced Micro Devices and Intel Corporation (hereinafter referred to as IC) are not easily popular manufacturers of integrated circuits. They are true industrial giants.

In addition, even in the lines of one brand you can get lost. Each processor is unique in its architecture, memory, number of cores and frequency. The power and stability of the CPU depends on these characteristics. Microcircuits produced by Advanced Micro Devices and IC are diametrically opposed in these indicators.

Processors 2014

Major manufacturers Advanced Micro Devices and IC have released many PC integrated circuits in 2014, which can meet the needs of different consumer groups.

First of all, both brands presented a number of excellent budget chips. CPUs at average prices in the price-quality ratio turned out to be much more successful from the Advanced Micro Devices corporation.

But among powerful and expensive COUs, Intel Corporation has been the undisputed market leader and monopolist for many years now. From a design perspective, there are many things that are criticized and admired about these processing circuits.

Processors from Advanced Micro Devices are much simpler and more reliable, they attach well to the motherboard, but the protrusion on the radiator mount may fall off. IC chips have another drawback - plastic fastening clips, which very often fail.

In addition, the design of the radiator itself can contribute to the bending of the board, if it is not of the highest quality and is of the budget type.


The majority believes that this company is inferior to its eternal competitor in the manufacturability of its products and its functionality. This is true, but chips from Advanced Micro Devices captivate consumers with their efficiency, simplicity and reliability.

It is difficult to find flaws in them, as in any other CPU, because the production of these parts has now reached its peak. Products of this brand rarely fail. The processor frequency affects the performance of the PC, but the hard drive will set the tone.

The resulting performance depends on the type of PC element more than on the architecture and cores of the integrated circuit.


The electronic components produced by this company are considered to be the best. Whether this is true or not is difficult to compare, because there is no worthy competition for IC products. Its inventors are monopolists, and microprocessors set the bar for computer power and speed.

An important role is played by the fact that a person who purchases a PC or an electronic unit separately for ordinary surfing the Internet and performing standard tasks is unlikely to notice the difference between a 2-core or 8-core chip. It is especially imperceptible in new models of equipment.

But when it comes to games, graphic editors of the latest versions and other system-heavy elements, speed and performance will suffer greatly if the characteristics of the PC electronic unit do not meet their requirements. But this can be corrected if you purchase a powerful video card and pay attention to the quality settings.

The architecture and frequency of electronic components produced by this company do not guarantee their high efficiency. When choosing, it is better to base your choice on the results of testing the chips. PC performance depends on many other factors, not just the CPU.

Which processor is better to choose AMD or Intel

At first glance, the choice is not difficult to make, because there are only two manufacturers. But more often than not, the smaller the range of choices, the more difficult it is to decide. Some products impress with their manufacturability and capabilities, while others impress with their affordability and durability.

In order to decide which processor is better to choose AMD or INTEL, you need to take into account a number of the following factors:

  • what device does the chip need?
  • a number of tasks that the PC should ultimately perform;
  • demanding programs and applications that you will have to constantly work with.

It is worth noting that performance improvements are practically not carried out by ordinary users. It’s easier to immediately buy sufficiently powerful equipment, and since it has a long service life, then replace it with a new model.

When choosing an electronic unit, the following points should not be neglected:

  • testing results;
  • level of reliability;
  • what video card and type of hard drive will be installed;
  • general architecture of the circuit block, frequency, number of cores;
  • method of attachment to the radiator;
  • interaction with the cooling system.

It must be said right away that hardware speed and performance are related to the number of cores and other indicators of the chip unit, but are also strongly influenced by other factors. It is better to base your choice not on factory specifications, but on the results of practical research. When choosing the optimal type of processor, you need to take into account the capabilities of the equipment in which it is installed. The golden rule can be considered the selection of electronic components depending on the cost of the computer. Advanced Micro Devices chips are an excellent solution for budget computers.

If you need a computer for simple work, network surfing, then such an electronic computer is quite suitable. And if you also buy a powerful video card and choose a good hard drive, then you won’t have to complain about performance.

The IC chips are good for gaming builds and have a lot of processing power. The manufacturer Intel also has a number of good budget electronic devices, but if we compare them with 4-core products from Advanced Micro Devices, they are clearly inferior to it.

When choosing an Intel central unit, it is better to give preference to new generation models. It is not advisable to save money if you want to play interesting games, convert files or install new generation graphics editors.

The best processors in terms of performance and price

Testing of computer central units is carried out to assist consumers in purchasing a microprocessor for a technical device.

To simplify orientation, all studied products are grouped according to three main indicators:

  • performance;
  • price;

The most important thing is to know the efficiency figure, since this is the arithmetically represented ratio of price and operating power of the microprocessor. The higher this figure, the more profitable the purchase will be. The prices used for comparison may differ slightly from those on the market. The currency is the ruble.

Usually the presence of a built-in video card is indicated, which is responsible for performance. If complete information about a future acquisition and its practical power is required, it can be found on the web pages with test results.

Video: Comparison of processors


Of the variety of available EBs, two of the most striking can be distinguished: Celeron G1820 from Intel and ATHLON II X2 245 from Advanced Micro Devices. The first option is an excellent central processing unit with a built-in video card, which is suitable for any inexpensive computer.

Ideal for office work, surfing, and processing multimedia files. Games are supported at the minimum (rarely medium) settings of the video card. The Atlon processing device is an inexpensive purchase for similar equipment.

Suitable for office work, using Internet resources, as well as games with minimal or medium demands. But there is no built-in video card, and the level of performance leaves much to be desired.


There are three models of the best processing elements for the average consumer:

  • amd FX-4300;
  • amd A8-3850;
  • intel Core i5-4590.

The first is a good option for inexpensive gaming computers. Cores – 4. If you have an expensive video card, you can play at medium and maximum settings. The second processing element is economical, 4-core, hybrid in type.

The multimedia card is built-in. There is enough power to perform all standard tasks. In addition, it has a good reserve of action. The built-in card allows you to play modern games at minimum and medium settings.

Such chips are good for general purpose computers. The Intel Core processing device can be called optimal for powerful gaming PCs. Cores – 4. Allows you to play at maximum settings.


Among high-performance DCCs, the following may be considered good options for purchase:

  • intel Core i7-4790K;
  • amd FX-9590.

The microdevice from Intel is characterized by high data processing speed. Cores – 4. Optimal purchase for specialized and gaming equipment. Allows you to work with video and play at maximum settings.

The FX-9590 product is a powerful element for specialized office equipment. Cores – 8. But, despite the high frequency, good architecture and a larger number of cores for games, it is better to use a DCC from Intel.

The most powerful of 2014

The king of speed and performance this year can be called the Intel Core i7-5960X integrated circuit model. This is an extremely strong, 8-core chip with ideal efficiency. Its one power is equal to the total 10 of ordinary Atlons.

But the price is 37 times higher. Such a chip has no practical value. Only those who have nowhere to spend a large amount of money or real gamers out of sporting interest can buy it. Such COUs certainly do not belong to the top sales leaders.

Performance/Price Table

After analyzing central processing devices at different levels and for opposite groups of consumers, all important indicators can be presented in the following table.

Brand TsOUKPD -Price in rubles Multimedia card AMD FX-430076 – 3.574 rub. No AMD A8-385071 – 4.054 rub. Yes AMD FX-959051 – 12.040 rub. No AMD ATHLON II X2 24593 – 1.664 rub. No INTEL Celeron G182097 – RUR 2,032 Yes INTEL CORE i5- 459045 – 11.146 rub. Yes INTEL CORE i7-4790K36 – 19.733 rub. Yes

Efficiency is the ratio of product price and performance. The higher the number, the more practical the purchase will be. The results of the table show that for ordinary users, budget-level processing devices will be the optimal purchase. Intel has a special advantage.

A comparison of processors from two of the world's most popular manufacturers showed that the choice of this element of computer equipment should not depend on production technology, number of cores and frequency. Even the brand name is not that important.

The most important thing is to decide which codes the central control center should process, and for which tasks the equipment is purchased. In terms of efficiency, for an ordinary user who buys a computer to create a media center, work and surf, budget or mid-level processors are quite suitable. For games at the maximum and average level, more powerful CPUs are needed. They are also purchased if you need to solve specific problems using a computer: process video, work with powerful converters and new generation graphic editors.

The optimal brand in terms of power can be considered Intel products. But if we take into account only the efficiency indicator, then Advanced Micro Devices chips will be more practical.


Published: December 23, 2014 in the section Computer for the designer

AMD or Intel - which processor is better?

It is always difficult to write on voluminous and holivar topics; there are too many pitfalls, myths and misconceptions that have to be addressed. It is not easy to present such material in a detailed and accessible way for the reader.

But the more complex the problem, the more interesting it is to solve it, so today we will talk about which processor is better, AMD or Intel.


1. Prevalence of processors

Fact - today Intel accounts for 75-80% of the world's processor market. What does this mean from a consumer perspective? Imagine that some company is releasing a new program or game. In order for the application to work stably and as efficiently as possible, it must be maximally optimized for working with a particular equipment. Optimization costs money because programmers need to be paid. If you ran this company, which processor would you optimize your program for first?

Naturally, the one that 80% of users have. And the remaining 20% ​​is on a residual basis.

This is roughly the situation we see today. Even in the gaming industry, there are often situations when a game, after its release, has performance problems on AMD processors and video cards. Naturally, over time, developers release patches and the problem is solved, but sometimes you have to wait a long time.

As for working in professional applications, the situation is no better. Recently I myself had an experience that can serve as a vivid illustration. I bought my wife a Radeon video card (owned by AMD) for working in graphic editors and playing simple games like Sims. After some time, Photoshop announced a new feature of their programs that uses video cards and greatly simplifies the life of designers, artists, etc.

So, on the desired video card, this function refused to work. Nothing helped, neither reinstalling different versions of Photoshop, nor reinstalling video card drivers. We thought, well, let’s wait, maybe they’ll release patches for Photoshop or update the drivers. We waited a year, nothing changed. We bought a simple GForce video card (owned by Intel) and everything worked instantly. Although this video card is in a lower price segment than the model from Radeon. Having studied the issue on the forums, I discovered that this problem arose not only in our country, but also plagues many owners of AMD products, which logically fits perfectly with the percentage of Intel and AMD’s market share.

2. Multiplatform

What exactly are we talking about? The processor is installed on the motherboard in a special socket. If you make it universal for several generations of processors, this will make it possible to easily change the processor without changing the motherboard. Agree, it’s quite convenient.

Intel does not give users this opportunity; for each new generation a new socket is introduced. If you want to change the processor, you will have to change the motherboard.

On the one hand, this is of course a disadvantage of Intel and an advantage of AMD.

But is this really so?

A socket created specifically for a specific generation of processors makes it possible to make the operation of this processor as efficient and stable as possible - a clear plus.

As for whether I need a processor, this issue is not at all so simple. Let's do the math.

The Intel LGA 1150 socket (released for Haswell and Broadwell microarchitectures) went on sale in 2013. Its predecessor, LGA 1155 in 2011. The difference is 2 years.

Should I change my processor every year? There is no point, because the performance increase is no more than 10%. The real feasibility of replacing processors appears after 3-4 years.

But in this case, there will automatically be a need to change the motherboard due to the transition to qualitatively different standards, for example, a new USB version, which is immediately twice as fast as the previous one. Or the emergence of a new generation of memory - the change from DDR2 to DD3, which occurs every 3-5 years and also brings a qualitative improvement in performance. All this dictates the need, in addition to the processor, to change the motherboard every 3-5 years.

Therefore, in practice, this theoretical advantage of AMD, in my opinion, is completely untenable.

In contrast, the advantage of Intel's solution is that it actually provides the best stability and performance.

3. Overclocking options

AMD has historically provided greater overclocking capabilities for its processors, albeit at the expense of stability. Is it good or bad? For those who practice overclocking, AMD is definitely great. For those who do not overclock, there is no difference.

It is worth noting the trend of recent years. Technologies have reached such a level that it has become possible to provide the most reliable system for protecting the processor from overheating. This allowed Intel engineers to reconsider their approach to overclocking (previously they focused on the stability and reliability of the processor, deliberately reducing its overclocking capabilities). As a result, new SELF-Accelerating processors with index k were released, for example Intel i7 3770 k.

Firstly, these processors are capable of independently increasing their operating frequency by 400 MHz (4 steps of 100 MHz). Secondly, they allow you to manually configure special multipliers in the settings, which increase the operating frequency. This operation does not require any special knowledge of overclocking and is completely safe. If the processor starts to overheat, it will automatically reduce the clock speed. This way the user gets the opportunity to get the most out of his processor.

On the other hand, since Intel engineers still put stability in 1st place, the overclocking records remain with AMD.

4. Availability of integrated Intel graphics

Intel integrates a graphics core into the processor, which acts as a budget video card. This decision caused a storm of protests among gamers, because the built-in video card is still too weak to be considered as a full-fledged gaming card. Non-gaming tasks are handled quite well by a video card built into the motherboard. It is not entirely clear what audience this solution is intended for, and in fact it turns out that Intel is thus forcibly selling an absolutely unnecessary item in the kit, which naturally cannot but affect the price.

5. Price of Intel and AMD processors

I left the simplest question for the end of the article. Intel is more expensive, AMD is cheaper.

AMD processors have the best price/performance ratio. Intel, although more expensive, is more stable and more powerful. By the way, if you are interested in the question of which processor is the most powerful (if you do not take into account server processors), this is the Core i7-3960X Extreme Edition (at the time of writing. It is possible that the situation will not change in the future, the series will simply change to 49**).


To summarize, we can conclude that AMD is much better suited for people on a tight budget, as well as for enthusiasts who love to delve into hardware.

Intel is the #1 choice for those who are willing to pay for additional stability, reliability and performance.

This is my view on this issue. I hope I was able to reveal such a difficult topic for you, I will be glad to hear your questions and comments.


Which processor is better to choose when building a computer, Intel or AMD

Every user, even one who is not particularly versed in the technical side of things, sooner or later inevitably comes to the realization that the performance of his computer is beginning to be insufficient to solve everyday problems, which are becoming more and more demanding on computing power day by day. Laptop owners will most likely solve this issue by purchasing a new laptop.

Users of desktop PCs, especially those who assembled it themselves from components, will probably not make such radical decisions and will turn their attention towards an upgrade.

Installing additional memory sticks, using faster SSD drives - all this, of course, is great, but it is still customary to give the main role in increasing PC performance to the processor. There is no need to guess what a computer user with an outdated processor will do; he will simply go to the store and buy a newer and faster chip. At the same time, owners of Intel-based PCs will purchase an Intel chip, while those who had AMD installed will give preference to AMD.

Why is this so? Because it is a tradition, a habit, and for some a sacred belief that a processor from one manufacturer is certainly superior to another in all respects. This last opinion is largely subjective and can be challenged, although it is unlikely that discussion on this topic will be productive. Fierce disputes between Intel and AMD supporters have been going on for years and will likely continue. And the point here is not so much the stubbornness of opponents, but the fact that it is impossible to give a definite answer to the question of which is better, Intel or AMD.

Some will say that Intel processors are more widespread, therefore they are better, otherwise AMD would have taken first place. This is not true. It just happened historically that Intel marketers turned out to be quicker, but everything could have been different and most programs today would have been written not for Intel, but for AMD. In addition, there are several unsubstantiated myths associated with AMD, in particular the myth that processors from this company “burn” when subjected to a slightly increased load. Yes, there were precedents, just remember the Athlon 1400, but they were not related to the processors themselves, but to the failure of the fan.

Today, with few exceptions, all this is a thing of the past and cannot be considered as an argument against AMD. Both Intel and Amdisch processors have their own advantages and disadvantages, which manifest themselves under certain circumstances, so one can only judge whether a particular processor is good or bad within the framework of the task it performs. Below you can get acquainted with the main advantages and disadvantages of Intel and AMD processors, look and decide for yourself which is better based on your goals.

Pros of Intel Processes

Most of the software is optimized for Intel chips. Better gaming performance than similar AMD chips. When allocating resources, most of them are allocated to active applications, which makes the latter work faster. Lower power consumption. Good overlocking potential for chips with index K. High-quality interaction with RAM.

Cons of Intel processors

Limitations in terms of multitasking. Can only work with two resource-intensive applications. Processors i7-i5 with index K require better cooling. Forced complete PC upgrade when installing a new line of chips (with the exception of chips with the LGA 115 socket). High price.

Pros of AMD processes

Affordable price, good cost-performance ratio. Multitasking. More flexible distribution of computing power between running applications. Multiplatform support. The overclocking potential of some models is quite good, but in general, any AMD chip can be overclocked by 10-20 percent.

Cons of AMD processors

AMD chips are worse at processing data from applications written for Intel. Insufficient cooling of FX and Phenom II X4-X6 series chips, which require the installation of additional coolers. Higher power consumption. Interaction with RAM is not at such a high level as that of Intel. Reduced performance in games when compared with Intel analogues.

What general conclusions can be drawn based on all of the above? If you plan to use the computer only for office work, then you can give preference to AMD, because why pay more? On the other hand, Intel has more than enough budget processors that, like AMD, can easily cope with the tasks assigned to them. So, by and large, there is no difference, except for the price, based on which processor you will build an office computer.

In the case of a multimedia PC, everything is a little more interesting, although here you won’t get much benefit from choosing AMD or Intel. If the assembly does not require a discrete video card, then you should pay attention to the Trinity APU from AMD, but if you can’t do without a discrete card, then it is better to give preference to Intel processors. As for gaming computers, everything again depends on what games you are going to play and, accordingly, on what card is installed on the computer.

For games and mid-level graphics cards, AMD, for example, Phenom II X4 955 BE, will do, but if there are several video cards or the graphics card is very powerful, then it is still better to choose Intel i5-i7 processors with the K index. Not because Intel is faster in principle, but because allocating resources to a specific application is its feature. In any case, you shouldn’t count on a particularly noticeable performance increase when switching from AMD to Intel or from Intel to AMD; it will be obvious in benchmarks, but may be almost unnoticeable during real work.


Intel or AMD: Whose Processors are Better?

Buying a desktop computer can be a very lengthy process that requires making decisions on a number of issues. But no issue is as controversial as choosing the right processor.

Before you know it, you will literally drown in all these cores, clock speeds, types of sockets and chipsets, Piledriver and Steamroller architectures, and other similar subtleties.

Although you will have to consider at least some of these issues, there is an easier way to resolve this problem. It consists of putting aside the technical details for a while and first of all focusing on the most important question: which processor will be best for you - Intel or AMD?

Perhaps you will find the answer to this question very quickly. And once you decide on the choice of processor, other decisions regarding the new PC will also appear soon. This way you will save a lot of time.

Intel or AMD: Intel processors

If your top priority is performance (and you can afford it financially), then Intel processors are a good choice. You don't have to believe us - just grab an MSI GT72 Dominator Pro, a Palicomp Hydro-780, or a monster like the Dell Precision T7610 and see these top-notch systems in action: almost every one of them is powered by Intel.

The difference may be insignificant, however, it depends on how you are going to use this or that processor. You can try your best and not notice much of a difference in gaming performance. If you're planning on overclocking your processor of choice, and your core applications make efficient use of a multi-core system, keep in mind that less expensive AMD devices can sometimes offer similar (or even faster) speeds.

According to critics, Intel's Core M (also known as "Broadwell") family will not bring any dramatic changes to core performance. In any case, even taking into account the barely noticeable increase in speed (5%) this structure is not much different from Haswell.

Assembling a computer can be a very difficult task, especially if you are not experienced in such tasks. There are a huge number of components that you can use, but it is important to choose components that are compatible with each other and will provide maximum performance.

The central processing unit is one of the most important components of a computer; it is here that all calculations are performed. It controls the operation of all other components, so it is important to choose the right one. At the moment, devices from two manufacturers are available to you: AMD or Intel processor. These companies create almost all the PC processors in the world. But they are quite different from each other. In this article we will look at how these processors differ so that you can choose which processor is better amd or intel in 2016.

Before we look at the detailed characteristics of the processor and technologies, let's go back to the roots and see how both companies started.

Intel appeared a little earlier than AMD, it was created by Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore in 1968. Initially, the company was developing integrated circuits, then began producing processors. The first processor was the Intel 8008 model. Back in the 90s, the company became the largest processor manufacturer. And he still continues to invent and implement new technologies.

Oddly enough, AMD or Advanced Micro Devices was created with the support of Intel. The company was created a year later - in 1969 and its goal was to develop microcircuits for computers. At first, Intel supported AMD, for example, by providing licenses for the use of technologies, as well as financially, but then their relationship soured and the companies became direct competitors. Now let's move closer to the processors themselves and their characteristics.

Price and performance

Both Intel and AMD offer processors in a wide price range. But AMD processors are cheaper. The cheapest are AMD Sempron and Athlon, these dual-core A-series processors sell starting at $30. The dual-core Intel Celeron G1820 is slightly more expensive at $45. But this does not mean that AMD chips are definitely better. Intel is known to give better performance for the same price. You'll get a more powerful processor if you choose a Celeron, Pentium, or Core from Intel. If you compare amd and intel 2016, the former consume less energy, generate less heat, and higher performance is confirmed by many tests.

But there are a few exceptions to this rule; AMD sells quad-core processors for much less than Intel, for example, you can get the A6-5400K for just $45. If you're running software that needs a lot of cores but can't afford an Intel Core i5, then you'll be better off with AMD. The same is true for eight-core processors from the AMD FX series, which are much cheaper than Intel Core i7.

AMD chips also provide the best integrated graphics cards. For example, the AMD A10-7870K allows you to play most games in low detail and up to 1080p resolution. Of course, this is not a gaming card, but it outperforms all Intel HD Graphics cards, so if you want to game on a budget device, then AMD is a better choice.

CPU overclocking

Most processors have a fixed clock speed and it is set at a level that ensures that the processor will operate as stable and for a long time as possible. Users who want to get more performance overclock the processor by increasing its frequency.

AMD supports overclocking much better than Intel. You can overclock both cheap processors for $45 and more expensive ones for $100. As for Intel, here you can overclock processors of only one category - Pentium, for $70. It is well suited for this task, and from a base frequency of 3.2 GHz it can be overclocked to 4.5 GHz. AMD FX series processors with a frequency of 5 GHz support overclocking up to 13 GHz, although this requires special cooling.

In fact, budget Intel processors are not designed for overclocking, but AMD ones are quite suitable. If you want to overclock, then AMD is a great choice. There are several high-end Intel chips, with eight or ten cores. They are much faster than AMD chips. But AMD has a lot of power headroom, so they dominate overclocking. You won't find anything faster for home use.

Gaming performance

Gaming is one of the most basic areas where a powerful processor is needed. AMD has several processors that come with an integrated ATI Radeon graphics card. They offer excellent value for money. Intel also has such solutions, but if you compare Intel and AMD processors, its performance is lower.

But there is one problem, AMD processors are not as fast as Intel, and if you compare AMD vs Intel, then Intel may perform better in heavy games. Intel Core i5 and i7 will perform much better in games if you use a good external video card. The difference between amd and intel processors is that Intel can produce 30-40 more frames per second.

Energy efficiency

The confrontation between AMD and Intel, or more precisely, AMD's attempts to keep up with Intel is much worse than it looks. Both companies are holding up well, but the processors need to consume a lot less power. Let's try to compare intel vs amd processors.

For example, the Intel Pentium G3258 consumes 53 watts, and the A6-7400K from AMD consumes the same amount. However, in tests, Intel's chip is faster in many aspects, sometimes by a large margin. This means that the Intel chip will run faster while consuming less power, so the AMD will generate more heat and therefore produce more noise.

If the question is which processor is better amd or intel for a laptop, then energy efficiency is even more important because it directly affects battery life. Intel processors last longer, but Intel hasn't driven AMD out of the laptop market. AMD processors with integrated graphics are found on laptops over $500.


AMD and Intel have been battling it out for two decades, but in the last few years Intel has started to gain the upper hand. New Pentium processors have slowly replaced AMD at various price points.

If you have the budget, then Intel is obviously the best solution. This will remain true if your budget allows you to purchase an Intel Core i5. AMD can't compete with Intel on performance, at least not yet.

If your budget is small, then perhaps you should look towards AMD, here the loss in performance is compensated by an increase in the number of cores. Such processors handle some operations faster, for example, AMD encodes video faster.

If we compare Intel and Amd 2016 processors, Intel is more energy efficient and therefore produces less heat and noise. For a regular computer, these features are not so important, but for a laptop, efficiency is very important.

But all is not lost with AMD; in 2017, the company is going to release a new architecture - Zen. Based on the available information, it is very promising. If you still want to buy AMD, then you should wait for the release of Zen.

Thus, the Intel processor is better than AMD, but in some situations the latter can give excellent performance and outperform Intel. For the Linux operating system, the manufacturer of the processor does not matter much. This is exactly the component that is fully supported by the kernel. Which processor to choose AMD or Intel in 2016, in your opinion? Which is better amd or intel? Which one would you choose? Write in the comments!

To complete the video from 16 bits ago about the history of Intel vs AMD:

  • 1. A little history
  • 2. Pricing policy
  • 3. Overclocking options
  • 4. Processor for computer games
  • 5. Final instructions

Every computer, no matter how it is used, is made up of identical basic components. The main element in any PC is the processor, which performs all computing operations, and the performance of this small part determines the performance of the system as a whole. Only two companies are fighting for leadership in the processor market, which we will talk about today and try to answer the age-old question - AMD or Intel, which is better?

A little history

Both companies began their journey in an era when computers occupied entire rooms, and the concept of a personal computer was just beginning to come into fashion. The first in this field was Intel, created in 1968 and becoming practically the only developer and manufacturer of processes. The brand's initial products were integrated circuits, but pretty soon the manufacturer focused only on processors. AMD was founded in 1969 and was initially aimed at the process market.

At that time, AMD processors became a product that appeared through active cooperation between two manufacturers. Intel's technical department supported the young competitor in every possible way and shared technologies and patents. After the company firmly found its feet, the manufacturers' paths diverged in different directions, and today the two global manufacturers collide with each other in every generation of processors.

Price policy

There are many solutions on the market, both from one manufacturer and from another. Taking the side of one company and completely abandoning the other is not so easy, because when choosing a processor you need to take into account many factors. To begin with, it is worth noting that both companies produce processors for all applications and for any budget:

  • Office. Such processors have minimal technical characteristics and low cost, are designed to run office applications and are not designed for programs with high computing needs.
  • Homemade. This type of process is usually more powerful than the office version, since it provides a performance reserve for casual gaming, but the cost of such an element is much higher.
  • Gaming or professional. Computer games place certain demands on CPU power, and such a processor will cost a pretty penny.

If you are selecting a processor for work, then AMD offers inexpensive options for “stones” with good technical performance. The budget line from the manufacturer is characterized by low cost, excellent performance and reasonable energy consumption. However, Intel products, according to all experts, have a much higher power reserve. Thus, an AMD processor is excellent for a budget computer, but for work in resource-intensive applications, gaming and stable system operation in general, it is better to opt for Intel.

Overclocking options

Overclocking is a fairly popular way to increase the performance of a computer without the need to purchase additional hardware. However, for full overclocking, the processor must have a certain architecture and meet specific requirements.

If an Intel processor is better for gaming, then it is recommended to purchase an AMD processor for overclocking. Unlike its competitor, AMD has created processors that can operate at different clock speeds, which provides ample overclocking options. At the same time, you can overclock any processor from the line, but Intel allows you to experiment only with some models with the K index in the name. Other processors simply do not support overclocking and cannot change the clock speed.

For those who plan to overclock a PC platform, it is better to purchase AMD, which operates stably at any frequency. At the same time, this effect is supported by both expensive eight-core processors and budget options.

Processor for computer games

Fans of clear graphics definitely choose Intel Core i5 and i7. The latest models from this manufacturer have shown high performance in the most “heavy” games and do an excellent job of visualizing any picture. Such processors belong to the gaming category.

However, AMD is not giving up its position so easily. Not long ago, a solution appeared that is perfect for a budget gaming computer - six-core Ryzen 5 chipsets. The result is an inexpensive and quite productive working platform. Although the verdict still adheres to Intel products, which are recognized as the best solution for a gaming computer.

One of the main factors when choosing a processor for gaming is its energy efficiency. Traditionally, Intel processors are better optimized both in terms of power consumption and operating temperatures. Therefore, if you do not want your computer to “heat like a stove,” it is better to join the blue camp, or save on the processor and take AMD, but additionally buy a powerful cooling system.

Final instructions

In 2019, both companies will introduce a new generation of processors that will have more advanced characteristics. At the moment, the best choice for a home computer in terms of price/quality ratio are two processors - Intel Core i5 and AMD Ryzen 5 1600.

Both stones have approximately the same parameters, but there are several very obvious differences:

  • Both stones have the same number of cores, but in the case of AMD there is the notorious possibility of fairly simple overclocking. Therefore, it will be better suited for the future, and Intel will work more stable.
  • Specific RAM format. An AMD processor reaches its full potential if it has a certain RAM frequency, which can create some difficulties. The Intel processor is much more interesting in this regard, because it does not create such strict restrictions.
  • An Intel processor heats up much less, meaning you don’t have to spend additional money on organizing a cooling system. AMD gets quite hot and you will have to purchase a powerful cooler for it.

In any case, offers from all manufacturers have their own advantages and are tailored to meet specific tasks. If you are forced to stick to a strict budget, AMD offers an excellent line of inexpensive processors. In the case when you want to build a computer that can cope with any task, then Intel products have not yet been developed better for this purpose.

The question of which processor is better than AMD or Intel does not have a clear answer, because each component has a number of specific parameters and the choice of one or another option should be based on the purpose of the PC itself. An effective platform will demonstrate high performance only with the correct selection of all components that will enhance each other's performance.

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