What false information. Great encyclopedia of oil and gas

According to paragraph 3 of the Code of Ethics for Journalists, “a journalist disseminates and comments only on information of the reliability of which he is convinced and the source of which is well known to him. He makes every effort to avoid causing harm to anyone by its incompleteness or inaccuracy, deliberate concealment of socially significant information or the dissemination of knowingly false information.
The journalist is obliged to clearly distinguish in his reports between the facts that are reported and what constitutes opinions, versions or assumptions...
A journalist considers malicious distortion of facts, slander, receiving payment under any circumstances for disseminating false or concealing true information as serious professional crimes...
Having become convinced that he has published false or distorted material, the journalist is obliged to correct his mistake using the same printing and (or) audiovisual means that were used when publishing the material. If necessary, he must apologize through his press organ.
The journalist is responsible with his own name and reputation for the reliability of any message and the fairness of any judgment disseminated under his signature, under his pseudonym or anonymously, but with his knowledge and consent. No one has the right to prohibit him from removing his signature from a message or judgment that was at least partially distorted against his will.”
Article 49 of the Media Law echoes: “When implementing professional activity a journalist is obliged to respect the rights, legitimate interests, honor and dignity of citizens and organizations.”
And this is not just an ethical norm, because, for example, for slander , those. deliberate dissemination of knowingly false information discrediting the honor and dignity of another person or undermining his reputation is provided for criminal liability.

Liability standards .
Defamation contained in a public speech, publicly displayed work or in the media is punishable by a fine in the amount of up to 120,000 rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to one year, or by compulsory labor for a term of one hundred eighty to two hundred forty. hours, or correctional labor for a period of one to two years, or arrest for a period of three to six months.
Defamation combined with accusing a person of committing a grave or especially grave crime - a fine in the amount of 100,000 to 300,000 rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of one to two years, or restriction of freedom for a term of up to three years, or arrest for a term of four to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to three years (clause 2 of Article 129 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Criminal liability is also provided for insult , i.e. humiliation of the honor and dignity of another person, expressed in an indecent form.

Liability standards .
An insult contained in a public speech, a publicly displayed work or the media is punishable by a fine in the amount of up to 80,000 rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months, or by compulsory labor for a term of up to one hundred and eighty hours, or by correctional labor. work for a period of up to one year (Article 130 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Protection of honor, dignity and business reputation , (Article 152 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) can occur in the order civil proceedings. This is, in particular, stated in the resolution of the Plenum Supreme Court RF dated February 24, 2005 No. 3 “On judicial practice in cases of protecting the honor and dignity of citizens, as well as the business reputation of citizens and legal entities" If the actions of a person who disseminated untrue or defamatory information contain signs of a crime under Article 129 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (slander), the victim has the right to apply to the court with an application to bring the perpetrator to criminal liability, as well as to file a claim for the protection of honor and dignity or business reputation in civil proceedings.
It should only be clarified that the simultaneous consideration of a criminal case and resolution of a claim under Article 152 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is unacceptable. At the same time, the refusal to initiate or terminate a criminal case, the pronouncement of a verdict (both guilty and acquittal) do not prevent the consideration of a claim for the protection of honor and dignity in civil proceedings.
Article 152 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation also states that every citizen has the right to demand in court a refutation of information discrediting his honor, dignity or business reputation, unless the person who disseminated such information proves that it is true.
What exactly does the legislator mean by the concepts of “honor”, ​​“dignity” and “reputation”? Essentially they coincide, determining the moral status of an individual, his self-esteem and position in society.
Dignity and the right to protect one’s good name are recognized for every person and are protected by the state as the highest values ​​(Articles 2, 21, 23 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).
Business reputation characterizes a citizen as an employee and represents an assessment of his professional qualities that are significant for his demand in the labor market.
Based on the meaning of this article, disseminating defamatory information means communicating it to a wide audience, several or at least one person. Communication of information discrediting honor, dignity and business reputation to the person to whom it relates is not considered distribution.
“Defamatory information detracts from the honor, dignity and business reputation of a citizen in public opinion or the opinion of individuals. Objective criteria for the court to recognize the defamatory nature of disseminated information are current legal norms, principles of universal and professional morality, and business customs.
Defamatory statements about violations of these norms and principles usually represent reports of a citizen committing specific unworthy acts, so-called statements of fact. Assessments (opinions, interpretations) should be distinguished from factual judgments. An assessment does not state a fact, but expresses a person’s attitude towards an object or its individual characteristics (“good - bad”, “kind - evil”, “worst - best”, “attractive - repulsive”, etc.). Therefore, the characteristics of truth and falsity are not applicable to assessments. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that in addition to distinct descriptive and evaluative judgments in the language there is a wide layer of evaluative expressions with factual reference, i.e. words giving a specific description, containing statements in the form of an assessment (“criminal”, “dishonest”, “deceitful”, “incompetent”, “unnecessary”, etc.). The conformity of such statements with reality can be verified; if unproven, they are subject to refutation. In any case, regardless of the degree of specification, political and ideological assessments cannot be considered defamatory; criticism of a scientific work or concept; ethically and business-neutral information about character traits, illnesses, and physical disabilities”1.

In the newspaper “Den” (No. 34 (114) from 08/29–09/04 1993) signed by S.E.Sh. under the heading “Scoreboard” was listed next text:
“...Of course, the same criminal Shumeiko does not smile at the prospect of ending up on a prison bunk. What to do? Shumeikomysh is well aware of Chernomyrdin’s attitude towards him (V.S.’s softest description for Shumeiko is “a slacker”), so the Deputy Prime Minister’s tactics are downright camp, simple: to prove to the Yeltsinoids and E.B.N. that’s all, and therefore you need to stick to the “common fund” and “don’t give up your own.” That’s why “the barrel is rolling” at Chernomyrdin under the slogan “Who are you?”
In connection with this article Shumeiko V.F. filed a lawsuit, where he indicated exactly what information about him is not true: he does not collect incriminating evidence on Chernomyrdin; is not a criminal, since there is no conviction against him; does not use camp tactics, and also does not speak thieves’ jargon; never received the description of “idler” from Chernomyrdin; has no goal of pitting anyone against each other and it doesn’t matter to him.
Interesting to consider in in this case the word "slacker". Since this information is estimated, the court considered the question from the point of view of factual circumstances: did Chernomyrdin give such an assessment to Shumeiko? The defendant was unable to prove that such a description was given.

“Offensive expressions and comparisons that cannot be verified as true cannot be refuted. Claims to the form of presentation of the material, style of presentation, or artistic techniques used by the author of the publication cannot constitute the subject of a claim regarding the article being commented on. Not only statements, but also assumptions (versions) can be tested for evidence. As a general rule, presumptive statements are not refuted in court because they do not state facts. But in cases where assumptions (suspicions) are based on facts, the falsity of which has been established in a court hearing, they are subject to refutation along with these facts, because they give them a defamatory coloring (the facts themselves separately, not united by suspicion, can be neutral in legal and morally). When referring to cases, rumors, rumors, it is necessary to prove that the rumors actually took place and that the sources existed. Otherwise, information about rumors and sources is subject to refutation. To determine the nature of the disseminated information, the judge must take into account the purpose and genre of the publication, the context in which the disputed word or phrase is used”2.
At the request of interested parties, protection of the honor and dignity of a citizen is allowed even after his death.
Clause 2 of Art. 152 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides the following: if information discrediting the honor, dignity or business reputation of a citizen is disseminated in the media, it must be refuted in the same media. A citizen in respect of whom the media has published information that infringes on his rights or legally protected interests also has the right to publish his response in the same media.

Liability standards.
If the corresponding court decision is not implemented, the court has the right to impose a fine on the violator, recovered in the amount and in the manner provided for by procedural legislation, to the income of Russian Federation. Payment of a fine does not relieve the violator from the obligation to perform the action prescribed by the court decision (clause 4 of Article 152 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The procedure for refutation is spelled out in detail in Articles 43-44 of the Media Law. Thus, a citizen or organization has the right to demand from the editorial office a refutation of information that is untrue and discredits their honor and dignity, which was disseminated in this media outlet. The legal representatives of a citizen also have this right, if the citizen himself does not have the opportunity to demand a refutation. If the editorial board of a media outlet does not have evidence that the information it disseminates is true, it is obliged to refute it in the same media outlet.
If a citizen or organization has submitted a refutation text, then this text is subject to distribution provided that it complies with the requirements of the Media Law. The editors of a radio or television program, obligated to disseminate a refutation, may provide the citizen or representative of the organization who has demanded it with the opportunity to read out their own text and transfer it into recordings.
The refutation must indicate what information is untrue, when and how it was disseminated by this media outlet.
Refutation in periodical printed edition must be typed in the same font and placed under the heading “Refutation”, as a rule, in the same place on the page as the message or material being refuted. On radio and television, a refutation must be broadcast at the same time of day and, as a rule, in the same program as the message or material being refuted.
The volume of a refutation cannot be more than twice the volume of the fragment of a disseminated message or material being refuted. You cannot demand that the refutation text be shorter than one standard page typewritten text. A rebuttal on radio and television should not take up less airtime than it takes for an announcer to read a standard page of typewritten text.
The refutation should follow:

  • in the media published (broadcast) at least once a week - within ten days from the date of receipt of the request for a refutation or its text;
  • in other media - in the upcoming or upcoming planned release.

Within a month from the date of receipt of the request for a refutation or its text, the editorial office is obliged to notify the interested citizen or organization in writing about the expected time frame for distributing the refutation or about the refusal to distribute it, indicating the grounds for the refusal.
Also, a citizen in relation to whom information discrediting his honor, dignity or business reputation has been disseminated has the right to demand compensation for losses and moral damage caused by their spread.

Example 3.
The article “Steal, Russia!”, published in the newspaper “Russian Caravan” (“a weekly for internally displaced persons”), told about unsightly episodes associated with the purchase of housing by “prominent people” of the Parfinsky district. The article, in particular, said that with a debt in the region for child benefits amounting to 40 million rubles, the head of the district, Viktor Chernov, provided his deputy Elena Kharitonova with an interest-free loan (for 10 years) in the amount of 50 million rubles for the purchase of a new apartment . At the same time, it was stipulated that since, according to the district’s charter, its head “is the distributor of loans and funds from the district budget, it was refused to bring him to criminal responsibility, because although he acted vilely, he acted legally.” Another episode concerned the purchase of housing for the son of Chernov himself - with money allocated by the regional governor Mikhail Prusak (30 million rubles) “to improve the living conditions of the head of the district at the expense of funds provided in the regional budget for financing capital investments under the federal targeted programs».
It must be said that previously these facts were the subject of an investigation by the district prosecutor’s office, and the article stated this as follows: “The investigation saw in the actions of the head of the district not signs of violations of criminal law, but of disciplinary, moral and ethical standards. The governor’s actions were not assessed at all, since no criminal case had been brought against him yet.”
The claim for the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation, with which Viktor Chernov filed in the city court, was a unique document. The plaintiff defended not so much his honor as the honor of the governor (by the way, a completely capable person): “The author of the article, Galina Yartseva, saw in the actions of the persons mentioned in the article - V.V. Chernova. and the Governor of the region Prusak M.M. - illegal moments, labeling them as vile, and generally made the Governor into the image of a potential criminal, saying: “no criminal case has been brought against him yet.” I believe that Yartseva’s honor, good name, business reputation, and privacy were grossly violated. In addition, the honor and dignity of the Governor of the region M. M. Prusak was insulted.”
“Based on the above,” the plaintiff asked the court to oblige Yartseva to publicly apologize. Moreover, not on the pages of the “Russian Caravan”, but through the regional newspaper “Novgorodskie Vedomosti” (the founder is the regional administration) “for personal ideas expressed”, and also to recover from the newspaper “Russian Caravan” compensation for moral damage, assessed, however, at symbolic the amount of 800 rubles.
In making a decision on this claim, the court, chaired by Judge Anatoly Viyuk, referred to Article 152 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated August 18, 1992, according to which information that does not correspond to reality is considered defamatory if it contains statements about a citizen’s violation of legislation or moral principles . The court recognized the epithet “vile” used in the article as such a statement (“After all, although he acted vilely, he acted legally”) and deciphered: “The concept vile is defined as low, dishonest.” It further concluded: “The court proceeds from the fact that the head of the district, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Local Self-Government” and the charter of the district, disposes of the district’s funds at his own discretion, therefore, issuing a loan to the deputy head of the administration Kharitonova in the presence of arrears for child benefits , according to the court, cannot be regarded as a vile act.”
At the same time, the court did not dare to support the “zeal” of the district head for the regional governor, pointing out that the information that Prusak M.M. allocated to Chernova V.V. a loan in the amount of 30 million rubles for the purchase of housing does not affect the honor and dignity of the plaintiff V.V. Chernov.”
In general, the court decided to satisfy the claim in terms of compensation for moral damage (800 rubles), and also, despite the fact that a forced apology is not provided for by any law, still oblige G. Yartseva to make a public apology to Chernov in the following wording: “Yartseva G. IN. apologizes to the head of the Parfinsky district V.V. Chernov. for disseminating information regarding him that Chernov V.V. acted basely by allocating a loan to Kharitonova.” According to the court decision, the apology should be made not through Novgorodskie Vedomosti, which has nothing to do with the publication, but through Russian Caravan.

The rules of Article 152 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on the protection of a citizen’s business reputation are correspondingly applied to the protection of the business reputation of a legal entity.

Example 4.
Thus, in 2006, Sunrise Tour Group LLC filed a claim with the Moscow Arbitration Court against OJSC Editorial Board of the Izvestia Newspaper and P. for the protection of business reputation and asked that the information disseminated in the newspaper be declared untrue and discrediting the business reputation of the plaintiff “Izvestia” and on the website at: http://izvestia.ru/special/article3067039 in the article “Buy a tour and die in paradise”, and also oblige the newspaper to publish it in the newspaper within 10 days after the court decision comes into force "Izvestia" and on the website at the address: http://izvestia.ru/special/article3067039 with the same font and in the same place of the page as the article "Buy a tour and die in paradise", the text of the refutation proposed plaintiff.
The claims were filed on the basis of Article 152 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Articles 43, 44, 56 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Mass Media” and Articles 4, 33 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation and motivated by the fact that on February 3, 2006 in the newspaper “Izvestia” and on the Internet The website http://izvestia.ru/special/article3067039 published an article “Buy a tour and die in paradise”, in which, according to P., information was disseminated that was untrue and discredited the business reputation of the plaintiff about the immoral actions of the company and its employees after the tragic death of tourist B. during a trip to Goa.
According to the plaintiff, the following quotes were untrue and discredited the business reputation of Sunrise Tour Group LLC:
“The only thing I couldn’t do was get a truthful conclusion about death,” says Oksana. “I was supposed to go to the morgue for identification and autopsy, but the Sunrise Tour representative simply didn’t let me in.” More precisely, he didn’t agree to take it with me, knowing full well that I simply couldn’t get there on my own: I was left without money, all our money was on Sasha’s card. I argued with the guide until the last moment, but in the end he told me: “You won’t go there!” “He turned around and left.” From which it follows that the plaintiff, in his business activities, violates the norms of morality and morality, in his own interests hides the truth about the death of tourists and independently prevents its clarification.
. Thus, the plaintiff, in the course of his business activities, deliberately does not warn tourists about the presence of danger in the sea in the form of moray eels, as well as about the employee of Sunrise Tour Group LLC - A. (the guide with whom P. communicated), presenting her as a dishonest person.
. It follows that the plaintiff, in his business activities, constantly hides information about potential dangers from tourists, and Sunrise Tour Group LLC sent its representative to Goa to conceal the true results of the examination of the death of the tourist.
However, by decision of July 3, 2006, the Moscow Arbitration Court rejected the claims.
Refusing to satisfy the plaintiff’s first demand, the court referred to paragraph 6 of Art. 152 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which establishes the rule according to which it is possible to apply to the court to declare disseminated information untrue if it is impossible to identify the person who disseminated information discrediting the honor, dignity and business reputation of a citizen. In this case, the person who disseminated information that, in the plaintiff’s opinion, discredits his business reputation, is known.
With regard to the requirement that the defendant be obliged to publish a refutation of the information disseminated in three paragraphs of the article “Buy a tour and die in paradise,” the court pointed out that the plaintiff had not proven the fact of dissemination of this information in the Izvestia newspaper dated February 3, 2006. Having examined the semantic structures of the indicated paragraphs, having heard an eyewitness of this event P., the court came to the conclusion that they were talking about the plaintiff’s employees, and not about the actions of a legal entity. It does not follow from the passages that Sunrise Tour Group LLC violates the norms of morality and morality, in its own interests hides the truth about the death of tourists and independently prevents its clarification. Moreover, these circumstances occurred in reality. Excerpts from the article contain opinions (value judgments) of P. and the author of the article, which cannot be refuted.
Taking into account the provisions of Article 33 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the court did not see any grounds for terminating the proceedings.
In the course of appeal proceedings, the legality and validity of the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court of July 3, 2006 were not verified.
The cassation court also found no grounds for canceling the judicial act, justifying it as follows.
In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 152 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a citizen has the right to demand in court a refutation of information discrediting his honor, dignity or business reputation, unless the person who disseminated such information proves that it is true.
Circumstances that, by virtue of Article 152 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, are significant for the case, which must be determined by the judge when accepting the statement of claim and preparing the case for trial, as well as during the trial, are: the fact that the defendant disseminated information about the plaintiff, the defamatory nature of this information and inconsistency with their reality.
The dissemination of information discrediting the honor and dignity of citizens or the business reputation of citizens and legal entities should be understood as publication of such information in the press, broadcast on radio and television, demonstration in newsreels and other media, distribution on the Internet, as well as using other means of telecommunications.
As can be seen from the case materials, the defendant did not provide evidence of the dissemination of this information in the media.
The case materials do not contain the original of the Izvestia newspaper, in which the said article was published, and the copy of the printout from the Internet site was not properly certified, as the court of first instance rightly pointed out.
By virtue of paragraph 7 of the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated February 24, 2005 No. 3 “On judicial practice in cases of protecting the honor and dignity of citizens, as well as the business reputation of citizens and legal entities,” statements about facts or events are untrue information. which did not take place in reality at the time to which the disputed information relates.
Consequently, when considering a case, the court, first of all, needs to find out which of the fragments of the article given in the statement of claim are information, and which are the opinion of the author, since only information, i.e. reports of facts that have taken place can be verified for compliance with their reality.
As for value judgments, opinions and beliefs that are the result of an individual’s psychophysical activity, they cannot be verified for their compliance with reality, since they are an expression of the subjective opinion and views of the author of the publication.
Having analyzed the circumstances of the case in conjunction with the examined evidence, the provisions of Article 152 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the recommendations of the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of February 24, 2005 No. 3, the court of first instance correctly concluded that there were no grounds for satisfying the stated requirements.
The court correctly assessed the content of the article excerpt: “The interim result of our investigation is this: at least one of P.’s two accusations was confirmed. Illegally concealing information about potential dangers from tourists has become a consistent practice of many Russian travel agencies. Whether there is a “well-established mechanism for hushing up such tragedies,” as Oksana claims, is difficult to say. The answer to this question will be the results of a re-examination of B’s death. However, Oksana herself does not believe this. She is sure that the Sunrise Tour representative flew to Goa only to “resolve issues” with Indian doctors.”, - as a subjective opinion of a private person, which can neither be verified nor refuted.
According to paragraph 9 of the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 3, a person who believes that a judgment expressed or an opinion disseminated in the media affects his rights and legitimate interests can use what is provided to him by paragraph 3 of Art. 152 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Article 46 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Mass Media” the right to an answer, comment, remark in the same mass media in order to substantiate the inconsistency of common judgments by proposing a different assessment of them.
The cassation court supported the court's conclusion that in the passage of the article: “In moments of revelation, one girl from Sunrise (I won’t say her name, I don’t want to set her up) told me that swimming here is really unsafe. She told how, shortly before Sasha’s death, a large moray eel washed up on our beach, the Indians beat it with sticks, but it crawled back into the sea. To my question, “Why didn’t you warn us in advance?” the girl honestly admitted: “I am a forced person”, - contains information confirmed by P. herself and not refuted by the plaintiff, and therefore it cannot be considered untrue.

It is important that in claims containing demands to refute information disseminated in the media, compulsory participation: both the journalist himself (the author of the material) and the editorial board of the relevant media outlet are involved as defendants. However, if, when considering such information, the name of the author is not indicated or he used a pseudonym, one editorial office is responsible for the claim.

1 Comment on Civil Code Russian Federation. In 3 volumes / Volume 1. Commentary on the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, part one. Article by article. Ed. 3rd, revised and additional / Ed. THOSE. Abova, A.Yu. Kabalkina. - M.: Yurait-Izdat, 2007. (SPS ConsultantPlus).

3 http://www.ruj.ru/index_30.htm

Disinformation- obviously fake information, provided to the enemy or business partner for more effective combat operations, cooperation, checking for information leakage and the direction of its leakage, identifying potential clients black market.

Also, disinformation (also disinformation) is the process of manipulating information itself, such as: misleading someone by providing incomplete information or complete, but no longer necessary information, distortion of context, distortion of part of the information.

The goal of such influence is always the same - the opponent must act as the manipulator needs. The action of the subject against whom disinformation is directed may consist of making a decision that the manipulator needs or refusing to make a decision that is unfavorable for the manipulator. But in any case, the final goal is the action that will be taken by the opponent.

Disinformation, therefore, is a product of human activity, an attempt to create a false impression and, accordingly, push towards the desired actions or inaction.

Types of disinformation

  • misleading a specific person or group of people (including an entire nation);
  • manipulation (actions of one person or group of people);
  • creating public opinion regarding a problem or object.

Misrepresentation is nothing more than outright deception, the provision of false information. Manipulation is a method of influence aimed directly at changing the direction of people's activity. The following levels of manipulation are distinguished:

  • strengthening the values ​​(ideas, attitudes...) that exist in people’s minds and are beneficial to the manipulator;
  • partial change of views on a particular event or circumstance;
  • a radical change in life attitudes.

Creation public opinion- this is the formation in society of a certain attitude towards the chosen problem.

see also

Write a review about the article "Disinformation"


  • Evgeny Zhirnov// Newspaper "Kommersant". - No. 2. - 01/13/2003. - P. 7

Excerpt characterizing Disinformation

The happy mood of the authorities after the review spread to the soldiers. The company walked cheerfully. Soldiers' voices were talking from all sides.
- What did they say, crooked Kutuzov, about one eye?
- Otherwise, no! Totally crooked.
- No... brother, he has bigger eyes than you. Boots and tucks - I looked at everything...
- How can he, my brother, look at my feet... well! Think…
- And the other Austrian, with him, was as if smeared with chalk. Like flour, white. I tea, how they clean ammunition!
- What, Fedeshow!... did he say that when the fighting began, you stood closer? They all said that Bunaparte himself stands in Brunovo.
- Bunaparte is worth it! he's lying, you fool! What he doesn’t know! Now the Prussian is rebelling. The Austrian, therefore, pacifies him. As soon as he makes peace, then war will open with Bunaparte. Otherwise, he says, Bunaparte is standing in Brunovo! That's what shows that he's a fool. Listen more.
- Look, damn the lodgers! The fifth company, look, is already turning into the village, they will cook porridge, and we still won’t reach the place.
- Give me a cracker, damn it.
- Did you give me tobacco yesterday? That's it, brother. Well, here we go, God be with you.
“At least they made a stop, otherwise we won’t eat for another five miles.”
– It was nice how the Germans gave us strollers. When you go, know: it’s important!
“And here, brother, the people have gone completely rabid.” Everything there seemed to be a Pole, everything was from the Russian crown; and now, brother, he’s gone completely German.
– Songwriters forward! – the captain’s cry was heard.
And twenty people ran out from different rows in front of the company. The drummer began to sing and turned his face to the songwriters, and, waving his hand, began a drawn-out soldier’s song, which began: “Isn’t it dawn, the sun has broken...” and ended with the words: “So, brothers, there will be glory for us and Kamensky’s father...” This song was composed in Turkey and was now sung in Austria, only with the change that in place of “Kamensky’s father” the words were inserted: “Kutuzov’s father.”

Page 2

Non-absorbing state i3 - station B receives false information due to noise.

If relay B is the first to operate, there will be no transmission of false information, since state 2 (only relay B operates) is not (used. This can be achieved, for example, by delaying relay A to operate. When released, the sequence should be reversed.

This means that the diode in the communication circuit, while preventing direct false information, does not prevent reverse information.

Irrelevant information can also have social significance, i.e. false information or insignificant (for a given state of affairs) true information. When false information is spread intentionally, it is called disinformation. Information noise (true, but not essential information) and disinformation can significantly reduce the positive impact of information as a socio-economic resource and also contribute to the transformation of information inequality into social inequality.

RES marks similar to target marks, but carrying false information.

If the penetrant is left on a non-defective surface, it will give false information as if there is a crack or other defect in the surface. Then, developer 4 is applied to surface P, from which excess penetran has been removed (Fig. B.

Fluid flows in the near-wellbore zone of a partially perforated formation introduce false information into the recording by the RGT-1 and STD-2 instruments. In such cases, it is necessary to conduct a highly sensitive thermometry method.

Disadvantages of the method: not applicable in the presence of significant leaks; False information is possible when the product pumping speed is more than 2 m/s; there is no continuous remote information about the location of the autonomous device and the results of monitoring the tightness of the pipeline; not applicable for pipelines with pipe sections of different diameters.

Malfunctions of telemechanics devices in certain cases can lead to the transmission of false information about the condition of the equipment and, as a result, incorrect decisions can be made regarding the management of the oil pipeline. Therefore, when malfunctions of automation and telemechanics devices are detected, urgent measures are taken to investigate and restore the functionality of these devices at any time of the day.

With a wide range of vibrations affecting a person, the vestibular apparatus can provide false information. This is due to the peculiarities of the hydrodynamic structure of the vestibular apparatus, which during biological evolution did not adapt to functioning under conditions of high-frequency oscillations.

The Iron Curtain policy allowed functionaries to manipulate and fool the population in any way they wanted with false information about the state of affairs abroad.

Another way to protect against MERGE: before uploading the program to tape, give false information that supposedly the first line of your program is excessively long.

Wrong programs actions necessarily arise if the employee has insufficient or false information. In addition, there may be cases when, despite the availability of sufficient and correct information, errors still appear in the formation of action programs.

Among the answers there should not be those that require automatic actions, you cannot give false information, for example, give the formula of a non-existent salt.

deception, false information

Alternative descriptions

Injustice, evil, wrong deed

. "Where there is court, there..."

Newspaper canard as disinformation

Newspaper canard as disinformation

Deza, false information

G. opposite sex Truth. These words are distorted in their meaning, almost in our memory, becoming one word with an expression. lies and truth; The root meaning of the words truth and untruth has been replaced, not entirely successfully, by the expressions: justice and injustice, justice and injustice. But truth relates only to mental concepts, and truth to moral qualities, which is why our first code, the laws of justice, was called Russian truth. The people remained true to the direct meaning of the word; for him there is untruth, all illegality, an act contrary to conscience, oppression, insult, crooked justice, an unjust sentence, a decision; lies in fact, crookedness, dishonesty, deceit. (Lat. injuria, injustum, improbitas, inaequitas). Any untruth is a sin. You will pass through the world by lying, but you will not come back. Every untruth will be remembered, not in this world, so in the next. Woe is from God, and untruth is from the devil. God helps in truth, but in untruths God hinders (or punishes). God will find out every untruth. Whoever lives in untruth will be killed by God. It’s dashing for someone who does lies to someone! People live in troubles, but disappear in lies. It is better to die than to endure lies. People lied, and we also told lies (we didn’t tell the truth). People live in lies and we won’t burst! The trial is not true, vm. true. The Greek, the Jew, the Armenian, the gypsy and the Poltava nobleman live in lies forever. Untruthful, deceitful, lying; prone to untruth, to all deceit; false, untrue. Untruthful judge, unrighteous. Untruthful repentance, insincere or sanctimonious. Untrue money, passport, fake. -ness, property, condition, quality by meaning. adj. Unjust, unjust, unjust, untruthful; accused, guilty, guilty. Wrong accusation. Wrong life. You are judging wrongly. He made money wrongly. Your case is wrong, your claim is wrong. I don’t know which of you is to blame (the direct culprit); and both are wrong. His wrongness in this matter is obvious; wrong action, demand; wrongness f. the same, the property of the wrong; the same property, in general terms, as always belonging, is not true. We suffer from the wrongness of our superiors, from wrongdoing; wrongfulness makes more noise, that is, the wrong one, the wrong side, the offender. Wrong sib. unjust, crooked. You misunderstood us. Unrighteous, contrary to conscience, law, truth, duty, justice; esp. about self-interest, bribery, fraudulent business and any indirect action to the detriment of others, for one’s own benefit. Hell stands on the unrighteous (on the unrighteous). What has been unjustly acquired will not be used for future use, it will burn like fire, it will be thrown out sideways (edgewise). Unjust gain is not gain (not gain). The unrighteous creation (or acquisition) is dust. - quality, quality, property according to adjunct. Unrighteousness of works does not save. Unrighteous m. -nitsa f. untrue(u)ha vol. an unrighteous, hypocritical or bribery person who lives in untruth. Wrong, deviating from the rules, deviating from what is due, legal; incorrect, erroneous. An incorrect verdict, in which the legal order is not observed, although, in essence, it may be right. Wrong way of looking at the matter, wrong. Irregular verbs, grammatical. which are subject to withdrawal from general rule or a pattern of conjugations; not following the rules. Wrong equation, math. insoluble, due to lack of data, or due to an excess of controversial data. -nost f. property, quality according to adj. Irregularity of education, ugliness, or deviation from the conventional laws of nature. To be untruthful, to act or live untruthfully, to act untruthfully, unjustly, unjustly, unjustly. This steward has lied to us for many years. Untruthful, unjust, unfair, not real, not true; false, counterfeit, counterfeit, fraudulent. Complex words such as: untruthful, untruthful, implausible, untruthful, -words, -words, etc. are understandable in themselves, and, moreover, explained without negation

False words

Not true

Not true

Deception, lies

Deception, fraud

Translate from bureaucratic language: “Information that does not adequately reflect the facts”

Complete lie

What is contrary to the truth

Fake information

. “Where there is court, there also...”

Translate from bureaucratic language: “Information that does not adequately reflect the facts”

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