What breaks in the system unit. The computer is broken

IN modern world The computer is increasingly entering our lives and becoming an integral part of it. Both at work and at home. More and more often we spend our time on it: working, listening to music, reading books, watching videos. What to do if your computer is broken? Before you panic, think about whether you were the reason for this?

Any equipment breaks down at some point, and everything that breaks can be fixed. You have a choice:

  • contact a specialist if you have little or no knowledge of computers;
  • try to figure out the problem yourself.

Advice: if a PC that is under warranty fails, give preference to having it repaired at a service center.

What to do if your computer breaks down

Let's consider several options independent actions. So, if your computer breaks down, repairs at home will look like this:

  • First of all, we check the availability of system unit and power monitor. The cord may be poorly inserted into the system unit or into the outlet. We disconnect/connect it and start the computer again.
  • Checking whether it is plugged in network filter whether the light on its switch is on. We connect the system unit through another surge protector or directly into an outlet to avoid damage to the surge protector.
  • On power supplies modern models a button may be placed that is responsible for turning the computer on or off. Let's try to turn on the computer again after we switch the button to a different position. In conclusion, pay attention to whether the cable on the monitor has come loose.

Let's define the wording - “the computer does not turn on” or “does not start”. If it does not make noise, the lights on the system unit do not light up and the display does not turn on, this means the computer does not turn on. If you can hear the operation of the system unit fans, the monitor and system unit indicators are blinking, but booting does not occur operating system, - therefore, the computer does not start. Let's continue examining the PC:

  • Let's check HDD and processor. To do this, open the cover of the computer system unit. Checking the plugs hard drive- they must be tightly inserted into the connectors.
  • Remove the processor cooler. We press the start button and place our hand on the radiator. If the processor is running, the heatsink will start to heat up. The reason is most likely not in him. We check whether the cooler is spinning, otherwise, to avoid burning the processor, the system will quickly turn off. In addition, we check all fastenings.
  • We clean the computer from dust. Poor heat transfer is a consequence of processor overheating due to large quantity accumulated dust, causing the computer to not turn on. We clean computer parts thoroughly and very carefully. Pay attention to the hard drive, motherboard, processor and RAM.
  • Replacement of some components

    If you still solve the problem yourself, and none of the above helps, then:

    • We recommend trying to replace the power supply. Often a power supply failure is the reason the computer does not turn on. Voltage surges, load changes (components have been changed, but the power supply has not) or irregular cleaning can lead to malfunctions of the power supply.
    • The next step that is recommended to be taken if the computer fails to work is to clear the RAM. It usually becomes dirty with dust and just needs to be cleaned. This is quite easy to do. We remove the RAM board from the connectors and use a regular school eraser to carefully go over the contacts on both sides. We clean it over a piece of newspaper or a trash can.
    • Dust lodged in the nest itself also worsens contact - vacuum it.


    If all of the above steps do not help, there are two more options left:

  • The most reasonable thing in this situation would be to visit service center. The specialist will diagnose the computer failure, clean it and solve the problem. It is better to entrust your computer to a proven service that has positive reviews.
  • A more conservative intervention, if the computer simply does not start, is a possible reinstallation of the operating system. In this case, take into account the nuances of the complete loss of information on drive C. But the question of whether the computer could have broken down or whether it was a failure in the operating system will remain unresolved.
  • The computer beeps and won't turn on

    Permanent or short-term most likely indicates a breakdown of some component.

    Each squeak reports specific problem, so they are different:

    • Most often it happens that the breakdown is in the power supply. The system signals this with three different ways: no squeaks at all; a lot of short signals; continuous long.
    • If the monitor is not connected, you will hear two short beeps.
    • There is a problem with the video system, if one is heard long beep, and the monitor screen is blank.
    • About problems with motherboard indicated by three long or 1 long and 1 short squeak.
    • In case of a problem with the video card, the system will give either 1 long and 3 short beeps, or 1 long and already 2 short beeps.
    • Well, if you hear 1 short squeak at the beginning of the start, this indicates successful launch components and the computer as a whole.
    In custody

    As it turned out, if the computer breaks down, does not turn on or does not boot, then this happens for two reasons: problems with software or a breakdown of the internals of the computer itself. We hope the sequence of actions in the article will help you get your computer back up and running.

    If your computer is broken, then do not worry or be nervous. There is a surefire way to fix this. You can use our services to call a technician who will come to you and repair everything.

    There are 5 main signs that usually indicate the cause of a breakdown desktop computer. To determine what exactly has failed in the system unit, you need to familiarize yourself with the following examples and situations:

    What to do if your computer breaks down

    If the computer does not turn on at all. That is, when you press the power button on the computer, none of the lights light up. More often than not, users in this situation get the impression that the computer is simply not connected to the mains.

    If you encounter this, it means that one of the components in the system unit has failed, namely the power supply or motherboard. If the power supply burns out, then the cause of the computer breakdown is the lack of voltage supply; if it is a motherboard, then the cause of the breakdown may be the failure of the northern or south bridge. It happens that the button on the processor itself is to blame; it does not reach the contacts, and therefore cannot perform the connection function, but such cases are 1 out of 1000.

    If you press the power button and the system unit starts to hum, but no image appears on the screen, the screen remains black and the message “No signal” appears, the video card may be faulty or has failed RAM, in addition to this, the motherboard or power supply may also burn out. It is possible that the monitor itself burned out, but this is extremely rare.

    How to determine why a computer burned out?

    If there is no signal on the monitor, you need to call a specialist, he will come and conduct a hardware diagnostic of your computer in order to determine exactly what is the cause of the breakdown, otherwise you can simply make a mistake and buy the wrong spare part, after which the computer will not start working.

    As a rule, one of the components in a computer breaks down; after replacing it, the PC works like new again. If your computer is broken, we can repair it today! Just order a master!

    If the computer turns on and boots, but freezes during a certain period of loading, and freezes in such a way that it does not respond to mouse and keyboard signals. This means that one of the components is stuck on testing or interrupting the frequency. Here, accordingly, it is necessary to do testing to determine the exact cause of the malfunction.

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    To do this, a specialist arrives with special equipment and performs diagnostics. It loads the computer different processors to identify which of them the hangup occurred on.

    There is white text on the screen on a blue background, has your computer burned out?

    This case is more often called the “Blue Screen of Death”. There may be several reasons for this: either the operating system has failed, or there are problems with hard drive. But it could also be either the RAM or the motherboard. In any case, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics to identify the root cause of this malfunction.

    If your computer turns on, but instead of loading, the message “System error” appears on the screen (that is, “Download location not found”), there may be either a failure of the operating system, or the hard drive or motherboard has failed.

    Promotion! Motherboard + power supply = 10% discount on hardware

    In any case, with all the above signs of a computer breakdown, our specialist will come and repair everything at your home. There is no need to pick up your computer. If any of the components fails, our specialist will bring a new component from our warehouse, then unpack it before your eyes and install it in your system unit, then he will show how your computer works after repair, so that you can be sure that the repairs were carried out efficiently and correctly!

    When such a situation occurs, the first thing you ask is what to do if your computer breaks down. The most important thing is not to panic and call us as quickly as possible. We'll fix everything.

    If your computer breaks down, don't put it off long box, you will still have to repair it sooner or later. Better contact us now to have your computer repaired by our qualified technicians.

    Any computer owner sooner or later faces such a problem - the hard drive is broken. In order to minimize the risk of data loss, you should make it a rule to duplicate all important information on another medium. You also need to know that before a breakdown, certain malfunctions appear in the PC, which are harbingers of the death of the storage device.

    Signs of a hard drive failure

    Determine what incorrect operation It was the hard drive that failed on the computer, based on certain signs. How to understand that the hard drive is broken:

    • Appearance blue screen During operation or boot, the PC signals that the media is broken. The system can't read bad sectors and Windows stops working or reboots. This results in the loss of unsaved information.
    • If strange noises appear during PC operation, reminiscent of a clattering sound, then the head unit on the hard drive may have broken. In this case, you can try turning off the device and starting it again. The reason for incorrect reading of information can also be the accumulation of dust on the read-write elements.
    • If, when you turn on the PC, the hard drive does not make any sounds, this may indicate damage to the batteries. Such malfunctions occur due to voltage surges, but modern devices equipped with protection against power surges. But if this happens, then everything can be easily eliminated by replacing the fuse. Also, the reason why the hard drive does not make any sounds may be stuck heads.
    • The appearance of such an inscription on the screen as “disk or device not found” indicates that the hard drive has failed. You can find out exactly what faults are present using special diagnostic programs.
    • Modern storage devices are more resistant to overheating than older models. But it still happens, and excessive heating electronic boards is a sign that the drive is broken. Determining the presence of such a malfunction is very simple. It is enough to know that the maximum permissible temperature regime for hard drive operation it is 50. and touching a working device with your hand will not cause discomfort. If the temperature is higher than normal, you will feel it.
    • You can determine that the hard drive is broken by the time it takes to access files. If there is a malfunction, then such a standard procedure as emptying the recycle bin can take several hours.
    • A signal that the hard drive is broken is provided by such signs as damage and disappearance of files, and program malfunctions.
    How to tell if your hard drive is broken

    Modern hard drives have built-in programs to monitor its condition. To find out about possible problems and malfunctions, you need to decrypt the data collected by the system. For this there are special programs. Some are designed to provide real-time diagnostics and send status data to email.

    If the hard drive is broken, then first of all you need to take care of saving the data. Even the likelihood that the hard drive will work for some time makes storage important information it's very risky.

    Harbingers of failure

    Before the hard drive finally fails, there are signs indicating this:

    • Slowdown of the computer is reflected in the system startup. PC performance is decreasing and this is a reason to check the hard drive.
    • If your computer constantly restarts, one of the reasons may be a problem with the hard drive.

    If any malfunctions in the operation of the computer are detected, the most the best option will turn it off. If the hard drive is broken, then prolonged use of the PC will lead to irreversible consequences. The storage area will become inaccessible and data will be completely lost. You can find and fix the problem yourself, but it is better to seek help from specialized repair services. computer equipment.

    Data recovery

    If your hard drive breaks, then almost everyone asks the question of how to recover data. Return lost files Today you can do it yourself, without resorting to the help of specialists. There are recovery programs for this, but they do not provide a complete guarantee. If all the nuances are followed, it is possible to return most of the stored information.

    The principle of operation of the programs is to scan the surface of the storage device. In this case, some files are only partially restored, their name and location are lost.

    Popular programs to recover data:

    • R-Studio is one of the most famous programs for recovering deleted information. With certain settings, disk scanning is reduced and it is possible to set the recovery area of ​​the hard drive. The program is available in Russian, which makes working with it very easy.
    • Minitool Power Data performs a deep scan, which makes possible restoration files that are different similar programs ignored. The advantage of this utility is the ability to revive the entire disk.
    • Rekuva is an easy to use program with a wide range of features. Allows you to restore information by setting the search area.
    Hard drive problems on a laptop

    If the hard drive on a laptop breaks down, it stops working and there is a possibility of losing all saved data. The signs of failure are the same as on a PC. But mechanical damage are not always the cause of hard drive failure:

    • Exist virus programs, which can encrypt stored information.
    • Malware, damaging operating system bootloaders.
    How to minimize the risk of hard drive failure

    The storage device will last much longer if you follow simple rules:

    • The hard drive is poorly protected from power surges, so its key stable operation There will be a high-quality power supply.
    • To prevent the hard drive from breaking, it must be protected from falling and shaking. At mechanical impact Moving parts may become damaged and render the device unusable. Even a small blow is enough for this.
    • Maintaining a certain temperature that is comfortable for the operation of computer components, including the hard drive. To do this, you need air flow through the PC case using fans.
    • Cleaning computer components from dust using a can of compressed air. This will prevent the chips from overheating.
    • It is not recommended to turn the PC on and off within a short period of time, as this will greatly affect the hard drive. If you need to take a break from your computer for several hours, it is better to put it in standby mode.
    • To increase the performance of the hard drive, you should defragment it. This will speed up your computer.
    • The drive on a laptop often suffers from temperature changes. Do not take the device outside at low temperatures.
    • Laptops are more susceptible to dust clogging than computers. Therefore, to avoid overheating of the hard drive, you need to monitor the condition of the device.
    • Make sure that the ide contact does not break when connecting the hard drive. One of the signs of failure will be slow loading files or complete computer inoperability. IN special services When repairing computer equipment, such a breakdown can be repaired.

    Have a great day!

    The road to Hell, as we know, is paved with good intentions. Below are the intentions with which the road to Hell is paved for the average user.


    11 ways to kill a system or what not to do to avoid trouble

    What is a computer? Just a set of “hardware”, which means, theoretically, the device should be, if not eternal, then at least, “long-lasting”... This thought has probably visited many more than once... However, everyone who has at least once had experience communicating with this set of “pieces of hardware” knows that this tempting thought, unfortunately, has nothing to do with reality... Computers are immortal. Against. They break. Sometimes the breakdown can be fixed. Sometimes, unfortunately, not.

    The reality is that the cause of most problems is the carelessness of users, their reluctance to spend an extra few minutes reading the desired section operating instructions, and often a banal disregard for known rules. Add to this the likelihood of component defects during production and you will understand why, contrary to theoretical possibility, the vast majority of systems rarely manage to survive 10 years without serious breakdown. In principle, these statistics would not be worth paying attention to. After all, the average duration of the so-called “technical resource” of the system, i.e. the period during which the computer is able to provide a comfortable speed of work with modern software, is much shorter, a maximum of 5 years. However, the point is that careless handling can seriously shorten even this rather short service life of the system. This is not an exaggeration. The reality is that among those who have managed to change several computers in their lives, most have at least once encountered an unexpected fatal breakdown of a system that was far from reaching its end of life.

    Not long ago, the staff of the PCstats Newsletter website asked their readers a question: “Have you ever encountered what you thought was an unexpected and, unfortunately, fatal system breakdown?” In response, they received a lot of stories, after analyzing which they came to the following conclusions.

    The most common causes of fatal failure are:

    • Power supplies (26%)
    • Defective components and neglect of compatibility issues on the part of the user (23%)
    • Incorrect assembly (15%)
    • Components responsible for normal system cooling (13%)
    • Lightning or static electricity (10%)
    • Refusal USB devices and at the time of connection (6%)
    • User inattention (3%)
    • Overclocking attempts (2%)
    Below you will find a description of each of the listed problems, as well as recommendations that will reduce the risk of the problem in question. 1. Power supply

    The device, denoted by two short words, has serious destructive potential. According to statistics, the vast majority of PC breakdowns that end in the “death of the patient” are caused by faulty power supplies. The classic “case history” looks like this.

    “... the client brought the computer with the words: “it won’t turn on.” Of course, suspicion fell on faulty unit food, but it was necessary to make sure of this. After connecting the computer to the network, I pressed the power button. A bright flash followed. The power supply burned out, simultaneously damaging the MOSFET and burning the 512 MB PC3200 RAM strip... "

    The fact that the power supply is the most potentially dangerous element should not surprise anyone. In the end, it is this “box” that is responsible for transforming the incoming alternating current voltage 220 VDC with voltage 12-, 5- and 3.3-Volts, necessary components modern PCs.

    A power supply failure is usually accompanied by random pulses passing through all system components. As a result, some of them are also permanently disabled.

    "... when I turned on the computer, there was a sound like a firework explosion and smoke came out of the system unit in clouds..."

    It should be noted that among other components, the failure of which can provoke a fatal breakdown of the system, power supplies in the event of a breakdown represent greatest danger for you and your home, since often the breakdown of this component is accompanied by sparks and even local fire.

    What can I do to reduce the risk of power supply failure? The answer lies in just two words: "Brand Name". Most The best way Reduce the risk of power supply failure by purchasing a power supply from manufacturers specializing in the production of this particular product. Of course, this method is not a 100% guarantee of the safety of your system, but you can significantly reduce the risk of power supply failure.

    We can recommend blocks AcBel power supply, Chieftec, Inwin, FSP, Hiper, CoolerMaster, Delta. Of course, Brand Name power supplies are more expensive than No Name, but the difference in price is, in essence, a payment for safety.

    Also, in order to reduce the risk of power supply failure, you should not keep the system unit on the floor, much less in dusty places. After all, the accumulation of dust inside the power supply increases the likelihood of its failure and, most unpleasantly, the likelihood of a fire at the time of failure.

    In conclusion, I would like to note that low-quality power supplies can be damaged due to frequent interruptions or unstable power supply. In this case, if you do not plan to change the power supply in the near future, it is advisable to at least take care of purchasing a system uninterruptible power supply(UPS) or voltage stabilizer.

    2. CPU cooling

    "...an overheating processor emits a disgusting smell..." Modern processors differ exclusively high level heat generation during operation. That is why they vitally need these huge aluminum and copper radiators, sometimes included in the package, sometimes simply recommended for purchase by manufacturers. Most quick way kill the processor - deprive it of the necessary cooling. Some processors are able to survive without proper cooling by automatically "resetting" clock frequency, but objectively, there is no guarantee that this will be enough to save your processor. Some outdated models, such as the series AMD Athlon and Athlon XP+, without proper cooling, will “cook” in a matter of seconds.

    "... I fried the processor. AMD Duron 950. I tested motherboard. Guided by a banal desire to do everything faster, I did not fix the heatsink on the processor. I just “put” it on top. I thought with Duron I had a little time. About 5 seconds passed (or so it seemed to me) before I realized that the board would no longer start and I smelled this strange, peculiar smell...”

    Of course, most of you, after reading an excerpt from this letter, will say something like: “Of course, anything can happen, but I’m not stupid enough to turn on the system without a heatsink installed on the processor...” Perhaps this is true. However, no one is immune from an accidental fan breakdown, from accidentally pressing too hard during its installation and damaging a brand new $700 chip, from having done everything correctly and at the last moment forgetting to turn on the fan’s power, or from other similar accidents. There are quite a few ways to kill the system without paying due attention to the device responsible for cooling the processor.

    What can you do to reduce the risk of getting into the situations listed above? First of all, be extremely careful. When installing the heatsink on the processor, strictly follow the instructions in the instruction manual. Don't forget to apply the required layer of thermal paste or remove the protective cap from the heatsink if this layer has already been applied to its surface. Before fixing the heatsink, make sure that it is in the correct position and is adjacent to the processor core without distortion. Don't forget to connect the fan power, making sure that you have chosen the correct connector on the motherboard and have not reversed the polarity.

    When installing the heatsink and fan on the processor, remain careful. Remember that an increase in system noise and grinding noise may be signs of a “dying” CPU cooling system, and in this case, it is advisable to seek advice from specialists without waiting for resolution.

    3. Fury of Zeus

    Surprising but true. Cases of lightning damage account for 10% of all causes leading to fatal system failure.

    "...It was a rainy day, lightning flashed on the horizon. Then there was a power surge and my modem caught fire..."

    Lightning strikes typically cause severe voltage surges in telephone and power lines. It is not dangerous when lightning strikes a power line or telephone line occurs at a great distance from the building into which these lines are extended. However, the shorter the distance to the nearest building, the higher the risk of damage to the electrical equipment located in it.

    "...my xBox, my DSL modem, network hub and everything network adapters in the house "died" as a result of lightning striking the telephone line. First the modem burned out, then the hub, and after it all the network adapters and my xBox..."

    As a rule, modems and other devices connected to telephone lines are most vulnerable during a thunderstorm. Other PC components connected to more securely shielded power lines have a higher chance of survival. Of course, a modem built into the motherboard does not bode well.

    What should I do to avoid this? Remember how your mother taught you as a child? "There's a thunderstorm outside. Turn off the TV..." She was absolutely right. On a rainy day, staying at home and watching lightning flashing near your area, turn off your computer, disconnect it from the network, and your modem from the telephone line. If you're really bored, take a look better TV. Ultimately, it will be easier to replace.

    If thunderstorms are frequent guests in your region, buy quality system uninterruptible power supply (UPS), which, among other things, has a filter for voltage surges in network and telephone lines. This will allow you to significantly reduce the risk of your system failing due to lightning striking a telephone line or power line.

    4. Incompatible or faulty components = dead system

    "My friend killed the system. The reason was a faulty power supply. I advised him to test the memory in another system. Do you know how it ended? Another killed system. I thought that he was simply not attentive enough. I scolded him and took his memory home, to test it on my PC. Can you guess what the end of the story was? I killed my system..."

    The development of technology and the appearance of new components on the market inevitably gives rise to incompatibility problems. Newer devices may not be compatible with previous generations of devices and this may cause serious damage.

    How to avoid this? Be careful and don't be lazy. Of course, new components can also turn out to be faulty due to a banal manufacturing defect, but if you are installing a used device into your system, take a little time to find out in a safe way for your PC whether it works or not, and whether it is compatible with other components of your system or not.

    If the power supply in your system has failed and you need to check which components have survived, don’t be lazy. Before installing them on another system, spend a little time researching compatibility issues. If you do not have a system at your disposal on which you could test the components you are interested in with 100% confidence in their compatibility with the components of the stand, seek help from specialists, for example, the store where you purchased these components.

    5. Neglecting basic rules can lead to unpleasant consequences

    Unfortunately, many of us often neglect the operating rules, which every self-respecting manufacturer spends several pages listing in each instruction included in the delivery package of each device it produces.

    “One day, after assembling another PC, I discovered that my second Slave disk was “missing” in the system. For each jumper it was selected correct position, but the disk was still not in the system. After checking everything, I found that there was no power cable connected to the drive, so I tried to connect it without turning off the computer. I think you can guess how it all ended..."

    The vast majority of users are well aware that they should not touch anything in the system, much less try to make any changes, without first turning off the power. Nevertheless, there are systematically those who do just that.

    "One day, I needed to connect a hard drive. The computer was already turned on, and I thought that shutting down would take a very long time. Unfortunately, the Molex connector on the hard drive was upside down and when I tried to connect it, I did not have enough precision. Sparks flew... Out of surprise, I dropped the disk on a brand new video card. Of course, it died, like the disk itself..."

    How to avoid this? No need to pretend to be idiots. We are all smart, sensible people. We all know how to read. Read the manufacturer's recommendations and follow them. If you need to make any changes to the system, start by turning off the power. That's what the big beautiful one is for Power button on the front panel of your system unit. And it doesn’t matter if someone, even a consultant in a large specialized store, tells you that floppy drives are “hot-swappable”. No need to test this in practice! Need to replace your floppy drive? Turn off the power! And then do everything necessary actions.

    6. USB device failure at the time of connection

    "...I connected one of my USB flash drives to copy data to the hard drive, and the computer just turned off...As a result, the processor died and that's it optical drives. Concerning USB flash drive, I still didn’t dare to connect it to another system to check if it works..."

    The list of causes of failures that have the most catastrophic consequences for the system includes failures of USB devices at the time of connection and cases short circuit occupy a modest sixth place. The main characteristic of such incidents is their random nature. The device can work flawlessly for many months or even several years, and suddenly fail during the next regular connection.

    USB interface handles higher currents than most other I/O interfaces. This is why a short circuit has catastrophic consequences for the entire system if there are no fuses on the motherboard. Another possible reason The failure of USB devices may be due to the fact that they undergo a connection/disconnection procedure much more often than other devices, which increases the likelihood of contact wear and, accordingly, the risk of failure at the time of the next connection.

    How to avoid this? Effective way There is probably no reduction in the risk of USB device failure at the time of connection. Unless you don’t use USB devices at all. However, we, of course, cannot give such a recommendation.

    According to statistics, the largest percentage devices connected to the USB connectors on the front panel of the case. Perhaps this data will make you re-evaluate the feasibility of using such USB ports.

    If the need to connect/disconnect USB devices occurs quite often, we can recommend purchasing a USB hub or at least using an extension cable.

    7. Problems with power supply

    A large percentage of all fatal system failures are caused by a variety of power supply problems. Frequent power surges, sudden temporary power outages, forced constant or regularly repeated operation of equipment at low voltage, as well as damage to power cables can shorten the life of your PC.

    "One day, somewhere in the house there was a short circuit. The only place in the house with grounding was... Can you guess?... Yes! My computer! Mom smelled burning, and, looking into my room, saw puffs of smoke and flames escaping from -under the housing covers..."

    Objectively, all the problems listed in this section could be included in the section devoted to cases of power supply failure. However, we have highlighted these problems in separate section, to highlight that regular power outages or failures can be just as dangerous as a faulty or poor-quality power supply.

    What can you do to avoid getting into such a situation? Every system should have at least a surge filter. Ideally, it would be a good idea to have an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system that provides output voltage stabilization. The cost of a good UPS usually hovers around $100. If you think this is too much, consider how much it would cost you to replace the entire system.

    8. Short circuit

    In the vast majority of cases, the cause of a short circuit in the system is incorrect installation one of the components. As a result, usually the metal part is not properly installed device comes into contact with tracks on the motherboard or other electronic components, an electrical discharge occurs between the contacting elements, often leading to devastating consequences.

    Also, the cause of a short circuit can be screws “lost” during assembly or small metal objects accidentally falling into the case.

    How to avoid this? When assembling the system or replacing or adding any components to the system, before closing the case, make sure that all devices are installed correctly, that thin-insulated cables are clear of the motherboard, and that the case contains there is nothing left over. Remember that if you waste this time, it could be very costly for you in the future. unpleasant consequences.

    9. Static electricity discharge

    The troubles that a discharge of static electricity can cause are well known to the vast majority of users. A static discharge may not cause harm to the device on whose surface it is generated, but it can damage other components of the system.

    "All I did was sit down and put my hand on the mouse. The discharge of static electricity was an unpleasant surprise. An even more unpleasant surprise was the fact that the keyboard stopped responding to key presses. The mouse also did not show signs of life and, moreover, like me noticed it got very hot. I rebooted the system, but that didn’t help. The keyboard still didn’t work, and the mouse got so hot that it was impossible to touch it..."

    Although the discharge of static electricity usually seems insignificant, although unpleasant, to a person, it should be remembered that in the process of this small shock energy is released that can cause serious damage to the extremely sensitive electrical circuits of a desktop PC, accustomed to a carefully calibrated supply voltage, the supply of which is accompanied by effective cooling. Human body has incomparably higher resistance electric current than the average microcircuit. Therefore, touching any component of the system without first “grounding” can result not only in unpleasant physical sensations, but also in quite serious expenses for replacing damaged components.

    How to avoid this? Before you begin, touch a grounding source to remove any static electricity you may have accumulated. Antistatic wrist straps are a good solution to the problem, although they are not required components of modern PCs.

    In addition, when planning to work with a computer, try not to wear woolen items. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, woolen items can kill your system. And cats... those little walking "furries"... Keep them away from your PCs.

    10. Transportation

    Computers are made up of many components that can be easily damaged during transportation.

    "While moving the computer to my friend's house and then back, one of the memory stick latches opened and the stick jumped half out of the slot. The motherboard burned out... The memory, oddly enough, still works..."

    Constantly moving your computer from place to place is a sure way to kill the system. CPU heatsinks are becoming larger and heavier, and a similar trend can be seen among cooling systems GPUs. These elements place serious stress on the motherboard even when the computer is in one place. In the process of carrying, the load on the motherboard increases significantly.

    How to avoid troubles when transporting a computer? If you need to transport your computer, then once at your destination, before connecting the machine to the network, remove the cover of the system unit and check if everything is in order inside. Make sure that expansion cards, memory sticks, heatsinks, and video cards are still firmly secured. By spending a little time and attention on this, you can reduce the risk of system failure.

    And besides, try not to drop the computer.

    11. Overclocking

    Today, overclocking has become so commonplace that many have begun to forget that this procedure can have Negative consequences. However, overclocking automatically voids the warranty on the components you used to build your PC, or on the entire computer if you purchased the computer assembled.

    The increased voltage that is an integral part of overclocking puts additional stress on the components it affects, inevitably shortening their lifespan.

    The probability of failure of overclocked components directly at the moment of overclocking is small, provided, of course, that you do not raise the “bar” too high. However, in the long term, the likelihood of overclocked components dying prematurely is quite high.

    How to avoid component failure during overclocking? The only correct answer to this question is “Do not overclock the system. Forget about this possibility and you can avoid many troubles that the slightest mistake can cause when performing this procedure.” However, the vast majority of users are unlikely to follow this recommendation. Therefore, for those who still try to improve the performance of their system through overclocking, we can advise the following. Be patient. Before you start experimenting on your own system, spend a little time studying the experience of others. If you wish, you can find very interesting documents on this issue on the Internet. When overclocking your own system, increase the operating frequencies and voltage gradually. Remember that too sudden a change in one of the characteristics can lead to unpleasant consequences.


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