What should an smm manager do. Tasks of smm marketing

SMM is Social Media Marketing or marketing in in social networks. An SMM specialist or SMM manager promotes a company, its brand, goods and services on social networks - Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Odnoklassniki, Youtube, Telegram and others.

The profession of an SMM specialist involves complex, multi-purpose work - writing posts, maintaining publics, advertising, communicating with visitors and customers, launching activities for users, and other tasks. Similar work requires constant communication and being online. You need to prepare mentally for this.

To better understand who an SMM specialist / manager is, I will describe how he looks from the outside:

Artem, my colleague "in the shop", did not work at his desk, but sat on the couch all the time. He had a laptop on his lap, an iPhone on the left, a notebook and a tablet on the coffee table. Constantly something beeped, buzzed and vibrated. He regularly picked up the phone, looked, laughed, poked and ran his finger across the screen and whispered something with his lips. Nobody called him, but they wrote and liked tons and he kept track of everything and reacted to everything.

Places of work

SMM managers work in Internet agencies, digital agencies and in companies that build sales and promotion through social networks.

Tasks and responsibilities of an SMM specialist

The main responsibilities of the SMM manager are as follows:

Requirements for an SMM specialist

As a rule, the SMM manager is required to:

  • Competent speech (oral and written). Ability to write interesting texts.
  • The ability to develop communities and attract subscribers without cheating and their direct purchase.
  • Experience in targeted advertising. Knowledge of programs and services that automate and simplify work (for example, Cerebro Target or Pepper.ninja).
  • Knowledge of web analytics Google Analytics, Yandex.Metrica).

Sometimes the requirements for an SMM specialist include:

  • Experience and portfolio of completed projects.
  • Knowledge of graphic packages for photo processing, creating pictures and infographics.
  • Excellent knowledge of English.
  • Event organization experience.
  • Knowledge of marketing and the ability to promote products and services in the market.

The first way to become an SMM manager is through self-learning and freelancing. Development of your publics and blogs (for example, about a hobby or an interesting topic), freelancing with orders entry level in six months or a year it will give practical experience and allow you to develop a portfolio. This, in turn, will give a chance to get a job in a digital agency and grow to a professional. This is one of the shortest paths to the profession, but it requires self-discipline.

The second way to become an SMM specialist is to get a degree in PR, journalism, marketing or take courses in SMM and find a job in social media promotion. Even an entry-level position is suitable - an assistant SMM specialist or a copywriter. In the process, you can quickly gain experience, grow and start leading serious projects.

SMM specialist salary

Market analysis shows that SMM-specialists earn from about 30 to 90 thousand rubles a month. The higher the salary, the closer the SMM manager is to marketing and the more serious the tasks he solves.

Modern times and today I'll tell you who he is SMM manager or SMM specialist what he does, what his duties are, what skills he should have, and a lot of other information on this topic. It will be useful to know this not only for those who are looking for vacancies as an SMM manager, but also for those who are looking for such a specialist and want to get professional and quality services. So, first things first.

SMM manager: who is it?

I think it's no secret to anyone that representatives of most business areas in one way or another are looking for their customers, their target audience on the Internet, including promoting their brand / product on social networks. This is the task that SMM specialists perform.

An SMM manager (SMM specialist) is a person who promotes a particular product/brand/website in one or more social networks.

The SMM manager can work in different ways:

  • a company providing marketing services;
  • to the company whose brand/product he will promote;
  • as for several companies/customers;
  • at your workplace in a company with a fixed work schedule;
  • remotely from home with a free schedule.

In general, there are many options for the work of an SMM specialist, and each performer, like the customer, is free to choose those that are more suitable for their situation.

SMM manager: responsibilities.

Consider the main tasks of an SMM manager: what are the duties of an SMM specialist, what are the requirements for candidates for such vacancies (in each specific case, the emphasis can be placed on some individual areas of work).

Task 1 . Determination of the SMM promotion strategy. First of all, the SMM manager determines the target audience of the project, conducts a marketing study of its interests and behavior. Then he chooses the best platforms (social networks) to promote a particular brand or product, where this the target audience maximally focused. The tasks of an SMM specialist also include the selection best practices SMM promotion, inclusion and integration of this area of ​​marketing into the overall marketing strategy of the company.

Task 2 . Creation and positioning of communities in social networks. The SMM manager develops and creates communities / public pages on social networks, thinks over their name, description, design, design, structure. If necessary, develops applications for social networks, pages for events, meetings, events, etc. SMM specialist conducts communities and official pages, integrates them with the official website, (depending on the situation).

Task 3 . Community administration, content management. After creation, the SMM specialist administers these pages: creates, selects and publishes content. Writes texts, creates pictures and videos adapted to the format of the social network and a specific community, plans optimal time their publications, creates and motivates discussions. The SMM manager stimulates user activity on the pages, distribution necessary information through personal accounts subscribers, attracting new subscribers to the community.

Task 4 . Advertising companies in social networks. The tasks of an SMM specialist necessarily include conducting advertising campaigns on social networks in order to attract more subscribers to the community. Work with targeted advertising of social networks themselves, advertising in other communities, holding contests, promotions, sweepstakes, etc.

Task 5 . Community management. The SMM manager promptly monitors communications on their pages, makes sure that the atmosphere there is friendly and trusting. Stimulates user activity by publishing posts that involve discussion. Tracks negative comments and promptly responds to them (does not delete, but smooths out the negative, ideally completely eliminates it). Identifies leaders and sources of negativity in the community and works with them. Organizes online meetings, discussions, events.

Task 6 . Network and community monitoring. The SMM manager analyzes the statistics, dynamics of the development of the entrusted communities and draws conclusions about the effectiveness of SMM promotion, identifies strengths and weak sides running the company. He must understand web analytics tools and social media statistics, be able to calculate the cost of each target action (acquiring a subscriber, selling through a social network, etc.), track client traffic.

SMM specialist: skills, qualities, requirements.

Consider what skills (in addition to those listed above) and qualities an SMM manager should have.

  1. Marketing skills. Ability to conduct marketing analysis, develop advertising and advertising strategies, conduct advertising companies and activities.
  2. Manager skills. Ability to find business partners, negotiate and business correspondence, manage the project, draw up an action plan, work for the result.
  3. Communication skills. High level communication, the ability to communicate competently and constructively, to find mutual language with a variety of people.

To work as an SMM specialist, it is not necessary to have a diploma of higher education(although, of course, a degree in marketing or management will be a significant advantage). You can take some courses that teach this specialty, you can learn this business on your own if you wish.

In the work of the SMM manager, the key role is played not by a diploma or other document on education, but by the real efficiency of his work, its result.

SMM manager: vacancies.

Where to look for jobs and vacancies of a SMM manager? There are several options here:

  1. Advertising and marketing agencies.
  2. In companies engaged in SEO promotion, promotion on the Internet.
  3. In the media.
  4. On any sites (informational, company sites, online stores), because they may need SMM promotion services (you need to look through the sections of vacancies and offer your services on your own).
  5. On employment portals (you can respond to already posted vacancies and post your resume).

Now you have an idea of ​​who an SMM manager is and what he does. Despite such an abstruse description as it may seem to someone, this work is not so difficult, it is easy to master. Many people can work as SMM specialists, but, of course, only a few can be a highly paid professional in this business, as, indeed, in any other business.

I hope my article will help you make your choice. Stay on and master various ways active earning and investing. See you on the pages of the site!

Daria Golovanova

Reading time: 14 min.

Perhaps the fastest growing profession on the Internet for last years- SMM manager. She has already managed to acquire various stories, misunderstandings and myths, such as the fact that this is a job for schoolchildren, etc. It seems to us that it is time to start debunking them. Let's figure out what is meant in job descriptions, why an SMM manager is really needed, and how it should work.

What can be the duties of an ideal SMM manager?

The main responsibilities of the social media manager in the company may include:

  • building a common strategy for brand presence in social networks;
  • turning this strategy into reality;
  • the ability to feel and understand the brand, to focus all actions on its target audience and communicate in its language
  • reasonable budget management, management and analysis of advertising campaigns;
  • the ability to take beautiful pictures. Even on the phone. Small business can no longer be imagined without beautiful profile Instagram is nowhere else, and ordering a lot of shooting is not always the best a budget option. That is why photo content often has to be implemented by the SMM manager;
  • have a sense of beauty and be able to catch trends.
  • competent written language, ability to write and correct text content;
  • knowledge of at least the basics of layout and understanding of usability to optimize the site for social networks is very welcome;
  • and, of course, the ability to work with people and the skills of a psychologist are very important;
  • and etc.

Ksenia Prokina, Editorial Group Head Sociorama by iConGroup:

“Today, often, different employers determine in their own way who an SMM manager is in his company, and what exactly he should do. At interviews, the conversation often begins like this: "Let's decide what we mean by this word." So, one employer sees an employee in this place, who, having decided on the goal, splits it into tasks, selects tools, briefs, controls, reports to the SMM director or the head of the marketing department. And the other will indicate tasks such as: writing content, moderating communities, working in tandem with a designer, reporting. But he will not, for example, control the budget, select promotion tools, etc.

The fact is that it is unrealistic to cover the entire pool of tasks and do it by hand. We are now talking, of course, about real professionals, and not about schoolchildren or mothers on maternity leave, who were inspired by the opportunity to make money on the Internet. Therefore, ideally, tasks are divided into several employees by specialization, for example, I am responsible for content, moderation and design.

As you can see, the hands of a good CMM worker must grow bushy: he must be diversified and be ready to perform a wide range of work.

And now let's start debunking the myths that have taken root in our heads.

Myth 1. Work in social networks - for interns and students

Social media marketing is one of the necessary tasks for business development of any size. If you think that this is some kind of childish task that any student can perform, then you can put an end to your reputation. Incorrect positioning, low-quality content, misunderstanding of the strategy and goals - all this will at best lead to a decrease in the number of subscribers, and at worst, it will negatively affect the attitude towards the brand and sales.

Myth 2. Social networks are the same job for 8 hours 5 days a week

Here is another common stereotype. Social media marketing is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day. In order for SMM marketing to have significant authority in social networks, you need to be online all the time. This means that you should be able to use various planning tools, ideally being able to answer questions potential buyers at any time of the day or night (after all, if the Internet never sleeps).

Myth 3. You will not achieve effective and measurable results from an SMM marketer.

Today it is also not impossible to measure the result and effectiveness of work in SMM. There are several options to track the result of the work of the SMM manager:

  • Pay attention to reach, user engagement, conversion of paid traffic to social. And don't forget to track ROI - an indicator of return on investment for SMM.
  • Track the growth of ER - the engagement index.
  • Analyze the place of SMM in associated conversions. Thus, you can evaluate the payback of the employee.

Myth 4. All work is just asking friends and acquaintances to like posts to increase the level of social presence.

Experienced social media people won't ask friends and family to like their posts all the time. They know full well that they will not be able to fool the program that calculates the activity coefficient. It is a little more complicated than users are used to thinking. That is why it is so important to work out the creative of posts and interact with a large number of audiences.

Myth 5: We don't need

Social media is not suitable for our industry.” A lot of people talk like that. In our courses, one of the most common questions is what should we write about, because we are from B2B. Especially B2B manufacturing companies such as construction, industry, etc.

However, while they and their B2B partners don't understand how to implement social media, their employees are still socially active people and they also like to surf the net, watch the news on interesting topics including their professional orientation. Look around: from children to grandparents, all in social media these days.

A common mistake B2B companies make is to treat their customers as just other companies and not as the people who work for them, who are just as socially accessible as everyone else.

In principle, this is possible. But only if there is unique product and with initially perfectly designed marketing.

Myth 6. The demand for SMM specialists has already formed

As we can see on the graph, the demand for SMM specialists began to increase significantly since January 2016, and the number of vacancies has almost doubled, as a result of which competition is also intensifying.

Myth 7. SMM should be cheap

Today there is a generally accepted opinion that it is quite possible to get by with small budgets at the initial stage of SMM promotion. Of course, SMM services today do not have any fixed cost, and each company can put its own “price tag”.

But, when starting to work with SMM, it is extremely important to understand that a one-time action will give absolutely nothing to the business. SMM must be integrated into the marketing communications system for any type of business, and it is advisable to wait for the result only with regular work.

Of course, you can pay a specialist less, but in this case, you should not expect a predicted result, it can turn out to be zero. Many employers continue to turn to freelancers who are ready to “make SMM for $200”, but after 1-2 months of wasted time, money and nerves, they turn to professionals for help.

Therefore, if you are really ready to spend some money one-time, it’s better to go through a good SMM intensive in order to understand the big picture, and what your SMM manager should be directly involved in. Such a course will give you a clear understanding of where, for what and with what efficiency your budgets and paid "man-hours" will go.

Myth 8. It is not necessary for an SMM manager to have a lot of subscribers himself?

Maybe yes. But not just bots. Agree, it’s very undignified when a person has 4,000 friends, and on his wall there are cats slammed by his mother.

If you decide to communicate through the personal page of the manager, then it can become another channel of communication with clients. In addition to posting, he can ideally become an opinion leader, able to tell your customers everything about the company, products, and in a friendly way. After all, if you love your project, you will not be ashamed to tell your friends about it, otherwise, you should not take it on.

However, there are many professional SMM people who, on the contrary, appear minimally on social networks. Maybe it's the social media addiction.

Most The right way communication with the client in this case - the formation of a separate working page. After all, many people want to tell everything honestly on their page, for example, about a brand. But in this case, the manager has no right to represent his company with such messages on the wall.

Myth 9. An SMM manager can do everything.

Very often, anything can be demanded from a smm manager - to count budgets and engage in promotion, and draw, and dance, etc. But as a rule, people who claim that they can do all this are definitely sagging in something.

It is important to decide what work can be done inhouse, and what can be entrusted simply to the control of the SMM manager. For example, write content within the brand, and promote with the help of a contractor. Or vice versa.

Of course, SMM is a complex topic. There are really big budgets here, something changes every day and something new is invented.

SMM managers, and not only - write your comments and additions in the comments, what stereotypes do you encounter in your work?

SMM specialist - who is it and what should you know? This question is asked by both company executives who want to create their own social media staff, and professionals who dream of devoting themselves to this profession.

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Based on our experience, we will tell you about the duties, skills and requirements for an smm (smm) specialist. To begin with, this profession has appeared relatively recently due to the rapid growth of social media as a platform for working with clients. Institutes do not yet have such a specialty and, as a rule, those who have a marketing or PR education and experience in these areas become smm specialists. Of course, according to statistics, most people do not work in their specialty, but we give preference to people with the above base. After all, Social Media Marketing stands for Social Media Marketing. That is, it is the base of a specialist as a marketer or PR specialist that is important, social networks are just a separate branch of work. It is clear that, as in any narrow area, specific knowledge is required here, which the future smm specialist will receive by taking courses and training in this area.

How to become an smm specialist?

How to become a smm specialist is the second popular question. There are two stages, as in any field - theoretical and practical. To begin with, the future smm (smm) specialist receives theoretical training by studying at specialized schools or taking online training. After that, having received the necessary theoretical knowledge, and sometimes practical skills (some schools provide such an opportunity), you can already get a job. Without practical work experience, a candidate may apply for an assistant or intern position in the social media department. If you have copywriting skills, it is possible to get a position as a content specialist and then, having shown initiative and desire, in practice, under the guidance of a mentor, gain deeper knowledge of smm.

Required knowledge and skills of a SMM specialist

The work of an smm specialist requires the following knowledge and skills and consists of the following main blocks of tasks:

1. Marketing:

  • Creating a brand presence strategy in social media
  • Conducting competitive analysis
  • Identification of consumer insights and barriers to product use
  • Determining the target audience of the brand and understanding the behavioral patterns in various social networks, target audience segmentation
  • Ability to build a positive dialogue with users of social networks, understanding consumer psychology

2. General managerial skills:

  • Planning work on a project for SMM promotion
  • Assigning tasks to other team members (designers, copywriters)
  • Document flow

3. Highly specialized SMM skills:

  • Understanding the capabilities of smm and setting KPIs ( key indicators work efficiency)
  • Knowledge of social networks, forums, their technical capabilities
  • Ability to create accounts, groups on all social platforms
  • Tracking smm trends and using them in your work
  • Ability to set up ads

4. Analytical data:

  • Calculation of the cost of an smm campaign
  • Choice more effective channel promotion, including by calculating the cost of contact
  • Calculation of engagement indicators
  • Calculation of the effectiveness of specific tools (advertising, competition, activity)
  • Advertising campaign analytics

5. Creative component:

  • Ability to write texts on any topic and for different tasks
  • Ability to come up with regular activities for different audiences

And this list is far from complete. So, as you can see, an smm specialist is a serious job, and not just sitting on VKontakte. If you want to create your own department or just hire an employee, we recommend reading in addition. If you want to work in the field of smm, see if we have open vacancies, and perhaps you can become part of our team.

SMM (Social Media Marketing) is a tool for clients and sales from social networks.
Today SMM is not only cats and likes, but also real sales. Of course, you can just create a group, post 5 messages a week there and wait for the crowds of new customers to come. That doesn't work. Without a systematic approach, there will be no result.

What does it include?

Where to begin? From development - a plan to achieve the company's business goals with the help of social networks. The strategy will help determine the goals of your presence in social media, ways to achieve them, set priorities, and most importantly, predict the potential effect and not deviate from the intended route.

To write an SMM strategy, you need:

  • Assess the current position of the brand in social networks: the number and activity of subscribers, the relevance and quality of content, find all the mentions of your brand in social networks - what and how they say about you.
  • Conduct a competitive analysis.
  • Create a consumer profile
  • Formulating a unique selling proposition is what distinguishes the company and its product/service from competitors. Helps brainstorm with colleagues, customer survey - why they chose you. It is possible to rebuild from competitors not only due to low prices.
  • Determine the format of presence in social networks
  • Commercial format: you do not hide your commercial interest and openly offer users to buy your product or service. As a rule, such groups host a product catalog, discussions are held with questions and feedback from customers, and the content is commercial in nature. Target commercial format- sales.
  • interest format. Such communities build a sales funnel. The goal is to collect as many potential customers as possible from the target audience, and then publish advertising little by little. As a rule, at first subscribers do not even realize that the community belongs to the company. Users are involved in the group through their interests, publishing useful and relevant content: about music, business, fashion, cooking, etc.
  • Mixed format. The company acts as an expert - it publishes useful thematic content, periodically diluting it with commercial content. If the content is useful, unique and relevant, then your reputation as experts will grow, and hence the loyalty of the audience. Your opinion will be trusted, advice will be listened to and, most importantly, it will correlate with the promoted brand. The level of professional competence is one of the key factors that influences the purchase decision. For example, according to this principle, Alfa-Bank develops its community for b2b clients. Community administrators understand that only commercial content will cause boredom and negativity, so they provide useful information for business by mentioning the brand.

Graphic design of groups

Meet by clothes. A corporate account is the face of your business on social networks. It should look professional: design, create a post design template that will highlight your publications in the subscribers' news feed.

Community Creation Checklist

Name. Formulate the name of the community according to the principle “brand” + “main key query". Think how they might look for you potential clients and check the data in Yandex.Wordstat.

Group URL. Must match the brand name and be the same in all social networks. Sometimes the address you want is already taken. It is worth finding a short memorable name that can be written on a business card, packaging, sign.

Description of the group. Try to fit all the information briefly and immediately state your benefits.
These items affect the position of your groups in search results Yandex and Google:

Privacy settings. Make the group public so anyone can join. Do not disable comments on posts. Limit group admins to uploading photos and videos to albums. VKontakte has a great opportunity to add words to the spam filter, which helps block obscene expressions. Monitor comments on your posts daily.

Alerts. To quickly respond to messages in groups, set up alerts and check the mail to which notifications are received. For our clients we use special services, which instantly announce new comments on all social networks.

Showcase. Available on Vkontakte and Facebook: you can add products and services as price cards. There are services that allow you to automatically upload products from the catalog on the website to social networks. We recommend using them if you have a large catalog of goods and prices change frequently.

Identification marks. Geotags and branded hashtags must be created and used in official community, it will help users find your content and share it on social networks. Just adding a hashtag to a post is not enough. Certain rules must be followed. For our clients, we create a guide to using hashtags.

Creating a content strategy

What is content marketing? It is the creation and dissemination useful information that meets the interests of your audience and helps solve their problems.

What is content marketing for? In order to demonstrate their competence, gain the trust of the audience, increase their loyalty and, as a result, exchange this loyalty for money. Investing in content is strategic: brand loyalty is not formed overnight, so expect to see commercial impact in 3-6 months. Content is the foundation effective promotion business in social networks.

A content strategy should answer the following questions:

  1. What do we want to say to our audience?
  2. How often will we talk about it?
  3. What format and style of content will we use?

Content categories

  1. Entertaining content is what users come to social networks for. This type of content gets good viral coverage, i.e. users actively share it with their friends. This type content is well presented.
  2. Educational content - helps the user solve his problems, teaches, broadens his horizons. it great way demonstrate the competence of the company as an expert in its field. With expert content and more.
  3. Commercial content. In fact, this is an advertisement for your goods or services. Motivate the audience to follow the link, call or take another targeted action. Do not abuse such content, the user will answer you with an unsubscribe to endless advertising publications. This content great for promotion, .
  4. User-generated content is posts that your customers post on social media. Reviews about your services, product reviews, photos in a restaurant, and any other content that mentions a brand or company. It helps a lot in getting user-generated content by holding a contest, .
  5. News content. Subscribers are interested in the content that you create yourself. None Nice picture from a photo bank will not tell about your business better than a photo taken by you. Do not be afraid to talk about the inner workings, introduce employees, share successes and failures. Your sincerity builds trust among subscribers. We very often give clients' products and services to try small but active bloggers, .
People don't buy from companies. People buy from people.

What else is important to consider when creating content:

  • talk to the subscriber in his language
  • smash big text into blocks - it will be easier for the reader to perceive it
  • observe the frequency of publications - the content should be regular

What to do if there is not enough content?

Information hunger often occurs in b2b companies. If in the first month you make 50 posts, and in the second you find that there is nothing to write about, this is a bad script. Sensibly evaluate your strengths, determine the headings and sources of content.

An example of categories and content sources for one of our b2b clients:

  • getting to know the company's employees: a few photos in a working environment, a short story about what the employee does in the company;
  • Photo and video production process: immerse the reader in the atmosphere of the company;
  • photos of goods in the interior: we clearly demonstrate the possibilities of using the goods;
  • repost of user publications with the company's product:
  • chronicles of events: advanced training courses, exhibitions, seminars in which you participate;
  • graphics from the designer: branded holiday greetings, presentation of a new product, etc.

Advertising in social networks

Content is not enough to publish, it needs to be promoted. In order for your publication to be seen by the target audience, coverage is required, i.e. as many views as possible. It’s good when you have a large and loyal audience of your own that actively shares your posts. What to do if your own coverage is not enough?

Targeted advertising

Targeted advertising in social networks is text and image ads that are seen only by those users who meet certain criteria: gender, age, geography, etc.
  • relevance of content to the selected audience - the more relevant and more useful content, the lower the cost per click;
  • the amount of text on the image - the more text, the higher the cost per click;
  • level of competition - the more advertisers show ads to the same audience, the higher the cost per click.
What posts should be promoted? Primarily commercial. You can combine an informative post with a link to a product. Do not forget to put UTM tags in ad links to track the effectiveness of advertising in analytics systems - Yandex.Direct or Google Analytics. Along with commercial posts, promote entertaining, unique, interesting content. This will allow you to get a large and cheap coverage, an interested audience and a media effect.

What are the targeting options?
Basic: gender, age and geography.

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