What to do says there is a problem with synchronization. Make sure you have access to Google

Synchronization Google account on Android smartphone- This is a very convenient feature. Thanks to her part important information from the smartphone is saved to Google servers and in case of transition to new smartphone this information can be quickly retrieved.

For example, a list of contacts. If you use account synchronization, then after switching to a new smartphone, your contact list will appear on it in just a minute and you will not have to manually re-enter all phone numbers.

In this material you will learn how to enable and configure Google account synchronization on your Android smartphone or tablet.

After you have selected a Google account, you will see synchronization settings for this account. Here you can enable or disable synchronization of many services, including the Chrome web browser, Gmail, notes Google Keep and much more. To enable synchronization, move the switches opposite necessary services to the “On” position.

If you want account synchronization to begin immediately, you can click on the button in the right top corner screen and select the “Synchronize” option in the menu that opens.

This will start synchronizing all selected services with your Google account. If synchronization still does not work, then you need to check your Internet access.

Now let’s figure out what to do if your Android phone or tablet does not sync with Google accounts and displays an error.

This article is suitable for phones and tablets of all Android device manufacturers: Samsung, LG, Sony, Huawei, Xiaomi, HTC, ZTE, Fly, Alcatel and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

Syncing your Google account on your Android device is very convenient function. Thanks to it, some important information from a tablet or smartphone is stored on Google servers. When switching to a new gadget given information can be quickly restored.

For example, a list of contacts. When you apply account synchronization, when you switch to new phone the list of your contacts will be displayed on it in 1 minute and you will not have to manually enter everything again phone numbers. Let's look at cases with Google account synchronization errors on Android devices.

Causes of synchronization errors between Android and Google

When Android does not synchronize information with the Google server, the reasons must be sought primarily in the operation of your gadget. Errors can also occur on Google's side, but quite rarely. Such failures are quickly detected and corrected.


Users most often encounter a notification that indicates a failure, the exact cause of which is not clear. Perhaps it is with the actions of users or with incorrect settings to login. Devices with unofficial firmware can harm the system, so they will have to be removed and the gadget returned to its original state.

The most unpleasant situation when a Google account synchronization error is displayed on Android may be “stuck synchronization.” In this case, the entire system freezes, and the error can be corrected after rebooting the tablet or smartphone.

A synchronization error may occur due to incorrect entry of personal data (login and password). You must enter the correct information that you received during registration. In extreme situations, you can recover your password.

Sometimes synchronization errors are due to incorrect system settings. You can reset to factory settings, but in most cases this is not necessary. Just go to settings and examine the included services.

Synchronization must be enabled for all accounts. First, you can deselect services that require authentication, and then reboot the gadget. Then, on the newly turned on device, you need to go to the accounts section and check the boxes next to the corresponding services.

In some situations, you will need to disable two-level authentication in your account security settings. You can also use the transfer of information to background and auto-sync.

If Android refuses to synchronize photos, mail, contacts and other information, perform the following actions:

  • Reboot the device.
  • Checking the stability of the Internet connection. We connect to Wi-Fi, if possible.
  • We check that synchronization is enabled and the settings are configured correctly.
  • Delete your Google account and add it again.

For removing account you should go to “Settings”, “Accounts”, then to “Google” and call extra menu(top right button in the form of 3 buttons). Now click “Delete”.


When deleting accounts, no data will be lost, as the account remains intact. We reboot the gadget, and during next switch on add your Google profile again, specify your login and password.


If errors continue to occur during synchronization, you should add another Google account. If other accounts do not work normally, you need to reflash the gadget. It is recommended to use only official firmware, since custom assemblies have their drawbacks, which can lead to different system failures.

How to enable Google synchronization with Android?

To enable Google account synchronization, you must first go to “Settings” on Android. Then we scroll down the settings until we reach the block with the “Personal Data” settings. Go to “Accounts” or in other versions “Accounts”.


Then a list will be displayed with the accounts that you have logged into before on your Android. To enable synchronization, select Google account. If your Google account is not in the list, it means you are not logged in.

In this situation, you should click on “Add account”, this button is located at the bottom of the list, and then follow the instructions displayed on the screen.


After selecting a Google account, the user will be shown synchronization settings for of this account. Here you can disable or enable synchronization of many services, for example, Google notes Keep, Gmail, Chrome web browser and more. To enable synchronization, move the switch opposite necessary services to the “On” position.


To start immediate account synchronization, you need to click on the button in the upper right corner of the screen. A menu will open where you should select “Synchronize”.


By default, information from applications, contacts and calendar are synchronized. If you want to automatically synchronize photos with Google servers, you need to download the application Google photo. By going to the application settings, the “Startup and synchronization” line is available. When activated on cloud storage Photos will be sent.

Google – the entire basis of the “green robot” is built on it. When purchasing new mobile friend, first of all you need to create your account. After creating it, do a few more manipulations to correct operation, the last stage of which is synchronization.

How to complete all these processes and how to enable Google account synchronization on Android at the last stage is described in detail below.

Account creation

Creating one is quite simple, following these tips:

  1. In the field provided, enter any “name” of your choice. It will be registered as an email address. Moreover, you only need to come up with the beginning of the address, since the ending @gmail.com is set by default.
  2. Create a strong password.
  3. After clicking "OK", a user box is created.

It is imperative that you remember your address and password, since they will be required many times in the future.

Copy and restore

After creating an account, the system will prompt you to install backup and recovery. What does it mean?

  • backup is the preservation of all information located on the medium, which is transferred to the account of its owner;
  • recovery - since the gadget is a computer brainchild, a failure can occur at any time. In addition, the owner can, on his own initiative, reinstall and reset to factory settings. Any reinstallation will delete all information. To avoid losing it, “Recovery” will help, which after reinstallation will restore everything without loss. The entire database will be stored in the so-called “cloud”.

How to enable Google account synchronization on Android

Synchronization can make work as comfortable as possible. Main advantages:

  1. Browser. After synchronization, the user will gain access to them each time he logs into the sites on which he is registered (for example, Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Avito). There will be no need to enter your login and password every time.
  2. Contacts. The function is convenient not only on smartphones. Most modern tablets come with phone capabilities (you can use them to make calls). All numbers available on the gadget will be synchronized with Google, this will allow you to “get” all phone numbers if you change or lose your SIM card.
  3. Access to applications. Applications can be safely downloaded from a dedicated Play service A market that is installed on all “robot” devices. These applications include games, antivirus programs, films, music, books, social media, text editors, browsers, live wallpapers, translators and many others, depending on your needs. All possibilities Play Store will become available only after synchronization.

The following recommendations will help you figure out how to do this. Acts as an assistant Lenovo tablet on robot RAM version 6.0.

First of all, go to the settings, scroll almost to the end, to “Personal data”, find the “Accounts” column.

A window will open in which to select Google.

Next, click on the email address (will appear automatically), synchronization will begin. Please note that this requires an Internet connection. The process may begin on its own, or it may require manual pressing for all arrows.

The process is complete. With this system operation The following parameters are synchronized:

  • browser (in in this example Chrome);
  • gmail ( Email user);
  • Play movies;
  • photo;
  • disk;
  • applications;
  • calendar;
  • contacts.

The gadget is ready for full and systematic work!

Updates are required periodically, especially after the Internet is turned off, to improve overall performance and for other reasons. In order not to bother yourself with all the above manipulations each time, you can enable auto mode. We'll look at how to enable it in detail below.

  • To begin, proceed according to the already familiar scheme. Go to settings, go to “Personal data”, select the “Accounts” column.

Important! When auto-sync is enabled, more fast consumption battery charge. Synchronization will constantly work in the background, will be updated regularly, and accordingly, the equipment will be in an active status, and the battery life will become less long-term.

To disable auto mode, you need to uncheck the box. But when disconnected they will not come system messages! For example, about received letters in your mailbox. This may result in important information not being received on time. So you have to choose: regularly log into your Mailbox, in manual control, connect the base synchronization or sacrifice battery power, but receive all the important news on time.

If you decide to buy a new smartphone or need to transfer a lot of information from a gadget, synchronization will become a lifesaver. When you access gmail.com from any medium using your main account address, you can open all the data from the original source.

As can be seen from the article, the problem is how to enable regular or automatic synchronization Google account on Android is quite easy to solve. Tricks that are very easy to implement will help make using your favorite “robot” easier! Make your own virtual space as comfortable as possible!

Many people think Android is perfect operating system and don't expect anything from her unpleasant surprises(Picture 1). But in reality, there are no ideal operating systems, and even Android can stun you with glitches Google sync.

This problem often occurs after installing pirated firmware, but sometimes the reason may be due to certain system failures.

Figure 1. Authentication error window on an Android device

Reasons for Google Android Sync Failure

Very often the reason why profile synchronization fails is not specific problems with the operating system or with the device itself, but incorrect user actions.

Auto-sync is enabled on your device

An error in comparing Google and Android pages may be due to out-of-date settings or disabled auto-sync.

In this case, resetting the settings to factory settings will help. But first, it is recommended to carry out the following manipulations:

  • Go to settings;
  • Check the status of all profiles by clicking “users”;
  • Next we run the synchronization command;
  • Disable automatic authorization for selected elements (Figure 2);
  • Next, reboot the phone;
  • After activating it, go to users and pages again;
  • Select the icons of the necessary services and put a check mark next to them;
  • Turn on automatic synchronization again.

Sometimes the cause of failure is one-way timing, which does not allow for comprehensive data transfer. Restarting the function will help resolve this issue.

Figure 2. Window general parameters synchronization with the Auto-sync item

The device is not connected to the Internet

If the device displays a violation notification, the reason may be a lack of Internet access. The concept of “timing” implies the exchange of data between an account and a phone; if there is no access to the Internet, it becomes impossible to maintain the comparability of replicas.

Lack of Internet access means lack of connection to your account. To eliminate this inaccuracy, you just need to connect to the Internet.

Make sure you have access to Google

A profile may be inaccessible if it is not enabled or has been affected by malware.

Note: It is impossible to synchronize data even if you do not have access to Google.

In the first case, just go to the settings of the device itself and launch the Google launch function. In the second, you should seek the help of antivirus software or a specialist.

Check for Android updates

An error in synchronizing your Google android account on your phone may be a requirement from the OS to carry out a series of updates if the auto-update mode is not enabled on the device.

To take advantage of updates for Android, you need to perform a few simple steps:

  • Enter the “about device” menu;
  • Use the “OS update” item;
  • Run scan available updates(Figure 3);
  • If updates are found, they need to be downloaded and installed;
  • Then you can try to launch Google, the exchange of information should be successful.

Figure 3. Sequence of actions to check for updates on an Android device

Google synchronization error on Android - what to do

There are many problems with data exchange, but most of them can be resolved independently. You can try using classic troubleshooting methods.

Removing and re-adding a profile

If Google account matching on Android is not enabled, the failures may be related to problems with the software responsible for keeping the application up to date (Figure 4).

Note:In this case, you should delete the account, download it again and install it again.

Sometimes outdated versions The software cannot reconcile its elements with new versions, causing transfer and launch problems. We have on our website huge selection various.

Figure 4. Sequence of actions for deleting an account

Manual account synchronization

If a profile synchronization error occurs on Android when launching the application, automatic function exchange, you can try to troubleshoot problems using manual synchronization, which is carried out this way:

  • Looking for settings;
  • Open the menu about users and profiles;
  • We find the menu for synchronization;
  • Select the desired page;
  • Click the command, which is indicated by three dots.

Forced synchronization

This principle is for influencing the OS if a Google account crash occurs android contacts, is considered new, but effective. To carry out this technique, you must do:

  • The menu for the interface will be supplemented with a save and restore function;
  • Using the first command, we fix the data on the page;
  • The second should help transfer information to the device, so elements are matched and the application is launched.

Clear cache and delete data

If the phone's memory is overloaded, the Google account will throw up an Android synchronization error, then you will have to free up space, you can do it this way:

Method 1: we clean out the full storage, delete all unused and outdated applications, delete or reset downloaded information to the PC, including music, pictures, videos.

Method 2: We clear the profile cache, to do this you need to go to the application, open the archive, delete data, restart the phone.

Figure 5. Clear cache and delete data window in application management Android devices

What to do if nothing helps

What to do if there is an error syncing your account google android not eliminated at all? The only option is to reset the settings to factory defaults; to carry out this procedure you need to perform a few simple steps:

  • Save all elements of the device to a flash drive;
  • Open general settings;
  • Press reset (Figure 6);
  • Reboot your phone;
  • Restore saved to removable media data;
  • Set up auto exchange.

If you have encountered an error synchronizing your Google android account on your phone, you should not reset the settings, try first traditional methods, described above, most often they help get rid of problems with the transfer of program elements.

Perhaps starting your account, which your phone cannot link to, will be easier than it seems at first glance.

Figure 6. Window for restoring the device to factory settings and deleting all data from the device memory

Like most others, it is not ideal. It goes without saying that failures may occur there, especially when installing applications not taken from the official service. Play Market, and installation of unofficial firmware. One of the most common is account synchronization error Google Android. Let's try to figure out how to get rid of it.

Google Android account sync error: typical glitches

First of all, we note that if such problems occur, when the user cannot use some of the system’s capabilities, you should not blame everything solely on the “operating system” or the device itself.

Most often, users encounter a message indicating a failure, the exact cause of which has not yet been clarified, but it can be assumed that it is associated solely with the actions of the user himself, as well as with incorrect login settings. Now gadgets with unofficial firmware will not be considered, since they themselves can harm the system and will have to be removed, returning the device to its original state.

Google Android account synchronization error: what to do?

The most unpleasant thing in a situation where a Google Android account synchronization error appears on a phone or tablet may be the so-called “stuck synchronization.”

IN in this case, as practice shows, the entire system hangs, and the failure can be corrected by simply rebooting the device. In most cases, this helps (think of frozen programs in Windows - when you reboot they work again).

Fixing a syntax error

It is likely that the Google Android account synchronization error on a tablet or smartphone may be caused by incorrectly entering your personal data (login and password).

Here you just need to enter the correct entries received during registration (use as login G-mail address). As a last resort, you can try to recover your password.

Checking synchronization settings

Sometimes the Google Android account synchronization error is associated with incorrect settings in the system itself. You can, of course, try to return to factory settings, but in most cases this is not required. You just need to go to the settings and look at the enabled services.

As a rule, synchronization should be turned on for all accounts. To begin with, you can uncheck all services that require authentication, and then reboot the device. After this, when the device is turned on again, you should again enter the accounts section and check the boxes next to the appropriate services, including data transfer, browser, etc.

In some cases, it is mandatory to disable the two-level authentication system in your account security settings. In this case, it is also worth using auto-synchronization and data transfer to

Deleting an account

If all the methods above do not help, and the Google Android account synchronization error appears again, you will have to use extreme measures- deleting an existing “account”.

To do this, use the settings menu, where you select the accounts section. Here we are interested in it, enter the Gmail address and confirm the deletion with the button below or the menu command.

Now, as is probably already clear, you should reboot the device, after which, if you have an Internet connection and try to log into Google services, the system will prompt you to either create new entry, or use existing registration data. Enter your username and password and confirm your choice. If this does not help (for example, on devices with installed firmware), you will have to create a new “account”, but in this case there is no question of restoring the list of contacts or earlier installed applications there is no question.


Although errors of this type are very common, you can deal with them in the most simple methods and means that are not too complicated. It is enough to use only your mobile gadget. In this case, there is no connection to a computer with access to the installed control program not required.

In addition, it is worth noting that the problem of failures that occur on devices with firmware was not specifically addressed here. The fact is that when installing unofficial updates, a rather serious problem may arise regarding their safe deletion, which requires special attention and maximum caution. Otherwise, the entire system can be brought to a state of complete inoperability.

Otherwise considered standard means are the simplest and do not cause any difficulties for any user. Finally, it can be noted that you can also delete the data and cache of the service itself, but these parameters are relevant to the account synchronization error, as they say, insofar as.

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