What to do if the hard drive is inaccessible. Solving the problem “Access is denied” to the flash drive


First try changing the owner of a specific local drive. Turn on your computer and log into the operating system. To do this, use any account with administrator rights. Open Windows Explorer("My Computer" menu).

Find the icon of the local drive that you cannot access. Click on it right click mouse and select "Properties". After launching the new settings menu, open the “Security” tab.

Click the "Advanced" button located at the bottom of the menu. Open the "Owner" item. Review your current access settings disk. Click the "Edit" button.

Now left-click the Administrators group. It must include the account for which you are granting access. Activate the “Replace owner of subcontainers and objects” option by checking the appropriate box. Click the "Apply" button.

Confirm that the local disk ownership change process will start. Restart your computer after completing the steps described. Open each folder located in the root directory of the local drive one by one. Confirm changing access parameters specified folders.

Try changing the owner of a non-system partition hard drive using the command line. Open the Start menu. Enter in the search bar cmd command and press Enter key. Naturally, these manipulations must be carried out using an administrator account.

After opening the console, enter the command takeown /f D: /r /d y. IN in this example access changes for local drive D. If you need to change permissions for another partition, enter the appropriate letter. Now enter the command icacls D: /grant:r username:F /t. Instead of the word username, write the name of your account.

Open access to the tough ones disks, printers, computer files and folders to other users local network you can by opening the network access to the named resources. You will also need to set user rights for each of them.


Call service menu the desired disk by right-clicking on its icon and selecting “Properties”.

Check the box next to "Open shared" access access and security" and indicate network name of your disk, displayed in the folder " network", in the "Shared Resource" field.

Check the "Allow modification of files over the network" checkbox to allow full access and to your disk. At the same time, other users will be able to create, delete, move and rename file objects on the selected drive.

Uncheck the “Allow modification of files over the network” box to allow the selected disk to be accessed only in “read” mode.

Click OK to apply the changes you made. Disk that was allowed to access, will appear in your My Computer folder as an open-handed icon.

Select one of the drives on your computer and create a folder with any name to which you will be allowed access from the local network.

Call the context menu of the created folder by right-clicking and go to “Properties”.

Go to the "Access" tab and apply the checkbox to the "Open shared" access to this folder" in the "Network sharing" section access».

Enter your chosen folder name in the Network Share field. The name can be arbitrary; the local and network names of the folder may differ.

Check the "Allow files to be modified over the network" checkbox to provide full access and to the selected folder.

Uncheck the “Allow modification of files over the network” checkbox to set the mode to read-only.

Click OK to confirm the command.

Helpful advice


  • Windows Electronic Encyclopedia

If information on your computer has been deleted from a local drive, you can restore everything in several ways, but this will take several hours. Typically, situations occur when information randomly disappears from the D drive.

You will need

  • - computer.


First of all, look at what information is missing on the disk. To restore this disk, make the operating system for an earlier period of work. To do this, click on the “Start” button. Next, click “All Programs.” Go to the "Standard" tab. Find the column called “Service”. Now you need to click on “System Restore”.

A small window will appear in front of you, in which two modes will be available. The first mode allows you to create your own restore point, and if everything goes well, then the system will be restored to that exact day of the week. It is also worth noting that all the files that you have on this moment, will not be lost. Data that was a week ago will be completely restored to local disk.

The second mode is that you select a restore point from a list of all possible ones. It's also worth noting that a restore point is usually created when some event occurs on the . For example, when installing software a restore point is created. Select from the list the approximate date when all the data on the disk was in place. Next, click on the “Restore” button.

The computer will restart and perform this procedure within a few minutes. The entire recovery process will be displayed in the form of a scale, which will show how many percent of the recovery has been completed by the operating system. As soon as everything is completed, the system will notify you about this and turn on the computer. If everything went well, it will say something like “Recovery completed.” Check all the data that should be on the local disk and do backup copy.

It makes sense to open access to hard drives V computer network some company to speed up production process. In order to give any user the right to manage the data of any computer on the network, it is necessary to set the address of his computer in the access protocol. How to make a local disk open to local network users?


Enter the Start button menu. Select "My Computer". Basically you can do it double click by the “My Computer” icon, which is located in the upper left corner of your desktop. A window will open in front of you. Select the local drive you want to share access to. Right-click on it and select “Properties” from the menu that appears. A window will appear in front of you.

Select the Access tab. In it, find and select “If you want to open access to the root folder of the disk, click here.” Check the box next to “Share this folder.” You will find it in the "Network" section sharing and safety." Then specify the network name of the local drive, which will appear on the local network as shared resource.

Check the box next to “Allow changing file network” to allow access to the local drive. After this, other network users will be able to freely manage the information stored on it.

To prevent various kinds of unpleasant moments associated with erroneous correction of information, uncheck the box next to “Allow changing files over the network” so that the information on the selected local drive is available to other users only in read mode.

Apply the changes. To do this, click OK. If you did everything correctly, you are selected for public access The drive will appear in the My Computer window as an open palm icon.

To open access to any separate folder, and not the disk as a whole, do everything in accordance with the instructions described above. If you want to allow access only to some users, then specify their network addresses so that only they have the right to view documents on the open local drive.

After reinstalling the Windows operating system, you may experience an issue related to access To certain folders. This is usually caused by some directories being shared. specific users.

You will need

  • Administrator account.


To restore access to the desired one, you need to change the owner or turn it into a network resource. The first method is the safest. In Windows XP, open My Computer by selecting it from the Start menu.

In the running Explorer window, go to the desired folder. Right-click on its icon and select “Properties”. Go to the Security tab. In the warning window that appears, click Ok.

Now click the "Add" button. Enter the name of the account you are currently working with. Click Ok. After returning to the previous menu, check the boxes next to all the items in the “Allow” column.

Save and close the dialog menu by clicking the "Apply" button. Change access settings for other directories in the same way.

When working with Windows Seven, open the properties of the desired folder and select the “Security” menu. Click the "Advanced" button. Select the Owner tab.

Fill in the “Name” field with the name of your active account. Activate the “Replace owner of subcontainers and objects” item by checking the box next to it. Click Ok. Confirm the specified parameters by clicking the “Yes” button.

If you don't want to change the owner of a directory, but need access to a specific folder, perform a different algorithm of actions. Open the directory properties and select the Security tab. Click the "Edit" button.

Select the desired account. Change access settings folder by checking the boxes next to the required items. Click the "Apply" and Ok buttons. It is worth noting that in the described menu you can simultaneously change permissions for all existing accounts created on this computer.

Files are the main working object modern computers. They are stored as programs that deal with different types processing of information and the information itself. These objects are located not only on the main storage device (hard drive), but also on removable drives, in other computers on the local network, etc. Sometimes this causes errors related to loss access to the file storage location. In addition to this nuisance, objects may be blocked by the OS security system. In all these cases, a message about the loss appears on the screen. access To files.


If the file you need is located on another computer, when you receive a message that it is unavailable, the first thing to do is make sure you have a connection to that computer. This is easy to do, for example, open in Explorer network folder, where the problematic file is stored, and press the F5 button. This is the information update command. The computer can think for a long time, i.e. the mouse pointer will "wheel" wait for several tens of seconds, or immediately display a message about unavailability network resource. Both of these signs will clearly indicate the absence of a connection with remote computer. To solve the problem, check network connection and the computer itself, which stores the desired file - it may turn out that it was simply turned off.

Attempt access To files system folder may also result in a message indicating that they are unavailable. This most often happens if the user account's rights are insufficient for such an operation - for example, when you try to do something with objects of another, inactive account. currently OS. You can eliminate this obstacle by becoming an “owner” the desired file(or better yet, the entire folder) by setting its properties. Start this procedure by opening the properties window for all folders - press the Win key, type “steam” and select the “Folder Options” link in the list of search results.

In the "Advanced Options" list on the "View" tab, uncheck the "Use General Wizard" access» and press the OK button.

Click in the Explorer window the desired folder right click and select in context menu line "Properties". On the Security tab of the Properties window, click the Advanced button to open in separate window another set of tabs with settings.

On the “Owner” tab, click the “Change” button and the next, final settings window will open. In the “Change owner to” list, select your account and check the checkbox next to “Change owner of subcontainers and objects.”

Click OK buttons in all three open windows with settings. After this, access to files system folder must be restored by the OS.

IN operating system Windows 7 user rights and folder access are regulated using security and separation policies personal files users. If you're missing standard means Windows settings, use additional programs, such as Protect Folders, My Lockbox, Hide Folders and others.

You will need


Download the Protect Folders program and install it on HDD. You can find it on the website softodrom.ru. Installing the program is quite simple and will not raise any additional questions. It is also worth noting that such software is usually installed in system directory hard drive, that is, to the place where the operating system is located.

Launch the Protect Folders program by double-clicking on installation file. The main program window contains an area for displaying connected folders, and several buttons for managing settings. The entire menu of this software is in language, however, even a novice user will not have any problems.

Press Lock button folders to specify the directory that needs to restrict the access rights of other users. Find the folder you are looking for in the tree and highlight it, then click “OK” to confirm your choice. A window will appear to enter a password, write it and repeat it in the next field to verify. In the Hint field, you can write a special hint that, if necessary, will help you remember your password.

Click on the button Lock Folder to complete the password setting procedure. Now, every time you access this folder, you will be asked to enter a secret word or password. Please note that setting a password for folders using this program external media- hard drive or - will not be effective. If you connect to a computer that does not have Protect Folders installed, you will not be prompted to enter a password. You can set passwords for any folder at any time using this software, but it is worth remembering that if you lose the password, it will be impossible to access the folder without a hint.

Key software product gives you access to its full and legal use. You should not lose it, since recovery may become problematic due to the lack of registration on the developer’s website.

You will need

  • - Internet connection.


Find the software key product on the packaging from its carrier. Usually it is written on a special sticker or on one of the packaging elements, for example, in booklets included with the disc. Also, sometimes the software license code is written on special stickers glued to system unit computer or the back of the case.

If you have lost the software package product along with its license key, use special program to view its code, but in this case its distribution must be installed on your computer. There are a lot of programs for viewing keys; choose among them the one that meets your needs. Basically they differ additional functions, for example, storing keys in the program memory, printing it, and so on.

Find out the software code product by accessing the user account that was created during registration. This function is not available for every program, but if it is available, try to use it so that in the future, if you lose your license key, you will receive timely assistance in restoring it.

When using licensed software, rewrite all codes in separate file and save it to removable storage, in the future this will reduce your search time necessary information, for example, when reinstalling software or the entire operating system.

If you lose your license key, also contact the service technical support to find out options for restoring it, it is quite possible that the developers are using special methods storing information about software users product registered in their system or having confirmation of payment for the goods.

Any digital media information, be it a regular flash drive or hard drive, is not protected from failures in its operation. It may happen that when you try to open folders or files, the error “Disk access is denied” appears. In such cases, an inexperienced user immediately despairs of restoring the device’s functionality and runs to a specialist for help or simply buys new drive. But this is not at all necessary. This article will tell you how to fix the “Disk access denied” error in Windows 7. But it’s worth clarifying right away that the instructions that will be provided below are suitable not only for the “seven”, it is also feasible in other versions of the operating system systems from Microsoft.

How to solve the "Disk access denied" problem

Before talking about ways to fix the error, you need to understand the reasons why it can happen. They are as follows:

  • insufficient user rights;
  • software problems;
  • the drive is infected with a virus;
  • the drive is damaged.

If the first three reasons can be dealt with through some manipulations in the operating system, then if the drive itself malfunctions, nothing can be done. In some cases, of course, you can send the device in for repair and hope that it can be fixed.

Method 1: using standard OS tools

If an error appears when you try to open a partition on your hard drive, “Access denied” may appear due to restricted user rights. Moreover, most often this is exactly the case. By the way, this happens not only with solid state drive, but also with regular flash drive. In this case, the problem can be solved without resorting to using third-party software, but directly using the tools of the OS itself.

First of all, you need to check disk access. This task can be accomplished as follows:

  1. Double click on "My Computer". If there is no such shortcut on your desktop, then open file manager"Explorer" and go to the "My Computer" section in the left panel.
  2. A list of disk partitions will appear and external drives. Right click on the one you need.
  3. In the menu that appears, select “Properties”.
  4. A new window will appear where you need to go to the “Security” tab.
  5. In the window interface, find the “Change” button. It is located under the “Groups or Users” list.
  6. Review all the options and see if there are any restrictions. If they are, then correct them.
  7. Click OK and close all windows.

This should help resolve the "Disk access denied" error. However, if you did not notice any restrictions or simply could not change them correctly, then you can use the second method:

  1. Open system registry. Press Win+R and in the window that appears, run the regedit command.
  2. In the window that appears, you need to go to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER folder, then to SOFTWARE, then to WINDOWS, CURRENTVERSION and EXPLORER_MOUNTPOINTS2. There will be a folder with your drive letter. Go to it.
  3. You will find a directory called SHELL. It must be removed. This is done simply: select the folder and press the Delete key.

After this, all that remains is to restart the computer. If the problem was that the virus replaced the files in this directory, then the error will disappear.

Method 2: Remove Malicious Software

Happens when trying to open external drive“Access denied” appears due to a virus lurking in the system. Moreover, this virus can be located both on the drive itself and on the computer’s hard drive, so it is recommended to scan all sections of the computer using an antivirus. What software to use for this is up to you.

Method 3: Format and restore data

It happens that access problems arise due to some system failures. In this case the best option the drive will be formatted. However, to prevent data from being lost, it is better to restore it before doing so. For such purposes, this article will use R-Studio program.

  1. Launch the application.
  2. Select the drive from which you would like to recover information.
  3. Files suitable for recovery will appear on the right. Select the one you need and right-click on it.
  4. From the list of options that appears, select “Restore”.
  5. In the new window, navigate to the folder where the files will be transferred.
  6. Click Yes.

After recovering all important data, you need to format the flash drive. This is done through Explorer.

  1. Open My Computer.
  2. Right-click on the section.
  3. From the menu, select the "Format" option.
  4. In the window that appears, click “Start”.

All that remains is to wait until the formatting process is completed, after which the partition or drive should work properly.


So we figured out how to fix the “Disk access denied” error. As you can see, there are not so many reasons for its occurrence, and accordingly there are only three ways to eliminate it. It is recommended to attempt solutions one by one, following the methods in the article.

Unfortunately, USB drives are not protected from malfunctions. Sometimes a situation arises when the next time you access the flash drive, the system denies access. This means that a message appears that says the following: "Access denied". Let's look at the reasons for this problem and how to solve it.

If the message appears when accessing the flash drive "Access denied", then you need to figure out the reason, which, in turn, may be as follows:

  • restrictions on rights by the operating system;
  • software problems;
  • virus infection;
  • physical damage to the media.

Method 1: Using operating system tools

The cause of the problem may lie in restrictions on the part of the operating system. The fact is that many companies, in order to protect information, configure operating systems in their workplaces so that they prohibit the use of USB devices. To do this, the system administrator makes the appropriate settings in the registry or group policy.

In case on home computer The drive is working normally, but an access denied message appears elsewhere, then the reason may be due to special restrictions on the part of the operating system. Then you should contact system administrator in the office where you work so that he removes all restrictions.

The first thing you need to do is check access to the flash drive. This task is performed as follows:

To make changes to permissions, you must be logged in with administrator rights.

You should also check the registry settings:

To show hidden files in Windows 7, do this:

In other systems, all the steps described above should help display all hidden files V automatic mode. If such a file was present on the flash drive, it means that it was infected with a virus.

Method 2: Removing viruses

The reason for the above message may be due to a virus infection. The most common for USB drives is considered Autorun virus, which was already mentioned above. He replaces standard service Windows, which is responsible for connecting the media and selecting actions with it. A hidden file Autorun.inf appears on the flash drive, which blocks access. We have already talked about how to remove it. But this is far from the only virus that can be present on removable drives.

Therefore, be sure to check the flash drive for viruses with a good antivirus program - conduct a full scan of the operating system. To do this, it is better to use in-depth analysis. For example, it looks like the one shown in the photo below.

Most the right option will be the use of independent anti-virus software from another medium, for example.

Also very popular. For creating boot disk or flash drive you can use the image.

Such software starts before Windows boot and scans the system for viruses and threats.

Method 3: Data recovery and formatting

If these methods do not produce results, then you can try to format the flash drive, but the information on it will be lost. The fact is that the reason may lie in software problems.

Also, an error accessing a flash drive may appear due to failures in the operating system or improper use drive - for example, it was removed during recording. In this case, the integrity is violated boot file. You can restore the functionality of such a flash drive using special software or contacting a service center.

It could also be due to hardware problems. To rule out this option, do this:

  1. An antivirus program installed on your computer can block the flash drive. Try disabling it for a while and checking access to the drive.
  2. If this is the problem, look at the settings antivirus program– perhaps they have some restrictions that apply to removable drives.
  3. Try opening the storage medium through another USB port, this will check the functionality of the connector on the computer.
  4. Try checking the functionality of the flash drive on another computer.
  5. Inspect the drive carefully for any physical condition– it may be slightly bent or the connector may be loose.
  6. In addition to external damage, the controller or memory chip may fail. In this case, you need help from the service department.

In any case, if on the flash drive there was software glitch or files are damaged due to a virus, you should use a file recovery tool and then format the media. The first can be done using special utility. It is designed to recover information in case of file failures of a flash drive.

And formatting occurs as follows:

If normal formatting The USB drive did not help, you need to do this low level formatting. To perform this procedure, use specialized software, for example. Our instructions will also help you complete the task.

As you can see, if you establish the cause of the error and select the most appropriate course of action for your situation, then the problem is with the message "Access denied" will be resolved. If you were unable to complete any of the steps described above, write about it in the comments, we will definitely help!

no access to drive "D" access denied

  1. If after windows installations writes (access denied) the disk needs to be formatted
  2. Here's what helped me:

    1. Click on required disk right-click, select Properties;
    2. The disk properties window will open. Go to the Security tab;
    3. Click the Advanced button;
    4. Go to the Owner tab;
    5. Click the Change button at the bottom;
    6. Select the Change owner to: Your user account from the list, check the Change owner of subcontainers and objects checkbox and click OK. If it appears additional request, agree. When the additional window closes, click on OK to close the permissions window.

    Next, change the disk permissions:
    7. Similar to steps 1-3, open the access permissions window for the disk;
    8. Click the Change permissions button at the bottom;
    9. Uncheck Add permissions inherited from parent objects to additional window that appears, click Remove. If the checkbox is not checked, proceed to the next step;
    10. If, after completing the previous step, there are still elements in the list, delete them manually using the Delete button;
    11. Now that the list is empty, click the Add button;
    12. Enter the text All in the Enter the names of the selected objects field. Click OK;
    13. In the new Permission Item for... window, check the Full Control box in the Allow column. This will automatically select all the checkboxes in the column. Click OK;
    14. Check the Replace all child object permissions... checkbox and click OK again. If an additional request appears, agree;
    15. After applying the settings, click OK again and OK again to close the disk properties window.

  3. right-click on the screw, properties, security, additionally, owner, become the owner, then securely put your account on full access and that's all.
  4. But what should I do if there is no security in the disk properties?
  5. My account is listed in the owners, but there is still no access, I tried to set it to “all”, it doesn’t set it, it says access denied
  6. Great answer!, I did it!
  7. 1. First display the Security tab:

    Start -gt; Execute -gt; gpedit.msc -gt; User configuration -gt; Administrative Templates -gt; Windows components-gt; Explorer -gt; Remove the Security tab
    2. then open the properties of the folder (or the entire disk) that you want to access.

    You need to assign your account as the owner of the files.

    3. Once you have permissions for the files, you can change the access rights to them:
    - set the value to disabled.

    Z.Y. Administrator rights are required.

    If it doesn't help (method 2):

    IN Lately Virus.VBS.Small.a and others like it are often found, after removing which the antivirus stops opening disks in “My Computer”. A message appears stating that the autorun.vbs file (or copy.exe, ms32dll.dll.vbs, etc.) cannot be found. To treat and eliminate these consequences, you must do the following:

    1. Launch Explorer, enable showing hidden and system files: Tools - Folder Options - uncheck "Hide protected files"
    system files" and check "Show hidden files and folders".

    2. View root directories all sections on hard drives and all available removable drives(up to cameras and mp3-
    players), as well as the WindowsSystem32 folder and delete all files there with the name autorun and any extension. Important: open the specified
    places exclusively by clicking on the left side of the Explorer window, in the directory tree, and not by double-clicking on the disk icon, because in the latter case,
    By opening an infected disk, you again infect your computer.

    3. Launch the registry editor (Start - Run - regedit.exe) and do two

    a) Reveal the key
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows NT/Current Version/Winlogon and check the value of the Userinit parameter. It should contain
    C:WINDOWSsystem32userinit.exe, and nothing more.
    (If your system is installed in a different partition or folder, instead of C:WINDOWS there will be the path of your system folder).

    b) Delete the entire key

    Repeat the last step for all system users, then reboot.

  8. Thank you, now I have access)))
  9. Autorun virus. Download the utility from Doctor Web and scan

On the network you can find a dozen cases when the user cannot access the drive F, C or D on which the Windows system 10. As a result of this error, it is impossible to boot from Windows 10 and the PC, in fact, becomes inoperative. What to do in this case, what actions to take to solve the problem?

Causes of a locked drive problem

If, when you turn on the PC, a message appears on the monitor screen stating that there is no access to drive D or access is denied Windows access 10 – this indicates that boot partition 100 MB (System Reserved) is damaged or missing.

Other reasons for this problem include:

There are several ways to solve this problem, but you can’t do it without an installation disk.

Ways to solve the problem

If the drive on which Windows is installed, be it C or F, is locked, you should do the following:

  • We boot into the BIOS and set the boot priority from the disk. Booting from installation media. At the initial stage, select the installation language and region. Click “Next”.
  • Next, select “System Restore”.

  • A window called “Select Actions” will appear. Select "Diagnostics".

  • In the new window, click “Advanced options”.

  • Next, we enter the following commands one by one. After entering each, press “Enter”.

select disk X, where X is the drive letter on which Windows 10 is installed;

  • A list of disks should appear. It should also display a 100 MB partition. If it is not there, enter the following commands.

create partition efi size=100;

format quick fs=fat32 label="System";

assign letter="S";

  • Don't close the command line. The exit command is required to exit the diskpart utility.
  • Next, enter the following commands on the command line:

BCDBoot c:\Windows /s s: /f UEFI.

After running this command you need to extract installation disk and reboot the system (don't forget to set boot priority from the hard drive in the BIOS).

Also, there is another method on how to use the command line to unlock the F or C drive on which Windows 10 is installed. To do this, we follow all the same steps to get into command line that are described above. When the console is launched, you should enter the following commands:

bootrec /fixmbr;


bootrec /rebuildbcd.

These are the commands to restore damaged hard sections disk. They will also help solve the problem when the hard drive is locked.

After installing the software and rebooting the PC, the message asking “Unlock the disk...” will disappear and the system will boot normally.

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