What to do if you forgot the administrator password on your computer. What to do if you forgot your user password to log in

    Especially for those forgetful users who forget the password to log into their account on Windows 7, there is hacker program Ophcrack.

    To guess the password, she uses:

    • LM-hash;
    • rainbow tables for cracking passwords.

    This utility selects passwords and extracts information from system files Windows.

    You can download Ophcrack here.

    If you have forgotten your administrator password, unfortunately, you will not be able to recover it. But there is one fairly simple way that allows you to reset forgotten password. To do this, press F8 when you start your computer, which will open a menu with boot options. You need to select safe mode. From the list of administrative users, you should select the account where there is no password or you know the password.

    After loading the desktop, you need to confirm your intention to work in safe mode and click on the Start button, then Control Panel and open the user account settings for this computer.

    In the list you need to find the account for which you forgot the password. You must select Change Password and enter it twice New Password. Leave the Old password field empty. Then you can click on Change password.

    After these steps, you can close everything and reboot the OS into normal mode to log in with a new password.

    There is another way to solve your problem:

    You can also reset the administrator password using the ERD Commander program. If you need to log into the system secretly without changing your password and leaving no traces of your visit, you can use paid program Elcomsoft System Recovery Professional.

    In the seventh version of the Windows operating system, if you lose your password, you can change the administrator password if you restart the computer and use the F8 key at the start of booting - select safe mode in the menu and select the user. Give him a new password. That's it, you can now log in as this user with a new password.

    There is a special program that will help you find out the administrator password in Windows 7 without resetting Old Password and appoint a new one. So it's called Ophcrack. You can download it from this Ophcrack website. It is true that it is worth saying that the likelihood that you will be able to find out the administrator password on Semrka is not absolute.

    I read that according to tests somewhere, the chances are 98 out of 100. In some cases, the program may not work due to the incompatibility of the video card with graphic mode. Read more about how to use the program on this website. Tests were conducted here to recover a lost administrator password in Windows 7.

    Red Guards, thank you very much! (this is addressed to the first answer, the one with the red cross, but also interesting information for the rest)

    With a flash drive you can easily reset the password, I did everything from the video, however, in order to find out the password there was a jamb, it was simply written next to some users in the password column, including the administrator: unknown, fortunately in the next step, when selecting any user you can set a new password from the list, and the problem, in general, is solved, although it’s a pity that it’s not always possible to find out the password using this method (but thanks anyway!

    You can also try this method:

    • download Windows Password Recovery Tool 3.0
    • copy ISO file to blank media
    • download Windows 7
    • remove forgot password and login without password.

    The method is simple and effective.

    There are several ways to find out the administrator password in Windows 7, but some of them are quite complex, others leave noticeable traces of security interference, so I recommend using Elcomsoft System Recovery Professional v 3.0 iSO for these purposes. Need to download ISO image program and make it boot disk for example using UltraISO programs, configure the BIOS to boot from the drive, and then boot from the disk, agree to the terms, select the language and, without changing anything in the windows that open, click on Next all the time. As a result, we get a window in which we see usernames and passwords. Here it is best to simply write off your administrator password and close the program without making any changes. Next, you should return the BIOS to its original state and enjoy the newfound power).

    For those who have any questions about working with the program, I recommend watching this video manual

    How to find out the administrator password in Windows 7 you can do it in different ways, but the most relevant step-by-step and point-by-point approach is described here.

    There is an option to reset the old password and set a new admin password by rebooting into safe mode using the F8 key, and there select an account without an existing password.

    Then after the reboot you need to go to control Panel, and open accounts. Then select - administrator, it has a password and enter the password change.

    Must be entered both times new password and leave the old one without filling it at all. Press the button to change password. After that, reboot and log in with the new password.

    If necessary find out the administrator password in windows 7 caused not by the desire to manage the computer unnoticed, but by the fact that I forgot admin password, then you can reset the old password and set a new one. To do this, when you turn on and boot the computer, you need to press F8, then select enter safe mode. In the list of administrator users, you need to select an account without a password. After loading the system in safe mode, you need to enter the Control Panel, then go to account settings. Choose administrator account with password, password change. Enter the new password twice, leaving the old password line blank. Click the change password button. That's all. Then all that remains is to reboot in normal mode, entering a new password.

    You can find out the administrator password in Windows 7 using the method described in this article - a labor-intensive method, but completely working.

    Or if you have lost your password, you can reset the settings by turning off and on the computer - when bootstrap press the F8 key and enter Safe Mode and make a selection account, which has no password. Reboot the PC again and in the Control Panel you need to select the Administrator account - enter a new password. All. Next time you log in you will have to enter a password.

The absent-mindedness and inattention of some users can lead to the fact that the password for the account is forgotten. Windows entries XP. This threatens both a banal loss of time to reinstall the system and the loss of valuable documents used in work.

First of all, let's figure out how you can't “recover” passwords in Win XP. Never try to delete a SAM file that contains account information. This may lead to the loss of some information in the user's folders. It is also highly recommended not to use the method of replacing logon.scr with the command line (launching the console in the welcome window). Such actions will most likely render the system inoperable.

How to recover your password? In fact effective ways several, from changing the password using the Administrator account to using third-party programs.

ERD Commander

ERD Commander is an environment that runs from a boot disk or flash drive and includes various utility utilities, including a user password editor.

  1. Preparing a flash drive.

    How to create bootable USB flash drive with ERD Commander, described in detail in, where you will also find a link to download the distribution.

  2. Next, you need to reboot the machine and change the boot order in the BIOS so that ours is first bootable media with the image recorded on it.
  3. After loading, use the arrows to select Windows XP in the list of proposed operating systems and click ENTER.

  4. Next, you need to select our system installed on the disk and click OK.

  5. The environment will load instantly, after which you need to click on the button "Start", go to section "System Tools" and select the utility "Locksmith".

  6. The first window of the utility contains information that the Wizard will help you change a forgotten password for any account. Click here "Next".

  7. Then select the user in the drop-down list, enter the new password twice and click again "Next".

  8. Click "Finish" and reboot the computer ( CTRL+ALT+DEL). Don't forget to return the boot order to its previous state.

Administrator account

In Windows XP, there is a user that is automatically created when the system is installed. By default, it has the name “Administrator” and has almost unlimited rights. If you log into this account, you can change the password for any user.

  1. First you need to find this account, because in normal mode it does not appear in the welcome window.

    This is done by holding down the keys CTRL+ALT and press twice DELETE. After this we will see another screen with the option to enter a username. Enter "Administrator" in field "User", if required, write a password (there is none by default) and log into Windows.

IN modern world, which was filled various computers, gadgets and other smart technology, it has become almost impossible to live without passwords. You and I are all hiding something, hiding something from prying eyes, install locks, invent security codes, etc. And everything would be fine, but at one fine moment each of us may find ourselves in a situation where the access password is forgotten.

And it doesn’t matter for what reason this happened, maybe you haven’t used it for a long time or it’s due to the fact that one of your “well-wishers” replaced it to spite you. In any case, the problem must be solved somehow. Today we will look at a situation where a user has forgotten his computer password. What to do? Is it possible to do without reinstalling the operating system? You can find out the answers to these questions by reading the article.

I forgot my computer password. What to do?

There are several ways to solve this problem. It all depends on which account the password was created on. If it’s yours, then it’s not scary and can be easily solved. But if the password is on the Administrator account, then you will have to work a little. So, let's look at all these possible cases in more detail.

Problem #1. The password is on your account. In this case, to unlock your computer, you will need to log in as an Administrator. And for this:

  • Turn on your computer and while it is loading, press the F8 key.
  • Select from the proposed options for loading the operating system "Boot to" and press the "Enter" key.
  • In the window where it will be suggested which account we would like to log in under, select “Administrator”.
  • The computer booted. Go to the Start menu, then open Control Panel. We look for the “Account Management” item and delete the entry whose password was forgotten.

Don't rush to restart your computer. Now you will need to create a new account. And so that in the future you don’t have to ask again: “I forgot my password, how do I turn on the computer?”, you can no longer install protection on it. That's all, all that remains is to restart the PC and log in as usual under your new account.

Problem #2. The password is on the Administrator account. In this case, you will not be able to log into the system. So try downloading the file manager from installation disk OS. From system folders copy everything you need. Reinstall Windows. If you have never done this yourself, then it is better to invite an experienced programmer to your home.

Problem #3. I forgot my computer password. What if it was installed from the BIOS? If this is the case, then you will need to reset it to the "Default" state. For this:

  • Study the instructions for the motherboard and find where the BIOS reset jumper is located.
  • Turn off the computer and open the system unit cover.
  • Find and put it into reset mode.
  • Wait a few seconds and return it to its original state.
  • Close the case and turn on the computer. security code You will no longer need to enter.

As you can see, the situation when a user has forgotten the computer login password is, in principle, solvable. But it could have been avoided! So here's my advice: keep all your codes somewhere in a secluded place, written down on a piece of paper so that you can remember them at any time. But if, dear users, one of you has forgotten your computer password, you already know what to do and how to solve the problem!

Using the administrator account, you can make important changes to the system: install programs, configure security, etc. By default, guest accounts and simple user do not have such privileges. To prevent unauthorized logins and unwanted changes, many people protect the administrator account with a password.

Windows 7 has the ability to create user accounts with administrator rights. In addition, the system has a built-in administrator by default, which is not reflected in the welcome window and is usually used to solve some specific problems. However, a password is not required for this entry.

How to find out without resetting

Alas, with the help standard means In Windows 7, it is impossible to find out the password for the administrator account. By default, they are stored in encrypted SAM files. And if you have forgotten your password, you will have to use third party programs. But with their help you can't find out much complex password, which contains letters and numbers. One of the popular ones is SAMinside. Its advantages are a Russian-language and understandable interface.

If you do not have access to the system, the course of action is as follows:

  1. download and install the Windows XP Live CD on the flash drive - it will become bootable;
  2. install the hacking program there;
  3. boot the system from the Windows XP Live CD;
  4. launch the SAMinside program;
  5. export the SAM and System files (they contain necessary information) from the registry - to do this, click Open - C:WindowsSystem32config.
  6. Next, it remains to decrypt the SAM files and perhaps they will contain the desired value.

It is worth noting that any program does not provide a one hundred percent chance of decryption. The more complex or longer the password, the more difficult it is for utilities to cope with it. And there are often cases when they fail to find out the password.

Reset Windows 7 Administrator Password

If you have forgotten your password and there is no way to recover it, you can simply reset it. To do this you will need an installation disk with Windows 7 or installation flash drive. The media type is not important and does not play any role. By default, the first thing to load is HDD, on which the system is recorded. Therefore, you first need to go into the BIOS and, in the order in which the devices are launched, move the installation disk or flash drive to the first place.

To perform a reset, insert the media into the computer and select system recovery.

Next the program will start searching installed Windows and this may take a certain amount of time. After searching, click “Next” and select the command line in the parameters.

In the line you need to write next command"copy C:\Windows\System32\sethc.exe C:\". By default, drive C is system disk, but not all users have their system installed on it, so instead of C you need to specify exactly system partition.

This command copies the file sethc.exe. It is he who displays the window that appears when pressed five times Shift keys. By default the file triggers Sticky Keys, but it can be set to any other value.

Now we need to change the team for five times pressing Shift. We need it to include not sticky keys, but the command line. This way you can open it when the system asks you to enter your password.

In the open command line we write: “copy C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe C:\Windows\System32\sethc.exe”. If everything went well, the following message will appear:

Close the line and click on reboot. We change the boot order of devices again in the BIOS and reboot again. After the reboot, a start screen will appear asking you to enter your account password. Press Shift five times and it opens command line, and with maximum access. In it we write “net user User 12345". User needs to be replaced with the username, and 12345 is the new password for the account.

Close the command line, enter a new password and calmly log into Windows. If you wish, you can now completely remove the password from the Control Panel.

Reset diskette

If you often forget passwords, you can create a reset disk in advance. To do this, go to the Control Panel, click “User Accounts” and select the account for which you need to remember the password.

We insert the device into the computer and indicate the path to it. Next, the program will ask you to enter a password. After some time, the creation of the reset disk will be completed. Now the main thing is not to lose the drive.

Alternative methods

As one of the options, you can find out a forgotten password by brute force; usually a person uses two or three combinations, and if you are looking for a password for your device, then this method may work.

Another method is very similar to the one described above. It also requires an installation disk/flash drive, but it will take longer, require intervention in the registry and a lot of different actions. Everything is solved much easier through the command line.

And the most drastic way is to reinstall to Windows computer. Of course, you won’t know the password, but you will get full access to the system. True, no saved files. After installing the system from scratch, there will be no password by default.

Creating a password for the administrator account in Windows OS - reliable way protect personal data stored on your computer from other users. However, passwords are often lost or forgotten. To restore or reset them, you can either reinstall operating system, or try to restore access to your account using special means.

Attention! In Windows OS, the Security Account Manager (SAM), which is highly reliable and resilient, is responsible for protecting personal data from unwanted attacks. Therefore, it is almost impossible to crack a password, especially if it is complex.

Ways to recover your Windows 7 login password

You can recover the administrator password in Windows 7 using:

  • boot DVD disc or flash drives with Windows 7 OS;
  • ERD Commander programs.
  • Offline NT utilities Password and Registry editor.

Restoring access to your account using a boot disk

To reset the administrator password using this method, you will need an installation disk (flash drive) with Windows 7. In this case, the system assembly must be exactly the same as on the computer.

The resuscitation process will look like this:

  1. The first step is to ensure that when the OS starts, information is first read from the installation disk, and then from the hard drive. To do this, press Del while restarting the computer. BIOS entry button different manufacturers motherboards may differ (F2, F12, etc.).
  2. Once on the main window basic system input/output, go to the Advanced BIOS Features section and, opposite First Boot Device, set the drive installed on the PC (CDROM). After this, save the changes made.
  3. We install a boot disk with Windows in the DVD-ROM and restart the computer.
  4. IN initial window There is no need to change anything in the installation, since these parameters are applied when installing Windows.
  5. In the next window, select “System Restore”.
  6. After scanning the storage medium for installed systems The corresponding window with the search results will appear. If the old OS is found, click “Next”; if not, it means you are using a disk with the wrong Windows build option.
  7. In the recovery options window, select “Command Prompt”.
  8. After entering the command, regedit opens Windows registry. The SAM database is located in the HKEY_LOGICAL_MACHINE registry directory. We find this branch and use the drop-down menu to “load the hive”.
  9. Following on specified path, are looking for system file and open it.
  10. The program will ask you to specify a name for the partition being created. You can choose any name.
  11. In the created directory, find the CmdLine file and assign it the value cmd.exe, and the SetupType file – 2.
  12. After making changes, the created hive can be unloaded.
  13. After the system reboots, a command line will appear in which you should enter net users “Administrator name” “new password”.

Resetting your password using ERD Commander

ERD Commander – free program, which allows you to revive the Windows OS in many cases (your computer is blocked by viruses, the password for the administrator account is lost, important data is accidentally erased, etc.).

Before you start the password reset (recovery) operation, you need to download this utility and mount a bootable USB flash drive or disk from it. You should also change the order in which information is read in the BIOS. How this is done is described above.

Having completed presets, you can proceed directly to recovering the administrator password:

Using the Offline NT Password and Registry editor utility

This program has been reduced GUI, however, this does not in any way affect its operation or efficiency. The procedure for resetting the administrator password will be as follows:

  1. Download the utility, make a bootable USB flash drive from it, and set the BIOS to prioritize reading information from the USB flash.
  2. Insert the flash drive into the appropriate slot and restart the PC.
  3. After loading the program, we do not change anything in the first window. Press Enter.
  4. In the second window, select the Windows OS system partition (1, 2, etc.). Here you should focus on the volume of media.
  5. Specify the path to the SAM folder. The standard path is written automatically, so just press Enter.
  6. Then press “1”, thereby selecting the password reset procedure.

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