What to do if you write an incorrect number. Wrong payment

Mobile Beeline

  • Payment amount is less 3000 rubles.
  • in 2 figures.
  • Less than 4 days from the moment of payment.
  • The number should not start with 6(for example, 8 603 *** ** **).

  • *444*phone number without 8#.
  1. Go to the web page perenos.beeline.ru.
  2. Use USSD command *278# .
  3. 07222 .

If your payment does not match


For customers All in one

What to do if you provided the wrong phone number when paying your bill

You can transfer an erroneous payment to correct number automatically in a few minutes. To do this, your payment must meet a number of conditions:

  • Payment amount is less 3000 rubles.
  • The error in the number is nothing more than in 2 figures.
  • Less than 4 days from the moment of payment.
  • The number should not start with 6(for example, 8 603 *** ** **).
  • The incorrect and correct numbers must belong to the Beeline operator.
    To check affiliation wrong number Beeline use the command *444*phone number without 8#.

If all conditions are met, you can transfer the payment to the correct number automatically in one of the following ways:

  1. Go to the web page perenos.beeline.ru.
  2. Use USSD command *278# .
  3. Call the special number 07222 .

If your payment does not match the listed conditions, you can submit an application for transfer through our specialist. The application is processed within 3 days. You can submit it in one of the following ways:

  • Come to one of the Beeline offices with a check and passport.
  • Send us a written application by e-mail [email protected]

The letter must indicate the payer’s passport details, and also be sure to attach a copy of the payment document: receipt or check. In case of payment by bank card, refunds are made only to the card from which the payment was made, upon application from the owner of this card.

Attention! The payment is transferred only if there is money in the balance of the erroneously specified phone number.

Home Beeline

If you entered your number incorrectly when paying personal account, please let us know - we will do our best to rectify the situation.

To resolve the issue of transferring funds:

  • send a completed written application form from forms feedback or to the e-mail specified in contacts for Home Internet;
  • or contact the Beeline office.

The letter must indicate the payer’s passport details, and also be sure to attach a copy of the payment document: a receipt or check. In case of payment by bank card, the refund is made only to the card from which the payment was made upon application from the owner of this card.

Attention! The transfer of payment is made only if there is money on the balance of the erroneously specified telephone number (regardless of the time of receipt of the letter from the Client).


After reading a barcode on a Sberbank terminal or in a mobile application, an error occurs “Value: Invalid document number entered”. This error may appear on receipts from the Federal Tax Service, State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, and FSSP. In this article we will examine in more detail what it means this error and how to make a payment after that.

Error on Federal Tax Service receipt

If this is a receipt from the federal tax service, then this message indicates that the document index (aka UIN), which is encoded in the barcode, contains an error.
The error may be due to: an incorrect document index format, an incorrect administrator code, an error in the check bit, etc.
IN in this case, you should not try to make a payment on another device or stand in line at the cashier. Most likely, when reading a barcode in another place, there will be a similar error.
If you want to pay the tax right now, you can try to make the payment in manual mode. To do this, on the payment terminal, select the “Staff Police, taxes, duties, budget payments” button on the main screen. This button It can also be in the “Payments and Transfers” section.
After selecting this menu, go to the Federal Tax Service. If you try to make a payment using a document index, you will most likely see the same message “Invalid document number entered” on the screen. Therefore, when choosing the Federal Tax Service, you need to select payment by TIN and enter your payer TIN. And then very carefully enter the data from the receipt: KBK, OKTMO. The tax office must post your payment using TIN, KBK, OKTMO and other details. If you are not confident in your ability to enter all the accurate data to pay the tax office, you can try paying through the cashier or contact the tax office to reissue the receipt.
If you still pay the payment manually, be sure to save the receipt, because there is a high risk that your payment will also be posted to the tax office manually. Therefore, if your payment is lost, you will have a payment receipt for confirmation. (I would even make a copy or photograph of this check, since checks tend to fade after a year).

Error on traffic police receipt

If an error with an incorrect document number appears on a traffic police receipt. This means that the protocol number is encoded in the barcode with an error. Here you can also try to make a payment manually. In the traffic police menu.

But if you pay manually after entering the traffic police protocol number, an error also occurs. Then this receipt should not be paid. Because the traffic police distributes all payments according to the protocol number, also known as UIN. Therefore, if you pay using an erroneous UIN, the traffic police will not pay you a fine.

If you have an erroneous receipt, you should contact the traffic police department that issued you the fine in order to receive a new receipt with the correct protocol number (UIN om).

Error on FSSP receipt

If there is an error with an incorrect document number when paying court order, then you can also try to pay manually. When paying manually, you will need to enter the FSSP enforcement proceedings number. If you do not find this data in the receipt, then it is also better to contact the FSSP department that issued the receipt to you and get a corrected version from them.

Have you ever had the error “Value: Invalid document number entered”? How did you get out of the situation? Leave your comments below.

Did you make the translation? Money through Sberbank systems and received a refusal due to the reason “The recipient's card is incorrectly specified”? We invite you to read our article and understand the reasons for this problem.

Online payments

Today, many clients of this bank, in an effort to save their time, prefer to make money transfers and payments not in a bank branch, but using its remote work services. Among them are online banking “Sberbank Online” and the “Mobile Bank” service.

If you transfer money online using your computer or mobile application, then the system offers you several variations of the operation - by the recipient’s card number, by his phone number or by bank account number. When filling out the details, you need to be as careful as possible, because... If an error is made, the payment cannot be returned.

The procedure itself is quite simple: you find out the recipient’s details, after which you go through authorization in your Personal account and find the “Payments” section. There you choose exactly what procedure you need to carry out - transfer money to a bank client, to another company, etc.

Possible problems

It often happens that you indicate the correct card or phone number, double-check the correctness of the entered data several times, but the system says that the information is entered incorrectly. Why is this happening?

The reason may be as follows:

  1. the card you specified is not active (i.e. blocked by the bank due to debt or due to expiration),
  2. the card has not yet been activated by entering a PIN code through a Sberbank ATM,
  3. if you are trying to make a transfer using a phone number, it is possible that the recipient has not “linked” his mobile phone to the card.

If you are making a transfer, then it is very important that the recipient of the funds also has this service activated. Those. if the person you are sending money to does not have a service or it is on this moment blocked (for example, due to lack of funds in the account to pay for it), the operation will be unavailable.

If the recipient’s card is active, all services are connected and paid for, then most likely there is a temporary technical glitch in the Sberbank system. Wait a while and try again.

Often similar problems occur when the recipient has a “plastic” with payment system WORLD, which is not yet so widespread in our country, and therefore all sorts of failures often occur. To avoid these annoying misunderstandings, we recommend transferring money not by card number, but by , find out this information You can do this at a branch of the issuing company or at Sberbank Online.

If the message “The recipient's card is incorrectly specified” is still displayed, contact a Sberbank branch for help or call

The phrase “The number does not exist or is dialed incorrectly” can often be heard when calling unknown numbers, as well as subscribers with whom you regularly communicate. It is easy to make a mistake when entering a number, but if it is included in the contact list on your mobile device, then the possibility of incorrect entry is completely eliminated. What such situations may be related to, how to check a phone number that cannot be reached - we will consider these questions in this article.

Possible reasons for not calling

In this article, we will analyze in detail all the situations that may result in an auto-informer message when dialing that the number was dialed incorrectly or does not exist at all, and we will provide recommendations on how best to proceed in such a case. The main reasons for not calling may be:

  • error when entering number;
  • availability of forwarding to a non-working number;
  • inability to receive incoming calls;
  • huge pressure on base station, in which it is registered mobile device the caller or the person to whom the call is made;
  • adding the number to the list of “blocked users”;
  • blocking a number (voluntary or at the initiative of the mobile operator).

What is meant by these reasons?

Error when dialing number

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely exclude the fact that the number was entered incorrectly. After all, we are all human and can make mistakes, especially if the number is unfamiliar. It is possible that you simply remembered or wrote it down incorrectly. In this case, it is recommended to check the phone number of the person you need to call, or check with those people who may know him.

Availability of activated “Forwarding” service

So, you are trying to call someone and hear on the phone: “The number dialed is incorrect.” What does it mean? You need to keep in mind that call forwarding may be activated on the subscriber's number. That is, when calls are received to a subscriber’s number, they are automatically forwarded (if a certain condition is met, for example, the number is busy or disconnected) to another number. At proper organization redirects and active state number to which it is installed, you will not hear messages about incorrect number dialing when dialing. However, if errors were made when connecting and setting up this service or the number was blocked, then a similar situation cannot be avoided.

How to get out of it? Try to contact the subscriber after a while or by another number, if, of course, you have one. It is quite possible that he does not even realize that they cannot contact him.

Calls to service numbers or IP telephony numbers

Hear the phrase “Wrong number dialed” (“MTS”, “Beeline” and others) mobile operators) you can try to call customer service. For example, you discovered a missed call on your phone and are trying to call back the specified number. It is possible that the call was made by employees of a telecom operator company for the purpose of informing about promotions, services, etc. As a rule, such numbers are not intended to receive incoming calls. How to be in this case? Wait for a repeat call - company employees usually duplicate the call if they were unable to contact the subscriber earlier.

Base station load

If there is a heavy load on subscribers within the registration radius, you can also hear the message “Wrong number dialed.” What does it mean? Similar situations occur quite often in new year holidays, on days of major citywide or regional events.

Base stations providing communications to subscribers mobile operators, are designed to serve a certain number of devices. If it happens mass connection to them, then loading stations cannot be avoided. This means that some subscribers may be left without communication altogether. In this case, both the one who is calling and the one who is trying to reach can hear a message about entering an incorrect number. What to do in such a situation? Try calling later or using a different mobile operator or landline number.

Finding a caller's number in the blacklist

Almost all subscribers of mobile operators know about the Black List service. This is one of the popular and common options. It will save the subscriber from calls from unwanted numbers. Some cellular companies They also block incoming messages from a blacklisted subscriber.

If you are sure that you could not get into such a “blocked” list and are wondering why they say: “The number is dialed incorrectly,” then we recommend that you do test call from any other number. If you hear beeps in response, this will mean that the subscriber does not want to receive calls from your number.

Blocking a number

A mobile operator can block a number either at the initiative of the subscriber, for example, by setting voluntary blocking for a certain period, and in case of loss of the SIM card. To perform such actions, the user must contact the company’s office or through the contact center. If the subscriber has not performed such actions, but when calling the number, the message is played: “Wrong number dialed.” What does it mean?

In the absence of the above conditions, this may indicate that the number is blocked by the mobile operator. According to the terms of the contract, if within certain period no transactions are made from the number paid actions, then in unilaterally it may be terminated. For some mobile operators this period is 3 months (for example, Megafon), for others - 4 months (for example, Tele2).

Wrong number dialed - what does this mean? So, it is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, since there are many possible situations that could lead to this. If you are sure that none of the reasons apply in your case, then you need to contact customer support and find out why the message “Wrong number dialed” sounds, what does this mean? Please note that only the owner of the number in question will be able to answer the question.

And so, I think many people have wanted to register a VKontakte page more than once in their lives, but all the ways are with Facebook, etc. no longer work and the site persistently asks you to enter a phone number to register. Now we will look at a method on how to do this.

1.We need to download the NextPlus application either through your Android smartphone or through any Android emulator (I recommend BlueStacks)

2.Go to the application and click Sign In and register using absolutely any data (indicate the only date of birth that would suit you over 18 years old)

3.Go to the right tab and click Get Free Number

4. So we received the coveted number. Let's move on to registering on VKontakte. Choosing a country USA and enter our number. We click Send code again a couple of times until it becomes possible for the bot to call us and dictate the code.

5.Voila, you have new page for spam, etc.

-Sometimes the number in the program may not be suitable for VK, and then in the same right NextPlus window, scroll down, click Exit and register again, in the same way we register a bunch more VK pages

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