What does a system administrator do at work? System administrator - who is this? Interesting facts about the profession of system administrator

Hello friends! Today we’ll talk about such a profession as a system administrator. Since our century is the century of technological progress. The Machine Age. It is impossible to imagine even the most seedy company without a computer! The director of the enterprise, in the accounting department, in the offices of department heads, and even ordinary employees - everyone has computers at their workplaces.

Corporate mail, news, market, bank - all these benefits of the modern workforce undoubtedly help to survive in the cruel world of business. But how do you make it all work together? How to make sure that employees do not sit “in contact” and “classmates” during working hours, but do business? How to protect secret information from your work computer from hackers? This is why such a profession as sysadmin exists.

Let us help you learn a new profession - more details

If you ask Google who he is, he will answer something like this:

System administrator is an employee whose job responsibilities involve ensuring the normal operation of the fleet of computer equipment, networks and software, as well as ensuring information security in the organization.

Popularly, such a specialist is simply called “administrator” or “sysadmin”.

So let's figure it out...

What is he doing

The responsibilities of the system administrator include ensuring the stable operation of computer equipment.

This stage includes:

  1. installation and configuration (and sometimes even purchase) of computers,
  2. components and peripheral devices (printers, scanners, etc.)

When doing this business, the main thing is to lay computer communications so that even the most sophisticated worker does not pull out the plug with his foot and spill coffee on the system unit.

The most difficult part of the job is to explain to the boss’s beautiful blonde secretary that there is no need to pin the mouse wire with the buttons to the table, even if it gets in the way)))

  • Setting up programs and ensuring their stable, reliable operation will be, perhaps, the most labor-intensive part of the job. The software can be completely different, depending on the specifics of the enterprise. For example, from the usual Microsoft word & excel, to the ORACLE DBMS and accounting programs.

The main problem in the operation of software is, unfortunately, the human factor, since usually employees’ complaints to the system administrator begin with the words: “I pressed the wrong button and everything suddenly disappeared somewhere.” Synchronizing the work of programs and setting up the correct protection “from fools” is, consider, half the work of a system administrator.

  • The system administrator must also know and be able to correctly configure access parameters so that each employee can turn on only his computer, his profile, and launch only those programs to which he has access according to his status in the campaign. If the employees’ work is connected to the Internet, then the system administrator will have to configure access parameters to the World Wide Web so that neither “in contact” nor “Odnoklassniki”, so beloved by office workers, are accessible from work computers.

A system administrator is a very significant figure in a company, like a knight on a chessboard. It seems like he’s not the most important person, but it’s absolutely impossible to live without him. Sometimes it is enough to complete admin courses to become the master of office computers. But computers tend to break down, both for an ordinary employee and for the general director.

You can learn more about what a sysadmin does by watching the video.

Pros of the profession

The incomparable advantages of the work include almost complete independence, because finding a person at the company who will understand computers at the level of a system administrator and will check your work is almost impossible. It is the system administrator who is the “virtual director” in the campaign, therefore, having correctly configured the equipment and given valuable instructions to the “office plankton”, you can safely spend your gray work days, indulging in social networks or the online games that absorb modern youth. In addition, solving problems with technology of superiors and senior management (top manager, chief accountant, personnel officers, etc.) will provide good connections and help in career advancement.

Representatives of this profession, again, have an order of magnitude less paperwork than other workers. As practice shows, while at the end of the month or year, department heads and subordinates are intensively writing reports, settling accounts and summing up results, system administrators are spinning twisted-pair soldiers in their offices.

The obvious advantages include the salary of system administrators. According to the website “job.ru”, companies are willing to pay an average of $1,200 to $3,000 for services of this kind.

The disadvantages (cons) of the profession include:

  1. Uneven and sometimes high workload. Through the efforts of careless users, computers glitch and break down with enviable regularity in almost any enterprise.
  2. Lack of understanding and sometimes absolute unwillingness to understand at all how the system works. The mouse is buggy - the system administrator is to blame. The site does not work - the system administrator is to blame. The power supply has burned out - the system administrator is to blame. And go and prove that the voltage in the electrical network does not depend on you!
  3. Limited opportunities for career advancement. If the company’s activities are not related to the provision of services in the field of information technology, then there is nothing more to count on except for an increase in salary.


What qualities do a good system administrator need?

  • Firstly, he must have a good technical education. Knowing what is a system unit, what is a monitor, and how to reinstall the operating system will clearly not be enough.
  • Secondly, a good system administrator must speak English at a level clearly superior to basic.

Most programs, and especially the technical descriptions attached to them, are in English, and gaps in knowledge of the language can be expensive, and there is nothing to do in a reputable company without knowledge of a foreign language.

System Administrator or system administrator is an employee whose job responsibilities include ensuring the proper and stable operation of computer equipment, networks and software, as well as the information security of the company. Alternative names: system administrator(English) sysadmin), often simply admin.

In charge system administrator includes not only monitoring the organization’s network security, but also creating optimal performance of computers and software for users, often connected by common work for a specific result.

Often, system administrator functions are assigned to companies engaged in IT outsourcing. As a rule, an outsourcing company provides a lower cost of service than maintaining a full-time system administrator and carries out work on the basis of a subscription agreement.

Due to the rapid growth and development of network technologies, it is becoming increasingly difficult for a single system administrator to deal with all the problems, so specialized forums and printed publications have long appeared aimed at exchanging experiences among novice system administrators and providing assistance in solving various problems.

Professional holiday of a system administrator- last Friday of July.

System administrator specializations

System administrators can be divided into several categories:

Web server administrator

Engaged in installation, configuration and maintenance of web server software. Typically works for a hosting company. Knowledge of Unix systems (mainly Linux and FreeBSD), the ability to configure the Apache web server and mail servers (qmail, Sendmail, Exim, Postfix), which are installed on more than 90% of web servers worldwide, are required; additionally IIS web server and Windows Server operating system. A deep understanding of the OSI model and the TCP/IP protocol stack is required.

Database Administrator

Specializes in database maintenance. You need deep knowledge of the DBMS (at least one of MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL, Oracle, Informix, Firebird), the operating system on which the database runs (Windows Server, *nix (mainly Linux/FreeBSD) or Solaris), knowledge of the features database implementations, as well as knowledge of the information-logical language SQL.

Network Administrator

Engaged in the development and maintenance of networks. Deep knowledge is required in the field of network protocols (TCP/IP stack, IPX) and their implementation, routing, VPN implementation, billing systems, active network equipment (usually Cisco), physical construction of networks (Ethernet, Token ring, FDDI, 802.11).

System engineer or system architect

Engaged in building corporate information infrastructure at the application level. As a rule, he works in an outsourcing company or a large company or corporation. Knowledge required:

  • common operating systems (Windows, Linux, Ubunty, FreeBSD, Mac OS)
  • directory services Active Directory, Lotus Domino, LDAP
  • common DBMS
  • mail, groupware and web servers, CRM, ERP, CMS
  • document flow systems - the connection of which in the context of business processes is involved.

Network Security Administrator

Deals, respectively, with information security problems, documenting security policies, regulations and provisions on information resources. Works, as a rule, in an outsourcing company or a large company, corporation. Requires knowledge of encryption and authentication protocols and their practical application (VPN, RADIUS, SSL, IPsec, RAS), PKI planning, access control systems (firewalls, proxy servers, smart -cards, CheckPoint, SecurID), incident analysis, backup.

System administrator for a small company(from 5 to 50 jobs)

Responsible for maintaining the functionality of a small fleet of computer equipment and maintaining the network. Has no assistants and performs all computer and communications related duties, including technical user support. In software development companies, it maintains Web servers, programs used by developers. They can also test software developed by the company.

Knowledge of the Microsoft OS, office and accounting programs such as Microsoft Office and 1C, the ability to install a local network, and basic knowledge of databases and programming languages ​​are required.

A system administrator (also known as an IT administrator) is a specialist who maintains the proper operation of computer hardware and software, and is also responsible for the information security of the organization. Due to the active technologization and computerization of all commercial companies and government agencies, the profession of a system administrator is now in great demand in the labor market.

Places of work

The position of system administrator is present in almost all companies and institutions where a large number of computers are used. Small firms often use the services of freelance specialists.

System Administrator Responsibilities

Main job responsibilities of a system administrator:

  • Installation and maintenance of computer and office equipment, office equipment, internal telephone exchange.
  • Ensuring error-free operation of system software (Windows OS, Windows Server).
  • Ensuring the functionality and security of the company's network.
  • Installation, configuration and updating of office and application software (MS Office, 1C, etc.).
  • Providing data backup (as well as data recovery if necessary).
  • Technical support and user assistance.
  • Drawing up reports on the work done.

Also, the system administrator is often involved in purchasing computer and office equipment.

Requirements for a system administrator

Basic requirements for a system administrator:

  • Experience installing and supporting Windows OS (various versions).
  • Experience installing and supporting server software.
  • Knowledge of common software (MS Office, 1C and other programs).
  • Knowledge of the principles of operation of network protocols, principles of building computer networks.
  • Knowledge of PC hardware and the ability to diagnose and troubleshoot problems.
  • Experience working with remote users.

Sometimes, in order to perform his functions, a system administrator needs to know:

  • Technical English.
  • Linux.
  • Some programming languages ​​at the entry level.

System administrator resume sample

How to become a system administrator

The profession of system administrator is relatively young and for a long time this work was performed by self-taught people who mastered the basics of this craft in the “field conditions”. Today, both those who have mastered the profession on their own and people with a specialized (secondary specialized or higher) education can become a system administrator. In this job, the main thing is not the diploma, but the possession of the necessary knowledge and skills.

System administrator salary

The salary of a system administrator varies from 20 to 70 thousand rubles per month. Earnings most strongly depend on the geographic region of work (or rather, the demand for specialists in it). The average salary of a system administrator is 45 thousand rubles per month.

The work of a system administrator goes beyond a specific workplace and affects the activities of the entire organization. The slightest omission on the part of the system administrator can not only negatively affect the work of the team, but also destabilize the work of the enterprise as a whole. The responsibility imposed on the system administrator is expressed in the job description, the content of which should be worked on by lawyers, HR workers and the head of the IT department.

Sample of a typical job description for a system administrator

A system administrator is classified as a specialist, so his job description cannot contain any general information. All clauses must contain clear instructions about the responsibilities required of him. The job description of a system administrator, like other standard instructions, must contain sections with the rights of the employee and the responsibility imposed on him for unlawful actions or failure to fulfill his direct duties. For a system administrator, the main thing is not speed, but the effectiveness of his actions and the ability to fix problems.

General provisions

Only specialists who have a confirmed, completed specialized education are accepted for the position of system administrator. The candidacy is accepted and dismissed by order of the director of the organization, but the approval of the employee takes place under the guidance of a senior employee of the IT department. This position requires one year or more experience in the maintenance and repair of computer and organizational equipment. The system administrator must know the characteristics, features, rules of repair and operation of the entrusted equipment. He must be proficient in programming languages, know everything about information security and understand what protection methods can be used to prevent network hacking by external and internal forces.

The system administrator has the following job responsibilities :

  • Install and ensure smooth operation of operating systems and computer programs.
  • Register new users of the internal network and mailers, giving them identification names and passwords.
  • Provide software support.
  • Provide consulting services to explain the proper functioning of equipment and programs.
  • Grant and restrict access rights to individual programs.
  • Install and provide anti-virus and network protection.
  • Draw up regulatory documents relating to the operation of equipment.

The responsibilities of the system administrator include regular and timely archiving of corporate files and backup of this information. The specialist is obliged to promptly and reliably report information about detected violations to his immediate supervisor.

The system administrator has the right coordinate the use of the local network and change the rules of its operation by issuing instructions, regulations and other regulatory documents that officially approve the changes being made. The system administrator has the right to access information and documents relating to his work and powers. He may demand that the immediate supervisor or director of the enterprise provide him with decent organizational and technical working conditions.

System Administrator Responsibilities

The system administrator is responsible for poor performance of their duties, untimely troubleshooting of network problems in general and personal computers in particular, which entails a malfunction of the equipment. Having unlimited access to information, the system administrator is responsible for its disclosure. According to the job description, a specialist is held accountable for untimely notification of superiors about illegal actions on the part of other employees discovered during the work process.

Working conditions

The working conditions of the system administrator are specified in the job description. The work schedule is determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Labor Code and internal labor regulations. The completeness of the reflected duties and responsibility for their failure to fulfill them helps to properly organize the work of an IT technology specialist of any category.

Profession system administrator

A system administrator (also known as an IT administrator) is a specialist who maintains the proper operation of computer hardware and software, and is also responsible for the information security of the organization. Due to the active technologization and computerization of all commercial companies and government agencies, the profession of a system administrator is now in great demand in the labor market.

Places of work

The position of system administrator is present in almost all companies and institutions where a large number of computers are used. Small firms often use the services of freelance specialists.

System Administrator Responsibilities

Main job responsibilities of a system administrator:

  • Installation and maintenance of computer and office equipment, office equipment, internal telephone exchange.
  • Ensuring error-free operation of system software (Windows OS, Windows Server).
  • Ensuring the functionality and security of the company's network.
  • Installation, configuration and updating of office and application software (MS Office, 1C, etc.).
  • Providing data backup (as well as data recovery if necessary).
  • Technical support and user assistance.
  • Drawing up reports on the work done.

Also, the system administrator is often involved in purchasing computer and office equipment.

Requirements for a system administrator

Basic requirements for a system administrator:

  • Experience installing and supporting Windows OS (various versions).
  • Experience installing and supporting server software.
  • Knowledge of common software (MS Office, 1C and other programs).
  • Knowledge of the principles of operation of network protocols, principles of building computer networks.
  • Knowledge of PC hardware and the ability to diagnose and troubleshoot problems.
  • Experience working with remote users.

Sometimes, in order to perform his functions, a system administrator needs to know:

  • Technical English.
  • Linux.
  • Some programming languages ​​at the entry level.

System administrator resume sample

How to become a system administrator

The profession of system administrator is relatively young and for a long time this work was performed by self-taught people who mastered the basics of this craft in the “field conditions”. Today, both those who have mastered the profession on their own and people with a specialized (secondary specialized or higher) education can become a system administrator. In this job, the main thing is not the diploma, but the possession of the necessary knowledge and skills.

System administrator salary

The salary of a system administrator varies from 20 to 70 thousand rubles per month. Earnings most strongly depend on the geographic region of work (or rather, the demand for specialists in it). The average salary of a system administrator is 45 thousand rubles per month.

Where to get training

One of the many options on the market: the Interregional Academy of Construction and Industrial Complex and its “System Administrator” course.

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Occupational Safety and Health

System administrator - job description


1.1. The main function is software and proper functioning of the information network system, maintenance of PCs, office equipment, telephones.

1.2. A person with a complete higher education in the relevant professional field of training (specialist), with at least a year of work experience in the specialty, is appointed to the position of information network system administrator.

1.3. During the absence of the information network system administrator (vacation, illness, business trip, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This official has the appropriate rights and is responsible for the improper performance of his duties.

1.4. The director of the company is appointed to the position of information network system administrator and dismissed by order in agreement with the director of the Management Company.

1.5. The information network system administrator reports directly to the chief accountant.

1.6. Your work should be guided by:

Internal labor regulations;

Technical and operational characteristics of the equipment;

This job description.

1.7. The system administrator of information networks is the financially responsible person. He is in charge of: instruments, tools, apparatus, equipment, spare parts for it and other material assets.

1.8. The job description has been developed in accordance with:

National classifiers of Ukraine DK 009:2005 and DK 003:2005, approved by order of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine dated December 26, 2005. No. 375;

Industry-specific release of the Directory of Qualification Characteristics of Employees (issue 78 of the Children's Cultural Enterprise "Healthcare");

The form of the job description (attachment to the letter of the State Committee of Ukraine for Supervision of Labor Safety "Regulatory documents and acts on labor protection of Ukraine" - vol. 1.

2.1. The main task of the information network system administrator is high-quality maintenance and timely repair of personal computers and their components, printers, faxes, copiers and telephones in the structural divisions of the enterprise.

2.2. According to the job description, the system administrator of information networks is obliged to:

2.1. Perform the functions assigned to him efficiently and in a timely manner in accordance with the requirements of current legislation, regulations, regulations, instructions and orders of the administration.

2.2. Get acquainted with applications received from departments and structural units.

2.3. Receive from the head of the economic service or from the warehouse the material assets necessary for work (tools, spare parts for equipment, apparatus, etc.).

2.4. Promptly submit an application to the Deputy Director for General Affairs for the purchase of materials necessary for work.

2.5. Install network software on servers and workstations.

2.6. Configure the system on the server.

2.7. Ensure software integration on file servers, database management system servers and workstations.

2.8. Maintain server software in working order.

2.9. Register users, assign IDs and passwords.

2.10. Train users to work online and maintain archives; carry out advisory and explanatory work with users related to working on the network, draw up instructions for working with network software and bring them to the attention of users.

2.11. Monitor the use of network resources.

2.12. Plan and implement cost-saving measures, analyze the costs of telephone calls, Internet services, and fax communications. Report cases of network abuse to management and take appropriate action.

2.13. Organize access to local and global networks.

2.14. Set restrictions for users on:

Using a workstation or server;

Degree of resource use.

2.15. Ensure timely copying and backup of data.

2.16. Identify user and network software errors and restore system functionality.

2.17. Monitor the network, develop proposals for the development of network infrastructure.

2.18. Ensure system security (protection from unauthorized access to information, viewing or changing system files and data); Internet security.

2.19. Prepare proposals for the modernization and acquisition of network equipment.

2.20. Provide control over the installation of equipment by specialists from third-party organizations.

2.21. Maintain a log of system information and other technical documentation.

2.22. Assemble personal computers of a given configuration.

2.23. Study the quantity and cost of material and labor costs necessary to compile personal computers in accordance with these specifications.

2.24. Perform software maintenance and connect new computer programs to hardware and existing system configurations.

2.25. Install software: operating system, office add-ons, controller drivers and external devices connected to the computer.

2.26. Troubleshoot network equipment and personal computers using software and technical methods.

2.27. Perform maintenance and repair of personal computers, replacement of components and faulty units, reinstallation of operating systems, identification and destruction of viruses, diagnostics.

2.28. Perform work to change the configuration of a computer system.

2.29. Monitor users' compliance with the rules for the technical operation of electronic and other office equipment.

2.30. Provide assistance to users in installing software and solving other problems within its competence.

2.31. Correctly preserve and use property and material assets for their intended purpose.

2.32. Store material assets in a specially designated place.

2.33. Take measures to immediately eliminate the causes and conditions that may cause downtime, accidents or other damage, and if it is not possible to eliminate these causes on your own, immediately notify the chief accountant or other official about this.

2.35. Undergo introductory, primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings on health and safety, training in labor protection and safety, testing knowledge on health, safety, industrial safety, environmental safety.

2.36. Comply with the rules and regulations of occupational safety, fire safety and industrial sanitation.

2.37. Stop the operation of the equipment if there is a threat to the life and health of oneself and the people around him and immediately report this to the chief accountant or other official.

2.38. Comply with the requirements of regulations and instructions on occupational safety and be able to use safety equipment, collective and individual protection.

2.39. Comply with labor safety obligations stipulated by the collective agreement and internal labor regulations.

2.40. Observe labor safety rules when working according to instructions N.

2.41. Undergo preliminary and periodic medical examinations in a timely manner (at least once a year).

2.42. Inform the chief of staff of the State Defense Committee and Emergency Situations about the prerequisites for the occurrence of an emergency situation at the facilities.

2.43. Perform their duties as part of the non-staff formation of the enterprise's civil defense. Know the civil defense warning signals and the procedure for acting on them.

2.44. Work to improve your skills by constantly studying best practices and attending seminars.

2.45. Comply with the requirements of general moral and ethical standards.

2.46. Maintain work schedule and labor discipline.

2.47. Be at the workplace in a sober state and in a satisfactory state of health, which does not interfere with the performance of their functional duties.

2.48. Actively participate in the social life of the team. Take part in sanitary days (hours), cleanup days for landscaping the territory of the enterprise.

2.49. Ensure complete safety of the property entrusted to him. Treat the company’s property with care and take urgent measures to prevent damage.

2.50. Comply with the requirements of the collective agreement.

3.1. Resolutions, orders, orders, other governing and regulatory documents relating to programming methods and the use of computer technology for information processing.

3.2. Technical and operational characteristics, design features, purpose and operating modes of equipment, rules for the technical operation of PCs, office equipment and telephones.

3.3. Network hardware and software.

3.4. Normalized programming languages.

3.5. Current standards, systems of calculations, ciphers and codes.

3.6. Programming methods.

3.7. Systems for organizing comprehensive information security, ways to avoid unauthorized access to information.

3.8. The procedure for preparing technical documentation.

3.9. Principles of construction and operation of PCs.

3.10. Functions and technical characteristics of PC components.

3.11. Principles and procedure for installing components and electronic components (components), methods for dismantling them. Principles of computer hardware repair.

3.12. Software and hardware for performing diagnostics and troubleshooting in computer systems and individual components.

3.13. Principles and mechanisms for installing software: operating system, drivers for external and internal PC devices.

3.14. Methods for diagnosing the operating system and other PC software.

3.15. Purpose and rules for using instrumentation and working tools.

3.16. List of chemicals that can be used when cleaning computer parts and office equipment.

3.17. Methods for replacing, splicing and soldering cable cores.

3.18. Requirements and rules for soldering radio-electronic components.

3.19. Fundamentals of electronics, electrical engineering and computer science.

3.20. Dates, times and places of labor collective meetings, sanitary days, hours and other public events.

3.21. Rules, norms and instructions on labor protection, fire safety, electrical safety, industrial sanitation.

3.23. The required minimum for the Civil Defense of Ukraine and emergencies, a scheme for alerting enterprise employees regarding civil defense.

3.25. Job description.

4.1. Set and change rules for using the network.

4.2. Request necessary documents and information from managers and specialists of structural divisions.

4.3. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities in his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4.4. Submit proposals for improvement and increase the efficiency of work in the area of ​​their activities for consideration by management.

4.5. Contact the management of the enterprise regarding the provision of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the proper performance of job duties.

4.6. Receive from officials documents, certificates and materials necessary to complete assigned tasks.

4.7. Inform the management of the enterprise about facts that impede the timely completion of assigned tasks.

4.8. Participate in meetings during which issues are discussed

Concerning his work.

4.9. Require management to create safe and harmless working conditions; providing the necessary materials to perform their duties and personal protective equipment.

4.10. Do not start working on faulty equipment, in the absence of personal protective equipment and without training and appropriate instructions on occupational safety, fire and electrical safety and industrial sanitation.

4.11. Stop the operation of machines, mechanisms, devices, instruments and other equipment, as well as prohibit work in premises where there is a threat to the life and health of workers.

5.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill job duties provided for in the job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.

5.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.

5.3. For causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of Ukraine.

5.4. For failure to ensure the safety of confidential information and/or documents that contain information constituting a trade secret of the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of Ukraine.


6.1. Receives from the chief accountant and heads of structural divisions the necessary oral and written official information, documentation, and materials to perform his official duties.

6.2. Provides the necessary oral and written information about his work to the chief accountant.

6.3. Resolves issues related to logistics with the head of the economic service.

6.4. Receives introductory instructions on labor protection from a labor protection specialist.

6.5. Receives information about his salary from the accounting department accountant, economist and timekeeper.

6.6. Submits to the department of organizational, legal and personnel work, when applying for a job, a work book, passport and other documents (military ID, education document). Receives information from the OP and KR department about work experience, availability of benefits, etc. Promptly reports changes in registration data (family composition, home address, military registration, passport data, etc.) and information about advanced training (training), submitting the originals received documents.


The main criteria for evaluating work are:

8.1. Completeness, timeliness and high quality of performance of the tasks and responsibilities provided for by this job description.

I drew up a job description.

The job description of the system administrator is signed by the employee and the head of the enterprise.

The job description of the system administrator must be approved and agreed upon.

System administrator job description

Job title system administrator instructions compiled in those companies where such a unit is provided for in the staffing table. How to correctly draw up a job description for a given employee and what sections can be included in it will be discussed later in the article.

The position of a system administrator - is it necessary to draw up a job description for it?

The position of system administrator is not mentioned in the list of mass positions, which is enshrined in the Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 37 of August 21, 1998. However, for representatives of this profession, a professional standard has already been adopted, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor dated October 5, 2015 No. 684n. The official title of the position is “System administrator of information and communication systems.”

Since professional standards are advisory in nature for most organizations, the answer to the question of whether a system administrator will be present on the staffing table depends only on the company’s personnel policy. Moreover, in different companies, persons performing the same job responsibilities as a system administrator may be called differently (for example, programmer, database administrator, engineer, technologist, or simply a specialist).

Since there are no categorical requirements for the presence of job descriptions in labor legislation, the employer decides whether or not to write a job description for a system administrator, as for any other staff unit. Moreover, in the letter of Rostrud dated 08/09/2007 No. 3042-6-0, this is emphasized, although it is also recommended there that such instructions should still be drawn up.

The reason is simple: having a job description will make it easier to differentiate the responsibilities of a system administrator from other positions related to working in the computer field. Without it, for example, it can be very problematic to separate the areas of activity of a system administrator, programmer and database administrator, if they are present in the company’s staffing table.

Approximate structure of a system administrator's job description

The job description of a system administrator can be compiled in accordance with the structure below, which includes 4 main sections.

This section lists the following features of this position:

  • job title (system administrator);
  • direct reporting (including determining who is responsible for hiring and firing an employee);
  • position category (specialist);
  • qualification requirements, which include the level of education, work experience, description of the skills and knowledge that we would like to see in the candidate for the position;
  • presence of subordinates;
  • substitution order.
  • Rights

    This section specifies the rights granted to the system administrator. In each company, the employer sets its own scope of authority for the employee in this position, so the rights listed below can be adjusted if necessary. Typically, system administrators receive the following rights:

    • get acquainted with the decisions of the manager;
    • submit your proposals for improving the work process to the manager;
    • submit for approval to the manager a list of licensed software necessary for the normal operation of the company’s computer network;
    • establish rules for working with the company’s local network;
    • request from employees documents and information necessary in the work process.
  • Job responsibilities

    This section includes the duties that the employee will have to perform after being hired. These may include:

    • installation of software (software);
    • software support in working order;
    • registering employees as network users and assigning them logins and passwords;
    • consulting network users on technical issues;
    • drawing up instructions for users;
    • restoring network functionality in the event of failures or after equipment failure;
    • identifying and correcting user errors when using the local network;
    • conducting network monitoring;
    • development of network infrastructure;
    • providing anti-virus protection;
    • monitoring the installation of equipment carried out by employees of third-party organizations;
    • detection of unlicensed software.
  • Responsibility

    This section usually indicates only the types of responsibilities to which the system administrator may be held. Specific sanctions are not mentioned here, but consequences for which only the employee holding the position may be held accountable may be listed. So, we can talk about attracting an employee:

    • to disciplinary liability - for failure to perform or improper performance of their job duties, resulting in disruptions in the operation of the network, delay in user registration, untimely notification of management about violations of the rules for using the local network or installation of unlicensed software;
    • to administrative or criminal liability - for committing relevant offenses;
    • to financial liability - for damage caused (within the limits established by civil and labor legislation).
  • Advantage of job description

    The job description of a system administrator primarily helps the employee himself, since there are situations when in companies, except for the system administrator, there are no more positions related to the IT field. As a result, the system administrator is often required to do work that is not part of his job responsibilities: setting up the procedure for using electronic reporting in accounting, operating a company mailbox, and the like. The presence of a list of specific job responsibilities, documented, allows you to legally refuse to fulfill such requests from both other employees and management.

    At the same time, for management, having a job description for a system administrator is also useful, since it allows you to delineate responsibility for the use of unlicensed software by employees, which can entail not only administrative, but also criminal liability. Thus, having a system administrator job description is highly desirable for both parties.

    System Administrator Responsibilities

    System administrator (from English literally “system manager”) or in colloquial slang “sysadmin” is one of the most difficult professions that has appeared quite recently, but has already become indispensable for the stable, well-organized work of administrative and educational institutions, banks, production, business, industry sales and services, etc.

    There are many anecdotes associated with system administrators, humorous stories about their complex relationships and misunderstandings with network users, mysterious professional language, “strange” mode of operation and characteristic habits.

    Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:

    History of the profession

    Initially, this profession was mastered by talented self-taught people, usually men, who had a confident command of the technical, mathematical and organizational fields of knowledge. Today it is possible to obtain an excellent secondary specialized or higher education in a given specialty and take specialized training courses. However, in the field of system administration, practice and possession of the necessary skills will always prevail over theoretical calculations.

    At present, with the rapid development of network technologies, computerization of companies and government agencies, the profession of a system administrator is becoming super relevant and in demand. In the long term, its improvement and further development is expected.

    To learn about who system administrators are, see the following video:

    Basic requirements for an employee

    The position of system administrator is available today in almost all organizations where there is a large computer network. Small companies have to resort to hiring such a specialist through outsourcing services, which is financially more profitable than maintaining a full-time position.

    Many users confuse the profession of a system administrator with related ones, calling it a computer scientist or a programmer. For this reason, sometimes the responsibilities of a system administrator are either narrowed to simply technical support of a working network, or incredibly expanded to a specialist who can solve any problem that arises related to computers.

    Specialization in system administration depends on the specific area of ​​work. There may be the following types of profession: web server administrator in a hosting company, database administrator, network administrator, systems engineer or system architect, etc.

    As a rule, a system administrator begins his career with small companies, where he gains experience for a nominal salary, and then, having become an expert in his field, gets a job in a large promising company.

    The following is required of the specialist: qualification requirements.

    System Administrator must know:

    • basics of software (MS Office, 1C, graphic and other computer programs) and methods of its development;
    • architecture of modern PCs and computers, content of computer hardware;
    • principles of operation of network protocols and construction of computer networks;
    • basics of data organization, methods and mechanisms for managing them;
    • principles of organization of expert, operating and file systems;
    • Linux system and some programming languages ​​at the entry level;
    • English for technical areas;
    • fundamentals of higher mathematics and computer science, theory of algorithms;
    • legislative norms in the field of information, copyright and related rights;
    • rules for preparing technical documentation;
    • safety and fire protection, labor protection standards;
    • methods of protecting information, basics of information security.

    To this specialist must be able to:

    • install and maintain various versions of Windows OS and server software;
    • build a corporate network in the office and support its operation;
    • interact with network users and advise them;
    • perform network administration processes in various operating systems (Windows, Unix, Novell, etc.);
    • provide support for the Internet, mail, and PBX maintenance;
    • work with hardware, PCs and office equipment, diagnose and troubleshoot equipment problems;
    • perform data backup;
    • create and maintain user accounts;
    • support the operation of anti-virus programs.

    How to correctly draw up a job description for a chief accountant can be found in this article.

    The functional responsibilities of a sales manager are outlined in this material.

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    Range of duties

    Join the staff of a large enterprise as a system administrator may be assigned a candidate with higher professional education, experience in the maintenance of personal computers and office equipment, and knowledge of the basics of local networks.

    Process specifics System administration at an enterprise involves maintaining an extensive local network, consulting a large number of users, and interacting with many departments.

    Specialist here bears responsibility for installing operating systems and software on servers and workstations, as well as their configuration and maintenance. It also registers users of the local network and mail server, assigns passwords and identifiers.

    In a large enterprise, the issue of training personnel in the basics of computer literacy and working with application programs is relevant. The functional area of ​​the system administrator includes technical support for users, their consultation on the operation of the local network and programs, identifying and correcting errors in the operation of software.

    Specialist carries out monitoring and development of network infrastructure, makes proposals for its modernization, cooperates with management on information and technical issues. It also ensures information protection, internet security, and anti-virus programs. The most important responsibility is to maintain equipment functionality and troubleshoot system problems.

    For work in an office environment, system administrator must have Higher technical education and preferably one year of work experience. The main task of the specialist will be to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the company’s network, protect confidential information, backup data and restore it due to the fault of any of the employees - network users.

    It is also important to timely correct problems in the operation of various devices, maintain computer equipment and other devices (replacing printer cartridges, setting up a scanner), and internal PBX.

    Office system administrator must be excellent at understanding in network protocols, construction and modernization of local computer networks, maintaining computer databases. His responsibilities also include installation, configuration and optimization of system software and software tools.

    The specialist is required to maintain a positive moral climate in the office, establish trust and mutual assistance. He must provide comprehensive assistance to users - company employees in working with computer equipment and programs, as well as interact with the administration on issues of information activities and the use of computer technologies.

    The office system administrator helps to conclude agreements with third-party organizations on issues of technical equipment of the enterprise, and carries out information exchange with external organizations. He may be tasked with purchasing equipment for the office.

    To work as a system administrator to school specialists with higher education and at least one year of work experience are appointed. In addition to knowledge of the regulatory framework of his activities, the system administrator must also be familiar with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Federal Law “On Education”, the charter and local legal acts of the school.

    The specifics of the work require constant communication with the administration, teaching staff and school students, so the specialist must be patient with user requests, be responsive and attentive.

    The system administrator performs at school such functions, such as: creation and development of an intra-school computer network, setting up basic software and hardware, developing and implementing the school’s network policy, organizing the normal functioning of all elements of the educational institution’s information system.

    He provides technical support for equipment, is responsible for security when working on the Internet, ensures the operation of the local network and Internet server, and draws up a schedule for distance learning for students with developmental disabilities.

    While working at a school, a specialist must take care of compliance with production discipline, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, fire protection, life safety and health of students.

    For an example of the work of a system administrator at a school, see the following video:

    System administrator rights

    • Be familiar with the documents defining his professional rights and responsibilities, criteria for assessing the quality of work;
    • Establish and adjust rules for using a local computer network;
    • Discuss proposals for improving the system administration process with management;
    • Demand that the company's management provide organizational and technical conditions for the performance of their duties;
    • Expect information system users to comply with software operating instructions;
    • Increase your qualification level in the prescribed manner at courses, seminars, scientific events;
    • Protect your professional honor and dignity.

    First of all, a system administrator is a competent user, information analyst and administrator with good knowledge of the subject area of ​​knowledge. His main personal quality is communication skills, the ability to both clearly advise ordinary employees and effectively interact with management to solve current and future issues of enterprise informatization.

    A system administration specialist is a kind of connecting link between the organization and software developers. It creates an optimal secure information environment for users united by working for a common result. It depends on him how effectively this or that automated section of the enterprise will work, how the information system as a whole will function.

    For more details about this profession, see this video report:

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    Many people have heard that there is such a position, such a profession as a system administrator. But to be completely frank, not even all employers understand what kind of person this should be and what responsibilities should be assigned to him. But, as practice shows, those who have achieved some heights in this field are in demand specialists, and good large companies are willing to pay a smart system administrator very good money, because a true master of the matter is worth his weight in gold today.

    How did this profession appear...

    Ten to fifteen years ago, no one could have imagined that in the future there would be such a profession as a system administrator. Back then, computer users were divided into two large categories: ordinary users (to become one, it was enough to learn how to turn the computer on and off independently, and even understand a little the essence of the simplest programs) and real programmers (these are those who already knew how not only to open programs, but also understood what processes occur in the computer).

    Today, such a classification is absolutely inadequate, since even a child can understand the simplest programs. Instead of simply understanding processes, the first stage of important characteristics has become the ability to use and manage them so that the company in which the specialist works is completely confident that all information stored in electronic format will be preserved and confidential. A good system administrator can be compared to a conductor who must set up his orchestra (that is, the computer network of an enterprise or company and its equipment) in such a way that there simply cannot be any failures in sound and operation.

    Responsibilities of a system administrator - we will understand it step by step

    As has already become clear, today in all large companies and enterprises you can find a system administrator. Smart managers of small companies, who cannot yet afford such a full-time employee, use the services of external specialists, thereby guaranteeing the uninterrupted operation of the entire management system for the enterprise.

    The responsibilities of a system administrator include many tasks, the most important of which are:

    • maintenance, installation and reinstallation of office equipment, ensuring its highly productive activities;
    • searching for good software, installing it, adjusting its activities;
    • ensuring constant uninterrupted operation of the company’s network, guaranteeing data confidentiality;
    • data copying (backup);
    • quick and complete data recovery in case of loss of some or all information due to the fault of any employee;
    • assistance to user-employees of the company for whom a computer or other office equipment is difficult to understand (the human factor is very important here, such duties of a system administrator should be performed calmly and as clearly as possible for the user);
    • generation of reporting documentation for management.

    The first requirements that will be presented to the applicant for such a position

    A system administrator must not only know his duties, but also fulfill them, which is why letters of recommendation for many companies are one of the main characteristics of a potential employee’s skill level. Experience is what any manager today wants to see in their employee. That is why more than one young and motivated system administrator began to learn their responsibilities at small enterprises, for a nominal fee, so that they could then get the desired job in a promising company.

    It is also important to understand how the technology itself works. That is, if necessary, the system administrator must correct problems in the operation of certain devices. The responsibilities of a system administrator in an office will include replacing cartridges in a printer, setting up a scanner, and repairing a poorly functioning computer power supply in the accounting department.

    You need to not only understand what network protocols are, but also be able to build local computer networks. The functional responsibilities of a system administrator in large enterprises will necessarily include building such a network and upgrading it as necessary.

    Without education today - nowhere

    As practice shows, in order to work in a good company in such a position, you cannot do without an appropriate education. Despite the fact that today there are many online trainings that help you understand the basics, this is not enough to be a real specialist.

    Although, there are exceptions - real nugget talents who have not even completed courses perform the duties of a system administrator, but these are still exceptions that are possible only with vast experience and a wealth of self-acquired knowledge.

    Big cities are where system administrators need to look for work

    As already mentioned, the responsibilities of a system administrator include installing office equipment and software. Therefore, large enterprises and organizations need system administrators. Most often they live in megalopolises and cities where there are similar organizations. The higher the demand for specialists in the region, the more realistic it is to find a job that will be suitable both in terms of pay and scope of responsibilities.

    Today, system administrators are also needed in hospitals...

    Many organizations that are not related to economics and business still have their own system administrator. This is due to large volumes of information that need to not only be systematized and stored for a long time, but also be able to use it at the first need without lengthy fiddling and searching. This is how positions such as system administrator began to appear in the hospital. His responsibilities are slightly different from those of, for example, a system administrator of a commercial enterprise, because here special attention will be paid to archival information databases that need to be made as mobile as possible.

    Great prospects

    Today, a system administrator is a sought-after profession, the relevance of which is only increasing every year, so the decision to become a real specialist in this field is very correct and will bring prosperity in the future. In order to become a good system administrator, you need to be prepared for the fact that the usual responsibilities of a system administrator in an enterprise will include the ability to manage and change computer networks, the desire to learn new things, and the ability to communicate well with people. The system administrator must understand what his immediate superiors want and be able to bring it to life.


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