What happens if you turn off geolocation on your iPhone? Setting up GPS on iPhone: description of the process and useful tips

Geolocation is the process of finding the iPhone's location. Unfortunately, the importance of geolocation is usually underestimated, despite the fact that without it it will not be possible to use a navigator, attach geotags to a photo, or find an iPhone using the function of the same name. Users are more familiar with the negative characteristic of geolocation – “gluttony”: by disabling the function, you can significantly increase the duration battery life gadget.

Fortunately, the procedure for activating/deactivating geolocation is quite simple - you can turn it on while using the navigator, and keep it off the rest of the time.

The user encounters a request to activate geolocation when initial setup iPhone and, as a rule, unknowingly confirms it. Therefore, the issue of disabling geolocation is more pressing than turning it on. You need to deactivate the function like this:

Step 1. IN " Settings"find the section " Privacy" (on some versions of iOS - " Confidentiality") and go into it.

Step 2. Proceed to the subsection " Location services" - he comes first on the list.

Step 3. Switch the toggle switch " Location services» to the inactive position.

Step 4. Confirm your intention to deactivate geolocation - click " Switch off».

Please note that the iPhone has flexible settings: you can allow some applications to use geolocation, and prohibit others. To do this, you need to adjust the sliders located in the block below.

For example, with the configuration as in the figure, you will be able to use navigation, but geotags will not be attached to your photos.

With flexible settings, the main toggle switch " Location services" must be enabled.

Do I need to disable geolocation of system services?

Subsection " System Services " is located at the very bottom of the block with a list of applications that require geolocation.

A user who visits this subsection will see the following:

Before deciding whether you need to disable geolocation for system services, you should understand what functions at least some of them are designed to perform.

The system services listed are common to most iOS versions. There is no need to describe all services - and it is clear that their main goal is to collect confidential data on consumer preferences and sending information to Apple. People who claim that Americans are spying on Russians through smartphones are not too far from the truth.

If you do not want Apple to replenish its statistical databases by tracking your movements and purchases, switch the toggle switches in the “ System Services» to the inactive position. It is recommended that all Yabloko members do this: benefits iPhone owner no from services, but the charge is consumed faster because of them.

How to enable geolocation on iPhone?

The algorithm for how to enable geolocation on an iPhone differs only slightly from the disabling method described above only slightly. The user also needs to follow the path " Settings» — « Privacy» — « Services geolocation" IN last section he will see that there is only one slider (the main one), and there is no list of applications that use geolocation.

You need to activate the toggle switch, then disable geolocation from those applications that do not really need this function.

Are geolocation and GPS the same thing?

Users who believe that geolocation and GPS are synonymous are mistaken. Geolocation- This general concept, related to determining the location of the device; GPS is a trademark of the American satellite system navigation. Most often, geolocation uses GPS technology – hence the misconception about the equivalence of concepts.

However, in order for geolocation to be available, it is not at all necessary to turn on GPS - other ways to calculate positional data are possible:

  • Via Bluetooth. The location of the object is determined using special beacons Beacon, which are located in public buildings - airports, hypermarkets. In terms of accuracy, this technology is inferior to GPS, because it provides reliable results only if the object is stationary.
  • Based on stations mobile communications . The smartphone knows from which station the GSM signal is sent to it and where this station is located. Therefore, using special application, which contains a database of stations, you can use geolocation without GPS. Reliable results using this method can be achieved in megacities where the network coverage density is high, but in small cities determining geolocation through stations is problematic.
  • Based on the Earth's geomagnetic field. Navigation based on the planet’s geomagnetic field is the idea of ​​Saratov scientists. Each point on Earth has a unique set of characteristics, which can be used to determine the location of an object (including an iPhone). The technology is only being tested, but large advances are already being given to it.

Despite the fact that geolocation and GPS are various concepts, and there are several ways to calculate positional data, on this moment quite accurately The location of an object can only be determined via GPS.

What to do if geolocation doesn't work?

If geolocation doesn't work, it's hardly a problem mechanical failure any iPhone part (for example, GPS module). Most likely the problem lies in program level. What to do if the function refuses to function?

Step 1. Proceed to the section " Location services"and make sure that for specific application geolocation is activated.

Step 2. Check if the Internet is turned on on your iPhone. The network makes it possible to more accurately position the device. Go to the section " cellular » Settings and make sure the Cellular Data slider is in the active position.

Step 3. If the above steps do not produce results, reset the settings after creating a backup copy (instructions for creating copies can be found). Follow the path " Settings» — « Basic» — « Reset" and select " Erase content and settings».

This reset will erase all data from your iPhone.

You need to check whether geolocation works on a “clean” smartphone, that is, before restoring from backup copy. If the function still does not work, you should contact the service.

More often than others, owners of a jailbroken iPhone encounter problems with geolocation. Such users are recommended to install from the store Cydia tweak called libLocation: It is completely free and helps in better positioning of the jailbroken gadget.


If you don't know what it is geotags for photos, and consider navigation on an iPhone unnecessary, most likely you don’t need the geolocation function at all. It is recommended to turn it off - thanks to this measure, you can ensure that your gadget “lives” in offline mode longer. Don't forget about deactivation system services, which do not bring any benefit to the owner of the gadget, but drain the battery faster.

Geolocation - what is it? A similar name is special service, which will seem extremely convenient modern people. But not everyone knows how to use it. Below we will talk about the features of this application. In reality, everything is much simpler than it seems. And when proper preparation citizens will be able to cope with the task very quickly.

Description of the service

So what is geolocation? This is the name of the program/service for tracking the location of people on a map using mobile devices. The service operates like a smart watch.

Thus, geolocation is a utility for spying on citizens. Not everyone knows how to use it. Often you have to secretly install the corresponding application on your computer. mobile phone. After all, in modern gadgets geolocation is not so common among “default” software.

Methods of use

So, geolocation (we have already found out what it is) is a program for showing a person’s location on a map in real time. You could say this is a kind of spy.

IN real life There are several ways to use geolocation. Namely:

  • working with third-party services;
  • use of cellular operator services;
  • using the Geolocation service on iPhone;
  • surveillance using Android.

Someone can also download and install a third-party application to determine the location of another person. Next we will look at all these techniques.

Telecom operators

But that's not all about such a concept as geolocation. What else could it be? The search engine service has a similar name. Using it is actually not difficult. In particular, if you do not use geolocation secretly. Otherwise, the process will cause a lot of trouble.

You can activate the service through telecom operators. Their application being studied is called “Navigator” or “Locator”. You can use them on the service website or from mobile device send a request in the prescribed form, and then check where the person is.

The algorithm of actions will be approximately as follows:

  1. Connecting the operator option on the phone that will be monitored.
  2. Enable the service on your smartphone.
  3. Sending USSD or SMS request to right moment. You can simply enter the phone number of the subscriber you want to find on the geolocation website.
  4. Familiarization with the information provided.

If the request was sent from a phone, the user will receive a message with an image of a map on which this or that subscriber will be displayed. Everything is extremely simple and clear.

There are several disadvantages to this geolocation:

  • the need to install the option on the monitored phone;
  • limited number of connected and tracked numbers;
  • high prices for the service (if used frequently).

Therefore, many try to look for other techniques. And this is a completely doable task. The main thing is to approach its solution correctly.

Connection with operators (numbers)

How to enable geolocation from mobile operators? It all depends on the service company. The following options are possible:

  1. "Beeline" - send empty message to number 5166, and then install the Latitude app for Android.
  2. "Megafon" - dial USSD request *140№#. To track the subscriber, use the "Navigator from Megafon" website or the command *140*subscriber_number#.
  3. "MTS" - activation occurs after submitting a request like *111*788#. To add a subscriber to the geolocation list, you need to write an SMS in the format “Add name number” and send it to number 6677. It is better to track the position through the website
  4. "Tele2" - connection occurs by dialing the combination *119*01#, adding a new contact - *119*1*number#, receiving information about a person's position - *119*2*number#.

It's actually not that difficult. But you have to understand that the service you are studying works with some errors. It displays the position of the phone with a difference of up to 1 kilometer (in the city center - up to 200 meters).

Third party software

Geolocation on Android is most often activated through third party programs and applications. Most of them are paid.

Algorithm of actions in in this case will be like this:

  1. Install spyware on the monitored phone. Something like "Phone Tracker", Hellospy, Talklog will do.
  2. Configure information transfer parameters.
  3. From a computer or phone, send a request for pre-installed software.
  4. Get information about the device's position.

Fast, simple and convenient. Discover spyware can only latest versions antiviruses. But finding a working geolocation is problematic.

iPhone and surveillance

But that is not all. IN iPhone geolocation built-in This is a service that it is advisable to activate after turning on the phone for the first time.

To cope with the task, you must:

  1. Open the main menu of the phone.
  2. Go to "Settings" - "Privacy".
  3. Select the Location Services option.
  4. Set the toggle switch to the "On" position.
  5. If necessary, set up a geolocation connection with other applications on the gadget.

After this, you can use geolocation using cloud service iCloud. This is done like this:

  1. Go to icloud.com.
  2. Sign in using AppleID.
  3. Click on the "Geolocation" button.
  4. Select your device at the top of the screen.
  5. Click on the line "Find iPhone".

It is done. Now you can familiarize yourself with the information provided. This is how people can track their Apple devices.


How to disable geolocation? The answer depends on how the option is connected. In the case of telecom operators, you will have to contact the relevant organizations or use USSD requests. If we're talking about about spyware, you just need to remove it.

On Apple devices you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the gadget settings.
  2. Find "Privacy" - "Location Services".
  3. Set the switch to the "Off" position.

Now the answer to the question: “Geolocation - what is it?” won't cause any trouble. After all, you are already familiar with this application.

One simple fact: iPhones and iPads are constantly tracking our location. I agree, it sounds creepy, but, on the other hand, it is incredibly convenient. In this article, we will talk about the GPS capabilities of iPhone and iPad, in addition to using maps or navigators.

Never forget anything

Simple reminders don't work when you need to do something specific to a specific location. Sitting in the office, you clearly remember that you need to buy milk home in the evening, but when you come to the store, you completely forget about it and remember when you drive up to the house. WITH iPhone problem can be solved in an elementary way.

When creating a reminder, just click the “Remind by location” toggle switch, select a location and indicate when you want to be reminded: upon arrival or after leaving.

Tell your friends where you are

Explaining to someone where you are can sometimes be very difficult. Such troubles are completely useless if you and your friends use iOS devices.

Simply open the chat details in “Messages” by clicking “Details” and click “Send my current location.” Your interlocutor will receive a geotag, which you can immediately view in Maps and quickly get directions to your destination. Instead of a thousand words, as they say.

Be aware of your friends' movements

Advanced Use Case previous advice, which will save your wife or girlfriend from having to call you and ask how soon you will be there for dinner. Thanks to pre-installed application“Find Friends”, you can see all movements on the map favorite contacts and share yours.

Find Friends has a notification feature that allows you to set alerts when a person has left or arrived at a certain location. Amazingly convenient thing for family or coordination large quantity people during gatherings for picnics, parties and other events.

Arrive to meetings on time

No one likes to be late for meetings, but few people also like to languish in anticipation, arriving an hour early. In order not to resort to such radical measures, just use the “Traveling Time” function when creating an event.

You just need to open the point of the same name and, adding the destination and departure point, click the toggle switch. You can also set an alert to let you know when it's time to go. The system will send a notification taking into account traffic jams if the traffic conditions for your city are supported in Maps.

Turn off tracking of places you visit

Whether you like it or not, by default iPhone and iPad monitor the places you frequent. This is done to improve the cards, as well as to offer you all sorts of interesting information based on this data. If you don't need it, feel free to turn it off.

The toggle switch we need is hidden in the depths of the system geolocation services. Here: “Settings” → “Privacy” → “Location Services” → “System Services” → “Frequently Visited Places”. We switch it to the “off” position, and you no longer have to be afraid of surveillance by the special services, Big Brother and other Masons.

On iPhone, iPad and iPod touch There is a built-in function - GPS or “Geolocation”. Many built-in and third party applications they ask for access to it, but before giving it, they need to decide why they need it.

Why do you need GPS?

Geolocation built into Apple devices allows you to determine your location. Because this personal information, all applications in a row cannot receive it without your permission. Your location can be useful when finding a route on a map or in online stores that decide where to bring goods to you. Some sites request geolocation information in order to find out whether a particular feature is available in your region or not. IN Lately There are games that also depend on your location. For example, these are applications with augmented reality or games in which you need to be in some real-life place.

Based on the above, we can conclude: GPS - useful feature, since it allows you to automatically provide information about you that is useful for Internet resources, and also, thanks to geolocation, you can play modern games and use useful applications. At the same time, you can independently configure which applications can receive information about your location and which cannot. The first time you launch a site or application that requires GPS data, you will be prompted to choose whether to grant permission or not. But you can change your decision through the device settings; this will be discussed in the next paragraph of the article - “Activating and deactivating GPS.”

Give permission to the application to receive GPS data

Activating and deactivating GPS

Video: turning on GPS

What to do if geolocation doesn't work

If geolocation does not work for you, then first check if your connection to mobile internet or Wi-Fi networks. GPS does not work without an Internet connection.

The next step is to reconnect the GPS: turn it off, turn off the Internet, reconnect the Internet and geolocation. If this does not help, reboot your device and repeat the above steps. Also, make sure that the app that does not have GPS has permission to use it. This can be done through the device settings described in the “Activating and deactivating GPS” section.

Third step - data reset:

It is also worth considering that geolocation may not work in enclosed spaces and hard-to-reach places. In this case, there will be no signal and GPS will not be able to obtain information about your location.

Geolocation is a useful feature that allows Internet services and applications to obtain information about where you are. This is very convenient, unless for some reason you want to hide your location from them. At any time, you can configure which programs installed on the device can receive geolocation information and which cannot.

Geolocation is a very important feature that is used by many applications. These apps are not necessarily related to your movements or any maps.

Geolocation, for example, is used when uploading photos, when the gadget assigns a tag to the image, which then helps sort the photo archive.

Why do you need to enable geolocation on iPhone?

Geolocation ensures the work is very important programs: depends on her stable work and functionality of Yandex maps and Yandex navigator, Apple maps and other navigation programs.

It is extremely important to have a working and correctly configured geolocation to ensure security: application "Find iPhone" will help you detect a stolen or lost device only when geolocation is enabled.

How to enable geolocation on iPhone 4?

The principle of enabling geolocation is the same for everyone iPhone models, so if you don't know how to enable location on iPhone 5 or how to enable location service on iPhone 6, please use the following instructions.

Sign in "Settings" your gadget. Scroll down the menu and select a tab "Privacy". By clicking on this button, we look for the tab "Geolocation". Opposite the tab name you will see a “slider” that needs to be moved to the right, to the position "turn on".

Once you complete these simple steps, you will be able to view your position on navigation maps and create routes. Geolocation can be configured so that it is enabled only for certain applications.

Advantages of geolocation

Location services enable programs and websites to use information obtained from GPS networks, Wi-Fi, iBeacons, which allows you to determine your location with an accuracy of several meters.

Geolocation will help you track the location of a lost or stolen iPhone through another device or iCloud, and the location will be visible even for a locked device. To do this, when setting up geolocation, do not forget to enable the option FindMyiPhone.

Geolocation allows you to save the history of your iPhone's movements. This will give the device the ability to suggest interesting places to you based on an analysis of the locations you visited most often over the past week. If this option seems intrusive to you, you can disable it by entering the menu "Settings", further in "Privacy", "Location Services", then in "System Services", then select the option "Frequently visited places" and turn it off.

Using the tab "System Services", you can also disable the option "Share location" to maintain the relative privacy of your movements.

Thanks to geolocation, you can quickly find information about nearby cafes and restaurants. The device will automatically adjust the time zone based on your location. The only disadvantage of geolocation is active use battery life. However, the benefits of this service outweigh this minor drawback.

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